Từ đồng nghĩa của malignant

Alternative for malignant

Từ đồng nghĩa: deadly, destructive, fatal, harmful, killing, lethal, mortal,

Từ trái nghĩa: benignity,

Tính từ

Tending to cause great harm
malicious spiteful malevolent vicious hostile malign nasty baleful cruel bitter destructive harmful bad catty despiteful evil-intentioned hateful hurtful mean pernicious poisonous venomous virulent acrimonious inimical injurious maleficent rancorous splenetic evil menacing unkind vindictive wicked full of hate of evil intent malefic noxious deleterious dangerous baneful detrimental ill-natured vitriolic unfriendly toxic wounding damaging deadly nocuous adverse antagonistic mischievous vengeful sinister ill ruinous prejudicial lethal unpleasant fatal ornery resentful angry disastrous unhealthy calamitous negative viperous unwholesome corrupting waspish aggressive disagreeable surly pestiferous pestilential poison unfavourable harsh savage cantankerous unfavorable threatening disadvantageous acid unfortunate sour dirty cutting cross prejudicious irascible unsympathetic cancerous undesirable mortal foul evil-minded biting hazardous snide ill-tempered wrathful envenomed uncharitable testy sharp bad-tempered counterproductive inhospitable dire caustic belligerent barbed defamatory nocent unsociable ill-disposed mephitic infective murderous fierce septic hate-filled bilious cussed pugnacious toxicant subversive inconsiderate devastating noisome rude tetchy antipathetic vile combative uncongenial obnoxious acrid crippling corrosive crabby critical revengeful unpropitious mean-spirited peevish crabbed corruptive scathing unsafe ill-humored ill-humoured corrupt astringent bellicose environmentally unfriendly shrewish grudging abusive petulant perilous irritable confrontational militant catastrophic querulous churlish snappish tart choleric cataclysmic intimidating ratty grouchy snarky cranky crotchety corroding scrappy toxiferous liverish mordant brutal incendiary implacable undermining acerbic contaminated contrary lousy iniquitous bad-natured rough stinging peccant ominous withering miasmatic sarcastic vituperative furious searing horrid pestilent frightening merciless morbid pitiless grumpy low invidious minatory pettish parlous ruthless sulky painful snappy dark fractious insidious unwelcoming narky dicey rotten huffy beastly minacious moody shirty truculent stroppy chippy offensive immoral unjust wrongful opprobrious cold annihilative eradicative extirpative suicidal adversary adversarial filthy perverse warlike waxy jaundiced argumentative dour backbiting cold-blooded hard barbarous short-tempered quick-tempered unforgiving hellish forbidding contagious slanderous trenchant murder mephitical sardonic dyspeptic squint-eyed razor-edged despicable infectious contemptible mordacious bodeful louring disturbing insensitive risky insalubrious acidulous wretched joyless communicable intimidatory grim displeased exasperated annoyed gross sullen scornful callous indignant irate black woeful fiery fretful touchy base shabby sore inexpedient untoward inopportune unfeeling uncaring disdainful unlucky bearish prickly accidentally on purpose disapproving alien tough full of spleen misanthropic heartless catching ireful inhuman ill-boding foreboding peckish soreheaded grumbling curmudgeonly thoughtless miffy nefarious unreceptive execrable ignominious currish dishonorable detestable hard-hearted uncontrollable eggy quarrelsome ferocious dishonourable captious peppery uncivil poisoned death-dealing tainted ungracious low-down gruff censorious snippy snippety contentious stuffy coldhearted inhumane on a short fuse not nice sadistic waspy mardy hot-tempered foul-tempered raspy impure low-minded short-fused hating spleenful scathel incisive blistering embittered unrelenting grudge-bearing scathy troublesome viperish bloody-minded miasmic pointed artful aspersive offended begruding insulted stabbing unmerciful relentless avenging reprobate bothersome ruining killing destroying atrabilious awful dripping venom wreakful out for revenge retaliatory uncool envious petty ill-intentioned compassionless precarious full of gall cold-hearted upsetting odious loathsome treacherous ungenerous unkindly unamiable imperilling imperiling afflictive seeking revenge epidemic deathly mortiferous terminal acerb smart-mouthed acidic belittling smart-aleck smart-alecky scalding pungent satiric satirical unchristian hardhearted life-threatening lethiferous wrackful internecine harassing wreckful sinful slaughterous unfair wild defiled corrupted piercing taunting disquieting horrible dysfunctional portentous inauspicious unnourishing disease-ridden plague-like innutritious insanitary violent feral creepy eerie alarming direful junk sickly unhygienic unhealthful untamed dodgy brutish barbaric doomy scary evil-looking spooky eldritch ill-omened maladjusted disordered deplorable scummy transmittable vexed irked piqued aggrieved irritated spoiled unnutritious sinistrous minatorial unstable disturbed unbalanced monstrous desperate depraved uncivilised villainous fiendish abhorrent rowdy terrible serpentine uncivilized abandoned galled provoked transmissible vitriolous outraged suggestive of evil doomful dishonest blackhearted lowering apocalyptic unsound repulsive spoilt decayed objectionable distasteful pathological spreading burning glowering slashing annoying sordid ignoble paltry chilly rapier-like enraged distant aloof dripping with malice highly contagious frosty cool uptight tense unneighbourly unamicable frigid antisocial highly infective rapidly spreading highly infectious temperamental unsocial unaffable huffish disgruntled sensitive feisty bristly glum curt impatient volatile whingy socially impaired withdrawn reserved unapproachable stand-offish brusque cynical hotheaded pouty oversensitive obstinate difficult discontented pertinacious severe supercilious unforthcoming stern stiff haughty uncommunicative impersonal indifferent uncooperative snarling whiny crusty hypercritical whining miserable crybaby hard-eyed chill gelid brittle wintry clammy cold-eyed wintery frozen icy antiseptic arctic glacial impolite coldish discourteous uncordial unmannerly gloomy iracund brooding iracundulous morose edgy pouting fussy disputatious snaky scratchy Olympian starchy grousing trying thin-skinned having got out of bed on the wrong side nasty-tempered out of humour out of sorts out of humor mumpish hot under the collar growling as cross as two sticks caviling in a mood sorehead saturnine passionate blunt fault-finding on edge dissatisfied out of temper cross-grained carping griping awkward like a bear with a sore head complaining fretting vinegary short whingeing childish out-of-sorts cavilling hasty hot-blooded ugly having got out of bed the wrong side obstreperous chuffy easily offended in a bad mood competitive unpromising against not on speaking terms conflicting opposed opposite estranged disaffected unneighborly agonistic assaultive discordant gladiatorial brawly defiant warring opposing counter martial disparaging rebellious fighting warmongering militaristic oppugnant aggers battling hawkish derisive controversial spoiling for a fight on the warpath litigious challenging discouraging bolshie disputative polemical sabre-rattling polemic poor rival naysaying attacking uncomplimentary bloodthirsty contending contemptuous mocking disobedient jeering scorching arsey at odds recalcitrant disavowing dissident contumacious insubordinate vexatious jingoistic salty provocative unruly ready for a fight at loggerheads untimely dissenting military recusant unflattering invasive loudmouthed resistant ironical unhelpful combatant refractory disruptive intractable biffo sneering competing derogatory factious intransigent at war gung-ho insolent wayward grievous problematic disrespectful frowning contumelious distressing keen backhanded scoffing needling scurrilous saucy willful repugnant twitting chaffing arrogant austere disillusioned irksome quarrelling clashing weisenheiming oppositional regrettable have chip on shoulder have a bone to pick cheerless inimic snarly disobliging mutinous adversative accusatorial obstructive expansionist unadvantageous unwilling tricky wilful disorderly infelicitous disagreeing froward balky damning enemy wrangling ructious quarreling turbulent inconvenient bickering war bold up in arms tight sticky rebel incompliant restive ungovernable pejorative brawling thorny delicate bleak unappeasable dissentious flip ardent hot boot-faced hairy worrying onerous arduous knotty taxing stark tiresome stubborn on the outs problematical ticklish punishing chancy worrisome concerning iffy have it in for ready to fight dubious questionable self-willed spartan suspect forceful soldierly unsparing battleful sanguinary smouldering mighty coruscating scowling oppugning reluctant strident divided split invading tilting wrestling skirmishing peeved allergic pushy sulphurous sulfurous ill-timed colonialistic imperialistic wrought up prepared for war in the midst of battle at swords' points tumultuous carnivorous embattled aggravated incursive arguesome tempestuous under arms smoldering extremely critical invalidating trigger-happy impassioned excitable not conducive inimicable spirited courageous determined spunky plucky self-assertive itching to fight disharmonious insurrectionary seditious sectarian schismatic lamentable dyslogistic depreciative unprofitable depreciatory slighting downside detracting debit-side sparring striking unhappy sharp-tongued unaccommodating discrediting having a chip on one's shoulder irreconcilable anti assaulting assailing fire-eating headstrong at daggers drawn paramilitary soldierlike battle-hardened punitive unwelcome tragic fuming malcontent divisive insurgent alienated troublemaking partisan unreasonable abrasive serious steely somber unacceptable asocial obdurate thrawn mulish capricious on the debit side cataclysmal angerful ranting raving psyched up frenzied in a temper convulsed arch renitent full of dislike intrusive rapacious humourless humorless looking for trouble thirsting for revenge tragical heartbreaking distressful heartrending contrariant nonconforming nonconformist paradoxical pervicacious contrarious uncompromising inflexible hardline remorseless inexorable at variance macho lawless sociopathic on the attack wrongheaded converse dissentient sombre solemn reproachful condemnatory deprecatory catastrophal dreadful pigheaded bull-headed pig-headed unpitying non-compliant hostile to averse to inimical to opposed to unyielding delinquent unsmiling flinty cast-iron ungentle no-nonsense mortified stony criticizing reproving fateful shattering frightful daring audacious resisting sworn naughty undisciplined badly behaved ill-disciplined honest candid erratic errant unmanageable pesky ill-behaved unrestrainable uncontainable wearisome indocile impudent badly-behaved misbehaving roguish undisciplinable demanding troublous incorrigible exasperating uncompliant rascally devilish unenthusiastic about disapprobatory denunciatory denouncing condemning at each other's throats straightforward realistic beyond the pale disinclined to accept reluctant to accept unwilling to accept dead set against ill-fated outspoken judgmental slating knocking unsatisfactory tardy late malapropos wrong improper unseemly unfit discommodious inadvisable unseasonable unsuited faultfinding unappealing insulting insubmissive sassy gutsy resistive disregardful cheeky reckless dareful criticising full of reproof ill-advised warts and all straight from the shoulder itching terrifying cowing terrorizing vituperous terrorising browbeating bullying

Tính từ

(of a tumour) Tending to invade normal tissue or to recur after removal

Tính từ

Inflicting suffering onto others without conscience
cruel brutal savage inhuman barbaric barbarous brutish bloodthirsty murderous homicidal cut-throat vicious ferocious fierce wicked evil fiendish devilish diabolical heinous abominable monstrous atrocious vile hideous ghastly nasty spiteful mean callous malicious sadistic ruthless merciless unmerciful pitiless malevolent unsparing unrelenting remorseless uncaring unsympathetic uncharitable heartless stony-hearted hard-hearted cold-hearted cold-blooded nefarious bloodless unfeeling unemotional unkind inhumane severe harsh stern inclement flinty draconian beastly dastardly bestial depraved immoral maleficent pernicious sanguinary truculent slaughterous uncompassionate violent wolfish wrathful brute butcherly hateful roughshod virulent wanton implacable hellish hard fell unspeakable satanic black-hearted demonic villainous infernal ungodly accursed Mephistophelian odious demoniac base hard-boiled wretched unforgiving unpitying stone-hearted affectless insensitive insensate slash-and-burn thick-skinned inconsiderate stonyhearted compassionless desensitized stoney take-no-prisoners hard-nosed obdurate unkindly ironhearted indurate soulless case-hardened pachydermatous stony flagitious egregious desensitised malign cannibalistic relentless with a heart of stone wild dangerous aggressive menacing furious fiery feral untamed grim threatening intimidating rough unruly rabid ungentle terrible forbidding fearsome steely gruff unrestrained convulsive impetuous dour baleful frightening louring raging austere frightful delirious incessive uncontrollable raving enraged rugged undomesticated stark lowering fearful cutthroat horrible angry frantic mad rapacious infuriated crazed animalistic primitive biffo tigerish aggers venomous

Tính từ

Sinister or evil in nature
dark evil wicked sinful immoral wrong morally wrong wrongful bad iniquitous ungodly unholy irreligious unrighteous sacrilegious profane blasphemous impious godless base mean vile shameful discreditable unspeakable foul monstrous shocking outrageous atrocious abominable reprehensible hateful detestable despicable odious contemptible horrible heinous execrable diabolical diabolic fiendish vicious murderous barbarous black rotten perverted reprobate sordid degenerate depraved dissolute malicious dishonorable dishonourable nefarious dishonest malevolent unscrupulous unprincipled crooked bent warped low-down stinking dirty corrupt shady malfeasant pernicious dastardly villainous peccable criminal egregious maleficent repugnant flagitious harmful hideous injurious loathsome beastly damnable hellish infamous infernal no good obscene sinister unethical unlawful unsavoury unsavory demonic devilish demoniacal demoniac appalling Mephistophelian abhorrent satanic inhuman cacodemonic cruel savage Luciferian demonical demonian black-hearted implacable from hell hellacious serpentine awful dreadful accursed horrifying terrible ghastly brutish barbaric amoral bestial frenetic mad maniacal possessed facinorous crazed unhallowed deplorable underhanded disgraceful thoughtless wretched shameless ignoble disreputable deceitful disagreeable despisable lousy disrespectful cheap meanspirited abject nasty sleazy lame crass ratty cruddy grubby scabby scummy ignominious disdainable sneaky indecent deceptive vulgar shoddy graceless slipshod no-count good-for-naught no-good slimy no-account scurvy sneaking sorry meritless good-for-nothing low disgusting offensive unpleasant revolting distasteful horrid debased scandalous repulsive obnoxious paltry repellent nauseating degraded objectionable gruesome horrendous frightful shabby low-minded gross snide currish sickening squalid debauched unworthy rascally unwholesome filthy yucky ugly scoundrelly impure unpalatable worthless noxious noisome grisly underhand unclean off-putting yucko illegal miserable nauseous seedy seamy icky unfair pitiful horrific lewd harsh pitiable loathly poor skanky disgustful repellant sick-making God-awful displeasing notorious grim decadent nightmarish coarse frightening louche macabre profligate sullied servile rancid bitter putrid fulsome roguish beyond the pale rough distressing lawless untrustworthy fallen harrowing abandoned degrading not cricket dire forbidding sick grotty dodgy menial lurid libertine licentious uninviting smutty godawful unwelcome yukky sour uncongenial unlovely unpleasing grody disturbing illicit illegitimate scungy felonious fearful alarming daunting blameworthy intolerable knavish dissipated rakish opprobrious terrifying unappetizing tawdry improper perverse unforgivable malodorous bogging unacceptable dismal petty terrific inglorious shy unrespectable inexcusable beyond contempt formidable smelly grewsome nightmare corrupted demoralized libidinous wanton rank acrid fetid polluted mephitic miscreant rakehell jackleg rakehelly pathetic sad intemperate pongy stinky whiffy hurtful grievous vitiated smudged bedraggled stained mucky besmirched befouled blackened miasmal bemired dusty uncleanly niffy unsportsmanlike dingy draggled grimy grungy funky muddy begrimed soiled brutal hateable festy olid unkind demoralised foetid poison on the nose bum indictable disconcerting troublesome troubling treacherous erring disquieting worrisome irksome discomforting rude unreliable insufferable severe woeful unsettling agonizing traumatic stressful perturbing torturous tainted humiliating dislikeable uncouth undesirable suspect difficult distressful uncomfortable doleful agitating dubious suspicious lascivious hair-raising uncharitable cowardly indefensible unbecoming pervy loose recreant slavish humble unnerving hairy tormenting troublous fraught grave tragic wayward retrograde lecherous promiscuous vice-ridden intimidating poisonous lamentable spine-chilling evil-smelling foul-smelling caitiff painful exceptionable annoying unbearable upsetting questionable incorrigible groveling common tragical abysmal heartless gloomy slippery retrogressive defiled devious hated shifty unhealthy creepy pitiless self-indulgent double-dealing callous excruciating beggarly grovelling ornery low-life ruthless galling outcast hostile self-seeking lowly two-faced off-color agonising drunken venal dirty rotten merciless disappointing transgressing ruffianly blackguardly thievish culpable peccant undignified crude inequitable useless unseemly inelegant embarrassing boorish churlish reviled terrorizing base-minded bad-hearted disingenuous scabrous hard oppressed impoverished stark bleak poverty-stricken hateworthy measly funny iffy bloodcurdling terrorising eerie lou censurable shiftless trashy swinish indelicate inferior plebeian detested execrated sleazoid avaricious dislikable despised craven conniving scaring pestiferous invidious pill pesky heel calculated mercenary covetous beneath contempt below contempt irreverent incompetent feckless abominated loathed abhorred dismaying unchivalrous unjust dangerous guilty serious scary fearsome dread redoubtable direful astounding maggot deleterious damaging calamitous baneful prejudicial nocuous adverse mischievous baleful unpardonable petrifying tremendous detrimental ill shuddersome like death warmed up spooky frozen gnarly unchaste disheartening meek dejected deferent hangdog humiliated subservient self-effacing hedonic deviant peasant ordinary reproachful modest simple plain grotesque heavy disorderly bad news of bad reputation fast lustful concupiscent riotous prurient unrestrained immodest ribald flagrant carnal fishy indulgent flagitous raffish twisted wild unconstrained sicko sybaritic kinky unnatural swinging voluptuary in low esteem in the doghouse derogatory in bad degenerated violated easy in the fast lane gone bad pleasure-seeking gone to the dogs dirty-minded night owl deteriorated open fast and loose lacking restraint in the gutter fast-living high living unfeeling rancorous inhumane disparaging delinquent errant exploitative hard-hearted mean-spirited bloodthirsty unconscionable wrathful crafty scrofulous sly evil-minded vengeful contemptuous conscienceless cold-blooded tyrannical scornful despiteful unconscientious sadistic scheming virulent inexorable vindictive disdainful spiteful demeaned sinking flatitious failing ill-deserved gut-churning vomitous unfaithful disloyal faithless humourless crummy sombre humorless discomposing sober irritating mortifying solemn somber unsatisfactory sedate worrying heartbreaking unfortunate unendurable vexatious regrettable depressing perfidious lying deceiving hypocritical traitorous uncool unhappy saddening unappealing awkward afflicting afflictive affecting vomit-inducing untrue nerve-racking nail-biting concerning heart-rending heart-breaking anguished sorrowful heartrending gut-wrenching extremely bad nerve-wracking duplicitous mendacious inconstant unsound insincere defrauding untruthful fraudulent cheating fickle treasonable delusive adulterous double-faced falsehearted false perjured false-hearted forsworn hollow-hearted back-stabbing double-crossing two-timing mythomaniac apostate renegade Janus-faced

Tính từ

Characterized by an abnormal and unhealthy interest in disturbing and unpleasant subjects, especially death and disease
morbid unhealthy gruesome sick ghastly grisly ghoulish macabre unwholesome ailing deadly diseased dreadful grotesque hideous infected death-obsessed horrible horrid pathological sickly unsound aberrant abnormal baleful bloody brooding disgusting frightful gory grim irascible maleficent monstrous moody nasty ominous perverse sickening sinister twisted unnatural unusual warped horrific shocking lurid horrifying terrifying appalling revolting terrible awful horrendous eerie frightening nightmarish dark atrocious offensive weird spooky loathsome scary unspeakable chilling unearthly dire black grewsome repugnant bleak terrific nightmare spookish cruel perverted fearsome distressing abominable spine-chilling savage shadowy funereal fearful sepulchral ghostly obscene gloomy sombre somber diabolical devilish harrowing morose hellish distasteful odious gross forbidding repulsive prurient abhorrent sullen sadistic wretched cold shady disturbing noxious nauseating noisome foul outrageous evil violent godawful alarming heinous scandalous fiendish creepy hair-raising garish murky direful vile depraved repellent contemptible God-awful egregious beastly bestial terribly bad very bad strange taboo cynical poignant haunting diabolic ironic deathly unthinkable unmentionable brutal bloodthirsty demonic Kafkaesque insalubrious unattractive unhealthful degenerate bilious severe harsh misanthropic pessimistic mordacious unpleasant upsetting nosy grievous unreal unnerving traumatic petrifying disquieting nightmarey phantasmagorical undesirable worrying disagreeable concerning hellacious dread redoubtable formidable intimidating loud disgustful loathly grody execrable rancid repellant fulsome obnoxious ugly nauseous lamentable daunting indescribable detestable gut-churning from hell sick-making spine-tingling disgraceful bad bloodcurdling sublime shuddersome overwhelming abysmal tremendous astounding animal beast hateful sensational infamous graphic exaggerated intolerable vicious explicit melodramatic villainous wicked suffocating overpowering startling inhuman iniquitous nefarious shameful trashy colourful sensationalist extravagant rubbishy overdramatized unrestrained brutish despicable satanic barbaric barbarous voyeuristic flagitious base merciless ruthless pulp tasteless ribald kitschy cheap salacious dirty suggestive filthy menacing desperate immoral shock-horror vivid tacky juicy yellow full-frontal threatening raging foreboding fiery off-color raunchy salty purple extreme sanguine deep rough racy striking colorful distinct low-down angry stormy turbulent tumultuous volatile inauspicious fierce malevolent ferocious miserable glum dreary melancholic melancholy dispirited dismal depressive desolate solemn depressing cheerless disheartening tenebrous sad pitiless gray mournful dingy grey drab mirthless lugubrious drear grave reprehensible rotten sinful mean murderous deplorable infernal heartless corrupt ungodly dastardly low inhumane dishonourable objectionable unsavoury unsavory reprobate criminal dishonorable ignoble remorseless wrong wanton black-hearted insufferable sordid brute truculent callous unprincipled dissolute unrighteous malicious demoniac butcherly stinking scurvy calamitous unforgivable flagrant accursed lousy damnable unholy unlawful ignominious disreputable cold-blooded unfeeling yucky inexcusable unethical cacodemonic dangerous off-putting beyond the pale unscrupulous notorious opprobrious hard-hearted crooked debased unpalatable degraded displeasing unmerciful abandoned Mephistophelian unkind glaring impious tragic discreditable uncaring dishonest demoniacal malfeasant disconcerting bent sanguinary hard shameless dismaying perturbing sorry putrid impure unbearable woeful miscreant unsettling yucko amoral uncharitable vulgar exceptionable profligate unpardonable wrongful coarse unfortunate morally wrong scoundrelly fell unacceptable serious lawless unutterable debauched icky unworthy hairy implacable bogging irreligious profane blasphemous facinorous unsympathetic scaring unsparing underhand knavish roguish troublesome shabby hurtful soulless rascally wild insupportable wolfish underhanded spiteful agitating peccable baneful indecent pernicious dislikeable insensitive rebarbative unclean skanky not cricket lewd hostile sacrilegious non-mortal subhuman non-human blatant troubling godless unrespectable louche shy shoddy treacherous odd bizarre discomforting irksome disastrous degrading Hadean illicit inglorious illegal Stygian crude indefensible illegitimate unrelenting unpitying cold-hearted obvious boorish hard-boiled unforgiving abject loose stony uncompassionate bitter preposterous arrant felonious conspicuous deleterious worthless crying patent distressful poor thick-skinned obdurate compassionless desensitized indurate affectless slash-and-burn take-no-prisoners ironhearted case-hardened pachydermatous insensate stonyhearted stoney paltry unwelcome vomitous audacious wrathful stern tainted feral demoralized excessive harmful doleful relentless uninviting sleazy rank regrettable snide currish adverse decadent unfair heartbreaking untamed pronounced tragical immodest serpentine stark pathetic desensitised defiled low-minded galling libertine rancorous demoralised capital homicidal vomit-inducing vindictive cut-throat blameworthy demonian demonical Luciferian terrorizing dreaded unconcerned humiliating abased stone-hearted caitiff erring fallen worrisome indictable unhallowed uncanny dishonored beyond contempt barefaced hard-nosed unkindly inconsiderate agonizing stressful torturous draconian destructive discomposing annoying brazen dissipated sullied terrorising furious flinty unbecoming injurious sober enormous crazed mad undisguised utter questionable uncomfortable difficult outright bold impetuous carnal unendurable naked evident tigerish grotty manifest irritating unconcealed corrupted complete aggressive exorbitant improper eldritch virulent punk tormenting fraught troublous palpable transparent dishonoured inexpressible immoderate poisonous overt frantic pitiful crummy heartrending unconscionable unruly wayward intemperate cursed gruff humourless humorless painful unhappy unpleasing sedate licentious sorrowful blood-curdling gut-wrenching rakish jackleg stomach-churning stomach-turning vitiated uncivilised uncivilized with a heart of stone mortuary heart-rending incorrigible excruciating agonising cringe-making uncontrollable dodgy rakehell hated hateable venomous out and out rakehelly out-and-out brass-necked vengeful causing fear unhuman bone-chilling transgressing sneaky embarrassing unjust ignorant ruffianly blackguardly mercenary critical thievish unrefined uncultured unlettered blood-and-guts blood-and-thunder uncouth eery great good-for-nothing discouraging mephistophelean lou culpable peccant awesome piggish gluttonous swinish ferine irrational frenetic maniacal possessed beneath contempt bothersome demoralizing unbelievable inconceivable senseless dislikable awe-inspiring bad-hearted unimaginable ridiculous foolish unseemly venal unsightly discommoding ill-famed tough ineffable catastrophic heavy unlucky very disgusting pitiable cataclysmic naughty drunken impoverished oppressed inconvenient lustful lascivious lecherous bearish tactless indifferent ruinous brackish catty ill-reputed contaminated faulty insubordinate libidinous imposing mean-looking impressive devastating unlikable vexing backbiting untrue maligning vilifying traducing detractive gossiping detracting frozen gnarly unjustifiable detested execrated beyond words preternatural undefinable festy surfeiting sleazeball unappetizing squicky cloying scuzzy untold undescribable otherworldly unsafe highly improper poverty-stricken undignified blood-stained cruddy despised irreverent ravenous lupine voracious onerous yecchy unreasonable indescribably bad indescribably wicked beyond description indescribably evil sucky pits tenth-rate pants chronic cowardly inequitable ornery reviled vice-ridden weighty taxing red hot sheer plain guilty abominated loathed abhorred steep like death warmed up intimidatory ill-boding powerful afraid massive rigorous absolute downright inordinate unqualified faint haggard wraithlike supernatural anaemic dim deathlike corpselike anemic weak damaging mortifying demoralising mischievous prejudicial nocuous servile inelegant menial maggot detrimental ill apparent unmitigated significant major inconsistent incompatible contradictory opposed unwarranted maddening impossible OTT exasperating defective a load of pants confounded too horrible for words illiberal rigid inflexible intolerant minatory viperous rowdy minacious unsatisfactory vexatious averse antipathetic inimical antagonistic O.T.T. extortionate praetorian saddening unappealing afflicting afflictive affecting uncool yukky sour awkward punishing strict unfriendly against opposite alien invidious extrinsic counter extraneous unconformable different revulsive unfitted foreign scurrilous too great shaming disgracing debauching depraving debasing contumelious anguished unlovely uncongenial bad news self-indulgent deceitful disparaging delinquent errant exploitative slippery evil-minded self-seeking contemptuous conscienceless two-faced despiteful scheming mean-spirited crafty scrofulous sly tyrannical squalid scornful shifty unconscientious devious inexorable disdainful tyrannous punitive unremitting coldhearted constant distorted deviant over the top nerve-racking nail-biting heart-breaking extremely bad nerve-wracking in opposition rabid steely ungentle cannibalistic malign louring delirious dour convulsive austere forlorn cataclysmal unpropitious blue cutthroat raving lowering enraged incessive rugged undomesticated stupefying infuriated rapacious deviate sicko heartstopping biffo animalistic primitive aggers fatal stony-hearted staggering stunning astonishing bewildering amazing lethal surprising bloodless underworld nether lower pervy contorted impaired kinky vitiate unemotional terminal inclement killer Plutonian misguided rash pestilent slaughterous roughshod risky foolhardy hazardous hasty open killing daring subterranean Tartarean Plutonic Styxian incurable vital reckless flaunting pestilential ostentatious precipitate incautious madcap mortiferous dead chthonian of hell Acherontic Avernal chthonic helly headstrong determined life-threatening mortal death-dealing headlong anxious no good unashamed flagitous deliberate flaming noticeable worried venturesome careless distracted sulphurous sulfurous bald-faced bare-faced devil-may-care death-defying stick out like sore thumb hanging out

Tính từ

Extremely offensive, harsh and insulting
opprobrious abusive insulting offensive scurrilous vitriolic vituperative contemptuous contumelious defamatory scandalous disparaging invective pejorative calumniatory damaging denigratory deprecatory derogatory scornful derisive hateful libellous libelous scurril scurrile slanderous truculent venomous vituperatory aspersive calumnious insolent abasing censorious critical damning debasing defaming denigrating depreciative derogative despicable despiteful detractive disapproving disgracing dishonouring dishonoring dismissive excoriating humiliating hurting injuring injurious libelling libeling malevolent malign maligning offending reproachful reproaching reviling shaming spiteful vile vulgar malicious disrespectful disdainful rude belittling sarcastic vilifying scathing uncomplimentary slighting degrading traducing demeaning derisory depreciatory sneering mocking jeering decrying denigrative denunciatory mud-slinging withering upbraiding false untrue sardonic supercilious scolding cheeky castigating calumniating dirty backbiting foul obloquious aspersory unfounded nasty detracting reproving castigatory vicious misrepresentative lying sharp-tongued scoffing arrogant catty haughty snide abhorrent deprecating snotty sniffy snooty full of contempt ironical satirical invidious saucy impudent pert pushy impertinent brazen forward malapert sassy brash poisonous unflattering affronting diminishing deflating unfavourable defiant maledictory scandalmongering muckraking harsh virulent negative discrediting superior blasphemous maledictive slurring hypercritical overbearing cynical egotistic personal hurtful mean discreditable violent berating rough obnoxious unmannerly ranting censuring fault-finding aspersing minimizing unfavorable minimising condemnatory damnatory condemning ribald groundless obscene low infamous coarse salacious gross indecent scabrous raunchy lewd vituperous smutty outrageous filthy shameless admonishing reprobative slating reprobatory knocking Rabelaisian condescending cavalier unsubstantiated baseless unwarranted uncorroborated foul-mouthed taunting insupportable unsupported vain imperious proud unjustifiable unjustified snippy high hat dog it hard-nosed bold on your high horse hard audacious high and mighty temperamental snobbish uppity cool on high horse upstage cold-shoulder ill-founded

Từ trái nghĩa của malignant

malignant Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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