Từ đồng nghĩa của shy

Alternative for shy

shies, shied, shying, shier, shiest, shyer, shyest

Từ đồng nghĩa: bashful, coy, demure, timid,

Từ trái nghĩa: bold,

Tính từ

Thiếu can đảm hoặc thiếu tự tin
timid diffident reticent self-effacing shrinking timorous mousy fearful apprehensive nervous hesitant reluctant doubting wary suspicious chary unconfident feeble irresolute spiritless unassertive distrustful fainthearted fearsome mousey skittish tremulous unsure retiring bashful scary meek modest coy unassuming reserved quiet withdrawn humble cowering insecure yellow scared gutless cowardly afraid demure trembling quaking weak-kneed chicken introverted backward unobtrusive unforthcoming spineless wimpish yellow-bellied sissy frightened faint-hearted weak recreant lily-livered poor-spirited sheepish wimpy easily frightened restrained lacking courage unpresuming aw-shucks introvert tentative craven panicky boneless pigeon-hearted pusillanimous chicken-hearted soft chicken-livered jittery wet candy-assed declining costive ineffectual submissive passive worried alarmed daunted indeterminate pale colourless colorless plain weak-willed unmanly jumpy weakling feart nervy half-hearted easily scared trepidatious unpretentious intimidated cowed inconspicuous spooked low-key unaggressive subdued faint shuddering funky unostentatious unnoticeable low-profile keeping a low profile having cold feet abject dastardly poltroon white-livered sookie self-conscious doubtful chickenhearted unheroic sissified caitiff milk-livered base constrained anxious dismayed cowhearted pigeonhearted worthless uncertain inhibited self-doubting abashed ashamed embarrassed shamefaced recessive running scared paper tiger having the willies no guts rabbity unassured mim blenching dubious flinching unpoised ill at ease

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Khiêm tốn trong tự nhiên
modest humble unassuming demure unpretentious meek deferential self-effacing unboastful unobtrusive unpresuming quiet timid retiring diffident reserved bashful unassertive reticent withdrawn sheepish lowly mild coy introverted backward recessive down-to-earth blushing timorous unassured nice docile unambitious self-conscious fearful proper silent seemly chaste gentle shrinking resigned simple submissive prim withdrawing soft yielding discreet unpretending temperate lamblike compliant unostentatious acquiescent subdued cowed plain manageable mim embarrassed restrained apologetic respectful shamefaced natural insecure genuine unaffected unconfident artless ordinary ingenuous mousy inconspicuous media-shy obsequious servile courteous obedient spineless spiritless obliging unresisting tame unprotesting hiding one's light under a bushel free from vanity soft-spoken self-deprecating decorous reverential subservient prudish prissy biddable polite resistless supplicatory sober respectable strait-laced staid decent ladylike sedate patient hesitant tentative apprehensive tractable sycophantic innocent virtuous priggish virginal pure maidenly peaceful old-maidish goody-goody kittenish straight starchy puritanical coquettish niminy-piminy uptight affected square retired long-suffering close earnest serious skittish solemn forbearing prim and proper reverent peaceable wishy-washy nothing orderly pabulum Milquetoast serene tolerant zero lenient longanimous passive moderate prudent small small-scale small-time malleable accommodating amenable non-resisting dutiful duteous unimposing ductile pliant inelaborate unextravagant poor homely unadorned slavish self-abasing unembroidered unexcessive token economical unornamented grovelling supine bootlicking under someone's thumb nonresisting nonresistant domesticated comformable pliable ingratiating obeying abject giving-in groveling obeisant bowing down uncomplaining complying subordinate law-abiding agreeable conformable menial surrendering amiable placable kowtowing fawning disciplinable governable controllable trainable teachable handleable under one's thumb

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(không chính thức) Không đủ hoặc ít hơn
deficient inadequate insufficient lacking low scant scarce short wanting sparse meagre scanty paltry meager limited too little not enough exiguous in short supply thin skimpy measly failing poor insubstantial negligible restricted small too few incomplete few sketchy piddling at a premium slim tight rare slender minimal incommensurate bereft pathetic spare hard to find like gold dust too small hard to come by not to be had not to be had for love nor money thin on the ground depleted destitute little sparing miserly light stingy hand-to-mouth skimp bare dry drained few and far between seldom met with scrimpy shorthanded unsufficient scrimp slight modest tiny found wanting lean finite narrow seldom truncated threatened occasional shortened sporadic semioccasional not making it not hacking it needed coming up short thinning mingy trifling weak inconsiderable reduced diminished inappreciable close flimsy barely sufficient undermanned laughable feeble lame nominal stunted derisory parsimonious barren junk unqualified insignificant dwindling mediocre unproductive stinted cut puny shoddy bush-league faulty imperfect unsatisfactory unample minus infrequent defective incompetent unfitted unfinished incapable devoid run-down at a low level short of out of too little too late missing short-handed short on low on scarcer than hen's teeth uncommon inconsequential imperceptible running low marginal with an insufficiency jejune infinitesimal strapped for pushed for with too little … lacking in wanting in with too few … miserable fractional fragmentary mean tenuous with an insufficiency of minimum shabby scattered subtle mere unfruitful infertile bitty less middling straggling unusual minute unfrequent widely spaced in the minority low in numbers seldom seen out of the ordinary seldom found

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Không dễ dàng tiết lộ suy nghĩ hoặc cảm xúc của một người
reticent uncommunicative reserved silent quiet taciturn unforthcoming secretive withdrawn dumb close closemouthed laconic distant introverted mom private restrained guarded unresponsive discreet diffident undemonstrative mum dark inhibited modest unspeaking bashful shrinking unassuming uptight unwilling tight-lipped close-mouthed media-shy close-lipped tight-mouthed clammed up dummied up dried up wouldn't say boo to a goose retiring aloof unsociable reclusive standoffish cold cool offish solitary demure mute stand-offish unapproachable speechless detached self-contained cautious backward soft-spoken remote antisocial unfriendly retired self-effacing wordless self-restrained collected timid misanthropic uncompanionable tongue-tied formal untalkative inarticulate prim frigid gentle mild serene icy peaceful ceremonious noncommittal sedate composed placid eremitic conventional muted introvert mumchance voiceless buttoned up at a loss for words curt constrained meek inward-looking unemotional timorous snobbish sheepish coy recessive controlled self-controlled thoughtful struck dumb nonvocal hushed zipped eremetic not talkative unable to get a word out bereft of speech lost for words mousy dour temperate dried-up brooding sententious sullen unexpressive sparing unassertive introspective independent indrawn isolated unsocial ungregarious insular still soundless contemplative pensive self-absorbed self-interested silentious unheard hermit-like hermitic hermitical not forthcoming saying nothing meditative reflective ruminative inner-directed self-centred unrevealing closed up camera-shy self-centered chilly socially inhibited not saying boo unconversational Olympian non-communicative self-sufficient unconcerned aseptic disinterested incurious retreated nongregarious recluse uncurious casual all alone uninterested indifferent short secret clamlike evasive hush-hush asocial cold-eyed alienated frosty unclubbable unbending dry standoff buttoned-up on the QT unwilling to mix with other people cynical austere ascetic disagreeable hermitlike dumbstruck obmutescent stammering awkward astounded dumbfounded dumbstricken aghast embarrassed dazed amazed garbled shocked unable to speak choked up tightlipped incommunicable incommunicative stiff uncommunicable haughty stolid passionless emotionless unmoved dispassionate cold-blooded impassive stoical apathetic phlegmatic unfeeling enigmatic deep impassible stoic cagey affectless numb of few words uppity stuffy playing one's cards close to one's chest forbidding stuck-up keeping people at arm's length aphonic unflappable terse brusque unaffable unamiable unneighbourly uncongenial silenced inhospitable rude uncivil mopey mopish unneighborly hostile zipped one's lips have tight chops distrustful inaccessible inapproachable scowling unloving wooden unaffectionate contained tongueless suspicious antagonistic cryptic sober undercover furtive backstairs covert feline sly mysterious secluded hidden buttoning up mum's the word zipping one's lips buttoning one's lip nontalkative clamming up tight chops calm callous thunderstruck in chambers in privacy in private inscrutable unfazed insolent unenthusiastic annoyed offended chill impudent impertinent unwelcoming lukewarm procacious glacial offhand in the background playing your cards close to your chest in the dark gobsmacked flabbergasted exact precise staid unruffled insensible imperturbable poker-faced shell-shocked correct proper unimpressible unexcitable insusceptible inflexible unsympathetic cool as cucumber astonished hit for six knocked for six stilted starched affected starchy seemly official serious indurated matter-of-fact hardened heartless nonchalant inexcitable spiritless polite straight arrow strait-laced stiff-necked by the numbers proud insociable arrogant mean-looking laid back put on airs

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Dễ bị kích động hoặc hoảng sợ
nervous agitated anxious apprehensive overwrought tense timid uptight jittery taut unsettled angsty concerned excitable queazy disquieted overstrung skittish trepidatious troubled distressed flighty fretful neurotic stressed bothered edgy flurried skittery spooked worried antsy brittle fidgety restless spasmodic upset afraid careful frightened perturbed scared unglued dithery fluttery insecure jumpy toey twitchy discomposed hysterical mousy shivery timorous uncomfortable disturbed fearful nervy queasy shaky uneasy easily agitated easily frightened highly strung high-strung self-conscious bashful ill at ease awkward hesitant diffident embarrassed uncertain unsure retiring shrinking strained unconfident discomfited gauche inhibited unrelaxed on edge unquiet sheepish hung up stilted lacking confidence unnatural blushing out of place faltering self-effacing on tenterhooks doubtful atwitter hinky goosey aflutter het up unassertive introverted graceless stiff meek self-doubting passive geeky unassured not self-assured lacking self-confidence nerdy like a fish out of water maladroit socially lacking socially awkward socially anxious blundering socially incompetent socially inept reserved withdrawn excited discomforted disorientated mousey scary fearsome fainthearted bewildered disoriented tormented vexed stuttering stammering stumbling agog modest shamefaced shaken lost perplexed strange in turmoil lacking social skills tongue-tied ill-at-ease mannered affected artificial aw-shucks tremulous cowardly submissive weak wimpy unforthcoming not confident lacking in confidence lacking assurance out of countenance vague questioning touchy choked Delphic unpoised unsure of yourself hanging by thread touch and go up in the air on thin ice restive fixated obsessed phobic panicky overanxious irrational terrified have cold feet paranoid unrefined unsophisticated on pins and needles discombobulated fazed distrustful keyed up unworldly inelegant wooden unpolished raw uneducated callow oafish suspicious rough-hewn ill-mannered lacking in social graces indelicate ill-bred lacking in social grace dorky wired stressy flustered in a tizzy worked up strung out ruffled sensitive in a state alarmed unstable strung up disconcerted unnerved dismayed hyper spooky squirrelly windy in a state of agitation all of a dither like a cat on a hot tin roof rattled in a state of nerves in a stew in a flap irritable in a tizz all of a lather shook up like a cat on hot bricks trembling adrenalized confused shaking wrought up in a sweat in a twitter a bundle of nerves having kittens annoyed fraught in a twit febrile quaking distraught thrown irked wound up beside oneself anguished bundle of nerves under stress unrestful in a cold sweat bricking oneself stressed out all of a doodah nerve-racking nail-biting irresolute creepy wavering fretting discountenanced in suspense irascible fevered turbulent nervous wreck hassled impatient peevish inconvenienced irritated worried sick quivering unsteady white-knuckled unpeaceful beset riled muddled tortured plagued harassed angstful solicitous bugged clutched a wreck hot and bothered worried stiff put out with one's stomach in knots shot to pieces with butterflies in one's stomach with one's heart in one's mouth twittering indecisive tentative dithering vacillating constrained precarious swithering forced caught up permission-seeking attention-seeking validation-seeking under pressure curt under a strain disorderly frisky unbalanced prim pressured frazzled palpitant wrung all of a flutter wreck moving moved shot watchful fussy aghast dreading all nerves on the qui vive having butterflies in the stomach in a spin a basket case in a flat spin sweating bullets up the wall white knuckled afflicted asea tetchy unsettling unnerving disturbing hairy disquieting distressful agitating distressing nerve-wracking exacerbated puzzled displeased chagrined aggravated pained mortified pestered harried harrowed miffed provoked strict conventional cautious testy crotchety prickly hurt short-tempered crabbed hot-tempered captious snappy temperamental chippy bad-tempered querulous quick-tempered ill-tempered grieved oversensitive moody critical active hurried transient unruly wandering intermittent changeable fidgeting itchy inconstant borderline approval-seeking footloose roving sleepless fitful nomadic bustling gutted sad unhappy saddened old-fashioned on the defensive distracted frantic offended angered disappointed fretted shocked low worrisome verklempt blue unzipped wounded cut up in disorder amazed tossing and turning come apart psyched out bummed out broken up at sixes and sevens all torn up in a dither stressful feeling anxious shaking in one's shoes nerves on edge

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Độc đáo và hơi đáng chê trách một cách hấp dẫn
louche shameful disgraceful discreditable disreputable ignominious infamous opprobrious shoddy dishonourable dishonorable shady notorious unrespectable corrupt immoral suspect dubious scandalous despicable unprincipled reprehensible inglorious unworthy contemptible degrading ignoble base shocking outrageous vile abominable hateful shabby bad appalling scurvy offensive mean low atrocious deplorable wicked humiliating monstrous unscrupulous blameworthy heinous odious loathsome sorry disgusting nefarious sordid embarrassing unspeakable villainous indefensible unforgivable low-down egregious flagitious exceptionable untrustworthy objectionable crooked iniquitous abject terrible mortifying detestable questionable vicious dastardly dreadful inexcusable miscreant criminal knavish lewd diabolical undignified culpable improper unjustifiable wrong regrettable unfortunate unacceptable dirty filthy remiss beastly ill-famed indecent miserable humiliatory indecorous wretched pitiful ill-reputed foul rotten degenerate unhealthy perverse evil caitiff discomfiting debasing unbecoming rascally dishonest obscene drunken reprobate profligate impure sinful flagrant carnal unclean immodest ribald vulgar debauched intemperate seedy disorderly unsavoury of bad reputation suspicious seamy sleazy slippery unwholesome belittling shifty dodgy fishy licentious dissolute unsavory pitiable cheap derogatory beggarly lowly libidinous devious opprobious putrid deceitful treacherous fraudulent blackguardly in bad no good in low esteem in the doghouse beyond contempt shameless intolerable beyond the pale awful execrable nasty abhorrent lousy lamentable poor frightful pathetic horrible dire woeful abysmal inferior revolting crummy unsatisfactory inadequate hopeless horrendous worthless unseemly repugnant distasteful paltry sad horrid depraved useless gross hideous chronic low-minded poxy substandard God-awful obnoxious distressing very bad duff unpardonable shaming laughable insupportable horrifying sickening pants snide currish disagreeable unpleasant pits third-rate repulsive godawful nauseating rubbish repellent unsuitable dismal ghastly second-rate disappointing demeaning lame disastrous cruddy unethical ugly grievous unreasonable undesirable inappropriate ropy mediocre degraded a load of pants scummy petty fiendish menial noisome noxious nauseous horrific hellacious trashy unbefitting unconscionable dark underhanded cruel defective not up to snuff bum derisory damnable tragic stinking second-class deficient lowering despisable rancid repellant fulsome imperfect amateurish not up to scratch faulty not up to par insufferable cheapening ungodly condemnable unrighteous grubby heartbreaking unholy unfair blamable inept unlawful scabby ratty black untoward calamitous unwarrantable coarse direful crass inexpiable sucky scurrilous rubbishy servile meagre devilish no-good disdainable ruthless excessive meager infernal upsetting perverted detractive ungentlemanly unfitting infra dig debased unrefined perfidious barbarous excruciating unfavorable unfavourable cursed accursed not on ill-advised sneaking disturbing punk displeasing inelegant heartrending uncharitable tawdry underhand squalid slimy indelicate cowardly grim measly good-for-nothing out of order scungy inopportune low-grade not cricket mercenary rueful indiscreet inhuman grave savage meanspirited erring barbaric violent censurable careless negligent malevolent satanic feeble grisly unladylike amoral preposterous thoughtless macabre terrific gruesome grewsome lurid nightmarish nightmare unwelcome bungling fearsome roguish hellish desperate disparaging derogative depreciative contemptuous pejorative depreciatory denigrative denigratory slighting scornful decrying uncomplimentary deprecatory disdainful fearful unwarranted unbearable unlucky diabolic scoundrelly unceremonious tricky crying disrespectful too much over-the-top wrongful uncomfortable piteous discrediting unpermissible untenable unallowable catastrophic morbid sneaky deceptive graceless agitating wanton glaring impossible exasperating confounded unhappy venal sinister out of line not the done thing over the fence a bit much cringe-making illegal impermissible distressful ridiculous bringing shame icky bent bewildering no-account from hell too bad raunchy uncivilised uncivilized cheesy junky bargain-basement cut-rate schlocky low-rent common tenth-rate insufficient recreant uninviting dissatisfactory affecting warped mournful beneath contempt forlorn out of place el cheapo selfish cheerless joyless wack grotty stinky irremediable garbage crumby valueless comfortless out of keeping low-life bush-league poor quality under par low-quality off-color god-awful poor-quality below par less-than-stellar two-bit unheroic unsuccessful failed callous irregular brutish bestial traitorous merciless unremittable unpopular undesired blithering senseless malicious dissipated tarnished aberrant ominous foolish flaming hard-hearted narrow-minded slipshod malignant craven tasteless unpalatable patronizing derisive depreciating condescending sneering backbiting untrue maligning vilifying traducing gossiping detracting unchivalrous vitiated wet sleazoid cheapjack trumpery gimcrack schlock errant footling highly improper out of bounds unearthly humble slavish faithless sacrilegious irreligious profane impious blasphemous hateworthy unkind mean-spirited red hot patronising ineffectual exploitative conscienceless corrupted cheating fallen swinish outcast stupid modest simple peasant ordinary reproachful plain bribable negligible incompetent good-for-naught no-count meritless cataclysmic murderous godless ungenerous plebeian reproachable cunning furtive wrongdoing guileful in poor taste lacking dignity beneath you wanky insubstantial irremissible unjustified in bad taste silly absurd ludicrous foolish-looking unsought unwanted delinquent illegitimate sullied tainted illicit lawless broken inexpert tragical inequitable malfeasant not quite the thing below contempt uncalled-for unprovoked reprovable blameable deadly mortal cutthroat Machiavellian sly unconscientious dirty rotten peccable tinhorn downer bummer grody sub-par not good erroneous not the best diddly the pits blah bad news rough fallacious grungy afflictive regretful criticizable gratuitous rude impolite stingy miserly inconsiderate natty black-hearted amiss guilty demeritorious self-seeking two-faced scheming arrant casuistic crafty beneath your dignity morally wrong not forgivable heart-rending subpar suboptimal infelicitous tactless inexpedient injudicious severe serious at fault without reason without justification without cause wanting inadmissible moving a pity unimpressive inapt steep saddening touching harrowing explosive exquisite hard fierce intense blistering keen acute almighty heavy-duty vehement profound deep heavy intensive furious ferocious incongruous inconsistent incompatible crude cheapo off tatty out immoderate exorbitant unendurable disquieting inacceptable bush unappealing reject extravagant maddening OTT poignant tear-jerking plaintive beneath undeserving forbidding stupefying scary frightening undue ill-suited ill-considered ill-timed unsuited O.T.T. extortionate terrifying perturbing disconcerting too great disgracing debauching depraving contumelious extreme corrupting downgrading gut-wrenching startling staggering stunning astonishing unsettling overwhelming intimidating alarming amazing formidable ineligible dreary parlous below average won't do below standard half-baked of low quality second rate of poor quality from hunger not quite the done thing not up to standard unnerving surprising redoubtable bleak depressing desolate compassionate afflicted stirring arousing small derisible commiserative tearful suffering to be pitied sorrowful doleful distressed over the top unfitting to nothing unmerited unsuitable for unfit improper to inappropriate to off-putting godforsaken awkward gloomy sombre drab hair-raising out of character unbecoming to solemn somber disheartening discouraging unpromising sullen morose drear flustering compromising funereal spine-chilling not much cop yucky not good enough out of character with not deserving not worth out of place with not fit depressive impoverished sepulchral indigent dreich lugubrious saturnine glum destitute gut-churning sick-making delicate confusing sensitive sunless plutonian tenebrous lonesome elegiacal tenebrific elegiac vomitous bogging sick yucko disgustful loathly discomposing discountenancing touchy troublesome abandoned Cimmerian poverty-stricken cringey cringeworthy barro toe-curling dishonouring blush-making vomit-inducing perplexing dishonoring equivocal puzzling uneasy trying unpropitious inconvenient discommodious distracting worrisome discommoding troubling incommodious rattling

Tính từ

Xấu hổ hoặc cảm thấy tội lỗi vì hành động, đặc điểm hoặc mối quan hệ của một người
ashamed guilty sorry shamefaced distressed embarrassed sheepish abashed chagrined humiliated mortified remorseful conscience-stricken discomfited red-faced contrite humbled penitent regretful repentant upset apologetic blushing flustered guilt-ridden hangdog rueful self-conscious uncomfortable bashful compunctious crestfallen prudish shamed discountenanced debased demeaned deterred disconcerted distraught humble meek muddled reserved restrained stammering stuttering submissive in sackcloth and ashes blush to think of coy modest timid awkward flushed flushing reddening unsettled thrown uneasy discomposed dishonoured chastened discredited blushful turning red dishonored nervous put out of countenance shown-up ill at ease not know where to put yourself caught with egg on your face with egg on one's face wishing the earth would swallow one up self-reproachful disgraced full of regret attritional sorrowful penitential degraded mournful abject sad atoning shown up self-condemnatory cheap afraid with one's tail between one's legs propitiatory supplicating self-incriminating bad on one's knees in disgrace disturbed troubled hot and bothered sweating abased cheapened awful terrible repenting rotten stigmatized self-accusing disappointed stigmatised repining deprecatory put to shame woeful melancholy made to eat humble pie put down conciliatory explanatory expiatory self-effacing diffident dismal plaintive lugubrious woebegone grievous pitiful doleful pitiable deplorable insignificant diminished stupid tarred and feathered foolish whipped chastised disdained derided low deflated condemned belittled small disparaged shunned crushed reviled scorned mocked inferior fallen castigated

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Thiếu chất lượng cần thiết hoặc cần thiết
wanting deficient inadequate disappointing insufficient lacking defective faulty imperfect inferior poor substandard unsound patchy sketchy incomplete unacceptable unsatisfying flawed impaired pathetic short absent limited low missing not good enough restricted scarce second-rate shabby shoddy unfinished bodger needing not acceptable not up to standard unpolished unrefined away bankrupt bereft cooked deprived destitute devoid empty failing gone half-baked less needed omitted scant scanty unfulfilled below par burned out cut off in default not up to par out of gas not much cop not up to expectations not up to scratch too little too late leaving much to be desired unsufficient weak unsatisfactory scrappy unsuitable exiguous unworthy duff meagre skimpy unequal rare underprovided unassembled undersupplied injured meager amiss damaged infrequent marred without second string second fiddle found wanting outta gas third string not enough bare not make it barren not cut out for void denuded bereft of deficient in devoid of denuded of bare of destitute of empty of vacant of free from broken malfunctioning inoperative not working not functioning kaput busted on the blink out of order knackered in disrepair down non-functioning broken-down conked out bust blemished out of commission done for acting up not in working order bad dud out of kilter gone phut playing up gone haywire on its last legs wonky warped on the fritz scratched finished cracked unusable shot deformed torn out of whack unfit unreliable sick fallible run-down hurt spoiled inoperable incorrect useless distorted broken down buckled out ruined disabled screwed up out of action in need of repair buggy inexact botched had it spoilt worn out gone wrong lemon frail worn-out tainted conked-out up the spout old chipped done in inconsistent dilapidated crippled slipshod off rumpty dented smashed nonfunctional unavailable clapped out debilitated harmed unfunctional unserviceable incapacitated inactive unproductive unavailing crashed dinged totaled snafued bent flubbed sunk abnormal seconds unhealthy on the bum subnormal gone kaput given up the ghost stopped working out of service packed up gone bust out of use non-functional dysfunctional scrap bootless abortive doesn't work beat-up loused up messed up glitched in smithereens in poor condition fouled up mucked up wounded no go spent wracked gone to pieces fallen apart in the shop haywire coming unstuck exhausted on the shelf coming unglued gone to pot feeble failed inaccurate fallacious invalid imprecise wrong erroneous worthless valueless ineffective no good debased rank unretentive contradictory adulterated awry false malformed blamable leaky confused maimed incoherent lame unsellable unsaleable partial crummy tenth-rate below standard immature lousy undeveloped rubbish ropy rudimentary disfigured in a state of disrepair minus junk vicious garbage not up to snuff faultful schlocky few bugs two-bit bottom-of-barrel

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Chần chừ, không chắc chắn, hoặc hành động hoặc nói chậm

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Sử dụng, tập thể dục hoặc thể hiện sự thận trọng
chary wary careful cautious guarded circumspect heedful suspicious reluctant uneasy mindful watchful distrustful doubtful dubious hesitant leery loath mistrustful skeptical sceptical afraid alert apprehensive averse cagey conservative considerate disinclined frugal gingerly mean nervous safe scrupulous iffy parsimonious prudent stingy thrifty calculating canny constrained discreet economical fastidious inhibited miserly particular restrained sparing mistrusting uncertain anxious untrusting skittish unsure questioning doubting worried tentative unenterprising timid on guard traditional timorous unexciting conventional unimaginative square uncreative stay-at-home stuffy narrow-minded limited straight boring strait-laced stick-in-the-mud uptight unadventurous vigilant attentive cynical observant unbelieving suspecting incredulous judicious politic unconvinced disbelieving on the lookout diplomatic tactful reserved awake undecided negativistic thoughtful unsettled aware trustless fearful hinky discriminating lacking trust softly-softly jealous on your guard been hit before wise reticent show-me discerning measured belt-and-braces deliberate lacking confidence sagacious moderate controlled quizzical provident noncommittal lacking faith precautious on the qui vive watching one's step on your toes walking on eggs watching out playing safe with eyes peeled on the watch thinking twice keeping on one's toes handling with kid gloves with reservations ambivalent conscious gentle calm gradual protective unhurried perceptive aporetic patient have misgivings have reservations sensitive not believing sage wide-awake sensible jaundiced unwasteful on the alert saving sly wide awake having reservations without faith not born yesterday wondering without belief in doubt concerned punctilious playing one's cards close to one's chest non-committal strategic close-lipped vague unrevealing judgmatic close-mouthed intelligent judgmatical delicate kid-glove overcareful overcautious having foresight like a clam on lookout civil worldly-wise reasonable not rash temperate distrusting shrewd forethoughtful keeping a weather eye on all ears walking on egg shells hedging one's bets with one's eyes peeled taking it slow

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Làm việc xong
screened secluded abandoned beleaguered blockaded cloistered close closet deserted hidden isolate quarantined quiet removed reserved retired segregated sequestered withdrawn alone aloof confidential covert cut off hermetic incommunicado insular lonely lonesome off the beaten track out-of-the-way personal private reclusive remote secluse seclusive secret shut off singular solitary tucked away unapproachable unfrequented uninhabited unsociable sheltered isolated undisturbed concealed off the grid retiring inactive discharged otiose humble immured cidevant out of the way faraway cut-off inaccessible outlying distant godforsaken far-flung obscure far-off in the back of beyond far hard to find in the middle of nowhere unreachable unget-at-able deep off the map in the sticks away jerkwater backwoods lone Barcoo in the hinterlands in the booay in the tall timbers in the backblocks in the backwoods in the backveld beyond the black stump in the platteland off the beaten path undiscovered god-knows-where middle of nowhere in a backwater off-lying beyond far off far removed separate desolate hidden away far-removed far-out boondocks foreign unknown apart in the depths of … disconnected far flung unsettled off beaten track back frontier wild unvisited inconspicuous alien outlandish in the boondocks shrouded set apart difficult to get to beyond reach out of reach impassable long afar ways good ways miles away stone's throw end of rainbow miles unpopulated barren lost well away quite a ways desert unpeopled beyond the horizon detached closed insulated self-sufficient self-contained in the distance in the boonies abroad

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Thiếu duyên dáng về cách thức, hành vi hoặc ngoại hình
gawky awkward graceless ungainly gauche ungraceful loutish uncouth clownish lumpish oafish gawkish inelegant nervous uncultivated uncultured unpolished unsophisticated unworldly bashful gangling gangly nervy rustic splay socially awkward socially unsure churlish clumsy clodhopping boorish rough coarse gross bungling unmannerly unrefined lumpen crass yobbish bearish ill-bred lubberly heavy-handed rude uncivilized common vulgar lumbering crude stolid blundering philistine barbaric swinish impolite doltish ill-mannered classless cloddish slobbish loud bad-mannered Neanderthal uncivilised rough-hewn brutish bumbling inept dorky klutzy uncoordinated blunderous undexterous stumbling blockish dozy butterfingered badly behaved all thumbs ape-like low plebeian hooligan uncivil provincial primitive discourteous savage impertinent ungenteel ungallant disrespectful indecorous unseemly disgracious ungentlemanly lowbred hick insensible raffish backwoods unladylike offensive rugged incult hillbilly roughneck indelicate tasteless lowbrow barbarian illiberal barbarous improper raunchy raw uncalled-for loud-mouthed foul-mouthed thuggish rowdy bullying wild ornery cantankerous uneducated dense gruff hoonish indecent ignorant ungracious unmannered obscene lewd inconsiderate dirty tactless filthy thoughtless smutty foul blunt profane ribald base bawdy impure blue mannerless nasty inappropriate brusque impudent curt mean abusive insolent cheap immodest unhandsome insensitive earthy X-rated wanton off colour naughty undiplomatic saucy heathen suggestive indiscreet unsavoury surly unsavory lascivious unpleasant unchivalrous stiff Neandertal plebby off-color heathenish natural sullen racy insulting uncomfortable uneasy vile rustical gutter near the knuckle salacious unprintable blasphemous illiterate trashy sordid pornographic shameless harsh cruel fruity benighted inhuman locker-room offhand audacious cheeky tacky in bad taste wooden stilted unbecoming short low-minded sleazy sharp brash scatological risqué underbred fresh spicy stag scurrilous scatologic porny adult simple gamy untoward unacceptable brutal disagreeable vicious disgusting unsubtle presumptuous immoral unsuitable untutored stupid inurbane unwholesome distasteful derogatory unfitting low-down wicked incorrect inapposite inapt wrong abrupt unfit perverse incongruous unhappy amiss unapt infelicitous malapropos tawdry ungodly licentious contumelious malapert low-bred flip outlandish out of place vulgarian obnoxious fierce close to the bone dour crabbed unlettered parochial unkind disreputable misbehaved revolting maladroit undignified repulsive despicable unscrupulous gaudy unceremonious dishonourable debased artless callous uncharitable impolitic injudicious ill-judged unfriendly cavalier murderous ignoble merciless villainous irritable dishonorable unenlightened unread sickening truculent ill-humored crusty ill-humoured explicit foolish backward dark bad ocker steamy unvirtuous uninformed disparaging lippy porn porno colourful outrageous beyond the pale colorful poor uncomplimentary corrupt unclean low-down-and-dirty malodorous Rabelaisian out of keeping smart-alecky shocking inaffable untactful nudge-nudge unchaste in poor taste out-of-line out of the way charmless near the bone lacking in social graces socially inept ordinary vernacular low-born unfinished basic obtuse non-U baseborn native general agrestic lowdown and dirty nescient unfeeling rank ill-behaved terse hostile bourgeois undiscriminating imperceptive lusty trailer-park sketchy subhuman troglodytic untamed uncourteous unbefitting foulmouthed rough and ready common as muck pert brassy Philistine countrified unpoised inhospitable unfortunate sassy shoddy immature naive guileless ingenuous loudmouthed unworthy materialist commercial nauseating ill-tempered morose bad-tempered tart improprietous unrestrained embarrassing off ill-advised discreditable bizarre mannish manlike tomboyish unfeminine unwomanly hoydenish moody salty broad offish lustful concupiscent carnal shameful ruffian Fescennine Cyprian off-colour irreverent dull sick gruesome corporeal voluptuous fleshly sensual sexual anti-intellectual inartistic barro colloquial profanatory mean-spirited arrogant strong sacrilegious unblushing callow careless degrading unsettling affronting vilifying vituperative derisive unutterable execrable wretched snide ignominious currish contemptible detestable paltry cocky repellent seamy objectionable seedy in the gutter grody unconscionable uncontrolled unholy rash straightforward precipitate hasty flashy garish mouthy smart alecky brazen overbearing insubordinate disdainful dishonest degenerate intrusive peremptory base-minded abject groveling yokelish bounderish tough snippy grumpy ill-natured touchy cussed cross-grained polite miserly unsociable grouchy unneighborly ugly ostentatious flash showy unschooled dubious suspicious notorious rascally suspect unprincipled severe hard bluff meretricious naff tatty untrained untaught kitsch forbidding stern austere roughcast grim grovelling crooked shady like a bull in a china shop ornate useless hideous pretentious unsightly unclassy trivial artificial unlovely makeshift in a state of nature ruthless intimidating louring grievous steely stark loose cheap and nasty noisome dodgy funny iffy repugnant flinty onerous ungentle heavy bitter hardhanded oppressive undesirable fiendish heartless remorseless bestial ferocious lowering unlearned ill-educated ill-informed monstrous nefarious heinous nonliterate unaccomplished analphabetic uninstructed infernal inhumane atrocious bloodthirsty black-hearted butcherly black brute sadistic inexperienced unversed unpractised pitiless hellish ghastly diabolical horrible unqualified taboo hard-core lecherous profligate questionable scandalous malicious rakish libidinous randy odious mucky grubby grimy

Tính từ

Có thái độ ân cần hoặc tốt bụng
gentle kind affable amiable considerate genial mellow placid pleasant quiet agreeable caring compassionate pleasing soft tender benevolent benign friendly humane kindly laid back lenient lovable meek amicable decent good-natured humble kind-hearted likeable likable mild-mannered modest obliging respectful sociable softhearted unassuming understanding cheerful congenial demure dove-like easygoing lamblike loving merciful moderate non-confrontational pacific peaceable peaceful reverent sweet-tempered sympathetic temperate tender-hearted warmhearted angelic bland cool dovelike forbearing forgiving goodhearted good-humored good-humoured gracious harmless kindhearted large-hearted moral retiring tenderhearted soft-spoken unoffensive brotherly fatherly maternal motherly paternal sisterly mild warm tolerant indulgent charitable affectionate generous soft-hearted warm-hearted benignant thoughtful calm easy clement beneficent easy-going sensitive cordial good-hearted patient accommodating compliant sweet helpful fond nice complaisant responsive liberal polite comforting submissive feeling docile approachable magnanimous neighbourly big-hearted neighborly passive good-tempered sentimental well-disposed serene amenable deferential good soothing light empathetic acquiescent humanitarian devoted pitying yielding altruistic all heart doting unselfish balmy permissive supportive subdued courteous hospitable open cooperative resigned manageable tame tractable biddable bleeding-heart tranquil concerned engaging favorable empathic nonbelligerent conciliatory giving favourable long-suffering nurturing urbane lax selfless personable great-hearted peace-loving unreserved well meaning outgoing mollycoddling pampering pacifistic commiserative gregarious pliant condoning equable delightful pardoning even-tempered solicitous jovial longanimous pacifist accepting philanthropic well disposed lovely civil protective bighearted civilized emotional dovish adoring nonaggressive sparing spoiling stoical convivial charming down-to-earth non-aggressive non-violent non-combative non-belligerent conflict-free excusing demonstrative bonhomous obedient relaxed unassertive unresisting civilised anti-war willing companionable subservient uncomplaining humoring receptive delicate unflappable accessible comradely touchy-feely stoic attentive philanthropical humouring smooth natural diplomatic nonabrasive fatherlike benefic human assuaging hearty going easy on sensible still emollient maternalistic well intentioned compromising casual lowly bleeding heart cheery allowing happy permitting sheltering mother chirpy nonresistant persuadable watchful obsequious carefree unobtrusive unwarlike timid amatory spiritless dear undemanding unprotesting cowed self-effacing adaptable pliable unambitious ingratiating social passionate perky spineless malleable soft-shell orderly careful fearful clubbable flexible nonviolent uninhibited unpresumptuous irenic complacent philosophical reverential prepossessing winsome enduring mushy perceptive nonchalant munificent parental matey chummy sweet-natured broad-minded being big buddy-buddy dutiful open-hearted restrained greathearted open-minded big sympathizing condoling self-controlled self-restrained welcoming commiserating ruthful sympathising free and easy loving and giving conversable fair well-mannered happy-go-lucky heart in right place soppy parent lovesome softened refreshing suave company-loving wonderful unconfrontational chilled easy-oasy matriarchal patriarchal unemotional unconstrained easy to get along with jejune vapid dull flat obeisant forbearant assuasive favoring letting reserved nonmalignant appealing nonthreatening unargumentative noncombative noncontentious melting favouring oily unctuous debonair harmonious guiding swell taking captivating winning enchanting palsy palsy-walsy hail-fellow-well-met collegial hail-fellow unpretentious expansive familiar unaffected couthy live with informal healthful beneficial bright accommodative cosseting gratifying as nice as pie simpatico reasonable pitiful ardent clubby pally communicative composed consoling righteous comprehending appreciative reassuring noble wholesome non-malignant encouraging ductile soft-shelled overpermissive nonjudgmental advantageous deceivable piteous servile gallant dupable having heart in right place placatory hushed hushful silent low-keyed low-pitched low close-mouthed muffled protecting supporting caretaking living with going easy with trusting naive unsuspicious deludable unoppressive unburdensome gullible susceptible fleeceable at ease imperturbable unexcitable intuitive teachable barley-sugar loyal fervent close earnest faithful diffident eleemosynary soft touch without hostility propitious free from strife public-spirited regardful openhearted unstinting chivalrous tactful open-handed lavish princely bounteous bountiful openhanded freehanded auspicious old softie able to live with going along with persistent persevering conformable law-abiding controllable manipulable unresistant fatalistic reconciled non-resistant tolerating placating neutralist peacemaking bloodless inoffensive do-good well-intentioned fiery irritable sensorial perceiving conscious sensory vulnerable reactive high-strung nervous impressionable fragile cognizant sheepish resistless supplicatory equanimous untiring mild-tempered unruffled self-possessed inexcitable mitigative lenitive palliative weak-kneed childlike well-behaved governable milky persuasible usable docious laid-back bound up close-knit profitable timorous sycophantic hesitant tentative apprehensive pabulum Milquetoast nothing wishy-washy zero plain adapted phlegmatic satisfied adjusted renouncing nonresisting quiescent relinquishing accommodated ready impassive philosophic fortitudinous convincible easily manipulated easily handled expressing adoration mim self-conscious with the patience of Job restful undisturbed healing assenting assentive easily influenced amorous ordered pacificatory salutary overindulgent willing to compromise easily persuaded lovey-dovey willing to please weak boneless

Động từ

(ngại) Để tránh do nhút nhát, thận trọng hoặc chán ghét

Động từ

Xa lánh hoặc né tránh
eschew shun avoid elude abjure forgo forswear renounce abandon disavow forsake reject relinquish repudiate sacrifice shirk spurn abdicate abnegate abstain deny disclaim disdain dodge drop duck escape evade kick refrain from disaffirm finesse gainsay refrain scape shake abstain from give up dispense with fight shy of swear off steer clear of give a wide berth to have nothing to do with not touch renege on get around keep clear of pack in shy away from jack in stay clear of turn your back on weasel out of have no truck with let well enough alone shuffle out of lose circumvent flee ditch shuck fly body-swerve escape from shake off run away from get away from give the slip give the runaround sidestep skirt bilk balk baulk baffle leave behind slip through the net of escape the clutches of end-run slip out keep distance stay away from lead on a merry chase give someone a wide berth break away from sneak away frustrate outrun foil double outwit thwart give the slip to run around stay shy of get away give somebody the slip run from slip through someone's fingers throw off the scent be beyond someone slip away from slip through the net refuse surrender yield shrink from balk at turn away from waive cede decline recoil from renege disown do without turn down recant retract withdraw repeal unsay foreswear leave resign hand over cast aside quit snub desert forbear ignore go without put aside set aside cut out turn over cold-shoulder take back keep away from cast off neglect wash one's hands of turn one's back on give someone the brush-off give someone the go-by sign away leave alone pass up concede disallow stop finish discontinue cease break off throw off do away with wash your hands of disregard defer remit postpone forego put off delay stay hold up allow remove grant shelve table suspend prorogue hold off reserve skip disinherit disgorge resist step down from withdraw from bag it vacate opt out deliver up bail out step aside from quitclaim dismiss rebuff strand scorn cut ostracize jilt sit out withhold from pass by give something a miss desist from part with pass on leave out say goodbye to keep from give the bum's rush brush off look right through freeze out have no part in give the brush cut dead put down give a wide berth ostracise stand aloof from look right through someone tell someone where to get off keep your distance from knock back stiff-arm send to Coventry have no part of turn back on shy from palm off snout give the cold shoulder jettison depart from chuck betray dump leave flat maroon leave high and dry break with leave stranded throw over take your leave of kiss goodbye go away from change one's tune give someone the big E run out on give someone the air walk out on take the oath drift away break up with leave in the lurch show the door rat on bin off give someone the push give the elbow keep one's distance from cut someone dead hide from give the cold shoulder to cut someone cold

Động từ

Do dự hoặc tỏ ra miễn cưỡng
demur hesitate pause vacillate balk baulk doubt pussyfoot waver be reluctant jib refuse be unwilling express misgivings express reluctance express reservations hang back think twice hem and haw be cagey wait and see drag one's heels falter dither shilly-shally shrink from flinch from recoil from boggle vacillate about hang back from have misgivings about have scruples about think twice about have qualms about shy away from balance wabble teeter stagger wobble halt stick at baulk at be loath demur from stick worry scruple have reservations about fret gag demur about stickle balk at question boggle at have qualms mind doing something drag one's heels over disrelish something drag one's feet over waver about shrink hesitate to scruple about be chary of be reluctant about be shy about be coy about be cagey about fluctuate haver oscillate swither linger hover shillyshally hold back be unsure be uncertain be hesitant be doubtful hold off shy away straggle lag procrastinate stay back shrink back drag your heels drag your feet stay in the background hang fire be reluctant to come forward sway be tentative have doubts be undecided be ambivalent harbour reservations about be divided lack conviction be irresolute harbour suspicions about have hesitations about be sceptical feel uncertain have suspicions about sit on the fence think something unlikely fluctuate on wonder about express suspicions about be in two minds blow hot and cold have doubts about chop and change have one's doubts about feel uneasy about be dubious keep changing your mind express reservations about entertain doubts about stall delay dawdle equivocate temporize dally wait hedge alternate tergiversate dillydally seesaw stumble defer deliberate stop flounder ponder hang mammer debate weigh temporise be indecisive dilly-dally hum and haw think about pull back sit on fence

Động từ

Không đồng ý hoặc tranh chấp
dissent differ demur disagree dispute diverge challenge disapprove nonconcur object oppose reject repudiate abjure protest rebel refuse renounce stickle argue baulk balk buck contradict decline disaccord discord divide pettifog vary wrangle argue with disagree with not ratify object to protest against quibble over express disagreement with take issue with be at odds with be at variance with decline to support express disagreement express objection fail to agree with refuse to support break with withhold assent say nothing doing say no way put up an argument put up a fight say not a chance fly in the face of clash conflict fight be at odds quarrel lock horns cross swords squabble bicker jar row scrap altercate spat quibble feud controvert fall out battle take issue fail to agree be at variance debate spar brawl contend contest war take on be incompatible have words be at loggerheads set to be in dispute defy resist collide discept contrast argufy gainsay hassle tiff brabble come into conflict be dissimilar be unlike be different have a row go against bandy words argy-bargy differ in opinion be at each other's throats face down bump heads be of a different opinion take exception have a different opinion fight like cat and dog be divided be at sixes and sevens not see eye to eye go at it hammer and tongs run counter to mix it up bang heads zap haggle palter skirmish have a fight jump on rip into each other let have it contradict each other go for the jugular lay into have it out have a misunderstanding charge have a tiff find fault complain get tough with bump struggle carp cavil chop logic caterwaul tangle embroil strive flout disobey contravene deviate come out against depart withstand counter sass rehash dig your heels in kick over the traces refuse to obey have an argument confront be against combat refuse to accept the authority of kick against hammer away hash over jump on each other face off verbally fight stick it to have at it knock around talk back get in one's face pick an argument go one on one sock it to put up a struggle have at each other be in contention differ from be discordant not correspond be of a different mind not agree not accord diverge from dissent from shake one's head bar check prevent counterattack block attack face dislike cross hinder fight against thwart obstruct be anti disapprove of repel stand up to oppugn contend with rebut be hostile to take struggle against gainstay deny turn the tables speak against call in question frown at put up a fight against expose neutralize set your face against argue against stand up and be counted against assail be in defiance of assault not countenance search out reverse neutralise take a stand against speak out against bombard strive against quarrel with take a stand withstay encounter be in opposition to taunt go at it be in opposition negate question meet impugn brave refute tackle counteract vie rival call into question compete rebel against disaffirm dare disregard disprove query engage traverse outface brazen accost break spurn meet head-on beard violate confute repulse breast outbrave impeach come up against race frustrate cope with infringe duel doubt negative go up against disconfirm ignore match stave off ward off grapple wrestle grapple with cancel out impede face up to scramble for jockey for position take exception to breach stop halt transgress rebuff fend off disavow stand litigate play off refuse to accept restrain traduce affront infract overstep fight off curb interfere with scorn front push square up to complain about criticize set at naught cope square up mess with set against pit compete against hold off hold out against play push back deal with compete with call one's bluff make my day wage war stand up against beat off put down come face to face with go for go for broke fly in face of knock beat endure wage war on bear lock horns with confound discredit tolerate work against debunk sustain criticise inhibit call out stem blast suffer clash with battle with denounce cancel skirmish with cut slight do battle with disclaim tussle stick provoke strike disown invalidate address scuffle dismiss waylay antagonize antagonise cock a snook at fracture offend make a nonsense of jostle bandy take aside threaten emulate turn down disallow agitate against call in jockey tangle with venture put up with take up arms against undermine meet head on mock meet eyeball-to-eyeball tell off face with go one-on-one face off against shoot for keep at bay outdare insult encroach trespass shoot down brush off demur against go for jugular go for it neglect prove false