Đồng nghĩa của inspired

Alternative for inspired

Đồng nghĩa: divine, elysian,

inspires, inspired, inspiring

Đồng nghĩa: cause, encourage, influence, prompt,

Tính từ

In a condition or state of stimulation
stimulated energised energized possessed activated animated aroused enthused roused stirred excited exhilarated galvanised galvanized influenced inspirited motivated uplifted elated encouraged exalted moved started stirred up enthusiastic delighted stoked thrilled eager ecstatic keen desirous pumped hungry avid athirst passionate wild high rhapsodic gung ho euphoric rapturous great happy beside oneself geeked agog impatient solicitous thirsty fired up ardent worked up hopped-up awakened voracious joyous hepped up elevated enraptured exultant intoxicated overjoyed jubilant keyed up exuberant electrified juiced raring psyched champing at the bit chomping at the bit nuts charged antsy anxious crazy feverish on cloud nine hot enlivened joyful psyched up over the moon giddy juiced up on fire blissful greedy willing interested transported gleeful cock-a-hoop impassioned ebullient touched atingle full of beans zestful aflame bright-eyed and bushy-tailed carried away pumped up geared up rarin' to go cranked up cheered gladdened enrapt rapt entranced rhapsodical heady cheerful exhilarative triumphant up emotional effusive expressive poetic frenzied hysterical delirious in high spirits corybantic in raptures in seventh heaven flushed blissed out lyrical in a frenzy wigged out on a high def trendy groovy now mod hep in downtown with-it cool hip fiery ready earnest vehement spirited vivacious titillated fervent dynamic lively determined energetic zealous afire hearty intent high-spirited mad keen raring to go au courant turned-on ready and willing keen as mustard as keen as mustard self-driven buoyant jovial excitable engaged glad inclined craving jolly hung up piqued peppy amenable tickled tickled pink bursting disposed longing pining ambitious sparky appetent restive hankering covetous tumultuous alive yearning itching dying bouncy gay merry pleased fanatical bubbly chirpy effervescent sparkling jaunty sunny peart desiring devoted dedicated vigorous breathless sprightly wholehearted jumping for joy walking on air cheery zingy aching zippy upbeat full of life crank frolicsome breezy irrepressible light-hearted in transports of delight fervid chipper active sent on tenterhooks on cloud seven on top of the world frolic gamesome beside oneself with happiness committed gagging hopeful intense vibrant mad animate perky vital expectant airy blithe blithesome nutty gratified chuffed bright wild with excitement turned on in suspense wrapped driven bright and breezy captivated wishing proud in a frenzy of delight heated waiting with bated breath hot to trot full of vim and vigour gladsome smiley assiduous flying overwrought thirsting diligent gloating all agog agitated brash enchanted on edge gone on desperate wacky lighthearted of good cheer delirious with happiness zesty mettlesome astounded pert wishful itchy rejoicing with bated breath game alive and kicking restless full of fun as merry as a grig perfervid industrious on pins and needles desirous of dying to puffed up infatuated exulting conscientious warmblooded bubbling curious open-mouthed potty scintillating crowing dizzy forceful vivid frantic happy-go-lucky carefree apprehensive glorying prideful daft infatuated with devoted to enamoured of smitten with edgy triumphalist alert zappy prepared boisterous flipping warm in heaven brisk mirthful very keen on floating satisfied intent on hoping enamored of turnt insatiable obsessed pizazzy bouncing springy snappy kinetic jazzy racy spanking pizzazzy concerned jumpy frisky overexcited amused grasping acquisitive flying high ravenous hilarious rapacious feeling one's oats dashing itching for dying for as pleased as Punch on the edge of one's seat in a hurry pleased as punch hankering after amped-up blazing accelerated fierce approving triumphal inflamed aglow ablaze fired transfixed awestruck amazed dotty nutso hot for contented frothy gushing in paradise in rhapsodies lusty overwhelmed overpowered celebrating tingling tingly enthralled amped chafing straining fun-loving avaricious raving uproarious in love with hooked on lusting filled with joy doing handsprings revelling daring untrammeled untrammelled unrestrained impetuous restored refreshed revitalized distraught distrait hysteric distracted rabid burning extravagant eulogistic bold swaggering boastful jocose laughing jocund jocular festive full of the joys of spring absorbed affected quickened ripe Corybantic gotta have habitual unreluctant diehard straining at the leash victorious content reveling wowed beatific set all a-gog smug boon set on bent on fascinated passional playful very excited spunky over-the-top revitalised thunderstruck flabbergasted drunk fain tantalized unqualified ravished coltish self-starting gallant kooky zany cottonmouthed juiceless bone-dry sapless tantalised bugged gaga minded jumping up and down in transports extremely happy grateful flattered privileged eagerly red-hot blown away riled up full of enthusiasm orgasmic charmed longing for wanting hoping for beside yourself consumed with desire favourably inclined fond romping sportive skittish jittery gone athrill dreamy tickled to death beside oneself with joy in exaltation very happy out floating on air up for on for in the mood of a mind pysched up keen on smitten enamored ludic rollicking kittenish frolicky chafing at the bit diverted entertained partial to crazy for wild for dry as dust honoured honored thankful wanton anxious for yearning for ambitious for eager for uptight worried nervous uneasy enchanté fulfilled wicked larkish prankish full of get-up-and-go full of joie de vivre ready for willing for avid for in love made up as happy as a clam very pleased pleasantly surprised as happy as Larry like a child with a new toy like a dog with two tails lustful hopeful for envious aspiring towards prehensile amorous aspiring keen for gluttonous predatious piggish unsatisfied hungered intemperate swinish unfilled edacious hoggish ravening esurient insatiate anticipatory greedy for ravening for thirsty for craving for wishing for hungry for with an appetite covetous of in need of lusting after with a yen in want of waiting expecting fond of sweet on very enthusiastic aspiring to quick enamoured wigged-out awaiting anticipating agape anticipant waiting for the axe to fall aggressive proactive bullish banzai watchful go-go vitalized anticipative vigilant take-charge can-do extremely enthusiastic hopped up set up looking good looking for waiting on

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(inspired by) Based on

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Related to or prompted by instinct

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Having or showing creativity or inventiveness
imaginative creative ingenious inventive original enterprising visionary clever innovative innovatory resourceful fanciful fantastic insightful whimsical artful blue-sky individual innovational nonconformist off-centre originative Promethean stimulating unconventional unorthodox unusual vivid dreamy poetical artistic avant-garde extravagant fertile fictive high-flown inspirational offbeat pie-in-the-sky poetic productive quixotic romantic utopian brain wave breaking ground out of the ordinary way out pioneering revolutionary trailblazing gifted fresh deviceful novel talented perceptive new different unique unprecedented unfamiliar formative radical groundbreaking experimental newfangled expressive breaking new ground demiurgic adroit genius sophisticated nifty refreshing distinctive unknown ground-breaking strange unaccustomed unheard-of capable discerning masterly able skilful seminal brilliant shrewd intuitive ambitious causative teeming forgetive constructive fruitful singular sharp skillful individualistic special untried exotic disruptive inspiring astute illusory elaborate advanced modern futuristic new-fashioned contemporary state-of-the-art out of touch with reality cutting-edge leading-edge ultra-modern out-of-the-box welcome eloquent aesthetic sensitive effective spirited not just another enthusiastic practical cultured refined adventurous energetic vigorous venturesome rare active aggressive arty cultivated fabulous uncommon bright unreal fantastical accomplished virtuoso untested surprising neoteric mythical eccentric fancy quirky dreamlike flighty esthetic atypical intelligent absurd freakish imaginary freaky curious keen wild smart recent funky peculiar odd modernistic chimerical ridiculous chimeric phantasmal bizarre crackpot phantasmic sharp-witted razor-sharp subtle quick quick-witted left-field avant garde dexterous crafty cunning canny dextrous sly ready far-out far-fetched far cry cutting edge germinal strategic well-thought-out high-tech complex multifaceted forward-thinking well-designed highly developed involved progressive well-planned intricate well-built forward-looking just out trendy neat fashionable groovy unexplored happening hot modish unhackneyed stylish in with-it far out cool modernist hip unexampled pathbreaking nontraditional on the ball head in the clouds thinking outside the box idealistic unrealistic starry-eyed prescient impractical far-sighted unworkable penetrating idealized wise speculative dreaming quixotical starry unfeasible idealist fairy-tale ivory-towered hypothetical head-in-the-clouds theoretical exalted otherworldly astral introspective musing pretentious abstracted unworldly lofty impracticable grandiose daydreaming idealised noble delusory prophetic in the clouds with your head in the clouds impossible optimistic improbable unbusinesslike perfectionist unserviceable useless ivory-tower unusable inefficacious abstract illogical Utopian percipient inoperable prudent naive judicious unattainable inapplicable infeasible sage nonviable sagacious nonfunctional irrealizable unnegotiable no-go won't fly non-viable unreasonable not a prayer out of the question foolish knowing silly perspicacious hopeful airy-fairy ineffectual half-baked acute nonrealistic tuned in nonpractical incisive unpractical thoughtful unwise unlikely not sensible on cloud nine ultramodern space-age science fiction ahead of the times ahead of its time castle-building unviable unrealizable prolific millenarian millenary out there vague fantasizing impulsive chivalrous unachievable exaggerated idyllic sentimental over-optimistic perfect ideal impetuous ineffective fantasising fictitious legendary airy fantasy dream irrational senseless Panglossian Micawberish millennial rational reasonable sensible crazy potty transcendental ultimate arcadian model supreme best ideological made-up nonsensical gone reachy floating thorough vigilant tactical farsighted happy hoping cautious provident not applicable blue sky politic worldly-wise foresighted watchful forearmed careful levelheaded clairvoyant cool-headed commonsensical far-seeing well-balanced knowledgeable sapient savvy profound penetrative deep observant awake appreciative understanding cute argute alert conscious aware brainy responsive whip-smart ear to the ground knows what's what

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Filled with intense emotion or passion
impassioned passionate intense ardent fervent fervid vehement excited stirring animated emotional inflamed perfervid vivid earnest feverish passional rousing sincere wholehearted ablaze burning charged demonstrative fiery frantic heartfelt heated incandescent religious torrid urgent zealous blazing deep emotive fierce flaming glowing melodramatic moving mushy overemotional powerful profound romantic sentimental superheated touching furious violent full-hearted hot-blooded worked up red-hot warm-blooded fired up from the heart starry-eyed steamed up white-hot on fire warm enthusiastic eager spirited keen fanatical frenzied angry raging strong committed avid rabid tempestuous wild vigorous lively hot explosive consuming excitable deep-seated dedicated forceful stormy impetuous acute ferocious extreme volatile aroused energetic incensed devoted deeply felt heightened devout temperamental agitated frenetic serious mad tumultuous expressive uncontrollable stimulated rough turbulent hearty all-consuming fuming convulsive volcanic impulsive knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts hammer and tongs potent delirious feeling emphatic excessive deep-rooted hot-tempered severe hysterical ecstatic genuine irascible thrilling enthused forcible mercurial vicious unfeigned stirred steadfast cyclonic tender afire true paroxysmal rash gung-ho savage bang-bang enraged dithyrambic hyper hopped up possessed irate resolute hotheaded maniacal vociferous crazy hectic clamorous wrathful eloquent headstrong extraordinary hot-headed assiduous effusive exceptional significant great insistent messianic acrimonious overwrought hellacious raw overexcited heavy blistering touchy ungovernable sensitive vocal amorous obsessive inspiring fired responsive thorough poignant affecting obsessed unqualified loud immoderate seething mad keen full-throated uncontrolled aggressive honest intemperate brutal erratic thoroughgoing determined distracted cut-throat bona fide berserk fanatic neurotic opinionated true blue bloodthirsty staunch gung ho harsh raving quick-tempered loyal out of control carried away maddened full-blooded knock-down drag-out mighty tremendous dramatic cataclysmal cataclysmic meaningful mournful bitter sexy titillating arousing nutty scintillating desirous fevered gutsy marked mettlesome spunky high-spirited red-blooded inordinate penetrating piercing sad abject entrenched capricious allegiant aglow overactive hyperactive intensified peppery gingery sultry vivacious contentious susceptible hard-core rooted intrenched unpredictable aflame very angry aflutter overzealous uplifting doleful importunate card-carrying inveterate supreme grave agitable exciting loving heartwarming overcharged roused indignant ireful bubbling over demanding raucous relentless sentient verklempt pious warmhearted settled noisy outspoken soulful irritable vociferant obstreperous compelling ghastly almighty touchy-feely militant strident forthright high-pressure precipitate headlong high-powered hotblooded quickened hard major ill-tempered bad-tempered bred-in-the-bone confirmed gotta have keen as mustard dying to hot for off the air very excited on the warpath chippy desperate concentrated pronounced exquisite high-strung bullying drastic dreadful short-fuse highly strung single-minded purposeful pushy zestful murderous sharp terrible fearful foaming at the mouth fit to be tied rhapsodic rapturous tooshie cruel ruthless fearsome motivated zealotic go-ahead wild-eyed itchy ripe antsy fireball self-starting callous threatening terrorizing pugnacious pitiless barbarous thuggish sadistic merciless destructive barbaric on the make intensive frightful poetic euphoric fond faithful true-blue dutiful adoring big doting exuberant supportive heartless homicidal inhuman upset hot and bothered excruciating critical psyched thrilled pumped atingle assertive heavy-duty short-tempered demoniac terrorising radge fixated infatuated coming on strong stoked overheated hot under the collar compulsive over-enthusiastic crazed unrestrained lyrical distraught unrestrainable dotty potty visionary nuts hooked manic psyched up stirred up wackadoodle overenthusiastic wackadoo bigoted unhinged deranged beside oneself maniac distrait swivel-eyed berko credulous biased willful nuts for monomaniacal unruly partial obstinate bugged contumacious domineering incorrigible turned on addicted stubborn high on juiced up irrepressible in a state driven to distraction very upset unnerved out of one's wits panic-stricken in a panic in a frenzy beside yourself rampant nervous spasmodic in a fit hysteric in earnest resolved set adamant deliberate meaning what one says meaning business decided firm hell-bent definite serious-minded intent riled up complete unambiguous real total unstinting absolute full unreserved unshakeable categorical solid unlimited positive unmitigated unconditional unrestricted unequivocal unflinching undivided sure unswerving unadulterated unwavering steady unfaltering utter unalloyed enduring stalwart undiluted unquestioning outright abiding entire constant authentic fullhearted out-and-out without reservations never-failing hundred percent whole-souled whole-hearted cordial obsessional over the top overwhelming uncompromising overpowering dyed-in-the-wool deep-dyed upfront driven diligent dinkum solemn pledged deepest diehard sworn fast studious stanch through and through heart-to-heart hard-working down-the-line heartrending towering dependable active bound intuitive instinctive reliable very great durable certain engagé attached adherent open perfectionistic principled gut dear gripping engrossing absorbing unpretending meant frank candid unaffected pretensionless undesigning actual undissembled unpretentious guileless truthful honest to God twenty-four carat enthralling trustworthy unpretended unquestionable idealistic besetting preoccupying devouring good subjective intriguing riveting dominating interesting immersing involving fascinating arresting engaging righteous as keen as mustard single-hearted old faithful given over to true to the end legitimate intolerant extremist creditable credible exhausting up front fair dinkum prejudiced one-sided unreasonable irrational partisan illiberal detail oriented hardened seasoned infuriated narrow-minded chronic habitual established freaked out overboard sick infected naked poisoned smoking mad-dog ultraist diseased insane corybantic sizzling bitten unwell virulent flipped ill perennial lifelong fixed proved indelible immutable unyielding persistent irredeemable unreformable ineradicable impenitent unshakable intransigent longtime inexorable unapologetic unashamed staid ingrained incurable explicit accustomed inured habituated sicker long-established long-standing hard-line well established deep-set hard-shell firmly established die-hard well-established

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Tending to ask questions or to investigate, typically for information or knowledge
curious inquisitive probing questioning quizzical enquiring inquiring interrogative investigative querying scrutinising scrutinizing enthusiastic examining inspecting fascinated interested intrigued keen agog eager excited moved attentive captivated gripped riveted absorbed affected engrossed intent enticed focussed focused stimulated enthused entranced hooked ambitious desirous inspirited roused ardent avid impressed inquisitorial beady-eyed touched into attracted drawn caught predisposed rapt obsessed sold lured taken earnest snoopy nosy responsive awakened fired all ears gone occupied struck sympathetic open burning with curiosity influenced overwhelmed on the case eat sleep and breathe infected bewitched besotted enamoured enamored fond crazed smitten mesmerised mesmerized spellbound mad keen on enthralled by devoted to passionate about struck on mad about fixated by addicted to hooked on riveted by interested in enamored of attached to enthusiastic about mesmerized by twitterpated by attracted to nuts about turned on gone on crazy about bewitched by besotted with infatuated with hungry for fascinated by intent on smitten with eager for sweet on love-struck by enchanted by charmed by hung up fond of captivated by wild about obsessed with taken with enamoured of beguiled by partial to gripped by in love with intrigued by engaged prying involved intrusive immersed searching preoccupied busy analytical enthralled meddlesome meddling interfering consumed wrapped up caught up charmed lost deep tampering focused on peering impertinent prurient head over heels nosey snooping held really into hypnotized hypnotised officious spying tied up presumptuous nebby inquisitory caught up in up to here eavesdropping peeping disquisitive tempted fixated employed devoted infatuated observant fact-finding of a mind to concerned obtrusive preoccupied by intruding intense heavily into up to here in taken up locked in dialed in up to your ears deep in thought presuming protrusive puzzled speculative intermeddling working enraptured ecstatic penetrating rapturous enchanted euphoric active busybody exhilarated elated exploratory researching sedulous diligent assiduous industrious hopping bustling forward enrapt rhapsodic giddy elevated rhapsodical heady beguiled fanatical passionate sent distracted tied-up personal buried intoxicated monomaniacal queer happy preoccupied with sunk in single-minded single-minded about taken over hell-bent potty about engrossed in absorbed in wrapped up in obsessive about stuck on dedicated to dotty about involved in possessed by wild on wound up hung up on immersed in having a one-track mind interviewing interrogational cross-examining entertained research fixed analytic concentrating wondering pushy investigating undercover inspective exploring doubtful over-curious over-interested busy with nosy-parkering nosy-parker pushing desiring inclined allured seduced outward-looking catechistic heuristic investigatory studious Socratic big-eyed challenging poking sifting dying to know up to one's ears in bent on dizzy high participating monopolized bugged submerged committed piqued galvanized beside oneself galvanised turned-on extremely happy delirious quickened engaged with monopolised engaged in dedicated dutiful hypnotized by fiend for influential fervent faithful devout activist motivated contributing taken up with all wound up energetic transported connected delighted thrilled go-getting two-fisted go-ahead blissful ravished hard-pressed laborious absent joyful inattentive carried away dreaming absent-minded content abstracted blissed out daydreaming wrapped unconscious oblivious at work on the job utilized utilised in harness on the hop too much on plate rushed off your feet hard at it clocked up hard at work on the go on the trot clever pointed canny perceptive thorough subtle discerning discriminating ingenious judicious insightful sensitive smart incisive trenchant sharp perspicacious acute piercing intuitive astute quick-witted

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Passionately motivated to achieve one's goals
driven ambitious determined motivated ardent assertive committed earnest resolute zealous dedicated industrious intent keen persevering persistent spirited tenacious unwavering avid compelled consumed dogged enterprising enthusiastic hungry obsessed obstinate steadfast unbending uncompromising undaunted untiring unyielding active bent bold desirous eager fanatical fierce firm fixed immovable indefatigable mettlesome obdurate obsessive pertinacious possessed purposeful resolved set stalwart staunch striving strong thirsty unbendable undeviating unfaltering unrelenting unshakable unshakeable unshaken adamant forceful galvanised galvanized gutsy impelled indomitable monomaniacal plucky pushy ruthless serious steely stubborn unflagging unflinching vigorous aspiring compulsive energetic fixated induced insistent militant obsessional unhesitating besetting guided impulsive pushed steered go-getting hard-driving self-starting single-minded strong-minded strong-willed dead set goal-oriented bent upon hell-bent self-assertive full of determination urged on self-driven pioneering progressive power-hungry power-loving high-reaching self-asserting get up and go self-seeking eager beaver aggressive adventurous on the make desiring success like a ball of fire hopeful go-ahead thrusting upwardly mobile competitive unremitting diligent confident assiduous relentless dynamic tireless sedulous decisive rigid sustained feisty rigorous ferocious steady cutthroat unabated stringent assured bloodthirsty gladiatorial scrappy defiant warlike brutal bullheaded self-willed self-confident cut-throat self-assured can-do gung ho self-possessed having killer instinct go for broke hang-tough bound and determined in-your-face full-blooded intensely competitive dog-eat-dog stop at nothing iron-willed high-pressure fiercely competitive passionate devoted conscientious wholehearted fervent decided constant intense studious hard-working unswerving gritty bent on mad keen fervid faithful vehement pushing focused bound set on focussed impassioned excited devout keen as mustard daring longing raring enthused settled laborious courageous willing inflexible ebullient hardworking loyal athirst yearning lively sworn interested crazy high-powered voracious solicitous wild dyed-in-the-wool operose animated out do-or-die patient domineering as keen as mustard strenuous audacious commanding forward valiant hell-bent on hell-bent upon unflappable bossy intransigent intrepid painstaking overbearing authoritative powerful attentive perseverant busy deliberate controlling hard-nosed positive resourceful brave stanch perfervid pumped true self-motivated driving exuberant pious itching anxious vivacious true-blue pigheaded agog exhilarated warmblooded dutiful tough stout-hearted bustling sprightly persisting dominant stoked pledged zestful impatient thrilled nuts antsy good pleased animate titillated appetent bright-eyed and bushy-tailed ready juiced geeked hepped up hopped-up high-spirited intent on keyed up deep-dyed single-minded about chomping at the bit firm about card-carrying true blue ready and willing raring to go two-fisted self-directed red-hot obsessive about inflexible about fixated on dead set on fanatical about career-focused enduring restless solid hardboiled buckled down headstrong tried-and-true responsible tried inveterate unfailing unswervable radical never-tiring hanging tough resilient purposive involved career-minded implacable manful careful stout sure sagacious hellbent bulldog extremely motivated very motivated telelogical calculated irrepressible hardy four-square meticulous warm unmovable indurate stiff inexorable optimistic intending aspirant wannabe would-be budding potential wishful hearty unchanging rock-ribbed grim thorough exacting punctilious particular meaning business spunky independent perceptive heroic take charge mean mean business be out for blood playing hard ball nose to the grindstone heedful ball of fire rabid possible prospective likely future absorbed engrossed through and through fast Type A brash firm in spirit tough-minded ironclad certain with one's shoulder to the wheel with one's nose to the grindstone engaged combative fiery pig-headed fascinated passional great employed emulous contentious obnoxious presumptuous officious bumptious loud obtrusive rhapsodic aflame nutty wacky concerned tantalized afire unqualified down-the-line sincere concentrated vying slogging swotty plugging working plodding out-and-out single-hearted old faithful given over to true to the end hot to trot turnt gone on tantalised bugged zesty greedy champing at the bit gaga full of beans imaginative inventive ingenious wishing offensive expectant endeavoring endeavouring competing bullish observant concentrating arrogant effective demanding liberal disruptive advanced forward-looking entrepreneurial creative innovative modern original warring carnivorous opposing antagonistic oppositional hot dying imposing cocksure pushful overconfident entire preoccupied all occupied enrapt exclusive whole undivided enlightened forward-thinking up-and-coming vital cocky engagé attached adherent imperious fast-track high-octane deep alert watchful immersed fearless strident sharp-elbowed loudmouthed nervy minding highly motivated composed collected emphatic new rising on the warpath poised full of oneself spoiling for a fight ready for action influential weighty effectual mighty robust authoritarian ruling go-go successful potent supreme efficient forcible avant-garde intensive wrapped up out to determined to fixed upon anxious to committed to intending to insistent on fixed on decisive about obsessed with resolved on impatient to resolved to determined on self-reliant gumptious cool-headed highly capable in control craving desiring full of get-up-and-go in the saddle

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(informal) The best of its kind or class
famous brilliant extraordinary awesome fine outstanding celebrated exceptional glorious grand great impressive magnificent marvellous marvelous notable remarkable renowned tremendous wonderful excellent fabulous fantastic prime sensational splendid stellar sterling superb superior terrific choice divine fab groovy heavenly lovely mighty quality superlative top beautiful classic cool crackerjack dandy dynamite fantabulous hot mean neat nifty noble peachy phat primo radical slick swell unsurpassed A1 A-OK banner bumper capital corking cracking dope prize righteous supernal bang-up blue-chip blue-ribbon first-class first-rate first-string five-star high-class out-of-sight prizewinning tip-top topflight top-notch top-of-the-line top-shelf gilt-edge gilt-edged number one numero uno jim-dandy par excellence peachy keen supreme admirable topping peerless matchless smashing sublime ace mega brill amazeballs on fleek high-quality premium high-grade top-drawer incredible luxury exquisite of a high standard good breathtaking gorgeous dazzling unrivalled noteworthy super stunning chillin' bodacious perfect unrivaled rad frontline gangbusters schmick wizard splendiferous immense keen gangbuster hype optimal beaut bonnie august lofty boss splendorous elevated elegant optimum down gone sik bonny boffo exalted brave exo solid belting brag bully bosting proud barrie pearler a standout state-of-the-art of the first water world-class of the first order the very best supercalifragilisticexpialidocious the best rare eminent skillful skilful illustrious distinguished very good out of sight top-hole bonzer wicked out of this world four-star too much select best champion elite premier exclusive topnotch finest top-quality top-tier ripping tiptop deluxe amazing magic pre-eminent spiffing A-1 leading preeminent worthy delightful exemplary mind-blowing consummate top of the line top of the range class applaudable incomparable sovereign top-class highest of the highest quality crack spectacular highest quality unparalleled dominant valuable stupendous flawless accomplished transcendent top-grade upscale of high quality high priceless of the highest standard formidable dreamy upmarket top-level greatest awesomesauce classy sound winning crucial bosker noted def phenomenal ideal too good to be true grade A enjoyable striking attractive desirable special outrageous vintage unreal bad fancy chic nice unique unmatched fly peak precious spanking luxurious selected hunky-dory very best of the highest order entrancing enchanting certified invaluable masterly pleasurable commendable praiseworthy radiant laudable meritorious estimable mint fantastical legit memorable standout prodigious unequalled pleasing delectable posh top-of-the-range scrumptious unexcelled classical surpassing far-out fashionable way-out ritzy cream star model lead flagship faultless unbeatable top quality high quality extravagant major quintessential uppermost tops marvy untouchable fabby effusive goodly beezer singular extreme excessive dear costly pricey foremost central expensive inflated lank unequaled exaggerated kif worthiest solid gold the dog's bollocks spendy big-ticket in a class all by itself super-duper high-end far out without equal top-flight beyond compare ultraexpensive above and beyond of highest order pricy award-winning top-end high-ticket glittering venerable key sharp quick prominent bestselling reliable bewitching captivating charming commanding agile deft clever smart unforgettable arresting agreeable pleasant satisfying rewarding colossal virtuoso masterful unorthodox deep wild blissful definitive authoritative enviable handy well-designed natty convenient adroit apt ingenious stylish spruce idyllic rapturous gratifying ravishing alluring A-list master sophisticated polished creditable hand-picked elect plush advanced crowning paragon foxy juicy rocking distinctive choicest first dainty ka pai high-test favored 10 popular preferred preferential sup rior all very well well and good really good moving eloquent surprising agitating most unbelievable prize-winning handpicked plum favorite virtuous top drawer baller crash hot nang No. 1 superfine five star second to none of the highest type highest-quality top grade best-quality with it pretty cool really nice ambrosial superhuman yummy paradisal lush adorable spiritual paradisaic paradisic saintly favoured favourite uncommon cherry-picked unusual grade-A carefully chosen first-line zero cool 24-karat swanky swish swank pick fat snobby glamorous upper-class

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Well chosen or suited to the circumstances
felicitous appropriate apt fitting suitable apposite apropos germane happy pertinent timely applicable becoming befitting choice fit fitted good meet neat pretty proper relevant right well-chosen well-timed congruous opportune propitious well chosen convincing fortuitous joyous just pat seasonable telling well expressed well put spot on to the point expedient convenient auspicious favourable favorable advantageous fortunate suited providential correct lucky heaven-sent material well timed seemly to the purpose golden serendipitous kosher fluky significant related right on on the nose on the button appurtenant benign useful acceptable ripe ideal in keeping legit connected promising flukey due comme il faut desirable fair deserved reasonable decent relative satisfactory nice ad rem welcome judicious accidental beneficial helpful incidental rightful linked applicatory pointed qualified requisite sensible on target perfect successful coincidental chance prosperous timeous belonging unexpected casual tailor-made compatible unforeseen enviable efficacious conforming decorous jammy admissible correlated salient merited valid congruent worthy consistent well-suited condign sufficient commodious legitimate handy that's the ticket cut out for having direct bearing on having to do with equitable privileged blessed healthy rehearsed wholesome well-off profitable allied bright just right beseeming behooving agreeable conformed reconciled accommodated made to order wise relatable pertaining important conducive accommodating justified favored done allowable permitted permissible equipped pertaining to tasteful akin cognate in order worthwhile comfortable just what was ordered effective favoured comely adequate best competent warranted earned analogous according to Hoyle adapted conformable well suited matched what the doctor ordered well-deserved applicative relating on-topic kindred prompt well deserved well earned cut out accepted punctual well judged of interest established conventional set disposed orthodox formal user friendly advisable fit for purpose righteous right up someone's street up to standard good enough in keeping with politic okay swell copacetic in character up to snuff presentable immediate speedy associable crying out likely towardly accurate official exact regular precise in the nick of time up-to-date in good time up-to-the-minute at the right time of use apropos of inadvertent unintended desired prudent de règle uncertain haphazard unlooked-for unanticipated unpremeditated unintentional unplanned unwitting random chancy incalculable variable odd contingent at the mercy of events serviceable gainful practical usable sound functional constructive preferable feasible valuable recommended suggested ample tolerable tactical fruitful necessary benefic benignant of benefit useable well-matched practicable friendly beneficent enough needed expected prepared productive passable salutary toward strategic justifiable hopeful like-minded complementary ready behooveful commonsensical of service workable logical capable encouraging employable pragmatic anticipated recommendable correspondent required preferred carefully selected kindly all right authorized pleasant sympathetic able optimal respectable authorised operable well of assistance realistic deserving achievable doable satisfying available chosen utilitarian equal commendable specified intended brave healthful viable flattering commensurate commensurable proportionate indicated abundant sustainable sanctioned unobjectionable favoring lawful sufficing selected true approved within reason real legal sagacious rewarding bounteous licensed authentic benevolent favouring obligatory rational recognized plentiful plenteous gratifying average positive lucrative efficient bountiful very model operative furthersome aplenty quintessential licenced recognised called for of value canonical supreme effectual bona fide on the money decisive full of promise conclusive for the best in one's interests just the job made well provident destined favourite favorite workaday awaited slated richly-deserved peculiar unique ordinary everyday well disposed complimentary laudatory kind utility wearable good for designed rosy cheering pleasureful pleasurable reassuring pleasing bounden counselable associated with reasoned essential prerequisite particular optimistic working actionable well qualified well-earned of a kind right and proper to one's advantage in one's interest supportive instrumental express heartening sane usual OK roseate upbeat rose-colored weighty harmonious consonant accordant concerning pointful referring conformant trained eligible remunerative meritorious looked-for predictable seasonal compelling definitive best suited clear solid real-world O.K. utilizable great archetypal consummate absolute ultimate prototypical uplifting win-win inspiring worth it in point dexter in readiness potent active of help forceful determinative powerful forcible attainable operational realizable fairly good attractive moderately good not bad called-for quantified listed just the thing in one's best interests coming rhadamanthine scheduled fit to be eaten equal to consumable up to comestible versatile fit for human consumption safe to eat approving common capable of edible plenty possible manageable sought after appropriate to the time of year normal for the time of year in the running in line for accomplishable matching commendatory salubrious hygienic commending protean not too bad to your advantage copious minimal tenable within reach just what the doctor ordered the very thing just what one needs excellent wonderful indulgent accommodative obliging utilisable level-headed easy enow as much as you need as much as is necessary bearable habitable endorsed accredited wealthy luxurious honest moralistic moral virtuous ethical principled noble card-carrying right-minded certified authoritative well grounded realisable well advised of choice authenticated opulent liberal elegant substantial supportable inhabitable sufferable endurable exploitable validated within the bounds of possibility within the realms of possibility within possibility well thought out holding water on the level twenty-four carat on the up and up in principle optimum documented verified generous licit signed sealed ratified cozy tenantable snug homey enjoyable civilized lodgeable affluent gracious prime peak top genuine constitutional statutory acknowledged -worthy allowed signed and sealed ordered straight from the horse's mouth cleared customary cathedral decided ex cathedra definite and delivered ex officio idyllic foremost cornucopian livable civilised cosy finest choicest well off well-fixed well-situated fit for human habitation worth living best possible self-serving free from hardship well-heeled well-to-do to one's own advantage in one's own interests pre-eminent best-case de jure most correct

Tính từ

Of, or relating to a prophecy or a prophet
prophetic predictive augural divinatory fatidic mantic oracular prescient prognostic sibylline far-seeing vatic apocalyptic fateful foreshadowing presaging prophetical revelatory vaticinal vaticinatory adumbrative Delphian farsighted fatidical foretelling forewarning occult prognosticative pythonic veiled visionary clairvoyant psychic divining intuitive predicting foreboding anticipating perceptive farseeing portending auguring discerning judicious portentous mystical foresighted far-sighted haruspical provident forethoughtful extrapolative foreseeing forehanded projecting forward proactive conjecturing surmising guessing forward-looking revelational precognitive vatical sibyllic apocalyptical diagnostic premonitory canny sagacious astute second-sighted telepathic indicating insightful extrasensory percipient previsional foreknowing fey with foresight ominous clear-sighted penetrating spiritualistic long-sighted positive wise sage significant auspicious grave with second sight dogmatic bodeful authoritative dictatorial venerable with a sixth sense new age vague interpretive imperious secret discovering forecasting prophesying soothsaying peremptory cabalistic prognosticating proclaiming divulging divinitory anticipatory preemptive prudent shrewd cautious active practical politic acute longsighted foresightful hands-on down to business taking the initiative watchful careful forearmed prospicient acting in advance cool-headed levelheaded commonsensical well-balanced long modern progressive long-term liberal reforming enterprising go-ahead enlightened go-getting dynamic progressivist pushing pioneering ambitious bold open-minded revolutionary forward-thinking avant-garde radical

Tính từ

Of or full of expression
expressive moving vivid poignant striking meaningful passionate suggestive artistic eloquent emotional graphic intense revealing significant stirring strong ardent charged descriptive energetic evocative indicative lively meaning powerful pregnant revelatory sympathetic telling allusive deeply felt demonstrative emphatic forcible imaginative indicating emotion indicating feeling visionary alive animated articulate brilliant colourful colorful communicative dramatic easy-to-read full of emotion full of feeling indicating ingenious masterly mobile open pathetic pictorial picturesque pointed representative representing responsive sensitive showy signifying silver-tongued spirited stimulating tender thoughtful touching understanding warm affecting redolent speaking clear deep symbolic inspiring fervent creative fiery impassioned uninhibited forceful realistic cogent lifelike rich telltale touchy-feely impactful effusive feeling profound loving detailed heartfelt mournful reminiscent unreserved aesthetic sad intriguing evocatory gushing haunting unrestrained resonant fervid remindful weighty graceful visual delineated compelling affectionate convincing vehement esthetic sentimental lucid emotive enthusiastic impressive exciting sincere thrilling original approachable explicit beautiful forthcoming cuddly friendly elegant symptomatic fine inventive doleful tasteful stirred illustrative expansive uplifting soulful significative consequential unconstrained candid warmhearted vibrant poetic figurative influential definitive persuasive hot-blooded cultivated full cultured refined perceptive inspirational lovey-dovey zealous giving an inkling feverish vigorous flaming fanatical melodramatic sententious important graphical heated burning torrid impelling authoritative true to life passional inspiriting punchy distinct active glowing blazing upsetting heart-warming perfervid effective highly coloured definite incandescent superheated religious heartbreaking irresistible red-hot warm-blooded heart-rending rousing grand heartrending soul-stirring tragic tear-jerking high-powered hard-hitting evoking noticeable narrative sophisticated discerning connotative fluent loaded arty resonating impressionistic warming tactual tactile cheering cheerful gladdening resonant with remindful of seminal arousing anthemic encouraging calling up momentous fecund insinuative insinuatory tragicomic emotion-charged eager arresting excited committed assiduous earnest dedicated steadfast allegiant insinuating heartening instigative elevating enriching inspirative improving stunning gripping breathless provoking affective fierce wild faithful memorable unforgettable authentic frenzied decorative lovely stylish scintillating sharp provoking doubt ornamental exquisite messianic violent interesting fascinating raging tumultuous uncontrollable consuming elevated flowery sly enigmatic cunning hip theatrical fresh pleasing impulsive impetuous ungovernable true-to-life sharply-etched crystal clear steamed up high-pressure stimulated precipitate headlong hotblooded quickened attractive impish arch wise teasing mischievous playful efficient capable subtle aesthetically pleasing insightful able coherent knowing motivational authoritarian pivotal motivating swayful alluring masterful efficacious musical harmonious ideal rhythmical sublime sonorous mellow mellifluous rational reasoned pertinent sufficient successful dynamic temperamental plausible on the ball aggressive logical material charming mighty histrionical trenchant well-founded relevant well reasoned imposing satisfying credible puissant reasonable unanswerable direct theatric sound acute well founded performant powerhouse ringing illustrated purposeful bitter painful distressing excitable susceptible full-bodied melodious scenic representational storming flamboyant exuberant quick piteous pitiful dulcet fruity booming mellifluent pitiable disturbing saddening sorrowful sketched engraved portrayed pictoric painted illustrational blocked-out diagrammatic depicted etched seen pictured pictographic marked-out outlined traced iconographic heartwarming overcharged tempestuous roused effervescent vivacious zestful far-reaching harrowing wretched tearful miserable sentient verklempt ecstatic phat canorous bright rotund silvery zesty animate peppy vital blithe agonizing plaintive gut-wrenching shocking lurid startling perturbing agonising agitating nostalgic buoyant zippy bouncy high-spirited sparky photographic well-drawn well drawn perspicuous comprehensible well defined well delineated well expressed unequivocal precise incisive concrete intelligible leaving nothing to the imagination

Tính từ

Strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way
uncanny unearthly supernatural eerie preternatural strange weird mysterious unnatural creepy queer spooky ghostly eldritch other-worldly unreal abnormal bizarre curious eery freakish haunting magical miraculous odd phenomenal spookish superhuman supernormal transcendent transcendental bizarro freaky rum devilish fantastic ghoulish inexplainable mystifying prodigious scary secret singular supranormal unheard-of very strange unusual peculiar extraordinary atypical uncommon out of the ordinary quaint unexpected anomalous unfamiliar different deviant outlandish aberrant rare puzzling funny unorthodox inexplicable quirky irregular unique oddball untypical freak perplexing baffling unaccountable remarkable eccentric incongruous unconventional paranormal offbeat uncustomary spectral mystic exceptional off the wall phantom kooky kookie wacky way-out unwonted novel ethereal foreign frightening metaphysical otherworldly chilling out-of-the-way spine-chilling spiritual hair-raising erratic idiosyncratic heavenly whacky mystical crazy numinous wild queerish suspicious incomprehensible dubious far-out unaccustomed out of the way off-kilter unknown off-centre ghostlike unco sinister inconceivable surprising occult alien ghastly terrifying zany screwy funky weirdo blood-curdling outré petrifying scaring kinky questionable exotic obscure spaced-out fishy off-the-wall psychic monstrous original phantasmal uncharacteristic phantasmic haunted aberrated surreal unthinkable unfathomable wacko unintelligible whimsical cranky supermundane superior preposterous unheard of sublime divine left-field unbelievable distinct exclusive ridiculous ludicrous wraithlike ominous shadowy individual disparate fanciful hidden dark befuddling confusing insubstantial extramundane divergent grotesque supranatural unprecedented contrary exceeding especial unrepresentative nonstandard extraordinaire fairy impenetrable mythical legendary invisible celestial unrevealed unknowable mythological superordinary uncomprehensible concealed droll jarring special illusory extraterrestrial apparitional magic new fearful macabre distinctive unforeseen demoniac unnerving irrational characteristic nightmarish disconcerting unanticipated exalted inscrutable awful unparalleled anomalistic horrific disturbing off-key ineffable transmundane out of place intriguing dreadful unimaginable unworldly flakey flaky unlike newsworthy isolated awe-inspiring perverted dumfounding confounding outre dilly weird and wonderful daggy inhuman inimitable nonconformist muddling nonconforming outrageous absurd untried alternative out there superphysical one and only unexplored fabulous unordinary supersensible extrasensory incorporeal disembodied shadowlike spine-tingling unpredictable offhand illogical thaumaturgic out-there stupefying bewildering signal outstanding eidolic holy cadaverous deathlike corpselike wraithy wan pale indistinct vampiric unrecognized demonic non-mortal animal subhuman non-human marvellous wonderful wondrous uncouth whacko supernal dumbfounding disconsonant inapropos irrelevant incongruent incoherent not of this world awesome uneasy comical unrecognised distinguished dissimilar appalling fiendish sepulchral funereal inappropriate hyperphysical deviative marvelous doubtful custom customized specialized signature personalized distinguishing particular incomparable awkward shady better than expected out of the blue from left field superstitious crawly random dubitable disputable disquieting debatable shaky doubtable equivocal dodgy suspect hard to swallow fantastical foolish cockamamie nonsensical insane slang problematical problematic interesting harrowing shocking threatening menacing horrifying remote little known uninvestigated recondite fresh unhinged touched demented mad unbalanced moving uplifting inspiring inspirational boundless one-off diagnostic discriminating identifying diagnostical classic symptomatic way out off-beat off the rails bugged out astounding newfangled perverse aberrational devious non-typical deviate hairy horrible direful limited far-fetched disgusting unpleasant nasty gruesome visionary unlikely shuddersome pretend concocted labored laboured ersatz unconforming incredible made-up make-believe imitation staged non-rational hypernormal personalised specialised customised out of this world heroic arcane flustering overwhelming portentous amazing conspicuous stupendous great unannounced discomfiting nonplussing jolting nonplusing dismaying upsetting distorted deformed enormous godlike immense shattering misshapen malformed ugly Herculean herculean hideous unsightly omnipotent bionic formidable supreme staggering misproportioned twisted mangled mutilated gnarled beyond human unhandsome unbeautiful ill-favored homely unpretty unappealing unattractive unlovely unpleasing vile uncomely fugly huckery flamboyant antic extravagant grody ill-favoured surrealistic extreme laughable gross scarce out of line off-base off-color like nothing on earth more than human

Động từ

To have determined or dictated
influenced determined dictated affected decided guided motivated prompted aroused biased biassed controlled directed regulated swayed won over channeled channelled formed acted upon argued into brought to bear carried weight got at gotten at had an effect on had a part in impacted on instigated prevailed pulled strings roused ruled seduced talked into trained impacted shaped governed molded moulded worked on acted on forecast altered forecasted touched had an impact on upset struck exerted influence on hit moved modified impressed conditioned reached made an impression on transformed changed infected hurt stirred overcome hit hard struck at stricken overwhelmed involved disturbed stimulated fazed attacked impinged prevailed over told on got to shope shapen damaged devastated troubled perturbed constrained tainted manipulated overcame concerned excited impinged upon spread to marked took hold of emotionally moved had a bearing on taken hold of impressed on carried hat hitten shaken up shook up borne upon gotten to bore upon born upon injured vitiated corrupted afflicted crippled destroyed spoilt contaminated ruined spoiled marred demolished impaired ravaged annihilated persuaded compromised harmed distorted sabotaged prejudiced twisted warped restrained occurred defiled polluted checked contained captured convinced impelled angled inhibited crushed tamed slanted poisoned curbed garbled saddened distressed pained grieved agitated debased bridled mastered weakened blighted stretched doctored animated straught impassioned spurred kept measured disciplined held subdued skewed struck down threw thrown played havoc with born on shepherded grabbed pulled in knocked back registered with bowled over made an impact on held in check brought in referred to regarded kept a tight rein on encroached left a mark on inclined got made an impression reined in centered upon trespassed related disposed meddled intruded interacted with gotten through to made inroads predisposed got through to knocked for six steered urged carried weight with rubbed off on obtruded bended bent tugged at your heartstrings exerted an influence on imposed left an impression on interrupted touched a chord prevailed on wreaked havoc on pertained to induced pried colored coloured quickened interested broke broken brake drawn drew shaken shook worn away wore away holden belonged to stricken down underlay underlain gotten gat struck a chord stricken a chord done damage to wrought havoc on did damage to wrought havoc was a factor in got the better of gotten the better of been a factor in were a factor in gotten through got through

Động từ

To have triggered enthusiasm or eagerness
excited thrilled exhilarated roused stirred animated enlivened enthused stimulated delighted inspirited invigorated moved elated lifted vitalized buoyed charged electrified enraptured galvanized gladdened gripped heartened intoxicated pumped up tickled uplifted bucked up energised energized envigorated galvanised gingered up jazzed up livened up pepped up perked up picked up stirred up evoked fired gave someone a buzz lit a fire under put zip into quickened caused produced brought about prompted triggered induced elicited kindled enkindled aroused engendered awakened generated gave rise to brought out provoked incited instigated educed raised spawned ignited set off led to whipped up triggered off sowed the seeds of given rise to sown the seeds of begotten begat begot effected initiated promoted introduced precipitated affected brought to pass occasioned hatched made for created fostered bred contributed to riled rallied impassioned roiled inflamed fomented aggravated fired up agitated goaded incensed ruffled primed irked worked up baited encouraged piqued vexed wound up vivified grilled vext revved up egged on charged up angered touched off upset waked up flustered started maddened worked into lather shook up offended intensified infuriated shook motivated needled sparked off chafed woke up commoved discomposed jolted fed the fire taunted activated turned on titillated lift enthralled spurred on urged revitalized spurred fired the imagination of juiced up braced prodded filliped revived spiked jump-started zipped up revitalised amped up fired the enthusiasm of sparked elevated transported sent exalted got someone going ravished captivated refreshed strengthened impelled fortified grabbed kick-started pleased dynamized heightened zapped innervated switched on put new life in gave a buzz given a buzz gave someone a kick given someone a kick enchanted amazed entranced fascinated charmed astonished waked fueled fuelled emboldened gotten going got going astounded boosted whetted reinforced wowed cheered up informed activized bowled over keyed up called forth tickled pink slayed fired with enthusiasm given someone a charge gave someone a charge startled pushed driven drove put some life into put new life into awed tantalized rejuvenated dazzled actuated brightened spellbound touched cheered impressed teased irritated overjoyed raptured bewitched wakened fanned empowered rapped revivified sustained bestirred juiced woken up armed innerved enabled livened put new heart into started up carried away psyched put a bomb under made waves put new heart in steamed up spooked set up geed up knocked out tantalised put life into hit the ground running built a fire under built up blown away put new strength in cut a figure breathed life into blew away put some spark into challenged snapped up set going woke woken slew slain influenced infused pervaded permeated imbued made more exciting operated penetrated interested suffused shocked attracted modified transformed lightened struck mesmerized beguiled rivetted overwhelmed overawed hotted up engrossed overcome zhooshed zhooshed up riveted tempted tripped seduced seasoned accelerated disturbed captured engaged swayed pricked hounded warmed awaked reached absorbed overpowered impacted speeded sped absorpt powered palpated spiced amused hooked grappled entertained nerved rejoiced compelled supported bolstered stoked incentivized frenzied flushed restored hardened vivificated renewed freshened lit up led increased leaded made an impression on sent into transports speeded up whipped told on magnified brought to life mounted added some zest to felt admiration made a hit deepened blazed a trail got made an impression filled with joy got to given pleasure to mesmerised breathed new life into crazed summoned up killed made splash called stirred embers acted as a incentive to raced one's motor acted as a stimulus to sped up had an impact on made your head spin tranced added some colour to magnetized supplied power to redoubled leavened moved to action bugged acted as a spur to knocked dead abetted turned someone on wrought catalysed scored grandstanded registered worked led on made alive given a new lease of life to fazed knocked one's socks off jumpstarted made wild called to mind buoyed up left a mark on stunned brought back gave a new lease of life to revamped enhanced knocked someone's socks off frightened brightened up gave pleasure to jarred magnetised made a splash heated up pushed around catalyzed acted as a fillip to sent into raptures held spellbound acted as a impetus to felt respect made very happy intensated alerted enticed buffaloed bulldozed supplied energy to carried enforced asked for it showed off stricken overcame awoken awoke gave life to given life to added fuel to fire gotten to shaken shaken up drew forth drawn forth gone to your head went to your head taken someone's breath away took someone's breath away added zing to stung got one going gotten one going gotten one started added zest to got one started gave new life to given new life to gave a shot in the arm given a shot in the arm to given a shot in the arm gave a shot in the arm to pepped given a boost to gave a boost to given someone a thrill gave someone great pleasure given someone great pleasure gave someone a thrill took someone aback gotten taken someone aback shown off given joy to gone over big gave joy to went over big took your breath away took one's breath away taken your breath away taken one's breath away