Từ đồng nghĩa của short on

Tính từ

Limited or insufficient in quantity
short scarce inadequate insufficient limited lacking paltry sparse rare scant tight deficient failing slim wanting insubstantial negligible few missing skimpy low shy exiguous slender meager poor thin bereft scanty destitute meagre measly not enough too few too little low on short-handed at a premium hard to find in short supply like gold dust not to be had few and far between hard to come by not to be had for love nor money scarcer than hen's teeth defective pushed for strapped for with an insufficiency of short of small restricted slight little stingy piddling incomplete spare puny pathetic sketchy inconsiderable insignificant lean light trifling miserly flimsy nominal inappreciable minimal skimp miserable sparing revealing unfinished scrimpy barren brief imperfect low-cut modest bare reduced pitiful beggarly too little too late faulty weak thin on the ground indecent hand-to-mouth infrequent minute inconsequential shabby tenuous sporadic unproductive occasional petty trivial derisory mean incommensurate diminished patchy unsatisfactory tiny devoid see-through minimum scattered shoddy scrimp mere uncommon subtle imperceptible disappointing unfrequent lamentable partial piffling finite marginal depleted picayune niggling dry inferior fragmentary diminutive bitty flawed absent rudimentary drained piddly stunted shortened impaired scrappy substandard unsound stinted too small found wanting nonexistent fractional dwindling second-rate unsufficient needing bankrupt deprived unpolished unfruitful infertile seldom semioccasional less needed non-existent middling omitted seldom met with not present straggling unusual not up to scratch low in numbers seldom seen out of the ordinary not to be found leaving much to be desired lousy shorthanded pitiable mingy infinitesimal confined narrow erotic laughable feeble lame parsimonious junk arousing sexy titillating suggestive nugatory token unqualified mediocre with an insufficiency jejune basal cut truncated threatened not making it not hacking it coming up short minus unfitted incapable unample incompetent next to none next to no undermanned bush-league circumscribed defined definite determinate measured basic run-down at a low level with too little … wanting in with too few … lacking in out of lowly contemptible base ordinary subnormal set ineffectual widely spaced in the minority seldom found footling unsatisfying unacceptable nowhere to be found removed not included left out left behind pimping chicken peanut not good enough worthless unrefined not up to standard bodger not acceptable empty cooked gone away unfulfilled half-baked superficial without not up to par burned out below par in default cut off not up to expectations out of gas not much cop microscopic diddly duff unsuitable unworthy no-account de minimis denuded void unassembled unequal underprovided undersupplied injured amiss damaged marred Mickey Mouse two-bit rinky-dink undeveloped undone abridged fragmented bereft of deficient in second string second fiddle outta gas third string half-pie unaccomplished qualified unexecuted bare of empty of devoid of free from denuded of vacant of destitute of not make it not cut out for unthinkable unlikely unimaginable unique singular subtile outstanding towering inconceivable strange remarkable preeminent unheard of attenuate exceptional attenuated isolated magnificent recherche standout rarefied unwonted extraordinary inchoate rude not total broken expurgated underdone unconsummated rough immature unwhole curtailed crude piecemeal not whole part not entire garbled incoherent unavailable not there under construction

Từ trái nghĩa của short on

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