Từ đồng nghĩa của on

Alternative for on

Từ trái nghĩa: beneath, off,

Tính từ

Being in effective or current operation, action, or force
functioning operating running working active alive functional operational operative live going in operation at work in action in use in effect living in force effective up and running usable serviceable in working order workable viable moving in service in process efficient practicable current prepared ready acting useful rolling dynamic in commission in gear in business in play producing rushing fit high-functioning practical well-functioning handy occupational utile purposeful on line in order ready for action able to function on track hot in full swing on the job on fire existing opened extant existent effectual prevalent persisting abiding ongoing remaining continuing surviving contemporary around potent efficacious valid accessible employable exertive traveling turning engaged stirring pushing movable powerful travelling astir flowing involved simmering progressive open standing non-inert non-passive influential indicative going on in existence on the map on the agenda on-going present at play in working condition actionable applicable applicative useable exploitable helpful profitable feasible applied beneficial convenient advantageous ultrapractical valuable pragmatic available operable realistic utilizable vigorous alert reasonable sensible sound utilitarian expendable unused wieldy consumable good exhaustible instrumental subservient adaptable doable utilisable at hand at disposal in employment binding disposable available for use at your disposal on the statute book in running order constructive ready for use fit for use rational sane expedient real-world solid appropriate achievable suitable commonsensical participant durable healthy ticking awake strong developing subsisting hard-wearing dependable associated with affiliated with aiding assistive sturdy invaluable stout vibrant diligent vital spirited alive and kicking lively animated spry on the go industrious sprightly nimble practiced pragmatical of use vivacious quick exercised empirical utilized accomplishable used connected with participating in concerned with well-oiled bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of beans realizable adapted correlated related experiential tested empiric taking part in practised realisable utilised enforced hands-on non-theoretical brought to bear

Tính từ

Going ahead or performing according to schedule

Tính từ

Capable of being accomplished
accomplishable possible viable achievable attainable feasible manageable obtainable practicable workable doable makable realisable realizable within your grasp able to be done in the cards odds-on expedient within the bounds of possibility within reach on the cards within the realms of possibility promising reasonable realistic conceivable practical reachable sensible likely accessible probable imaginable acquirable gettable winnable sound potential within reason handy earthly operable pragmatic graspable tenable sustainable perceivable serviceable plausible applicable usable useful credible performable rational logical securable procurable at hand utile level-headed convenient get-at-able believable convincing apparent open utilizable utilisable operational suitable beatable conquerable soluble resolvable overcomable mortal within the realm of possibility valid effective nearby wise of use judicious worthwhile local controllable well grounded well advised well thought out within possibility acceptable passable available surmountable to hand utilitarian functional easy to get to on hand supportable maintainable tolerable justifiable admissible easy pragmatical working bearable satisfactory endurable useable efficient applicative constructive actionable up for grabs cherry pie no problem duck soup no sweat orderly systematic helpful sane applied allowable sufferable affordable brookable solid plain unromantic factual unidealistic piece of cake real-world ultrapractical user friendly down-to-earth matter-of-fact user-friendly nuts and bolts step-by-step both feet on the ground able to hold water

Tính từ


Tính từ

On or in a means of transportation

Tính từ

Having a greater-than-even chance of occurring
likely probable expected anticipated foreseeable liable odds-on predicted presumable disposed fated predictable presumptive prospective sure destined inclined inferable predisposed promising natural ostensible prone seeming supposable verisimilar true distinctly possible to be expected within the bounds of possibility given to in the air in the cards in the offing in the wind a pound to a penny on the cards ten to one having a tendency to on the verge of in the habit of presumed apparent supposed plausible alleged possible purported hypothetical assumed suppositious conjectural suppositive presupposed asserted supposititious suppositional awaited credible inferential reputed hypothetic foreseen imminent putative evident ostensive on the horizon coming professed prima facie calculable specious conceivable inevitable illusory looming reasonable on the way outward brewing superficial forecast slated due unsurprising believable perceived in the pipeline claimed semblant declared in prospect imaginable creditable potential prepared for in view impending approaching par for the course believed close at hand in store to come forthcoming near certain understood coming up projected scheduled upcoming normal obvious assumptive at hand theoretical about to happen logical understandable avowed estimated rational pretended pending surface so-called illusive envisioned only to be expected feigned just around the corner on the agenda knowable anticipatable estimative afoot speculative academic theoretic exterior not unexpected academical liable to happen approximated taken for granted rumoured in the works inferred accepted what one would expect guessed at circumstantial convincing presumptuous soi-disant exhibited manifest thought invented imaginary held rumored made-up fictional said notable colorable demonstrative quasi coming soon feasible justified threatening close acceptable accountable likely to happen justifiable excusable explainable legitimate explicable menacing tenable allowable pardonable admissible defensible forgivable thinkable wanted gathering quite possible mortal earthly promised reasonable to think nearing proximate oncoming nigh in the wings reliable upon us near-at-hand fast approaching fast-approaching a reasonable bet a fair bet a good bet prophesied foretold hoped for looked for looked-for planned for hoped-for contemplated proposed long-awaited counted on counted upon inevasible looming large on its way on the verge see it coming immediate just round the corner next handwriting-on-the-wall following overhanging inescapable unescapable in the stars expectant unavoidable ineluctable scheduled for formulaic sure-fire formularized external expectable nonrandom prepared expected to arrive most likely

Phó từ

On or in a means of transportation

Động từ

To occur or follow after, or as the consequence of, something
supervene follow postdate succeed chase displace ensue pursue replace result supersede supplant chase after come after come from come next follow on go after go next proceed from spring from be subsequent to happen occur arise take place come about befall develop transpire crop up hap betide eventuate come to pass emerge materialize surface appear materialise issue bechance go down spring up eventualize present itself chance flow proceed derive evolve come stem pass emanate be do arrive spring fall be consequent on accompany turn out attend take over from originate in come down come off supervene on be produced by turn up come up be caused by be brought about by fill someone's boots take the place of chance to happen intervene stop terminate end break action be the result be the consequence fall out make an appearance be consequent be a consequence fill someone's shoes manifest cook overtake rise step into someone's shoes step into shoes of form become befit presage flourish come into being come forth unfold dawn crystallize take form crystallise take shape come to light pan out grow originate germinate culminate go on oust unseat dethrone usurp remove accede follow after take over assume the office of step into the shoes of step into someone's boots roll up be attended by come out come into existence end up start work out begin go be born birth accrue commence upspring prove conclude become apparent shake out hail from actualize go over set in take effect loom derive from descend pour spawn finish extend spread uprise erupt propagate sprout foment be set in motion be a consequence of start off progress break out burst out head engender be the result of show have its origin see the light of day prove to be the case become a fact leak out become known stem from trigger produce fare play out hatch hail launch catalyze flow from conceive click live in originate from be from catalyse hit issue from emanate from deliver pass off chance upon recur have roots in grew up in pick up have its origin in be taken be due to be brought on by be realized gel shake spurt gush swing metamorphose be a direct result shoot up be a result of spinoff ejaculate have one's foundations flare up broaden deepen see daylight be had be got finish up arise from manifest itself be found to be bob up pop up arise out of result from enter into the picture have one's origin advance merge naturalize come into view come into sight become visible come together naturalise change mature increase prove out resolve itself yield net turn out from vent ooze exude well spread out pour forth be transmitted seep pour out gush forth be emitted seep out ooze out seep forth flow out gush out flow forth ooze forth circulate leak overflow be released be announced be made public be promulgated become evident get around slip out become common knowledge be uncovered get out be made known be revealed come out in the wash come to the fore be brought out enter the picture be exposed be reported be discovered be issued show up be disclosed be divulged come out in the open be published well up trickle

Từ trái nghĩa của on

on Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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