Từ đồng nghĩa của imagined

Alternative for imagined

imagines, imagined, imagining

Từ đồng nghĩa: assume, conceive, dream, envision, fancy, gather, guess, presume, suppose,

Tính từ

Conceived or envisioned in the mind
chimeric chimerical fabulous fanciful fantasied fantastic fantastical fictional fictitious ideal imaginal imaginary invented made-up make-believe mythic mythical notional phantasmal phantasmic phantom pretend unreal visionary abstract fancied fantasy illusory insubstantial thought up in your head false fictive delusive hallucinatory legendary fabricated sham fake nonexistent suppositious hypothetical dreamlike illusive whimsical supposititious untrue delusory mythological storybook pretended misleading fairy-tale concocted seeming dreamed-up deceptive figmental unsubstantial apocryphal non-existent pseudo phantasmagoric apparent romantic fabled ostensible simulated fallacious mock deceitful mistaken artificial folkloric spurious phoney devised theoretical quixotic imaginative traditional bogus phony shadowy allegorical erroneous symbolic storied made up assumed synthetic feigned heroic ethereal dreamy specious immaterial semblant spectral imitation symbolical fantasized dream parabolic aerial trumped up play-play fraudulent unfounded faux fantasised misguided ersatz deceiving intangible blue-sky idealized factitious virtual vague phantasmagorical impalpable counterfeit apparitional wild airy illusionary hyped up vaporous product of someone's imagination absurd utopian imagal insincere inexistent proverbial imponderable unbelievable fool's paradise extravagant epic created idealised poetic unnatural all in one's head incredible blue sky pipe dream out of this world unread mocking acted surreal trumped-up chimeral vain unrealistic mythologic delusional improvised estimated academic queer manufactured hollow conceived created out of thin air otherworldly unworldly imitative dreamt up dummy Barmecidal Barmecide affected prepared nebulous deluded mimic substitute man-made weird reproduction reachy replica all in the mind beguiling deluding put-on forged unattainable unworkable ivory-towered unachievable unfeasible impracticable impractical Utopian far-fetched preposterous faked famed ridiculous curious avowed plastic strained contrived forced professed mechanical surface tall famous mercurial cod capricious crackpot transcendental unearthly high-flown mental transcendent wonderful outstanding remarkable enchanted magic important impressive extraordinary magical offbeat flakey unlikely kinky flaky far out fairy tale floating out-of-reach ivory-tower in the clouds pie-in-the-sky incorporeal cock and bull hard to swallow hard to take pie in the sky castles in the air on cloud nine absent lacking missing wanting supposed indescribable indefinable gossamery dead defunct flimsy baseless empty tenuous gone blank negative ungrounded departed groundless extinguished lost vacant perished void null extinct obscure untouchable indistinct unclear unbodied figment of someone's imagination formless nonphysical bodiless ghostlike discarnate nonmaterial spiritual ephemeral imperceptible to the touch puny metaphysical fly-by-night unsound slender infirm petty idle decrepit passed on passed away without foundation few and far between null and void too little too late irrational bizarre illogical distorted nightmarish ambiguous unsubstantiated psychedelic sophistical misty unreliable mad Kafkaesque ghostly conceptual oneiric incorrect evasive hazy faint dim unreasonable unsupported unproven wrong puzzling speculative uncorroborated foundationless volatile ill-founded sophistic equivocal inaccurate wistful invalid without basis unreasoned tricky eccentric off reasonless fishy incomprehensible way off strange marvellous marvelous phantasmagorial kaleidoscopic phantasmagorian hoax filled with dreams misconceived phantasm inane trick in error disembodied non-physical non-material unembodied subjective wraithlike dream-filled unwarranted confusing supernatural ideational suppositional conjectural putative larger-than-life unjustified unprovable unprovoked disincarnate conjectured theoretic trancelike trance-like fakey disingenuous impostrous casuistical uncorporeal unauthorized economical with the truth unstraightforward unjustifiable uncalled-for superstitious freety apprehensive fearful nonvalid questionable glib dreamish hypnagogic weightless wispy dishonest gratuitous bottomless uncalled for not backed up causeless casuistic bewildering misrepresentative distracting perplexing mistakable demagogic catchy confounding outlandish left-field wondrous without justification without reason without cause unauthorised lying cheating cunning untrustworthy devious faithless pretending baffling without explanation dainty rare frail rarefied diaphanous thin light frivolous fragile enigmatic astounding expressive elusory creative faulty flawed misinformed inexact imprecise sensational astonishing awesome spectacular stupendous out there breathtaking romanesque glamourous glamorous odd nonsensical implausible fresh exotic original insane improbable ludicrous crazy inspired artistic inventive fancy quirky originative flighty dicey iffy weird and wonderful deviating surprising daydreaming unspecific oracular unthinkable dubious inconceivable peculiar doubtful dodgy musing preoccupied artful brilliant unconventional freaky radical fertile freakish ingenious genius experimental innovative keen indistinguishable indefinite abstracted pensive fugacious transient shy elusive fleeting greasy transitory stonewalling occult mysterious evanescent innovational unorthodox vivid revolutionary astute blurry undefined unconvincing unimaginable foolish comical incredulous grandiose oddball dreaming distracted off beam full of holes blurred fuzzy far-out head in the clouds avant-garde out of touch with reality Promethean unconceivable erratic wacky ambitious amazing uncompelling zany ruminative meditative inattentive thoughtful reflective distrait way off beam murky unrecognizable indeterminate bleary gauzy foggy opaque cockamamie barmy different potty daft singular extreme rapt absent-minded wool-gathering absorbed nebulose undetermined pale blear outré faraway unrecognisable cloudy out of sight off-the-wall cock-and-bull off the wall hare-brained cock-eyed excellent introspective far away in a reverie with your head in the clouds miles away lost in thought beautiful astral superb in a brown study introvertive lacking definition out of focus ill-defined

Tính từ

Supposed but not necessarily real or true
hypothetical theoretical academic speculative assumed supposed suppositional putative conjectural academical conjectured notional presumed theoretic imaginary unreal assumptive casual concocted conditional conjecturable contestable contingent debatable disputable doubtful equivocal guessed indefinite indeterminate postulated presumptive presupposed pretending problematic proposed provisory questionable refutable stochastic suppositious suspect uncertain unconfirmed vague made up postulatory unsubstantiated unproven untested ideational suppositive nominal quixotic formularized codified pedantic idealised transcendental philosophical formalistic analytical general unproved instanced problematical idealized ideological intellectual tentative logical transcendent impractical imaginative unearthly on paper in theory as a premise in the abstract apparent abstract alleged purported supposititious hypothetic likely asserted conceptual ideal reputed inferential ostensible rumoured metaphysical rumored seeming ostensive evident prima facie accepted believed claimed inferred reported held thought understood groundless unfounded unrealistic professed surmised based on guesswork pure expected suspected declared said anticipated intelle fanciful fancied illusory paradigmatic visionary imagal recondite divinatory recognized acknowledged unpractical nonconcrete experimental hairy dangerous projected conceptive regarded considered intangible immaterial specious non-practical postulational guesstimated figured guessing unresolved surmising unpragmatic imputed reputative irrelevant estimated deemed soi-disant non-technical blue-sky useless invented made-up fictional recognised commonly believed commonly regarded on a hunch accounted fundamental higher basic on a long shot so-called reckoned judged ivory-tower ivory-towered fabled suppository gossiped ivory-towerish probable stated described plausible credible granted given hypothesized implicit connoted tacit designated suspicious affirmed believable hypothesised avowed dubious averred pretended predictable possible reasonable prospective odds-on creditable taken as known counted on taken for granted conceivable verisimilar foreseeable awaited circumstantial convincing presumptuous

Tính từ

Showing empathy for others, and recognizing their feelings etc.
empathetic sympathetic understanding compassionate sensitive humane empathic commiserative feeling vicarious adopted assumed indirect substitute surrogate secondary derivative derived second-hand substituted commissioned delegated deputed acting displaced remote relayed eventual mediated substitutional pretended secondhand deputised distanced proxy removed deputized by proxy passed on at one remove caring considerate kind kindly tender benevolent thoughtful concerned charitable responsive warm comforting tenderhearted pitying warmhearted softhearted kindhearted beneficent supportive affectionate benignant gentle tolerant indulgent tender-hearted kind-hearted solicitous altruistic warm-hearted helpful good-natured humanitarian loving merciful soft soft-hearted philanthropic commiserating sympathizing gracious maternal generous benign sympathising good-hearted attentive lenient consoling encouraging fatherly condoling motherly forgiving forbearing big-hearted genial clement magnanimous receptive selfless doting approachable human giving perceptive reassuring liberal patient open-minded fatherlike goodhearted great-hearted large-hearted open-hearted unselfish moved amiable bleeding-heart all heart sorry uplifting intuitive piteous careful philanthropical hospitable inspiring nurturing inspiriting mild conscious cognizant aware vulnerable reactive impressionable protective perceiving appreciative fond boosting gratifying stimulating friendly enthusiastic soothing cheering cheerful fulfilling paternal civilized neighborly obliging neighbourly accessible amicable bighearted having heart in right place comprehending civilised full of pity sweet consolatory easygoing accepting interested emotional condolatory natural touchy-feely unprejudiced lax relaxed appreciating woke socially concerned socially aware good affirmative understandable fiery irritable sensorial high-strung nervous sensible demonstrative fragile passionate sensory culturally sensitive public-spirited approving positive gladdening heartening calming heartwarming tactful righteous sentimental accommodating nice touched pleasing mindful broad-minded nonjudgmental diplomatic discerning welcome sensitized affable stirred cordial impressible sensitised insightful knowing emotionable socially conscious pleasant impressed hearty finely tuned supersensitive tuned in touchy feely welcoming melted stimulated affected influenced comradely turned on to heartfelt congenial cheery sincere earnest sociable happy wholehearted genuine deeply moved inviting eager companionable likable palsy convivial matey amorous likeable deep chummy palsy-walsy good-humoured good-humored bonhomous buddy-buddy decent ruthful sparing old softie well disposed well-disposed bleeding heart do-good well meaning loving and giving well-intentioned

Tính từ

Not clearly visible or attracting attention
unseen hidden concealed unobserved invisible unnoticed camouflaged imperceptible obscured veiled covered shrouded undetectable undetected unnoticeable unrevealed lurking masked obscure unobtrusive unperceived curtained dark imaginary impalpable impenetrable inconspicuous not visible occult out of sight undiscovered unsuspected not in sight secret disguised screened cloaked buried under wraps out of view overlooked disregarded ignored covert undercover unexposed clouded imperceivable tucked away undisclosed secreted indiscernible privy private surreptitious perdu latent underground eclipsed enshrouded hidden away covered up in the dark unspotted withheld not obvious sheltered under cover undivulged snug tect secluded hidden from sight hidden from view lost to view not on view sequestered entombed deep unremarked neglected unheeded unrecognized unseeable indistinguishable far-off faraway far-removed discreet indistinct shadowy inappreciable unapparent nonexistent unperceivable beneath below sunk intangible unobservable ghostly insensible unremembered unviewable imponderable gaseous unrespected unconsidered ethereal vaporous not in view unrecognised impossible to detect on the QT stashed cached ulterior incognito recondite hush-hush planted incog guarded glossed over pushed aside passed by winked at hushed up holed up put in the hole masquerading unrecognizable unrecognisable difficult to see larvate cryptic cabalistic low-key low-profile unexpressed hard to find implied hard to see suppressed indirect underlying ill-defined hinted at interred blurry blurred vague unclear oblique shielded hooded roundabout inhumed coffined cloistered dug in negligible tiny microscopic nanoscopic minuscule inconsequential infinitesimal minute subtle fine faint undiscernible slight barely perceptible unidentified unknown pretend assumed false unfathomable laid to rest sly sham fake forged mock imitation artificial isolated bearded consigned to the grave back-alley pseudo furtive counterfeit feigned underhand sneaky phoney pixelated changed phony in disguise sailing under false colours

Động từ

(took it) To have assumed
took assumed supposed presumed expected believed gathered surmised conjectured guessed suspected trusted dared say deduced estimated figured hypothesized reasoned understood divined fancied gleaned inferred reckoned speculated thought compassed concluded construed dare-said deemed granted interpreted judged looked upon perceived posited postulated predicated presupposed theorized hazarded a guess hypothesised theorised took as read took for granted opined esteemed felt considered weened sensed apprehended conceived held daresaid daresayed realized determined allowed suspicioned thought it likely realised philosophized philosophised ventured suggested holden bet had a feeling maintained betted took it as read taken it as given took it took it as given taken it as read taken it taken it for granted took it for granted taken for granted anticipated envisaged predicted envisioned had a hunch prognosticated prophesied forecast foresaw foretold saw coming forecasted predetermined soothsaid foreknew ascertained discerned read intuited grasped fathomed comprehended recognized registered observed summed up evaluated made appreciated assimilated deciphered viewed appraised noticed knew regarded cognized caught on to weighed up grokked twigged tumbled to assessed cottoned on to recognised adjudged savvied decoded sized up saw noted dug detected put calculated gauged gaged called put forward guesstimated placed said come to the conclusion sayed worked out set derived rated valued counted figured out premised doped out cast approximated extrapolated decided projected made out computed put a figure on putten came to the conclusion pretended propounded had sneaking suspicion thought likely classed numbered valuated analyzed analysed had a sneaking suspicion ranked advanced accepted drew the inference drawn the inference established submitted proposed hypothecated taken presaged hazarded contemplated cogitated dreamt dreamed counted on foreseen read into formed an opinion of read between lines added up augured classified counted up calculated roughly volunteered vaticinated found accounted reflected deliberated enumerated visualized visualised wondered forewarned ciphered seen collected portended weighed planned prevised ratiocinated auspicated spaed brainstormed summed called the turn psyched out called it banked on adumbrated made an estimate of taken as read readen drew drawn taken as a hypothesis took as a hypothesis had the feeling pondered measured contended posed stated mused asserted totalled totaled assayed tallied proffered mooted aired demonstrated chanced budgeted fixed fixt pictured quantified cost meditated resolved had a suspicion foreboded distinguished telegraphed had a sneaking feeling regarded as solved implied told previsioned sussed got had as one's opinion credited classed as admitted cerebrated doped excogitated foreshadowed discovered forefelt offered schemed extracted set a figure on planned on introduced built castles in air formulated a theory totted set a figure put up kept tabs evoked list formed opinion sussed out set forth postulated that formed an impression of theorized that broached toted up picked chewed over had a foreboding totted up put in order counted upon read between the lines cooked up thought it likely that put down as formed a theory announced boiled down set store by typecast beat one's brains had an idea put down for jumped to a conclusion made a guess at put two and two together looked on as dreamt up regarded as likely come to understand foreknown got the idea gone out on a limb took a stab went out on a limb took a shot gotten the idea taken a shot taken a stab graded remarked commented declared grouped propositioned felt in one's bones tempted adventured risked examined ordered categorized tendered questioned conveyed founded conceited sorted formulated learnt conceded had a funny feeling learned queried puzzled prescribed arranged assigned heard argued grounded ground editorialized built fantasized ideated founden fand costed essayed inquired exhorted adverted intimated imparted omened estimated as viewed as syllogized espied entertained visioned imaged calibrated totalized feared pegged branded marked tipped gotten gat known saw as seen as taxed outlined deducted extraught built on evolved took as gospel truth interpreted as compartmented compartmentalised weighed in sworn by formed theories sparked run down fantasied squared allowed for asked yourself gambled on looked for stumbled on developt run over had vibes proponed took a shot at added signified developed jumped the gun thought up modeled ranked as swore by roughly calculated divided reputed trumped up planned for seen it coming boded heard tell cudgeled your brains tabled distributed toted trotted out doubted looked into taken a shot at taken as gospel truth modelled prepared for made suppositions came to understand beaten one's brains smelled a rat had doubts made rough guess risked assuming seen coming ventured a guess told in advance pointed the finger at commenced ventilated figured on thought it probable reviewed expressed selected bode editorialised adjusted expressed an opinion held to be picked out counted chickens smelt a rat pre-empted footed took a stab at positioned ticked off thought it conceivable foretasted contextualized felt to be rationalized reckoned on had the impression surveyed counted heads scored formed the opinion conceived to be ruminated forespelled counted noses warned of viewed as being had a sneaking suspicion of hoped for thought of as being reflected on accused started subtracted thought through run it up flagpole had a hunch of featured conjured codified typecasted come to the conclusion that regarded as being harbored suspicion halsened held that multiplied ranged waited for arrived at educed separated taken stock in typed lodged had an idea that felt for reached conclusion differentiated categorised taken account of buttoned down lined up saw it coming broke down had doubt rationalised assorted indexed classed as being fantasised took to be taken a stab at calculated to be kicked around taken to be conjured up rated as took account of took stock in made guesses presented contextualised thought of contemplated the possibility of imagined to be created depended bargained for enquired pigeonholed acknowledged compartmentalized relied latched on to thought probable happened upon induced disbelieved studied dared to say looked on as being listed brought up watched for gotten the impression got the impression gave given taken something read took something read taken for took for just knew just known broken down ran down foreshowed foreshown drew conclusions drawn conclusions ran it up flagpole came to the conclusion that drawn inference drew inference seen as being saw as being added together took the measure of taken the measure of ran over asked oneself saw in the cards bargained on seen in the cards began begun believed to be gotten the measure of got the measure of looked at taken something on board saw the light took something on board saw through seen the light seen through forespoke forespoken saw handwriting on wall seen handwriting on wall got the picture gotten the picture taken something as given took something as given has funny feeling had funny feeling got vibes gotten vibes fallen for fell for taken to mean drawn a conclusion drew a conclusion took to mean

Động từ

(somewhat rare) To have made a statement of opinion

Động từ

To have imagined a possible scenario
thought pictured envisaged envisioned conceived dreamed dreamt fantasised figured perceived projected visualised visualized fantasized contrived daydreamed daydreamt anticipated predicted fancied foretold prognosticated conceived of presaged viewed divined believed forecasted prophesied apprehended forecast augured prevised visioned foresaw saw foreshowed saw in one's mind's eye foreseen seen foreshown seen in one's mind's eye mused contemplated mooned built castles in air woolgathered romanticized romanticised brooded gushed hallucinated romanced swooned pondered built castles in the air meditated deliberated stargazed reflected ruminated rhapsodized tripped out ideated indulged in wool-gathering rhapsodised indulged in fantasy built castles in Spain pined pretended moped cerebrated considered play-acted languished cogitated imaged stared into space thought about mulled over idealized conceited featured fantasied speculated weighed up chewed over ruminated on meditated on ruminated over let on like let one's thoughts wander puzzled over set one's heart on sighed let your imagination run away with you indulged in fancy set your sights on conjured up idealised lived in a dream world tripped stewed dwelt dwelled played obsessed invented yearned thought over agonized fretted bluffed feigned faked spaced out counterfeited simulated tuned out zoned out enacted playacted fooled sentimentalized evaluated examined reflected on reviewed studied had hallucinations evoked conceptualized moped over languished over grieved over longed mooned over dwelled on fretted about lusted worried about repined sulked about craved hankered exaggerated lied brooded on depicted saw visions mused on pored on made up stories dreamt of formed a mental picture of stretched the truth had as one's goal percolated hungered for conjured up a mental picture of hoped for bled weighed called to mind imagined things freaked out worried fantasized about conjured up pictures desponded had delusions wished to thought up felt sought to dreamed about longed for had nightmares hankered after made up yearned for sentimentalised dwelled upon viewed through rose-tinted glasses wished for had delirium tremens thought romantically thought upon had your head in the clouds debated with oneself brought to mind rolled created in your mind revolved gloomed sulked made as if turned over desired to told stories conjured up an image of thirsted for recollected cogitated on played the part conceptualised looked at through rose-colored glasses dwelt upon seen visions pored over had daymares thirsted after had visions thought of stewed over lost one's head sweated out heard voices had a trip sweated over had one's head in the clouds lamented grieved agonised felt despondent about dreamt up formed a picture of had as one's aim conjured up a picture of chafed inwardly agonized over acted romantically aspired to aimed for given some thought to gave some thought to acted as though acted as if eaten one's heart out eaten your heart out ate one's heart out ate your heart out saw in the mind's eye seen in one's mind seen in your mind's eye saw in your mind's eye seen in the mind's eye saw in one's mind given free rein to the imagination gave free rein to the imagination blew one's mind saw things seen pink elephants blown one's mind seen things saw pink elephants

Động từ

(of a place, substance, or scientific phenomenon) To have been the first to find or observe
discovered devised cogitated conceived concocted created evolved excogitated fabricated formed invented thought up worked out designed developed originated pioneered contrived hit on came up with come up with conceived of envisaged visualized pictured visualised envisioned projected cooked up dreamt up imaged framed conjured up made up fantasized hatched innovated formulated brainstormed dreamt dreamed fancied conceptualized depicted ruminated sparked speculated pondered ideated perceived conceited trumped up visioned hallucinated schemed fantasied sparked off built castles in air formed a mental picture of fantasised fantasized about conceptualised thought of dreamed about formed a picture of seen saw saw in the mind's eye seen in one's mind seen in the mind's eye saw in one's mind drafted carved out put together laid out outlined lay out strategized decided hammered out ground out started up thrashed out ran up cobbled together determined obtained drummed up brought carried out planned draughted modelled manufactured choreographed tailored put up threw together got brewed churned out turned out modeled worked on plotted drew up coined arranged threw up cranked out cultivated realised performed realized constructed set up developt organized forged produced cast prepared fashioned composed organised machinated masterminded engineered made shaped orchestrated crafted manoeuvred maneuvered improvised wangled mapped out intrigued finagled whipped up rigged blueprinted wrought worked moulded fixed fixt coordinated conspired manipulated vamped up shope shapen molded managed established set out fixed up built drawn up charted directed fit thrown together schemed out strategized about budgeted negotiated finessed laid compassed vamped faked connived colluded found calculated writ assembled ad-libbed set put on laid plans cut got ready knocked off authored marshalled marshaled generated sketched knocked up angled falsified blocked out stage-managed hatched a plot doped out played it by ear rustled up instituted regulated founded readied knocked together executed initiated fitted mapped conducted staged feigned brought about spawned compiled caballed complotted mounted worked up faked it made arrangements for operated put in motion put in order pulled strings set in motion put in place controlled penned pent wrote jury-rigged run adapted delineated sculpted scheduled rigged up mobilized caused written shaped up carved concerted adjusted codified effected planned out jockeyed handled made ready sketched out roughed out traced erected spitballed winged it got up mobilised pulled wires formed a conspiracy ad libbed jacked up worked hand in glove played games disposed rendered arrayed standardized rationalized schematized contemplated preplanned diagrammed compounded diagramed exploited methodized forecast tabulated deliberated put together hastily put together roughly scribbled affected launched purposed synthesized made uniform tightened up pulled together straightened up represented ordered simulated superintended procured fibbed prevaricated counterfeited lied beat collaborated inaugurated consorted programmed hewed prepped hew hammered improvisated engendered supervised minted scripted structured patterned systemized extemporized whittled sculptured quarterbacked thought out constituted derived knocked out perfected coconspired achieved promoted cobbled something together sorted out put out a contract groomed put down dashed off parented misrepresented set type comped put over put pen to paper instigated put heads together die-cast procreated participated in a conspiracy set down prepared for worked something out run up extemporised fudged together jammed penciled in set stage put one on pretended tossed off framed up made do synthesised settled on standardised busked it pencilled in becast rationalised fulfilled thought on one's feet made preparations for cast about beared put through put one over hit upon ran drew drawn carven corve made roughly prepared roughly been in cahoots advanced done offhand prepared hastily comprised did offhand pieced began were in cahoots made hastily brought on gotten up was in cahoots made out defined considered jerry-built classified patched together studied weighed introduced premeditated intended processed graphed fostered proposed slated influenced intercommunicated featured perpended forecasted detailed learnt yielded sequenced spun confected guided ranged learned propagated indited communicated spoofed administered harvested recorded documented got act together registered gotten act together begot begat begotten thought ahead administrated weaved stamped shammed minded scribed combined pounded grasped categorized brought out imbibed mass-produced mastered materialized brought off supplied pulled off equipped edited confederated encompassed meditated steered suggested thought analyzed chalked out settled hewn planned for adumbrated remodeled delivered stumbled upon mooted uncovered conditioned brought forth remodelled rhymed versed dissembled founden fand dissimulated furnished outfitted accoutred abetted styled chiseled chiselled configured made arrangements figured on reckoned on figured out fixed to laid in provisions roughed in lined up started presided over fabulized balanced resolved educed ushered in made secret plans come upon harmonised skeletoned translated into scammed poetized relied on your wits coined a phrase made it up as one goes along thrown something together were responsible for did off the top of your head made a pretence of laid the foundations of caused to happen made a chart of worked together moved told untruth picked up accomplished analysed bred conceived a plan was responsible for provided created out of thin air made provision racked brains flown by the seat of one's pants winged reached an agreement worked against come to an agreement detected sired fitted out improved listed out anticipated fictionalised fudged materialised spoke off the cuff beat into shape become emerged dealt with made a diagram of setted up hastily batched cogitated on filled in had the bright idea of patented roughed budgeted for modified got in bed with spoken off the cuff come to terms wheeled and dealed timed punted planned ahead misstated built up opened up flew by the seat of one's pants symphonized timetabled laid eggs told a white lie systematized equivocated hatched treason smoothed the way hatched plans scored blent done off the top of your head occasioned storified problem-solved completed laid on systematised fabled been responsible for assimilated fangled harmonized thrown up brought into being gotten in bed with dashed out made like stirred up formulated plans slapped together blended swung had wheeled and dealt engineered plans acquired clapped together or up cooked erected hastily doctored converted shared ideas wired planted looked after made up off the top of one's head slapdashed prefabbed diddled threw something together made plans for upstaged straightened out made a show of categorised ironed out effectuated started off consummated mixed up provoked collogued licked into shape took part in a conspiracy elaborated fictionalized come to terms about pushed pencil made plans bore unified matured pulled things together begun presented free-associated described taken part in a conspiracy assembled hastily got off borne finished appointed mulled over come out made it up as you go along seen to integrated induced saw to banged out endowed geared jived conned noted down yolden yold span equipt bargained for beaten woven wove sang sungen sung came upon swang swungen gotten gat rewrote rewritten oversaw overseen gotten off came to terms about agreed on agreed to came to an agreement came to terms lay on thrown threw gave the appearance of given the appearance of taken up took up beaten into shape ghostwrote ghostwritten gave birth to broken the ice given birth to broke the ice becomed becomen became grew grown came out broke open broken open given forth gave birth given birth gave forth gotten off the ground gotten together gotten going taken care of saw about took care of seen about got together got going got off the ground did something on the spur of the moment did on the fly done something off the cuff did something off the cuff done on the fly took it as it comes taken it as it comes done something on the spur of the moment setted

Từ trái nghĩa của imagined

imagined Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

Music ♫

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