Từ đồng nghĩa của ruminated on

Động từ

To have used as an example in support of an argument
took considered contemplated pondered thought about examined regarded observed studied checked out chewed over deliberated over looked at meditated over mulled over reflected on ruminated over weighed up cogitated about gave thought to got a load of cogitated on meditated on thought over mused on deliberated weighed meditated ruminated pored over reflected dwelled on brooded over revolved questioned mused puzzled over wrestled with kicked around debated thought cogitated turned over reviewed perpended cerebrated deliberated on speculated pored on stewed over turned entertained brooded ruminated about deliberated about evaluated eyed brooded on put on thinking cap given thought to thought on thought out sized up excogitated reasoned envisioned worried about rolled speculated about turned over in one's mind thought through racked brains sweated over agonized over brainstormed wondered figured analyzed pondered on wondered about judged chewed on hammered away at analysed considered the pros and cons of pictured mused over beat one's brains out about brooded about agonized discussed decided on worried pondered over assessed appraised consulted argued daydreamed daydreamt mooned mulled minded cerebrated on percolated contemplated on poured it on stopped to consider knocked around summed up asked oneself about thought hard looked into noodled around talked over reflected upon dreamt agonised dreamed run up a flagpole had a think about beaten one's brains out about given some thought to gave some thought to obsessed moped puzzled fretted given consideration to gave consideration to moped over languished over grieved over mooned over fretted about imagined envisaged conceived repined sulked about taken reflected about dwelt dwelled woolgathered chawed flashed on figured out taken under consideration built castles in air batted about made sense of given much thought to expected chewed the cud formed sorted out bled languished revolved in one's mind asked oneself pored chewed stewed hashed over turned over in your mind desponded sighed felt took under consideration ruminated upon dwelled upon ran up a flagpole took stock of kicked about thought upon batted it around debated with oneself hypothesized turned over in mind looked at as an example cooled out gloomed anticipated taken stock of sulked made clarified dealt with recollected entertained the idea of dwelt upon thought of sweated out hypothesised gave much thought to lamented grieved felt despondent about considered as an example formulated chafed inwardly chewn batted around taken as an example took as an example aspired to took in taken in eaten one's heart out eaten your heart out ate one's heart out ate your heart out seen saw went over gone over gotten a load of took into consideration taken into consideration conjectured guessed supposed assumed presumed postulated theorized digested schemed guesstimated doped theorised called the turn hazarded a guess beat one's brains put forward read between lines called it had a hunch read doped out supported presupposed surmised planned designed posited maintained said bethought purposed intended premised registered compared harbored held harboured fostered hypothecated devised daresaid daresayed suspicioned suspected countenanced cherished brooked tolerated proposed projected assimilated accepted mooted conceived of suffered plotted offered recognized allowed yourself to consider said to oneself formed theories engaged in contemplation had in mind chewed over things run it up flagpole used one's head cudgeled entertained idea speculated on metabolised heeded recognised marveled psyched out marvelled thought hard about tracked viewed made suppositions beaten one's brains metabolized cudgelled stewed about mulled over things made guesses thought deeply processed meditated upon kept in mind ran it up flagpole took something under advisement taken something under advisement taken for granted took for granted approved of agreed to bore in mind born in mind

Từ trái nghĩa của ruminated on

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