Từ đồng nghĩa của frustrated

Alternative for frustrated

frustrates, frustrated, frustrating

Từ đồng nghĩa: defeat, foil, ruin, spoil, thwart,

Từ trái nghĩa: accomplish, encourage, fulfill,

Tính từ

Suffering from frustration or dissatisfaction
disappointed discontented exasperated agitated disheartened displeased flustered harried irate irked perturbed afflicted aggravated annoyed bothered discouraged distressed disturbed harassed infuriated irritated nettled peeved riled upset vexed angry disgruntled dissatisfied embittered furious incensed inflamed maddened piqued provoked tormented troubled worried crabbed cross defeated enraged fuming miffed narked resentful testy unfulfilled wrathful fretted huffy ungratified unsated unsatisfied fed up hung up ill-humored ill-humoured up the wall hot-tempered in a huff in a temper carrying a chip on your shoulder angered mad teed off sore cheesed off galled ticked off hot under the collar indignant browned off aggrieved livid foaming at the mouth steamed up worked up outraged bent out of shape choleric rankled ireful ticked apoplectic ballistic roiled rabid steaming put out in high dudgeon hacked off up in arms hopping mad fit to be tied ruffled scunnered ropeable seething shirty enflamed wroth in a frenzy in a lather beside oneself peed off wound up offended affronted antagonized aerated boiling soreheaded foaming steamed hot infuriate antagonised tooshie hopping riley crook on the warpath as cross as two sticks in a pet blue in the face in a fume going crook horn-mad surly miffy bitter hurt disgusted snuffy dirty unglued chafed filthy eggy very angry raving raging incandescent wrath frenzied gnashing one's teeth in a bad mood snaky brassed off ranting at daggers drawn not best pleased choked waxy off the air bad-tempered ill-tempered blown a gasket goaded unhappy hateful insulted irritable irascible hacked wild rousted splenetic roused confused grouchy ratty touchy sulky hassled stroppy bugged heated dishonored slighted humiliated sour dogged antagonistic hostile uptight buffaloed scandalized prickly crabby grumpy impatient snappy snitty perplexed storming frantic spare scandalised dark passionate shocked vex umbrageous dishonoured pushed too far seeing red in a rage in a paddy beside yourself at boiling point raging mad all steamed up overcome with anger rubbed the wrong way with all guns blazing burned up bummed out at end of one's rope boiling mad in a bate in a filthy temper beside yourself with rage hot and bothered hoha short-tempered out of humour out of sorts quick-tempered out of countenance acrimonious sullen fierce excited tetchy violent fiery peevish rancorous waspish vitriolic insane bent cranky acrid impassioned petulant churlish malcontent berserk blazing het up burning vindictive vehement vicious pained aggressive intense desperate demented crazed maniac unreasonable smoking corybantic irrational narky malevolent malicious spiteful cantankerous stung poisonous flaming black blazing mad flaming mad venomous belligerent malignant raving mad ferocious malign in a towering rage hate-filled sombre somber good and mad mad as hell burning with excitement anxious overexcited scalding steamy piping crazy airborne air-to-air flying ballistical surface-to-air ready to be tied defiant chagrined chippy crackers p.o.'d scornful radge grudging disaffected wounded full-on all-out uncompromising energetic manic breakneck concerted grieved very upset out of control overheated in a wax as black as thunder extremely angry discontent weighty grieving hard annoying distressing unforgiving injured disrespected red swollen revengeful grousing malcontented crabbing bellyaching uncontent out of temper griping kvetching kicking critical huffish frenetic rage virulent menacing raw infected bad tempered out of joint fizzing threatening chafing septic reddened scathing bilious savage pugnacious harsh mean ill-disposed disagreeable unfriendly fractious snappish crotchety blustering powerful uncontrolled rough rampant festered itching smarting tender stinging itchy angry-looking painful evil wicked querulous envenomed hurtful catty nasty pernicious censorious maleficent baleful captious spirited animated puffed up fevered sensitive festering glowering louring moody malefic doing your nut boiling over going ape dyspeptic lively throwing a fit blowing one's top blowing a gasket ranting and raving pettish blistered burnt scalded bloodshot unkind ill-natured contentious mad as a hornet snippy snarky snippety perverse liverish crusty short raspy stuffy evil-intentioned fretful jumpy mardy caviling faultfinding cavilling fervid stormy tempestuous overactive overwrought hectic full-hearted feverish hyperactive perfervid passional out of humor avid fervent ardent

Tính từ

Not successful or having been foiled
unsuccessful failed foiled ineffective ineffectual stymied thwarted fruitless futile hindered hopeless obstructed stonewalled abortive cramped defeated doomed inefficacious profitless unprofitable blocked unproductive useless frivolous fouled up in vain baulked balked vain unavailing pointless worthless bootless empty nugatory barren otiose without success botched misfired impotent powerless to no avail to no purpose dashed baffled trivial hollow idle disastrous unimportant trifling senseless disappointed crushed time-wasting unnotable void puny shuck misleading no-win sterile petty insignificant delusory slight paltry delusive losing unfortunate unlucky not a prayer on a treadmill in vicious circle going nowhere luckless ill-starred beaten loss-making unprosperous ill-omened ill-fated fated hapless out of luck inadequate to no effect weak unfruitful feeble non-successful unrewarding valueless purposeless inefficient inept lame unfructuous inutile impractical of no use Sisyphean no dice pathetic feckless counterproductive of no avail bungled poor wasted unable indecisive unconvincing for nought unsatisfactory hamstrung inexpedient incompetent inoperative null unprolific meaningless implausible aimless miscarried unremunerative unimpressive impracticable not worth the candle unfit exhausted insufficient forceless withered defeasible inferior neutralised spineless innocuous neutralized limited anticlimactic ruined unavailable failing forlorn flat dry incapable unreal inconsequential gainless vapid unsubstantial insubstantial stillborn broken junky impuissant bungling scant unpersuasive uneconomic thankless invertebrate needless a dead loss thin tame no use flimsy not fruitful save one's breath null and void spoiled frustaneous unlucrative shallow for naught spoilt inane motiveless dull chaffy cheap banal spinning one's wheels wild goose chase messed up uncreative slow unyieldly nonproductive lazy wasteful rotten lousy boring groundless unworkable unusable dead insipid stale uninspiring unsuitable wrecked uninteresting no good no-good baseless unserviceable nonfunctional of no value casual tedious arid commonplace unpurposed nonpractical unfunctional rambling irrelevant unfounded unhelpful ended lost dysfunctional expendable scrap unuseful inoperable pants lacklustre dreary monotonous drab unstimulating prosaic lifeless humdrum resultless unneeded lacking foundation vacuous vacant unfilled clear desperate despairing despondent unattainable not useful good-for-nothing wanting without grounds not serious without foundation lackluster impossible unachievable without rhyme or reason no good to gundy beyond hope faint not having a prayer with no chance of success ending in divorce unthriving emasculate slack-spined not well not effective no go no way

Tính từ

Feeling or displaying disappointment or a lack of contentment
dissatisfied discontented disgruntled displeased disappointed unhappy unfulfilled unsatisfied disquieted fed up malcontent aggrieved angered angry exasperated irritated ungratified annoyed disaffected disapproving discontent regretful resentful restive restless vexed begrudging bothered complaining crabby critical ennuied envious faultfinding fed-up fretful fretting griping grudging grumbling grumpy insatiable irked jaundiced jealous kvetching malcontented not satisfied offended picky plaintive put-out querulous snivelling sniveling sulky sullen unappeased unassuaged unsated browned off cheesed off brassed off out of joint not best pleased upset disillusioned saddened disenchanted discouraged miserable chagrined let down disturbed perturbed thwarted impatient piqued peeved blue hacked off teed off ticked off sick to death sick and tired peed off fed up to the teeth fed up to the back teeth with a chip on your shoulder alienated estranged antagonistic hostile rebellious disloyal seditious mutinous insurrectionary uncompliant insubordinate unfriendly renegade dissident unsubmissive insurgent apathetic indifferent cynical depressed distressed disheartened downcast downhearted despondent choked up in arms disconcerted crestfallen disconsolate glum dismayed dispirited discomfited miffed dejected hurt melancholy forlorn sad aghast beaten gutted hopeless cheerless baulked chapfallen objecting down dolorous worsted vanquished balked cast down cut up low-spirited taken down shot down down in the dumps as sick as a parrot put out narked weary sore tired bored disgusted indignant nettled riled bellyaching in a huff unimpressed factious dissentious troublemaking wry fault-finding carping nitpicking ill-disposed belly-aching browned-off pained affronted irate testy petulant cross anguished wronged sick as a parrot peevish afflicted injured harmed wearied sick jaded aggravated churlish ill-used woeful steamed eggy vex gloomy surfeited sated satiated dismal blasé oppressed in high dudgeon persecuted victimised grieving victimized wounded grousing cranky irritable out of temper hoha huffy snuffy grouchy uncontent crabbing kicking bad tempered hot under the collar up to here hard done by

Tính từ

Reserved or repressed, prone to quiet, inexpressive behavior
inhibited shy constrained repressed reserved subdued withdrawn reticent self-conscious uptight bashful diffident guarded apprehensive coy embarrassed hesitant insecure nervous reluctant uncomfortable uneasy wary restrained timid timorous tongue-tied unassertive unconfident undemonstrative cold introverted passionless unresponsive hung up bottled up self-restrained suppressed retiring modest quiet shrinking uncommunicative distant taciturn demure backward sheepish aloof cool silent unforthcoming self-effacing reclusive close-mouthed standoffish secretive close cautious soft-spoken solitary offish uncompanionable controlled meek formal unsure stand-offish unapproachable self-contained dumb uncertain shamefaced prim frigid private recessive gentle mild serene misanthropic icy peaceful ceremonious noncommittal sedate collected composed placid eremitic conventional closemouthed abashed mousy laconic unnatural aw-shucks media-shy ill at ease tight-lipped mannered artificial stilted awkward strained stiff doubtful unsociable anxious self-doubting unassuming humble self-controlled tense edgy fearful blushing remote unspeaking detached mum mom chary unassured unpoised introvert retired clammed up dummied up forced unpresuming contrived laboured wooden inward-looking gauche unobtrusive ill-at-ease affected discomfited ashamed rabbity distrustful mim dubious suspicious blenching flinching socially inhibited out of countenance unconcerned aseptic disinterested incurious retreated thoughtful nongregarious recluse uncurious casual uninterested indifferent like a fish out of water unsure of yourself unfriendly worried unemotional chilly labored overmodest snobbish Olympian doubting verecund recoiling blushful afraid lacking confidence faint-hearted wordless speechless easily embarrassed jumpy jittery hinky unquiet goosey dithery perturbed lacking self-confidence antsy not self-assured atwitter upset queasy queazy aflutter nervy troubled passive mute voiceless vague Delphic questioning touchy het up choked untalkative muted touch and go up in the air hanging by thread on thin ice nonvocal not talkative struck dumb hushed zipped unable to get a word out closed up inarticulate buttoned up at a loss for words not saying boo bereft of speech silentious lost for words unheard saying nothing discreet dark unwilling close-lipped tight-mouthed dried up wouldn't say boo to a goose

Tính từ

(of a person) Ruined by a disastrous or devastating setback or reverse
undone destroyed lost ruined beaten defeated doomed finished foiled thwarted toast done for killed sunk washed-up washed up for it in trouble wiped out in deep water for the high jump unsuccessful falling gone through wrecked losing failing done bankrupt exhausted dead devastated broken spent drained liquidated empty kaput kaputt over with played out over the hill done in at an end wound up gone to the wall past it dead and buried consumed depleted used up on the rocks down the drain expended in ruins in tatters in flames dissipated over penniless shattered demolished in pieces in ashes in shreds dead in the water down the tubes emptied extinct had it cleaned out out defunct dashed smashed void obliterated annihilated crushed all washed up all gone up the creek without a paddle out of business down for the count worn old run down worn out used played-out disbursed thrown away expired useless past its best no good out of order burnt out having had enough of fed up in disarray out of cash pfft duff flat dud ravaged disintegrated wasted razed felled perished gutted blasted overwhelmed run out by the board lost to falling down about one's ears torn down vanished effaced eradicated exterminated died out snuffed out extirpated departed ended cooked totaled floored lapsed deceased extinguished superseded frittered disappeared abolished vanquished bare squandered impoverished sapped dry destitute out of circulation belly-up on the skids burned out down and out vacant skint broke reduced insolvent fleeced busted indebted pauperized poverty-stricken beggared bust gone under

Tính từ

Having distinct limits or boundaries

Tính từ

So surprised and confused that one is unsure how to react
nonplussed stumped baffled bemused bewildered confused mystified perplexed puzzled stupefied befuddled confounded dumbfounded fuddled muddled thrown dazed discomfited discomposed disconcerted dismayed disoriented embarrassed shaken stunned troubled unnerved astonished astounded at sea bamboozled clueless discombobulated fazed floored flummoxed hard-pressed surprised taken aback at a loss bushed discountenanced distracted foxed mazed shaken up thrown off balance wildered at sixes and sevens hard put vexed staggered flabbergasted speechless shocked addled dumbstruck amazed gobsmacked shell-shocked startled bowled over thunderstruck lost aghast overwhelmed agape open-mouthed bedeviled befogged awestruck nonplused bedevilled flustered beaten dopey awed addlepated dizzy wide-eyed knocked for six awestricken at a loss for words mixed-up all at sea stuck overcome fogged dopy uncertain uncomprehending rattled goggle-eyed disorientated dumfounded muzzy openmouthed zonked silly spacy slaphappy mixed up spacey muddleheaded raddled spaced blown away spaced-out punch-drunk lost for words upset benumbed wonderstruck marveling wondering marvelling pixillated pixilated blank punchy worried preoccupied absent-minded doubtful beat distressed ruffled incredulous breathless addle struck dumb vague zonked-out abashed filled with astonishment filled with amazement caught on the hop filled with wonder filled with awe caught on the wrong foot not with it shook up abstracted stymied agitated horrified engrossed perturbed disturbed tongue-tied dumb inattentive unsettled jolted agog absorbed staring dreamy gravelled faraway fuzzy foggy buffaloed graveled giddy distant in a dither numbed disorganized unglued in amazement spaced out put to it in shock in a muddle disorganised in a tizzy in a state of confusion at a complete loss unable to believe one's ears without ideas defeated paralyzed paralysed petrified overawed dazzled bugged gaga hazy had their heads messed with besotted groggy enthralled rendered speechless left speechless mortified spellbound unable to believe one's eyes confusticated got caused to be at a stand thrown off woozy awe-stricken staring in amazement made to scratch their head chagrined put out of countenance woolly frightened alarmed adhered rooted to the spot bollixed wooly numb awe-struck owly-eyed moon-eyed saucer-eyed off-balance off balance woolly-headed not knowing if you are coming or going taken by surprise shook at your wits' end uncertain which way to turn brought to a standstill at one's wits' end up against a brick wall without an answer unable to believe your eyes crushed appalled licked knocked knocked out knocked sideways mind-blown without a clue in a fog annoyed flurried shattered unzipped astray off-course adrift off-track absent diverted distrait in botheration psyched-out caught off balance out of countenance shook-up messed-up absentminded pestered harassed tormented hassled going round in circles all over the place not knowing whether one is coming or going unsystematic scatterbrained musing unaware vacant forgetful unreliable undependable sidetracked unfocused miles away feather-headed empty-headed erratic birdbrained daydreaming scatty feather-brained oblivious in a flap driven to distraction dippy unthinking unheeding dappy heedless with one's head in the clouds pensive with a mind like a sieve out of it unsteady wobbly staggering faint light-headed shaky stupid reeling unhinged lightheaded addlebrained unbalanced clouded cloudy blurry slap-happy weak-kneed tipsy unstable out to lunch out-of-joint weak in the knees demented woolly-minded deranged drugged weak insensible vertiginous frozen senile whirling gone swimming blinded blind light fouled up addle-brained bleary confusional muddle-headed out of control impressed sailing trippy eccentric not adjusted off-beam distraught maladjusted intoxicated drowsy electrified senseless swimmy aswoon half-asleep foolish cold touched impish capricious whimsical pixyish daft puckish prankish stuporous bedazzled simple asea come apart unfeeling dozy nonsensical delirious balled up swaying slow sleepy tired insensitive unsound irrational drunken tottering crazy psychotic turbid teetering unresponsive deadened whacko dead torpid asleep with Alzheimer's disease immobilized anaesthetized in a stupor with rubbery legs glassy-eyed shot to pieces screwy unscrewed wooden anesthetized immobilised with legs like jelly weak at the knees not knowing if one is coming or going

Động từ

To have thrown into a state of distress marked by confusion
confused flustered perturbed disconcerted dismayed distressed disturbed agitated bothered confounded discomfited disquieted fazed rattled discommoded discomposed discountenanced exasperated upset afflicted aggravated chagrined demoralized discomforted nonplussed perplexed psyched troubled unhinged unnerved unsettled abashed demoralised flurried mortified put off put out stirred up threw off balance worked up worried embarrassed beat bewildered mystified puzzled discombobulated flummoxed vexed vext distracted addled fuddled muddled baffled bemused ruffled bamboozled befuddled foxed befogged dumbfounded alarmed stumped mazed gravelled graveled disoriented buffaloed posed wildered muddied fogged flabbergasted floored got setted someone thinking got to made someone scratch their head threw thrown concerned fussed hassled distempered ailed beaten frazzled alarumed appalled exercised hagrid derailed stupefied excited panicked hurried surprised bustled stunned spooked obfuscated staggered snowed weirded out let down freaked out put the wind up someone put on edge mixed up put into a flap thrown off balance gotten gat gotten to horrified daunted frightened scared startled saddened shocked dispirited discouraged disheartened unmanned het heated undone undid hagridden hagrode eluded shaken disappointed shook dashed made nervous provoked chilled disillusioned terrified paralysed taken aback took aback dazed astonished astounded disenchanted disgruntled pothered affrighted fluttered hustled snew snown quickened blew one's mind setted thinking made punchy brought up short inebriated profundicated loused up got at stirred disorientated paralyzed complicated blown one's mind boggled the mind of gone to one's head made waves messed up balled up screwed up crazed caused to be at a stand stumbled foiled depressed went to one's head messed with one's head psyched out filled with consternation knocked for six stymied terrorized mulled amazed obscured wondered flipped defeated knocked sideways terrorised fouled up mucked up sent into a spin intoxicated shaken up shook up thrown into a tizz threw into a tizz threw off thrown off thrown for loop struck dumb gotten at stricken dumb threw for loop snafued gave someone a turn threw into a tizzy thrown into a tizzy given someone a turn irked harassed annoyed plagued bugged pestered tormented irritated fretted beset made anxious made uneasy harried deranged tortured oppressed aggrieved hurt needled put someone off their stroke displeased burdened stressed grieved agonized beleaguered strained bedevilled bedeviled agonised nettled inconvenienced pained incommoded racked roused anguished disordered piqued galled aroused tried badgered despaired disarranged caused anxiety to offended wound wounded angered harrowed tantalized tantalised peeved made fretful persecuted chafed miffed sickened turned gnawed at teared turned on pushed buttons egged on nagged indisposed cut up hurt somebody's feelings made a scene picked on ticked off burnt up given someone grief gave someone grief burned up gave a hard time given a hard time incited inflamed stimulated haunted unbalanced taxed wrung fermented made uncomfortable besieged frenzied examined moved ventilated destabilized jolted unfastened unhitched uncoupled separated detached disconnected disengaged teased importuned weighed down tested downed displaced demented jumbled disrupted disorganized rummaged disarrayed disobliged molested curst cursed hounded goaded hectored dunned bugged up made flip worked someone up unquieted destabilised injured tangled outraged interfered intruded preoccupied tired martyred strapped dogged pushed pricked desolated torn tore made restless caused anguish to caused suffering to narked sweated out lied heavy on made wretched aroused anxiety in caused disquiet to pulled the rug out from under incapacitated keyed up flipped out layed up debilitated made it tough for setted someone back on their heels hacked off sent over the edge cramped weighed on fired up rocked the boat bummed out got across wound up made miserable pulled the rug from under laid up wringed wrang broke broken brake nit-picked driven insane drove insane thrown into confusion threw into confusion gotten in the way got in the way eaten away at ate away at eaten at ate at done a number on did a number on thrown into disorder thrown into uproar threw into disorder threw into uproar gotten across gotten on someone's wick got on someone's wick got someone gotten someone

Động từ

Past tense for to frustrate or prevent (someone) from achieving an aim
thwarted foiled blocked checked stopped baffled countered defeated disappointed spoiled spoilt circumvented forestalled barred dashed nullified balked baulked crushed derailed hindered impeded obstructed quashed scotched stymied confronted fettered hampered snookered stifled beat beaten checkmated crippled discomfited hamstrung hamstringed hobbled inhibited neutralised neutralized banjaxed fouled up put a stop to scuppered annulled arrested cancelled canceled conquered counteracted cramped crimped forbid forbade forbidden halted licked negated obviated outwitted overcame overcome precluded prevented prohibited ruined screwed up stumped did for done for nipped in the bud hung up held up put a brake on put the kibosh on put the lid on cramped one's style dashed one's hope stood in the way of upset the applecart gave the run around given the run around rendered null and void curbed restrained put paid to held back put an end to trammeled trammelled interfered with retarded upset restricted encumbered handicapped opposed shackled disrupted slowed down delayed shut out deterred handcuffed interrupted hog-tied stalled cut off sabotaged cumbered manacled staved off stove off embarrassed wrecked clogged constrained bridled headed off short-circuited set back tied up warded off averted messed up stonewalled smashed queered destroyed fended off put the stopper on put the mockers on shattered suppressed slowed dished borked quelled limited resisted repressed put a spoke in someone's wheel confounded devastated marred loused up demolished offset overturned repelled avoided thrown a spanner in the works of threw a spanner in the works of nobbled intercepted upset the apple cart cut short debarred ended undone undid threw a monkey wrench in the works of thrown a monkey wrench in the works of put a damper on crossed crabbed held off curtailed put off eluded shut down deflected traversed interfered put down shut off bilked defied withstood stayed blighted impaired contravened fought gotten in the way got in the way annihilated nixed made a mess of escaped braked repulsed played havoc with interdicted withheld upset one's apple cart bound brought to an end clobbered got in the way of gotten in the way of entangled forfended squelched subdued damaged subverted extinguished put to flight ruled out undermined smothered put up a fight against offsetted bucked caught suspended invalidated diverted pre-empted parried confined brake challenged disconcerted euchred cruelled helped combated combatted disputed anticipated paused rattled abolished fazed sandbagged reined in shelved chilled stemmed reduced killed injured made a hash of chained canceled out cancelled out held rebuffed choked squashed held down held in defended against brought to naught kept lid on cooled kept at bay kept off denied attacked disturbed evaded terminated eradicated confused dodged ducked rooted eliminated bollixed obliterated stilled threatened negatived sidestepped bypassed harmed unsettled disabled discouraged contested scuttled controlled dampened cornered forecast obscured foughten hit inconvenienced skirted decimated duelled dueled skinned preempted reined ditched juked rebutted impugned kept contained put at risk tied remitted bottlenecked governed second-guessed mucked up straitened tamed regulated intermitted hurt weighed down countervailed withholden put the damper on steered clear of fought back strangled at birth shut in hemmed in let refused botched fought off abrogated forced back bounden debilitated got in before warded put on brakes put an stop to pulled up blew a hole in blown a hole in pulled in put on hold beat back fetched up turned aside provided against bottled up abated rendered ineffective beat off choked off corked stemmed the flow of picked off dragged one's feet stood off thrusted back turned away turned back vitiated put on back burner dammed cut overruled beat someone to it kept back made ineffective beat someone to the punch beat someone to the draw wiped out closed off put half nelson on sent packing redressed countermoved put the brakes on put back poured cold water on struggled against turned down cast aside put end to counterchecked brushed off did in done in holp holpen blown blew stamped out cracked down on taken down took down holden dispatched surpassed ravaged incapacitated worsted finished off finished something threw a spanner in the works thrown a spanner in the works disarranged disorganized disordered nipped something in the bud convulsed clouded contradicted disaffirmed turned upside-down deranged shunned exceeded counterbalanced puzzled affected broke broken caused turmoil in caused confusion in aborted influenced tampered mystified eschewed wreaked havoc with throttled vanquished gained counterpoised triumphed scarred screened broke down jammed incommoded discommoded conflicted troubled complicated nonplussed skipped buffaloed promoted disfigured stained voided discontinued dissuaded intruded on circumnavigated toppled made an end of brought to a close predicted preoccupied expected monopolized forecasted envisioned projected flummoxed afflicted tainted trashed rescinded spiked beggared repealed stultified decayed missed fenced stood weakened balanced compensated for imprisoned measured constricted incarcerated ruled interned shuffled off ensnared enmeshed netted captured reversed pigeonholed dead-ended cooked someone's goose played off monopolised enjoined outlawed tabooed bit bitted given the slip gave the slip muffled swallowed muzzled burdened counterplotted buried leashed snagged run circles around run rings around retracted revoked took wind out of taken wind out of shaken shook glitched up froze frozen brought an end to moderated monkeyed with staunched damped declined rejected entrapped crashed countermanded halted in its tracks brought up tackled protested kept in drove back driven away drove away driven back commandeered hung fire drew up drawn up disallowed choked back immured gaoled fenced in postponed banned jailed locked in compromised shotgunned concussed necessitated closed in deprived cooped up saved tethered made up for turned corrected veered shunted threw monkey wrench in thrown monkey wrench in gotten ahead of got ahead of battled relucted sapped diminished detained warred oppugned ceased tied one's hands kept in check cheated gone against went against razed outfoxed unbuilt had impoverished overreached outmanoeuvred crazed outsmarted outmaneuvered wracked beaten back stole a march on stolen a march on locked up disadvised scared enfeebled dissolved nulled vacated disannulled beaten off resolved overthrown overthrew come to a standstill protracted deferred counterweighed equalized balanced out kept a lid on slackened pace kept under control ballsed up petered out not moved heave-hoed kicked dismissed disowned rendered invalid thrown cold water on threw cold water on prorogued cooled off beaten someone to it boxed in disempowered whittled away made waves worked against brought down prevented from making progress brought to a standstill beaten someone to the draw beaten someone to the punch beat down caused setback knocked the bottom out of deactivated mined brought to screeching halt destabilized rolled back acted in advance of clipped one's wings fought against baulked at seen off emasculated prepared for defused removed dug out struck down objected to coped with given a hard time played for time evened up kept away dissented with forefended blackballed beat somebody to it tunneled saddled with locked horns with dinged drove off dragged through the mud kept at arm's length squared up forced away attenuated hollowed out chased away battled against held over stood up to strove against contended with dented queered the pitch of softened counterweighted disproved dug in one's heels stood up against refused to accept torpedoed bogged down belied rained on someone's parade faced down demoralised tunnelled dug slowed up corroded brought to an end to equalised gave a hard time backed off striven against made a stand against knocked down shoved aside turned off turned from looked away kicked against headed off at pass poked full of holes saw off made late forced off destabilised turned thumbs down rebelled against prolonged demoralized staved blunted held off on stove chipped away at talked out of acted against gotten out of got out of threw thrown gainsaid snafued threw into confusion threw into disorder thrown into confusion thrown into disorder threw into disarray thrown into disarray broken up broken down broke up hitten hat foresaw foreseen shook off shaken off thrown a curve threw a curve letten leet retardated ran circles around given the run-around ran rings around gave the run-around gotten the better of got the better of bitten back bit back came to a standstill eaten away ate away beaten somebody to it thrown a spoke in the wheel of threw a spoke in the wheel of thrown a monkey wrench into threw a monkey wrench into taken out of play took out of play overrode overridden thrown back threw back acted like a wet blanket beaten down took wind out of sails taken wind out of sails worn wore flown in the face of dumped flew in the face of broke with disproven stricken down broken with thrown a monkey wrench in the works threw a monkey wrench in the works given cold shoulder to gave cold shoulder to took a stand against took up arms against taken issue with took on spoke out against took issue with taken on taken up arms against spoken out against taken a stand against cut back silenced proscribed gagged put the brakes on excluded decreased delimited tempered quit damped down vetoed lessened circumscribed capped kept a tight rein on kept the lid on strangled embargoed tied down criminalized deadened made illegal criminalised kept within bounds decelerated clamped down on dulled quieted fixed abstained refrained set put a lid on cut down put a limit on put on ice calmed put out stopped oneself put at a disadvantage put away kept down mastered overpowered quenched warned pegged censored desisted disadvantaged concealed shushed setted limits on imposed limits on abjured estopped quitted blocked out closed up reined back held in check corked up snuffed out buttoned up slapped down sat on deflated placed an embargo on garrotted muted depressed frightened submerged pocketed retained quelched settled sidetracked deprecated modulated shortened stunted hid slackened entrammelled entrammeled scared off demarcated kept waiting bounded barricaded put on the shelf quietened simmered down forbore forborne dropped mired closed out disqualified occluded closed kept in line shrunk laid off kept hold of loitered blocked up blockaded clogged up boycotted banished specified toned down declared illegal congested jammed up bunged up stopped up demarked contracted put the chill on bottled cooled down delimitated defined qualified kept secret put in irons clipped someone's wings let up put straitjacket on plugged up gained control over gained mastery over pinned down put lid on fought shy of put a stopper in cut down on hit the brakes jacked in put a crimp in put out of commission put kibosh on put chill on shut out of left off resisted the temptation to put a ceiling on kept within limits put a lock on shut up put in nutshell put in chains dummied up put in an unfavourable position let down flaps put a restriction on placed at a disadvantage passed up forwent forgone composed devitalized broke off broken off gave up given up intimidated daunted monitored adjusted docked collected cautioned disheartened waived mitigated sank sunk sunken tranquilized rallied recovered inspected soothed lulled overloaded discountenanced unnerved managed lowered disfavoured disfavored indisposed truncated retrenched plugged caused to stay caused to wait disciplined charged bothered oppressed straitjacketed disinclined eased made anxious renounced made nervous harshed caulked sealed excepted gyved pinioned enfettered numbed cauterized blanketed benumbed enchained relieved hidden dehorted remonstrated exhorted expostulated pricked dissuaded from counseled counselled declared taboo filled filled up ostracized reserved braced scrubbed pared down lopped abbreviated elided abridged chopped syncopated trimmed made worried made difficult constipated condemned cuffed clapped secured chained up harnessed forswore forsworn said no exiled refused to pay ostracised packed lagged choked up stanched cowed brought to a stop dumbed prescribed cautioned against urged against persuaded against warned off stuffed shrank shrunken downed loafed flagged bogged dawdled blacked poked faltered hesitated clipped cropped tightened up minified slashed slimmed down downsized lay off clammed wronged triumphed over allayed clotted cauterised knocked off girdled covered up reefed embogged procrastinated bunged blocked off forbid to brought to a halt guided directed impounded hogtied dispensed with finished forsook forsaken sidelined held captive dragged feet clamped dominated overwhelmed trampled kept tight rein on hushed iced placed injunction on persuaded not to advised not to chickened out expostulated against leaned on placed an injunction on urged not to argued out of clapped in irons made it impossible for made it impracticable for made impossible rationed left alone stoppered trampled on belayed belaid omitted kept control of treated harshly placed a limit on cracked down pulled back boxed up counted out lost speed hold out on passed on restrained oneself kept a rein on made impracticable come down on tied someone's hands kept to oneself encircled deducted wound down mothballed cried out against kept within the limits of kept on a string failed to disclose lost steam held on to refrained from gave a wide berth to prelimited modified passed by sacrificed told against zinged gridlocked brought under control boiled down given a wide berth to censured clammed up sat out inclosed iced out treated unfairly declined to kept yourself swore off gummed up closed down kept from declared ineligible passed kept under one's hat narrowed steered clear kept under wraps cursed immobilized said nothing sent up treated unfavourably officially forbid withheld from had nothing to do with dried up not touched inflicted a handicap on restrained yourself enclosed got bogged down refused to give not done marked off immobilised sworn off surrounded had on a tight leash kept inside held out illegalized stopped yourself re-collected canned advised against forbidden to tongue-tied gave the thumbs down to given the red light to gave the red light to given the thumbs down to froze out frozen out thrown off threw off drove underground driven underground did without done without came down on anchored it officially forbidden held out on forewent foregone drawn the line on drew the line on gave disadvantage given disadvantage took out taken out gotten to meat got to meat did a disservice to gave a disadvantage to given a disadvantage to done a disservice to thrown a wet blanket on threw a wet blanket on gone on the wagon taken the cure taken the pledge avoided doing went on the wagon took the cure took the pledge gave over abstained from given over gone easy went easy

Động từ

Past tense for to diminish the confidence or courage of
annoyed discouraged angered disheartened exasperated infuriated depressed dispirited vexed vext irritated maddened aggravated dissatisfied embittered irked soured bugged chilled daunted demoralised demoralized dismayed miffed unmanned unnerved narked bothered disturbed drove crazy driven crazy drove mad driven mad got to gotten to hacked off made discontented tried upset wound up gave someone the hump given someone the hump put out provoked galled riled nettled peeved incensed piqued ruffled chafed needled rankled grated hassled enraged ticked off agitated persecuted displeased put your back up got antagonized troubled inflamed worried harassed made someone see red pestered distressed rasped spited frosted rubbed up the wrong way antagonised plagued tormented offended bummed out hacked you off teased perturbed harried gravelled graveled griped itched got at beset got across hurt nagged outraged ate eaten roiled teed off turned off gotten gat ruffled someone's feathers made someone's blood boil made someone's hackles rise got under someone's skin put someone's nose out of joint tortured afflicted disaffected exacerbated beleaguered burned up burnt up bedevilled badgered bedeviled discomposed pained fretted gnawed disgusted chagrined envenomed got in someone's hair tried someone's patience poisoned grope gripen alienated disillusioned gotten at strained driven up the wall drove up the wall gotten across got on your nerves gotten on your nerves racked disgruntled dogged estranged made resentful made bitter rid rode ridden molested excruciated agonized made angry thwarted excited disquieted agonised humped hounded fired up got your goat made your blood boil given someone grief gave someone grief made waves got in your hair got your dander up got on your wick mithered bit sent into a rage hit where one lives rubbed the wrong way tried the patience of rattled someone's cage got someone's hackles up gotten up someone's nose gotten someone's back up gotten on someone's nerves got up someone's nose got someone's back up got on someone's nerves upset the apple cart put someone's back up put a strain on rankled with cut to the quick gnawn gnew driven to distraction drove to distraction weakened gotten your back up got your back up gotten someone's dander up gotten on one's nerves got someone's dander up got on one's nerves curst cursed harrowed given a hard time gave a hard time gotten on someone's wick got on someone's wick intimidated emasculated taxed oppressed assailed blighted disenchanted titillated enticed goaded tested empoisoned jaundiced enfeebled enervated disempowered injured anguished besieged roused made cross incommoded worsened mortified affronted insulted psyched out nudged henpecked lured allured taunted fascinated tempted beguiled led on intrigued baited scandalized wound wounded harmed sapped stretched exhausted drained straught wearied stressed acerbated made rancorous acidulated venomed got up your nose rattled discontented foiled charmed baffled tired flustered worked on egged on heated up cheesed off het up bummed unhinged crazed discomfited embarrassed repelled winged capped zinged curdled perplexed disobliged disappointed sounded revolted cooled mispleased fussed inconvenienced asked for it hacked wigged crabbed aliened tantalised begrudged flirted with grudged tantalized abraded driven round the bend drove round the bend bitten madded enflamed ired scandalised got someone's wick wore out worn out worn on wore on got someone's goat gotten someone's goat worked up made severe demands on played dirty loused up gotten under one's skin cramped style kept hanging on got under one's skin steamed up made your hackles rise made someone's mouth water driven bananas setted one's teeth on edge raised your hackles made somebody's blood boil possessed umbraged shattered drove bananas grated on tired out martyred made livid hung up kept someone hanging on made mouth water made demands on wrung kept hanging mixed up made you see red sticked in one's craw crucified picked on distracted broke broken brake driven nuts drove nuts got under your skin gotten under your skin driven round the twist drove round the twist given someone the pip gave someone the pip worn wore got one's goat gotten one's goat gotten even got even wringed wrang eaten at ate at gotten on somebody's nerves got on somebody's nerves got someone gotten someone drove you crazy driven you crazy got your hackles up drove you to distraction drove out of mind driven somebody up the wall drove you off your head driven you round the twist driven you out of your mind drove you round the bend drove you round the twist driven you off your head drove somebody up the wall driven you round the bend drove you out of your mind driven out of mind gotten your hackles up driven you to distraction gave a bad time gotten in one's hair got in one's hair given a bad time discommoded aggrieved burnt burned niggled grieved burdened empurpled hurt someone's feelings put on the spot shocked stung ailed jarred pursued jarred on rattled one's cage disconcerted pricked made blood boil caused offense bored devilled deviled saddened put in a spot put to trouble got across someone nauseated sickened stirred up prodded discombobulated concerned rubbed you up the wrong way chivvied pressed prest faced incited affected confronted discountenanced crossed fazed slighted grilled heckled browned off bullied horrified disrupted breathed down someone's neck dissed imposed on hectored caused suffering to caused trouble to distempered gotten under skin got under skin cut nagged at tried your patience interfered meddled tried one's patience gnawed at put someone out beat made unhappy put your nose out of joint bore put down cast down set one off set on hurt somebody's feelings made it tough put off let down put somebody's nose out of joint put into a funk set someone's teeth on edge hit on put a damper on put someone to trouble put to some trouble smote smit smited smitten ached eaten away at ate away at pinched compressed cramped squeezed got a rise out of gotten a rise out of chivied scared browbeat festered unsettled interrupted chid chided impeded hindered tattered frayed eroded grinded ground steamed stewed petted tiffed huffed bristled spurred criticized devastated confounded intruded upon irritated greatly stressed out aroused boiled hazed scoured intensified bent someone's ear failed made you angry carped at repulsed bullyragged forayed attacked macerated despoiled noodged attracted absorbed motivated interested grabbed ignited awaked absorpt quickened victimized caused resentment to caused annoyance to discomforted raised hell questioned examined tweaked quizzed made one see red whipped up dejected caviled cavilled imposed upon started disrespected heightened compounded increased kept on at gripped terrorized made sore lost one's temper raged lambasted caused sorrow exercised bled caused anguish obsessed mourned caused suffering snubbed struck magnified complicated made worse amplified augmented grated upon jarred upon visited slurred humiliated jerked around got on nerves gotten on nerves buffeted buffetted cheated criticised despaired jangled riled up disadvantaged wound somebody up setted your teeth on edge pushed the buttons of expelled dragooned wronged victimised exiled hunted terrorised caused disquiet to alarmed rubbed one the wrong way impaired scraped away made fed up given offence to gave offence to brought down run up the wrong way worked into lather messed made someone fed up made anxious spooked thumbed nose at pushed one's buttons made matters worse fanned the flames compounded the problem turned one off brought one down weighed down dampened spirits crushed lost patience made it hot for someone messed with weirded out caused someone difficulty rubbed salt in a wound made wretched made things hot for someone added insult to injury freaked out frazzled puts somebody's nose out of joint rubbed salt in the wounds added fuel to the flames gave trouble fed the fire pushed someon's buttons made blue hagrid failed to satisfy derailed become bored made miserable made uneasy caused anguish to found fault with fanned the flames of singled out made someone go out of his way ruffled one's feathers got the knife into grated at left dissatisfied pushed one's button discommodated chastened flurried had had enough gnawed away at given trouble sticked the knife into dragged down oke aken browbeaten driven insane drove insane blew up blown up awoken awoke worn down wore down worn upon wore upon given the business gave the business stricken took taken beaten wore away worn away ran up the wrong way ate up eaten up drove you up the wall driven you up the wall added to gotten on someone got on someone broke one's heart broken one's heart became bored wore to shreds bit into worn to shreds bitten into given someone bother gave someone bother took a rise out of taken a rise out of broke the heart of broken the heart of trod on someone's toes trodden on someone's toes given offence gave offence threw off hagridden thrown off hagrode went from bad to worse gone from bad to worse added fuel to the fire given cause for complaint gave cause for complaint

Động từ

Past tense for to put an end to something, typically by the use of force
quelled quashed suppressed subdued crushed repressed extinguished defeated squashed ended squelched checked destroyed stifled curbed silenced overcame overcome beat beaten thwarted conquered controlled stopped demolished terminated abolished annihilated vanquished quenched overpowered extirpated finished killed queered subjugated overwhelmed routed clobbered put down snuffed out cracked down on put an end to put a stop to wiped out stamped out clamped down on nipped in the bud got rid of gotten rid of put the lid on slapped down put the kibosh on shut down sat on mastered licked scotched bested surmounted dispatched trashed triumphed over prevailed over won against put paid to put in their place bridled tamed scuppered restrained eradicated eliminated overthrew overthrown dominated worsted curtailed arrested cracked down scrunched squished trounced tanked hammered triumphed drubbed humbled thrashed pasted pulverized pounded weeded out skunked caned foiled massacred checkmated slaughtered got flattened murdered overmatched trimmed upended gained mastery over got a grip on snowed under totalled slammed shellacked whipped outwitted circumvented totaled owned dished reduced confounded overmastered pulverised discomfited zapped got the better of gotten the better of brought to an end gained control of brought someone to their knees succeeded over walked all over turned inside out brought to their knees brought to knees wiped the floor with wiped off map run rings around trampled underfoot made mincemeat of trampled on stuffed undone undid creamed gotten taken overborne overbore took gat own threw overridden thrown overrode risen above rose above blown out blew out blew out of the water gotten around blown out of the water got around done down ran rings around given someone a drubbing did down gave someone a hiding given someone a hiding gave someone a drubbing taken to the cleaners took to the cleaners governed got over inhibited solved deadened dealt with got control of cut short put an stop to cut off gotten over constrained contained smothered moderated softened damped mellowed lessened diminished reined in regulated managed hegemonized held back kept in check torpedoed toned down halted ruled directed commanded settled dumbed censored kept the lid on abated dulled clammed kept a lid on outstripped outclassed surpassed excelled quietened down brought under control held in check got under control gotten under control downed devastated survived weathered crucified floored clamped down hurdled oppressed rendered walked over stunned won prevailed outlived shocked knocked over ground down brought to screeching halt choked off closed up found an answer to come out on top found a solution to come out on top of knocked out won over rendered incapable rendered helpless rendered powerless gained a victory over coped with kept down knocked socks off said nothing outdid outdone came out on top of came out on top

Động từ

Past tense for to refrain from openly expressing or displaying
repressed suppressed stifled restrained smothered curbed checked contained swallowed controlled strangled concealed inhibited muffled sank sunk sunken hid hidden submerged silenced gagged pocketed overpowered corked shushed blocked bottled internalised internalized held back kept back choked back fought back bottled up bit back bitten back kept in check reined in held in kept under control corked up buttoned up kept the lid on kept in kept under wraps blacked out jammed up kept inside withheld overcome conquered withholden overcame bitten one's lip bit one's lip shut in covered up kept secret veiled kept a lid on put a lid on bridled gulped back quenched stopped hushed up restricted held down choked suffocated cloaked masked dissembled buried disguised deadened extinguished quashed put out retained kept quiet about put out of the way kept dark kept under your hat cornered brought to naught collared cooped up cramped boxed up enclosed trapped kept feeling inside oneself entrapped left out resisted mastered fought denied snuffed held off collected oppressed shrouded composed squelched showered quelled reined heaped cooled killed muzzled dampened camouflaged censored simmered down belied sheltered kept a rein on drowned held in check protected adumbrated reserved ditched harboured harbored swept under the carpet glossed over swept under the rug kept quiet tucked away kept cover swept something under the carpet blotted out drawn a veil over salted away sat on kept mum about papered over kept unknown swept something under the rug not told kept in the dark drew a veil over foughten not given away hid from view hidden from view

Động từ

Past tense for to discourage or overwhelm

Động từ

Past tense for to discourage someone by removing their enthusiasm or courage
disheartened discouraged daunted dismayed dispirited crushed depressed deterred dejected cast down dashed demoralised demoralized sapped threw thrown desolated unmanned unnerved chilled cowed disappointed enervated saddened shook shaken subdued undermined weakened damped dampened disinclined disparaged humbled humiliated indisposed made crestfallen made dejected made dispirited made downhearted weighed down brought down got down knocked sideways put down weighed heavily on gave someone the blues given someone the blues knocked for six made someone fed up put a damper on threw cold water on thrown cold water on knocked the stuffing out of poured cold water on threw a pall over thrown a pall over put off appalled abashed upset brought low cast a shadow psyched out intimidated clouded enfeebled overawed devitalized rattled disconcerted made despondent disempowered deprecated tried bullied scared weighed afflicted distressed prostrated awed irked confused alarmed drooped vexed frightened repressed troubled vext bothered snarled debilitated unglued unzipped embarrassed crippled deflated nonplussed unsettled muddled jumbled disturbed disarranged disorganized disordered discountenanced caused to lose heart beat down sent up got to beaten down broke one's heart broken one's heart blown out blown up blew up taken apart gotten to blew out took apart took steam out taken steam out oppressed grieved haunted harrowed beat cast a gloom upon made sad made unhappy made gloomy caused suffering to hung over perturbed wearied drained ailed tormented mortified aggrieved burdened bugged fazed dragged dulled drug darkened abased run down reduced to tears got someone down brought tears to your eyes bummed out turned one off made desolate kept under harshed someone's mellow made your heart bleed broke someone's heart broken someone's heart beaten ran down bore down borne down