Từ đồng nghĩa của contingent

Alternative for contingent

Tính từ

Subject to chance
chance accidental fortuitous random haphazard possible unexpected unforeseeable unforeseen unpredictable casual unanticipated unpredicted uncertain unlooked-for depending fluky incidental liable likely odd probable probably provisional reliant subject inadvertent coincidental serendipitous unplanned unintentional unintended unpremeditated unwitting lucky adventitious arbitrary flukey occasional irregular aleatory fluke dependent conditional ad hoc capricious stray out of the blue related accompanying by-the-way attendant concomitant contributory spot trial and error hitty-missy hit-or-miss by chance concurrent circumstantial by accident fortunate providential heaven-sent expedient opportune felicitous propitious convenient auspicious timely isolated involuntary unmeant unthinking unconscious unknowing happy apt periodic subconscious uncalculated misguided occurring by chance mistaken occurring by accident jammy chancy incalculable variable rare sporadic seasonal at the mercy of events infrequent intermittent happening unexpectedly scattered lucky-dog part-time fragmentary luck out luck in spasmodic erratic episodic fitful periodical recurring recurrent scarce discontinuous desultory cyclical aperiodic unsteady spastic choppy catchy spotty episodical continual cyclic on-and-off uncommon repeated regular seldom few unfrequent patchy habitual frequent few and far between isochronal alternate isochronous on-again-off-again on and off unusual sparse exceptional sometime semioccasional broken uneven not habitual scattershot perennial steady constant continuing epochal rhythmic interrupted serial every once in a while at fixed intervals every so often in fits and starts not frequent convulsive jerky spurtive twitching shaky changeable bits and pieces fits and starts in bits and pieces well timed freak repetitive unlooked for at random offhand exclusive especial special particular specific lone single reiterative intervallic orbital annual weekly routine fluctuating yearly daily monthly hourly centennial on certain occasions at various times continued chronic off and on persistent rolling repeating reoccurring chain disconnected punctuated happening at intervals catch-as-catch-can helter-skelter stop-go shifting stop-and-go iterative discontinuing alternating checked rhythmical arrested metrical iterant here and there on again and off again every other now and then by bits and pieces scant unaccustomed scanty limited meager unwonted meagre thin on the ground out of the common like gold dust once in a blue moon as scarce as hens' teeth

Tính từ

Arranged or existing for the present, possibly to be changed later
provisional acting interim caretaker stopgap experimental provisory provisionary makeshift tentative preliminary transitional test changeover conditional improvised working TBC dependent rough qualified limited unfinished interregnal draught draft outline fill-in ad interim make-do pro tem pencilled in pro tempore subject to confirmation to be confirmed rough-and-ready temporary short-term in-between impermanent unconfirmed indefinite trial unsettled speculative exploratory conjectural pilot untried unsubstantiated unproven probationary subject to undecided not settled not final on trial contingent upon contingent on open to consideration open for consideration subject to change substitute stand-in surrogate reserve deputy pinch-hitting second-string sample intervening replacement assistant supply impromptu emergency proxy relief developmental expediential adoptive alternate foster introductory approximate transitory helping representative supporting holding subordinate depute testing rough and ready practice passing transient thrown-together adjutant delegated mock ad hoc pretend simulated alternative investigative backup standby locum fact-finding searching probing supplemental ancillary second supplementary additional auxiliary substitutive supernumerary extra analytic confirmation elimination corroboration fall-back investigational explorative empirical examining hypothetical untested on the drawing board preparatory under review beginning unproved unconcluded first stage

Tính từ

Corresponding in size or amount to something else
proportional commensurate corresponding comparable correspondent relative commensurable equivalent proportionate consistent correlated correlative equal reciprocal related uniform compatible analogous dependent equitable relational analogical comparative in proportion qualified parallel connected conditional respective allied associated referring reliant approximate near by comparison modified rivaling reasonable vying fair allusive rivalling provisional similar like metaphorical in comparison not positive contrastive approaching matching with reservation not absolute restricted alike identical same indistinguishable duplicate akin tantamount matched resemblant close ditto resembling cognate connate suchlike such coequal even synonymous interchangeable undifferentiated the same much the same cut from the same cloth symmetrical consonant homologous kindred undifferenced homogeneous on par of a piece much of a muchness conforming complementary congruous congruent agnate appropriate twinlike substitutable homogenous unvaried undiverse fitting conformable on a par same difference of a kind amounting reminiscent look-alike even-steven even-stevens exact like two peas in a pod to the same degree evenly matched like peas in a pod suitable directly proportional impossible to tell apart one and the same relatable almost identical selfsame exchangeable verging on a match bordering on as good fit adequate sufficient coextensive due equalized not a million miles away from equalised coterminous same as carbon substitute copy synonymous with commensurate with of a piece with much the same as convertible harmonious carbon copy double Tweedledum and Tweedledee spitting image concurrent dead ringer like Tweedledum and Tweedledee facsimile Xerox mated in agreement in accord tied drawn balanced with nothing to choose between them level pegging neck and neck nip and tuck all square on a level level in a position of equality side by side close together interrelated answering agreeing proportionate to based on in proportion to proportional to dependent on corresponding to kin unvarying twin according regular coordinate invariable identic on the order of break even on a plane on level pegging stack up with

Tính từ

Concerned with theories or hypotheses rather than with practical matters
theoretic imaginary theoretical abstract academic analytical as a premise assumed codified conjectural formalistic formularized general hypothetic hypothetical ideal idealised idealized ideational ideological imaginative impractical instanced intellectual in the abstract in theory logical metaphysical notional on paper pedantic philosophical postulated presumed problematical pure quixotic speculative suppositional tentative transcendent transcendental unearthly unproved unsubstantiated vague imagined conjectured academical suppositious intelle postulatory unproven untested suppositive nominal supposed putative unreal questionable conditional conjecturable debatable indeterminate refutable uncertain presumptive casual presupposed provisory contestable proposed guessed unconfirmed disputable pretending equivocal assumptive indefinite stochastic problematic doubtful suspect concocted made up apparent alleged purported supposititious likely asserted conceptual reputed inferential ostensible rumoured rumored seeming ostensive evident prima facie accepted believed claimed inferred reported held thought understood groundless unfounded unrealistic professed surmised based on guesswork expected suspected declared said anticipated fanciful fancied illusory paradigmatic visionary imagal recondite divinatory recognized acknowledged unpractical nonconcrete experimental hairy dangerous projected conceptive regarded considered intangible immaterial specious non-practical postulational guesstimated figured guessing unresolved surmising unpragmatic imputed reputative irrelevant estimated deemed soi-disant non-technical blue-sky useless invented made-up fictional recognised commonly believed commonly regarded on a hunch accounted fundamental higher basic on a long shot so-called reckoned judged ivory-tower ivory-towered fabled suppository gossiped ivory-towerish probable stated described plausible credible granted given hypothesized implicit connoted tacit designated suspicious affirmed believable hypothesised avowed dubious averred pretended predictable possible reasonable prospective odds-on creditable taken as known counted on taken for granted conceivable verisimilar foreseeable awaited circumstantial convincing presumptuous

Tính từ

Relevant or important with regard to (a subject or matter)
relative pertinent relevant apposite apropos germane applicable appropriate appurtenant material pointed dependent pertaining referring related relating about concerning in regard with respect to the point fitting apt suitable proper ad rem to the purpose significant on the nose on the button fit befitting connected suited felicitous linked applicatory legit kosher right on admissible right becoming useful correlated salient valid congruous congruent consistent having direct bearing on having to do with on target important cognate correct pointful opportune pat applicative compatible meet fitted pertaining to appertaining seemly belonging relatable timely associable good helpful allied apropos of of use akin analogous on-topic kindred key essential intrinsic vital that's the ticket of interest fundamental meaningful indispensable central primary cardinal substantive associated of consequence requisite allowable harmonious weighty consonant conformant conforming accordant correspondent in point happy expedient convenient propitious just favourable auspicious acceptable favorable well-chosen crucial worthy choice critical seasonable qualified well-timed rightful pretty main pivotal noteworthy deserved ideal advantageous perfect well-suited in keeping adequate carefully selected tailor-made paramount due chief major serviceable decent decorous spot on principal remarkable comme il faut arresting influential providential operative beneficial condign notable marked profitable able capable neat timeous fortuitous functional prepared feasible practical worthwhile adapted deserving ready valuable reasonable employable satisfactory productive beneficent best okay of note just right useable available usable conformable commodious made to order handy equal equitable of service good enough justified fairy-tale supplementary peripheral auxiliary accessorial supplemental accessory peculiar unique rehearsed benign heaven-sent golden inspired judicious lucky ripe fortunate associated with connected with desirable well chosen just what was ordered well judged telling joyous well put well expressed convincing well timed kindly welcome benefic usual benignant friendly exact predictable towardly expected win-win prosperous seasonal optimal salutary outstanding noticeable signal striking prominent pronounced conspicuous indicative appropriate to the time of year good for you normal for the time of year good for one precise sufficient advisable merited presentable interesting swell righteous politic copacetic nice predominant very model consummate absolute prototypical quintessential user friendly fit for purpose up to standard in character up to snuff cut out for right up someone's street in keeping with sensational archetypal on the money ultimate supreme just the job momentous topical prime obvious staple dominant basic equipped exploitable operable practicable preferable exciting serious historic urgent buzzworthy extraordinary front-page consequential great far-reaching constructive invaluable leading moving intrusive projecting protruding famous impressive arrestive jutting focal obtrusive imperative effective instrumental newsworthy -worthy allowed passable tolerable permitted permissible conducive behooveful in demand gainful strategic appreciated necessary respected needed rewarding fruitful meritorious admired exigent out of the ordinary of substance pressing of help hot loved esteemed worth its weight in gold of value of benefit of assistance held dear estimable worth it of the essence affiliated justifiable legitimate interconnected immediate standout foremost supportable tenable licit legal defensible lawful tolerated sensible sound worthful hot property scarce recognized OK sanctioned concomitant importunate definite of concern emphatic coupled accompanying corresponding rational possible logical pukka likely probable warranted fair concedable well founded solid vigorous above board recognised within the law by the book not unlikely not impossible high interdependent mutual tied up incident intertwined incidental knit together interrelated joint reciprocal in touch with complementary enmeshed interwoven

Tính từ

Doubtful in terms of truth or validity
questionable doubtful debatable dubious equivocal uncertain arguable suspect moot contentious disputable iffy unsettled unsure controversial controvertible doubtable dubitable unconfirmed undecided unprovable unproven unreliable unresolved unverified apocryphal borderline in dispute in doubt issuable marginal negotiable unclear undefined disputed indefinite indeterminate spurious ambiguous cryptic enigmatic flimsy hypothetical indecisive obscure occult vague in question open to doubt open to question not definite not obvious open to discussion under examination under advisement unknown inexact inconclusive unpredictable speculative pending confused dodgy clouded undependable open hazy chancy in the balance open to debate up in the air touch-and-go in limbo up for grabs in no man's land problematic problematical suspicious fishy queer shady shaky untrustworthy unlikely puzzling undetermined incredible ridiculous unbelievable ambivalent betwixt and between vexed paradoxical unsound unsupported anxious worried apprehensive concerned disquieted troubled tenuous unsubstantiated unsubstantial weak ungrounded nebulous sub judice unfounded enigmatical unintelligible muddy at issue clear as dishwater tenebrous inexplicit opaque far from certain unclassifiable peripheral frontier bordering not reliable not dependable odd unanswered ongoing shonky funny unsolved insecure at risk thick potentially false pseudo suspected potentially dangerous under suspicion thin improbable in a state of uncertainty in a state of limbo open-ended not decided unfixed waffling to be decided pendent implausible unrealistic fanciful not quite right not kosher disputatious argumentative polemical polemic perplexing riddling subject to debate unthinkable preposterous fantastic scrappy hot-button contended quarrelsome open to suspicion unestablished absurd contestable mootable on ice not yet established a moot point a controversial subject a live issue unapt a matter of opinion provocative critical far-fetched bone of contention on the back burner touch and go the jury's out up for discussion between sixes and sevens long shot fat chance between rock and hard place on thin ice difficult to believe scarcely credible hard to swallow beyond the bounds of possibility

Danh từ

A future event or circumstance which is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty
case possibility event eventuality contingency contingence likelihood chance probability risk emergency predicament prospect fortuity odds potential accident potentiality capability uncertainty occurrence hazard chance event danger hope fear liability fluke happenstance fifty-fifty happenchance advent situation condition circumstance position state conditions plight circumstances scenario score context facts picture standing environment scene setting background status deal footing climate setup dilemma story character development quandary scoop station affairs state of play state of affairs set-up lie of the land what's going on what's what how it goes set of circumstances ball game way things are how things stack up status quo where it's at kettle of fish how things are lay of the land way things shape up how things stand shape posture order nick stage turn of events how the land lies details ballgame rank capacity outlook mode means form cause episode phase like it is set of conditions essentials specifics statistics affair equation quality events kilter reputation surroundings times occurrences particulars elements factors standpoint place juncture health nature fettle sitch instance lot incidents happenings bargain going way sphere state of things detail fact set up size of it pass element happening particular factor incident bearing course of events series of developments sequence of events chain of events straits strait deportment carriage mien manner habit the size of it

Danh từ

A group of people or animals of a particular kind
troop company band body group crowd gang gathering drove pack troupe unit assemblage flock horde multitude squad swarm bevvy bevy bunch crew party throng host team army corps stream cohort detachment detail herd mob patrol posse gaggle load assembly collection combatants delegation forces legion number outfit servicemen troopers troops fighting men brigade division squadron section force regiment battalion platoon garrison set organization organisation battery array cadre fraternity fellowship commando league batch cluster formation club partnership faction brotherhood sodality community association society federation coterie clique military unit boodle guild circle huddle institution consort crop lot task force block selection total order line-up parcel covey alliance side ring special force working party entirety sect dream team complement vocation service column clump subdivision flight military force duty fatigue assignment military division confraternity lodge control sisterhood union camp sorority affiliation kitchen police menagerie KP trio players panel workers partners foursome string lineup aggregation stable capacity constellation grouping clutch knot denomination sector passel cooperative consortium network aggregate amount corporation coalition confederation agency operation board council syndicate quota allowance congress fold institute wing establishment bloc clan klatch coven klatsch cell quantity system building block one thing totality press congregation mass crush rout scrum cram bike tribe firm rabble sea myriad jam concourse turnout muster push ballet theater group concert party touring company galaxy cabal house cartel ensemble confederacy shift theater company conspiracy retinue pool combine trust pile shower combo zoo staff combination Mafia meeting fleet large crowd large group deluge masses scores brood business enterprise many people nye aircrew junta racket barrage shoal score cloud employees school blowout flood convention lads concern interest junto monopoly setup wolf pack vast number cast sellout everybody in-group ruck in-crowd set-up reserves body of people guard armada escadrille personnel core crowd of people shop horses actors performers rally convocation conference ingathering conclave wad slew surge get-together convergence nucleus soldiers armed forces class wayfarers voyagers travellers explorers officers key group uncontrolled throng amalgamation merger conglomerate chamber stock company acting company repertory company hard core small group consociation expedition travelers kinship college axis family compact gild rat pack tie-in private club

Danh từ

A great number or amount of something
pack lot mass slew stack abundance bundle chunk gobs heap loads mess mountain multitude myriad pile profusion quantity raft reams scads spate tonne ton volume wealth boatload bushel drove fistful host much multiplicity oodles passel peck plenitude plentitude plenty pot potful sheaf store wad yard barrel basketful bucket carload dozen huddle lashings lashins number plateful rabble shipload sight truckload hundred good deal great deal bunch deal load lots masses heaps ocean quite a bit all kinds of piles tons shedload swag tonnes plethora stacks bulk collection batch quantities jillion hoard stockpile superabundance stock bank oceans cornucopia scores amassment million a lot cluster aggregation clump deposit assemblage sum trillion lump millions fullness gob jumble mound agglomeration hill haul concentration scad ream bounty copiousness thousand large quantity bags large amount mountains sea many amount gathering accumulation cargo congeries harvest thousands hundreds billions gazillions mine total great amount opulence feast mint a great deal flood large number ample numerous supply exuberance backlog excess fund riot lavishness amplitude hunk a large amount whole bountifulness affluence assortment luxuriance conglomeration zillions a good deal bazillions a pile shock plenteousness prosperity sufficiency richness nimiety ampleness overflow fruitfulness a shedload more … than one can shake a stick at great quantity floods busload truckful jumb degree wodge several logjam cache stash reserve measure portion share plentifulness abundant substantial plentiful innumerable an amount a number copious countless considerable profuseness armful rick extent a good few a good number considerable amounts treasury bing accrual rickle army distribution surplus glut horde swarm shedloads quite a number well throng droves crowd legion pool reservoir infinity superfluity variety loadsa fount cumulation riches fortune pots miles wads drift aggregate corpus plurality entirety combination totality score slat deluge avalanche torrent capacity bounteousness enough luxury sum total surfeit great number a considerable number whole lot oversupply extravagance repertoire inventory repertory provision prodigality full house mucho aplenty flock whopper treasure fountain lode a deal prosperousness outpouring nest egg a fair amount a great quantity a profusion a wealth a mountain a swag a great many a large number an abundance dozens chunks bundles stores slews bunches rafts a bunch boatloads packs a mass a heap barrels truckloads bushels buckets yards carloads pecks wealths a multiplicity a volume collections legions aggregations gallons a load a multitude volumes hunks spates messes myriads deals crowds slathers abundances acres a great number hordes great quantities agglomerations an army galore a swarm accumulations multitudes a slew a stack a plethora plenties amassments profusions conglomerations fistsful plenitudes multiplicities plentitudes bevies basketsful potsful umpteen sights platesful passels shiploads numbers a ton a huge amount a variety a store a concentrate an appreciable amount a whole load a clump ample amounts a cargo an excess a whole slew a superabundance a hunk surplus amounts countless amounts a collection an accumulation excessive amounts a legion rich amounts inordinate amounts a thing or two exorbitant amounts a bonanza a jillion undue amounts a whole bundle uncountable amounts unusually high amounts liberal amounts generous amounts bountiful amounts a batch unreasonable amounts untold amounts a bulk incalculable amounts a lump infinite amounts voluminous amounts lavish amounts superfluous amounts diverse amounts bevvies a whole bunch all kinds untold inexhaustible amounts a trillion plenteous amounts a buildup a cluster surfeit amounts superabundant amounts overflowing amounts a stash copious amounts sufficient amounts a bushel a bundle exuberant amounts a wad a whole batch deposits clusters pools clumps lumps sheafs a thousand and one large numbers a quantity batches stockpiles banks stocks reserves buildups reservoirs jillions pileups cumulations mines stashes funds flocks platefuls basketfuls fistfuls troves sheaves a plenitude a passel a plentitude a mess a potful build-ups a spate a shipload hoards bulks plethoras assemblages amounts assortments caches superabundances inventories supplies a great amount agglomerates degrees accretions manies portions shares measures a huge number group extents bag box mounds realty distributions so many a boatload crate carton pallet slats depositions a horde of many and then some a vast number set array swags cornucopias growths jumbles whoppers mints shocks drifts aggregates hosts swarms armies throngs a host herds gatherings concentrations hauls harvests fullnesses hills a bevy profuse a horde a crowd a throng a flock divers very many ricks a myriad

Từ trái nghĩa của contingent

contingent Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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