Từ đồng nghĩa của transcendent

Alternative for transcendent

transcendent /træn'sendənt/
  • tính từ ((cũng) transcendental)
    • siêu việt, vượt lên hẳn, hơn hẳn
      • transcendent genius: thiên tài siêu việt
    • (triết học) siêu nghiệm

Tính từ

Above or beyond what is expected or normal
superior consummate pre-eminent unique unparalleled incomparable matchless peerless supreme unrivalled ascendant exceeding excellent extraordinary paramount predominant superlative unequalled great sublime transcendental unsurpassed excelling magnificent absolute abstract accomplished awe-inspiring boundless entire eternal fantastic finished hypothetical ideal infinite innate inspirational inspiring intact intellectual intuitive moving obscure original perfect primordial surpassing theoretical towering transcending ultimate unconfined unequalable unequaled unlimited unmatched unrivaled uplifting whole beyond grasp second to none inimitable nonpareil unsurpassable unexampled beyond compare without equal only rare exquisite beyond comparison outstanding best exceptional out of sight top greatest alone unparagoned foremost in a class of its own leading topmost without parallel preeminent unmatchable singular highest without peer most utmost unexcelled hors concours chief distinguished finest renowned unapproached without match eminent prominent star major important sovereign one-in-a-million unchallenged famous celebrated illustrious top-tier par excellence premier arch- unbeatable faultless all-time solid-gold champion gilt-edge aces tops super prevailing first culminating final elite choice marquee supereminent world class stand alone without an equal all-time best maximum max uttermost extreme significant maxi exclusive the most quintessential model classic unprecedented novel essential exemplary prototypical special typical standout one-off irreplaceable one of a kind extraordinaire signal sui generis far-out phenomenal unheard-of unconventional unimaginable notable unrepeatable archetypal in a class by itself one and only noteworthy something else purpose-built separate once-in-a-lifetime newfangled amazing new without precedent remarkable unordinary primo one-of-a-kind incredible unrepeated fresh

Tính từ

Having or showing supernatural ability or powers
preternatural supernatural transcendental superhuman unearthly divine exalted heavenly magical metaphysical miraculous mystic mystical otherworldly other-worldly paranormal phenomenal spiritual sublime supernormal uncanny ethereal ineffable numinous transmundane mysterious weird ghostly occult abnormal prodigious extramundane eerie unnatural fantastic strange magic unaccountable extraordinary inexplicable spectral unworldly celestial bizarre secret psychic extraterrestrial unusual exceptional odd arcane non-rational rare religious phantom dark singular thaumaturgic incorporeal remarkable visionary mythical spooky unreal superior supermundane awe-inspiring uplifting moving inspiring inspirational boundless esoteric inscrutable unlimited unconfined perfect nonmaterialistic abstract nonrational abstruse cabalistic astral supersensory daydreaming daydreamy dreamy anagogic orphic hermetical sorcerous spiritualistic inhuman alien hidden cabbalistic shamanistic cryptic out of this world hypernormal unbelievable creepy queer heroic thaumaturgical haunted ensorcelled witching parapsychological necromantic wizardly supranatural eldritch clairvoyant runic demoniac voodoo tranced fairylike witchlike diabolic great stupendous unfathomable fairy impenetrable obscure legendary unknowable mythological invisible superordinary ghostlike unknown uncomprehensible unintelligible concealed unrevealed spookish freakish eery curious haunting immense enormous godlike rum freaky bizarro inspired scary ghoulish inexplainable unheard-of devilish mystifying supranormal Herculean herculean omnipotent formidable supreme bionic staggering very strange beyond human peculiar anomalous uncommon signal outstanding unprecedented exceeding wonderful unique aberrated extraordinaire aberrant especial freak uncustomary atypical irregular marvellous unwonted wondrous untypical deviative marvelous deviant out of the ordinary unrepresentative quaint unexpected unfamiliar different outlandish puzzling funny unorthodox quirky oddball perplexing baffling eccentric incongruous unconventional offbeat off the wall kooky kookie wacky way-out novel foreign frightening chilling out-of-the-way spine-chilling hair-raising erratic idiosyncratic whacky crazy wild queerish suspicious incomprehensible dubious far-out unaccustomed out of the way off-kilter off-centre unco sinister inconceivable surprising ghastly terrifying zany screwy funky weirdo blood-curdling outré petrifying scaring kinky questionable exotic spaced-out fishy off-the-wall monstrous original phantasmal uncharacteristic phantasmic surreal unthinkable wacko whimsical cranky preposterous unheard of left-field distinct exclusive ridiculous ludicrous wraithlike ominous shadowy individual disparate fanciful befuddling confusing insubstantial divergent grotesque contrary nonstandard droll jarring special illusory apparitional new fearful macabre distinctive unforeseen unnerving irrational characteristic nightmarish disconcerting unanticipated awful unparalleled anomalistic horrific disturbing off-key out of place intriguing dreadful unimaginable flakey flaky unlike newsworthy isolated perverted dumfounding confounding outre dilly weird and wonderful daggy inimitable nonconformist muddling nonconforming outrageous absurd untried alternative out there superphysical one and only unexplored fabulous unordinary supersensible extrasensory disembodied shadowlike spine-tingling unpredictable offhand illogical out-there stupefying bewildering eidolic holy cadaverous deathlike corpselike wraithy wan pale indistinct vampiric unrecognized demonic non-mortal animal subhuman non-human uncouth whacko supernal dumbfounding disconsonant inapropos irrelevant incongruent incoherent not of this world awesome uneasy comical unrecognised distinguished dissimilar appalling fiendish sepulchral funereal inappropriate hyperphysical doubtful custom customized specialized signature personalized distinguishing particular incomparable awkward shady better than expected out of the blue from left field superstitious crawly random dubitable disputable disquieting debatable shaky doubtable equivocal dodgy suspect hard to swallow fantastical foolish cockamamie nonsensical insane slang problematical problematic interesting harrowing shocking threatening menacing horrifying remote little known uninvestigated recondite fresh unhinged touched demented mad unbalanced one-off diagnostic discriminating identifying diagnostical classic symptomatic way out off-beat off the rails bugged out astounding newfangled perverse aberrational devious non-typical deviate hairy horrible direful limited far-fetched disgusting unpleasant nasty gruesome unlikely shuddersome pretend concocted labored laboured ersatz unconforming incredible made-up make-believe imitation staged personalised specialised customised flustering overwhelming portentous amazing conspicuous unannounced discomfiting nonplussing jolting nonplusing dismaying upsetting distorted deformed shattering misshapen malformed ugly hideous unsightly misproportioned twisted mangled mutilated gnarled unhandsome unbeautiful ill-favored homely unpretty unappealing unattractive unlovely unpleasing vile uncomely fugly huckery flamboyant antic extravagant grody ill-favoured surrealistic extreme laughable gross scarce out of line off-base off-color like nothing on earth more than human

Tính từ

Denotes the effectiveness or dominance of a particular action
powerful dominant effective formidable assertive authoritative demonstrative domineering imperious imposing leading prominent regnant reigning superior supreme surpassing impressive able capable commanding decisive effectual efficacious emphatic towering competent controlling hard fearsome invincible efficient eminent heavy-duty high-level high-octane high-powered important redoubtable in control predominant prevailing predominate supereminent prevalent prime premier prepollent unassailable prepotent dominating strong presiding ascendant governing authoritarian autocratic insistent dictatorial compelling magisterial remarkable ruling influential grand distinguished noble glorious potent dignified majestic magnific magnificent royal extraordinary stately regal mighty puissant celebrated great considerable august renowned respected notable famous pre-eminent outstanding famed seminal splendid recognized honourable esteemed illustrious honorable noted preeminent well-known foremost proud prestigious arresting reputable striking highly regarded iconic honoured high profile marvelous honored significant resonant awesome recognised marvellous stunning awe-inspiring heroical monumental epic massive grandiose baronial heroic solemn Homeric resplendent stirring ominous sublime prodigious overwhelming forcible elevated exalted chief integral big highest notorious prized well-connected valued fabled dramatic spectacular staggering principal of influence senior high-up distinctive incomparable historical signal alpha high-ranking trusted all-important primary imperial noteworthy lofty eye-catching portly fine arch acclaimed sensational beautiful palatial excellent opulent swanky splendorous heavenly fabulous well known palatine amazing sumptuous superb exquisite gorgeous lavish princely divine queenly terrific statuesque extravagant elegant stupendous colossal celestial tremendous splendiferous sightly wondrous luxurious kingly of considerable importance not to be ignored key to be reckoned with cardinal central consequential pivotal fundamental material focal essential serious of mark of great consequence well thought of core public far-reaching in the public eye dynamic vigorous forceful major capital main a hard nut to crack heavy paramount magnanimous overpowering ostentatious major league overbearing unparalleled unequaled superlative unequalled gifted matchless high-minded prior revered first rate primal legendary highly rated unexcelled learned arch- admired top first number one of the first rank unsurpassed triumphal peerless big league idealistic greatest useful punchy sturdy spanking trenchant go-getter almighty gutsy powerhouse venerable ball of fire gallant staid moving mega mind-blowing exciting pretentious overblown something to write home about one for the book something else worthy eventful top-level head upper eloquent cogent first-class four-star successful rich memorable phenomenal oratorical of note deciding aristocratic upper-class top-ranking VIP good

Tính từ

Bearing good value, worth or reliability
quality excellent reliable valuable worthy good amazing awesome certified exceptional beautiful brilliant desirable divine elegant enviable exclusive exquisite extraordinary fantastic glorious illustrious impressive incredible invaluable magnificent marvellous outstanding perfect phenomenal premium sensational spectacular stunning super superb superior supreme wonderful accomplished admirable advanced applaudable attractive blue-ribbon bodacious bosting capital choice class classic commendable crowning deluxe distinguished dominant dynamite elite eminent estimable exemplary fabulous famous fancy fantastical fine first-class first-rate frontline grand great groovy heavenly high hot ideal immense incomparable laudable legit lofty lovely marvelous matchless mega meritorious mint neat nifty noble notable noted outrageous peerless phat praiseworthy preeminent pre-eminent priceless prime primo prizewinning rare ripping select smashing sovereign special splendid stellar sterling striking stupendous sublime superlative supernal swell terrific tiptop top top-level topnotch top-notch tremendous unparalleled unreal unrivalled unrivaled unsurpassed vintage wicked bang-up banner blue-chip boffo bonnie bonny boss brag brave bully bumper cool corking crackerjack cracking dandy dope down fab fantabulous first-string five-star four-star gangbuster gangbusters gilt-edge gone hype jim-dandy keen mean number one numero uno par excellence peachy peachy keen prize radical slick tip-top topflight topping wizard gilt-edged high-class high-grade high-quality of high quality of the highest quality of the highest standard out-of-sight really good top-of-the-line top-of-the-range top-shelf very good world-class ace dazzling out of this world remarkable consummate gorgeous majestic A-1 resplendent surpassing champion unequalled imposing premier crack righteous unmatched best breathtaking sumptuous splendiferous unequaled awe-inspiring A-OK too much skilful skillful distinctive finest choicest first standout prodigious elevated exalted unexcelled optimum delightful faultless unbeatable flawless stately tops unique formidable untouchable effusive highest singular extreme winning excessive greatest lavish proud luxurious inflated exaggerated supercalifragilisticexpialidocious worthiest august monumental dreamy magnolious top-class splendacious arresting radiant astonishing staggering mind-blowing wondrous commanding without equal beyond description beyond words beyond compare top-drawer transcendental of the first water holy sacred of the highest order of the first order spiritual on fleek too good to be true splendorous inspiring towering above and beyond magnific of highest order piked tophole scintillating coruscating intense vivid inimitable ravishing refined rad nice spanking better greater leading schmick beaut spiffing sound cream amazeballs star uppermost marvy quintessential magic def belting fabby brill bonzer sik goodly pearler beezer lead crucial awesomesauce barrie chillin' lank renowned exo kif bosker flagship blissful rapturous big lordly top-grade top-tier far out profound prize-winning award-winning highest quality very best top-hole in a class all by itself moving the most uplifting inspirational abstract extravagant eye-catching dramatic far-out out of sight unmitigated prominent startling arrestive fascinating electrifying confounding showy sightly expert masterly skilled adept indescribable clever inexpressible dexterous deft proficient adroit unutterable finished indefinable unspeakable undefinable incommunicable practised practiced virtuoso unimaginable uncommunicable inenarrable untold nameless artful dextrous complete experienced master tasty workmanlike bravura compleat versed professed delicate veteran polished educated astounding beggaring description untellable ineffable too sacred for words deep unthought of celestial empyrean empyreal impossible unheard of ethereal masterful rich regal royal princely opulent palatial grandiose epic kingly imperial plush posh massive gallant baronial pompous glittering heroic heroical ritzy swanky Homeric pleasing enjoyable charming pleasant pleasurable agreeable satisfying gratifying pretty alluring A1 bad captivating enchanting congenial delectable exciting magical welcome fair bewitching beauteous thrilling jaw-dropping delightsome able fetching appealing cute jolly competent good-looking delicious taking unbelievable engaging joyous handsome mind-boggling unblemished comely immaculate exhilarating rewarding top-quality fun second to none capable foxy pulchritudinous blessed noteworthy statuesque dulcet darling blest eye-popping celebrated colossal classy entertaining chic happy out-of-this-world precious cheery favorable talented honorable honourable fly savory impeccable solid savoury unforgettable felicitous grateful sweet amusing miraculous aesthetic top of the line top of the range grade A memorable graceful hunky-dory unmarred shapely pure lovesome drop-dead favourable esthetic scrumptious glamorous positive paradisiacal paradisiac likable the dog's bollocks well-favored picturesque copacetic gifted way-out easy on the eye gnarly acceptable tasteful dignified entrancing to die for inspired sharp knockout luscious palatable efficient smart momentous handy cheerful refreshing important seductive likeable model stainless spotless indefectible untainted photogenic deadly dainty likely culminating glamourous overwhelming angelic habile intoxicating absolute portentous flashy optimal stylish enticing diverting fashionable utopian eye-opening frabjous surprising solid gold seemly symmetrical classical beguiling bright well-formed zero cool irresistible tantalizing magnetic a dab hand at drop-dead gorgeous satisfactory tantalising super-duper professional reputable festive amiable recherche super-eminent shipshape super-excellent ecstatic trained seasoned primary especial historic unspoilt sunny ingenious celebratory major apt up to snuff glad tempting wild creditable shining comforting comfortable euphoric presentable genial profitable heartening dollish above average fine and dandy paradisal paradisaic sexy savvy crazy glossy flamboyant showstopping splashy zingy prettyish not bad promising mighty humbling fat handpicked ridiculous well versed idyllic red-letter ducky telegenic recreative relishable very nice venerable nice-looking aesthetically appealing aesthetically pleasing fine-looking banging heartwarming of a high standard irie very pleasant something else very agreeable ambrosial yummy lush cheering high quality top quality adorable powerful strong extremely good prepossessing fanciable the best unsurpassable stirring easy on the eyes best ever with it ka pai gee-whizz like wow heart-warming ten aces untarnished foolproof blameless excelling defectless conspicuous quick splendent hypnotic agile key entire unimpaired uninjured unharmed unhurt unbroken undamaged whole intact irreproachable sophisticated pick exacting paragon pro bestselling well-designed natty convenient spruce rocking juicy unflawed replayable upscale upmarket proper sup rior unorthodox enthralling weird outlandish bizarre all very well well and good better than expected really nice peak theatrical awing not too shabby hand-picked elect decorative selected eloquent agitating most rockin paradisic superhuman saintly worthwhile head well-proportioned Junoesque stupefying a million dollars meritable dream deserving respectable improved enhanced popular preferential favored 10 preferred merry chief principal insane cat's meow to your liking plum favorite exceptionally good slap-up superfine top-flight high-end A-grade like a million dollars gladdening grade-A couthy mooi lekker awe-striking five star of the highest type top grade best-quality highest-quality pretty cool poised trim strange absurd mad far-fetched nonpareil unexampled chur affable hunky clear mild favoured cherry-picked favourite uncommon unusual awful whimsical state-of-the-art first class extraordinaire one in a million unusually good eximious in a league of their own never to be forgotten mind-bending better than usual of the best quality spine-tingling better than average heart-stopping the very best carefully chosen first-line spesh gladsome gay charismatic bootylicious hotshot whiz a standout hunky dory snazzy OK in order dishy relief cunning soothing hospitable surpassing belief scenic panoramic titantic utmost large considerable there clean smooth 24-karat red-carpet main physically attractive joyful daring impassioned bold absorbing touching affecting influential rousing fateful consequential landmark very able sharp as a tack on the beam know stuff nimble-fingered on the ball up to speed no slouch no dummy passable elating copasetic paradisaical calming fit intriguing glitzy signal world class worthy of admiration worthy of commendation cat's pajamas light-hearted quaint glam luring elfin eventful tip top top drawer voluptuous curvaceous winsome beddable tall and dignified well dressed out of the ordinary pivotal triumphant significant fulfilling meaningful material groundbreaking epochal far-reaching dapper sheen willowy personable sensual camera-friendly debonair convivial balmy siren trendy looking like a million prestigious propitious auspicious romantic of moment cordial opportune jovial very pleasurable optimistic advantageous hopeful very attractive greatly to one's liking picture-perfect pretty as a picture rosy encouraging providential roseate upbeat prized fortunate indispensable valued inestimable respected treasured golden hot property full of promise one-off rose-colored up to standard up to scratch up to par ready brainy hep hip wised up useful of use energetic robust number-one effective ultimate major-league efficacious earthshaking major league effectual earth-shattering big time big-league epoch-making of value big-time dynamic skookum big league most valuable most precious

Tính từ

Superseding others in importance or status
greatest best apex supreme top dominant head lead peerless prime unequalled unequaled utmost biggest finest matchless optimal peak predominant preeminent premium reigning ultimate unparalleled unsurpassed ascendant authoritative chief consummate foremost highest incomparable leading record regnant superior unrivaled unrivalled complete core inimitable key major optimum perfect predominate premier prevailing principal ruling unassailable unprecedented big central commanding controlling dominating domineering governing maximum overriding presiding prevalent primary prominent supereminent unexampled unexcelled unsurpassable utopian arch capital cardinal exemplary grand main master nonpareil paramount primal select sovereign unbeatable unbeaten undefeated furthermost largest overbearing overmastering sovran best possible second to none without equal beyond compare industry leading number one pre-eminent top-class top of the line top of the range top-tier first class first-class record-breaking top-drawer a cut above the rest number-one numero uno par excellence top-of-the-range number 1 sans pareil top drawer topflight prize-winning first surpassing superlative great prior towering absolute notable high unmatchable topmost exalted max uttermost ideal famous renowned extreme unmatched total nth illustrious distinguished well-known excellent uppermost directing unconditional big-time stellar quintessential outstanding definitive decisive preponderant untouchable unique first-rate unequalable important terrific top-priority last significant apogean best ever without parallel ace primo noted champion most maxi crown exceptional choicest boss choice A-1 Grade A super influential omnipotent weighty official of greatest importance potent mighty imperious overpowering efficacious almighty effective supervisory arbitrary all-powerful highest ranking mother of all crack out-of-sight top-notch of the highest quality star world class one-in-a-million high-class blue-ribbon vintage estimable superfine tops holding the reins august elevated noble dignified respectable honoured venerable eminent patrician refined esteemed aristocratic respected revered celebrated regal genteel elite focal posh highbred gentle highborn huge upmarket large lofty honored grave wellborn highly regarded blue-blooded upper-class major league widely praised well born upper-crust silk-stocking well thought of of distinction high-born utter profound categorical outright sheer downright categoric thorough pure thoroughgoing unqualified definite unadulterated stark fair plumb unalloyed unmitigated arrant rank solid bodacious dead deadly dreadful flat conspicuous clean blooming out-and-out cotton-picking flawless flat-out impeccable all-out errant blank straight-out whole deep-dyed positive perfected chronic finished essential vital high-ranking fundamental prestigious noteworthy pivotal crucial powerful senior famed high-level basic glorious acclaimed titled honourable honorable top-ranking imposing lordly critical salient heavy high-powered intrinsic high-profile consequential top-level integral major-league seminal reputable arch- notorious puissant big-league highest-ranking magnificent astral admired of gentle birth indispensable royal kingly signal overruling ranking of note serious well known all-important well-born big league worthy underlying necessary elemental rudimentary VIP lionized alpha legendary higher staple imperial majestic urgent luminous recognized big-name gentlemanly high-up redoubtable determining material must-have iconic upper formidable queenly lionised resonant storied radical recognised heavy-duty huntin', shootin', fishin' No. 1 stately high profile noble-born heavyweight far-reaching silver-spoon upper crust well-bred of noble birth of great consequence of the first rank inflated intellectual immodest exaggerated excessive landowning landed remarkable four-star county successful bright extraordinary high-minded winning superstar celeb fabled meaningful pressing sublime world-class prized valued trusted of high standing big-gun compelling eventful substantial deciding well-connected headmost especial high-grade momentous distinctive historical of prime importance of supreme importance first and foremost telling popular acute of influence high-priority burning historic instrumental feted life-and-death accomplished expert number unlimited characteristic inherent favoured favored chosen brilliant front-page special splendid particular strongest simple beginning opening crowning axial infinite unrestricted boundless unrestrained unbounded root strong constitutional prodigious operative keynote strategic elementary resplendent final skookum full oustanding public basal constitutive second-to-none purebred eloquent rich memorable oratorical marvelous cogent magnific phenomenal maximal intervening superseding of greatest significance of mark in the public eye energetic dynamic richest monarchical monarchal venerated of repute pedigreed privileged bluestocking thoroughbred immortal trendsetting big-wheel big-shot hot-dog loftiest chad fine better self-important pompous overblown uplifting superb proud good marvellous top-rank apical zenithal tiptop reverenced hallowed front guiding monarchial elegant initial larger greater bigger elder magnanimous inaugural A-number-1 exclusive pertinent considerable classy worshipped grandiloquent hotshot hotdog heroic triumphal idealistic learned sweeping ponderous appreciable imperative cultured upper-level snobby uptown requisite severe large-scale sizable dire intense pronounced exigent at the cutting edge at the leading edge heavy stuff hot stuff cultivated courteous determinative climactic sacred decent reverend sage high up prerequisite mandatory needed required impactful immediate striking worthwhile pointed monumental polished in charge higher-ranking of higher rank first-string higher-level superordinate loftier higher up wise much needed earth-shattering vitally important very important life-or-death of the utmost importance of the essence gifted first rate highly rated overshadowing life-changing dangerous grievous of consequence of concern life and death civil gentlemanlike blue ladylike Brahmin ennobled polite aristocratical princely born with a silver spoon in one's mouth knightly sedate matriarchal experienced patriarchal philosophical admirable worshipful worshiped top-people's leonine lionlike celebrious page-oner name redoubted most excellent most important most influential most outstanding most prominent most noticeable most obvious most significant most illustrious most powerful most skilled

Tính từ

Relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things
spiritual incorporeal ethereal immaterial metaphysical intangible nonmaterial other-worldly psychic extramundane inner mystical non-material psychical psychological unworldly bodiless formless insubstantial mystic nonphysical numinous unbodied unsubstantial airy asomatous discarnate disembodied ghostly heavenly otherworldly platonic pure rarefied refined saintly supernal unfleshly unphysical supernatural spectral unearthly impalpable wraithlike celestial phantom unembodied transcendental phantasmal dreamy phantasmic aerial shadowy unreal disincarnate dreamlike imponderable insensible incorporate apparitional spiritlike disbodied chimerical uncorporal subjective abstract preternatural ghostlike discorporate visionary non-physical extraterrestrial empyreal fey imaginary illusory religious hallucinatory vampiric fanciful untouchable wraithy spooky eerie vague abstruse hypothetical imperceptible to the touch slender astral fantastical sublime non-materialistic airy-fairy uncorporeal spiritualistic invisible paranormal nonmaterialistic daydreaming daydreamy supersensory fantastic dim indefinite elusive star starry stellar evanescent not material indeterminate uncertain unobservable inappreciable eluding evading rare unapparent unsure imperceptible slight evasive unquantifiable alien weird strange wondrous out of this world theoretical indescribable indefinable too good for this world imagined indistinct obscure unclear figmental non-existent illusive fancied delusive intellectual vaporous philosophical speculative ideal ephemeral illusionary inexistent conceptual notional fly-by-night unsound infirm puny petty idle false decrepit fundamental essential recondite basic deep remote astronomical cosmological sidereal starlike starly astrophysical stellular esoteric theoretic ideational profound high-flown universal too little too late oversubtle academic unpractical jesuitic supramundane eternal philosophic supermundane superhuman suprahuman difficult conjectural supranatural ontological superior

Tính từ

Bright, shiny and colorful, and thus pleasing to the eye
resplendent brilliant dazzling glittering glorious radiant splendid beaming bright effulgent gleaming glowing irradiant luminous lustrous refulgent shining blazing flaming glossy shiny incandescent lambent vivid lucent candescent bedazzling sheeny lucid clear fulgent sparkling ablaze intense colourful colorful flashy scintillating glaring vibrant striking flamboyant illuminated gaudy luminescent coruscating lighted phosphorescent lurid rich garish showy loud splashy light bold lit shimmering eye-catching flashing glitzy glistening glistering illumined alight jazzy gay aglow glamorous sunny ostentatious strong florid fluorescent bombastic twinkling irradiated bright-coloured deep-coloured golden luxuriant relucent beamy burnished sunlit highly colored highly-coloured exciting brash brightened flaring lightsome deep warm baroque swank psychedelic fulgurating kaleidoscopic rococo extravagant peacockish camp pretentious outrageous polished swashbuckling dramatic elaborate sporty luscious chichi moonlit auroral argent fulgid silvery mirrorlike burning glazed splendent stimulating Day-Glo flowery gold luminiferous glittery whimsical fresh graphic decorated glowy stunning blinding translucent crystal beamful theatrical titillating festooned animated healthy radiating fierce overpowering convivial merry glimmering corinthian flickering glinting fulgurant fulgurous gleamy irradiating dashing glassy clinquant well-lit ornate fun extremely bright opalescent splendorous sleek noticeable rutilant iridescent conspicuous agleam silver well-lighted well lit lit up well-illuminated reflecting light nitid spruce well illuminated scintillant full of light well lighted full floodlit undimmed swanky razzle-dazzle stylish noisy visual brightly coloured bling brilliantly coloured unobscured sunshiny cloudless flakey flaky gassy limpid sparkly satiny reflecting smooth unclouded fiery slick lively exhilarating fair silky invigorating silken rubbed satin buffed ardent multicoloured envigorating shimmery multicolored fine luculent many-coloured vivacious clement ebullient effervescent starry summery witty balmy clever red-hot fervid aflame fervent red hot scintillescent smouldering on fire multicolour smart entertaining chatoyant motley smoldering pleasant varicoloured prismatic variegated polychromatic harlequin rainbow beautiful multicolor rainbow-like many-hued temperate rainless spangled mild without a cloud in the sky looking like an explosion in a paint factory like an explosion in a paint factory white-hot cheery unadulterated winking aglitter white neon soft shinning dark richly coloured brave intensely hot glacé reflective convey waxy suffused saturated transparent pure harsh exaggerated brightly illuminated brightening illuminative scarlet reddish-orange crimson ginger ignited snazzy imaginative effective interesting afire pellucid see-through crystalline halcyon pizazzy fancy pizzazzy raging astral star stellar coruscant wild multihued dancing sunbeamy blue azure chromatic uncloudy crystal clear multichromatic varicolored colored propitious nice dry gentle moderate placid starlit impassioned dynamic vigorous spirited mantling gaseous kindled inflamed conflagrant enflamed combusting polychrome hued varied versicolor liquid breathtaking in flames sparking lacquered waxed japanned shellacked phantasmagoric particoloured picturesque particolored coloured full of life patinated notable stirring pronounced definite rousing heady electrifying high thrilling many-splendoured parti-colored many-colored multi-coloured biting energizing spine-tingling sharp powerful energising bespangled radiated celestial sidereal stellary stelliform amusing fascinating sprightly arousing gripping hair-raising refreshing Day-glo marked clarion undarkened

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Great in importance, extent, or size
monumental outstanding prodigious awesome classic grand important lasting majestic significant awe-inspiring enduring enormous historic impressive memorable stupendous unforgettable immortal remarkable striking ambitious large-scale magnificent marvelous marvellous astronomic astronomical Brobdingnagian bumper colossal cosmic cosmical cyclopean distinguished elephantine epoch-making exalted galactic gargantuan giant gigantesque gigantic herculean heroic heroical Himalayan huge humongous humungous immense jumbo king-size king-sized leviathan mammoth massive mega mighty monster monstrous mountainous oceanic oversized pharaonic planetary super super-duper supersize supersized titanic tremendous vast vasty walloping whacking whopping abiding permanent fantastic king size lofty mortal overwhelming towering great substantial big large hulking ginormous thumping epic considerable extensive whopping great whacking great hefty thumping great weighty Herculean extraordinary heavy sizable bulky gross imposing very large very big major serious stellar consequential immeasurable sizeable notable terrific almighty material brobdingnagian momentous lavish oversize voluminous handsome meaningful extreme excessive ample inordinate very great solid critical boundless behemoth abundant Bunyanesque goodly extravagant exorbitant grandiose far-reaching high profuse noteworthy eventful decisive generous ponderous blimp pythonic appreciable phenomenal infinite crucial tall marked limitless expansive powerful exceptional outsize substantive outsized emphatic staggering princely whale of a mastodonic tidy high-priority heavy-duty spectacular urgent whaling plentiful worthwhile key superabundant severe vital plenteous massy telling heavyweight grave special pivotal behemothic earthshaking sky-high prominent principal earnest intense much influential complete dirty great dramatic resounding noticeable statuesque arresting conclusive fundamental healthy profound conspicuous wide wonderful pronounced respectable thundering earth-shattering broad amazing immoderate splendid stunning life-and-death copious fabulous all-important formidable long landmark profitable unusual full largish biggish roaring mondo incredible good sensational paramount illustrious insane elevated eminent soaring unmistakable sky-scraping central essential multistorey deep portentous astounding cardinal moving incalculable skyscraping impactful rip-roaring big-time of consequence breathtaking altitudinous measureless out of this world stately astonishing prosperous disproportionate famous steep wondrous super-colossal towery celebrated renowned titan advantageous sufficient startling lucrative commanding entire unwieldy whole unbelievable unlimited unbounded dire core headline distinctive noble cumbersome signal preeminent extra-large acute unreasonable especial overriding full-size prime intrinsic leading exigent overgrown main dynamic salient tough pressing capital tectonic burning of great consequence useful strong of great import of moment luxurious great big forceful unqualified major league fateful big league glorious high-rise high-level major-league of significance inspiring super colossal out-and-out thorough high rise endless eternal rising raised indelible Homeric stiff miraculous interminable high-reaching mind-blowing illimitable groundbreaking awful Gargantuan exaggerated mind-boggling ascending cracking kingly bold extremely large extremely big august catchy haunting abnormal undue excellent famed sweeping unconscionable overmuch showy comprehensive Cyclopean prolific plethoric outrageous cumbrous jumbo-sized capacious overdue overweening intolerable integral barn door overextravagant devilish uppermost giant-size eye-catching pertinent bountiful purposeful surpassing superior larger-than-life pre-eminent mahoosive primary determining somber sober sublime intemperate unmeasurable spacious upraised alpine commodious uplifted ground-breaking difficult socking great whopper mastodontic steady sombre solemn absorbing newsworthy sumptuous front-page milestone bounteous requisite arrestive valuable brilliant hard foremost instrumental well known beautiful megalithic big-league life and death good-size good-sized never to be forgotten not to be forgotten ridiculous stirring no joke a whale of a magnific no laughing matter touching affecting necessary rousing potent confounding adequate not to be sneezed at rewarding reasonable lumbering daunting laborious paying booming deafening ear-splitting thunderous ear-piercing superhuman clumsy Moby thrashing pleasing wicked crashing Brobdignagian remunerative gainful very loud elephantic extended decent rich flabbergasting widespread irresistible fine appalling dreadful desperate loud fantabulous red-letter expanded terrible frightful fearful featureless immovable impenetrable intractable faceless characterless detailed mundo unfathomable fathomless persistent spanking relevant ominous through the ceiling consistent monolithic lank strategic valid never-ending breakthrough heightened increased escalated jacked up imperative invaluable focal stretched-out far-flung spread-out remembered cherished rememberable singular treasured meaty liberal measurable fat hulky thick germane earth-shaking giant-sized catholic cosmogonic interstellar intergalactic interplanetary cosmopolitan empyrean global cosmogonal space ecumenical jaw-dropping man-size fair-sized family-sized economy-size life-size swelled roomy of considerable size husky family-size man-sized fair-size economy-sized all-inclusive above average intensified well-known of importance pioneering admirable palatial dignified eye-popping humbling eye-opening stupefying immediate top-priority pointed ostentatious real innovatory innovative revolutionary indicative pithy fixed in the mind penetrating firm sturdy sound preponderant obvious keynote glaring particular rare resonant worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight quantum uncommon unordinary ponderable climacteric grievous top-level overshadowing life-changing dangerous of concern high-profile of note amazeballs something else surprising top seminal radical audacious immodest sententious durable supreme resplendent exquisite fantastical out of sight dreamy unmitigated far-out splendorous fascinating electrifying perfect sightly dazzling noted dominant trusted reputable elaborate lordly cool baroque fancy unmerciful big-deal imperious crazy unreal high profile high-up indispensable top-notch honorable top-drawer of high standing honourable honoured big time top-ranking high-powered highly regarded puissant needed high-ranking skookum honored daring impassioned exciting swell groovy dandy first-rate superb delicious bad first-class primo divine like wow far out hunky-dory thrilling unwarranted unrestricted unbridled superfluous unrestrained airy fanciful imperial spiring aerial unmatchable ultimate ballsy adventurous zealous wild gratuitous needless extortionate surplus uncontrolled profligate wanton prodigal improvident indulgent overabundant imprudent dizzying redundant wasteful dissipated uncurbed unmissable page-one unhampered unchecked supernatural overkill overgenerous extra unnecessary silly more preposterous recrementitious stratospheric overindulgent ludicrous overboard unfettered uninhibited vivid self-indulgent too many O.T.T. too much OTT over the top out of all proportion over the odds way out uncalled for a bit much of great moment of import prestigious notorious redoubtable sedate staid glum stern persuasive astral luminous bright star gloomy grim humourless dour effective competent provocative responsible contributory motivational energetic robust stimulating animating motivating swayful formative inspirational convincing masterful efficient forcible efficacious effectual vigorous compelling swaying capable enticing encouraging operative able inducing impelling hard-hitting guiding authoritative cogent successful controlling alluring seductive austere quiet downbeat sad humorless underlined uncomic cold sober of great importance no-nonsense matter of life and death big deal most important

Tính từ

Concerned with theories or hypotheses rather than with practical matters
theoretic imaginary theoretical abstract academic analytical as a premise assumed codified conjectural contingent formalistic formularized general hypothetic hypothetical ideal idealised idealized ideational ideological imaginative impractical instanced intellectual in the abstract in theory logical metaphysical notional on paper pedantic philosophical postulated presumed problematical pure quixotic speculative suppositional tentative transcendental unearthly unproved unsubstantiated vague conjectured suppositious suppositive conceptual postulatory unproven untested imagined academical unrealistic nominal recondite putative unpractical nonconcrete intangible immaterial unreal supposed rational presupposed presumptive alleged apparent reputed purported supposititious inferred scholarly unfounded groundless unconfirmed reasoned uncertain suspect doubtful indefinite surmised inferential based on guesswork likely asserted ostensible seeming accepted ostensive evident rumoured claimed thought held rumored understood prima facie intelle cognitive fanciful fancied illusory educational scholastic visionary imagal moral ethical ratiocinative suspected experimental hairy dangerous projected conceptive postulational guessing unresolved surmising guesstimated figured professed unpragmatic irrelevant believed specious useless on a hunch soi-disant declared on a long shot invented made-up philosophic fictional said ivory-tower ivory-towered ivory-towerish indeterminate casual contestable disputable equivocal assumptive stochastic concocted questionable conditional conjecturable debatable refutable provisory proposed guessed pretending problematic inferrible wise erudite learned derivable made up inferable esoteric thoughtful sagacious deducible deductive expected hypothesized granted anticipated implicit given connoted tacit deduced scientific hypothesised a priori self-evident based on theory taken as known counted on taken for granted

Tính từ

Extremely tall, especially in comparison with the surroundings
towering high tall imposing lofty elevated soaring gigantic steep colossal enormous giant huge immense impressive massive monumental mountainous multistorey sky-high sky-scraping striking supreme altitudinous baroque Brobdingnagian devilish excessive exorbitant extraordinary extravagant extreme fancy great immoderate inordinate insane intolerable lavish magnificent mammoth monstrous outstanding overdue overextravagant overmuch overweening paramount plethoric stiff superior surpassing titanic unconscionable undue unmerciful vast ginormous hulking prodigious stellar sublime whopping aerial airy fantastic imperial preeminent skyscraping spiring stupendous towery tremendous ultimate unmatchable unmeasurable grand humongous gargantuan mighty elephantine monster astronomic jumbo oversized astronomical mega king-sized humungous king-size super cosmic leviathan bumper whacking substantial thumping heroical king size large epic cosmical walloping galactic herculean heroic cyclopean pharaonic vasty big supersized supersize super-duper Himalayan gigantesque oceanic planetary Herculean thumping great whopping great whacking great bulky extensive heavy hefty very large gross weighty very big unreasonable considerable oversize awesome formidable boundless over the top grandiose almighty majestic immeasurable high-rise disproportionate dizzying outrageous intemperate sizeable staggering terrific sizable remarkable stunning statuesque exaggerated stately limitless overwhelming princely awe-inspiring expansive brobdingnagian unwarranted extortionate wide needless raised broad uncalled-for stratospheric infinite a bit much solid ponderous outsized OTT handsome dramatic spectacular high-reaching too much heavyweight superfluous arresting overgrown magnific preposterous august behemothic splendid husky unbounded unlimited mondo uncalled for voluminous rising amazing alpine kingly outsize marvellous overpriced sumptuous profuse strong unrestrained luxurious severe resplendent marvelous ascending commanding mastodonic very great profligate over-the-top powerful blimp unnecessary self-indulgent prodigal generous serious overboard breathtaking spacious overabundant overkill largish biggish noble dirty great goodly cumbersome wanton unwieldy proud regal palatial royal glorious fabulous over the odds beautiful baronial Homeric burly wondrous strapping ominous surplus brawny sturdy giant-size skyward beefy well-built astounding capacious upraised uplifted powerfully built commodious indulgent redundant dissipated rugged hunky super-colossal Bunyanesque monolithic supernatural extra superabundant more recrementitious punitive lumbering titan unrestricted renowned immortal lifted full-size barn door high rise tough criminal gratuitous oppressive uncurbed mind-blowing notable ample too many way out ridiculous overindulgent wasteful imprudent flying irrational distinguished elegant fine O.T.T. opulent gorgeous sensational eye-catching divine splendiferous rocky solemn superb great big stirring exquisite swanky splendorous sightly hilly unjustified harsh upland highland muscular expensive appreciable muscly devastating drastic boxcar meaty hulky cavernous stout thickset over dear burdensome awful thundering roomy prohibitive rigorous extremely large extremely big crushing incalculable significant strict unfair unseemly multistory clumsy unjustifiable unwarrantable solidly built improper desperate cracking uncontrolled terrible egregious punishing austere giant-sized man-size of considerable size man-sized intense endless unrelenting sharp jumbo-sized eternal exalted broad-shouldered pricey sweeping draconian appalling larger-than-life cumbrous unusual exceptional unjust unbridled mind-boggling overblown intractable moving dignified swingeing phenomenal interminable extended illimitable heavily built mahoosive Cyclopean comprehensive Gargantuan startling measureless whopper astonishing abundant gallant far-reaching robust tidy incredible long unmitigated megalithic portly dazzling thewy stark permanent out of all proportion exciting excellent good-size good-sized socking great palatine out of sight whale of a celestial a whale of a super colossal queenly massy heavenly mortal abounding in excess multistoried costly mounting spiraling increasing climbing daunting roaring booming resounding deafening ear-splitting thunderous ear-piercing rip-roaring Moby lasting classic important crashing irresistible dynamic eminent illustrious enduring unforgettable historic memorable laborious awkward ungainly craggy precipitous wonderful high-ceilinged very loud dreadful whaling untempered supererogatory frightful fearful widespread ambitious large-scale improvident protracted pronounced loud through the ceiling oafish lumpish going through the roof going through the ceiling radical miraculous expanded behemoth very high very expensive elephantic epoch-making famous celebrated bigger than life mythical famed numerous prolonged major unhampered unchecked overgenerous silly ludicrous unfettered uninhibited loutish clodhopping mesomorphic clunky plenteous detailed mundo prolific too very ostentatious venerable fair-sized family-sized economy-size life-size swelled deep family-size fair-size economy-sized unbelievable flabbergasting overdone theatrical abiding bull lengthy decided fat never-ending stretched-out far-flung spread-out all-inclusive increased escalated up unco effective staid featureless immovable impenetrable faceless characterless fantabulous abnormal blown up out of all proportion extra-large dire forcible spiralling inexcusable uncompromising stern unbending buff muscled jacked bruising well muscled hearty one for the book something else something to write home about pretentious consistent copious momentous forceful reckless consequential rigid zealous remorseless unyielding unbearable overpowering shocking sneaky conscienceless knavish barbarous horrifying unholy uncivilised unthinkable inconceivable unacceptable reprehensible wicked uncivilized ungodly illogical shattering wild profound admirable fanatical obdurate manly sinewy sturdily built stalwart ripped lusty pumped up stocky a lot fleshy heavyset thick chunky violent decadent unbalanced dissipative too-too riotous debauched hard unconventional absolute downright flagrant uncommon thorough ferocious rich liberal beyond the pale nonsensical out of proportion sheer out-and-out utter ruinous Falstaffian paunchy flabby fubsy special fantastical dreamy inspiring showy far-out out of this world prominent arrestive fascinating electrifying confounding perfect extremely high inflated excessively high snowcapped mountain high-altitude montane rangy brilliant penetrating absorbing prime larger buxom greater zaftig uncomfortable grinding unendurable exacting absonant out of control unsuitable inappropriate stringent larger than life paralysing radiant big and strong not inconsiderable roly-poly muscle-bound broad in the beam corn-fed well upholstered well fed plush posh cruel grievous onerous rough highway robbery a rip-off daylight robbery costing a bomb non-essential unneeded fulsome heightened upheaved uprisen jacked up ritzy pompous glittering magnolious up to here costing the earth costing an arm and a leg over one's head paralyzing overcoming airborne grim crippling bitter brutal hardhanded splendacious too great unmerited unbecoming undeserved searing murderous trying excruciating hard to bear eye-opening exceeding inept untimely unfitting forbidden sinister inapt illegal ill-advised underhanded unapt indecorous ill-timed unseasonable hardheaded headstrong pitiless relentless inhuman inexorable aloft midair not required in-flight on high overhead hovering floating in the clouds up above above ground in the air volant in the sky singular rare unique strange out of the ordinary odd noteworthy pythonic preternatural acute bizarre marked superhuman unimaginable weird indescribable atypical magical plentiful substantive surprising unprecedented uncanny anomalous unreal peculiar eye-popping conspicuous aberrant uncustomary especial unparalleled extraordinaire portentous unwonted complete curious unutterable queer noticeable freak full aberrated good healthy unearthly respectable unheard-of transcendental unaccountable supernormal profitable bountiful impossible unfamiliar thrilling emphatic unexpected unnatural amazeballs decisive untypical innumerable jaw-dropping inexplicable untold signal prosperous mysterious irregular advantageous sufficient lucrative entire innumerous whole unnumberable unaccustomed conclusive enthralling oddball unheard of freakish unmistakable unqualified worthwhile refreshing heart-stopping unordinary countless utmost much reasonable incommunicable numberless indeterminable unfathomable uncountable inestimable not to be sneezed at outlandish fathomless critical urgent uncounted eccentric uncommunicable absurd superlative global improbable funny crazy mad myriad multitudinous unlikely implausible material offbeat far-fetched other-worldly out-of-the-way unusually good incongruous novel inexpressible ghostly distinctive deviant off-the-wall supermundane mastodontic never to be forgotten heavy-duty atypic stupefying bounteous awe-striking uncharacteristic off the wall captivating mind-bending enchanting unrepresentative sensorial bewitching too good to be true outré mystifying out of the way out there empyreal adequate rewarding top maximum uttermost thrashing paying pleasing Brobdignagian max remunerative gainful thaumaturgic OS Olympian fierce horrific particular comfortable infrequent spanking crucial vital incomprehensible bewildering invaluable priceless supercalifragilisticexpialidocious lank catholic cosmogonic interstellar intergalactic interplanetary cosmopolitan empyrean cosmogonal space ecumenical humbling fair providential touching cherished lordly decent arduous measurable paranormal wide-ranging marathon what haughty extra special tolerable inconsistent wonderworking numinous supranatural seldom seen wholesale pretty fundamental deviating exhilarating inexhaustible bottomless precious the what great metaphysical mystical otherworldly unworldly very long difficult to believe de trop godlike non-typical divergent worth taking into account fab central pressing essential the utmost valuable blinding heart-stirring deviate aberrational devious wide-reaching exhaustive mass puzzling eerie pre-eminent occult deviative universal nationwide omnipotent bionic undescribable unorthodox jarring heteroclite foreign creepy spooky theatric some off-centre ultra earthshaking earth-shattering like a dream come true invigorating charming envigorating stimulating beguiling enlightening fairy-tale fairytale-like far out enlivening blissful fabled ethereal dream-filled leading packed chock-full stuffed intercontinental worldwide brimming crowded across-the-board international awash all-encompassing first-rate first-class no end of beyond price perplexing baffling splashy bold flamboyant catchy daggy wacko eldritch unnumbered beyond human smashing primo salient unhandy avant-garde original breaking new ground loner cool eery spookish haunting unmanageable multiple manifold many rum freaky bizarro world class unmanoeuvrable incommodious girthy legion inspired inexplainable very strange supranormal scary ghoulish secret high-priority overriding uppermost gilt-edged unsummed unspeakable zero cool private too many to be counted without number hidden unknown unexpressed ineffable beyond measure indefinable undreamed of an incalculable number of an infinite number of telling of great consequence unmissable life-and-death earnest page-one grave uncalculable cardinal capital burning newsworthy of great moment determining of import of great import of moment front-page meaningful very many fanciful dubious unrealistic doubtful whimsical wacky comical foolish cockamamie zany flash gnarly forby hare-brained make-believe off beaten path more than human more than one can count most important