Từ đồng nghĩa của held out

Động từ

Past tense for to continue or last over a period
survived continued endured lasted persevered persisted prevailed remained withstood held on kept up held up carried on kept on kept going hung on stuck it out soldiered on stayed the course hung in there stuck at it struggled on abode abided gone on went on pegged away plugged away lingered stood firm lived kept at it plodded on ploughed on stayed bashed on bided pressed ahead followed through pressed on perdured ground away stayed with something stood fast hammered away lived on existed kept it up stuck to your guns stayed around stopped at nothing run on left no stone unturned held went the distance gone the distance stood your ground toughed it out stood up carried through bidden bode saw something through seen something through insisted stood outlasted saw it through seen it through showed determination shown determination come through kept at cut it hung in clung on stuck at cracked on hung tough made it lasted out held fast remained alive subsisted stuck with it ran on grinded maintained ground stayed alive werepatient been patient was patient holden stayed with it resisted extended been hung in the air latched on came through had life pursued your goal clung waited kept a hold on gone all the way stayed staunch pushed on gutted it out remained true loitered sustained oneself tarried clinged sticked stayed on cheated death made the cut dwelt stuck around labored never said die hacked it laboured stuck to kept afloat carried on doggedly escaped death hung about had being was kept held true stayed fresh remained unchanged plowed on perseverated stuck kept on at grasped stretched out kept body and soul together saw through stuck with stayed round sustained life had no end clung to life gripped continued to exist went all the way evaded death walked the earth kept going with proceeded fought for your life sustained kept your hand in dwelled kicked your heels outlived drudged finished remained standing were went the limit kept driving toiled remained firm gone the limit pursued followed up clutched hung around got on strived kept your head above water seen through showed determination in shown determination in worn wore drawn breath drew breath strove striven borne up bore up went for broke gone for broke gone to the mat went to the mat gotten on gone for it went for it ridden out worn on worn well wore well wore on rode out drawn out hed good held good drew out

Động từ

Past tense for to resist or withstand something that is difficult to endure
stood up to endured braved resisted weathered faced tolerated took taken bore beared borne confronted stood defied sustained survived dared outfaced brazened breasted bearded outbraved put up with coped with rode out ridden out lived through grappled with prevailed against hung tough stood up against stuck fast stood fast held the line against hung on remained firm stood firm persevered in the face of went the distance against gone the distance against suffered held out against put up struggle withstood opposed fought thwarted repelled combated combatted disputed contested crossed bucked stuck sticked braced coped abided surmounted stayed the course traversed sat and took it violated come through stuck it out held off persisted with pulled through outlasted persevered against overcome contended with won out duelled dueled stood firm against held your ground brooked abode stood your ground died hard against beared up against foughten took on taken it taken on flown in the face of took it flew in the face of came through worn beared the brunt of wore gotten through overcame got through battled encountered challenged met put up a fight against engaged contended countered struggled against tackled attacked vied rivalled rivaled experienced competed controverted fought against come up against clashed competed against oppugned obstructed objected to come into contact with come across faced down met head-on vied with blocked prevented checked hindered risked wrestled dealt with ventured outdared faced up to scuffled warred grappled clashed with skirmished with striven against strove against setted your face against fronted raced run into competed with faced off against locked horns with rebelled against felt underwent undergone handled came up against went up against gone up against took a stand against taken a stand against assailed denied struggled assaulted contradicted tasted had witnessed rebutted swallowed stomached set upon quarreled with passed lived argued with been through gone through went through courted protested met head on tussled had experience of reversed matched impeded strived inhibited frustrated restrained stopped halted stemmed skirmished accosted disregarded spurned pitted waged war against curbed stood up and be counted against called in question questioned came across came into contact with scorned insulted affronted played tangled with squared off put yourself forward put up an argument counteracted refused to accept jockeyed for position put an end to made my day contended against come to blows with made a stand against crossed swords with run the gauntlet set against locked horns put up a fight gone against went against done battle with did battle with flew in face of flown in face of taken issue with took issue with took up arms against taken up arms against ran into counterattacked barred disliked sat through stuck out disagreed with disapproved of subjected oneself to braced oneself for resigned oneself to grinned and bear attempted debated gainstayed withstayed exposed taunted neutralized disapproved disagreed argued neutralised bombarded dissented gainsaid fought with counterbalanced eliminated lived out brazened out squared off against braved out ended had dealings in met with struck launched argued against frowned at searched out not countenanced refuted flouted disobeyed compared contrasted scrapped with wrested with turned the tables run counter to negated negatived dealt spoke against spoken against resolved contemned countenanced eyeballed mounted an attack on entered into combat with campaigned against strove striven spoke out against spoken out against known knew battled with feuded slighted ridiculed repulsed gibed derided rebelled provoked despised allowed arrayed taken a stand took a stand waged war on disaffirmed disclaimed disallowed disavowed disowned disconfirmed repudiated rejected battled against become familiar with rassled participated in observed received assimilated closed digested accepted brawled emulated squabbled braced for scrimmaged opposed action confuted contravened impugned come to close quarters with jostled relucted rivalized called someone's bluff squared up to submitted to played against spared no effort come to grips with countervailed shot at canceled joined battle with rallied against engaged with run against shot it out with warred against pushed for said the opposite of taken up the gauntlet got mustered courage contented against disproved come into contact sampled undermined come to grips pushed scrambled for stepped over the line beheld come to blows tried shot for urged defied danger baulked at cancelled bullied comprehended had bone to pick cancelled out took up the gauntlet accepted a challenge collided with apprehended treated with contempt differed ran the gauntlet canceled out dissented with litigated scrimmaged with brought to an end to appreciated nominated yourself made play for withsaid got into conflict with refused threatened run feuded with played off watched made a stand called one's bluff struggled with tugged had at kicked against came to blows with mixed it up with hurled defiance at joined battle sought to displace dissented from stonewalled fought back against went after knocked oneself out come into conflict with waged war knocked chip off shoulder perceived denounced laughed at mocked gone after crossed swords taken issue took issue ran counter to stricken begun battle with began battle with came into conflict with came to blows fallen on fell on partook partaken seen became familiar with saw disproven withspoke withspoken threw down gauntlet thrown down gauntlet took the bull by the horns taken the bull by the horns bit the bullet took up arms taken up arms came into contact beholden gotten gat came to grips with given your all ran gone head to head gone for it gone for went for went for jugular went for broke gone for broke gave your all gone for jugular went head to head gave all one's got given all one's got went for it came to close quarters with went one on one with went toe to toe with gone one on one with gone toe to toe with went eyeball to eyeball with gone eyeball to eyeball with done battle did battle got to grips addressed oneself to gotten to grips came to grips given battle to gave battle to ran against took a plunge taken a header took a chance on taken a plunge taken the plunge took a flyer took the plunge taken a chance on taken a chance took a chance with taken a flyer taken a chance with took a chance took a header

Từ trái nghĩa của held out

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