Từ đồng nghĩa của short on looks

Tính từ

Not handsome or beautiful or appealing
unattractive grotesque hideous homely ugly unappealing unlovely unsightly displeasing monstrous plain plain-looking ugly-looking unprepossessing fugly ill-favoured plain-featured deformed disfigured ill-favored unbeautiful uncomely unhandsome unpleasing unpretty vile bad-looking beastly disgusting distasteful drack frightful gross horrid huckery nasty no oil painting repellent repelling repugnant repulsive revolting unalluring uninviting unpleasant as ugly as sin as plain as a pikestaff not much to look at not beautiful ordinary plain as a pikestaff not much for looks hard on the eyes ghastly gruesome grisly shocking ordinary-looking terrifying terrible detestable loathsome horrendous morbid macabre offensive sickening abominable weird bestial misshapen ugly looking grim mousy unaesthetic animal objectionable obnoxious foul awful horrible disagreeable unseemly reptilian hard-featured hard-favoured unpalatable unappetizing unsavoury unsavory off-putting dull uninteresting yucky undesirable insipid unwelcome nauseating icky yukky dislikable odious unsuitable bad rotten sour hateful abhorrent inedible tasteless uneatable flavourless dreadful unlikable flavorless unflattering unbecoming ill-suited unsuited bitter uncongenial harsh wicked despicable dreary unnatural bland distorted malformed abnormal brackish freakish incongruous unenticing frightening sick-making flat banal unwanted rebarbative annoying obscene grody unpopular unwished-for ill-fitting scuzzy unsympathetic hatable awful-looking frightful-looking untempting lacklustre unshapely lackluster drab noisome dismal inhospitable joyless unwelcoming comfortless depressing cheerless bleak not pretty charmless horrific horrifying nightmarish disheartening discouraging forbidding dispiriting daunting intimidating dismaying demoralizing uncoveted unbeauteous subfuscous trite hellish mutant miscreated fearsome shapeless teratoid yucko not striking fiendish not appealing formidable vapid painful difficult unadorable uncaptivating savorless stinky uncomfortable demoralising unenviable uniform savourless distressing upsetting regrettable unacceptable unlovable odd bizarre lamentable unchanging monotonous unvarying unvaried fanciful strange outlandish fantastic wishy-washy regimented insufferable whimsical misproportioned twisted weak appalling deplorable reprehensible dreaded intolerable contemptible disliked mutilated gnarled mangled functional governmental institutional bromidic utilitarian jejune rudimentary corporate prosaic dry elementary humdrum pedestrian noxious disgustful loathly nauseous peculiar freaky exceptionable unsatisfactory unsought loathed adverse inconvenient shunned useless incommodious disadvantageous scorned uninvited troublesome inexpedient outcast inadmissible defective beyond the pale rejected bothersome detrimental rum standard issue to be avoided unwished for for the birds strictly for the birds out of place surrealistic uncanny surreal flamboyant aberrant absurd extreme antic queer laughable extravagant perverted eerie

Từ trái nghĩa của short on looks

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