Từ đồng nghĩa của befitting

Alternative for befitting

befits, befitted, befitting

Từ đồng nghĩa: beseem, suit,

Tính từ

Of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose
appropriate apt becoming felicitous fit fitting happy proper right suitable applicable fitted good meet pretty behooving beseeming conforming just kosher in keeping right on according to Hoyle comme il faut on the button on the nose what the doctor ordered apposite relevant correct suited pertinent apropos timely seemly acceptable expedient germane congruous opportune convenient due to the point related reasonable qualified rightful decent to the purpose useful material deserved seasonable worthy ideal satisfactory significant decorous tailor-made compatible appurtenant adapted justified consistent requisite fair perfect condign favourable propitious equitable adequate connected relative pat legit warranted favorable well-timed belonging ad rem helpful advantageous merited auspicious well-suited promising conformable pointed desirable nice correspondent correlated salient linked applicatory valid congruent consonant legitimate matched cut out for well timed having direct bearing on having to do with able lucky agreeable capable fortunate well-chosen welcome functional prepared feasible harmonious pertaining just right deserving ready employable heaven-sent equipped commodious useable available serviceable usable golden admissible benign fortuitous equal spot on competent earned handy sufficient ripe made to order important good enough allowable permitted orthodox in keeping with providential sensible beneficial official on target pertaining to well deserved well earned well-matched fairy-tale conformed reconciled accommodated supportable necessary vindicated defensible confirmed validated relating well suited well judged conducive accommodating relatable unique peculiar permissible favorite favourite hopeful inspired cut out neat choice in order worthwhile comfortable that's the ticket just what was ordered flukey fluky likely done accepted well chosen pointful referring weighty conformant cognate in point accordant concerning associated with established conventional well-deserved telling well put well expressed convincing joyous comely best formal great incidental enviable successful serendipitous casual accidental efficacious effective optimal just the thing accurate exact regular precise associable desired prudent de règle exploitable operable practicable preferable just what the doctor ordered the very thing just what one needs excellent wonderful just the job custom-made of use apropos of -worthy honest twenty-four carat holding water moralistic on the up and up card-carrying moral in principle authorized virtuous ethical on the level principled canonical noble authorised right-minded judicious advisable okay presentable congruous with suited to appropriate to righteous politic swell copacetic user friendly fit for purpose up to standard in character up to snuff right up someone's street in character with profitable gainful practical sound wise constructive valuable prosperous recommended suggested ample tolerable tactical fruitful benefic benignant of benefit friendly beneficent enough needed expected productive passable salutary toward strategic justifiable like-minded complementary behooveful commonsensical of service workable logical encouraging pragmatic anticipated recommendable required preferred wholesome timeous carefully selected kindly all right pleasant sympathetic respectable well of assistance realistic achievable doable satisfying chosen utilitarian commendable specified intended brave healthful viable flattering commensurate commensurable proportionate indicated abundant sustainable sanctioned unobjectionable favoring lawful sufficing selected true approved within reason real legal sagacious rewarding bounteous licensed authentic benevolent favouring obligatory rational applicative recognized plentiful plenteous towardly gratifying average positive lucrative efficient bountiful very model operative furthersome aplenty quintessential licenced recognised called for of value supreme effectual bona fide on the money decisive full of promise conclusive for the best in one's interests made well provident destined rehearsed workaday allied awaited slated richly-deserved ordinary everyday well disposed complimentary laudatory kind bright utility wearable good for designed rosy akin cheering pleasureful pleasurable reassuring pleasing bounden counselable reasoned essential prerequisite particular optimistic working actionable well qualified well-earned of a kind analogous right and proper to one's advantage in one's interest supportive instrumental express heartening sane kindred on-topic usual OK prompt roseate upbeat rose-colored trained eligible remunerative meritorious punctual looked-for predictable seasonal compelling definitive best suited clear solid real-world O.K. healthy utilizable archetypal consummate absolute ultimate prototypical of interest uplifting win-win inspiring worth it dexter in readiness potent active of help forceful determinative powerful forcible attainable operational realizable fairly good attractive moderately good not bad called-for immediate speedy quantified listed in one's best interests coming rhadamanthine scheduled fit to be eaten equal to consumable up to comestible versatile fit for human consumption safe to eat approving common capable of edible plenty possible manageable sought after set disposed appropriate to the time of year normal for the time of year in the running in line for accomplishable matching commendatory salubrious hygienic commending protean not too bad to your advantage crying out copious minimal tenable within reach indulgent accommodative obliging utilisable in good time at the right time level-headed easy in the nick of time up-to-date up-to-the-minute enow as much as you need as much as is necessary bearable habitable endorsed accredited wealthy luxurious certified authoritative well grounded realisable well advised of choice authenticated opulent liberal elegant substantial inhabitable sufferable endurable within the bounds of possibility within the realms of possibility within possibility well thought out optimum documented verified generous licit signed sealed ratified cozy tenantable snug homey enjoyable civilized lodgeable affluent gracious prime peak top genuine constitutional statutory acknowledged allowed signed and sealed ordered straight from the horse's mouth cleared customary cathedral decided ex cathedra definite and delivered ex officio idyllic foremost cornucopian livable civilised cosy finest choicest well off well-fixed well-situated fit for human habitation worth living best possible self-serving free from hardship well-off well-heeled well-to-do to one's own advantage in one's own interests pre-eminent best-case de jure most correct

Tính từ

Following the established standards of behavior or manners
proper seemly respectable decorous decent polite genteel correct nice de rigueur becoming fitting refined suitable comme il faut fit appropriate conventional civilized conforming mannerly right civilised courtly formal comely dignified well-mannered done apt polished elegant orthodox accepted well bred gentlemanly ladylike cultured meet standard modest courteous moral couth good approved acceptable sophisticated civil prim traditional well-behaved well-bred sedate demure tasteful honourable honorable apposite virtuous cultivated ceremonious customary usual well mannered urbane punctilious in good taste presentable OK prudish priggish prissy gracious done thing chivalrous graceful educated protocol in order pukka prudent diplomatic stilted stiff stiff-necked starchy kosher suited straight puritanical okay careful noble distinguished compatible congruous consistent consonant congenial pleasing timely in line strait-laced right stuff classy gentle impeccable respectful gallant developed aristocratic by the numbers by the book the done thing honest upright reputable admirable worthy stylish accomplished affected trustworthy respected clean-living posh distingué neat smart estimable spruce above board venerable tidy hollow fashionable patronizing snooty patronising snobbish straitlaced precious pompous discreet condescending ostentatious pretentious confined stuffy la-di-da artificial intolerant moderate august ordinary redoubted redoubtable creditable sublime of good repute well-thought-of mediocre highly regarded tactful staid reserved well behaved restrained ceremonial seasonable au fait precise advanced suave fastidious privileged well-born fine stately enlightened debonair affable majestic handsome tolerant accurate discerning haughty mathematical rigorous sensitive discriminating superior exact fussy particular esthetic experienced meticulous aloof aesthetic high-class humane good mannered proud obliging highbred flattering preux adulatory complimentary lofty high-bred imposing studied tip-top top-notch well-respected well-placed upper-class scholarly intellectual evolved pinpoint airy dainty spot-on close late exquisite higher progressive improved forward high knowledgeable erudite highbrow Victorian well-informed spiffy swanky plush high-brow snazzy high-minded ritzy old-maidish mimsy schoolmarmish niminy-piminy artistic conscientious old-maid po-faced governessy nice-nelly schoolmistressy straightlaced bluenosed unbending artistically aware learned well-read diligent thorough scrupulous painstaking Grundyish square-toed inflexible unsympathetic appreciative understanding arty well informed liberal well read versed up-to-date well educated lettered savant blue-stocking intellectually aware literary informed able distingue well-educated literate intelligent traveled strict attentive ultra-careful studious remote unfriendly detached starched clean blue-nose prim and proper rigid moralistic cleanly dapper stickling choosy overmodest spic-and-span goody-goody wooden nit-picking travelled withdrawn unsocial undemonstrative unapproachable uncommunicative official reticent serious taciturn forbidding austere antisocial unforthcoming unresponsive religious persnickety detailed perfectionist finicky methodical wholesome chaste straight arrow keeping people at arm's length stand-offish with good taste au courant pedantic hair-splitting exacting finical pernickety nitpicking demanding pure innocent vestal virginal immaculate laborious overnice uncorrupted right on good eye overconscientious heedful overscrupulous assiduous conscionable observant punctual formalistic virgin untarnished undefiled unblemished G-rated

Động từ

Present participle for to be fit for
suiting becoming beseeming doing fitting going serving agreeing behooving behoving benefiting benefitting corresponding matching filling the bill going with agreeing with satisfying sufficing fulfilling answering according with checking with tallying with harmonizing with corresponding with going together squaring with conforming to fitting the bill owing it to falling to somebody applying availing helping servicing meeting requirements answering the purpose serving a purpose pleasing sitting well with meeting paralleling belonging to parallelling applying to conforming with comporting with having its place coinciding with dovetailing with clicking with concurring with jibing with correlating to belonging with sorting with rhyming with corresponding to cohering with riming with complementing meeting the requirements of fitting in passing muster cutting the mustard making the grade working for answering a need satisfying the demands of serving the purpose measuring up to passing fitting with flying meeting the brief filling giving satisfaction remedying completing redeeming solving keeping working contenting measuring up matching up to dealing with satisfying demands making a hit ticking all the boxes going over big hitting the spot meeting requirement doing the trick getting by hacking it equalling equaling emulating approximating rivalling rivaling approaching reaching touching equalizing imitating equalising conforming equating to chording with vying with being equal to rising up to comparing with marrying with tying with totting up to keeping pace with amounting to living up to coming to keeping up with fitting the pattern coordinating with coming up to contending with equating with

Từ trái nghĩa của befitting

befitting Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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