Từ đồng nghĩa của keen

Alternative for keen

keens, keened, keening, keener, keenest

Từ đồng nghĩa: acute, bright, clever, cutting, exact, fine, quick, sharp, sharp-witted, smart,

Từ trái nghĩa: blunt, dull, obtuse,

Tính từ

Having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm towards doing something
eager enthusiastic excited itching anxious pumped raring enthused hungry yearning agog ardent exhilarated passionate vivacious exuberant interested longing sprightly zealous animated determined willing ambitious dedicated impatient wholehearted wishing antsy ebullient fervent nuts pleased stoked animate committed desirous lively solicitous thirsty vehement appetent avid dying energetic hot thrilled athirst crazy driven intent juiced motivated titillated wild devoted fanatical geeked ready spirited voracious gung ho hepped up high-spirited hopped-up intent on keyed up mad keen as keen as mustard chomping at the bit keen as mustard raring to go ready and willing greedy great champing at the bit craving desiring hankering pining gagging covetous breathless bursting aching wishful hopeful thirsting inspired inclined moved restive restless itchy desperate amenable fired up rarin' to go straining at the leash psyched ravenous gluttonous delighted stirred aroused acquisitive rapacious insatiable stimulated insatiate awakened edacious wanting ravening hoggish piggish swinish feverish dying to expectant esurient hot to trot psyched up on tenterhooks beside oneself worked up desirous of elated heated unquenchable electrified unappeasable burning fervid prodigious self-starting ripe engaged glad charged high happy uncontrollable intemperate aspiring lustful hung up disposed wolfish game unsatisfied hoping piggy gutsy gannet-like grasping pumped up in a hurry hankering after juiced up geared up itching for on pins and needles waiting with bated breath in want of dying for cranked up on fire in suspense earnest warmblooded approving touched atingle aspirant wannabe would-be edgy curious chafing straining intense impetuous restored refreshed revitalized enthralled diehard aggressive proactive bullish banzai lusting assiduous revitalised for ok with sympathetic active diligent habitual longful daydreaming take-charge can-do extremely enthusiastic warm obsessed hearty lacking full of enthusiasm all agog all a-gog impassioned nutty mad potty spoiling bone-dry cottonmouthed sapless juiceless supportive urgently requiring inquisitive quenchless set on bent on chafing at the bit longing for hoping for atremble aquiver consumed with desire unreluctant daft dotty enamoured of nutso hot for smitten with infatuated with devoted to keen on partial to crazy for wild for dry as dust crying out in great need of anxious for yearning for eager for ambitious for unslakable inextinguishable inappeasable in love with enamored of very keen on hooked on spoiling for in urgent need up for it ready for willing for avid for importunate clamorous insistent crying pressing urgent unsatisfiable exigent limitless demanding on the edge of one's seat joyful buoyant joyous jovial aspiring towards prehensile amorous keen for hopeful for envious never satisfied rhapsodic encouraged excitable enlivened euphoric enraptured ecstatic overjoyed gone on in favour in favor thirsty for craving for greedy for ravening for wishing for hungry for jolly roused exultant predatious uncontrolled giddy piqued peppy elevated tickled tickled pink sparky on cloud nine intoxicated hungered unfilled unable to be satisfied turned on aspiring to omnivorous full of beans compulsive blissful jubilant tumultuous bright-eyed and bushy-tailed alive anticipatory devouring covetous of lusting after waiting expecting aflame cock-a-hoop starving empty starved gorging dog-hungry gross sating in need of with an appetite with a yen awaiting anticipant anticipating agape watchful apprehensive very hungry starved to death on edge with bated breath alert looking for anticipative prepared vigilant waiting on

Tính từ

Having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm towards an activity
eager ardent avid enthusiastic earnest fervent impassioned fervid passionate zealous athirst dedicated industrious perfervid excited wholehearted willing assiduous crazy raring spirited driven hopeful intense longing voracious conscientious enthused intent warmblooded diligent ebullient hungry motivated vehement desirous devoted fanatical solicitous wild ambitious committed craving lively yearning desiring fierce interested zestful mad keen bright-eyed and bushy-tailed keen as mustard fiery passional burning warm thirsty energetic feverish nuts gung ho antsy pumped hot extreme frenzied emotional religious red-hot obsessive obsessed rabid agog animated sincere flaming stoked torrid charged hearty geeked demonstrative gung-ho incandescent hopped-up dynamic hepped up vigorous as keen as mustard hot-blooded warm-blooded fanatic devout anxious mad impatient great blazing juiced violent frenetic exhilarated glowing vivacious afire fixated nutty raving superheated addicted greedy forceful heartfelt possessed exuberant over-enthusiastic militant potty ready titillated bugged bigoted determined aflame frantic biased delirious high-spirited gotta have dying to profound heated ready and willing raring to go deeply felt keyed up full of beans champing at the bit chomping at the bit needing proselytizing evangelistic amorous insatiable excitable stormy effusive irascible ravenous grasping acquisitive angry avaricious rapacious covetous breathless urgent inspired uproarious hysterical stirred inspirited galvanized stimulated roused energized proselytising evangelical daft untrammeled tumultuous untrammelled unrestrained feeling encouraged moved aroused uplifted influenced activated single-minded pushy purposeful deep-seated in a frenzy card-carrying ecstatic itchy ripe zealotic fired go-ahead fireball self-starting wild-eyed energised galvanised strong deep full-hearted from the heart on fire very excited raw stirred up serious pious tender unfeigned warmhearted responsive jumping up and down self-driven true blue hopped up hot for coming on strong immoderate infatuated compulsive dotty visionary hooked thrilled wackadoodle wackadoo overenthusiastic fascinated rhapsodic animate wacky tantalized concerned unqualified appetent active gaga itching tantalised pleased sprightly zesty incorrigible credulous impulsive willful erratic opinionated monomaniacal unruly partial stubborn obstinate headstrong contumacious domineering turnt gone on hot to trot extremist intolerant uncompromising maniacal furious turned on nuts for high on overzealous crazed diehard prejudiced raging one-sided irrational unreasonable partisan ferocious illiberal infuriated swivel-eyed narrow-minded intemperate berko berserk mad-dog ultraist diseased deranged insane freaked out corybantic sizzling bitten overboard sick unwell virulent infected flipped naked ill poisoned smoking

Tính từ

Having or showing great perception or insight
brilliant perceptive astute clever smart penetrating piercing shrewd brainy canny fast judicious supersmart enlightened knowledgeable quick rational sapient bright gnostic ingenious percipient prudent exquisite nimble perspicacious profound ultrasmart argute fine genius intelligent savvy wise critical discerning sagacious whiz einstein erudite good intuitive sage sharp subtle acute exceptional incisive insightful observant sharpened alert discriminating sophisticated quick-witted rapier-like razor-like razor sharp razor-sharp sharp-witted hyperintelligent sharp as a tack knowing on the ball whip-smart sensitive intellectual gifted thoughtful ready deep aware calculating learned precocious able cunning quick on the uptake foxy cerebral sensible cagey clear-sighted streetwise scholarly artful crafty penetrative heads-up heady careful resourceful vigilant quick off the mark adroit slick skilful sly skillful long-headed logical deft watchful pawky clear nimble-witted analytical cute searching wily understanding far-sighted probing smooth awake open-eyed accomplished trenchant talented clear-eyed apt capable agile attentive adept wary devious scheming witty educated creative active thinking tentie tenty guileful Argus-eyed responsive designing politic slippery not missing a trick tricky dexterous on guard on your toes experienced dodgy hardheaded suss quick-thinking on the lookout on one's toes inventive dextrous beguiling hard-boiled masterly cagy fly alive wide awake studious cautious circumspect heedful philosophical wide-awake virtuoso all there reflective eagle-eyed prepared keen-eyed informed sharp-eyed delicate hawk-eyed on the job astucious sharp-sighted on the qui vive proficient farsighted lively far-seeing media-savvy expert crack elite accurate razor-edged knife-like tuned in disingenuous mindful competent chary with it concentrating guarded refined regardful fastidious bright-eyed and bushy-tailed all ears contemplative beady-eyed on tiptoe on the watch gimlet-eyed on the alert with eyes peeled on your guard with eyes like a hawk intent cultured keen-witted considered Machiavellian finely honed shifty highbrow reasonable academic deceitful masterful sneaky enquiring questioning inquiring underhand shady street-smart street smart spirited bookish discreet inquisitive sophic effective duplicitous brisk dishonest excellent conscious imaginative effectual insidious superior responsible well read on top of eggheaded choice whip not born yesterday wired comprehending heads up agog anxious leery quick on the draw quick on the trigger slim in the know knows what's what first-class very intelligent first-rate ear to the ground Einstein whiz kid genial keeping your eyes peeled looking for well-read keeping a weather eye on things paying attention waiting on interested with weather eye open looking to thorough on alert on toes superintelligent sentient self-aware precise concise crisp succinct punchy pithy downy beady hawklike underhanded bluestocking handy minute foresighted whetted well-honed sharp-edged steely receptive extraordinary swotty showing great knowledge with great knowledge cool hip to the point philosophic acuminous reasoning sprightly mentally keen plotting visionary swift PDQ prompt crackerjack innovative suspicious exact appreciative prescient deceptive complex analytic intriguing exacting ratiocinative detailed thoughty egghead with one's eyes open keeping one's eyes skinned vigorous mercurial curt nobody's fool having smarts wakeful ace master consummate fraudulent insighted well educated cluey glued hooked unsleeping full of insight book smart smart as a tack knowing how many beans make five cogitative introspective earnest musing deliberate museful ruminative meditative reflecting pondering measured pensive solemn grave studied with one's eyes skinned tricksy cheating with all one's wits about one wise to snide sound hotshot star polished smart as a whip well-informed evasive Janus-faced focused detail oriented vulpine carny shonky instructed together original diplomatic expedient surveying deducing correct eager considering intentive advertent discovering detecting contemplating focussed observative misleading wry greasy delusive witted treacherous delusory fit qualified skilled very smart examining exploratory researching intense pointed investigative curious crazy like fox close observing commonsensical efficient advisable good hands clued-in clued up vital apprehensive deep-thinking strategic sober know how many beans make five having a good head on one's shoulders having no flies on sane practical judgmatical judgmatic desirable tactical suitable powerful fitted particular efficacious practised on the stick seemly considerate well-advised well judged just well-judged seasonable judicial common-sense well thought out well advised worldly-wise tasty suited equal adequate cultivated selective easy effortless practiced equipped endowed with your wits about you tasteful strong trained worthy up to it know backwards and forwards highly endowed up to snuff know the ropes up to speed au fait know one's onions discriminative discriminational discriminatory differential shark calculated inside artistic aesthetic nice wised up on the inside up on finical choosy select picky individualising eclectic opinionated persnickety individualizing fussy choicy finicky esthetic perky fully awake wide-eyed fast on the draw with good taste conniving unscrupulous pragmatic realistic levelheaded double-dealing down-to-earth crooked manipulative commonsense matter-of-fact unprincipled provident businesslike level-headed dishonourable dishonorable untrustworthy hard reasoned unsentimental worldly mature immoral two-faced seasoned unethical hardened unidealistic mean no-nonsense well-founded tactful objective sneaking pragmatical grounded hard-headed justified furtive contriving well-reasoned bent tough dirty solid dubious earthy utilitarian commonsensible unromantic unfantastic real hard-nosed frugal roguish corrupt well-grounded reliable stealthy balanced having been around fiendish arch unfair safe disreputable urbane firm cogent well-thought-out traitorous coherent valid well reasoned unprovincial secret as sharp as a tack snidey forearmed opportunistic thrifty economical with both feet on the ground tough-minded cool-headed genuine deceiving insincere lying illegal hard-bitten rogue dependable gingerly enterprising serpentine cosmopolitan truthful secretive parsimonious neat unsporting forethoughtful illicit captious bluffing dissembling elusive illusory surreptitious unwasteful true lucid covert clear-thinking conspiratorial conversant unsportsmanlike joined-up penny-pinching deductive low-down nifty iffy clandestine knavish proven cheap polite prosaic crazy like a fox below the belt gracious courteous well grounded thinking twice playing safe hedging one's bets with one's feet on the ground conspiring premeditating real-life factual healthy mischievous impish clairvoyant well-balanced appropriate controlling malicious satisfying dinkum advantageous recommended beneficial profitable sussed adult satisfactory decent estimable cynical hep gainful worthwhile lifelike naturalistic natural amoral perfidious opportunist unreliable cutthroat unconscionable no fool fitting stinky robust unemotional exploitative swindling hoodwinking defrauding rascally irresponsible dicey unfaithful resolute intractable having fancy footwork slimy well balanced mean-spirited deviant dangerous undependable well a good idea mendacious collusive false unhonest true-life straight treating with kid gloves conciliatory grown-up bland suave inspired cognizant fly-by-night deliberated serious abstruse recondite gentle sparing with both one's feet on the ground innovational trailblazing fertile originative Promethean elaborate innovatory esoteric weighty arcane respectful sympathetic pioneering miserly economic hermetic hermetical not to be trusted clued-up tuned-in well-prepared hostile salty ornery snaky hang tough stand pat locked in tough nut deviceful well informed acroamatic occult orphic abstemious scrimping economizing forehanded with-it softly-softly kid-glove serious-minded consequent nasty fair stingy nimble-fingered two-timing saving tight sly like a fox full of common sense thinking outside the box despicable base trustworthy selfish materialistic grasping blasé economising cloak-and-dagger hidden veiled hole-and-corner back-alley hugger-mugger shrouded indirect professional impressive low contemptible au courant worldly-minded avaricious greedy covetous vile fishy murky backstairs nippy wizard wicked workmanlike bravura in right mind sordid callous self-centered self-centred disenchanted uptown power-loving mondain plausible justifiable veridical faultless collected unquestionable certain veracious synthetic credible infallible trustable penny-wise finely judged habile ignominious having all one's marbles steady-going errant obliquitous erring gimmicky oblique cowardly rotten ungentlemanly beggarly shameful squalid rigorous substantiated secure confirmed errorless sure corroborated colorable meticulous sincere impeccable inerrant validated verified fleet well versed in the ways of the world worldly wise been around nefarious under the table scurvy shabby detestable paltry foul unpleasant worthless certified defensible maintainable definite defendable calculable explicit supportable tenable sustainable empirical cognitive open stringent empiric faking one out playing politics put on not straightforward playing games execrable illegitimate abject inequitable ignoble unlawful wretched sleazy grubby unsportsmanly having know-how recognized faithful kosher sanctioned significant orthodox legit canonical reputable recognised sorry lame lousy deplorable scummy currish scungy having good hands reserved reticent scabby ratty tentative conservative hesitant low-minded suspecting scrupulous restrained precautious legal tried-and-true not cricket off-color ill-gotten out of order against the rules on-target letter-perfect clear-cut dead-on spot-on keeping a weather eye on walking on egg shells keeping on one's toes handling with kid gloves belt-and-braces with reservations watching one's step watching out walking on eggs taking it slow with one's eyes peeled

Tính từ

Significant or extreme in degree or intensity
intense burning fierce vehement acute deep relentless passionate profound strong almighty compelling ghastly powerful raging extreme fervid hard major zealous excessive exquisite ferocious fervent impassioned drastic dreadful eager energetic fanatical uncontrollable fearful furious heightened hellacious sharp terrible blistering earnest extraordinary fearsome great significant ardent exceptional feverish heavy urgent vicious explosive flaming frightful intensive perfervid severe consuming critical excruciating frenzied serious violent all-consuming cut-throat deep-seated heavy-duty warm-blooded vigorous fiery concentrated forceful heated heartfelt emotional enthusiastic torrid red-hot passional spirited potent searing wholehearted blazing charged warm agonizing piercing hot-blooded very great forcible thorough inflamed agonising animated overpowering demonstrative stirring incandescent insufferable overwhelming superheated glowing unbearable religious emphatic biting intensified penetrating insistent vivid close wild hot deep-rooted desperate deeply felt detailed careful painstaking rigorous assiduous conscientious meticulous grave sincere outspoken abject searching minute vociferous excited forthright scrupulous methodical strident full clamorous noisy bitter cutting diligent rousing tough thoroughgoing strenuous unendurable loud avid hearty harsh emotive supreme vocal uncontrolled frantic inordinate immoderate marked intemperate rabid unqualified lively hopped up durable industrial-strength real right impossible proper heavyweight long-lasting hellish diabolical raw cordial attentive intolerable messianic committed awful inexcusable dire unforgivable grievous reprehensible indefensible focused intent unstoppable heartrending boiling baking scorching dramatic alert deepest disgraceful shameful parlous very bad enthused melodramatic sizzling roasting entrenched devout true genuine overemotional sentimental sweltering honest hard-core intrenched unfeigned rooted gung ho true blue stimulating interesting focussed tropical parching withering harrowing torturous bona fide inveterate scalding enormous racking poignant transcending tormenting eventful formidable settled high blazing hot blistery baking hot broiling protracted bred-in-the-bone confirmed undue exaggerated resounding ungovernable angry impetuous full-throated pronounced opinionated hyper delirious boiling hot very hot rampaging rampant riotous devastating unrestrained strained pungent stinging shrill exhaustive storming uncurbed unchecked unbridled unmanageable unfettered frank blunt like a furnace mother of all convulsive painful enraged blustery ruinous peppery on the make complete hectic paroxysmal stormy turbulent volcanic dynamic outrageous tumultuous aroused tempestuous coercive all-out in-depth comprehensive concerted out of control full of force gale force all-inclusive all-absorbing all-encompassing total demanding plain-spoken all-embracing free-spoken open candid direct uninhibited sedulous sweeping extensive high-pressure elaborate determined widespread resolute expressive articulate out-and-out persistent accelerated fast speeded-up radical eloquent facile fluent free plainspoken smooth-spoken glib raucous voluble venting stentorian round sultry red ultrahot white-hot piping hot steaming like an oven on fire humid stuffy sweltry tropic fevered febrile igneous very warm summery piping decalescent smoking recalescent calescent white thermogenic ovenlike feverous extremely hot stifling oppressive squally unbearably hot like a blowtorch oven-like muggy dry airless sweaty gusty cyclonic suffocating thundery thunderous howling inclement boisterous ablaze afire flashing alight savage gleaming aflame typhonic blustering choppy volatile kindled ignited conflagrant lit enflamed combusting lighted burning up febrific roaring balmy drying sound pyretic claggy burning hot aboil steamy uncomfortably warm titanic mighty stiff stark crushing powerhouse sticky jungle-like stewing perspiring arid parched smouldering scorched barren unrelenting grueling punishing brutal repressive grim smoldering radiating shining glaring waterless desert dried wrenching galling caustic like a Turkish bath pounding afflicting gruelling unsparing flushed shooting overheated stabbing flickering flaring in flames empyreal agitable distressing peracute sudden finely tuned fiery hot menacing bumpy windy rough swirling destructive chaotic restless stormful rugged more than one can bear more than flesh and blood can stand

Tính từ

Harshly sarcastic or satirical in nature
scathing cutting incisive searing pointed stinging trenchant acid sardonic satirical contemptuous ferocious nasty sharp unblunted virulent caustic corrosive heartless merciless piercing savage biting brutal fierce malicious penetrating satiric callous critical mocking sarcastic scornful tart venomous acerbic bitter harsh pungent salty snarky violent acidic cruel devastating edged hurtful mordacious unrelenting acute derisive pitiless truculent vicious vitriolic acrid acrimonious grim sadistic scorching unsparing withering astringent belittling mordant ruthless scalding wanton cold-blooded extremely critical acidulous acerb waspish barbed razor-edged severe smart-mouthed smart-aleck smart-alecky sarky polemic spiteful poignant dry wounding rapier-like cynical unkind catty abrasive ironic telling peppery piquant snappy burning hostile rude ironical disparaging poisonous polemical forceful corroding racy emphatic tangy wry scoffing pithy spicy witty disrespectful brusque tongue-in-cheek acetose ridiculing rancorous unfriendly churlish stern sour chaffing burlesque zesty controversial alkaline zingy pert savoury savory contentious stringent mean rough snappish snippy testy short unpleasant disapproving hard argumentative disputatious offensive hateful provocative salt exciting stimulating strong vigorous destructive sneering double-edged forthright driving clear vinegary acidulated crisp explicit powerful distinct effective blunt erosive potent unequivocal blistering edgy acetic derisory crushing acidy taunting backhanded sourish tartish smarting clever implausible ridiculous defiant contradictory exaggerated backbiting alert arrogant jibing atypical twisted uncomplimentary curious quick-witted accurate venomed pertinent irreverent with a kick briny acetous soured green razor-sharp meaty meaningful insightful right-on insinuating short-and-sweet legit pregnant parodying Hudibrastic Rabelaisian lampooning humorous spoofing paradoxical spoof farcical bantering in a nutshell on the nose boiled down laid on the line right to it calling a spade a spade on the button sly subtle deadpan droll laconic deprecating waggish apathetic sharp-tongued matter-of-fact straight-faced low-key quietly humorous poker-faced snide vindictive maleficent malignant slashing malign pernicious malefic jeering malevolent derogatory abusive insulting antagonistic aggressive splenetic evil-intentioned slighting denigratory curt baleful resentful ill-natured contumelious squint-eyed vituperative ornery disdainful austere teasing dismissive detracting pillorying rigorous deprecatory vitriolous tough inconsiderate irritating grievous envenomed smart evil snidey vehement menacing hate-filled despiteful angry galling crabbed bad grudging cussed dirty terse drilling clear-cut impertinent strict exacting coarse rigid sound vengeful bilious shrewish overwhelming overpowering distressing ill-tempered bad-tempered tonic wicked harmful demeaning degrading derogative depreciative detractive decrying pejorative depreciatory denigrative sharp-worded thoughtless ungracious stabbing injurious damaging nauseating grating highly effective slanderous defamatory cold irascible unfeeling annoying viperous viperish toxicant twitting saucy scurrilous captious needling carping insensitive unsympathetic comfortless weisenheiming dripping with malice dripping venom full of spleen full of gall accidentally on purpose spiky gruff scathy lousy horrid negative hard to take rubbing the wrong way discouraging absurd ludicrous cockamamie pathetic silly cockamamy laughable risible comical preposterous unhelpful excruciating out-of-line flip cocky fresh cheeky crusty gally sassy nervy agonizing intense undermining disobliging invalidating contrary adverse obstructive awful harrowing terrible intolerable dreadful oppressive torturous discrediting vexatious grueling tormenting unbearable punishing extreme insufferable repressive grave for the birds wrenching painful consuming troublesome racking pounding agonising afflicting gruelling embittered very bad sullen begrudging sore aggrieved hurt disgruntled offended indignant morose discontented wounded dissatisfied choked jaundiced miffed peeved piqued peevish petulant with chip on shoulder put out hard done by grudge-bearing irreconcilable with a chip on one's shoulder crabby ill-disposed sulky

Tính từ

(keen on) Having an attraction to
into attracted besotted bewitched captivated enamored enamoured crazed enticed fond agog drawn mesmerised smitten absorbed caught intrigued predisposed curious fascinated mesmerized riveted spellbound eager gripped interested impressed inquisitive moved roused sold attentive entranced intent obsessed hooked inspired touched affected engrossed lured stimulated excited inspirited mad rapt taken devoted to enthralled by keen on passionate about addicted to fixated by mad about struck on attached to hooked on interested in riveted by attracted to enthusiastic about mesmerized by twitterpated by crazy about gone on nuts about turned on besotted with bewitched by hungry for infatuated with eager for fascinated by intent on smitten with charmed by enchanted by love-struck by sweet on captivated by fond of hung up wild about beguiled by enamored of enamoured of obsessed with taken with gripped by intrigued by partial to in love with infatuated devoted passionate fanatical enthusiastic focused focussed ardent inquiring enquiring avid preoccupied crazy occupied fixated single-minded monomaniacal hypnotized wild wrapped up in intense preoccupied with single-minded about hell-bent preoccupied by obsessive about possessed by hung up on busy questioning probing hypnotised engrossed in caught up in dedicated to immersed in scrutinizing potty about wild on eat sleep and breathe stuck on dotty about zealous investigative nosy snoopy in love enthused beady-eyed nuts inquisitorial immersed consumed very keen on really into scrutinising potty engaged lost enthralled distracted burning with curiosity buried involved concerned deep queer addicted caught up sunk in taken over wrapped up absorbed in up to here heavily into up to here in taken up head over heels focused on locked in tied up involved in dialed in up to your ears wound up deep in thought having a one-track mind attached taken up with prepossessed earnest happy impassioned wackadoodle wackadoo fanatical about paranoid neurotic responsive charmed entertained quizzical interrogative gone awakened fired all ears querying examining inspecting open struck sympathetic dotty fervid fervent overwrought dizzy in the grip of daft on the case nutso hysterical hot for ambitious desirous beside oneself very enthusiastic mad on using prying intrusive snooping wasted abusing jonesing for dependent on shooting up under the influence dependent strung out jonesing on prone habituated with a … habit peering spying over-curious eavesdropping over-interested meddling meddlesome nosy-parkering nosey busybody interfering nosy-parker big-eyed personal speculative challenging analytical searching nebby impertinent forward presumptuous poking officious prurient sifting beguiled enraptured enchanted transfixed delighted thrilled stunned overwhelmed dazzled awestruck awestricken held bedazzled won over transported intoxicated under a spell starstruck fixed submerged tantalized seduced titillated concentrated enrapt observant aroused sent wrapped bound-up ravished absent-minded abstracted in a brown study tantalised moonstruck tempted awed steeped snowed connected set centered overpowered very interested bound up centred enfolded extremely curious sold on very inquisitive highly interested extremely interested very curious rapturous ecstatic ensorcelled have a thing about fallen for gaga about rhapsodic giddy elevated euphoric elated exhilarated rhapsodical heady blissful ignorant steady absent joyful inattentive carried away dreaming content blissed out daydreaming employed unconscious oblivious breathless amazed watchful agape concentrating absentminded somewhere else entranced by in a world of one's own with one's head in the clouds distracted by wool-gathering not there taken up by distrait miles away dreamy all wound up not with us spellbound by open-mouthed under someone's spell steadfast studious settled alert set on deep in

Tính từ

(of the edge or point of a blade) Having a sharp or pointed edge
sharp jagged pointed serrated honed sharpened whetted cuspidate edged stropped knifelike spiked unblunted edgy trenchant peaked spired cutting tipped pointy acuate pronged fine-edged keen-edged knife-edged razor-like sharp-edged knife-like razor-edged razor-sharp ground acute fine acuminate barbed cuspate aciculate acuminous briery horned needlelike prickly thorny splintery tined spiny acicular needle-pointed tapered tapering spiky piked mucronate sharp-cornered cornered apical piercing lancinating gnawing stinging shooting stabbing salient cuspidated cuspated aciculated ground fine narrow razor gutting spear-like needle-like spear-shaped conic wedge-shaped cone-shaped conical V-shaped subulate lanceolate conoid cusped aculeate sagittate arrowlike spearlike sagittal bristly brambly briary scratchy spinous thinning dwindling thin narrowing spinose pyramidal spined ticklish tricky bristled thistly difficult knotty problematic delicate sensitive tough sticky dodgy tricksy hairy problematical touchy catchy nasty hobnailed attenuated elongated shaped hooked diminished funnel-shaped needle-shaped acute-angled toothed notched sawtooth sawtoothed snaggy strobilate coned infundibular strobiloid turbinate conoidal trying complicated bristling intricate troublesome awkward involved perplexing bothersome hard baffling spicular spiculate spiniferous complex irksome worrying vexatious taxing concerning bristling with thorns jaggy muricate barbellate setaceous convoluted annoying stimulating echinated nettlesome

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(US, informal, dated) The best of its kind or class
fine fantastic marvellous marvelous fabulous splendid wonderful heavenly impressive magnificent choice dope great majestic stellar striking chic classic cool mean phat quality beautiful groovy hot rare top bumper divine excellent exquisite sublime terrific banner fantabulous neat righteous superb wicked elegant lovely plush radical sensational slick unreal cracking dynamite fab grand outstanding sterling dandy fancy immense peachy prime splendiferous awesome brilliant exceptional nifty refined swell bang-up blue-chip blue-ribbon first-class high-class jim-dandy number one numero uno out-of-sight par excellence peachy keen tip-top top-notch top-shelf very good top-of-the-line topping superlative superior corking capital unsurpassed wizard crackerjack topflight boss supernal noble first-rate bully prizewinning boffo primo gangbusters gilt-edged frontline gangbuster famous bonny prize A-OK down bonnie brag gilt-edge hype first-string brave five-star gone four-star out of this world super smashing ace glorious brill tremendous supercalifragilisticexpialidocious champion supreme rad top-hole beaut amazing magic too much perfect ripping admirable bosting world-class spiffing mega delightful amazeballs schmick bonzer on fleek dreamy select peerless phenomenal bodacious gorgeous crucial mind-blowing remarkable matchless spectacular incredible sound crack good sik def exo extraordinary best fabby stunning worthy beezer goodly belting pearler barrie accomplished tiptop far out applaudable exemplary sovereign dazzling of the first water A-1 spanking pre-eminent unrivaled greatest marvy unrivalled chillin' stupendous lank kif topnotch elite incomparable skilful enjoyable skillful masterly bad eminent meritorious estimable preeminent premier notable formidable distinguished highest of high quality breathtaking of the highest quality of the highest standard pleasurable too good to be true virtuoso masterful commendable laudable premium class attractive of the first order unparalleled noted flawless deluxe praiseworthy transcendent solid consummate high-quality winning high-grade top-class expert A1 skilled proficient of the highest order top-drawer dominant outrageous special valuable desirable ideal unique vintage colossal creditable prodigious standout savvy nice awesomesauce polished top-level leading bosker fly optimum top-grade singular finest optimal tops solid gold top-tier highest quality very best out of sight adept sharp entrancing clever smart enchanting exclusive illustrious radiant fantastical capable invaluable talented memorable pleasant pleasing high priceless agreeable satisfying rewarding delectable lofty unequalled scrumptious gifted honourable astonishing unexcelled wondrous surpassing far-out cream star unmatched deserving to die for way-out lead honorable meritable faultless unbeatable flagship quintessential model splendorous uppermost untouchable effusive extreme excessive exalted inflated unequaled exaggerated worthiest gnarly top-quality hunky-dory zero cool the dog's bollocks best ever in a class all by itself top of the line top of the range super-duper ka pai without equal worthy of admiration the best beyond compare grade A above and beyond of highest order out-of-this-world award-winning quick key agile deft bestselling reliable handy well-designed natty convenient adroit apt ingenious stylish spruce bewitching captivating charming blissful unforgettable arresting certified idyllic rapturous gratifying ravishing alluring fashionable unorthodox deep wild beauteous frabjous top quality high quality enviable hypnotic sophisticated splendacious astounding miraculous posh ritzy important peak well-known celebrated foxy juicy rocking mint advanced crowning legit renowned paragon eye-popping jaw-dropping prominent distinctive choicest first selected noteworthy hand-picked elect awe-inspiring prize-winning like wow cat's meow principal inspired elevated august ambrosial superhuman yummy paradisal lush adorable spiritual paradisaic paradisic saintly sup rior all very well well and good really nice proud eventful top-of-the-range really good banging dainty grade-A the very best state-of-the-art a standout moving eloquent surprising agitating most unbelievable predominant with it pretty cool better than usual better improved first class enhanced of the best quality better than average worthwhile favored 10 popular preferred preferential chief hundred-proof dream venerable A-number-1 mostest handpicked plum favorite precious respectable tough pillar thankworthy favoured 24-karat favourite uncommon cherry-picked carefully chosen unusual first-line copacetic second to none worthy of commendation cat's pajamas hunky dory deserving congratulations salt of earth knowledgeable pick fat competent familiar conscious experienced brainy intelligent acquainted bright educated well versed au courant well informed clued up genned up au fait foremost paramount master primary major main inimitable central signal cardinal unprecedented especial able arch practised overriding big dexterous marked vital essential practiced primal imposing unsurpassable significant conspicuous abnormal unexampled complete dextrous atypical odd extraordinaire head overbearing out of the ordinary staggering nonpareil pivotal mind-boggling anomalous efficient overmastering versed unwonted influential focal number-one prevailing compleat powerful particular professional prior sovran freak artful aberrant preternatural veteran peculiar towering strange core ruling thrilling exceeding commanding unheard of professed exciting inconceivable momentous fundamental ultimate bizarre mighty prestigious topmost reputable uncustomary honoured delicate aberrated critical well versed without parallel trained unimaginable honored famed royal unfamiliar stately hotshot genius big league epic controlling only consequential senior esteemed successful dignified high-level unusually good salient beyond comparison supereminent bravura rich workmanlike regal unaccustomed weird tasty monumental presiding gallant potent impeccable deadly refreshing novel unconventional heroic integral habile seminal magnific untypical record arch- of a high standard high-ranking basic eye-opening top-ranking puissant world class highly regarded magical high profile high-powered seasoned top drawer something else staple obvious prevalent coruscating grandiose in a class of its own unexpected extremely good imperial effective original weighty queer curious shining resplendent massive baronial inspiring heroical alpha preponderant strong notorious respected greater portentous acclaimed Homeric unheard-of recognized exotic red-letter utmost extra special redoubtable outlandish authoritative classical intrinsic iconic without peer exceptionally good gee-whizz resonant trusted recognised necessary of prime importance of greatest importance big-time irreproachable a dab hand at high-up all-important pompous one of a kind industry leading major league well known considerable demon far-reaching sweet absolute bigger invincible rockin qualified enthralling indomitable glittering effectual supernatural shocking specialist above average recherche new astral transcendental larger higher apex irregular sumptuous determining luxurious facile unthinkable freakish unknown exhilarating one in a million unbeaten lordly out of the way opulent palatial schooled historical awful overruling dominating bewildering honest decent of note deciding well-connected prized valued fresh groundbreaking revolutionary in a league of their own final compelling pioneering outré magnanimous of influence fabled without match of supreme importance first and foremost outre idiosyncratic eccentric newfangled ranking alone all-time serious headmost one-in-a-million atypic requisite uplifting heavy unordinary immensely skilled highly qualified very skilled highly skilled exceptionally skilled extraordinarily skilled not too shabby highly trained ground-breaking best possible first-time must-have urgent confounding indispensable a cut above the rest hors concours of the first rank unlikely high-minded high-priority in a league of its own sui generis of great consequence superfine out-of-the-way needed luxury unimpeachable blameless piked pronounced noticeable marquee distinct grander more pro festive blinding stirring upmarket awing historic touching cherished fascinating triumphant happy whimsical creative tophole clear total utter different beyond words beyond description proper spesh chur definitive affecting immaculate immortal good quality high-caliber a cut above imaginative red-carpet celebratory sunny positive initiative theatrical offbeat intrusive projecting pertinent protruding obtrusive relevant arrestive jutting effulgent innovational innovative biggest infrequent high-test material aces unparagoned solid-gold thoroughbred good-quality high-calibre elemental profound telling governing unmatchable unchallenged innovatory well executed cooler largest elder adored time-honored artistic number 1 uncharacteristic top-priority enterprising inventive intense forcible rousing crash-hot regnant predominate opening beginning unblemished endowed sheer earthshaking record breaking downright thorough chartbusting earthshattering ready resourceful helpful public intellectual unearthly axial No. 1 fearless tenacious joyous ascendant richest front unapproached awe-striking hep hip of moment impassioned virtuosic off the beaten track pretty slap-up congenial diverting not bad tip top picturesque initial a million dollars like a million dollars top-rank superseding of greatest significance intervening revered first rate learned admired legendary triumphal idealistic highly rated heart-stopping better than expected pure egregious seldom seen dramatic without an equal culminating all-time best stand alone Grade A crown efficacious ambitious having a knack for haughty ostentatious pretentious large cut out for class act shining at inaugural five star of the highest type top grade best-quality highest-quality unaccountable inexplicable mysterious sacred inspirational holy abstract very great whiz well thought of major-league of high standing heavy-duty earnest big time big-league skookum promising starry intoxicating there clean smooth self-important overblown immodest highest-ranking hotdog heavyweight undefeated sans pareil of mark in the public eye improbable incomprehensible implausible difficult to believe wised up paranormal stupefying very fine in a class of one's own useful productive unfailing practical the most exacting very able sharp as a tack on the beam know stuff nimble-fingered on the ball up to speed no slouch no dummy eye-catching valorous up to the mark reputed suitable palmary nasty believeable satisfactory organic well-thought-of at the cutting edge heavy stuff hot stuff at the leading edge utopian record-breaking eximious well-done metaphysical mystical otherworldly uncanny supernormal unworldly other-worldly decisive never to be forgotten huge substantial sure-fire imperative unconquerable lavish princely mind-bending spine-tingling unnatural of genius batting a thousand salt of the earth unnerving disturbing unsettling disquieting unstoppable oratorical upper-class VIP upper cogent aristocratic kingly ghostly occult deviant unrepresentative deviative supermundane determinative pressing acute meaningful climactic jolting dumbfounding dumfounding startling jarring flabbergasting blindsiding invulnerable mandatory burning vitally important very important required life-and-death life-or-death of the utmost importance of the essence much needed earth-shattering prerequisite unassailable overwhelming blockbusting leet magnolious insurmountable impregnable bulletproof insuperable swanky hard to swallow beyond belief celestial cosmic outrageously bad not beatable rudimentary underlying upright virtuous elementary benevolent generous ethical principled upstanding moral chivalrous gracious humane just beneficent scanty subtile flimsy subtle sparse occasional tenuous few and far between attenuate short light attenuated seldom deficient few semioccasional scattered rarefied thin isolated scarce unfrequent sporadic limited cultivated uncorrupted natural chad liberal courtly polite greathearted unselfish bounteous charitable tolerant benign sympathetic great-hearted noble-minded anti-corruption stand-up self-sacrificing most important most prominent most influential most illustrious most excellent most skilled most powerful

Tính từ

(of the air or wind) Extremely cold
bitter biting cold raw freezing icy penetrating piercing sharp stinging arctic boreal shivery crisp glacial hibernal numb algid coolish hypothermic polar cool gelid numbing chilled shrewd snowy wintry chilly frozen parky snappy chill cutting hyperborean inclement smarting blasting coldish frosty nipping siberian brumal frigid harsh nippy wintery bitterly cold bone-chilling ice-cold icy-cold chilling bleak severe painful fierce intense Siberian acute brisk excruciating sore knifelike agonizing searing hurting prickly caustic burning agonising intensely cold stormy rough tempestuous windy intemperate blighting snithy unpleasant perishing aculeate violent cold as ice shooting stabbing rimy frore grievous benumbed hiemal iced hawkish icebox sleety distressing two-dog night one-dog night below freezing below zero exquisite gut-wrenching drilling paralyzing paralysing aching throbbing tender afflictive sensitive inflamed achy irritated troublesome tingly hurtful uncomfortable vexatious sub-zero subzero fresh refrigerated antarctic chilled to the bone shivering frozen stiff frost-bound frozen to the marrow extremely cold extreme numbed bracing draughty hyperboreal breezy very cold drafty chilled to the marrow frozen to the bone three-dog night frozen to the core hard discomforting refreshing nasty unheated invigorating circumpolar ice-capped hoar icicled Hyperborean wild blowy freezing cold frigorific sleeted algific air-conditioned envigorating suffering from hypothermia suffering from exposure frostbitten very chilly painfully cold chilled through numb with cold frozen to death

Tính từ

Passionately motivated to achieve one's goals
driven ambitious determined motivated ardent assertive committed earnest resolute zealous dedicated industrious intent persevering persistent spirited tenacious unwavering avid compelled consumed dogged enterprising enthusiastic hungry inspired obsessed obstinate steadfast unbending uncompromising undaunted untiring unyielding active bent bold desirous eager fanatical fierce firm fixed immovable indefatigable mettlesome obdurate obsessive pertinacious possessed purposeful resolved set stalwart staunch striving strong thirsty unbendable undeviating unfaltering unrelenting unshakable unshakeable unshaken adamant forceful galvanised galvanized gutsy impelled indomitable monomaniacal plucky pushy ruthless serious steely stubborn unflagging unflinching vigorous aspiring compulsive energetic fixated induced insistent militant obsessional unhesitating besetting guided impulsive pushed steered go-getting hard-driving self-starting single-minded strong-minded strong-willed dead set goal-oriented bent upon hell-bent self-assertive full of determination urged on self-driven intense aggressive dynamic diligent passionate tireless assiduous fervent devoted go-ahead faithful vehement hard-working loyal strenuous constant progressive devout dutiful unremitting wholehearted adventurous eager beaver pioneering unswerving rigorous feisty confident steady sedulous self-seeking daring conscientious hopeful competitive Herculean powerful busy pledged decisive audacious studious sworn stout pushing courageous tough intrepid hardy true full-blooded nervy card-carrying power-hungry dashing deep-dyed power-loving high-reaching self-asserting fervid true-blue mad keen true blue on the make get up and go two-fisted in-your-face budding potential painstaking wannabe laborious sincere self-motivated prospective optimistic wishful unwearied engaged bound cutthroat potent forcible would-be bloodthirsty cut-throat venturesome resourceful longing gladiatorial possible occupied exuberant incessant brave scrappy iron-willed warlike intensive lively inexhaustible weariless employed working resounding violent muscular emphatic dog-eat-dog animated self-confident fiery blunt uncontrolled unbridled unrestrained wild adventuresome venturous free-swinging nerved emboldened impassioned hopping bustling driving fast adherent good pious stanch tied-up plugging deep perky jumping grind hyper alert punchy fearless down-the-line hard hard-hitting red-hot gung ho go-go peppy dyed-in-the-wool desiring success can-do like a ball of fire adoring having killer instinct pulling no punches self-directed restless radical thrusting engagé attached resilient dependable high-powered all out hard-nosed unwearying unstinting combative upbeat positive willing red-blooded lusty vital sure sagacious emulous contentious hot on the go ball of fire genuine irrepressible gritty vying fond big doting supportive rabid competing independent perceptive heroic take charge mean intending aspirant warring carnivorous opposing antagonistic oppositional ultra-careful meticulous thorough attentive relentless firm in spirit stout-hearted tough-minded ironclad certain spunky dauntless game rigid sustained ferocious likely future keen as mustard unabated stringent assured close searching elaborate scrupulous careful minute punctilious particular upwardly mobile defiant brutal bullheaded stylish profound ballsy on the warpath heartfelt dinkum sporty jaunty dazzling debonair spoiling for a fight ready for action pedantic strict religious fussy self-willed self-assured as game as Ned Kelly have-a-go expectant endeavoring endeavouring heart-and-soul goody-goody revering worshipping worshiping venerating pietistic goody two-shoes so-called dormant professed promising flamboyant self-possessed hang-tough intensely competitive high-pressure go for broke fiercely competitive bound and determined stop at nothing devil-may-care breezy gallant unfulfilled self-styled self-appointed undeveloped latent romantic buoyant swashbuckling attractive raffish soi-disant unrealized quasi- unfailing unceasing patient swish elegant smart participating arduous taxing embryonic out continuing unstinted undeterred fireball continued plodding urbane dapper showy all-out exhausting brisk decided minding striking exclusive swank gay rousing vivacious influential contributing activist involved forward absorbed interested engrossed immersed intent on single-minded about set on out to do-or-die determined to fixed upon anxious to obsessive about committed to intending to inflexible about hell-bent on insistent on fixed on hell-bent upon bent on decisive about firm about fixated on obsessed with dead set on resolved on fanatical about impatient to resolved to determined on original through and through imaginative ingenious out-and-out as keen as mustard single-hearted old faithful given over to true to the end inventive creative gifted capable sharp able talented clever bright quick-witted up-and-coming entrepreneurial stirring take-over coming on strong itching snappy craving gumptious hardworking zippy yearning hustling spark plug lusting hard ball innovative spanking advancing ready