Từ đồng nghĩa của shook up

Động từ

To have triggered a passionate feeling or reaction
excited provoked incited riled stirred up fomented impassioned inflamed rallied roiled roused stirred triggered aggravated agitated animated electrified fired up goaded inspired instigated aroused enthused galvanized incensed irked primed ruffled stimulated whipped up baited charged egged on elicited encouraged enlivened grilled kindled piqued pumped up revved up set off vexed vext vivified worked up wound up activated angered awakened brought about brought out caused charged up commoved energised energized enkindled galvanised jolted motivated needled pepped up sparked off touched off triggered off worked into lather chafed discomposed flustered induced infuriated intensified maddened offended shook started taunted upset waked up woke up fed the fire succussed moved spurred inspirited urged sparked spurred on prompted prodded fired quickened impelled turned on pushed invigorated exhilarated actuated vitalized lit a fire under keyed up driven drove drave druv envigorated put up to set in motion whetted promoted propelled influenced pressed prest put in motion boosted wakened nudged pricked bucked up heartened emboldened buoyed exhorted swayed filliped uplifted generated initiated thrilled buoyed up revived livened up bestirred ignited kick-started switched on fired the imagination of called forth persuaded strengthened compelled evoked incentivized occasioned fueled fuelled refreshed fortified made waked built up titillated perked up fired the enthusiasm of gotten going got going cheered pressured pressurized steeled launched coerced empowered fostered started up produced fanned engendered braced forced dynamized cheered on started off touched instilled wrought worked challenged geed up set up jazzed up amped up put pressure on pressurised put the heat on put the screws on juiced up set going powered up reassured restored hounded brightened constrained precipitated revitalized rejuvenated inclined jumpstarted brought raised sustained led leaded cheered up supported dragooned intoxicated boosted up spiked gingered up jump-started elated mobilized tempted zipped up made waves steamed up mobilised revitalised prevailed on got someone going cranked up innervated brought on fired with enthusiasm zapped woke woken stung woken up begged implored built gladdened incentified admonished startled egged badgered besought beseeched restarted advised harassed revivified lift assured rebooted adjured bullied entreated solicited impressed reset nagged awaked created fermented advanced insisted enticed chirked up enhanced rooted invoked affected bred booted up booted stoked up whipped psyched up spirited someone up grabbed speeded up sped up tried to persuade put the screws to originated got picked up struck sicced heightened exalted tickled increased abetted countenanced poured it on psyched set on pushed for put a bomb under spooked acted as a incentive to put zip into railroaded into acted as a stimulus to bulldozed into hit the ground running built a fire under rooted on insisted on put pep into brought into being put into action let sunshine in called into being renewed used pressure on given rise to gave rise to enabled activized put new life in began begun given a shot in the arm to gave a shot in the arm to drew forth drawn forth led to applauded disinhibited enforced enheartened comforted bootstrapped shocked hustled obliged bothered delighted reenforced advocated expedited enjoined pleaded pled pestered browbeat introduced effected effectuated inspanned feed coaxed disposed fed accelerated disturbed overjoyed lifted intimidated hassled recommended cultivated yielded spawned rendered instituted established bolstered obligated railroaded harried convinced cajoled begot begat begotten given a boost to warmed praised hooked gave a boost to enchanted consoled awoken awoke requested appealed hatched enacted connected inaugurated catalyzed speeded sped opened made active borne up bore up exacerbated nurtured infused dug imbued brightened up intrigued confirmed teased pleased wowed steamrolled asked manoeuvred sanctioned maneuvered irritated raised your spirits stiffened the resolve of raised the morale of boosted someone's morale lifted the spirits of loaded propped up bielded stimulated spiritually developt developed mustered procured prevailed upon drove on driven on powered stiffened inveigled nourished made lively impacted converted wakened up flushed gripped tantalized wheedled proposed brewed exercised strong-armed pushed around sharpened stricken gotten gat informed reignited rekindled favoured favored got something moving twisted someone's arm dragooned into urged on translated into magnified leaned on got something going started computer mounted made more lively astonished snapped out of it juiced exerted influence on agitated for deepened blazed a trail called on helped got to started the ball rolling appealed to cold booted plotted contributed to used strong-arm tactics on crazed recalled summoned up browbeat into called stirred embers beghasted raced one's motor schemed gave a lift reinforced won over setted something going warmed boot brought to pass tantalised started something operating made for infected redoubled lashed moved to action bugged spiced implemented acted as a spur to reinvigorated suggested to talked into commended rationalized steamrollered into suggested catalysed rousted hinted insinuated rabble-roused necessitated cooked up knocked one's socks off made wild called to mind vivificated sold on kept someone going brought around rooted for armed fanned the flames of run conjured stunned brought back revamped hinted to innerved frightened recreated braced up setted something moving started something functioning rationalised agitated against heated up given a lift gave someone a kick planned suscitated acted as a fillip to het up press-ganged endued given someone a kick acted as a impetus to sent intensated alerted diverted livened carried entertained made confident asked for it made more exciting brought up browbeaten yolden yold loaden added fuel to fire gave shot in arm given shot in arm given hope to gave hope to given confidence to gave confidence to holp holpen gotten to gave life to given life to gave the incentive to given the incentive to given courage to gave courage to shaken shaken up added fuel gave a shot in the arm given a shot in the arm got one going gotten one going given a new lease of life to gotten one started gave a new lease of life to got one started bore down on went to town on borne down on gone to town on browbeaten into ran drew drawn gotten smoking got smoking burned up burnt up were responsible for was responsible for given one an idea gave one an idea been responsible for given impetus gave impetus got things rolling did drawn on drew on made to happen made happen done gotten things rolling seen someone through saw someone through given pleasure to gave a buzz given joy to given someone a charge blown away gone over big gave joy to gave someone a charge went over big gave pleasure to given a buzz blew away

Động từ

Past tense for to cause to feel upset or agitated
upset unsettled distressed traumatised traumatized perturbed agitated disturbed worried devastated disconcerted shocked bewildered startled surprised took aback confounded unnerved floored discomposed astounded shook astonished stunned amazed dumbfounded threw nonplussed staggered dismayed flabbergasted stupefied confused knocked for six bowled over put off perplexed dazed appalled fazed disquieted overwhelmed jolted alarmed rattled discomfited put someone off their stroke troubled rocked flustered threw off balance bothered knocked sideways stopped someone in their tracks distracted thunderstruck blew away struck dumb ruffled flummoxed dumfounded puzzled left open-mouthed took by surprise put into a flap flurried surprized daunted frightened scared baffled discombobulated awed left aghast got to knocked out knocked for a loop hit like a ton of bricks disheartened abashed vexed vext discountenanced undid outraged unhinged discomforted paralysed alarumed caught off balance consternated paralyzed discouraged horrified concerned demoralized intimidated mystified annoyed bemused terrified frustrated browbeat hurt exercised benumbed panicked needled frazzled fussed distempered hagrid ailed derailed hagrode got gat fuddled spooked befuddled made uneasy demoralised muddled petrified weirded out freaked out numbed psyched out electrified put down threw into a tizz knocked the stuffing out of put one away caused someone to lose their composure hurt one's feelings setted someone back on their heels cut to the quick dispirited unmanned unbalanced offended cowed deterred irritated sickened bugged affrighted overpowered overcame insulted depressed terrorized chilled affected mortified made anxious stumped disarranged grieved addled provoked terrorised pained mixed up boggled disordered dazzled tormented boggled the mind threw off rendered speechless gave a turn sprang something on gave someone a turn knocked over blew one's mind sprung something on took someone's breath away threw a curve disoriented beat saddened harassed irked embarrassed disgusted gravelled graveled scandalized angered dejected buffaloed shattered let down psyched put out bullied destabilized befogged fogged excited pothered put someone off bamboozled galled made nervous piqued disrupted stung hit put out of countenance fouled up burned up deranged sapped screwed up jarred dumped on gnawed at took someone aback took your breath away put out of action caused to be at a stand did in threw into a tizzy upset apple cart set back put the wind up took the wind out of your sails put someone off their stride dissed knocked over with feather dizzied gave a shock grossed out stirred up gave offence to pulled the rug out from under put the wind up someone deeply upset scandalised destabilised made someone scratch their head hurt the feelings of hit like ton of bricks pulled the rug from under overawed subdued revolted nauseated thwarted caught somebody off balance caught somebody unawares blurred repelled knocked senseless besotted threw cold water on poured cold water on blinded took breath away made fretful made waves made a scene pestered galvanized threw a curveball galvanised disarmed displeased touched moved struck impressed inflicted trauma stressed raised someone's eyebrows antagonised completely surprised shook out of your complacency antagonized uncalmed undermined rid enfeebled enervated weakened rode took one's breath away struck with awe caused wonder afflicted complicated interfered badgered got in the way intruded aroused tired roused boggled someone's mind sprang on sprung on slighted hindered balked affronted scarified made someone jump out of their skin scared to death sprung made jump gave someone a jolt scared the bejesus out of sprang frighted gave someone a fright baulked downed displaced demented jumbled turned discommoded disorganized rummaged disarrayed injured damaged harmed scarred hat brought around threw into confusion threw into disorder threw into uproar tortured made miserable wound wounded anguished slapped disrespected caused suffering to tore to pieces crucified nettled exasperated foxed posed peeved mazed setted someone thinking wildered muddied aggravated riled stirred obfuscated narked hassled grope spited persecuted grated griped rasped ate itched frosted miffed niggled chafed knocked the stuffing out of someone blustered frilled furbelowed abraded wore fretted hacked off wound up got across rattled one's cage threw into tizzy disappointed dashed chagrined disillusioned disenchanted disgruntled snafued loused up messed up filled with consternation mucked up thrown shaken beaten gotten shaken up stricken dumb taken aback blown away taken by surprise obscured clouded thrown off balance disorientated eluded beclouded set hurdles overcome thunderstricken crushed foiled blown one's mind defeated gotten to stymied brought up short tangled made unclear thrown off undone put to shame put on the spot bedevilled bedeviled shamed distorted humiliated messed with one's head crazed hagridden gone to one's head went to one's head convoluted demeaned oppressed plagued confusticated got at lowered defied beset confuscated put on edge entangled stumbled snowed sticked stuck made punchy setted thinking inebriated intoxicated made difficulties humbled involved ravelled raveled prostrated abased put at a loss disgraced flipped deflated degraded overmastered swamped whelmed intricated balled up snarled up discredited muddied the waters mired boggled the mind of filled with fear dishonoured owned thrown into a tizz dishonored showed up made ashamed distracted from taken someone's breath away put away indisposed scared stiff put someone to shame hurt somebody's feelings hit for six greatly upset made someone eat humble pie scared the pants off put in a spot put the fear of God into put in a hole ticked off hit a sour note scared someone out of their wits cut up put chill on cast down snowed under cut down to size scared the living daylights out of picked on escaped burnt up thrown into a tizzy gotten at given a hard time gave a hard time underwhelmed hurried heated het snookered dulled bustled outwitted surpassed challenged conquered thickened stuck it to profundicated mulled wondered encumbered stopped snew snown mucked setted one thinking daydreamed mooned daydreamt withstood exceeded repressed garbled transfixed maddened stricken debased chastened misrepresented concealed mixed you up embroiled worked up gobsmacked locoed frenzied cracked unstrung hid dislocated sent into a spin gathered wool immobilized scared witless spellbound disharmonized jangled discorded disaccorded beggared racked inconvenienced brought someone up short falsified complexed tainted fuzzed coloured equivocated sophisticated tarnished bedazzled complexified colored made uncomfortable curst tried cursed harried agonized made awkward made self-conscious hounded ridiculed belittled immobilised denigrated made emotional filled with amazement filled with wonder nagged strained teased own cheapened fouled smirched squashed quashed taken your breath away made difficult fuzzed up thrown a curve made speechless strapped dogged pushed tantalised agonised martyred aggrieved harrowed pricked tantalized desolated broke broken brake withered bemeant blistered snubbed ripped slammed smeared panned bemeaned clogged played down made wretched run down folded ground down steamrollered caused to lose your bearings roiled destroyed combined rendered unintelligible keyed up made a fool of clouded the issue run circles around interweaved vanquished made complicated flipped out layed up killed chilled off interfused made a monkey of burnt threw into a panic frightened the life out of pushed buttons taken down a peg weighed on handicapped thrown into a panic fired up made complex rocked the boat bummed out impeded frightened to death wrecked threw into a blue funk downplayed took down a peg scared silly egged on left speechless brought low hung up made more difficult subordinated made someone eat crow dissatisfied aroused anxiety in knocked one's socks off settled someone's hash turned on caused anguish to caught one short interrelated inflamed incapacitated taken down made your hair stand on end multiplied brought down made intricate caused to lose face caused to feel small debilitated made it tough for muddied the waters of snagged imposed upon burned cramped elaborated infolded twisted swept someone off their feet thrown into a blue funk took down frightened the living daylights out of grinded downgraded ground opened can of worms laid up shot down besotten browbeaten gripen eaten hitten ridden hidden taken someone aback thrown into confusion given someone a turn struck terror into stricken terror into given a turn thrown into disorder thrown into uproar nit-picked given a shock taken breath away sank sunken sunk thrown cold water on thrown for a loop threw for a loop ran circles around done in added fuel to fire interwove interwoven gotten in the way thrown for loop threw for loop gotten across given someone grief gotten on someone's wick gave someone grief got on someone's wick got someone gotten someone eaten at ate at done a number on did a number on gave a bad time given a bad time blew one away blown one away driven you out of your mind taken one's breath away taken the wind out of your sails drove you out of your mind stricken with awe threw up smoke screen took the wind out of someone's sails torn down took down a peg or two taken the wind out of someone's sails threw a veil over tore down thrown a veil over taken down a peg or two ran down thrown up smoke screen took the wind out got one's comeuppance gotten one's comeuppance taken the wind out

Động từ

Past tense for to cause an unpleasant shock or surprise to

Động từ

Past tense for to mix or blend together
blended blent combined mixed mixt shook stirred beat together beat stirred together creamed emulsified whisked moved about folded in agitated washed swirled whipped up tost whirled churned whipped mixed up muddled folded tossed beaten together shaken up merged fused amalgamated incorporated homogenized interfused put together compounded integrated melded coalesced homogenised intermixed united married conflated mingled intermingled commingled unified commixed knit composited comingled immingled immixed synthesized linked joined synthesised alloyed jumbled interweaved lumped admixed meshed interlaced interblent interblended consolidated suffused knitted interpenetrated pooled blunged concreted welded brought together conjoined become one linked up joined together assimilated bonded absorbed absorpt harmonized accommodated converged massed interwove interwoven affiliated subsumed yoked premixed associated conglomerated harmonised interflowed cemented weaved come together wed lumped together pulped mushed mashed became one softened banded crossed embodied included melted added connected coupled hybridized matched shuffled concentrated agglutinated compacted conjugated tied interspersed imbibed formed made uniform woven wove desegregated concatenated coordinated symphonized interfaced came together bled spliced interbred transfused tangled hybridised braided kneaded infused joined up wedded fitted in made similar melted into one another smoothed slotted in cross-bred melted into hooked in worked in treated ganged up slipped in run into one another faded into one another shifted around run into shaken molt molten browden ran into one another beaten added to added in gotten together got together threw in together thrown in together ran into

Động từ

Plumped up

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(usually of a disease or condition) Past tense for to affect adversely

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Past tense for to be detrimental to
hurt harmed damaged destabilised destabilized undermined weakened wrecked compromised crippled jeopardised jeopardized marred ruined sabotaged subverted broke brake debilitated destroyed deteriorated diminished disrupted hindered impoverished ravaged spoiled spoilt tarnished afflicted annihilated blemished blighted corroded corrupted crushed depressed devitalized disabled dismantled enervated impaired impeded incapacitated tainted trashed wounded wound battered blasted bloodied crabbed crossed up debased defaced disfigured endamaged enfeebled flawed inconvenienced injured sapped scorched shattered shocked smashed torpedoed vitiated withered detracted from fouled up interfered with loused up messed up mucked up roughed up screwed up smashed up took out caused detriment to did harm to wreaked havoc on wrought havoc on put out of action put out of commission threw a monkey wrench into mangled maimed upset bruised cut cut up put a damper on stained sullied blotted polluted dinged detracted tweaked warped queered bended bent scratched mutilated deformed knackered scathed tortured totalled contorted scarred burnt aggrieved piqued distorted totaled prejudiced waxed burned grieved distressed pained fouled stung tormented drew blood did mischief to hacked up did in broken shaken up put the kibosh on devastated demolished gutted discoloured discolored dashed dirtied besmirched desecrated cracked scotched defiled scuppered put an end to vandalized knocked dented poisoned razed split banjaxed nixed put a stop to played havoc with smirched dished touched put paid to euchred cruelled vandalised made a mess of put the lid on cast a shadow over cast a pall over brought to naught undone undid degraded frustrated worsened befouled soiled ended blotched speckled perverted prevented quashed quelled stymied darkened nullified disfeatured dilapidated soured colored coloured disintegrated rotted lacerated abused rusted wronged maltreated teared gnawed infected decayed disappointed brought to an end bleached stabbed contaminated faded clouded made a hash of tampered with banged up caused injury nicked glitched up wrought havoc wrenched played merry hell with mullered blew a hole in blown a hole in handled roughly ballsed up thrown a spanner in the works of threw a spanner in the works of thrown a monkey wrench in the works of threw a monkey wrench in the works of dumped on done in gnawn torn tore gnew taken out worn away wore away done damage to did damage to done harm to drove a nail into the coffin of driven a nail into the coffin of thrown a monkey wrench into done mischief to done for did for taken the shine off took the edge off took the shine off taken the edge off taken the enjoyment out of took the pleasure out of took the enjoyment out of taken the pleasure out of

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Past tense for to inflict emotional or physical harm or distress upon
mistreated abused misused misust ill-treated ill-used maltreated harmed injured manhandled molested mauled mishandled brutalised brutalized bullied beat hit hat hurt knocked around struck wronged handled roughly knocked about persecuted treated badly treated roughly backbit bashed chopped kicked around messed over oppressed outraged ripped roughhoused roughed up totalled totaled trashed waxed wounded wound beat up did over bunged up did wrong dumped on messed up pushed around gave black eye cut up damaged victimized harassed assaulted marred perverted prostituted profaned misemployed misapplied tortured battered exploited victimised ruined corrupted desecrated misappropriated mismanaged blew ran through went through interfered with banged up beaten hitten stricken backbitten beaten up done over done wrong shaken up given black eye tormented picked on beset terrorized afflicted hounded put down terrorised harrowed agonized plagued racked harried martyred excruciated intimidated browbeat leaned on agonised tyrannized neglected distressed threatened discriminated against anguished crucified bedevilled bedeviled tyrannised punished hectored martyrized inflicted pain on inflicted suffering on domineered bulldozed trampled on hassled spoilt tainted spoiled pushed about needled curst besieged cursed wasted dissipated overtaxed overworked overwrought exhausted squandered overburdened got at cowed punished unfairly taunted antagonized worried had it in for mangled menaced rousted bothered badgered upset pursued had a down on taken apart took apart annoyed scared browbeaten antagonised frightened teased troubled made things hot for someone slapped around worked over discommoded hit where one lives heckled baited bossed around put to death caused pain to beat up on put on the rack bossed about disapproved of kicked about pulled pushed beared a grudge towards felt ill will towards hustled jostled shoved manipulated violated spited humiliated pawed scourged belittled provoked insulted mocked hunted pained rode roughshod over ridden roughshod over derided abased aggravated pushed someone around gotten at blackjacked dishonored bogarted aggrieved subjugated bundled handled mortified attacked pestered coerced dominated demonized immolated used run through dishonoured imposed on demonised smote smited smit smitten overpowered overwhelmed mutilated whipped lacerated executed disturbed grilled impaled bugged maimed irritated bloodied traumatized stepped on the toes of killed gave a hard time given a hard time thrashed disserved inconvenienced traumatised incommoded vexed vext chivied laid a bad trip on bullyragged inflicted anguish on played the heavy with bashed up caused injury to lashed out at encroached hung on a cross beat the living daylights out of perturbed treated harshly intruded nailed to a cross pothered caused agony to obtruded accosted walked all over caused suffering to terrified duffed up had your knife into irked nailed to cross confused hanged crossed up disquieted interrupted hung strong-armed laid a finger on discomposed stacked the deck mau-maued trod on trodden on shown antagonism to showed antagonism to showed ill will towards shown ill will towards shove shoven shave blown overborne overbore gone through been through took advantage of taken advantage of done an injustice to did an injustice to beatbeat the living daylights out of the living daylights out of broke in broken in done violence to did violence to gave no quarter gone for jugular given no quarter went for jugular gave someone the works given someone the works

Tính từ

Wildly excited or uncontrolled due to worry or fear
madding agitated angry at wits' end berserk beside oneself corybantic crazy delirious deranged distraught excited flipped out fraught freaked out frenetic frenzied furious hectic hot and bothered hot under the collar hyper hysterical in a stew in a tizzy insane keyed up mad out of control overwrought panic-stricken rabid raging raving spazzed out unglued unscrewed unzipped violent weird weirded out wigged out wild wired worked up zonkers desperate distracted distressed unhinged crazed demented frantic anxious wound up overcome consumed emotional panicky unbalanced upset panic-struck feverish rattled in a frenzy carried away at one's wits' end out of one's wit out of one's mind not knowing what to do with oneself worked-up bothered uncontrolled fevered uptight fierce hysteric ferocious maniacal distrait swivel-eyed berko in a state last-minute in a tizz in a flat spin in a flap at your wits' end beside yourself in a cold sweat at the end of your tether worried het up having kittens nervous fearful frightened alarmed scared jittery terrified startled perturbed shocked jumpy apprehensive unnerved petrified daunted dismayed disturbed horrified aghast afraid terror-stricken frozen scared to death scared stiff antsy tense nervy edgy uneasy heated overactive high-strung terror-struck intimidated troubled horror-struck cowardly timid timorous spooked horror-stricken funky trembling cowed stunned faint-hearted frit on edge in awe in a blue funk in a funk in a fluster manic enthusiastic disquieted hyperactive zealous frightened to death restless fanatical concerned frightened out of your wits scared out of your wits unrestrained shaken cowering pusillanimous fretful terrorized affrighted obsessive afeared chicken impatient scared out of one's wits yellow feart having cold feet shaking in one's shoes alarmed at with one's heart in one's mouth scared witless running scared apprehensive about intimidated by shaking like a leaf frightened out of one's wits terrorised exciting busy like one possessed windy abashed perplexed fearsome suspicious aroused blanched discouraged disheartened have cold feet run scared stressed flushed annoyed flurried intense unsettled skittish in a panic aquiver aflutter adrenalized fidgety twitchy unreluctant irrational flighty wrought-up overexcited febrile unquiet ill at ease dithery hyped-up afire atingle hyperexcited disconcerted ruffled provoked discomposed zipped up hot juiced up

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Much troubled
distressed upset anxious distraught troubled afflicted agitated distracted tormented worried jittery miffed perturbed saddened shaky unhappy bothered bugged concerned discombobulated dragged exercised harassed peeved ripped shook spooked wired wrecked wretched all torn up antsy basket case bummed out bundle of nerves cut up disconsolate distrait fidgety hyper in a stew in a tizzy inconsolable jumpy shot down strung out unconsolable unglued up the wall uptight disturbed disquieted discomposed uneasy tense shaken nervous flustered disconcerted ruffled apprehensive edgy insecure ill at ease unnerved restless fretful unsettled aflutter alarmed rattled unquiet uncomfortable sad stressy grieved anguished on edge hurt overwrought dismayed frightened vexed confused nervy irked queasy queazy dithery atwitter thrown twitchy goosey hinky hung up het up miserable despondent dejected pained disappointed grieving depressed heavyhearted sorrowful mournful blue doleful heartbroken cheerless down rueful bereaved low desolate fearful despairing heartsick restive broken-hearted brokenhearted woeful discountenanced afraid fretting gutted stressed woebegone hassled grief-stricken wounded scared muddled flurried worried sick tortured worked up under stress toey plagued angstful solicitous squirrelly overstrung spooky windy angsty strung up on tenterhooks fazed in a flap keyed up in a twitter in a sweat a wreck a bundle of nerves in a tizz hot and bothered in a twit in a state of agitation in a state all of a dither having kittens on pins and needles all of a lather like a cat on a hot tin roof with one's stomach in knots with one's heart in one's mouth with butterflies in one's stomach careful choked inconvenienced irritated angered frantic annoyed offended fretted shaking watchful shivery taut shocked aghast dreading in suspense turbulent verklempt unzipped unsteady in a spin in a state of nerves sweating bullets a basket case disorderly put out in disorder amazed in a flat spin shot to pieces like a fish out of water like a cat on hot bricks unpeaceful unbalanced wavering unrestful come apart broken up psyched out at sixes and sevens having butterflies in the stomach devastated broken melancholy bitter traumatized dolorous morose weeping overwhelmed hurting mourning haunted crushed harrowed agonized dolesome sorrowing suffering aching bewailing persecuted traumatised bemoaning wailing agonised in pain angst-ridden overcome with sorrow heavy with grief racked with pain racked with suffering displeased forlorn sullen disheartened trembling quaking glum melancholic aggrieved discouraged heavy-hearted downcast riled beset emotional dispirited joyless tristful down-hearted demoralized downhearted tearful demoralised clutched gloomy droopy sombre teary hangdog heartsore sorry crestfallen cast down weepy burned wistful sore somber contused in a dither beside oneself worried stiff bricking oneself in a cold sweat down in the dumps in doldrums low-spirited in tears down in the mouth in grief in the dumps shaking in one's shoes

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Feeling confused mentally
addled bewildered confused befuddled dazed dizzy muddled mixed-up muzzy silly stupefied dopey fuddled addle addlepated bedevilled bedeviled befogged bemused bushed confounded demented deranged discombobulated disorientated disoriented distracted dopy fogged foolish muddleheaded pixilated pixillated punch-drunk punchy raddled shell-shocked slaphappy spaced spaced-out spacey spacy stunned unbalanced unhinged wooly woolly woozy zonked zonked-out bamboozled fazed flustered perplexed addlebrained at sea gone rattled shaken shook slap-happy thrown unglued balled up fouled up mixed up not with it out of it all at sea spaced out delirious senile irrational unsound unsettled unstable crazy psychotic out-of-joint absent-minded whacko with Alzheimer's disease glassy-eyed screwy shot to pieces out to lunch unscrewed addle-brained muddle-headed not knowing if one is coming or going baffled nonplussed stumped mystified flummoxed lost stuck clueless gravelled mazed wildered foggy bollixed floored in a fog mind-blown graveled at a loss puzzled without a clue at a complete loss doubtful groggy dumbfounded staggered disconcerted taken aback surprised speechless startled at sixes and sevens astonished astounded dazzled overcome light-headed overwhelmed fuzzy lightheaded thrown off balance wobbly giddy shocked flabbergasted upset staggering unsteady dumbstruck disturbed beaten gaga hazy aghast vague benumbed faint shaky woolly-headed disorganized breathless reeling weak-kneed tipsy disorganised dismayed uncomprehending gobsmacked troubled dumb discomposed unnerved woolly-minded uncertain shaken up blown away bowled over weak in the knees off balance drugged vertiginous numbed numb swimming discomfited blind blinded light agog amazed agape blank off-balance awed awestruck foxed wonderstruck thunderstruck out of control in a dither misty shadowy blurred eccentric sailing adrift inattentive trippy dreamy whirling swimmy aswoon unfocused ill-defined maladjusted distraught drowsy daft puckish touched impish prankish capricious whimsical pixyish worried undone bleary half-asleep preoccupied hard-pressed nonplused engrossed frozen intoxicated come apart hard put awe-struck tottering weak blurry unclear in a state of confusion in a muddle teetering asea made to scratch their head confusticated got vexed had their heads messed with besotted caused to be at a stand beat buffaloed thrown off with rubbery legs with legs like jelly weak at the knees confusional turbid not knowing if you are coming or going incredulous awestricken dumfounded frightened alarmed jolted open-mouthed filled with wonder caught on the hop goggle-eyed in amazement taken by surprise at a loss for words wide-eyed filled with astonishment knocked for six filled with amazement openmouthed lost for words unable to believe your eyes filled with awe caught on the wrong foot unable to believe one's ears

Từ trái nghĩa của shook up

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