Từ đồng nghĩa của ill tempered

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Showing anger easily or customarily
grumpy irascible irritable cranky cross testy volatile fractious grouchy peevish ratty surly touchy cantankerous choleric crabby moody prickly shirty snappy spiteful sulky bilious chippy crabbed curt disagreeable dyspeptic gruff impatient narky ornery pettish sharp shrewish snappish splenetic acid crotchety crusty curmudgeonly eggy nasty peckish peppery soreheaded sour stroppy tetchy vicious annoyed bearish liverish miffy scratchy snaky snippy waspish waxy bad-tempered hot-tempered thin-skinned ill-humoured ill-natured quick-tempered short-tempered ill-humored in a mood short-fused bloody-minded cross-grained in a bad mood on a short fuse as cross as two sticks like a bear with a sore head petulant sullen querulous huffy perverse churlish fiery angry snippety morose snarky stuffy raspy out of sorts brusque captious fretful mean edgy complaining bitter quarrelsome uptight unfriendly resentful miserable dour acrimonious whingy harsh temperamental difficult glum rude grumbling on edge malicious mardy out of humor unsociable sorehead short ungracious truculent unpleasant piqued snarling awkward exasperated venomous contrary vindictive hostile argumentative irritated whingeing saturnine tense uncooperative impolite displeased critical tart uncivil wrathful out of humour discontented disgruntled hotheaded malignant sensitive vexed blunt ugly pouting pouty tooshie furious indignant gloomy glowering cussed whining out of temper ireful mumpish discourteous passionate mean-spirited unkind inconsiderate abrupt unmannerly peeved vitriolic malign mopey irked catty obstinate fussy caviling excitable cavilling sore hot under the collar hot-blooded scrappy malevolent rancorous irate upset cruel acrid put out moping scowling riled vinegary carping provoked wild antagonistic aggressive waspy fault-finding oversensitive uncharitable sarcastic huffish cynical boorish hurtful abusive belligerent angered whiny fierce frowning enraged mad confrontational having got out of bed the wrong side fed up brooding embittered crude unhelpful unresponsive uncommunicative unsmiling steamed up hateful joyless foaming at the mouth in a huff in a temper bent out of shape hot-headed poisonous teed off obstreperous uneasy restive ill-mannered taciturn fretting ticklish jumpy restless offended trying tough recalcitrant bellicose impetuous agitated refractory choked worked up heated miffed dark contentious livid aggrieved wounding narked nettled outraged galled disputatious bristly infuriated wound up sourpussed aggravated humourless humorless apoplectic virulent pugnacious incensed sulking dissatisfied obnoxious bad uncongenial fuming ropeable raving crook caustic rough grousing having got out of bed on the wrong side easily upset iracund up in arms inflammable wroth on the warpath frenzied in high dudgeon hacked off iracundulous evil-minded ticked off ranting hopping mad sharp-tongued in a lather fit to be tied cheesed off filthy aerated bluff froward offhand unceremonious grumbly anxious murmuring moaning disapproving deploring lamenting no-nonsense abrasive worried atrabilious fidgety severe nervous uncomfortable brief stressed terse disobliging hard bad-mannered ill at ease unsettled acerbic twitchy unhappy highly strung easily offended base thoughtless unquiet mopish arsey unlikable overstrung aloof faultfinding feisty ferocious combative menacing het up skittish sombre somber hurt dismal foul threatening inhospitable neurotic misanthropic pertinacious rankled ballistic cheerless hysterical unsympathetic ticked seething perturbed troubled crybaby snide steamed rotten raging incandescent rabid wicked high-strung maddened storming impulsive seeing red in a paddy boiling hot nasty-tempered spare salty roiled infuriate hopping in a pet wretched viperous growling steaming beside oneself frustrated with all guns blazing annoying down in the mouth in a fume not best pleased going crook louring in a bate ignoble horn-mad in a frenzy griping inflamed contemptible blue in the face riley childish foul-tempered militant out-of-sorts browned off vile hasty enflamed foaming beside yourself with rage peed off chuffy pigheaded thrawn bolshie envenomed contumacious contrarious obstructive balky loutish unruly pointed scornful bad-humored brusk laconic hypersensitive undiplomatic lugubrious uncouth vulgar oafish indomitable uncompliant indocile cavalier vinegarish disrespectful apt to fly off the handle tempersome plaintive like a bear snarly perversely irritable zowerswopped Eeyorish with a long face ungenerous grudging jaundiced sober pessimistic sharp-tempered spunky acute censorious hypercritical long-faced forceful uncontrollable brisk vehement emotional overwrought distraught having short fuse hot under collar unindulgent got up on wrong side of bed huffy irascible hard to please bemoaning whimpering wailing negative crying ungallant ungentlemanly ill-bred off offish breviloquent hard-nosed bothered affronted flustered toey brassed off disturbed harassed snuffy scunnered harried ruffled wrath snitty hassled graceless direct eristic classless unchivalrous clownish cloddish boisterous easily frightened blue dejected wounded agitable easily agitated kittle mopy broody dicey hazardous unsafe unpredictable perturbable objecting evil stewed insulted short-spoken antagonized evil-intentioned maleficent black baleful hate-filled malefic ignorant hacked very angry matter-of-fact to the point wired up psyched up angerful cold convulsed in a rage off the air frantic dogged all steamed up overcome with anger burned up bummed out at end of one's rope bugged boiling mad hot and bothered antagonised scandalized shocked pushed too far rousted beside yourself at boiling point raging mad rubbed the wrong way blown a gasket scandalised roused in a filthy temper buffaloed vex nagging wrought up distressed ghastly unlovable unbearable unloveable frightful unattractive insufferable irritating protesting hoha bundle of nerves uncivilised clodhopping uncultured crass polite miserly unpolished rustic uncivilized lowbred unneighborly coarse scolding litigious criticizing execrable ruthless ignominious sordid currish dirty offensive dishonourable despiteful dishonorable despicable detestable low low-minded paltry low-down wreck rattled backbiting vixenish cattish criticising nervy dissenting repining mourning accusing weeping bellyaching bewailing regretting charging insecure wired apprehensive unstable brittle antsy cutting withdrawn depressed jittery hinky goosey keyed up dithery atwitter queasy queazy aflutter malcontent scathing biting stressy adrenalized barbed excited hung up on tenterhooks like a cat on a hot tin roof like a cat on hot bricks on pins and needles sardonic impassioned having a fit of the sulks in a funk in the sulks in a strop derogatory derisory mordant stern trenchant violent bristling spirited inimical intolerant lively antisocial vengeful manic antipathetic icy tempestuous lawless forbidding acerb flinty steely uninviting acidulous serious distant unapproachable formidable corrosive smart-mouthed acidic mordacious smart-aleck smart-alecky scalding pungent satiric satirical strict stony boot-faced intimidating ungentle resolute savage fell gray stiff sinister austere stark lowering grey bleak mean-looking grim solemn grave sharp-worded double-edged disaffected disappointed discontent malcontented crabbing uncontent kvetching kicking ungratified bad tempered out of joint

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Defiantly aggressive or bad-tempered
truculent belligerent aggressive combative bellicose contentious defiant pugnacious hostile antagonistic bad-tempered argumentative confrontational cross quarrelsome scrappy obstreperous sullen feisty fierce rude surly uncooperative violent agonistic assaultive brawly chippy discordant discourteous disputatious gladiatorial ill-natured militant stroppy unpleasant warlike aggers arsey bolshie itching browbeating bullying caustic cowing cussed deadly destructive ferocious fractious frightening harsh hateful insolent intimidating mean mordacious mordant ornery scathing sharp terrifying terrorising terrorizing trenchant vituperous ready for a fight spoiling for a fight irascible threatening hot-tempered cantankerous quick-tempered fiery petulant irritable choleric captious litigious touchy warring offensive loudmouthed unfriendly nasty testy grouchy pettish snappy factious cavilling crabby huffy disputative prickly wrangling fighting battling bickering querulous oppugnant biffo brawling caviling on the warpath have chip on shoulder have a bone to pick perverse salty rough rebellious ardent hot flip dissentious controversial peevish polemical polemic hotheaded pushy tempestuous arguesome ructious provocative at loggerheads excitable impassioned turbulent difficult unruly passionate churlish war angry adversarial inhospitable inimical disagreeable hot-blooded naysaying looking for trouble on the outs hawkish militaristic malevolent splenetic miffy exasperated abusive narky thin-skinned have it in for jingoistic warmongering battleful sabre-rattling self-assertive ready to fight itching to fight snarly grumpy having a chip on one's shoulder rancorous snappish cranky fretful soreheaded mighty unkind antipathetic contrary peppery short-tempered eristic spiky opinionated spiteful vitriolic unsympathetic fire-eating martial adverse ill-disposed active courageous spirited spunky malicious hot-button poisonous vindictive acrimonious opposing enthusiastic challenging negative bloodthirsty opposed bitter virulent contending military hurtful wrathful persuasive catty resistant opposite up in arms awkward troublesome litiginous litigatious disputable determined plucky eristical dissentient soldierly gung-ho disruptive sanguinary attacking bold outspoken uncompromising wrestling tilting skirmishing vicious under arms assertive ireful acrid venomous bilious savage vigorous anti averse against envenomed censorious malign pernicious radical ultra-active extremist two-fisted extreme forceful combating cruel resentful rational logical rationalistic dissenting fanatical embattled zealous crabbed indignant irate waspish hate-filled malignant warrish revolutionary assertory oppositional tough down on dead set against dissenting from at odds with acting in opposition set against in disagreement with at variance with sensitive dialectical ill in arms jaundiced dissident conflicting disapproving gutsy peppy gritty frisky mettlesome lively alive energetic bubbly gutty zestful game hearty analytic unwilling unsociable reluctant adversative unreceptive uncongenial accusatorial oppugning go-getting full-blooded high-strung full of pep allergic at odds analytical dialectic

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Having a somber or dismal atmosphere or nature
saturnine gloomy sombre glum dour miserable lugubrious melancholy morose bad-tempered black bleak cheerless chill Cimmerian cloudy cold comfortless dark darkening depressing depressive desolate dire disconsolate dismal drear dreary dreich elegiac elegiacal forlorn funereal godforsaken grave gray grey grumpy humorless humourless lonely lonesome melancholic moody morbid murky plutonian sepulchral solemn somber sullen sunless taciturn tenebrific tenebrous uncommunicative unsmiling wretched phlegmatic unresponsive blue dejected depressed despondent dispirited down hopeless low moping sad sorrowful sulky unhappy woebegone woeful in low spirits in the dumps down in the dumps joyless grim mournful doleful drab dolorous downcast disheartening crestfallen pessimistic dull dispiriting down in the mouth downhearted uninviting cast down sorry low-spirited oppressive discouraging austere heavy-hearted inconsolable distressed dingy serious mirthless surly dim unwelcoming sober abject crabbed heartbroken tearful severe stark pathetic bad spiritless long-faced heavyhearted heartsick heartsore saddened brokenhearted demoralized rueful saddening unpromising heartbreaking heartrending teary demoralised sour inhospitable bare subdued droopy clinical disappointed disheartened impersonal discouraged Eeyorish mopey institutional uncomfortable mourning piteous anguished fed up troubled stern earnest sedate drearisome forbidding churlish chapfallen dirgelike weighty hangdog staid glowering dragged foreboding bland negative crabby despairing broken-hearted ugly grief-stricken draggy dejecting muted poker-faced harsh ill-humored chap-fallen upset hurting afflicted wintry jarring wintery ill-humoured in the doldrums no-nonsense stony-faced down-and-out grouchy cantankerous gruff testy peevish irritable lamenting cross unsociable scowling dirge-like defeatist snappish crotchety oppressed weary mopish broody grieving devastated crusty ominous adust frowning sunk in gloom mardy mumpish waspish distressing sourpuss tragic hard brassed off cheesed off in the pits blue funk bummed out bitter hurt in a blue funk emotional languorous triste down in dumps broken aggrieved tristful listless down-hearted languid in a bad mood uncaring ruined abandoned deserted unimpassioned waste solitary spartan unmoved unpropitious unfavorable unfavourable overcast poignant plaintive deathly Stygian obscure hollow brooding maudlin sorrowing sinister adverse disadvantageous inauspicious downbeat cynical nostalgic exequial deathlike funebrial portentous horrible huffy threnodic threnodial heavy depressant cranky bereft atrocious gloom-ridden moving touching unfriendly brusque given to looking on the black side fatalistic having the blahs having blue devils singing the blues acrimonious choleric crushed lorn have the blahs companionless splenetic narky acheronian worrying cut up languished out of sorts dysphoric bowed down in tears bereaved weepy down in mouth in grief hapless regretful in doldrums sick at heart pensive wistful grieved horrid unenthusiastic suspicious chilly unfortunate alarmist distrustful doubting ill-natured with a long face crummy destroyed cast-down down and out in pain agonised agonized uneasy flinty fierce intimidating ungentle louring steely rough lowering mean-looking rugged poor disapproving stony unsympathetic pitiable squalid foul sordid despicable contemptible shameful disgraceful pitiful vile hard-faced stringent execrable trashy lamentable deplorable unpleasant terrible grievous rotten shoddy inferior lousy disagreeable filthy indigent scurvy scungy impoverished destitute displeasing detestable derisory poverty-stricken deadpan leaden sage dignified sobersided quiet uncomic thoughtful ponderous cold sober feeling down full of gloom looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny strictly business po-faced grim-faced stone-faced dreadful harrowing awful appalling painful upsetting heart-rending distressful horrendous disturbing shocking daunting ghastly desperate frightening mean regrettable frightful horrifying lachrymose sick as a parrot disappointing off-putting shadowy troublesome horrific suffering macabre disquieting troubling direful agonizing cruel hostile affecting gut-wrenching pained traumatic agonising threatening gruesome choked calamitous tragical sickening ruthful nasty weeping loathsome monstrous fearsome terrifying unlucky nightmarish offensive in despair disconcerting menacing galling shot down base dangerous objectionable discomforting revolting worthless doomy distasteful unpalatable abominable disastrous grisly irksome dolent tough tear-jerking alarming repulsive difficult unnerving stressful demoralizing repugnant boring lurid weighed down abhorrent scary excruciating unwelcome hair-raising paltry baleful as sick as a parrot undesirable catastrophic repellent crushing plangent clouded hideous perturbing demoralising stirring torturous dismayed ill-boding colourless shabby fearful barren afflictive dread unamusing tormenting tortured bodeful egregious afflicting dismaying monotonous gross colorless pitiless bleeding redoubtable formidable terrific shady spine-chilling hurtful sunk parlous chilling ill-fated perilous exigent remorseful minatory exacting taxing unproductive disenchanting sterile infertile dry tormented worrisome arid bony boney dead desert unfertile hardscrabble intense unappealing shamefaced crepuscular beggarly unsettling wild discontented disgruntled ill ruinous straight tedious nauseating piqued agitating sheepish enervated stinking cataclysmic wailing aching deploring bewailing bemoaning funeral dolesome brutal flat compassionate arousing commiserative low in spirits disgusting dusky peeved shattered hairy fraught troublous outrageous put out unspeakable caliginous gutted intolerable racked diabolical heinous outcast devastating crying darkened distraught hellacious darkish vexatious fateful nebulous daunted unlit unbearable godawful abysmal extreme sick pressing strained vicious unilluminated all torn up in sorrow in mourning doomed ruthless merciless resigned to be pitied beastly obscured ripped annoying odious irritating full of sorrow spooky ferocious opaque pitchy stygian lightless rayless apocalyptic ill-omened unkind on a downer repellant down-in-the-mouth trying heart-breaking dusk unpleasing uncongenial long-suffering vexing taken down serious-minded torn up in a funk harmful uninspiring lackluster lifeless lacklustre heavy-going deep unexciting blah uninteresting pitch-black pitch-dark humdrum unlikely unencouraging unamused merciful full of despair formal cheap inadequate insignificant apathetic dirgeful routine uniform unoptimistic uncultivated gaunt degrading lame angst-ridden overwhelmed regimented without energy abashed sapped skeptical sable beseeching imploring commiserable entreating supplicating savage defeated heavy with grief mortified overcome with sorrow dolorific bowed lowered torn-up discontent unsatisfied unconsolable suicidal untoward empty dimmed disillusioned taken aback deflated off sluggish repentant contrite dampening hateful helpless evil-looking sorry for oneself sceptical emo glaring bummed-out griefstricken damp traumatized overcome pining testing bearish darksome apologetic penitent acherontic unearthly creepy sorry for yourself atrabilious dampened drooping dashed sagging feeble insufferable dreaded let-down not happy fatal bewildering frustrating darkling traumatised frantic anxious let down in the toilet low-down looking on the black side uninhabited unfruitful unmitigable deadly eerie doom-laden life-threatening suggestive of evil nefarious iniquitous flagrant small derisible meagre meager mephitical perplexing aggravating hellish revulsive petrifying excessive inconvenient punk ghostly gory grotesque unforgiving soppy sentimental mawkish void unpopulated without hope up the creek flagitious self-reproachful compunctious conscience-stricken critical crucial repressing hindering deterring dissuading inopportune hard-pressed doubtful treacherous injurious precarious jeopardous rocky very bad straitened discommodious full of hardship messy strabilious no-win ill-lit poorly lit badly lit unappetizing unattractive untempting grewsome nightmare urgent fallow villainous premonitory weird spookish drastic lethal mortal can't win blubbering blubbery sobbing moist snivelling tear-filled wet bawling sniveling whimpering watery crippling irretrievable unhealthy not hopeful not encouraging at the end of your tether not a prayer at end of one's rope in the soup destructive sinistrous baneful augural malificent doomful impending precursive warning minacious presaging malign suggestive prophetic prescient malefic haunting chronic ashamed bored tired God-awful death-obsessed resentful pouting petulant oppressing discomposing unsavory mortifying doom and gloom unsatisfactory icky unacceptable obnoxious unendurable annoyed fractious ill-starred grotty grody yucky uncool yukky awkward nauseous unenticing luckless vexed perverse chippy aloof angry pouty irked exasperated irritated unsavoury unlovely concerning wounded degraded ailing withdrawn uncooperative obstinate sourpussed querulous stroppy out of humour fretful ornery sulking tyrannical jaded wearied narked dictatorial repressive nerve-racking nail-biting extremely bad nerve-wracking ignominious debased domineering autocratic sated surfeited hacked off dissatisfied satiated blasé hazy despotic unjust undemocratic inhuman draconian in a huff in a mood in the sulks in a strop having a fit of the sulks exposed windswept tyrannous burdensome overwhelming misty foggy humble servile ignoble unworthy slavish reprehensible menial authoritarian iron-fisted not best pleased sick and tired overbearing anti-democratic punitive searing murderous onerous unfair imperious coercive relentless stiff hardhanded inexorable nubilous unclear beclouded overclouded hazed dishonourable high-handed peremptory overweening up to here rainy subfusc ironhanded backbreaking heavy-handed confining headache rough going demanding hefty superincumbent grovelling dishonorable humiliated subservient meek groveling deferent self-effacing clouded over

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Involving much activity, debate, or interest
hot fierce passionate intense stormy violent animated heated ardent furious lively ferocious fervent impassioned spirited explosive fervid fiery rabid raging tempestuous acrimonious excited feverish rough tumultuous turbulent convulsive cyclonic impetuous inflamed irascible paroxysmal passional savage touchy vehement volcanic aroused bad-tempered bang-bang blood-and-guts distracted emotional excitable hammer and tongs knock-down-and-drag-out temperamental wild flaming frenzied angry volatile forceful cataclysmal cataclysmic agitated warm torrid frantic superheated charged religious perfervid demonstrative incandescent hot-blooded red-hot warm-blooded boisterous unrestrained frenetic blustery earnest enthusiastic uncontrollable glowing blazing burning keen delirious concentrated potent strong powerful extreme uncontrolled squally zealous ungovernable roaring windy howling rampant mad hysterical unbridled emphatic confused excessive blustering heavy forcible vicious vigorous urgent disturbed riotous harsh storming unmanageable noisy desperate red-blooded rash vivid exciting unpredictable involuntary spasmodic vivacious sultry scintillating incensed ebullient bursting eager hectic roller-coaster white-hot chaotic aggressive at the boiling point brutal in turmoil foul gusting gusty full of upheavals clamorous outspoken vocal fanatical loud vociferous bloodthirsty dirty nasty filthy very angry full of ups and downs forthright insistent strident hotheaded maniacal headstrong rampageous intensified on the make full-throated pronounced opinionated hopped up hyper hearty full-blooded drag-out knock-down boiling foaming choppy storm-tossed bumpy roily unstable disordered seething unsettled weltering moiling restless bitter swirling ruffled destructive coarse stormful tremulous thunderous rebellious great resounding inordinate profound acute stirred up rampaging excruciating intemperate consuming devastating wholehearted uncurbed severe immoderate biting exquisite unchecked fearsome deep ghastly overwhelming dreadful blistering sharp terrible unfettered almighty fearful frightful sincere committed dedicated agonizing hellacious hard painful enraged energetic ruinous intensive strenuous peppery agonising dynamic outrageous coercive assiduous out of control heavy-duty full of force gale force mad keen inclement breezy blowy rugged raucous thundery jarring threatening cacophonous tough bleak gruff menacing stridulent buffeting inharmonious airy heaving grating discordant fresh roiled dangerous rowdy draughty windswept trying hazardous typhonic stiff raw mighty unmusical titanic stark blusterous grim powerhouse onerous rough-and-tumble blowing bracing burdensome drafty rainy wet risky exposed hoarse rasping husky dry ugly storm-wracked squallish flapping rocky well-ventilated troubled unpleasant disagreeable robust knockabout broken jerky jouncy ripply wavy full of conflict rolly crushing screeching piercing maddening blaring shrill full of waves annoying high vexatious irritating overpowering squawky squawking herky-jerky dissonant ear-piercing wuthering drastic tiring exacting brisk unmelodious active eventful arduous demanding challenging oppressive dark cruel laborious exhausting telling weighty elemental punchy knockout dominant commanding puissant hefty tremendous gutsy grievous testing unsparing taxing flustering madhouse tireless full bustling foreboding ominous murderous full on unruly wearing imperious busy action-packed perilous parlous precarious eruptive overwrought searing forbidding crazed berserk inhuman hardhanded inflammatory unsafe distraught neurotic raving unrestrainable punishing manic gloomy sombre murky malevolent sinister inauspicious baleful morbid somber unforgiving potentially violent fraught with danger high-risk unhinged deranged beside oneself maniac distrait swivel-eyed berko irrepressible worked up in a state carried away maddened driven to distraction fuming crazy very upset unnerved possessed out of one's wits panic-stricken in a panic in a frenzy beside yourself overexcited nervous in a fit hysteric

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Tending to behave in a perverted or deviant manner
perverse depraved perverted abnormal corrupt degenerate warped deviant sick base debased debauched decadent degraded demoralised demoralized dissipated dissolute immoral jackleg libertine loose rakehell rakehelly rakish reprobate twisted unclean unnatural unwholesome wicked evil improper kinky pervy sicko unhealthy bad-tempered churlish crabbed ill-natured incorrect nefarious shrewish spiteful surly unaccommodating villainous profligate abandoned sinful licentious lewd wanton impure lecherous unchaste sordid vile lascivious unprincipled vicious bad corrupted intemperate lustful promiscuous libidinous indecent defiled low rotten miscreant obscene unrestrained fast louche shameless disreputable immodest self-indulgent fast-living prurient vitiated gone bad fallen infamous profaned wild voluptuary desecrated sybaritic uncleanly amoral coarse tainted carnal dishonourable gone to the dogs monstrous wayward ungodly criminal flagitious mean iniquitous dishonorable concupiscent indulgent wrong swinging easy vice-ridden aberrant pleasure-seeking gross high living profane vulgar unrefined abased dishonored boorish baneful deleterious unsavoury ignoble scoundrelly despicable contaminated rascally retrograde hedonic hedonistic scungy sleazy dishonoured brutal retrogressive riotous not pure unsavory raffish unconstrained violated deteriorated drunken open light night owl in the fast lane fast and loose lacking restraint in the gutter mercenary disgusting sullied erroneous venal crude ribald reprehensible inferior hardened distorted lubricious wrongful unworthy incorrigible praetorian dubious prodigal sensual salacious roguish degenerated vulgarized vulgarised impious unrighteous unholy blasphemous irreligious deviate goatish voluptuous randy horny unregenerate epicurean overindulgent luxurious flatitious demeaned sinking failing raunchy lickerish grotesque vitiate sadistic contorted impaired knavish freethinking careless roundheeled decaying moribund lost declining rude foul misguided imprudent whorish heedless disturbing inconstant irresponsible no better than one should be out of control of easy virtue dirty flagitous strange macabre undesirable morbid filthy dirty-minded immoderate hellbent gone to seed passionate uncontrolled hot incontinent satyric lubricous hypersexual itchy unbridled smutty bawdy uninhibited extravagant erotic reckless unrestricted pornographic naughty excessive X-rated bacchanalian lotus-eating unvirtuous saturnalian nasty blue uncurbed unscrupulous free pleasure-loving lax unhindered suggestive fleshly ruttish unchecked uncontrollable orgiastic lavish devil-may-care trashy porny unprintable stag gutter gay greedy raw ungoverned unethical locker-room unruly dishonest unconfined sexual unconscionable unimpeded Dionysiac offensive underhand devious sexy crooked untrammeled wolfish ardent inordinate hircine desirous hankering titillating scabrous cutthroat Machiavellian unbounded itching unhampered shady rampant low-down indelicate runaway outrageous flirtatious untrammelled unrepressed bestial lusty unblushing pampered Dionysian animal unmoral relaxed disorderly champagne frenetic grubby amorous deceitful unprofessional sensualist hot and heavy luxury-loving Lucullan Bacchic self-gratifying amatory gluttonous gourmandizing wasteful bacchic uproarious Saturnalian aphrodisiac parsimonious effete miserly tricky steamy enticing hedonist appealing attractive delightful desirable pleasing aphrodisiacal luscious lush slack tarty slaggy fraudulent craving voyeuristic spendthrift unfair morally wrong riggish extreme dirty-dealing double-dealing mercentary sly bent cheating conscienceless two-faced stop-at-nothing double-crossing two-timing dastardly longing binge-eating indecorous demonstrative hot-blooded dodgy black unlawful dark racy scatological philandering porno scatologic off colour thriftless squandering improvident gourmand connoisseur foodie sensuous unjust graceless saucy adult porn Fescennine fruity impetuous emotional carefree unlimited not cricket ithyphallic Cyprian unreasonable good-time rank barnyard scurrilous crass explicit bohemian casual sporty unconventional dashing jaunty high-rolling unthrifty boisterous unreserved near the knuckle unjustified undue severe violent unwarranted beyond the pale unshackled unfettered effusive touchy-feely undisciplined natural unsuppressed boundless egregious tempestuous dapper irrepressible unbound unquenchable unstoppable footloose uncontainable O.T.T. uncalled for ungovernable dissipative over the top venereal unbalanced flashy spontaneous frank flamboyant candid audacious impertinent indiscriminate blunt out of hand impotent plenary exaggerated lawless bizarre limitless hot to trot flash colorful tawdry colourful unusual free-spirited individual

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Cold, unfriendly, or lacking in emotion
unsympathetic unpleasant unsavory unsavoury cold cool disagreeable objectionable obnoxious unattractive unfriendly nasty unlikeable aloof antiseptic arctic brittle chill chilly clammy cold-blooded cold-eyed coldish distant frigid frosty frozen gelid glacial hard-eyed icy inhospitable unapproachable uncongenial uncordial unneighbourly unsociable wintery wintry bad-tempered cross ill-natured remote reserved standoffish unwelcoming unresponsive withdrawn stiff forbidding detached offish hostile indifferent stand-offish formal unemotional uncommunicative haughty unbending stony disdainful impersonal antisocial austere emotionless dispassionate unclubbable asocial standoff dry unenthusiastic undemonstrative buttoned-up supercilious lukewarm wooden unfeeling passionless unforthcoming stern cold-hearted cold as ice apathetic unconcerned uninterested steely fierce hard off stuffy incurious unsocial solitary guarded iced off-putting discouraging unamicable ungenial flinty negative half-hearted tepid offhand hesitant unaffable cheerless rigid unsmiling passive repellent lifeless severe uncompanionable antagonistic inapproachable inimical unloving uncharitable uninvolved unhappy unneighborly hateful depressing unenthused Olympian inaccessible seclusive contemptuous withering cold-shoulder insolent impertinent procacious annoyed muted offended impudent uppity proud snooty lofty hard-hearted thick-skinned hard-boiled on ice laid back stuck up cold fish lone wolf putting on airs conventional prim exact precise staid correct proper inflexible stilted starched affected starchy restrained seemly official reticent serious taciturn polite affectless phlegmatic spiritless straight arrow by the numbers strait-laced keeping people at arm's length stiff-necked unkind hardhearted callous stony-hearted

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Lacking sense or sound reasoning
unreasonable fallacious illogical inconsequential invalid irrational unreasoning illegitimate inconsequent nonrational unsound weak arbitrary bad-tempered capricious contradictory erratic far-fetched foolish incoherent incongruous inconsistent loose mad perverse quirky reasonless silly stroppy stupid thoughtless unreasoned vacant wrong all wet off the wall full of hot air senseless absurd nonsensical unwise ridiculous idiotic preposterous brainless fatuous injudicious witless crazy imprudent wacky daft ludicrous inane mindless insane nutty asinine unintelligent half-witted laughable ill-considered imbecilic ill-advised harebrained half-baked loony kooky irresponsible pointless zany dippy foolhardy dotty lunatic risible hare-brained daffy implausible simpleminded groundless crackpot wild moronic incautious indiscreet rash whacky cockeyed cuckoo fanciful inept reckless sappy untenable barmy bizarre unfounded balmy cockamamie dumb looney fantastic lunkheaded jerky featherheaded bubbleheaded kookie farcical short-sighted tomfool crackbrained weak-minded dopey screwball dim-witted outrageous baseless unscientific unthinking impractical unjustifiable faulty unsupported cockamamy impolitic damfool incredible thickheaded fantastical unreal unbelievable fool flawed sophistic specious strange doltish impracticable birdbrained screwy goofy meaningless puerile comical unthinkable derisory ill-conceived frivolous pathetic superficial unjustified unworkable incorrect unsubstantiated pea-brained spurious lamebrained wooden-headed erroneous dim unwarranted off-the-wall derisible false gormless shocking obtuse glaikit monstrous scatterbrained chowderheaded dotish loopy grotesque astonishing unsubstantial inappropriate flimsy derisive ill-founded cock-eyed potty naive simple vacuous off beam misguided way out flighty feebleminded lamebrain impossible full of holes softheaded unconvincing weird shaky random ill-judged careless foundationless defective batty queer tenuous odd discretionary inconceivable subjective unrealistic optional personal giddy without foundation thick without basis heedless supercilious offhand approximate wayward unaccountable imbecile unearthly ungrounded hasty negligent indefensible improvident idiotical contemptible whimsical extraordinary abnormal brain-dead feather-brained self-contradictory infantile peculiar quixotic unsustainable eccentric demented casual inadequate freaky trivial insupportable poor clueless extravagant unusual casuistic madcap ignorant hollow feeble hilarious slapdash trifling dense funny inadvisable aberrant halfwitted surreal paltry scatty nonvalid dull unlikely stray outlandish unbacked controvertible slow unsmart chuckleheaded dunderheaded pinheaded wrongly inferred boneheaded not making sense immature knuckleheaded slang wishful nerdy impulsive dorky dopy unpersuasive assailable weakly unconsidered futile fruitless thick-witted featherbrained slow-witted empty-headed willful judgemental self-contradicting counterintuitive judgmental unsafe unpractical unarguable undefendable refutable unsatisfactory inadmissible idiotish squirrelly ill-thought-out extreme smoothbrained unpardonable unwarrantable inexcusable unforgivable incomprehensible excessive insensate stolid oafish transparent insufficient bad risky childish unacceptable very stupid exorbitant mercurial tearaway bonehead opaque wrongly deduced foolheaded cretinous muttonheaded untrue wackadoodle bewildering nonconformist crazy-ass mystifying unique freakish baffling wackadoo phenomenal puzzling airheaded flakey unstable distraught raving disconnected delirious disjointed extremely foolish stupidly irresponsible vapid not well thought out divvy far-out outré dreamlike offbeat rum remarkable funky weirdo soft inaccurate shallow dappy blockheaded flaky soft in the head too much dof unconfirmed without justification inexpiable uncorroborated smooth-brained lame taking the cake unreliable spaced-out off-kilter doolally gonzo horrendous ungodly unholy questionable wacko beyond all reason bird-brained out of all reason dull-witted simple-minded out to lunch fat-headed dubious suspect out of the question untruthful off inexact out off your head off your trolley God-awful fallible off the air up the pole bogus off target dodgy iffy lacking substance unheard of improbable illegal romantic wide of the mark non-viable starry-eyed unfeasible ironic not working idealistic amusing humorous utopian visionary unworldly theoretical perfectionist delusory misplaced minor petty minute unimportant negligible light insignificant small shoestring inconsiderable chance irritating out of the ordinary rich annoying entertaining priceless droll diverting gone nonrealistic reachy ivory-tower floating haphazard hit-or-miss regardless unmindful mistaken misconceived deluded misled a laugh a joke a bit much side-splitting remiss tactless neglectful unpredictable motiveless unmotivated not applicable not sensible blue sky OTT a bit thick over the top inattentive irreflective disinformed errant deceived off course inexpedient confused labouring under a delusion bum-steer bearded faked-out led up the garden path uncalled for erring stonewalled straying desultory aimless scattered catch-as-catch-can helter-skelter wanton slipshod inadvertent undiscerning unreflective precipitate unobservant unheeding on cloud nine discretional indiscriminate wilful uninformed inconclusive unconcerned ditsy indifferent sophistical deaf apathetic undiplomatic blind listless unproved absent-minded irrelevant unconnected irreconcilable beyond belief hot-headed not following beyond the bounds of possibility

Từ trái nghĩa của ill tempered

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