Từ đồng nghĩa của disadvantageous

Alternative for disadvantageous

disadvantageous /,disædvɑ:n'teidʤəs/
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Tính từ

Involving or creating unfavourable circumstances that reduce the chances of success or effectiveness
adverse prejudicial damaging harmful deleterious detrimental hurtful unfavourable ill-timed inexpedient injurious inopportune inauspicious inconvenient unfortunate unpropitious bad counter destructive hostile inimical negative unfavorable unfriendly unlucky unsympathetic untoward contrary debit-side depreciative depreciatory derogatory detracting disparaging downside dyslogistic objectionable pejorative slighting troublesome uncomplimentary unhelpful unprofitable untimely on the debit side dangerous ruinous calamitous pernicious baneful baleful ill disastrous noxious undesirable nocuous deadly ominous unsuitable unseasonable dire evil inappropriate infelicitous threatening maleficent unpromising nocent unhealthy fatal malefic prejudicious wicked lethal crippling malignant unwholesome cancerous improper cataclysmic catastrophic awkward devastating mischievous counterproductive menacing sinister ill-fated toxic gloomy poisonous discommodious malapropos regrettable unseemly corrupting wounding venomous opposed bothersome undermining bleak inapt unhappy ill-omened disturbing unfit difficult virulent pestiferous malign malicious distressing annihilative eradicative hazardous unsuited doomed foreboding ill-advised jinxed inadvisable perilous cursed environmentally unfriendly wrong wretched subversive corroding corrosive discouraging extirpative suicidal hard incendiary harsh black ill-starred inhospitable disheartening terrible antagonistic tough mistimed hopeless parlous critical cataclysmal disagreeable painful poor discommoding dreadful dicey incommodious direful damning fierce ill-chosen fateful ill-suited pestilential unsafe mortal noisome abusive unbecoming inconducive unconducive unwelcome portentous ill-judged lamentable unadvantageous forbidding annoying tiresome unpleasant grim premature deplorable unhandy problematic disruptive frightful miserable vexatious unmanageable unwieldy luckless risky early cumbersome very bad unwelcoming hapless malevolent violent unbefitting bodeful annihilatory ravaging devastative brutal savage badly timed lethiferous internecine wreckful wrackful slaughterous sinistrous afflicted ill-boding insidious ruining destroying death-dealing corruptive uncongenial alien remote embarrassing unkind minatory doomy unsatisfactory tardy late low unchancy impending pestilent inept hasty foul vile mortifying antipathetic bringing bad luck annihilating desolating challenging precocious undue unfitting misplaced incongruous ill-fitted misjudged intrusive miasmatic offensive miasmic nefarious spiteful iniquitous reprobate cantankerous precarious uninviting prohibitive imperilling imperiling afflictive nullifying invalidating annulling counteractive neutralizing killing ill-disposed obstructive erosive cutthroat consumptive trying testing murderous inimicable inimic not conducive disaffected repugnant at odds oppugnant creepy doubtful fell blighted worrying nasty forsaken destitute unprosperous insalubrious harassing sinful troubled impeding hindering snakebitten misfortunate snakebit dubious off-putting unhopeful rough anti out of luck in a bad way horrible horrendous severe austere horrifying hard luck star-crossed neutralising dour dismal uncomfortable fearsome daunting ghastly intimidating rugged frightening stark terrifying disquieting jarring ferocious tragic grievous dark depressing unwise tragical woeful heartrending heartbreaking distressful injudicious imprudent awful catastrophal impolitic unadvisable hair-raising shattering incommoding indiscreet ill-considered vexing aggravating irritating silly incautious thoughtless irresponsible foolish undiplomatic wrong-headed impractical foolhardy misguided careless worrisome short-sighted tactless futile sad appalling pitiful upsetting harrowing pathetic mournful sorry shocking sorrowful disappointing pitiable lousy melancholy atrocious heart-rending shameful cheerless doleful saddening agonizing rotten agonising unacceptable desolate piteous bitter grave traumatic sombre somber execrable disgraceful intolerable joyless dispiriting poignant egregious gut-wrenching comfortless abysmal blameworthy reprehensible morose displeasing diabolical crushing horrific mean dreary crummy moving gruesome monstrous alarming forlorn abominable affecting abhorrent glum abject tear-jerking ignominious horrid inferior distasteful unpalatable plaintive too bad heinous unbearable desperate hideous depressive sickening godawful excruciating rueful irksome drear anguished melancholic disconsolate funereal solemn nightmarish galling unwanted cruel scandalous distressed dishonourable inadequate drab dishonorable dolorous scurvy opprobrious despondent paltry contemptible outrageous shoddy dismaying tormenting stressful disconcerting troubling detestable chronic dejected grisly oppressive afflicting unspeakable discomposing loathsome depressed lugubrious costly odious despairing sullen shabby unpopular heart-wrenching unnerving unpleasing repellent base obnoxious macabre touching undesired dirty lurid scary tearful substandard unappealing unwished-for cheap despicable cruddy inexcusable lame elegiac unsettling disreputable pessimistic stinking mediocre God-awful indefensible fearful unsought ignoble downbeat concerning unjustifiable dejecting unsavory icky disgusting godforsaken stirring rubbish revolting discreditable gross discomforting yukky sour yucky meagre ridiculous meager exceptionable unlovely perturbing blue cold lachrymose god-awful nerve-racking heart-breaking defeatist minacious torturous serious sucky exacting laughable derisible demoralized dread insufferable taxing unsavoury sepulchral frustrating exigent pressing punk morbid extreme worthless repellant ugly redoubtable messy gray grey tortured spine-chilling formidable beastly terrific demoralised suffering second-rate apocalyptic unenviable regretful a pity squalid sordid unsuccessful glaring abortive disillusioning loss-making crying crucial indigent scungy impoverished blighting earth-shattering urgent teary flagrant grieving cynical disenchanting drastic maddening sacrificial irritable bewildering agonized flagitious deathly irretrievable humourless humorless repulsive sober agitating racked agonised feeble withering beggarly ruthful unforgivable sorrowing incriminating infuriating exasperating weighty villainous nauseating sedate hairy troublous unendurable fraught dissatisfying gloom-ridden eerie senseless inglorious preposterous heavy oppressing scowling uncool grotty grody hellacious nauseous mephitical hellish perplexing revulsive unamusing fatalistic evil-looking spooky eldritch unpardonable unconscionable damnatory condemnatory pesky sobbing wistful nostalgic demoralizing demoralising compassionate commiserative arousing to be pitied small immoderate impoverishing extravagant depleting draining exhausting wasteful hateful absurd ludicrous derisory insupportable immoral minatorial anticlimactic infamous unworthy third-rate foolish-looking mirthless dispirited dolesome nail-biting extremely bad nerve-wracking dreaded dim suggestive of evil doomful dishonest perverse blackhearted lowering culpable vicious criminal unforgiving regretting petrifying excessive degrading shady shy unrespectable louche notorious humiliating implicating condemning hard-pressed shadowy chilling suspicious alarmist distrustful doubting unenthusiastic chilly dingy plangent pensive dreich Eeyorish saturnine elegiacal straitened full of hardship strained treacherous jeopardous rocky rejected remiss unprincipled grubby scummy sneaking ratty scabby implicatory strong accusatorial conclusive implicative dooming excluded uninvited useless junky rubbishy beyond contempt downhearted ill-favoured inadmissible trashy duff schlocky gimcrack unsound poxy cheesy common schlock dissatisfactory coarse trumpery woebegone helpless oppressed downer overwhelming bummer faulty sleazy pants cheapjack bum unwished for hurting upset pained bearish heartbroken disheartened downcast resigned weary brokenhearted impaired amiss defective incompetent not wanted lamenting unmitigable in pain in despair broken-hearted up the creek long-suffering grief-stricken without hope sunk inconsolable a load of pants low-grade haunting ill-favored nagging confronting cut-rate low-rent el cheapo bargain-basement

Tính từ

Having a somber or dismal atmosphere or nature
bleak black dark depressing dismal gloomy cheerless dreary unpromising discouraging grim sombre disheartening joyless hopeless miserable unfavorable unfavourable unpropitious wretched adverse comfortless inauspicious uninviting chill Cimmerian cloudy cold darkening depressive desolate dire disconsolate drab drear dreich elegiac elegiacal forlorn funereal glum godforsaken gray grey lonely lonesome lugubrious morbid morose murky plutonian portentous saturnine sepulchral solemn somber sullen sunless tenebrific tenebrous foreboding ominous hard melancholy mournful oppressive sad disappointing dispiriting off-putting dampening daunting demoralizing hindering deterring repressing inopportune dissuading dismaying dejecting upsetting demoralising not encouraging not hopeful saddening distressing pessimistic hostile forbidding harsh disenchanting austere unhappy severe harrowing doleful grave inhospitable bad downbeat negative unpleasant suspicious heartbreaking painful barren empty heart-rending sterile bare pathetic teary heartrending sorry tearful blue lachrymose distressful unwelcoming uninhabitable melancholic inimical acherontic acheronian spartan stark looking on the black side crushing skeptical sceptical dim sickening defeatist despairing depressed fatalistic dejected gloom-ridden cynical bearish demoralized despondent distrustful doubting alarmist unhopeful dispirited demoralised given to looking on the black side tough unfortunate dour perilous injurious awful unwelcome worrying disagreeable exacting terrible exigent difficult threatening dreadful shadowy parlous nightmarish straitened objectionable pressing strained unfriendly discommodious precarious troublesome ill-omened tortured woeful treacherous harmful ill-fated direful ill-boding sinister hard-pressed messy undesirable jeopardous apocalyptic dangerous lurid bitter rocky chilling disturbing troubled full of hardship doubtful very bad

Tính từ

Having no real use
inutile futile unproductive fruitless vain unavailing ineffective profitless ineffectual pointless unprofitable bootless worthless abortive valueless meaningless purposeless inept feckless hopeless counterproductive idle inoperative unpurposed weak nonfunctional unfunctional unusable impractical dysfunctional expendable scrap incompetent waste unavailable unworkable stupid impracticable good-for-nothing no good of no use useless barren empty otiose unsuccessful nugatory inefficacious paltry inferior trifling inefficient insignificant inadequate lame unfructuous unfruitful to no avail sterile trivial inconsequential non-successful failed null poor miserable trashy unable indecisive unimportant wretched bogus mediocre abandoned nothing unessential ignoble to no effect measly no-account negligible petty piddling senseless impotent feeble pathetic junky pants wanky no-good forceless withered defeasible neutralised spineless innocuous neutralized void limited anticlimactic despicable contemptible base cheap abject drossy ne'er-do-well bungled bungling emasculate slack-spined insufficient unimpressive uneconomic unrewarding not effective no go no way nominal niggling piddly slight footling picayune pimping piffling inconsiderable chicken peanut minute unremunerative unsuitable frustaneous unlucrative dry gainless unserviceable de minimis Mickey Mouse stillborn nonpractical broken unuseful inoperable hamstrung inexpedient in vain powerless invertebrate not useful to no purpose null and void Sisyphean aimless needless unnecessary goalless vacuous unreasonable nonsensical designless purportless mindless thoughtless witless illogical frivolous irrational wanton indiscriminate vapid desultory brainless random inane motiveless unhelpful no use unsatisfactory insubstantial hollow deficient defective undirected ridiculous floundering haphazard drifting silly chaffy poxy rubbishy nickel-and-dime banal of no benefit wishy-washy uncalled for uncalled-for without rhyme or reason hit-or-miss rubbish not worth a hill of beans a dime a dozen a dead loss two a penny not much cop

Tính từ

Disparaging, belittling or derogatory
pejorative derogatory deprecatory disparaging slighting belittling negative debasing denigratory depreciatory detractive uncomplimentary unpleasant contemptuous detractory disapproving abusive decrying defamatory degrading demeaning denigrative depreciative derisory derogative disdainful insulting libellous libelous scornful slanderous vituperative contumelious invective critical derisive detracting downgrading dyslogistic harsh irreverent judgmental rude sneering sniping scurrilous offensive opprobrious deprecating maligning injurious disrespectful damaging scathing calumniatory insolent sarcastic censorious unfavourable malicious scandalous unfavorable vilifying calumnious humiliating vulgar reproachful discrediting deprecative snide unflattering hurtful vituperatory aspersive dismissive mocking damning condemnatory vitriolic foul spiteful nasty reviling depreciating mortifying false scoffing jeering catty untrue scurril truculent scurrile condescending supercilious shaming mud-slinging denigrating diminishing deflating obloquious ridiculing shameful undignified uncivil discourteous dishonouring prejudicial jibing violent berating obnoxious unmannerly venomous libeling lowering fault-finding calumniating affronting unfounded unfriendly personal patronizing traducing minimizing aspersory blasphemous dirty disgraceful withering patronising minimising reproving unsympathetic ignominious abject unworthy taunting misrepresentative lying dishonoring despiteful malevolent offending impertinent cheapening inglorious libelling infra dig dishonourable contemptible menial hostile arrogant hypercritical haughty abhorrent despicable dishonorable bringing shame snotty cheeky sardonic sniffy snooty full of contempt incriminatory uncharitable scolding teasing pillorying epithetical vicious poisonous invidious backbiting castigating lampooning caustic satirical wounding familiar intrusive upbraiding sarky snidey defiant castigatory biting repulsive superior sharp-tongued rough overbearing cynical egotistic acerbic bitter sharp impolite unsubstantiated baseless unwarranted uncorroborated hateful abrupt curt brusque unkind gruff short surly blunt ungracious insupportable unsupported mean ribald groundless obscene low infamous coarse salacious gross indecent scabrous bad-mannered ill-mannered discreditable injuring excoriating hurting abasing malign defaming vile malignant reproaching disgracing unjustifiable unjustified raunchy lewd vituperous smutty outrageous filthy shameless corrupting wretched unbecoming offhand frowning discouraging criticizing ill-founded aspersing Rabelaisian dissatisfied boot-faced denouncing condemning disapprobatory denunciatory foul-mouthed cavalier adverse displeased slating knocking stern harmful faultfinding carping captious cavilling overcritical rejective caviling deleterious detrimental vain imperious proud criticising full of reproof inopportune inexpedient ill-timed snippy hard-nosed bold hard audacious temperamental snobbish uppity cool upstage cold-shoulder unpropitious inconvenient inauspicious unfortunate pharisaic self-righteous bad untoward inimical counter unlucky destructive high hat dog it on your high horse high and mighty on high horse untimely objectionable contrary debit-side troublesome unprofitable downside unhelpful judgy on the debit side crude profane bawdy cruel X-rated indelicate cutting blue suggestive sordid vindictive unprintable virulent uncouth inconsiderate off colour aggressive impure disagreeable scatological annoying scatologic rancorous pornographic churlish lascivious trashy stag gutter wanton inappropriate shocking porny locker-room earthy racy distasteful bad-tempered ill-tempered colourful acrimonious mordant saucy irritating severe improper cantankerous antagonistic acerb crass angry tasteless naughty colorful impudent base ill-humored indecorous mean-spirited ill-natured ill-humoured evil-minded depraved brash galling acid trenchant barbed Fescennine stinging incisive detestable belligerent tart embarrassing combative disgusting inhospitable bellicose confrontational pugnacious savage wrathful blistering astringent uncongenial licentious searing acidulous unsociable sour scrappy debased acrid corrosive snarky smart-mouthed acidic smart-aleck smart-alecky scalding pungent satiric joyless militant furious odious unwholesome ornery mordacious sleazy fractious risqué porn porno splenetic devastating boorish spicy fruity steamy viperous abrasive gamy adult tactless cheap off-color sickening near the knuckle close to the bone inelegant ironical forward pert pushy brazen malapert sassy ranting resentful disappointed maledictory muckraking scandalmongering Cyprian graceless slurring maledictive profanatory choice atrocious sharp-worded peppery double-edged thoughtless admonitory strong sacrilegious wicked envenomed maleficent malefic accusatory explicit stabbing fierce rotten tough tacky grody ignorant awkward unsophisticated rank irritable accusing evil-intentioned unsavoury uncultured lowbrow grating foulmouthed grouchy sulky uncivilised immodest unclean tawdry uncivilized unsavory unfeeling brutal snappish grumpy snappy sullen cross tetchy irascible callous insensitive unchaste unrefined unsettling loutish colloquial unpolished unutterable concupiscent cranky testy narky querulous stroppy ratty shirty peevish petulant affrontive pitiless comfortless raw hard-core slippery villainous outlandish sneaking soft-core peckish liverish crotchety chippy soreheaded huffy miffy grumbling curmudgeonly waxy spiky argumentative displeasing rubbing the wrong way hard to take short-tempered hot-tempered quick-tempered on a short fuse short-fused exasperating horrible dreadful provocative vexing provoking exceptionable awful unacceptable reprehensible censurable revolting terrible execrable ignoble currish paltry repellent appalling horrendous upsetting ruthless loathsome ghastly insufferable low-down low-minded hellish rancid repellant grotty hideous nauseating God-awful evil bogging noisome frightful abominable fulsome noxious hellacious lousy beastly repugnant ugly nauseous rebarbative yucky yucko disgustful loathly horrid

Tính từ

Not desirable or pleasant
undesirable disagreeable unacceptable distasteful obnoxious displeasing repugnant repellent unpleasant awful disgusting dreadful frightful insufferable loathsome nasty off-putting repulsive terrible unsavoury abhorrent appalling deplorable detestable hateful objectionable reprehensible revolting unwanted unwelcome contemptible despicable disliked dreaded foul intolerable obscene odious offensive unpalatable unpopular unsuitable vile beastly disgustful ghastly horrible horrid loathly nauseating nauseous noxious sickening unattractive unpleasing exceptionable rebarbative unwished-for abominable adverse annoying beyond the pale bothersome defective detrimental icky inadmissible incommodious inconvenient inexpedient loathed outcast rejected scorned shunned troublesome uninvited unlikable unsatisfactory unsavory unsought useless for the birds unwished for out of place strictly for the birds to be avoided bad undesired unasked upsetting unbearable horrendous rotten gross lousy yucky insupportable excluded shocking uninviting hideous ugly execrable bitter unlovely blackballed grim unsolicited shut out ill-favoured repellant not in the picture distressing gruesome censurable monstrous evil ill-favored rude harsh invidious painful grody dislikable forbidding uncool sick-making thankless sour dismal depressing scandalous noisome horrific difficult rancid fulsome not wanted unbid unbidden horrifying irritating wicked unfortunate heinous grievous yukky grisly uncongenial galling atrocious inappropriate macabre lurid nightmarish miserable unendurable excruciating bogging dire God-awful out of line out of order unappealing unappetizing awkward inhospitable joyless comfortless cheerless bleak regrettable unasked-for left out in the cold lamentable afflictive excess baggage tasteless irksome unspeakable unrequested left out in cold stinking godawful agonizing creepy uncomfortable grotty uncalled-for hurtful vexatious sick severe woeful vomitous sleazy putrid harrowing sombre disturbing doleful solemn somber unsupportable impossible inexcusable gloomy worrying grave scurvy yucko skanky sad agonising oppressive hostile stomach-churning stomach-turning enough to try the patience of a saint beyond endurance beyond bearing not to be borne too much too much to bear a bit much past bearing vomit-inducing enough to try the patience of Job inadequate unadorable uncaptivating unsummoned unenviable unlovable untempting unseemly not okay indecorous opprobrious dreary unwelcoming unfit dislikeable poison uncalled eye-watering very disgusting gnarly unenticing damnable overpowering unlucky disappointing unexpected last straw enough already not invited not asked disrespectful flavourless flavorless insipid yicky savorless flat shameful outrageous shameless blameworthy vulgar egregious terrifying accursed pestiferous shuddersome resentful ornery pesky blasted infamous cursed cussed unappreciated confounded unpardonable sordid derogatory discourteous grewsome terrific nightmare fearful unforgivable dismaying filthy offered provocative impudent impertinent affronting insolent squicky festy cloying surfeiting sleazeball scuzzy disconcerting troubling uncanny ghostly dim faint from hell mortuary haggard wraithlike supernatural deathlike corpselike unnatural unearthly anemic ghoulish sepulchral funereal weak anaemic ill-advised yecchy disquieting worrisome discomforting degrading wounding provoking slighting insulting unasked for not required uncalled for gut-churning cringe-making wretched unsettling traumatic stressful perturbing daunting torturous too bad humourless poor crummy unnerving humorless discomposing distressful sober agitating mortifying uncivil vexing impolite unmannerly sedate abysmal hairy tormenting heartbreaking diabolical troublous frightening fraught tragical cruel unhappy saddening pathetic afflicting hellacious tragic affecting mean concerning anguished sorrowful heartrending unlooked-for nerve-racking nail-biting heart-rending heart-breaking gut-wrenching extremely bad nerve-wracking unsustainable no-win disheartening straitened unpropitious dour discouraging unfriendly ill-fated hard-pressed hard hopeless tough shadowy discommodious tortured harmful perilous morose dangerous troubled full of hardship doubtful threatening glum gray mournful strained black exacting ill-omened treacherous direful ill-boding sinister injurious austere negative chilling grey inauspicious foreboding ominous parlous pressing dark precarious desolate exigent messy jeopardous unfavorable morbid apocalyptic rocky unfavourable very bad alarming scary fearsome spine-chilling hair-raising intimidating formidable grotesque redoubtable eerie dread spooky petrifying unsightly hellish menacing weird savage bloodcurdling startling vicious malodorous fetid deformed nefarious rank gory foetid scaring bestial mephitic baleful fiendish brutal smelly base dirty villainous on the nose niffy disgraceful olid pitiful inhuman disfigured sorry devilish flagitious foul-smelling evil-smelling as ugly as sin pongy stinky whiffy barbaric funky extreme ungodly iniquitous miasmal fugly calamitous brutish barbarous blood-curdling acrid serious spookish misshapen poisonous eldritch cheap bloody infernal paltry ruthless grubby spine-tingling depraved abnormal strange tremendous overwhelming immoral unprepossessing disastrous violent awesome squalid unpretty pitiable dingy unhandsome awe-inspiring unbeautiful murderous unhealthy unfair grimy sinful uncomely unclean lame black-hearted perverted cruddy very unpleasant scabby scummy ratty unreal merciless exasperating bum terrorizing unwholesome desperate cacodemonic pestilential abject facinorous flagrant twisted huckery terrorising mysterious sickly sadistic other-worldly brooding sullen melancholy eery preternatural freaky emetic strong off-color shabby unkind mean-looking imposing polluted inferior smudged bedraggled befouled smutty sullied bemired dusty uncleanly draggled muddy illegal stained mucky besmirched blackened unsportsmanlike sneaking grungy begrimed soiled unholy bloodthirsty infuriating heavy demonic reptilian cold low-down phantom astounding maddening malignant extravagant spectral diabolic repelling freakish trashy amoral terribly bad rubbishy testing rough prurient sanguine shady frustrating low deadly unusual diseased aberrant satanic demoniac dispiriting homely indescribable fierce deathly impressive melancholic drear death-obsessed excessive pitiless malevolent phantasmal phantasmic raunchy perplexing brute drab depressive wanton punk striking powerful sublime haunted wrong reeking mystic magical bewildering stark substandard bizarre embarrassing biting cutting animal bodeful ferocious alien rum haunting hateable mediocre laughable ethereal pants coarse life-threatening revulsive sucky shoddy causing fear a load of pants second-rate Kafkaesque critical bone-chilling nightmarey phantasmagorical blood-and-guts sanguinary blood-and-thunder great piteous demoralizing malformed catty callous lou Mephistophelian demoniacal discommoding misproportioned distorted miscreated teratoid mutant shapeless much-feared lewd beast impoverished oppressed extraterrestrial intense abusive chunderous deleterious pernicious mischievous awful-looking frightful-looking pulse-pounding onerous tainted thrilling slimy poverty-stricken rugged scabrous crying hated reviled frozen offending mighty baneful aggressive unapproachable pressuring browbeating bullying blood-stained acute shivery shuddery brackish woozy sensational demoralising insalutary unbelievable inconceivable exciting breathtaking beneath contempt jarring graphic exaggerated demonian demonical Luciferian pressured trying demanding taxing evil-looking unpromising teary tearful unimaginable pill heel like death warmed up nagging melodramatic explicit all-powerful reeky dull lackluster lacklustre unshapely resolute doughty indomitable invincible commanding not of this world ineffable unutterable untoward afraid massive irritable poignant sobering musty stenchy high fusty frenetic maniacal unhallowed crazed mad possessed gruelling arduous tiring infected ailing frowzy frowsy miasmic frowsty inexpressible inhumane heartless butcherly truculent plain-featured deeply distressing piggish gluttonous swinish degraded feral boorish ferine carnal irrational plain-looking like the back end of a bus valiant pigpen ripe inconsistent incompatible contradictory opposed hyperphysical heavenly glowering hair-curling cliff-hanging extraordinary suspenseful sorrowing unrelenting mephitical aggravating unamusing distressed plain beyond words undefinable averse antipathetic inimical antagonistic pathological unsound freaking darned cotton-picking doggoned durn doggone goddamned deuced curst danged durned dang darn sensationalist overdramatized colourful unrestrained indescribably bad indescribably wicked beyond description indescribably evil unreasonable suggestive of evil brave imminent courageous against opposite extrinsic counter extraneous unconformable different unfitted foreign causing excitement not pretty steep ribald salacious kitschy pulp duff poxy pits blimming inept catastrophic ridiculous silly god-awful rueful derisory cataclysmic rubbish absurd ludicrous third-rate foolish-looking grueling immoderate exorbitant perverse maleficent moody irascible warped too horrible for words in opposition unwarranted OTT preposterous suggestive chronic much-dreaded dispirited O.T.T. extortionate ghostlike shock-horror tacky vivid juicy tenebrous stupefying scurrilous too great shaming disgracing ignoble debauching notorious uncivilised depraving debasing contumelious uncivilized corrupt degenerate criminal queer odd heartstopping murky mirthless lugubrious dilapidated yellow full-frontal staggering stunning astonishing amazing mystifying far-out over the top surprising subpar wanting bush junky deficient dissatisfactory crumby suboptimal a stinker of a a bummer of a bad-looking purple racy fiery salty deep colorful distinct garish glaring short on looks hard-favoured hard-featured inscrutable insubstantial illusory common schlock occult flaky oddball numinous flakey uncouth secret magic whacko supernal malicious inconsiderate flimsy bush-league wack faulty low-grade cheapjack godforsaken low-quality cheesy el cheapo shlock bargain-basement down at heel trumpery run down cut-rate shlocky schlocky gimcrack off low-rent seedy out of the ordinary venomous vindictive eidolic apparitional wraithy wan pale otherworldly holy divine cadaverous spiritual indistinct vampiric spiteful churlish malign unloveable cross ill-humored bad-tempered mean-spirited ill-tempered ill-natured ill-humoured more than flesh and blood can stand

Từ trái nghĩa của disadvantageous

disadvantageous Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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