Từ đồng nghĩa của fine

Alternative for fine

fines, fined, fining, finer, finest

Từ đồng nghĩa: charge, delicate, excellent, good, minute, nice, penalize, polished, refined, splendid, tasteful, tax,

Từ trái nghĩa: cloudy, coarse, rainy,

Tính từ

Of superior quality
excellent great choice exquisite outstanding splendid supreme admirable exceptional magnificent superior good quality superb divine prime select sterling striking top wonderful fantastic impressive masterly first-class grand rare sensational stellar terrific top-notch awesome beautiful cool fabulous lovely marvellous marvelous superlative accomplished classic dandy fantabulous first-rate heavenly hot immense lofty mean neat nifty noble phat prizewinning radical righteous sublime swell topflight unsurpassed corking crackerjack cracking dope dynamite fab gnarly groovy peachy primo prize slick splendiferous supernal topping unreal wicked first-string top-of-the-line top-shelf bang-up high-class jim-dandy of high quality out-of-sight tip-top top-hole very good A-OK not too shabby number one numero uno par excellence peachy keen world-class second to none of a high standard capital keen famous gilt-edged frontline banner wizard blue-ribbon bumper boss blue-chip gangbusters five-star gangbuster gilt-edge bully bonny boffo brag down hype bonnie brave four-star gone brilliant super out of this world smashing ace glorious notable brill tremendous peerless champion perfect premium amazing distinguished matchless exemplary high-quality supercalifragilisticexpialidocious remarkable high-grade extraordinary best elite finest eminent preeminent phenomenal incredible unparalleled pre-eminent rad magic worthy delightful unrivaled beaut unrivalled spectacular too much dazzling premier tiptop schmick meritorious spiffing bosting top-quality incomparable elegant high estimable of the first water gorgeous applaudable amazeballs topnotch mega ripping bonzer top-drawer enjoyable exclusive sovereign consummate on fleek A1 stunning A-1 noted laudable special dominant unequalled commendable formidable deluxe exo sik noteworthy crack skilful skillful leading flawless praiseworthy bodacious unequaled greatest belting pearler barrie top of the line top of the range exalted prodigious illustrious transcendent of the first order stupendous valuable priceless crucial chillin' attractive top-tier mind-blowing unique breathtaking dainty ideal top-class memorable majestic of the highest quality dreamy vintage highest elevated renowned invaluable unexcelled prominent of the highest standard inspired desirable pleasurable creditable standout def precious honourable radiant celebrated important pleasant splendorous winning delicate top-grade refined grade A honorable virtuoso optimal luxurious nice class bad pleasing goodly foremost deserving highest quality sound fly out of sight commanding upmarket first inflated beezer singular tops unmatched gratifying lead august the dog's bollocks peak surpassing crowning distinctive too good to be true chic principal of the highest order enchanting fabby extreme delectable worthy of admiration enviable chief coruscating faultless choicest fancy awesomesauce extravagant bosker respectable quintessential optimum scrumptious top-level classy upscale well-known resplendent meritable exciting worthiest solid thrilling model venerable powerful selected very best proud far out without equal zero cool award-winning way-out high-end beyond compare out-of-this-world unsurpassable certified top quality worthy of commendation masterful captivating super-duper luxury plush entrancing charming recherche wondrous inimitable ingenious arresting astonishing lush splendacious dignified outrageous unexampled ravishing spanking intense fantastical lordly cream star agreeable recherché able unbeatable pretty flagship far-out marvy untouchable uppermost competent enthralling effusive excessive ruling major deft clever posh lank exaggerated kif mind-boggling awe-inspiring big really good advanced hunky-dory thankworthy A-list mighty dear costly pricey central expensive primary adroit surprising classical blissful expert above average preferred especial paramount spendy ultraexpensive pricy favoured idyllic favored sweet rockin head uncommon banging first-line high quality of highest order solid gold nonpareil prize-winning apical the best ka pai maximal best ever above and beyond culminating in a class all by itself unusually good extraordinaire outside top-end high-ticket big-ticket extremely good in a league of their own one in a million impeccable immortal esteemed heroic shining triumphant splendrous effulgent famed bright honored time-honored reliable bewitching irreproachable unimpeachable unforgettable piked well-made beauteous frabjous sharp quick blameless mint legit unprecedented key ok sophisticated polished scintillating vivid agile smart bestselling ritzy marked top-of-the-range proper foxy juicy rocking paragon particular definitive authoritative satisfying rewarding colossal tophole rich significant refreshing handy well-designed natty convenient apt stylish spruce moving eloquent agitating most unbelievable imposing hand-picked elect master rapturous alluring fashionable unorthodox deep wild main highest-ranking very fine sunny thoroughbred eventful sup rior amiable praisable really nice honoured good quality high-caliber a cut above predominant all very well well and good stately worthwhile hundred-proof 10 popular preferential delicious magical eclectic exotic dream sumptuous magnolious a million dollars A-number-1 mostest something else handpicked plum favorite good-quality high-calibre tough pillar shipshape utopian copacetic favourite cherry-picked unusual comely graceful fascinating creative reputable pukka like a million dollars grade-A top-flight carefully chosen better improved enhanced ambrosial superhuman yummy paradisal adorable spiritual paradisaic paradisic saintly strong five star A-grade chur stirring like wow cat's meow arcane far-fetched esoteric state-of-the-art very agreeable very nice very pleasant imaginative paradisiacal to die for paradisiac 24-karat adept miraculous with it pretty cool deserving congratulations highest-quality top grade the very best hunky dory congenial topmost slap-up superfine diverting not bad capable eximious of the highest type best-quality a standout better than usual first class of the best quality better than average innovational innovative just fine inspiring affecting orotund pompous fustian bombastic salt of earth well-favored pick fat eye-popping jaw-dropping electrifying innovatory genius cat's pajamas skilled noticeable interesting golden maximum overwhelming inventive enterprising original good-looking gifted talented resourceful up to par up to standard up to snuff cordon bleu up to scratch influential profound momentous consequential honest up to the mark reputed suitable palmary nasty decent believeable satisfactory organic well-thought-of revered virtuosic awe-striking eye-opening vital rousing crash-hot gee-whizz forcible one and only buzzworthy unordinary higher batting a thousand salt of the earth impassioned effective loftiest grandiloquent high-ranking opulent well-done big-time high up lavish of genius higher up favourable dominating privileged preferable luxuriant favorable win-win advantageous elaborate more desirable most desirable

Tính từ

Good or satisfactory
good satisfactory acceptable adequate agreeable suitable decent passable reasonable fair okay respectable all right alright convenient palatable serviceable sufficient average tolerable copacetic copasetic fairish good enough OK O.K. hunky-dory tickety-boo up to par up to scratch up to standard up to the mark jake ducky unexceptional so-so middling not bad in order moderate unobjectionable pleasing fair-to-middling cool presentable fairly good sufficiently good goodish standard up to snuff swell appropriate common competent fitting quite good unremarkable peachy vanilla unexceptionable run-of-the-mill bog-standard pretty good pleasant proper plain vanilla ordinary mediocre allowable sound admissible valid indifferent kosher commensurate comfortable solid undistinguished A-OK moderately good sufficing half-pie no great shakes as it should be nothing to write home about ample satisfying correct fit workaday right on on the ball tidy assuasive appeasing assuaging medium not too bad fair to middling not much cop not up to much middle-of-the-road delightful ok dandy nice flourishing fine and dandy considerable run-of-the-mine second-rate run-of-mine second-class hunky dory substantial commonplace minimal happy bright fortunate useful lucky well snug completely understandable totally fine permitted permissible able plenty cromulent fair enough providential prosperous nothing to shout about groovy delighting cogent gratifying enough fulfilling goodly sizable sizeable appreciable on the mark spot on on the money sensible okey-dokey amateur not to be sneezed at amateurish unimpeachable livable on the beam up to code better than nothing right apt befitting seemly becoming suited meet applicable fitted apposite qualified decorous modest comme il faut expedient helpful conventional congruous worthy apropos timely felicitous worthwhile just usual usable relevant opportune rightful inoffensive pertinent fit for purpose desirable advantageous wholesome effective favorable in keeping beneficial accepted functional deserved preferable orthodox due favourable conformable certain polite prepared exact employable faultless equitable de rigueur conforming handy bearable productive small limited abundant perfect mean accommodating accurate condign intermediate civilized capable approved honest precise germane safe customary feasible prudent reliable formal advisable harmless adapted deserving ready well-suited likely traditional requisite regular pretty genteel to the point necessary civilised innocuous commodious useable correspondent available compatible definitive done done thing legitimate seasonable equal infallible unquestionable efficacious welcome effectual righteous well-timed right stuff cooking with gas reasonably good can't complain viewable ideal noticeable generous biggish significant marked attractive conducive just right related justified fairy-tale favourite promising favorite hopeful commensurable irreproachable beyond reproach pat harmonious well timed established proportionate well-chosen congenial consonant consistent preferred scanty median honourable big large peachy keen honorable trendy in the swim hep hip plentiful plenteous bounteous the done thing in good taste couth moral courtly refined mannerly well-mannered trained eligible merited to the purpose rational wise pragmatic reasoned practical judicious well suited well qualified habitable aplenty copious bountiful official ceremonious punctilious legit politic midsize midsized meagre skimpy light user friendly in character cut out for right up someone's street in keeping with diplomatic stilted stiff stiff-necked starchy creditable reputable apple-pie logical strategic supportable inhabitable sufferable endurable careful sparse middle desired equal to up to capable of enow as much as you need as much as is necessary everyday normal unimpressive pedestrian constructive profitable gainful best recommended in the running in line for sustainable cozy tenantable homey enjoyable lodgeable de règle savoury savory stock meager healthy fruitful utilizable sagacious suggested best suited tactical clear idiomatic cut-and-dry cut-and-dried unpretentious prosaic garden-variety standard-issue routine typical insignificant cosy sure unfailing characterless uneventful uninspired unexciting dull nondescript unnoteworthy anonymous plain unmemorable inconspicuous fit to be eaten consumable comestible versatile brave fit for human consumption safe to eat approving edible compelling dependable common or garden nothing special protocol worth living non-provocative peaceable non-controversial healthful propitious commendatory salubrious hygienic auspicious salutary benefic favoring commending needed protean benignant toward trustworthy bog standard mild foolproof sure-fire grammatical well formed tame par for the course fit for human habitation favouring utilisable true fail-safe surefire guaranteed unbeatable can't-miss innocent unprovocative uncontroversial veracious risk-free innoxious riskless tried and true watertight always effective positive apodictic incontrovertible inerrable tried and tested authoritative inerrant steady undeceivable efficient omniscient never failing strict flawless neutral faithful irrefutable undeniable unambiguous conclusive undisputed unrefuted errorless error-free unerring word-perfect dead-on on-target meticulous scrupulous spot-on so equipped exploitable bang on operable practicable veridical unmistaken rigorous amen truthful impeccable actual stone undistorted factual on the button right as rain on the nail on the right track dead on for sure on track on the right lines on target free of error on the nose along the right lines according to Hoyle -worthy most correct

Tính từ

In good health and feeling well
fit healthy well strong robust hale hearty sound vigorous all right blooming thriving able-bodied fighting fit in good health OK alive and kicking in good condition in good shape up to par up to snuff as fit as a fiddle as fit as a flea fit as a fiddle in the pink in fine fettle whole fresh hardy sturdy in good trim lively well-conditioned full of life active wholesome normal hale and hearty in tip-top condition athletic physically fit tough trim lusty bouncing restored in shape unimpaired good virile flourishing muscular in good physical shape energetic in good kilter bursting with health able chipper strong as an ox right as rain stout firm potent right aerobicized healthful in good physical condition fit as a flea bushy-tailed bright-eyed sound in body and limb in fine feather in excellent shape husky in rude health hunky-dory solid as a rock in good form buff shredded glowing sprightly in top form strapping flush perky powerful in trim bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of beans young better rested healthier recovered refreshed strengthened jacked beefy brawny burly rehabilitated ok healed together luxuriantly untroubled cured mended invigorated proper okay A1 relieved uninjured unharmed safe fitter soothed fine and dandy comfortable up to scratch abled stalwart rugged as right as a trivet as strong as an ox toned up slim muscled as right as rain toned ripped very well dynamic vital spirited safe and sound rosy-cheeked animated sparkling high-spirited vivacious peppy the picture of health effervescent red-blooded zippy jaunty spry playful rosy vibrant forceful strong as an lion buoyant indefatigable strong as an horse intense zestful tireless ruddy go-getting bouncy upbeat spanking gingery feisty forcible wick spunky florid persuasive take-over dashing enterprising steamroller snappy exuberant efficient take-charge brisk hard-driving driving effective rubicund raring to go full of vim red sanguine ball of fire full of energy radiant bright full-blooded healthy-looking sparky bubbly gay airy pert full of vim and vigour enthusiastic frisky animate kinetic springy peart mettlesome jazzy pizazzy pizzazzy go-go bright and breezy chirpy racy ebullient cheerful excited quick merry frolicsome alert fiery happy zesty breezy full of get-up-and-go solid sane passionate nimble bustling alive busy elated agile fun-loving vivid impassioned bold frolic crank gamesome eager zealous zingy zappy unflagging untiring industrious hyper full of the joys of spring full of pep outgoing bubbling barnstorming in peak condition youthful skittish scintillating blithesome blithe cheery happy-go-lucky carefree jocund fun sunny mobile sporty sinewy occupied enlivened exciting electrifying flamboyant dazzling eventful dexterous full of zip on the move dextrous deedful on the go jumping stable humming happening stirring colourful vehement buzzing rousing colorful ardent fervent aggressive hopping astir abuzz determined coruscating intensive stimulating rude hefty hunky powerhouse storming resounding ballsy punchy sensitive vibrating emphatic gutsy responsive staunch stark iron thewy thickset have-a-go hard-hitting all-out high-octane pushy abubble aboil full of spirit strenuous high-powered roaring rough powerfully built as strong as a horse well-built as strong as a ox solidly built heated substantial intact energised vitalized energized activated boisterous fast durable bombproof undamaged daring joyful flawless wide-ranging undecayed well constructed hard well-constructed perfect rigorous unhurt well built unblemished irrepressible full of fun gallant jolly hanging together holding together

Tính từ

Imposing or impressive in appearance
grand imposing impressive magnificent majestic splendid stately striking august dignified lofty grandiose superb gorgeous sumptuous proud noble opulent resplendent monumental palatial glorious regal luxurious rich lavish splendiferous massive heroical imperial posh heroic epic royal baronial magnific elegant Homeric awe-inspiring deluxe ritzy swanky princely spectacular sublime gallant plush kingly great exalted splendacious beautiful magnolious extravagant costly marvellous tremendous marvelous plushy breathtaking distinguished elevated swish illustrious commanding palatian stunning exquisite colossal prodigious splendorous excellent terrific luxury lush expensive fancy upmarket swank ornate superior lordly Lucullan lavishly appointed eminent handsome large arresting awesome ostentatious super divine towering considerable glittering stylish dazzling brilliant classy glitzy abundant luxuriant immense huge chic aristocratic whopping mammoth elaborate giant mega jumbo enormous goodly gigantic mighty snazzy whacking big humungous gargantuan humongous sovereign herculean monstrous oceanic gigantesque monster vast mountainous astronomic walloping elephantine titanic supersized astronomical supersize outstanding leviathan pharaonic cyclopean planetary oversized cosmical vasty high-class galactic cosmic bumper pompous first-class ambitious haughty Himalayan Brobdingnagian stirring statuesque unreal king-size first-rate fit for a king solemn king-sized something else sensational heavenly king size fabulous palatine amazing formidable remarkable super-duper ominous queenly stupendous celestial sightly wondrous extraordinary courtly high-born honourable honorable wonderful supreme unusual bountiful fit for a prince healthy heavy worthy fantastic fit for a queen fit for a princess profuse good copious elitist snobby snotty high-hat persnickety toffee-nosed snooty glamorous snobbish fancy-pants potty spacious superabundant prolific plentiful plenteous authoritative renowned splendrous brave bounteous profitable spanking dynamite admirable pretentious smashing fab very good cultivated ornamented refined choice overdone stuffy lank luxe exclusive palace large-scale Lucullian silken Babylonian dramatic staggering exuberant splashy magnifico flamboyant baroque solid gold spiffy embellished valuable precious upholstered extra-large portly venerable powerful beyond price eye-catching de luxe substantial hulking sizeable biggish largish sizable voluminous boxcar outsized bulky outsize hefty husky oversize tidy radiant transcendent ginormous thumping extensive whopping great thumping great whacking great Herculean generous ample very large very big gross stellar infinite weighty immeasurable liberal boundless full overflowing galore teeming excessive expansive almighty significant inexhaustible abounding aplenty plenty cornucopian broad brobdingnagian flush comfortable a gogo limitless wide inordinate high exorbitant substantive sufficient behemothic ponderous mondo commodious major no end measureless numerous unlimited appreciable blimp cumbersome very great unwieldy Bunyanesque capacious extreme thick on the ground solid productive respectable long comprehensive incalculable countless replete innumerable behemoth titan rife myriad serious overwhelming super-colossal in abundance heavyweight dirty great tall massy mastodonic roomy overgrown a dime a dozen great big whale of a booming global complete phenomenal flowing deep sweeping fulsome not to be sneezed at marked well-provided fertile prodigal astounding pythonic fruitful far-reaching larger-than-life endless thundering eternal munificent unstinting whaling extremely large extremely big jumbo-sized wealthy affluent Cyclopean mortal awful interminable Gargantuan crawling with illimitable cumbrous barn door no end of cracking stinking with mahoosive megalithic terrible whopper unbounded full-size giant-sized socking great good-size good-sized super colossal a whale of a pronounced fat no end in sight prosperous much noticeable lucrative worthwhile advantageous adequate superhuman entire reasonable rewarding whole lumbering lasting classic important well-stocked laborious daunting enduring historic memorable unforgettable paying rank clumsy unfathomable fathomless Moby immortal rip-roaring well-supplied Brobdignagian proliferous in plenty mucho wicked pleasing OS sky-high remunerative gainful widespread elephantic startling exceptional miraculous resounding deafening roaring ear-splitting thunderous ear-piercing epoch-making packed dripping crammed stuffed appalling dreadful moving notable intense irresistible dynamic expanded plenitudinous astonishing interplanetary catholic cosmopolitan cosmogonic empyrean interstellar cosmogonal space intergalactic ecumenical stink with unrestricted frightful fearful crashing bonny unsparing flabbergasting incredible unbelievable far-flung spread-out mundo never-ending all-inclusive stretched-out detailed abiding permanent meaty thick measurable hulky man-size swelled of considerable size fair-sized family-sized family-size man-sized fair-size economy-size life-size economy-sized through the ceiling decent protracted strong bull lengthy decided extended cavernous prolonged monolithic mind-boggling mind-blowing fantabulous abnormal giant-size very loud enough and to spare multiple manifold many multifarious riotous multitudinous gushing desperate severe loud wordy prolix verbose alive with thick with a mess of coming out of ears populous wholesale competent swimming chock-full swarming superfluous enough improvident immoderate exhaustive lousy with wide-ranging wide-reaching generously proportioned more than enough

Tính từ

Having or showing great perception or insight
keen quick acute alert sharp astute brilliant delicate perceptive precise sensitive bright clever critical discriminating intelligent penetrating perspicacious fastidious refined subtle minute finely honed discerning canny savvy piercing shrewd incisive quick-witted observant brainy sharp-witted smart percipient intuitive insightful genius wise accurate knowing good ingenious profound nimble fast supersmart judicious ultrasmart exceptional ready adroit rapier-like hyperintelligent probing whip-smart on the ball exquisite sapient responsive sagacious clear knowledgeable rational argute gnostic penetrative whiz aware apt thoughtful dexterous nimble-witted skilful razor-like deft razor-sharp deep quick off the mark skillful dextrous sharp as a tack quick on the uptake quick on the trigger sensitized able receptive quick-thinking awake understanding conscious discreet insighted sophic fingertip sensitised gifted cerebral ear to the ground knows what's what wise to tuned in politic intellectual cagey precocious analytical cagy slick competent effectual adept capable effective curt active mercurial vigorous wired complex exacting analytic vigilant intriguing ratiocinative experienced detailed keen-witted fly all there quick on the draw smart as a whip wide awake agile cute searching enlightened hardheaded acuminous clear-sighted clear-eyed heady heads-up pawky long-headed prudent hard-boiled exact resourceful witty foxy powerful not missing a trick strong having smarts nobody's fool sage einstein erudite not born yesterday sharpened steely knowing how many beans make five smart as a tack sophisticated with all one's wits about one heightened razor sharp finely tuned well-developed well-honed calculating learned cunning sensible streetwise scholarly artful crafty careful sly logical watchful wily far-sighted smooth open-eyed accomplished trenchant talented attentive wary devious scheming educated creative thinking tentie tenty guileful Argus-eyed designing slippery tricky on guard on your toes dodgy suss on the lookout on one's toes inventive beguiling masterly alive studious cautious circumspect heedful philosophical wide-awake virtuoso reflective eagle-eyed prepared keen-eyed informed sharp-eyed hawk-eyed on the job astucious sharp-sighted on the qui vive proficient farsighted lively far-seeing media-savvy expert crack elite razor-edged knife-like disingenuous mindful chary with it concentrating guarded regardful bright-eyed and bushy-tailed all ears contemplative beady-eyed on tiptoe on the watch gimlet-eyed on the alert with eyes peeled on your guard with eyes like a hawk intent cultured considered Machiavellian shifty highbrow reasonable academic deceitful masterful sneaky enquiring questioning inquiring underhand shady street-smart street smart spirited bookish inquisitive duplicitous brisk dishonest excellent imaginative insidious superior responsible well read on top of eggheaded choice whip comprehending heads up agog anxious leery slim in the know first-class very intelligent first-rate Einstein whiz kid genial keeping your eyes peeled looking for well-read keeping a weather eye on things paying attention waiting on interested with weather eye open looking to thorough on alert on toes superintelligent sentient self-aware concise crisp succinct punchy pithy downy beady hawklike underhanded bluestocking handy foresighted whetted sharp-edged extraordinary swotty showing great knowledge with great knowledge cool hip to the point philosophic reasoning sprightly mentally keen plotting visionary swift PDQ prompt crackerjack innovative suspicious appreciative prescient deceptive thoughty egghead with one's eyes open keeping one's eyes skinned wakeful ace master consummate fraudulent well educated cluey glued hooked unsleeping full of insight book smart cogitative introspective earnest musing deliberate museful ruminative meditative reflecting pondering measured pensive solemn grave studied with one's eyes skinned tricksy cheating snide sound hotshot star polished well-informed evasive Janus-faced focused detail oriented vulpine carny shonky instructed together original diplomatic expedient surveying deducing correct eager considering intentive advertent discovering detecting contemplating focussed observative misleading wry greasy delusive witted treacherous delusory fit qualified skilled very smart examining exploratory researching intense pointed investigative curious crazy like fox close observing commonsensical efficient advisable good hands clued-in clued up vital apprehensive deep-thinking strategic sober know how many beans make five having a good head on one's shoulders having no flies on sane practical judgmatical judgmatic desirable tactical suitable fitted particular efficacious practised on the stick seemly considerate well-advised well judged just well-judged seasonable judicial common-sense well thought out well advised worldly-wise tasty suited equal adequate cultivated selective easy effortless practiced equipped endowed with your wits about you tasteful trained worthy up to it know backwards and forwards highly endowed up to snuff know the ropes up to speed au fait know one's onions discriminative discriminational discriminatory differential shark calculated inside artistic aesthetic nice wised up on the inside up on finical choosy select picky individualising eclectic opinionated persnickety individualizing fussy choicy finicky esthetic perky fully awake wide-eyed fast on the draw with good taste

Tính từ

Thin or below average in width
hairline thin narrow needlelike skinny slender slim small polished paper-thin ultrathin slim-jim papery slimline wafer-thin tenuous tight close limited restricted confined compact cramped constricted confining congested squeezed meagre circumscribed scanty incapacious choked pinched compressed measured scant exiguous jammed tapered defined definite finite determinate bounded sparse tiny spare tapering contracted near strait incommodious narrowing straitened meager taper shrunken fixed threadlike pent paltry narrow-gauged inadequate poky minimal uncomfortable negligible little packed light insufficient slight minute measly piddling pathetic set crowded enclosed demarcated delimited shut in poor deficient modest skimpy precise low scarce sparing stingy specific terminable exact hemmed in skimp hand-to-mouth beggarly miserable puny pitiful petty bare flimsy nominal mingy bound shabby thin on the ground wedged checked suffocating stifling restricting miserly short jam-packed airless flexible long elongated boxy diminutive cell-like bijou oppressive stipulated shallow overcrowded definable remote minuscular marginal frail outside claustrophobic awkward overfull conditioned with no room to swing a cat faint off predictable predetermined not infinite matchbox two-by-four irregular reedy trivial subject to limitations fragile tucked up closed in trifling insignificant express determined jammed in explicit clear-cut established direct confirmed particular concrete clear black-and-white restrained grounded invalided bedfast detained hog-tied chilled indisposed kept compassed held iced sick narrowed cramp hampered curbed bedridden immured derisory sketchy cut-and-dried hard plain outright wretched sorry piffling thinning unimportant pitiable base picayune poxy minor inconsiderable worthless mean assigned convinced well defined prescribed too few too small too little not enough toytown niggling piddly footling pimping ungenerous inappreciable no-account inconsequential chicken peanut mere sealed up in jail bottled up on ice cooped up in chains flattened out locked up laid up rare shy wanting failing scrimpy clearly defined dinky twopenny-halfpenny nickel-and-dime in short supply trashy beyond doubt common shoddy sleazy de minimis ineffectual unconsequential Mickey Mouse few and far between barely sufficient

Tính từ

Having a small size or stature
little small diminutive puny slight smallish bantam dinky pocket pygmy shrimpy subnormal toylike dwarfish Lilliputian pint-size pint-sized pocket-size pocket-sized undersize undersized fun size half-pint tiny miniature wee petite mini minute teensy-weensy teeny midget short teeny-weeny stunted dwarf elfin minuscule itsy-bitsy microscopic toy compact baby peewee infinitesimal itty-bitty underdeveloped stubby little-bitty teensy insignificant runtish fragile bitsy bitty small-boned homuncular dainty feeble nanoscopic weeny undeveloped runty fun-size frail weak small-fry minor meager peanut tiddly meagre thin squat skinny titchy light twiggy reedy delicate weedy vest-pocket shrimp slightly built knee-high to a grasshopper pygmyish low dwarfed small-scale pygmaean atrophied underweight very small sawn-off micro trim neat cute dear adorable ickle measly atomic weensy microscopical microminiature eensy eensy-weensy lilliputian button meek lank mere a slip of a … knee high to a grasshopper lesser secondary bush-league adorbs minor-league small-time natty portable unimportant little bitty underfed weakly negligible minuscular minikin trifling minimum pee-wee sickly handy abridged potted reduced concise condensed undernourished capsule slim teeny weeny second rate spare slender yea big attenuate gracile stick skeleton broomstick unsubstantial niggling zero useless zilch inferior picayune nothing unsound scrawny runt infirm two-bit unconsequential worthless size-zero lightly-built small time not heavy imperceptible insufficient inconsiderable sparse skimpy inappreciable limited cramped scant snub embryonic truncated babyish young immature infant fleeting junior hasty shriveled brief wizened shrivelled short-lived not large not big hardly any bite-sized stocky scaled-down pintsize pintsized squatty miniaturized dumpy fubsy miniaturised stumpy nano piddling exiguous thickset chunky scanty heavyset bitesize knee-high mite modest paltry restricted deficient scrubby inadequate low-lying low-slung solid sturdy stout miserable stingy skimp pitiful scarce sparing invisible not tall beggarly close to the ground thick sawed-off poor broad pathetic invisible to the naked eye very little sprightly spindly bonsai smaller runted scrub shot undergrown model teenty nanosized bijou tincy teentsy piffling youthful microbic low-set miserly hand-to-mouth molecular shallow yea high small fry indiscernible unnoticeable minim efficient heavy not long bare tenuous confined narrow petty extremely small barely perceptible pudgy beefy bull-necked granular submicroscopic fragmentary knee high to a gnat itsy bitsy incy wincy tincy wincy teensy weensy heavily built economic of space thin on the ground flyspeck nickel-and-dime not worth bothering about disappointing bite-size insubstantial lean lamentable trivial lowly contemptible base ordinary chubby nuggety mesomorphic pyknic thick-bodied fat

Tính từ

Expensive or having a high value
expensive costly exorbitant extravagant lavish pricey dear premium extortionate opulent overpriced precious priceless immoderate pretentious valuable beyond price big-ticket high-cost high-end highly priced high-priced choice rich exquisite invaluable rare irreplaceable worth its weight in gold prized of incalculable worth of incalculable value pricy spendy ultraexpensive high-ticket incomparable unparalleled without price of inestimable value treasured cherished of inestimable worth of immeasurable value of immeasurable worth inestimable high at a premium worth a king's ransom big-budget steep upmarket excessive deluxe stiff highly-priced incalculable fancy executive inflated top cher inordinate collectible out-of-sight peerless out-of-bounds valued over the odds an arm and leg prizable precieux recherché recherche treasurable worth eyeteeth worth one's weight in gold splendid luxurious indispensable costing the earth costing an arm and a leg costing a bomb outrageous unreasonable profitable gorgeous sumptuous high-value unique unrepeatable daylight robbery exceptional matchless one-off nonpareil inimitable inestimably precious unaffordable prohibitive OTT uneconomical sky-high criminal over the top unduly expensive highway robbery out of sight pretty penny very expensive an arm and a leg instrumental vital critical crucial consequential integral key significant important pivotal essential helpful serviceable all-important extremely helpful extremely useful vitally important of the utmost importance of great consequence

Tính từ

Pure and free from impurities
pure refined unadulterated unalloyed unmixed solid sterling straight uncontaminated unpolluted absolute clear purified unblended undiluted flawless perfect plain neat one hundred per cent unmodified unprocessed undebased untouched undefiled unblemished untarnished uncorrupted untainted unsullied unsoiled unstained immaculate genuine real authentic natural uncut straight up unspoiled unaffected full-strength concentrated strong out-and-out as it comes thoroughgoing true filtered clarified distilled simple actual veritable bona fide unmingled raw classic unclouded sterilized sterile pukka 100% kosher twenty-four carat pure and simple wholesome sterilised stainless spotless pristine fresh clean virgin crisp unspoilt intact salubrious virginal germ-free undamaged intemerate complete sheer refreshing unmarred organic unspotted earthy invigorating envigorating primal restorative inviolate nonblended unqualified antiseptic sanitary luscious sweet disinfected unmarked not rotten not sour unfermented unchanged whole delicate unused sparkling unhurt preserved uninfected healthful taintless entire unbroken impregnant unscathed unimpaired unharmed unflawed pasteurised aseptic pasteurized healthy undisturbed sacred unprofaned good for you health-giving uncompounded mint uncombined scatheless sound potable unsubdivided basic 24-carat single brand-new elementary fundamental span-new palatable safe non-complex non-compound quaffable gluggable drinkworthy drinkable fit to drink safe to drink

Tính từ

Having a considerable amount of skill
skilful skilled skillful master competent great masterful proficient able ace masterly practised practiced virtuoso whiz wizard crack dexterous dextrous well-versed expert adept accomplished excellent consummate deft experienced adroit good stellar first-rate versed brilliant outstanding polished crackerjack talented complete veteran educated compleat professional gifted capable clever professed mean superb magnificent first-class artful efficient superlative tasty marvellous top-notch formidable trained well versed sharp marvelous bravura supreme impressive delicate workmanlike slick exceptional handy nifty smart savvy genius seasoned superior elite big league out of this world world-class wicked apt hotshot class finished wonderful a dab hand at splendid exquisite smashing fab magic specialist dazzling deadly ingenious tip-top very good habile facile schooled extraordinarily skilled highly trained very skilled highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled highly qualified champion sensational terrific fabulous tremendous fantastic demon awesome qualified knowledgeable peerless leading remarkable brill intelligent hot top-drawer exceptionally good flawless impeccable faultless pro exo sik perfect preeminent transcendent best handpicked deluxe choice capital rad phat schmick phenomenal dominant extraordinary artistic supremely skilled endowed well executed cut out for having a knack for shining at class act A1 smooth clean there top star topnotch distinguished super leet nimble-fingered on the beam on the ball very able no dummy up to speed top-hole no slouch sharp as a tack know stuff au fait businesslike specialized specialised ready hep cool hip brainy with it wised up quick nimble agile effective practical learned astute effectual bright cunning fit neat keen creative resourceful canny refined precise suitable effortless fitted sly shrewd all-around old crafty inventive precocious proper accurate alert multitalented multiskilled sharp-witted vet scholarly up to it dynamite serviceable well trained sure-handed taught tutored well-rounded all-round suited nippy strong topflight satisfactory prompt subtle perceptive versant acute productive finely judged up to snuff cute knowing thorough balanced quick-witted exact useful original reliable tricky a hand at imaginative innovative tuned in wily unrivaled powerful scheming designing unrivalled crisp inspired foxy devious innovational intellectual exercised fertile sneaky adequate equal mature innovatory originative Promethean familiar hardened long-serving conversant deceitful guileful sophisticated cagy beguiling dodgy cagey battle-scarred underhand duplicitous deviceful profound erudite penetrating discerning cerebral perspicacious rational fast having know-how eggheaded supersmart ultrasmart whip hyperintelligent politic know the ropes knowing the score very intelligent Einstein whiz kid whip-smart very well careful painstaking straight decisive decent methodic methodical prodigious systematic classic streamlined right on errorless dead-on well sporting on-target trustworthy spot-on sure-fire stringent prolific kosher active quintessential fluent smooth-running notable glorious mighty elegant strict express categorical redoubtable magisterial organized certified exemplary ultimate hardy pitch-perfect happy invincible indomitable perfected treacherous drilled phenom employable long-term virtuosic cultivated graceful fleet inch-perfect rangé first class well-organized well organized organised urbane switched-on well-informed acquainted having the know-how forward perfectly-executed well-executed puissant amazing cultured versatile well run sussed tried tested having good hands astounding admirable dynamic ultraefficient sufficient time-served feasible clever with one's hands good with one's hands adept physically well up rounded instructed sport accustomed easy equipped out of the ordinary killer useable know one's business know ins and outs know the score all around working realizable know one's stuff realisable hyperefficient usable know the answers practicable up on worthy responsible prepared hot tamale the right stuff knowing one's stuff broken in in the know established adapted have the goods ahead of one's peers have smarts old beyond one's years got it advanced for one's age highly endowed ground-breaking worldly-wise old hand causative teeming constructive avant-garde demiurgic forgetive formative fruitful poetical know one's onions having the goods knowing the ropes green thumb old-timer having the right stuff has what it takes like a one-man band able to perform know backwards and forwards wise weathered worldly steady disciplined long-time old-time inured breaking new ground enterprising intuitive insightful like a pistol equal to the task up there elaborate trailblazing razor-sharp knows one's stuff not born yesterday from way back been around wise to ways of the old school pioneering Machiavellian conniving calculating dishonest cheating disingenuous untrustworthy deceptive thinking outside the box double-dealing fly intriguing slim shonky shifty dirty vulpine unscrupulous carny

Tính từ

Extremely precise or accurate
precise accurate exact pinpoint close hairline refined mathematical spot-on delicate rigorous meticulous careful punctilious strict nice fastidious fussy finicky particular scrupulous finical pernickety painstaking persnickety nitpicking picky exacting dainty demanding choosy unerring choosey correct finicking fussbudgety old-maidish overnice pedantic detailed scientific conscientious methodical critical faddish perfectionist proper faddy over-particular inch-perfect nit-picking hair-splitting nit-picky fiddly difficult to please rigid formal over-fastidious carping difficult complex complicated measured calculated faithful overcritical pass-remarkable tricky overprecise hairsplitting literal verbatim sure true similar definite lifelike precision resembling on target lethal deadly well aimed effective word for word on the mark spot on bang on discriminating sensitive discerning inflexible prudish sharp prim keen pure stuffy puritanical selective squeamish perceptive prissy acute hypercritical overdelicate overparticular thorough hard to please schoolmarmish strait-laced attentive diligent Victorian impossible to please exhaustive studious religious right ultra-careful stickling assiduous cautious heedful select eclectic choicy sedulous judicious fussbudget captious conscionable punctual obsessive fretful fuddy-duddy laborious observant awkward discriminatory fault-finding niggling mincing astute excessively orderly timid sticklerish tough rough tasteful niggly timorous anal overfastidious picky-picky trivial old maidish old womanish queasy overcautious niminy-piminy principled very careful easily disgusted honourable upstanding high-minded upright honorable old-womanish moral righteous ethical right-minded deliberate orderly industrious provident thoughtful circumspect intensive dedicated full elaborate solid regardful thoroughgoing concerned searching stilted stiff stiff-necked decorous starchy ceremonious loving by the numbers selfdisciplined chary by the book going to great lengths discreet strenuous in-depth overconscientious overscrupulous polite formalistic civil seemly courteous conventional right on good eye

Tính từ

Pleasing to the mind or senses
pleasing delightful pleasant gratifying agreeable enjoyable satisfying pleasurable good nice heavenly welcome delectable sweet delicious felicitous delightsome dulcet jolly lovely dreamy grateful luscious blessed charming tasty blest savory entertaining savoury engaging amusing beautiful favourable favorable enchanting likeable likable fair attractive adorable winning pretty fetching appealing gorgeous ravishing stunning good-looking cute alluring beauteous sightly taking comely elegant knockout captivating handsome aesthetic esthetic wonderful striking exquisite lovesome bonny bewitching smashing seemly well-favored splendid drop-dead prepossessing congenial easy on the eye pulchritudinous likely tantalizing divine nice-looking seductive great tantalising bonnie foxy radiant beguiling darling eye-catching goodly arresting fascinating graceful marvelous drop-dead gorgeous desirable superb fit glamorous marvellous sexy irresistible enticing fanciable dazzling fun sublime tempting hot sensual charismatic bootylicious winsome palatable fabulous acceptable magnificent delicate glamourous exhilarating sultry nubile sensuous arousing peachy resplendent entrancing dishy spunky adorbs magnetic shapely well favoured beddable fine-looking beaut as pretty as a picture joyous cheery easy on the eyes amazing rewarding inviting genial personable comfortable happy statuesque luring exciting glorious fine and dandy grand refreshing photogenic interesting lush sexual intoxicating well-favoured groovy intriguing diverting aesthetically pleasing thrilling babelicious hospitable erotic buxom blooming copacetic sensational out of this world suitable come-hither come-to-bed sexually attractive hunky cordial excellent dainty blissful exceptional mild amiable dandy super hunky-dory provocative brilliant pleasureful enthralling neat capital swell dollish admirable comforting euphoric presentable mesmeric to one's liking angelic flamboyant commendable showstopping splashy rapturous choice showy prettyish telegenic cool recreative supercalifragilisticexpialidocious relishable bodacious magical aesthetically appealing irie classy symmetrical ideal well-formed refined breathtaking scrumptious to your liking wholesome becoming very beautiful on fleek a ten stylish well favored relaxing snug suited welcoming adapted appropriate lovable beckoning well suited dear spiffy peach ready pussycat trim dreamboat eyeful bijou to your taste picture-perfect to one's taste joyful festive goodlooking top jaw-dropping lekker couthy heartwarming cheerful mooi perfect physically attractive distracting clubbable voluptuous curvaceous fashionable dapper willowy camera-friendly sheen debonair convivial balmy jovial replayable fantastic fab terrific brill ducky magic studly champion ripping cracking corking spiffing topping wizard bonzer beezer frabjous top-hole compelling stimulating impressive absorbing curious stirring gripping riveting attention-grabbing