Từ đồng nghĩa của prepared

Alternative for prepared

prepares, prepared, preparing

Từ đồng nghĩa: arrange, compose, concoct, equip, fix, plan, provide, ready, rig,

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Eager, prepared or willing to do or have something
game eager amenable willing desirous disposed keen ready hungry pining pumped yearning agog avid enthused enthusiastic excited hot intent interested longing thirsty up voracious wholehearted aching ardent craving earnest fervent fervid hankering inclined itching juiced passionate psyched raring set solicitous wild wishful crazy dying fain zealous minded favourably inclined gung ho in the mood mad keen of a mind pysched up raring to go ready and willing hepped up hopped-up as keen as mustard hot to trot waiting with bated breath champing at the bit keen as mustard rarin' to go bright-eyed and bushy-tailed on for up for glad desiring greedy anxious covetous impatient antsy athirst ambitious appetent wishing thirsting heated longing for restless acquisitive dying to vehement self-starting restive hopeful geeked stoked grasping aspiring envious hungering languishing bursting wistful hoping breathless warmblooded intent on ripe set on gagging on tenterhooks bent on on the edge of one's seat hankering after on pins and needles desirous of resentful jealous jaundiced green-eyed grudging malicious begrudging spiteful wanting hoping for keen on invidious bitter green eager for anxious for ambitious for yearning for emulous umbrageous watchful distrustful green with envy coveting suspicious ready for willing for great avid for nuts hopeful for aspiring towards prehensile amorous itchy stimulated lustful keen for thirsty for greedy for ravening for turned on dying for itching for chomping at the bit wishing for aspiring to craving for hungry for

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Of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose
fit suitable appropriate right fitting meet apt proper qualified seemly able becoming apposite befitting capable correct fitted feasible functional worthy acceptable adapted deserving due good pertinent ready relevant suited adequate apropos conformable decent decorous employable expedient rightful useful applicable available correspondent equipped exploitable serviceable usable useable convenient equal equitable just operable practicable preferable good enough comme il faut -worthy competent skilled proficient trained up to snuff ripe in readiness eligible satisfactory up to scratch expert clever masterly gifted accomplished talented efficient effective experienced skilful brilliant intelligent powerful adept adroit practised virtuoso savvy tasty skillful masterful cunning easy knowing bright effectual effortless practiced keen ingenious alert endowed genius strong smart sharp dextrous responsible learned deft artful agile dexterous highly endowed with it au fait know the ropes up to speed know one's onions up to it know backwards and forwards felicitous happy nice in keeping compatible pretty welcome congruous fair conforming likely capable of equal to up to in the running in line for timely opportune commodious germane handy okay merited advisable requisite reasonable presentable sufficient condign politic deserved swell copacetic righteous legit kosher cut out for user friendly to the point well-timed in keeping with fit for purpose in character up to standard right up someone's street

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Watchful, especially for danger or disorder
on guard alert vigilant attentive watchful observant heedful careful wary awake circumspect cautious chary tentie tenty guarded mindful cagey ready leery regardful defensive expectant wide-awake open-eyed Argus-eyed on the lookout on the alert on the qui vive all ears on the watch beady-eyed wide awake on one's toes on the ball not missing a trick keeping a weather eye on things upon one's guard aware on your guard on the job on your toes eagle-eyed keen-eyed on tiptoe gimlet-eyed keen sharp-eyed with eyes peeled sharp hawk-eyed perceptive prudent on toes with weather eye open anxious keeping your eyes peeled looking to waiting on with eyes like a hawk concentrating acute wired paying attention agog fast on the draw on alert looking for keeping one's eyes skinned with one's eyes open suspicious glued unsleeping with one's eyes skinned wakeful hooked gingerly keeping one's eyes open hip keeping a weather eye on wise considerate keeping one's eyes peeled safe canny keeping a weather eye open psyched up switched on quick wide-eyed perky fully awake active bright-eyed and bushy-tailed heads up conservative discreet calculating apprehensive focused scrupulous focussed politic intent hesitant discriminating intelligent thoughtful clear-sighted sharp-sighted reluctant judicious discerning alive bright reserved restrained rapt listening carefully lynx-eyed sensitive searching rigorous penetrating diligent assiduous conscientious interested deliberate measured reticent fastidious delicate frugal diplomatic tactful provident thrifty sagacious sparing clever spirited close sensible softly-softly moderate controlled watching out thinking twice precautious noncommittal playing safe walking on eggs watching one's step handling with kid gloves keeping on one's toes with it good hands attending with reservations keen-sighted conscious concerned protective unhurried timid precautionary observing sage sleepless squeamish dainty watching punctilious taking notice detailed thorough playing one's cards close to one's chest non-committal meticulous concentrated painstaking quick-witted vague unrevealing strategic close-lipped having eyes in the back of your head with one's eyes opened jazzed minute agile astute responsive perspicacious overcareful overcautious percipient studious heeding noticing judgmatic close-mouthed judgmatical listening tentative committed earnest deep intense methodical all there whip-smart kid-glove shrewd suspecting forethoughtful reckful having foresight like a clam civil reasonable temperate on lookout worldly-wise not rash uneasy clued up with your wits about you on top of vital on the stick lively quick off the mark quick on the uptake clued-in doubting unwasteful saving sly loath distrustful sceptical dubious shy mistrustful doubtful belt-and-braces hedging one's bets walking on egg shells with one's eyes peeled taking it slow surveying understanding advertent discovering deducing correct eager detecting contemplating considering questioning comprehending intentive observative X-ray eye not missing much afraid nervous averse disinclined mean parsimonious stingy iffy inhibited miserly constrained skeptical economical particular

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Of or relating to operations, especially military operations
operational going running functional functioning operative working usable viable workable active alive live living on operating ready serviceable up and running effective fit high-functioning in working order practicable practical useful well-functioning in action in commission in force in gear in operation in use on line in effect in order in service ready for action efficient handy occupational utile purposeful current valid moving applicable at play binding at work in play in business employable actual open dynamic in process available travelling acting existing rolling standing existent traveling extant influential indicative official legal legitimate lawful real accessible ongoing persisting contemporary in working condition remaining continuing present licit exploitable operable applicative applied actionable ultrapractical surviving helpful profitable beneficial convenient abiding advantageous in execution vigorous alert around valuable utilitarian signed and sealed legally binding in existence rushing producing trading on the statute book useable organizational procedural hot prevalent on track durable in full swing on the job on fire in the market hard-wearing dependable on-going going on on the map on the agenda able to function aiding assistive sturdy invaluable stout of use open for business on the move in motion under way not at rest opened open to the public virtual effectual near imminent essential looming impending methodological organisational potent efficacious utilizable implicit formal exertive turning stirring pushing movable astir involved simmering progressive engaged powerful flowing healthy disposable non-inert non-passive feasible vibrant diligent vital spirited alive and kicking lively animated spry on the go industrious sprightly nimble expendable unused wieldy consumable good exhaustible utilisable available for use instrumental subservient adaptable vivacious quick at your disposal ticking awake strong developing subsisting well-oiled bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of beans in running order at hand at disposal ready for use fit for use

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Prepared for a specific use
conditioned used accustomed adapted adjusted habituated inured seasoned trained acclimatised acclimatized familiarised familiarized hardened learned modified made ready accustomed to broken in toughened sturdy hardy tough vigorous strong cast-iron stout hard-bitten desensitized hard experienced rugged deadened coarsened indurate inaccessible hardhearted desensitised coldhearted indurated contemptuous callous unfeeling heartless cruel impenetrable uncaring steeled hard-as-nails cynical unrepenting resistant irreverent disdainful case-hardened impious hard-boiled unsubmissive benumbed unashamed obtuse hard-edged uncompassionate unsentimental unemotional robust solid durable strengthened firm hard-wearing resilient substantial sound stable indestructible well built long-lasting strongly made tempered well-built heavy-duty annealed iron hard-nosed unbreakable stalwart imperishable uncompromising stubborn built to last hard as nails disciplined rigid stiff inflexible used to impervious strapping reinforced mighty lusty staunch fortified brawny familiar well made secure safe given wont heavy acquainted reliable invincible cohesive dependable addicted bombproof made to last settled in in the habit well-made schooled serviceable bulletproof resolute perdurable inexpugnable galvanized galvanised muscular athletic hulking forceful husky beefy hearty liable practised practiced inclined hooked prone well constructed able-bodied thick thickset tenacious indomitable leathery fit stark dense healthy molded tight moulded withstanding steady hard-headed shrewd practical realistic tough as nails impregnable invulnerable unassailable down-to-earth matter-of-fact inviolable everlasting enduring rock-solid storm-resistant fast stormproof well defended tried-and-true well-protected fixed lasting steely impassible knockabout well protected flourishing armoured established unattackable well fortified unyielding well-founded well-armed concrete immovable airtight armored world-weary consolidated adamantine set compressed compacted hard-handed packed stony compact concentrated rocky lacking sentiment toughened by experience as hard as nails as tough as old boots exercised familiar with grooved acquainted with at home with experienced in versed in no stranger to conversant with habituated in in the habit of given to

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Cast previously in another location

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To be eaten off the premises

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Having been made clean

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Exactly correct, correct in every letter
word-perfect consummate impeccable letter-perfect perfect verbatim word for word flawless faultless unblemished immaculate ideal irreproachable indefectible absolute seamless picture-perfect exact picture-book precise model spotless stainless exemplary pure untarnished unsullied without fault innocent guiltless sinless accurate correct copybook whole without blemish unerring above reproach squeaky clean blameless unimpeachable intact incorrupt lily-white virtuous squeaky-clean clean error-free clear classic beyond reproach unflawed unmarred errorless whiter than white on target undefiled sound undamaged unimpaired uncontaminated unbroken unmarked unpolluted inculpable pristine cleanhanded supreme exquisite superlative unspotted uncorrupted meticulous just so unspoiled bang on spot on textbook right excellent as pure as the driven snow on the button unexceptionable mint superb masterly tip-top outstanding entire meritorious exceptional honourable admirable honorable as sound as a bell as good as new irreprehensible irreprovable faithful scrupulous righteous good unblamable reproachless untouched unspoilt foolproof snow white crimeless unguilty unstained optimal archetypal ultimate modest uninjured decent unhurt chaste right on on the mark on the nail quintessential complete idyllic fitting pure as the driven snow best prototypical coherent uninterrupted harmonious uniform ordered consistent logical smooth have-it-all classical representative best possible proper strict dead-on to a T spot-on close dead right perfected categorical bull's-eye true distinct on the money to a turn polished inerrant clear-cut detailed inch-perfect moral upright white ten fleckless beyond criticism nice aces apple-pie infallible A-okay note-perfect above suspicion

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(of a quality or result) Achieved or maintained by careful and deliberate effort
studied calculated deliberate measured careful conscious considered intentional knowing purposeful thoughtful mannered volitional advised affected artificial contrived designed feigned forced guarded labored laboured planned premeditated reasoned strained studious thought-out weighed well-considered wilful aforethought examined investigated overdone overworked plotted prepense reviewed self-conscious thought-about thought-through voluntary willful willing gone into intended purposive preconceived done on purpose pre-planned willed witting prearranged set thought out in advance purposed strategic contemplated judicious determined well-thought-out well thought out unforced predetermined wanton designful prudent thought out deliberately planned rational on purpose aimed meant computed cold-blooded meditated reasoning reflective responsible preconcerted informed laid-out rigged fixed sewn-up set-up proposed cogent lucid methodical circumspect sensible justified intelligent commonsense predestined framed up stacked deck contracted anticipated scrupulous planned out learned thought through well advised well-founded well chosen tactical sober pondered provident politic well thought-out organized organised diplomatic shrewd scheduled projected carefully chosen cunning well-planned outlined prospective estimated selected with care rehearsed optional discretionary open schemed predesigned predeterminate express elective discretional unenforced unconstrained non-compulsory non-mandatory permissive uncompelled spontaneous independent unprescribed free-willed controlled freely gratuitous wished autonomous unasked not required chosen elected unbidden opted with forethought with intent at your discretion up to the individual open to choice destined programmed meditative expected envisioned slated promised due targeted pinned required arranged set up hoped-for asked for counted on wished-for in the making on the docket according to a plan contemplative cognizant mindful wary aware planful cut-and-dried cogitative contemplating meditating thinking excogitative probing deliberative directed steered marked free unprompted volunteered unsolicited settled agreed preset pre-agreed pre-decided preplanned pre-established inevitable established in advance forethought decided beforehand bound doomed cut and dried encoded inexorable foredestined arranged in advance precogitated

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Having knowledge of a fact or area
educated informed learned knowledgeable lettered enlightened erudite literary literate schooled tutored cultivated intellectual scholarly discerning experienced polished academic bookish coached studious taught cerebral discriminating instructed nurtured acquainted brainy corrected developed enriched finished fitted formed initiated intelligent professional scientific shaped trained versed well-informed well read well informed well-taught well-versed well educated well-educated well-read intellectually aware cultured widely read highbrow sophisticated scholastic donnish civilized civilised aware switched-on pedantic illuminated wise clever swotty familiar sharp savvy in the know expert conversant egghead clerkly au courant au fait smart refined accomplished serious abreast sussed bluestocking sagacious sage clued-up well versed in the picture liberal clued up genned up advanced in the loop knowing bright brilliant progressive thoughtful earnest ivory-towerish impractical briefed skilled up-to-date versant cognizant plugged-in formal well-grounded esoteric recondite down sapient plugged in tuned in posted genius longhair up to date industrialized advised book-loving well-briefed well schooled understanding perceptive pointy-headed up insightful pedagogical pedagogic formalistic precise dry labored directed highly-developed industrialised eager obscure sensible at home laboured educational well versed in classical belletristic bookly assiduous into with great knowledge with it competent proficient conscious wise up quick-witted book-learned unintuitive great solid philosophical grounded abstruse philosophic well-rounded deep judicious omniscient sound polymath solemn grave studied pansophic professorial slick stellar open-minded raised primed broad-minded dynamite hot keen reared intellectualist intellectualistic reasonable well versed highbrowed eggheaded geeky intellective nerdish blue nerdy apprised top-shelf top-notch rational free-thinking tolerant apprized well briefed long-haired produced up to speed abreast of the facts filled in wised up hip to knowing what's what bred brought up

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Finished or having been brought to an end
done finished completed concluded ended terminated accomplished complete perfected realised realized consummated executed over through finalised finalized fulfilled achieved discharged down settled up depleted effectuated exhausted spent compassed effected effete made over with performed rendered set wrapped up wrought polished off sewn up sorted out all over a wrap brought about buttoned up in the can used up brought to pass done with over and done with at an end carried out closed attained wound up past finished off out of the way resolved gone in the bag extinct decided wrapped-up no more full-fledged clinched defunct out of hand determined dead elapsed produced bygone final lapsed ancient history established over and done caused actualized materialized substantiated out-of-the-way built kaputt obsolete expired kaput discontinued full handled run out consummate organized organised materialised in the past having had enough of fed up dispatched all-inclusive sweeping all-embracing that's it fini all over but the shouting home free taken care of ceased entire satisfied a thing of the past finished with dispensed with all up induced knocked off tied up worked out forgotten come to an end former ancient gone by foregone earlier ago olden dead and buried of old long-ago of yore happy contented pleased content gratified comfortable obtained crowned matured brought to a close made good at ease relaxed perf elaborate mature developed faultless conclusive ripe thorough serene placid delighted reached untroubled rewarded put into effect at peace

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Invented or fictitious
made-up invented fictional unreal false imaginary mythical fabricated fictitious trumped-up untrue specious concocted make-believe chimeric chimerical devised fabulous fanciful fantasied fantastic fantastical ideal imaginal imagined manufactured mythic notional phantasmal phantasmic phantom pretend sham visionary apocryphal bogus spurious fake illusory fictive legendary phony phoney delusive counterfeit made up misleading fantasy pretended whimsical nonexistent fairy-tale mythological supposititious fraudulent delusory fancied mock hallucinatory unfounded deceptive fallacious trumped up feigned wrong dreamlike storybook dreamed-up hypothetical suppositious traditional incorrect inaccurate artificial fabled pseudo imitation romantic contrived forged simulated folkloric faux erroneous factitious allegorical storied synthetic quixotic non-existent untruthful imaginative illusive phantasmagoric figmental incredible distorted mistaken deceitful ersatz falsified dummy created inexact unbelievable theoretical unsubstantial unsubstantiated unsound flawed assumed invalid misguided ostensible off imitative fishy heroic substitute epic faked idealized wild mimic affected fantasized dream baseless man-made utopian dreamy mythologic shadowy extravagant idealised deceiving seeming symbolic beguiling deluding counterfeited unnatural play-play improvised dishonest cod economical with the truth counterfactual cooked-up fantasised groundless unproven insubstantial absurd abstract unsupported poetic faulty impractical aerial parabolic imprecise spectral unworkable symbolical apparitional not genuine without foundation insincere ivory-towered unlikely high-flown out reproduction replica truthless imagal hollow proverbial lying unrealistic in error cooked up thought up fool's paradise virtual adopted phantasmagorical sophistical apparent queer out of this world plastic pseudonymous put-on hyped up product of someone's imagination unauthentic semblant blue-sky inauthentic all in one's head highly colored doctored acted vain surreal ethereal larger-than-life framed created out of thin air estimated academic so-called supposed fakey engineered pinchbeck adulterine in your head unverified dubious unauthenticated questionable doubtful impostrous chimeral figment of someone's imagination conceived dreamt up improper casuistic off the mark misrepresentative contrary to fact colored coloured unattainable unheard of make believe mendacious terminologically inexact unreliable uncanonical strained forced pseud mechanical phoney-baloney phony-baloney famed unachievable unfeasible impracticable Utopian idealistic famous all in the mind equivocal debatable far-fetched preposterous sophistic mercurial misinformed ridiculous curious wonderful outstanding remarkable enchanted magic important impressive extraordinary magical transcendental unearthly mental transcendent tall optimistic exaggerated idealist hopeful idyllic intangible immaterial nebulous foundationless allonymous ungenuine out-of-reach ivory-tower capricious crackpot impalpable unpractical quixotical dicey iffy illogical ill-founded uncorroborated in the clouds pie-in-the-sky offbeat flakey kinky flaky far out fairy tale floating weird reachy dodgy improbable starry-eyed out of touch with reality head-in-the-clouds starry Panglossian Micawberish way off beam without basis reasonless ungrounded mad unreasoned off beam full of holes way off unfactual nonfactual cock and bull hard to swallow blue sky hard to take pipe dream on cloud nine pie in the sky castles in the air creative inventive pretentious vague speculative otherworldly unworldly impossible overdecorative incorporeal arty-crafty daydreaming irrational picturesque vaporous nightmarish ingenious inspired airy perfectionist original unreasonable artistic innovative airy-fairy non-viable illusionary perfect implausible ambitious flimsy grandiose lofty introspective musing abstracted astral delusional bizarre enterprising spiritual metaphysical unbusinesslike foolish clever originative resourceful insightful far-sighted artful unconventional innovational unorthodox vivid dreaming fertile radical naive prophetic Promethean avant-garde psychedelic faultless flawless excellent lulling misty preoccupied calming relaxing gentle marvelous woolgathering soothing pensive introvertive phantasm phantasmagorial kaleidoscopic Kafkaesque phantasmagorian conceptual inane fantasizing inconceivable out there misconceived sentimental over-optimistic unthinkable unimaginable marvellous moony impulsive inoperable chivalrous ideational suppositional conjectural putative fantasising Barmecidal Barmecide float innovatory silly conjectured theoretic unconvincing unserviceable impetuous useless ineffectual inefficacious ineffective senseless half-baked nonconformist stimulating off-centre unusual individual poetical ancient productive inspirational crazy potty shaky lightweight feeble contrary to reason supernatural celestial gone nonrealistic nonsensical prescient hardly possible breaking ground way out out of the ordinary brain wave subjective perceptive penetrating intuitive discerning unverifiable related told customary unhistoric unhistorical handed-down without substance unfocused gifted wise sharp talented shrewd weightless wispy not applicable not sensible expressive preternatural empyreal mystic heavenly arcadian model best ideological ultimate supreme noble exalted dainty rare frail rarefied diaphanous tenuous thin volatile light frivolous fragile indescribable indefinable fresh exotic unclear obscure untouchable indistinct unbodied eccentric fancy quirky flighty with your head in the clouds arty fey mystical formless nonphysical bodiless ghostlike discarnate nonmaterial brilliant freaky freakish genius experimental keen artsy ephemeral inexistent revolutionary astute challenging imperceptible to the touch imponderable slender infirm petty decrepit puny fly-by-night idle audacious bold hard difficult far-out homespun homemade handmade tough demanding monumental daring formidable rustic artsy-craftsy head in the clouds onerous exigent too little too late ballsy brash herculean pretentiously artistic killer aggressive large-scale difficult to achieve

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Having or showing an excited feeling that something is about to happen, especially something good
expectant eager excited agog anticipatory anxious hopeful breathless expecting waiting agape anticipant anticipating awaiting ready apprehensive on tenterhooks watchful alert anticipative hoping in suspense keen raring vigilant keyed up looking for on edge waiting on waiting with bated breath on pins and needles with bated breath impatient enthusiastic avid open-mouthed astounded desirous flabbergasted thunderstruck curious ardent antsy stoked voracious thirsty pumped hungry geeked crazy enthused solicitous wild juiced greedy hopped-up nuts athirst hot gung ho hepped up all agog itching yearning intent dying longing aching zealous surprised amazed astonished fervent preemptive tactical foreseeing spellbound gobsmacked dumbfounded forethoughtful foretelling provident awe-stricken shocked on the edge of one's seat great enthralled interested all a-gog champing at the bit craving hankering passionate pining chomping at the bit appetent willing gagging fanatical desiring ambitious animated vehement dedicated wishing raring to go covetous wishful thirsting lively psyched spirited energetic thrilled restless devoted wholehearted ready and willing determined psyched up keen as mustard fired up vivacious exhilarated obsessed committed inspired stirred aroused intent on moved stimulated intense ravenous languishing itchy fervid as keen as mustard desirous of wistful feverish dying to rarin' to go hot to trot worked up exuberant on fire ebullient sprightly mad motivated pleased burning animate titillated driven potty high-spirited nutty insatiable daft mad keen earnest grasping acquisitive restive charged high game straining at the leash warm hearty hankering after delighted rapacious inclined itching for hungering awakened gone on dying for active diligent assiduous juiced up cranked up in a hurry pumped up beside oneself geared up approving striving edgy enamoured excited about touched electrified elated atingle desperate bursting very keen lusting chafing straining avaricious impassioned impetuous restored refreshed revitalized enamored dotty enamoured of nutso hot for smitten with infatuated with devoted to revitalised ripe heated gotta have panting bone-dry cottonmouthed sapless juiceless set on bent on vigorous hung up amenable habitual disposed happy unreluctant engaged diehard glad full of enthusiasm self-starting in love with enamored of very keen on hooked on consumed with desire rabid aggressive proactive bullish banzai longing for hoping for wanting frantic raving frenzied uproarious hysterical delirious chafing at the bit partial to crazy for wild for dry as dust fiery dynamic keen on untrammeled tumultuous untrammelled unrestrained fascinated passional zestful take-charge can-do can't wait rhapsodic aflame wacky perfervid forceful tantalized industrious concerned afire unqualified extremely enthusiastic anxious for yearning for eager for ambitious for predatious gluttonous in a frenzy conscientious gaga tantalised bugged zesty warmblooded edacious hoggish ravening piggish unsatisfied hungered intemperate swinish esurient unfilled insatiate turnt bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of beans red-hot ready for willing for avid for very excited with an appetite covetous of lusting after with a yen in need of in want of jumping up and down aspiring towards prehensile amorous aspiring lustful keen for hopeful for envious thirsty for craving for greedy for ravening for wishing for hungry for turned on aspiring to

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presentable satisfactory decent passable respectable tolerable acceptable adequate OK proper suitable average fair O.K. all right attractive becoming fairly good fit moderately good not bad okay reasonable good enough not too bad sufficient serviceable fairish good fine so-so sufficiently good fair-to-middling middling unexceptional competent moderate appropriate run-of-the-mill fitting bog-standard sufficing ordinary mediocre up to standard up to scratch up to snuff indifferent ample unremarkable undistinguished common vanilla half-pie unexceptionable goodish agreeable palatable alright convenient no great shakes plain vanilla solid comfortable sound assuasive appeasing assuaging pretty good up to par nothing to write home about up to the mark allowable admissible workaday tidy medium standard not much cop valid commensurate unobjectionable jake not up to much quite good copacetic in order swell kosher A-OK fair to middling middle-of-the-road viewable considerable substantial run-of-the-mine second-rate run-of-mine second-class bearable commonplace minimal fair enough able plenty cromulent goodly sizable sizeable appreciable ducky copasetic hunky-dory nothing to shout about sensible groovy delighting cool cogent pleasing gratifying satisfying enough peachy fulfilling not to be sneezed at correct snug pleasant completely understandable totally fine amateur amateurish unimpeachable livable apt befitting applicable suited better than nothing pertinent relevant timely expedient opportune fitted commodious apposite worthy germane condign happy handy cut out for politic user friendly deserved merited advisable in keeping fit for purpose righteous in character requisite nice meet right up someone's street rightful legit to the point felicitous useful well-timed just in keeping with modest everyday uninspired pedestrian mean unexciting not so hot prosaic inferior lacklustre forgettable lackluster intermediate normal conventional usual characterless worthwhile limited delightful insignificant median humdrum biggish significant colourless ornery not very good dull uninspiring midsize midsized middle mainstream common or garden banal nondescript uninteresting colorless on the ball on the beam small habitable abundant supportable sufferable endurable mundane typical tenantable inhabitable garden-variety unmemorable plain sustainable cozy homey civilized lodgeable meh commensurable proportionate routine quotidian boring uneventful unimpressive bland midway civilised cosy stale big hep large hip cut-and-dry cut-and-dried standard-issue neutral hackneyed in the swim peachy keen cooking with gas low-grade trite tickety-boo a dime a dozen right on nothing to get excited about up to code can't complain reasonably good worth having fairly large largish nothing out of the ordinary in-between worth taking into account unimportant immaterial traditional poor noticeable marked generous scanty certain of no consequence tame skimpy light meagre honest just right nothing special no-frills customary regular basic inconsequential inconsiderable sparse middle of the road liveable usable trendy welcome inoffensive innocuous harmless meager residential liveable-in hospitable of poor quality mid medial intermediary halfway homespun central midmost mediate unpretentious fit to live in suitable for residential use fit to occupy popular par simple unspectacular medium-sized middle-sized homely congruous plentiful plenteous apropos bounteous humble stereotyped suburban okey-dokey outclassed déclassé corny hacky necessary aplenty copious bountiful dime-a-dozen functional enjoyable accommodating well-suited enow as much as is necessary as much as you need weariful formulaic tedious worn-out tired unimaginative stereotypical wearisome insipid predictable plastic dreary monotonous unnoteworthy generic drab white-bread garden bush-league bad low-quality imperfect shabby substandard tawdry junk low-rent wretched worse lemon sorry good-for-nothing base hack lousy poorer two-bit sad paltry garden variety worth living fit for human habitation

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To have furnished with, or caused to be present
provided furnished equipped implemented made available planned accommodated arranged for procured readied added advanced allocated allotted anted up assigned brought forth came up with distributed donated extended fit fitted fitted out forked out issued laid out lay out lent lined parted with ponied up put forward put up spared turned out accoutred afforded apportioned armed arrayed attired ceded dealt out deeded doled out fixed up gave granted handed kitted out made over meted out offered organised outfitted parceled out parcelled out plied with portioned presented prorated provisioned purveyed ran rendered rigged rigged out staked stocked supplied transferred yielded came with catered to gave out handed out lined up made up raised rigged up rustled up set up stocked up stumped up installed managed organized set aside left reserved earmarked designated devoted deducted remitted allowed bestowed endowed delivered handed over given conferred contributed equipt imparted dispensed gifted accorded awarded proffered served invested appointed produced fitted up come up with fulfilled girt girded geared dished out shelled out filled favored bequeathed turned over endued favoured accoutered feed fed blessed blest kicked in kitted up tendered indued beared entrusted committed coughed up chipped in yolden yold catered pledged disbursed volunteered pitched in graced arranged relinquished put together administered shared provided for bequoth bequethen put at someone's disposal let someone have provided with refitted payed paid met given out given away gave away satisfied lodged loaded assembled surrendered passed bore borne vouchsafed transmitted brought submitted passed out prepped catered for laid on presented with concocted supported sold found restored sustained refilled restocked answered renewed covered made subscribed handled lavished packed passed round stored consigned trusted discharged laid bequested showered got ready forked over decked replenished groomed registered suited fixed fixt kitted sacrificed subsidized put forth put at disposal cast injected plied sent entered sated made a donation of divvied let oneself in for passed on put on the market put in the hands of put out sent in got up dealt in made provision set forth traded in paid out furnished with lotted put in order come across with payed out put in subsidised let come through handed in gifted with sweetened the pot put dowered conferred on put oneself down for fitted the bill for partitioned filled up decked out expended spent loaden lay on knocked up knocked together whipped up cleared availed freed loaned refurbished founden retailed replaced forked up fand financed maintained reconditioned credited intrusted placed confided commended delegated reposed recommended enabled formulated constructed disseminated circulated regaled scooped dished up scraped up inflicted cooked indulged served up spooned handed round ladled developt developed composed achieved stockpiled tabled brightened proposed ventured empowered turned in laid down auctioned carried traded fabricated fashioned suggested sponsored funded dealt reloaded heaped refreshed gave up given up framed devised adapted formed charted calculated adjusted edited contrived conceived crafted designed drafted introduced improved mooted deployed touted victualed dispatched appareled hawked peddled apparelled flogged willed equaled equalled manned matched toted blueprinted harnessed perfected choreographed blent blended shaped budgeted projected referred followed observed propositioned aired ministered given a donation of gave a donation of slipped served the purpose supplied on credit pertained worked up came through freed up come across gave to sufficed for relegated carried out held out to bestowed on catered in surfeited passed around accommodated someone with rehabilitated endowed with subbed shared out paid in advance thought up divvied up divided packed a rod rationed given to granted to made a contribution of supplied with laid at one's feet dropped brought forward come with anticipated assisted laid something on sharked stashed fed the kitty kept supplying furbished meted heeled up placed at disposal made good on filled in measured up to spruced up sweetened the kitty appropriated came across with schemed out delivered the goods mapped out built up passed the hat carried through laid on one lived up to processed smoothed the way loan sharked smartened up got it up released settled tricked up lavished on conferred on someone dispersed draughted permitted satisficed clad showed slapped together settled on qualified for had divided out trafficked in satiated worked out invested in enhanced adorned complied with vested matched up to kept up with measured strategized about come up to diffused gussied up begifted vended enriched piled made a gift of had for sale rodded up jacked up gotten up measured out geared up obliged loaded up entrusted to trapped out placed at someone's disposal clothed bestowed to belonged tricked out conveyed held out devolved made ready topped topped up made a pitch lent-lease lugged iron taken care of took care of lay down shope shapen putten begave begiven came across drawn up drew up given over gave over shown letten leet given with gave with given in gave an opportunity gave in given an opportunity adapted to adhered to came up to adjusted to given of gave of did one's part done one's part gotten in the act got in the act gotten it up

Động từ

To have created by training or teaching
developed cultivated educated fostered trained guided nurtured equipped instructed taught tutored coached drilled enlightened honed indoctrinated molded moulded primed promoted schooled shaped shope supported directed inculcated briefed put in the picture disciplined groomed demonstrated explained clarified expounded explicated counseled counselled described informed mentored pointed out advised supervised lectured gave lessons gave instructions gave the facts showed the ropes showed given the facts given lessons shown given instructions developt shown the ropes improved bettered edified civilized uplifted elevated civilised acculturated upskilled refined polished sophisticated humanized tamed reclaimed socialized versed illuminated led leaded lessoned advanced illumed reared formed illumined inspired exercised humanised put through the grind socialised worked softened wrought conditioned helped enriched acquainted ennobled spiritualized idealized ethicized aided piloted mellowed matured helped forward shepherded assimilated managed rubbed the rough edges off homeschooled sponsored idealised explained things to made suggestions to given instruction to bred tempered made recommendations to brainwashed drummed into gave instruction to taught information brought up equipt given character gave character gave direction to given advice to given information to gave someone tips given someone tips given counsel to gave counselling to gave information to gave advice to shown the way to gave pointers showed the way to gave someone hints given direction to given pointers gave counsel to given someone hints given counselling to

Động từ

(of something written or abstract) To have composed or drawn up
made compiled composed drafted formulated devised put together wrote draughted drew up penned pent produced framed made out fit cast set up put in order arranged fitted assembled constructed developed readied fabricated fashioned calculated edited adjusted crafted adapted formed equipped conceived planned designed laid supplied charted organized contrived concocted blueprinted fixed outfitted prepped shaped budgeted projected furnished accoutred perfected choreographed got ready strategized about organised laid out worked up settled on fitted out anticipated groomed thought up worked out turned out appointed schemed out jacked up mapped out made up got up built up made provision made ready endowed filled in smoothed the way equipt shope drawn up lay out gotten up scribbled authored set down put down on paper put in writing put in black and white written dashed off scrawled scripted jotted down scratched out noted inscribed jotted scribed pencilled penciled committed to paper recorded doodled list squiggled engrossed enrolled indited put on record put down in black and white cut autographed put on file put on paper put down put pen to paper set forth written down wrote down took down taken down scratched documented transcribed detailed created logged chronicled catalogued posted copied cataloged listed registered engraved printed diarized minuted tabulated invented committed entered enumerated told listed out lettered marked down knocked out dictated made a list of roughed out knocked off carved out scrivened pushed a pencil made a note of reproduced addressed booked comped indicted banged out scrabbled chalked inked noted down written roughly wrote roughly wrote up typewrote written in typewritten took notes rewritten taken notes rewrote written up book wrote in wrote illegibly drawn written illegibly drew written badly wrote hurriedly wrote erratically wrote badly written hurriedly wrote untidily written erratically written untidily

Động từ

To have prepared food for eating
made cooked cooked up dished up fixed whipped up brewed concocted got ready put together threw together jacked up mashed readied assembled blended produced blent mustered infused rustled up got fixed up knocked up gotten seared boiled simmered baked stewed roasted poached grilled scorched parboiled burnt burned heated browned coddled broiled steamed barbecued book melted singed fried charred warmed parched fricasseed sizzled toasted microwaved scalded warmed up seethed casseroled churned blackened nuked braised branded decocted blistered steeped sweltered molten zapped withered desiccated rattled off shrivelled shriveled dehydrated frizzled crisped cauterized dried fit mulled sauteed sod flamed rotisseried cauterised dried up griddled cooked over an open pit thrown together heated up found knocked together deep-fried fried up created softened provided warmed through rendered served indulged brought furnished scraped up supplied presented pan fried turned out catered accommodated arranged handed over overheated fitted prepped discoloured exsiccated blighted bubbled decrepitated smoored ignited incinerated torched fermented blazed jugged effervesced smoldered sealed carbonized dried out got too hot precooked cooked slowly prepared food imbued soldered boiled gently spoilt staled reduced percolated blanched fizzed tanned devilled scrambled stir-fried carbonised spoiled blasted ruined deviled discolored curried pan-fried scared up hardened marked boiled slowly panfried made up smouldered boiled lightly charcoal-broiled made ready cooked gently crisped up deep fried wilted brought to the boil charbroiled pressure-cooked got ready for gotten ready for gave taken care of given took care of burnt up burned up grew hot grown hot

Động từ

Past tense for to do preparation for

Động từ

Past tense for to ready oneself for a challenging experience

Từ trái nghĩa của prepared

prepared Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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