Từ đồng nghĩa của irritated

Alternative for irritated

irritates, irritated, irritating

Từ đồng nghĩa: agitate, anger, annoy, chafe, foment, grate, hurt, incite, infuriate, instigate, madden, pain, provoke, rub, stir up, vex, wound,

Từ trái nghĩa: appease, calm,

Tính từ

Experiencing a feeling of anger or annoyance
annoyed angry exasperated vexed irked peeved furious cross irate incensed enraged riled infuriated piqued displeased disgruntled aggravated resentful mad angered sore aggrieved miffed narked wrathful galled nettled choleric bothered ireful shirty provoked testy huffy irritable maddened eggy ruffled scunnered disturbed troubled miffy ratty crook snaky impatient harassed snuffy vex flustered wrath hoha put out teed off cheesed off fed up hacked off ticked off hot under the collar in a temper in a huff browned off in high dudgeon peed off bent out of shape foaming at the mouth brassed off wound up in a bad mood not best pleased out of humour upset indignant discontented offended outraged livid fuming dissatisfied tooshie steamed up frustrated apoplectic hurt rabid steaming rankled wroth ballistic ticked perturbed inflamed agitated roiled affronted unhappy distressed hot foaming infuriate riley enflamed hopping fit to be tied horn-mad up in arms hopping mad steamed choked boiling seething crabby worried raging beside oneself disappointed grumpy malcontent pained sulky discouraged bad-tempered ill-tempered wild ropeable bitter tetchy touchy snappy on the warpath going crook blue in the face in a fume in a pet discontent ill-humored irascible ill-humoured sullen hot-tempered worked up querulous tense in a lather disheartened in a frenzy insulted soreheaded unsatisfied wounded disaffected anxious incandescent peevish surly stung harried disgusted acrimonious aerated afflicted weary prickly chagrined disquieted off the air depressed petulant short-tempered waxy grouchy grieved crabbed rattled crotchety disconcerted seeing red bored as cross as two sticks malcontented embittered sour confused ungratified narky antagonized chafed tired nervous stroppy uptight blue raving heated frenzied spare out of joint injured antagonised quick-tempered ranting waspish churlish rancorous moody hung up unfulfilled beside yourself cantankerous cranky dismayed complaining fretted griping miserable tormented chippy kvetching grumbling fretful bugged unsettled anguished hot and bothered hostile shaken distraught saddened acrid discomposed goaded uneasy splenetic dark edgy antagonistic burned up sick and tired unglued het up very angry jumpy aflutter shocked apprehensive antsy atwitter inconvenienced frightened alarmed overwrought gnashing one's teeth at daggers drawn sick unimpressed needled ill at ease in a paddy jaded in a bate with all guns blazing in a tizzy wearied blasé slighted snappish concerned restive bellyaching grudging crusty critical curt fractious unamused hateful excited sad short captious perplexed vitriolic huffish envious hard restless pettish unnerved hassled fiery grieving faultfinding spiteful venomous muddled picky unsated discountenanced gutted dirty filthy thrown black insecure dithery queasy queazy nervy ill-disposed frantic jittery unquiet sensitive hinky goosey storming passionate out of sorts cut up bummed out shook up broken up boiling mad pushed too far with a chip on your shoulder raging mad blown a gasket in a filthy temper beside yourself with rage mildly irritated slightly annoyed reproachful burning with excitement unpleased good and mad mad as hell snitty weighty annoying distressing out of countenance wry crazy abrupt ready to be tied unforgiving defeated dishonored humiliated revengeful vehement crackers blazing berserk umbrageous dishonoured morose curmudgeonly hacked overemotional brusque terse wronged flaming moping rousted roused insane rebellious butthurt thin-skinned ticklish peckish whingy sick to death cray-cray harmed dogged scandalized buffaloed emotional hysterical irrational histrionic as black as thunder snubbed salty scandalised carrying a chip on your shoulder up the wall impetuous hotheaded unindulgent fed up to the teeth temperamental ill-used woeful stewed factious fed up to the back teeth in a rage all steamed up overcome with anger at end of one's rope at boiling point rubbed the wrong way dissentious troublemaking falling apart browned-off on edge stressed persecuted oppressed victimised victimized red swollen mildly annoyed blazing mad flaming mad nitpicking fault-finding carping asea disapproving regretful having short fuse hot under collar very upset out of control like a bear with a sore head menacing sick as a parrot hard done by exacerbated beset puzzled discombobulated tortured mortified pestered afraid harrowed worried stiff scared terrified fearful plagued raw infected in a wax in a towering rage ennuied sniveling plaintive put-out unassuaged begrudging insatiable fed-up unappeased jaundiced fretting not satisfied jealous belly-aching disagreeable acid disillusioned grousing threatening snivelling chafing septic reddened bored by crabbing uncontent kicking stressed out belligerent aggressive unfriendly malignant alienated soured surfeited by weary of distressed by glutted by surfeited with jaded with jaded by satiated by malevolent evil wicked malicious vindictive cynical estranged festered itching smarting tender stinging burning itchy angry-looking painful glutted with p.o.'d scornful dyspeptic maleficent baleful malign glowering louring poisonous malefic out of temper puffed up fevered festering snippy snarky snippety perverse liverish raspy stuffy bad tempered full of hate nursing a grudge have had enough fierce mardy caviling cavilling have had a basinful of blistered burnt scalded bloodshot evil-intentioned hate-filled have had it up to here with have had something up to here satiated out of humor surfeited gloomy down sated glum dismal up to here low verklempt unzipped in disorder amazed come apart psyched out at sixes and sevens all torn up ill-natured ornery bilious peppery scratchy mean bearish quarrelsome gruff shrewish on a short fuse nasty dour short-fused cross-grained harsh volatile unsociable truculent sorehead difficult contrary unpleasant argumentative snarling whingeing bloody-minded saturnine pouty rude pouting contentious in a mood bellicose sharp pugnacious mumpish mopey scrappy uncooperative ungracious fussy awkward unkind vicious whining combative feisty discourteous tart uncivil obstinate impolite scowling arsey frowning waspy defiant vinegary uncommunicative cussed ugly confrontational excitable inhospitable violent militant blunt aloof disputatious uncongenial whiny warlike joyless unmannerly brooding unsympathetic unresponsive catty censorious unsmiling having got out of bed the wrong side inimical oversensitive hot-blooded hot-headed agonistic tough discordant taciturn ferocious assaultive obnoxious sourpussed trying antipathetic misanthropic distant humourless humorless obstreperous sulking cruel iracund iracundulous unapproachable hurtful sarcastic mean-spirited severe negative having got out of bed on the wrong side destructive easily upset abusive cold adversarial mopish bristly cool disobliging unattractive snarly dejected envenomed chilly pertinacious cheerless crybaby atrabilious bad frosty stern hypercritical inconsiderate scathing boorish unhelpful unneighbourly frigid sombre somber unruly gladiatorial unlikable savage brawly withdrawn hasty chill wintry clammy cold-blooded cold-eyed wintery antiseptic uncordial hard-eyed gelid brittle frozen icy arctic glacial coldish intimidating impulsive chuffy growling childish easily offended uncharitable inflammable stiff foul-tempered down in the mouth ready for a fight nasty-tempered out-of-sorts sharp-tongued loudmouthed uncomfortable unsavoury fidgety offensive virulent objectionable mighty foul unlikeable wrought up disrespected disrespectful hypersensitive brief vinegarish wreck overstrung twitchy pernicious spunky acute acerbic bad-humored lugubrious no-nonsense laconic rough bluff uncontrollable ungenerous tempersome recalcitrant zowerswopped adverse murmuring offhand Eeyorish refractory pessimistic sober forceful viperous perversely irritable like a bear froward ill-mannered unceremonious toey indomitable indocile uncompliant ill perturbable dicey hazardous unsafe unpredictable highly strung offish off unsavory moaning wailing crying deploring lamenting grumbly bemoaning whimpering litigious agitable broody with a long face sharp-tempered raving mad got up on wrong side of bed crude boisterous disputative in a funk in the sulks in a strop having a fit of the sulks unlovable evil-minded wired up neurotic mopy kittle skittish apt to fly off the handle warring eristic bundle of nerves desperate demented uncompromising energetic unreasonable corybantic full-on all-out crazed maniac bent smoking manic breakneck concerted ghastly insufferable unbearable frightful irritating controversial polemical polemic battling fighting unloveable hard to please ructious arguesome wrangling bickering tempestuous extremely angry impassioned turbulent war brawling high-strung long-faced huffy irascible easily agitated easily frightened have chip on shoulder forbidding despondent steely uninviting flinty disconsolate downcast serious formidable melancholic forlorn strict stony sinister stark lowering solemn ungentle fell austere grave unamicable antisocial inconsolable disenchanted crestfallen doleful downhearted unsocial unwelcoming unaffable bolshie aggers resolute bleak reserved stand-offish sorrowful deadly terrifying cowing caustic terrorizing vituperous terrorising trenchant mordacious insolent frightening browbeating bullying mordant gray grey grim supercilious unforthcoming haughty impersonal indifferent disdainful adversary mortal Olympian starchy spoiling for a fight mean-looking boot-faced against conflicting opposite competitive unpromising vengeful opposed unneighborly low-spirited not on speaking terms disparaging overcritical deprecating nagging pedantic quibbling niggling pettifogging nit-picking hair-splitting criticizing judgemental judgmental rejective pernickety pass-remarkable nitpicky thorny exceptive criticising exacting unjust unfair hairsplitting very critical petty demanding trivial cavillous finicky tricky

Tính từ

Feeling, or causing, (typically slight or stinging) pain
smarting painful stinging sore hurting aching throbbing piercing sharp raw biting tender excruciating afflictive sensitive inflamed burning agonising agonizing severe achy troublesome caustic prickly tingly hurtful keen uncomfortable vexatious chafed bruised red injured wounded reddened irritating hurt delicate pained nasty afflicted nagging gnawing harrowing grievous abscessed ulcerated in pain acute hypersensitive oversensitive scratchy angry swollen distressing unpleasant difficult distressed tickly itchy broken gammy damaged twingeing impaired smartful beaten laborious disabled battered suffering incapacitated stricken weakened searing pounding tingling bleeding agonized mutilated grazed discoloured lacerated mangled stiff scratched mauled harmed gashed agonised marred disfigured ruptured tired discolored hit scarred scraped nicked struck cut crushed busted up achy breaky black-and-blue arthritic game maimed deformed rheumatic intense shooting stabbing violent fierce crippled debilitated crook bad handicapped lame infirm knackered penetrating exquisite gut-wrenching physically challenged injurious killing feeling tender tortured warped shot feeling uncomfortable buffeted playing up giving someone gyp giving someone trouble limping hobbling racking extreme exhausted weary halt insufferable unendurable unbearable torturous fractured creaky ailing smashed shattered defective tight rheumaticky taut limp rigid inflexible unbending frail spoilt spoiled gimp sidelined gimpy feeble on the sick list weak enfeebled shrewd cutting bitter footsore knifelike drilling paralyzing paralysing

Tính từ

(of a person's nerves or temper) Showing the effects of strain

Động từ

Past tense for to make (someone) annoyed or a little angry
irked annoyed bothered perturbed galled chafed fretted upset rasped grated put out put your back up abraded ruffled piqued angered vexed exasperated vext aggravated provoked infuriated incensed enraged needled nettled riled peeved narked got bugged grazed scratched scraped maddened antagonized displeased harassed offended goaded miffed hassled pestered rattled tried rankled roiled griped spited inflamed gravelled graveled disturbed affronted humped persecuted soured frosted distempered tried your patience rubbed the wrong way burnt hacked off made cross got in your hair burned got your dander up raised your hackles got your goat bummed out got on your wick rubbed you up the wrong way rubbed painfully made someone see red got to got across wound up rankled with rubbed up the wrong way rubbed against teed off ticked off antagonised hacked you off made angry gotten gat rid grope gripen rode ridden drove crazy driven bananas drove round the bend drove you up the wall burnt up gave someone the pip gotten across got on your nerves drove up the wall driven mad burned up driven round the bend gotten on your nerves driven crazy eaten away at driven round the twist given someone the pip gotten your back up drove mad ate driven you up the wall driven to distraction got your hackles up driven up the wall given someone the hump eaten drove to distraction drove round the twist gotten your hackles up drove bananas got your back up gave someone the hump gotten on one's nerves gotten to got on one's nerves gotten under your skin ate away at got under your skin troubled worried tormented plagued distressed beset agitated afflicted bedeviled bedevilled hurt harried nagged badgered discomposed teased hounded disquieted oppressed tortured burdened itched pained harrowed dismayed disconcerted agonized fazed flustered perplexed unsettled concerned ailed agonised beleaguered racked depressed frustrated stressed alarmed outraged discommoded grieved unnerved baited fussed haunted discomfited distracted strained inconvenienced mortified saddened discomforted dogged wound wounded exacerbated molested put off gnawed at given a hard time gave a hard time got at flurried cut to the quick unhinged curst cursed besieged picked on bullied incommoded taunted disgusted niggled frazzled appalled disgruntled chivvied anguished confounded cast down aggrieved deviled devilled heckled hectored derailed discombobulated exercised mithered confused made anxious gnawed weighed down weirded out freaked out excruciated daunted disheartened hagrid discouraged made uneasy put down hurt somebody's feelings caused suffering to alarumed taxed insulted made waves intimidated discountenanced disobliged dispirited bewildered chagrined chivied beat pursued lied heavy on given someone grief made somebody's hackles rise gave someone grief put to trouble put someone's nose out of joint nonplussed sickened ridiculed scared frightened ragged disrupted dejected embarrassed turned off gotten at chaffed grated on stirred up made your blood boil demoralized blighted crushed shocked dissatisfied importuned injured nudged hazed shaken shook affected puzzled crucified browbeat spooked pothered tantalized kept after threw thrown kept on at put someone off their stroke put in a spot hit where one lives put a damper on weighed heavily on tantalised egged on demoralised put on the spot ruffled one's feathers ribbed mocked assailed traumatized abashed horrified gnew gnawn nauseated flummoxed interrupted dissed terrorized madded enflamed ired hagridden hagrode stung sent into a rage steamed up intruded upon preyed on your mind terrorised nagged at traumatised caused anxiety to undone undid repelled overwhelmed chilled cowed victimized mystified embittered dashed criticized gibed wearied disappointed sweat wrung fuddled attacked dumbfounded excited preoccupied made uncomfortable dunned made miserable psyched preyed on hung over thrown off balance threw off balance fired up dumped on psyched out let down imposed on worked on hung up victimised criticised bent someone's ear caused trouble to smitten smote smit smited joshed baffled destabilized revolted disordered shook up shaken up bantered devastated slighted dampened eaten at ate at razzed roused guyed repulsed harmed unmanned obsessed bamboozled jarred desolated confronted pricked disarranged unbalanced panicked moved muddled stumped terrified got across someone quizzed pressed prest slapped henpecked stewed browbeaten crazed possessed abased martyred took aback taken aback debilitated made wretched floored worked up cheesed off caused discomfort to rattled one's cage made fun of got down made sport of went on at knocked for six weighed on harped on at tried the patience of mixed up beat down made unhappy poked fun at breathed down someone's neck setted one's teeth on edge caused anguish to jarred on gone on at destabilised got up someone's nose gave a bad time gotten up someone's nose given a bad time derided roasted sapped faced tested joked bemused jived subdued jeered startled scolded damaged disaffected awed disillusioned prodded stupefied kidded domineered funned overawed incited tired festered stretched straught led on drained twitted rallied berated scandalized deranged feared addled buffaloed foxed disoriented mazed reviled imposed despaired surprised jolted shattered disorganized scorned scarred pressurized disrespected enervated broke broken brake sweated disarrayed befogged dazed wringed caviled cavilled chid chided wrang reproached befuddled mistreated gripped beaten sledged scoffed at jeered at put pressed down on relucted brought down muddied posed curdled picked at sounded pushed upbraided bored stunned turned stressed out made fretful disenchanted bummed indisposed dampened spirits spoofed slammed bit visited made it hot for someone made punchy made discontented loused up acerbated put into a flap cast a pall over rattled someone's cage put on punished hacked knocked sideways put the wind up put out of countenance pressurised pulled one's leg cut weighed pulled the rug out from under set off put in traction cut up made someone fed up pecked at put through wringer infested sticked in one's craw cast a gloom upon made someone scratch their head thrown off niggled at asked for it intoxicated messed with inflicted anguish on made things hot for someone set on worn on hurt deeply jibed at wronged flipped out made it tough threw off made a monkey of buffeted teared caused agony to pushed buttons put a strain on put the squeeze on put on trial put pressure on made a scene umbraged put in a hole wore on caused concern to inebriated turned on bled examined put into a funk balled up upset the applecart made despondent deeply upset buffetted scandalised hunted dulled hurt the feelings of put to some trouble caused anxiety pulled the rug from under ragged on envenomed beaten down took the piss out of worn out gave the business taken the piss out of wore out got a rise out of worn wore given the business gotten a rise out of poisoned alienated fooled shamed caught belaboured inflicted carped fooled around humiliated deterred satirized subjugated stifled suppressed lowered barracked booed hoodwinked wreaked beguiled wrecked duped tricked deceived deluded wrought hoaxed exhausted made resentful empoisoned disparaged made bitter tattered frayed eroded jaundiced shouted down tensed devitalized squelched smothered diminished weakened pressured overstretched overtaxed quipped japed wisecracked gagged cozened jested yucked bedogged jollied yukked gulled conned chiacked demeaned stirred spurred stimulated occupied hissed excoriated interfered discontented meddled chevied slanged scoured worsened shucked irritated greatly sneered wildered humbled extinguished foiled deadened defeated thwarted paralysed curbed overpowered overcome disadvantaged quelled smoked rotted consternated rousted discredited dishonoured made nervous made ill tyrannized recurred capped zinged cooled mispleased winged fogged flabbergasted downed demented rummaged displaced jumbled caused annoyance to caused resentment to caused disquiet to squicked empurpled grossed out aroused sneered at gibed at fermented affrighted showed up made awkward made self-conscious owned made ashamed bore snowed obfuscated browned off discommodated entangled hampered struck grilled drooped repressed prostrated aggressed broke one's heart broken one's heart reminded insisted petted tiffed huffed snapped snapt crossed hindered impeded bitten rubbed salt in wound dampened the spirits of caused illness to intruded on tensed up strapped tyrannised lampooned plundered worked into lather grizzled keyed up made jokes about got someone's wick damped down bullyragged staggered darkened avenged screwed up ill-treated raged slung off at made sick pushed someon's buttons lambasted caused to be at a stand jabbed made restless macerated made downhearted scraped away threw into a tizzy blackmailed made gloomy pushed to the limit abominated knocked the stuffing out of resented shouted catcalls at pushed the buttons of obtruded searched high heaven made tense poked mullock at gotten on the wrong side of belabored caused pain to flirted with grudged struck down absorbed ventilated thrown into a tizzy brought pressure to bear on made your gorge rise leaded someone a merry dance dispraised disagreed come back to sweated out knocked props out become bored fouled up slandered jarred upon torn inflicted trauma extorted tore dished it out got on the wrong side of blown your mind went to your head twittered interested butted in made livid flouted at made unwell aroused anxiety in estranged forced upon brought down on goofed on ignited lied heavily on taken the mickey enslaved gave offence to lived on encroached knocked the wind out of singled out made an enemy of somebody dashed hopes dominated caused anguish got the knife into intruded had an adverse effect on caused aversion yapped at exiled bugged up swung at made it tough for messed around filled with consternation made you see red palled awaked imposed upon cramped damped messed got someone unstrung gotten someone pulled someone's leg swang at poked borak at crunched chastened mourned acidulated had had enough devoured fed on jumped on one's case carped at run up the wrong way boned caused to lose heart descended upon flimflammed depredated resent blew your mind caused problems made severe demands on seared blustered caused someone difficulty brought up short made sad buttonholed caused to panic caused inconvenience to run down played dirty dished out leaned on got in the hair of started in on created difficulties for overextended unquieted grated upon surfeited disorientated dragged abused frilled harshed one's mellow given offence to expelled messed up crabbed dragooned turned stomach gave trouble descended on exploited forayed pushed one's buttons kept under blinded furbelowed layed up killed did in caused to feel mental strain louted made desolate made flip made blue attracted flouted made your head spin disdained made shudder stymied cloyed on poured cold water on had on gone to your head rocked the boat despoiled begrudged made somebody's blood boil took the mickey motivated jerked around reduced to tears kidded around horned in on harshed someone's mellow raided consumed made game of caused sorrow tired out questioned barged in on dug scratched around stayed with lived off interfered with filled with loathing grabbed dishonored butted in on sent up insisted on stuck it to caused offense shouted at setted someone thinking wigged satirised caught one short started found fault with paralyzed overcharged incapacitated loaded noodged tweaked scouted got on the nerves of made someone go out of his way caused someone to lose their composure knocked off balance caused to feel emotional strain lost patience made demands on steamed grated at done in seized messed with one's head setted someone back on their heels occupied thoughts thumbed nose at brought tears to your eyes tyrannized over made rancorous heated up found fault accosted fleeced bombarded het up riled up caused suffering flipped caused to feel nauseous offended morals of drug grinded absorpt gnawed away at venomed misled played cat and mouse ground made someone want to throw up mucked up laughed at given trouble sticked the knife into dragged down laid up quickened befallen befell driven nuts drove nuts slang overcame overrode overridden own worn down wore down ran up the wrong way became bored putten came back to took a rise out of taken a rise out of snew snown got even gotten even ate up eaten up tore to pieces torn to pieces broke in broken in given it to gave it to snafued gave a turn given a turn awoken awoke bore down on borne down on thrown a curve threw a curve broken the heart of nit-picked overdone overdid wore upon done a number on broke the heart of worn upon did a number on took in taken in driven insane drove insane took the wind out of your sails taken the wind out of your sails thrown into tizzy thrown into a tizz threw into a tizz threw into tizzy given someone hell gave someone hell stricken taken advantage of took advantage of loaden given a zinger given the cold shoulder gave the cold shoulder gave a zinger took taken threw into confusion threw into disorder thrown into confusion thrown into disorder thrown into uproar threw into uproar bore down gave someone the blues thrown cold water on broken someone's heart ran down broke someone's heart threw cold water on borne down given someone the blues taken over took control of took over taken control of fell upon fallen upon given the needle gave the needle fallen on fell on given someone bother gave someone bother went against the grain gone against the grain stricken down wore away worn away worn to shreds wore to shreds bit into bitten into driven you crazy drove you crazy gotten on someone got on someone drove you to distraction drove out of mind driven you round the twist driven out of mind drove you off your head driven you out of your mind drove you round the bend drove you round the twist driven you off your head driven you round the bend drove you out of your mind driven you to distraction

Động từ

Past tense for to cause inflammation to (one's skin)

Động từ

Past tense for to aggravate, especially a wound

Từ trái nghĩa của irritated

irritated Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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