Từ đồng nghĩa của got the measure of

Động từ

Past tense for to detect the true nature of, and not be deceived by, someone or something

Động từ

Past tense for to judge or assess (a situation, mood, etc.)
gaged gauged estimated guessed judged assessed evaluated reckoned appraised adjudged rated analyzed analysed calculated called conjectured determined figured made placed put supposed guesstimated weighed up sized up formed an impression of formed an opinion of valued considered weighed set measured valuated checked read assayed sized surveyed pegged set at checked out put a price on put a value on fixed fixt apprised reviewed eyed up took measure of ranked decided classified priced graded criticized classed made up one's mind about criticised priced out looked over passed judgment assessed the worth of checked something out took measure took account of readen taken measure taken account of gotten the measure of computed examined counted put down as set down deemed surmised cut summed up inspected cost cost out tested approximated held quantified viewed esteemed regarded metered accounted eyed scaled calibrated believed figured in had one's number typecast looked on thought of put down for looked upon made of dissected investigated anatomized setted a price on costed deconstructed proved probed recce'd recced eyeballed plumbed audited seen saw spanned broke down putten holden gradated figured out squared averaged meted marked portioned predicted treated hypothesized speculated fathomed postulated measured out timed thought interpreted stood categorized positioned deduced appreciated found admired contemplated paced off doped out tagged categorised tabbed hazarded revered theorized reasoned ventured inferred suggested respected typecasted pigeonholed marked out theorised solved predicated picked selected hypothesised chanced allowed for factored into made an estimate of worked out hazarded a guess tallied buttoned down judged to be provided for ascertained considered to be jumped to a conclusion made a guess at deemed to be quantitated thought to be held to be reckoned to be marked down as guessed at happened upon factored in found to be thought likely prove proven span taken measure of broken down founden fand taken account took account taken for took for taken the measurements of took the measurements of went out on a limb took a shot at taken a stab at taken a shot at gone out on a limb took a stab at

Từ trái nghĩa của got the measure of

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