Từ đồng nghĩa của ravening

Alternative for ravening

ravens, ravened, ravening

Từ đồng nghĩa: Corvus corax, devour, guttle, pig, predate, prey,

Tính từ

Voracious and greedy
greedy voracious ravenous insatiable hungry predatory vicious rapacious gluttonous edacious hoggish swinish piggish esurient covetous insatiate wolfish piggy devouring avid gannet-like unquenchable unappeasable grasping eager intemperate desirous prodigious keen avaricious omnivorous gutsy gorging starving starved craving gormandizing uncontrolled uncontrollable dog-hungry empty gross sating gourmandizing enthusiastic gourmand yearning desiring acquisitive unsatisfied grabby itchy starved to death self-indulgent excessive ventripotent never full with eyes bigger than one's stomach quenchless have eyes bigger than one's stomach unslakable inappeasable inextinguishable rude crude wanting importunate clamorous pressing urgent unsatisfiable insistent exigent crying limitless demanding never satisfied mercenary boorish unable to be satisfied gobbling prehensile guzzling pennypinching selfish close close-fisted parsimonious miserly penurious stingy tight tight-fisted grudging carnivorous gulping compulsive usurious marauding plundering materialistic moneygrubbing coveting preying extortionate money-grubbing murderous furious ferocious savage very hungry athirst thirsty longing pining hot thirsting aching raring antsy anxious itching excited hankering crazy ardent agog juiced dying impatient enthused pumped wild predatious gagging stoked nuts solicitous with a yen in need of geeked gung ho hepped up with an appetite covetous of in want of lusting after hopped-up hungered unfilled hankering after desirous of great passionate zealous champing at the bit willing fervent appetent intent chomping at the bit ambitious ready interested vehement animated fanatical keen as mustard wishful spirited dedicated ready and willing wholehearted earnest lively fervid breathless hopeful exhilarated thrilled motivated keyed up psyched devoted inspired restless raring to go energetic moved wishing exuberant mad keen determined bright-eyed and bushy-tailed bursting ebullient hot to trot rarin' to go as keen as mustard vivacious intense committed restive inclined stirred aroused stimulated dying to psyched up fired up obsessed driven warmblooded delighted titillated amenable disposed intent on assiduous awakened zestful high-spirited diligent aflame full of beans game hearty beside oneself feverish impassioned burning worked up elated on fire electrified sprightly heated encouraged roused hoping pleased perfervid industrious animate rhapsodic mad engaged glad desperate happy ripe self-starting conscientious nutty hung up potty tumultuous daft fiery expectant charged high dynamic warm itching for on tenterhooks dying for afire waiting with bated breath gone on active juiced up cranked up in a hurry pumped up geared up needing wistful languishing approving striving touched atingle enamoured very keen lusting edgy curious prepared impetuous restored refreshed revitalized enamored vigorous enthralled chafing straining gotta have fierce up rabid revitalised cottonmouthed juiceless bone-dry sapless set lacking habitual unreluctant diehard fain longing for hoping for dotty nutso infatuated with devoted to enamoured of hot for smitten with straining at the leash set on bent on fascinated passional inspirited galvanized energized minded consumed with desire urgently requiring keen on full of enthusiasm wacky forceful concerned tantalized unqualified influenced activated uplifted all agog all a-gog tantalised bugged zesty gaga favourably inclined anxious for yearning for ambitious for eager for partial to crazy for wild for in love with enamored of very keen on hooked on turnt red-hot on pins and needles in suspense frantic frenzied hysterical raving uproarious delirious chafing at the bit in the mood galvanised energised aggressive proactive bullish banzai up for on for of a mind pysched up ready for willing for avid for untrammeled untrammelled unrestrained crying out in great need of stirred up dry as dust lustful hopeful for envious aspiring towards amorous aspiring keen for very excited jumping up and down in a frenzy on the edge of one's seat dirty filthy mean take-charge can-do extremely enthusiastic self-driven buoyant joyous joyful jovial up for it greedy for ravening for thirsty for craving for wishing for hungry for excitable enlivened overjoyed euphoric enraptured ecstatic sordid unclean squalid brutish turned on aspiring to jolly exultant in urgent need elevated giddy piqued peppy tickled tickled pink sparky on cloud nine intoxicated insatiat alive blissful jubilant cock-a-hoop

Động từ

Present participle for to consume food hungrily or in a gluttonous manner
bolting cramming devouring glutting gobbling gorging gormandizing gulping ingurgitating inhaling scarfing scoffing slopping wolfing gobbling up gulping down wolfing down guzzling stuffing demolishing shifting packing away putting away shoveling down scarfing down swallowing snarfing polishing off scarfing up snarfing down snarfing up pigging oneself on consuming eating hungrily eating greedily scoffing down murdering downing eating gorging on tucking into gorging oneself on sloshing pigging out pigging out on noshing sinking gluttonizing Hoovering getting outside of eating like a horse swallowing hurriedly overeating binging bingeing cramming down gourmandizing hoovering packing dispatching eating up feeding gobbling down englutting finishing off overindulging devouring greedily gorging oneself with gorging oneself pigging oneself horking swallowing whole stuffing your face eating to excess cramming in sucking up satiating putting choking sating surfeiting belting quaffing engorging eating heartily eating quickly bolting down guzzling down feasting on imbibing disposing of swilling dropping swigging chugalugging disposing choking down tossing off taking in tucking away ingesting taking making short work of delighting in drinking in chowing down feeding on cloying congesting jamming jading eating voraciously blimping out making a pig of oneself partake of munching chomping drinking champing tucking in supping tossing down snacking on partaking finishing chewing putting down dining necking nibbling grazing on stuffing one's face banquetting banqueting masticating biting getting stuck into feasting manducating regaling absorbing sipping ruminating lapping up filling gnawing tasting lunching victualing faring grinding refreshing breakfasting snacking junketing junketting crunching having getting down chumbling digesting chawing drinking up having dinner feasting upon grazing munching on chomping on having supper dining on mowing down wining and dining chowing cleaning out washing up pigging indulging lapping killing chowing on beating slurping slugging down knocking back hoisting assimilating gourmandizing on cramming oneself with diving in loading up on scarfing out stuffing oneself porking out destroying engulfing tossing attacking chugging gasping chewing noisily mealing on feeding one's face digging in belting down pounding down pouring slugging swilling down indulging in pecking at porking out on shoveling it in swallowing up taking over eating to your heart's content eating your fill making a pig of oneself on eating sumptuously stuffing yourself faring sumptuously binging on overindulging in washing down bevvying consuming food bibbing having a meal drinking milk devouring food taking nourishment partaking of food suppering breaking bread having breakfast having tea lunching on breakfasting on having lunch falling to doing lunch eating out subsisting picking at eating between meals taking as nourishment existing on relying on for nourishment preying on subsisting on sustaining oneself of faring on living on triturating ripping squashing scrunching gumming tearing chaveling rending crunching on biting on crushing gnawing on chewing up

Từ trái nghĩa của ravening

ravening Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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