Từ đồng nghĩa của approaching

Alternative for approaching

approaches, approached, approaching

Từ đồng nghĩa: access, advance, come near, entrance, inlet, passageway,

Từ trái nghĩa: leave, part, separate,

Tính từ

That approaches or approach
coming forthcoming imminent impending nearing oncoming pending proximate upcoming advancing convergent future potential at hand on hand on tap to come drawing near moving closer looming on the way in the offing near expected about to happen close in the wind close at hand on the horizon on the cards threatening in the air prospective brewing anticipated coming up in the pipeline next eventual following subsequent in store just around the corner gathering in prospect ensuing succeeding later likely menacing upon us planned probable downstream immediate nigh resulting inevitable in the cards in view about to be just round the corner onrushing latter in the wings fast-approaching possible considered awaited destined consequent inescapable overhanging handwriting-on-the-wall successive looming large -to-be coming soon near-at-hand near at hand subsequential soon-to-be proposed consecutive see it coming coming after next off directly after coming next to be on us down the line down the pike down the road yet to come scheduled afoot approximating arriving contemplated in the works happening soon hovering likely to happen portending awaiting ominous supplied predestined fated waiting to looking to round the corner rushing surging emerging in the near future in preparation appearing rising in sight nearly on us due intended unborn converging progressing around the corner near-term hoped-for intending would-be aspiring looked-for presumptive designate up-and-coming en route promised latent after gaining upon almost on one getting near in the making successional resultant posterior consequential postliminary pursuing succedent sequential running sequent later on in line following after supervenient on the trot late serial next up fast approaching inevasible unescapable expectant unavoidable ineluctable on its way on the verge in the stars on the agenda underway under discussion up and coming on the go being prepared under way in production hereafter ultimate extended long-term over the long term foreordained ordained certain preordained bound doomed meant predetermined sure foredoomed guaranteed designed assured that is to be settled que sera sera predesigned compelled condemned closed nailed on sealed very likely way the ball bounces directed hanging over stated written in the cards instant that will be inexorable compulsory

Tính từ

Only a short distance away or apart in space or time
close near nearby proximate adjacent neighbouring nigh adjoining abutting handy immediate imminent impending neighboring accessible alongside contiguous convenient walkable local nearest nearly next upcoming warm at close quarters close at hand close by hard by in close proximity in the neighbourhood of in the vicinity of near at hand next-door not far from on the doorstep within earshot within reach of at hand close-up near-at-hand within close range of within sight across the street around the corner in spitting distance on your doorstep under one's nose within striking distance within walking distance in the ball park give or take a little just round the corner within sniffing distance within spitting distance a hop, skip and a jump away cheek by jowl a stone's throw away almost practically about beside coming nearly here regain health get back on feet within reach available ready bordering next door flanking reachable touching to hand readily available conterminous get-at-able juxtaposed next to around close-at-hand at the ready close-by joining approximal fringing coterminous verging skirting vicinal direct closest proximal on tap by connecting not far away connected neighbourhood not far off flush conjoining attached neighborhood just about close to near to side-by-side bordering on by a whisker adjacent to next door to intimate in hard community on the side vernacular back-to-back side by side easy to get to peripheral vincinal in the area neighbouring on at your fingertips on hand abreast approximate to cheek by jowl with abreast of by the side of proximate to contiguous with attached to hot circumambient encircling outlying encompassing in easy reach fringe circumjacent enclosing border within range surrounding circumferential circumforaneous easy to reach within walking distance of just around the corner from on deck a stone's throw from in neighborhood within easy reach of well placed for at close quarters to well situated for central within spitting distance of a hop, skip and a jump away from handy for not remote within stone's throw on the brink interconnecting edging bounding joined impinging meeting juxtapositional contactual against approximate on the edge of in contact by a hair's breadth more or less

Tính từ

Having similar characteristics
comparable akin corresponding similar analogous like parallel related alike equivalent matching approximate close cognate commensurate near proportionate connate correspondent ditto equal proportional resemblant resembling such suchlike tantamount commensurable agnate consonant relative undifferenced uniform a match as good bordering on on a par verging on of a piece cut from the same cloth not a million miles away from identical kindred same consistent correlative homologous indistinguishable homogeneous interchangeable undifferentiated duplicate synonymous reciprocal congruent even matched allied on the order of coequal compatible much the same associated connected the same correlated congruous conforming complementary comparative homogenous selfsame unvaried undiverse contingent much of a muchness kin incident dependent connatural in proportion substitutable conformable on par affiliated same difference coextensive symmetrical convertible interconnected analogical twinlike unvarying harmonized standardised standardized of a kind exact mated double harmonised linked equitable coterminous appropriate coupled fitting amounting qualified twin consanguine substitute reminiscent conditional identic tied balanced regular even-steven look-alike even-stevens harmonious congeneric like peas in a pod one and the same like two peas in a pod to the same degree evenly matched Xerox carbon copy of the same kind dead ringer respective suitable autologous homologized looking like looking alike conterminous interrelated answering agreeing connected with allied with cognated likewise obverse coinciding almost identical exchangeable approximative referring reliant treadmill companion jibing relatable impossible to tell apart equalized equaling equalling equalised coordinated attractive likeable likable germane closely related closely connected generic general universal concurrent facsimile in the same category of that ilk congenerous allying relating according Tweedledum and Tweedledee spitting image like Tweedledum and Tweedledee symphonious not unlike congenial invariant approximating fungible fit adequate sufficient due coordinate invariable undistinguishable coincident in agreement same as carbon copy synonymous with commensurate with relational break even paired on a plane on level pegging all alike solid smooth drawn much the same as stack up with all the same all one evened equated of a piece with all of a piece joined united with nothing to choose between them nip and tuck on a level side by side close together level pegging neck and neck all square level in a position of equality in accord combined joint bound married amalgamated leagued confederate unified integrated by comparison modified syndicated cooperating allusive metaphorical not absolute reasonable vying contrastive restricted fair rivalling provisional not positive rivaling in comparison with reservation aligned wed friendly partnered in league in cahoots hand in glove more or less the same

Tính từ

Bodeful of bad or unfortunate consequences
menacing threatening ominous alarming frightening baleful intimidating minatory sinister black dangerous forbidding minacious brooding dire direful doomy fearsome foreboding glowering ill ill-boding inauspicious intimidatory looming mean-looking portentous terrifying thunderous bodeful louring warning lowering overhanging scary grim hostile evil terrible gloomy dark unfavourable unfavorable dreadful bad fierce disturbing unpropitious horrible malignant horrifying frightful nasty fearful ghastly malevolent daunting unfriendly baneful malicious adverse horrendous hair-raising shocking venomous malefic hurtful pernicious formidable worrying unlucky spine-chilling ferocious aggressive unpleasant redoubtable malign poisonous severe heavy bitter chilling rough vicious disquieting unpromising spooky bleak creepy unnerving savage dour ugly dread wicked harmful injurious perilous maleficent unfortunate virulent inhospitable apocalyptic vindictive disadvantageous destructive clouded deleterious awful petrifying wild appalling deadly rugged angry monstrous harsh spiteful fateful eerie bullying disastrous detrimental damaging distressing cruel dismal cloudy stern hard furious ill-fated acrimonious raging noxious hazardous mischievous dismaying overcast austere unhealthy brutal ill-omened grave harrowing bloodcurdling prejudicial ruinous untoward hairy startling unwholesome serious nocuous violent calamitous dirty stark sombre scaring somber tough impending inimical turbulent painful hate-filled unsafe rancorous mean stormy evil-intentioned steely flinty scowling negative uninviting gruff leaden horrid minatorial ungentle disagreeable catastrophic hazy overclouded tumultuous devastating comminatory undesirable crippling inopportune unapproachable toxic subversive cataclysmic beclouded hazed critical wounding lethal antagonistic parlous vitriolic grey sinistrous upsetting promising rain incendiary tempestuous haunting undermining moody infelicitous terrorizing gray murderous feral glum macabre loury nightmarish sunless terrorising blustery foul uncontrollable morose eldritch gruesome squally unsettling howling windy abhorrent sulky inclement unsmiling fell fatal catty thundery intense sour frowning stony choppy prejudicious admonitory repulsive offensive odious hideous aloof stiff off-putting cold enraged boisterous roaring hateful murky stormful cancerous counterproductive dicey nocent premonitory nerve-racking blustering corrosive corrupting wintry life-threatening corroding cautionary darkened precarious storming annihilative eradicative extirpative suicidal horrific frigid clouded over doomful blood-curdling evil-looking barbaric resentful augural suggestive prophetic doomed dull woeful untamed cross wintery awesome barbarous near close upcoming forthcoming portending impendent lowery pessimistic brutish waspish eery fiendish sullen powerful suggestive of evil imposing unwelcoming significant risky viperous ghostly indignant aggrieved untimely awe-inspiring hellacious crabby at hand caustic ghoulish sober bloodthirsty disapproving tigerish fiery difficult volatile depressing gusty bestial restless surly grievous truculent perturbing unkind despiteful acute harassing ornery cussed disconcerting inexpedient bad-tempered grumpy cheerless torrid taxing ill-tempered cantankerous icy frosty frenzied intensive splenetic rainy spine-tingling repellent strait-laced smoggy mucky befogged sobering vaporous nubilous brumous grim-faced causing fear extreme dense dusky corruptive unhospitable imminent discouraging ferine troubled troubling uncomfortable precursive malificent presaging prescient unhappy traumatic backbiting jarring disheartening ill-starred overpowering overwhelming pressuring browbeating slanderous defamatory momentous foreshadowing spookish grotesque unchancy doom and gloom uncanny weird freaky predictive prognosticatory important crucial temperamental aggravated darkening grisly bone-chilling pulse-pounding wolfish predatory unearthly tragic shivery shuddery full of hate of evil intent strong strange disgusting all-powerful scathy lousy insidious imperilling imperiling afflictive exciting intriguing fated exhilarating extraordinary inspiring remarkable phenomenal destined thrilling poor impressive tremendous gross shuddersome blowy treacherous wretched unsuited cyclonic forceful sickening earnest grewsome raw inconvenient striking afraid massive blistering bumpy distant inapt unsuitable inappropriate unseasonable morbid storm-wracked vehement raining cats and dogs riproaring damp unsettled coming down explosive typhonic swirling almighty considerable strict crabbed churlish overbearing unfeeling grudging ill-suited chaotic volcanic exquisite solemn weighty arduous big strenuous toilsome peracute exacting punishing consequential excessive major grinding acid tart sharp acerbic bullyboy strong-arm tense resolute dreary biting razor-edged barbed astringent cutting annoyed vexed displeased irate irked piqued exasperated irritated tight-lipped crusty grouchy heavy-duty galled testy tetchy provoked irascible dodgy vile dim misty foggy belligerent outraged vituperative viperish toxicant dishonest perverse obnoxious blackhearted trying stressful nail-biting worrisome fraught anxious lethiferous pestiferous wrackful noisome insalubrious pestilential internecine wreckful sinful slaughterous desperate depraved uncivilised boot-faced nefarious villainous rowdy serpentine uncivilized abandoned claggy narky nebulous oppressive environmentally unfriendly dripping venom ratty full of spleen full of gall accidentally on purpose eggy stroppy shirty not fair not clear distressful agitating nervous uneasy boiling storm-tossed unruly ruthless rabid brute merciless unmerciful unrestrained disturbed annoying maddening panicky exasperating gut-wrenching aggravating irritating irksome anxious-making impetuous callous heartless convulsive delirious pitiless incessive inhumane cutthroat remorseless raving sadistic beastly inhuman undomesticated rough-and-tumble hellish frantic infuriated crazed mad butcherly rapacious animalistic primitive biffo aggers atrocious lurid unspeakable abominable loathsome revolting terrific heinous repugnant nightmare execrable detestable outrageous from hell godawful insufferable nauseating demoralizing supernatural mysterious unnatural unutterable abysmal suspenseful distasteful demoralising indescribable spectral abnormal unreal other-worldly freakish dispiriting unpalatable electrifying shadowy preternatural breathtaking hair-curling astounding sepulchral funereal obscene sick lamentable egregious grody deplorable nerve-wracking phantom ghostlike objectionable unappealing discomforting unattractive dreaded unsightly surprising rum bizarre phantasmal phantasmic gory stunning astonishing amazing staggering haunted miserable perplexing troublesome displeasing shady nauseous shameful stupefying vexing melancholic poignant melancholy depressive sad rotten unpleasing ethereal white-knuckle despicable hopeless sublime repellant bewildering regrettable unwelcome inexpressible adrenaline-charged roller-coaster devilish gripping feared rip-roaring exhilarant rousing Kafkaesque unsavoury unappetizing anxiety-inducing bothersome stirring stimulating awkward embarrassing taboo discommoding nightmarey phantasmagorical much-feared terribly bad very bad discomposing barro distracting cliff-hanging rebarbative onerous lou scandalous extraterrestrial causing excitement disgraceful heart-pounding mighty disgustful loathly alien unsavory challenging fazing untold undescribable punk unthinkable unmentionable crying pressing gut-churning sick-making invincible commanding doughty indomitable icky frozen gnarly deeply distressing urgent heartstopping inconceivable unbelievable anxiety provoking drastic not of this world wraithlike disappointing rancid fulsome demonic diabolical twisted valiant unimaginable unexpected irretrievable mephitical irritable agonizing testing galling agonising revulsive frustrating unamusing uncongenial distressed like death warmed up ineffable contemptible glaring unpardonable abject unforgivable demoniac heavenly hyperphysical mystic magical chronic exigent misshapen malformed brave courageous unforeseen jaw-dropping oppressing heartbreaking too horrible for words indescribably bad beyond description undefinable indescribably wicked indescribably evil beyond words inexcusable much-dreaded unhandsome unbeautiful distorted ill-favored homely teratoid unpretty mutant miscreated shapeless deformed unlovely uncomely insubstantial illusory sudden jolting dumbfounding flabbergasting dumfounding eye-opening blindsiding dramatic otherworldly eidolic apparitional holy divine cadaverous deathlike spiritual corpselike wraithy wan pale indistinct vampiric ill-favoured odd queer curious dispirited desolate superstitious peculiar paranormal fantastic crawly tenebrous drab mirthless lugubrious drear mournful dingy God-awful death-obsessed

Động từ

Present participle for to make an attempt at handling a problem or policy

Phó từ

Almost to the same level, amount or degree
nearly almost practically about virtually near approximately roughly nigh borderline fairly most feckly much fair somewhere circa some nearing nearabout round roundly more or less just about close to all but well-nigh next to as good as pretty much bordering on nigh on not far off not far from verging on in effect pretty well not quite in essence pretty nearly upwards of close on in the ballpark pretty near in the neighborhood to all intents and purposes in substance near enough within a little close but no cigar give or take a little around something like in the neighbourhood of getting on for near to in the region of round about or so or thereabouts in the vicinity of in the ballpark of in the area of of the order of as near as dammit give or take a few essentially in round numbers plus-minus in the neighborhood of say there or thereabouts for all practical purposes pushing effectively within an inch of like well nigh plus or minus a few on the edge of on the point of on the verge of plus or minus on the brink of in practical terms in all but name give or take basically fundamentally rounded up rounded down relatively loosely bordering give or take a bit as near as dammit to for all intents and purposes in the ball park just over just under in the vicinity in general substantially somewhere around effectually very nearly close upon about to guesstimate implicitly morally verging as much as almost entirely almost completely generally for the greatest part not actually not absolutely within sight of comparatively closely proximately going on on or about in the order of roughly speaking very close to a ballpark figure of ± going on for really actually intrinsically inherently at heart principally primarily potentially in reality chiefly in fact materially in truth in actual fact kind of in the main in all important respects probably vaguely on average thereabouts very close ballpark figure positively absolutely veritably simply sort of decidedly indirectly impliedly plumb plain for practical purposes if truth be told in sooth in actuality in practice tacitly somewheres scattered someplace elsewhere elementally nominally firstly predominantly in a manner of speaking at bottom above all kicking around parts unknown around somewhere impendingly operatively imminently someplace or other someplace or another any old place in one place or another here and there first and foremost au fond first of all most of all constructively pragmatically actively at the end of the day when all is said and done when you get right down to it operationally bindingly centrally determinately characteristically truly factually naturally intimately originally significantly

Danh từ

The act of drawing near
approach advance arrival coming nearing reaching advancement advent progress progression appearing emergence encroachment onset presence accession appearance coming near coming nearer drawing near entrance forward movement imminence showing up turning up materialization materialisation introduction incoming entry ingress landing ingression dawn going in coming in birth surfacing rise looming oncome start entering passage coming on launch reception ingoing impendency imminentness closeness immediacy occurrence immediateness loom nearness arriving homecoming disembarkation meeting debarkation happening alighting influx dismounting return visitation development origin beginning initiation headway movement expedition course march trek procession onrush traversal journey voyage traverse passing forward motion going movement forward moving forward onward motion onward movement process inception origination springing up issue inauguration emanation arising materializing evolution cropping up popping up materialising debut unfolding growth blossoming blooming nativity parturition first appearance childbirth delivery taking place genesis spread outset flow proceeding motion manifestation commencement conception dawning stride drift evolvement buildup gain stream transition expansion stepping forward flux increase momentum furtherance promotion opening git-go infancy baseline morning get-go incipience nascence kickoff incipiency nascency threshold institution alpha display presentation unveiling actualization representation exhibition kick-off starting point day one foundation source outstart head word go coming into view

Từ trái nghĩa của approaching

approaching Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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