Từ đồng nghĩa của held on

Động từ

Past tense for to remain in existence or active
abode abided bode bided bidden continued endured lasted perdured persisted remained held up kept up ran on run on persevered held out kept on lasted out stood firm hung in there stood your ground stuck at it stuck it out carried on prevailed stayed survived kept going held lingered lived on lived hung on gone on went on extended stayed around grinded ground stayed the course ground away stuck to your guns existed tarried stuck around soldiered on toughed it out followed through pressed on carried through subsisted dragged on stood outlasted pressed ahead kept at stopped at nothing stayed on dwelt repeated hung in hammered away stayed with something stood fast stuck at recurred perseverated pegged away made it plugged away had no end proceeded sustained dwelled maintained followed up left no stone unturned strived ploughed on struggled on been went the distance was saw through gone the distance were seen through resisted withstood hung in the air had life come through protracted obtained executed taken gone all the way stayed staunch held the phone pushed on occurred remained true sustained oneself sticked cheated death labored come about deported never said die hacked it laboured stuck to kept afloat kept it up escaped death had being kept at it passed plodded on attended clung on sat tight held true resided advanced stayed fresh cracked on remained unchanged plowed on perpetuated hung tough refused to go away stuck kept on at stretched out comported acted kept body and soul together held fast remained alive stayed round sustained life clung to life strove continued to exist went all the way saw something through evaded death walked the earth dug your heels in happened kept going with stood up fought for your life bashed on stuck with it hung out striven outlived drudged progressed took conducted finished beared remained standing seen something through rambled went the limit toiled projected gone the limit pursued sweated it stayed alive hung around kept your head above water insisted behaved watched for worn wore drawn breath drew breath lain in wait lay in wait came through saw it through seen it through borne up bore up werepatient showed determination shown determination been patient was patient showed determination in shown determination in ridden out worn on worn well wore well wore on rode out drawn out hed good held good drew out came about bore borne taken place went ahead gone ahead took place

Từ trái nghĩa của held on

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