Đồng nghĩa của dying to know

Tính từ

Tending to ask questions, or to want to explore or investigate
enquiring curious inquiring inquisitive inquisitorial inquisitory interrogative investigative querying questioning analytic analytical interested intrigued probing examining exploring inspecting scrutinising scrutinizing searching quizzical burning with curiosity keen agog fascinated excited eager moved attentive captivated riveted gripped intent deep engrossed absorbed nosy affected focused in-depth stimulated snoopy penetrating enticed inspired entranced hooked inspirited roused impressed beady-eyed focussed quizzing catechistical catechistic incisive sharp enthusiastic piercing attracted rapt into explorative drawn earnest prying intrusive responsive interfering pointed investigational thorough exploratory meddling enthused meddlesome caught predisposed awakened fired obsessed lured all ears taken gone occupied nosey ambitious desirous minute avid ardent struck touched sympathetic open sold officious snooping eat sleep and breathe on the case fact-finding busybody spying eavesdropping nebby impertinent peering forward speculative poking over-curious over-interested nosy-parker nosy-parkering big-eyed wondering doubtful charmed entertained investigatory outward-looking studious heuristic Socratic bewitched besotted enamoured enamored fond crazed smitten mesmerised mesmerized spellbound mad keen on enthralled by devoted to passionate about struck on mad about fixated by addicted to hooked on riveted by interested in enamored of attached to enthusiastic about mesmerized by twitterpated by attracted to nuts about turned on gone on crazy about bewitched by besotted with infatuated with hungry for clever insightful sensitive canny smart perceptive trenchant subtle discerning perspicacious intense researching discriminating acute ingenious judicious intuitive astute quick-witted observant fascinated by intent on smitten with eager for sweet on love-struck by enchanted by charmed by hung up fond of captivated by wild about obsessed with taken with enamoured of beguiled by partial to gripped by in love with intrigued by

Trái nghĩa của dying to know

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