Từ đồng nghĩa của held out against

Động từ

Past tense for to defy or put up an opposition to
bucked opposed resisted defied fought foughten beat beaten thwarted challenged withstood combatted combated contested contradicted repelled disputed dueled duelled unseated went against gone against fought against flew in the face of flown in the face of stood up to struggled against kicked against put up a fight against put up with held off stood firm remained firm put up struggle put up a fight endured beared tolerated stood faced sustained braved weathered confronted survived suffered crossed stuck sticked braced counterattacked traversed coped violated coped with assailed assaulted battled attacked lived through faced up to battled against hung tough grappled with stood one's ground stuck fast sat and took it persevered in the face of fended off turned down held the line against fought back prevailed against contended with won out held out stood fast struggled with hung on warded off stood firm against held your ground kept at bay stood up against borne bore took taken ridden out rode out gone the distance against took on taken it taken on took it went the distance against beared up against impeded obstructed hindered countered frustrated checked halted restrained stemmed blocked inhibited prevented protested stopped relucted curbed dissented with objected to rebelled against countervailed baulked at faced down dug in one's heels refused stonewalled counteracted refused to accept locked horns with spoken out against took issue with spoke out against took up arms against taken issue with striven against strove against took a stand against taken a stand against taken up arms against

Từ trái nghĩa của held out against

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