Từ đồng nghĩa của prior

Alternative for prior


Từ đồng nghĩa: before, earlier, former, previous,

Từ trái nghĩa: posterior,

Tính từ

Superseding others in importance or status
foremost leading principal chief dominant key overmastering overriding paramount predominant preeminent supreme capital cardinal central first overbearing premier primal primary sovereign arch main highest greatest grand master great big number one sovran numero uno prime major top pre-eminent head ruling essential vital commanding prominent prevailing outstanding lead ultimate pivotal fundamental number-one presiding crucial focal superior uppermost controlling important topmost basic high supereminent best utmost champion top-tier core matchless peerless notable superlative consummate intrinsic critical preponderant absolute elemental salient stellar prevalent staple surpassing transcendent unequaled incomparable unsurpassed overruling unequalled top-notch of greatest importance directing potent arch- top-priority unrivalled elite unsurpassable towering unrivaled maximum exalted famous well-known renowned indispensable top-ranking regal total unconditional ranking ascendant eminent radical senior of prime importance reigning predominate illustrious star weighty effective significant noteworthy governing lofty major league No. 1 influential authoritative mighty unparalleled accomplished expert finished characteristic inherent favoured favored successful winning chosen initiative big-time integral special crack especial axial excellent unmatchable root rudimentary necessary particular strongest beginning opening telling momentous consequential serious basal constitutive unlimited second to none definitive unmatched decisive inimitable urgent must-have second-to-none nonpareil untouchable unbeatable royal perfect highest ranking top-drawer mother of all underlying infinite unrestricted boundless unrestrained unbounded oustanding final compelling determining imperial full utter kingly top-level first-rate intervening of supreme importance first and foremost superseding of greatest significance monarchical monarchal front initial guiding monarchial majestic regnant inaugural A-number-1 headmost A-1 hotdog heavyweight primo heavy of note hotshot omnipotent official imperious overpowering biggest dominating efficacious largest almighty supervisory arbitrary all-powerful at the leading edge heavy stuff at the cutting edge hot stuff holding the reins recognized reputable august high profile fabled highly regarded honourable honoured elevated high-level puissant gifted respected high-minded well known redoubtable signal resonant formidable revered first rate sublime recognised legendary alpha prestigious highly rated unexcelled learned noted famed notorious prized seminal admired stately well-connected glorious powerful trusted all-important iconic esteemed celebrated of the first rank acclaimed heroic magnanimous triumphal noble dignified honored big league idealistic imposing distinguished extraordinary valued honorable high-powered maximal loftiest crown apical apex zenithal tiptop highest-ranking extreme ideal uttermost beyond compare most unique without equal complete max unexampled quintessential exceptional finest model exemplary nth pure outside rare only last unqualified classic first-class faultless culminating flawless archetypal exquisite optimum prototypical beyond comparison optimal invincible singular splendid very impeccable without parallel downright superb sheer crowning best possible peak enormous all-out autocratic unbeaten par excellence categorical out-and-out outright unmitigated dictatorial thorough magnificent classical unconquerable unblemished prepotent out of sight impressive idyllic utopian choice flat-out fine premium thoroughgoing remarkable categoric record proper profound stark representative immaculate despotic unassailable in control indefectible arrant unalloyed unadulterated rank prepollent paradigmatic greatest possible totalitarian magisterial high-ranking in charge authoritarian precise undefeated autarchic popular in a class of its own requisite tremendous deadly right magnific domineering typical strong definite super assertive unprecedented clean upper simple fair dreadful bodacious blooming select tops alone untainted copybook stainless spotless whole cotton-picking straight-out world-class top-class maxi predominating tyrannical unequalable topflight choicest grandiose in the ascendancy epic baronial plumb unstoppable proud gallant flat aristocratic greater heroical without peer dead regular worthy monumental massive Homeric acute furthermost executive blank very great archetypical good climactic irreproachable unmarred unparagoned larger historic best ever heavy-duty marvellous deciding excelling distinctive transcendental emphatic without match fitting marvelous mostest blameless aces immortal ace comprehensive exact industry leading eternal textbook five-star correct memorable untarnished world class greatest amount of foolproof all-embracing marked high-class high-grade a cut above the rest all-encompassing top of the line top of the range top drawer immense one and only best-case on the button indomitable widespread effectual high-octane current invulnerable unchallenged tyrannous triumphant elementary severe intense forceful divine stone impregnable efficient exceeding determined unforgettable rife rampant insuperable administrative monocratic autocratical original exciting thrilling concentrated resplendent tyrannic unconstrained unreserved emblematic symbolic venerable fantastic high-quality stereotypical striking wonderful tsarist czarist unbroken terrific brilliant dazzling treasured one-in-a-million standard conventional better seamless insurmountable bulletproof worthiest the most stock upmost burning autarchical eventful high-up unequivocal picture-book picture-perfect letter-perfect hors concours intact boss storied conspicuous without fault idealized idealised standout upper-class tip-top phenomenal high-profile huge appropriate perpetual one-off crashing unremitting major-league big-name number 1 A1 suitable opportune sui generis one of a kind record-breaking first class vintage mandatory top-of-the-range just right true to type out-of-sight on the money in a class of one's own spot on big-league prize-winning sans pareil umpteenth ten skilled skillful out-of-this-world adept paradisiacal experienced skilful paradisiac A-OK defectless sound considerable distinct anti-democratic managing arrogant ascendent marquee general apogean admirable extensive pioneer unapproached unfettered extravagant lion's share constitutional chad hegemonic undiminished vulgar overall majority received common public higher bigger elder gilt-edge all-time solid-gold unimpeachable richest exhaustive full-scale immediate farthest keynote material operative strategic unflawed victorious in first place top-rank without an equal stand alone beautiful bright epochal unbowed commendable praiseworthy laudable meritorious one plain demonstrative all-time best resolute unstinted gubernatorial superintending overseeing conducting ordering regulatory restraining mastering presidential unvanquished unsubdued inveterate horrible gorgeous shining hugest absolutist Grade A superfine of the highest quality blue-ribbon estimable plenipotent A-list outermost furthest recognizable individual autonomous applaudable very good capable able high priority quality substantial real effulgent radiant splendiferous absolutistic on the throne godlike competent hard unconquered unsullied out of the ordinary extra special remotest farthermost feted exclusive best-example dream come true fairy-tale pie-in-the-sky fearsome imperative adored time-honored gratifying true signature princely unending endless imitable raging indescribable mortal to the fore trendsetting big-gun big-wheel big-shot hot-dog refined respectable patrician overarching full-blown full-on novel of influence eloquent historical rich oratorical four-star VIP cogent predictable unmistakable habitual outmost endmost aftermost sterling undemocratic concluding finishing closing ending determinative pressing meaningful well-suited pertinent apt made to order relevant tailor-made just the job queenly monarchic usual idiosyncratic genteel required prerequisite needed dynamic totemic recognisable irreplaceable furthest up terminal unaccountable posh high-priority vitally important very important of great consequence life-and-death life-or-death of the utmost importance of the essence much needed earth-shattering far-reaching crowned top-grade top-shelf egregious enterprising energetic driving the best stirring gripping riveting hair-raising apocalyptical apocalyptic dramatic climacteric action-packed insistent high-end top-quality top-of-the-line highbred gentle wellborn highborn upmarket large grave extraordinaire at his best at its best at her best solid first-string accurate aggressive vigorous go-ahead go-getting traditional blue-chip A-grade furthest away farthest away errant perfected positive chronic moving entire intellectual intuitive awe-inspiring uplifting inspiring inspirational primordial obscure hypothetical transcending unconfined innate abstract theoretical approved unheard-of unconventional plenipotentiary purpose-built new sanctioned something else without precedent authorized unrepeatable far-out unimaginable officiating fresh once-in-a-lifetime one-of-a-kind unrepeated separate amazing unordinary incredible in a class by itself newfangled fast-track grievous thundering outrageous harsh gross uber preposterous deep overwhelming flagrant veritable hellacious brutal climatical climactical not beatable indelible haunting of a king no end of catchy blue-blooded wholesale unbound pushing driven ambitious pushy error-free well born silk-stocking widely praised well thought of upper-crust of distinction high-born unquestionable peremptory lasting cherished indestructible unyielding faithful scrupulous meticulous unerring beyond grasp robust go-go forcible deep-dyed timeless unfading vivid arresting without blemish valuable everlasting undying on the nail crimeless right on errorless unspotted on target on the mark bang on unguilty just so imperishable enduring enthralling never to be forgotten not to be forgotten spectacular observable legitimate accredited accepted fancy invaluable unspoilt hot unsurmountable highly capable full of get-up-and-go in the saddle remembered rememberable inestimable profitable precious unflinching dauntless indefatigable inviolable unshakeable unbending all out no holds barred bureaucratic ex cathedra departmental legal lawful canonical authorised without limit ex officio straight out stamped on your memory fixed in the mind mind-blowing out of this world red-letter secure safe hot property undefeatable impassable irresistible unshakable unattackable irrepressible have-it-all up to standard up to snuff up to scratch up to par more powerful more important most important most prominent most skilled most influential most illustrious most noticeable most obvious most powerful most excellent most high most extreme most significant most favourable most advantageous most appropriate most favorable most outstanding most typical most valuable most precious most scholarly most reliable

Tính từ

Belonging or happening near the beginning of a particular period
early first foundational initial original inaugural maiden preliminary antecedent earliest embryonic foundation prefatory raw pilot prelusive opening precursory undeveloped initiatory nascent precursive inceptive inductive preceding primitive beginning inchoate introductory young preludial trial foremost incipient old test fledgling infant starting brand-new lead-in preparatory primary preparative elementary basic previous prelim anterior proemial earlier advance exploratory primal prodromal prelusory fundamental prodromic advanced provisional rudimentary in advance beforehand ahead of time ahead readying elemental preparing prefatorial prolegomenous preambular preambulatory prolegomenal exordial qualifying commencing simple entry-level premonitory warning prevenient explanatory experimental explorative forward prep before precautionary initiative base prior to in anticipation of in advance of primeval primordial ancient antediluvian pristine prehistoric former proleptical primigenial foregoing aboriginal budding past antiquated pre-existing of yore early bird of long ago primaeval germinal headmost developing emergent pioneer virgin leading leadoff emerging immature rudimental premier incomplete aborning essential underlying unfinished imperfect uncompleted unformed crude dawning growing basal hasty unpolished prime indigenous evolving unrefined quick sketchy cursory abecedarian meat-and-potatoes autochthonous rough autochthonic coarse embryonal just beginning underivative underived substratal simplest uncomplicated unprocessed uncut rough and ready premature new originating seminal potential unindustrialized impending newborn unfledged up-and-coming burgeoning in its infancy start antique native in an early stage lower ur- proto- larval nuts-and-bolts bog-standard radical prototype prototypal uncomplex ABCs plain simplified simplex primo clear uncivilised unevolved barbaric uncivilized formless first-hand duck soup child's play meat and potatoes amorphous unshaped shapeless just begun inexact imprecise clumsy unprecise roughhewn makeshift roughly made rough-hewn roughly-made rough-and-tumble rough-and-ready

Tính từ

Existing in or as part of a tradition
traditional historical ancestral conservative established former orthodox past traditionalistic ancient folk historic old bygone familial family archconservative brassbound lineal paleoconservative reactionary standpat ultraconservative unprogressive long-established old-fashioned oral unwritten button-down buttoned-down handed-down old-school from the past of yore old-line old-style old-world die-hard hidebound mossbacked outdated outmoded out-of-date conventional traditionalist diehard right bourgeois conformist Tory fogyish illiberal rightist right-wing dyed-in-the-wool inflexible unimaginative strait-laced unchanging retrograde stuffy timid fuddy-duddy unadventurous firm uncreative narrow-minded vintage antique stable quaint sober quiet guarded controlled steady redneck undaring unchangeable obstinate constant fearful unreconstructed square straight middle-of-the-road backward-looking old-time classical blimpish common old line old guard white bread holding to not extreme hard hat ordinary unrepentant inveterate unapologetic nostalgic right of center in a rut suburban rigid ultra-conservative staid parochial retrospective unreformed archaic uncompromising formal antiquarian middle-class strict obsolete dated prudent cautious unenterprising careful accepted alt-right retro old-timey oldfangled mainstream predictable safe intolerant Birchite intransigent philistine obscurantist boring proper correct retrogressive regressive counterrevolutionary fundamentalist small-town doctrinal Pooterish ceremonious dogmatic stick-in-the-mud bien pensant extremist convinced immovable middle-England petit-bourgeois moderate contemplative recollective reflective pensive classic time-honored ethnocentric purist true-blue picturesque temperate counter-revolutionary wary universal gentlemanly courteous medieval prehistoric unreceptive mediaeval bigoted unreasonable circumspect tentative cagey stick in the mud obsolescent antiquated passé chary hesitant chivalrous courtly gallant craft set in one's ways socially acceptable timorous unexciting restrained stay-at-home limited anachronous anachronistical behind the times shy uptight decorous provincial property-owning genteel stodgy respectable puritanical commonplace Biedermeier conforming ceremonial early time-honoured heritage anachronistic materialistic shopkeeping propertied comme il faut straight-laced of the old school olden veteran old style parish-pump Victorian received narrow prejudiced approved biased popular recognized normal regular set fanatical puritan official authoritative usual customary jaundiced intractable individualistic prevailing standard authorized prevalent canonical unoriginal familiar acknowledged unheretical small-minded routine derivative well established well-established kosher religious sanctioned admitted recognised pious punctilious legitimate rightful sound authorised petty-minded close-minded hard-line set in your ways straight arrow in line set in one's opinions fixed in one's views by the numbers according to the book

Danh từ

(informal, British) An existing criminal record

Từ trái nghĩa của prior

prior Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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