Đồng nghĩa của in theory

Alternative for in theory

Prepositional phrase

Used in describing what is supposed to happen or be possible, usually with the implication that it does not in fact happen

Tính từ

Concerned with theories or hypotheses rather than with practical matters
theoretic imaginary theoretical abstract academic analytical as a premise assumed codified conjectural contingent formalistic formularized general hypothetic hypothetical ideal idealised idealized ideational ideological imaginative impractical instanced intellectual in the abstract logical metaphysical notional on paper pedantic philosophical postulated presumed problematical pure quixotic speculative suppositional tentative transcendent transcendental unearthly unproved unsubstantiated vague unproven untested academical suppositious suppositive intelle putative unfounded groundless postulatory imagined conjectured nominal experimental hairy dangerous projected conceptive based on guesswork unconfirmed conceptual questionable supposed unsupported unverified unreal baseless spurious unjustified uncorroborated foundationless ill-founded unreliable unsound without basis without foundation unwarranted presupposed unattested presumptive not backed up by evidence unreasonable suspect doubtful uncertain invalid nonvalid indefinite false misguided misinformed ungrounded trumped-up supposititious unjustifiable fabricated idle unrealistic disputable debatable flimsy tenuous untrue specious fallacious vain erroneous dubious gratuitous bottomless trumped up illogical fanciful fancied illusory visionary imagal non-practical divinatory non-technical blue-sky mendacious misleading uncalled-for untruthful off-base deceptive unpragmatic unauthenticated not practical irrelevant empty inaccurate fundamental higher basic useless inferred surmised suspected alleged apparent postulational guesstimated figured reputed guessing unresolved surmising purported ivory-tower ivory-towered ivory-towerish reasonless untenable equivocal concocted conditional conjecturable refutable provisory guessed indeterminate casual contestable assumptive stochastic proposed pretending problematic recondite likely unpractical nonconcrete inferential asserted made up intangible immaterial on a hunch without substantiation without merit on a long shot unestablished untrustworthy not validated dodgy iffy weak nebulous undependable suspicious dubitable open to question fishy controversial arguable hard to believe open to doubt

Trái nghĩa của in theory

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