Từ đồng nghĩa của bummed out

Tính từ

Much troubled
distressed upset anxious distraught troubled afflicted agitated distracted tormented worried jittery miffed perturbed saddened shaky unhappy bothered bugged concerned discombobulated dragged exercised harassed peeved ripped shook spooked wired wrecked wretched all torn up antsy basket case bundle of nerves cut up disconsolate distrait fidgety hyper in a stew in a tizzy inconsolable jumpy shook up shot down strung out unconsolable unglued up the wall uptight sad hurt disconcerted shaken discomposed discountenanced grieved flustered gutted dismayed ruffled disquieted disappointed rattled unnerved vexed traumatized irked overwhelmed devastated aflutter heartbroken overwrought crushed wounded traumatised broken-hearted dispirited horrified shattered emotionally defeated shell-shocked disturbed confused unsettled choked inconvenienced alarmed frightened irritated angered frantic atwitter queasy annoyed offended queazy insecure nervy fretted dithery tense nervous edgy uneasy low unquiet thrown muddled hassled shocked unzipped verklempt hinky blue apprehensive goosey hung up put out amazed ill at ease in disorder psyched out come apart broken up het up at sixes and sevens miserable depressed dejected despondent heavyhearted broken tortured dolorous melancholy desolate morose sorrowful doleful bitter cheerless bereaved anguished mournful grieving despairing weeping heartsick down rueful hurting plagued agonized mourning haunted pained woeful harrowed dolesome sorrowing bewailing persecuted suffering bemoaning aching wailing agonised grief-stricken brokenhearted woebegone in pain angst-ridden heavy with grief racked with pain racked with suffering overcome with sorrow stressed hysterical worked up restless twitchy in a state fearful fretful uncomfortable frenzied scared on edge afraid stressy excited fazed flurried beside oneself desperate overstrung in a panic keyed up angsty hot and bothered in a flap fraught panicky wound up strained raving crazed terrified worried sick having kittens crazy hectic toey adrenalized hysteric emotional high-strung overexcited beset panic-stricken delirious nonplussed pressured discomfited beside yourself in a tizz strung up on tenterhooks daunted timid startled insane unbalanced in a flat spin taut excitable under pressure restive overactive heated timorous wrought-up overcome windy mad feverish aghast hot under the collar hag-ridden aroused highly strung harried affected skittish swivel-eyed embarrassed under stress angry all of a dither abashed flighty perplexed in a twitter worked-up in a cold sweat on pins and needles stressed out like a fish out of water irrational febrile irritable neurotic mortified at the end of your tether careful chagrined wild provoked fretting shy touchy shivery hounded stunned panic-struck beleaguered hard-pressed panicked trembling hyperactive berserk awkward angstful solicitous careworn spooky squirrelly riled frenetic in a dither in a spin flummoxed deranged unscrewed hesitant in a sweat unhinged a wreck a bundle of nerves fuddled demented self-conscious pressurized in a twit in a state of agitation bewildered pressurised worried stiff floored all of a lather out of your mind out of place up against it under the cosh flipped out like a cat on a hot tin roof taken aback stressed-out out of one's mind in pieces with one's stomach in knots with one's heart in one's mouth with butterflies in one's stomach in shock undone trepidatious overemotional skittery sensitive brittle spasmodic weak histrionic fluttery emotive quaking inflamed mousy appalled fussy injured damaged strung-up horror-struck scary terrorized affrighted stirred up flapping asea easily frightened easily agitated emotionally charged moved unsteady clutched exacerbated puzzled displeased aggravated pestered overstretched falling apart impaired in a lather turbulent disorderly bricking oneself disorientated consumed all of a flutter wavering unpeaceful unrestful terrorised flushed intense in a bad way browbeaten galled chafed aquiver butterflies in stomach biting one's nails disoriented shaking in one's shoes intimidated fearsome suspicious cowardly terror-stricken discouraged frozen cowed funky faint-hearted blanched petrified disheartened tearing one's hair out tied up in knots unreluctant dazed confounded hurried frayed rushed strange unrelaxed in turmoil lost unsure tooshie hyped-up afire atingle hyperexcited carried away at one's wits' end not knowing what to do with oneself in a frenzy out of one's wit hunted freaked-out wound-up under a strain high keyed-up fired-up hot-and-bothered stirred weary strung-out worn unstrung tired spent furious frazzled throwing a wobbly at the end of one's tether with one's back up against the wall at the end of one's rope raging fevered uncontrolled steamed up caught off balance out of countenance shook-up at sea messed-up in botheration psyched-out mixed-up thrown off balance in awe scared stiff run scared violent fierce maniacal rabid ferocious hot under collar all shook up zipped up hot juiced up knocked sideways nuts addled out of control berko cross complaining put out of countenance weird last-minute zonkers corybantic scared to death have cold feet fractious petulant put upon sick very upset knocked for six weirded out freaked out spazzed out wigged out testy querulous at your wits' end at wits' end at wit's end ill crabbed captious crotchety tetchy peevish on the rack grumpy short-tempered ill-natured bad-tempered irascible like a chicken with its head cut off bad disordered cranky splenetic out of sorts ill-tempered wrought up whining crabby grumbling ratty wreck snappish perverse contrary ornery caviling faultfinding carping huffy critical mean poorly cavilling shaking watchful dreading in suspense in a state of nerves a basket case sweating bullets shot to pieces like a cat on hot bricks having butterflies in the stomach

Tính từ

Sad and dispirited
dejected down downhearted blue depressed gloomy miserable sad despondent downcast glum low melancholy wretched crestfallen disconsolate dismal doleful woebegone disheartened low-spirited cast down morose broken-hearted crushed demoralised demoralized desolate heavy-hearted unhappy forlorn hangdog heartbroken long-faced bad brokenhearted choked disappointed discouraged dispirited down in the dumps droopy heartsick heartsore heavyhearted inconsolable joyless melancholic mournful saddened shamefaced sorrowful sorry woeful abject atrabilious black bleak broody chap-fallen cheerless clouded dampened dashed dolorous dragged drooping fed up hurting in the doldrums moody mopey mopish sagging spiritless brassed off cheesed off down in the mouth shot down sick as a parrot all torn up in the pits pessimistic lugubrious in pain destroyed despairing cast-down grim down and out in low spirits bleeding crummy in the dumps in a blue funk troubled distressed dull tearful upset chapfallen oppressed wistful weeping ripped dysphoric tristful funereal bummed-out torn up on a downer low-down let down taken down in the toilet grief-stricken hopeless grieving in despair grumpy dismayed daunted defeatist mirthless down-in-the-mouth dreary downbeat sombre somber saturnine sullen sulky elegiac listless anguished weighed down as sick as a parrot dark sorry for oneself plaintive nostalgic sick at heart lamenting Eeyorish at regretful desperate lachrymose teary mourning griefstricken damp crabbed sour sepulchral subdued dour surly churlish emo sob story adust huffy ill-humoured shaken sapped thrown shattered ill-humored negative cowed pensive brooding sunk out of sorts low in spirits let-down not happy singing the blues broken agonised sunk in gloom down-hearted down in dumps hurt languid emotional rueful aggrieved triste shot-down languorous agonized elegiacal gray comfortless grey uneasy depressing depressive solemn drear morbid cold dire pathetic heartrending tenebrous lonesome lonely saddening piteous godforsaken tenebrific murky heartbreaking darkening chill plutonian dreich sunless cloudy Cimmerian disheartening afflicted distressing dispiriting tragic grave painful drab pitiful dejecting humourless lamentable devastated discouraging austere humorless heart-rending dingy uncomfortable oppressive poignant grieved pitiable plangent pained bitter upsetting sorrowing unfortunate stark distressful disappointing draggy weary down-and-out distraught dolesome regrettable dreadful drearisome uninviting moving grievous unwelcoming weepy shocking horrific gutted dim inhospitable bare harrowing enervated terrible helpless bland flat unpleasant clinical impersonal cut up agonizing appalling agonising sober dolent tear-jerking wintry jarring wintery institutional sorry for yourself moping displeased lovesick poor bereaved dirgelike tormented threnodic defeated glowering traumatic disillusioned serious difficult demoralizing abashed discontented bewailing bemoaning wailing funeral aching deploring dirge-like ghastly frightful horrifying sheepish suffering unsmiling apathetic demoralising discomposing touching in tears in grief in doldrums daunting heavy calamitous uncommunicative horrible troublesome frightening bereft languishing frowning troubling taciturn heart-wrenching sick ruthful unconsolable unfavorable unfavourable awful resigned in sorrow in mourning macabre loathsome repugnant bowed down full of sorrow cynical ugly long-suffering worried unamused perturbed bothered sedate prostrated scowling disgruntled undermined disturbed concerned heart-sick deathly Stygian obscure hollow discombobulated uptight bugged sore shook antsy burned contused grouchy disenchanted angry annoyed cross disenchanting cringing browbeaten guilty bad-tempered excruciating crushing without energy depressant dirgeful hurtful phlegmatic ill-tempered unresponsive guilty-looking furtive affecting taken aback deflated lowered bowed shook up unsatisfied torn-up discontent suicidal vexatious prostrate with grief off sluggish worthless ashamed intimidated embarrassed sneaking lost given to looking on the black side have the blahs self-indulgent self-absorbed wallowing derisible mortifying unable to be comforted unable to be consoled forgotten homeless forsaken abandoned feeling down full of gloom blue funk looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny grousing cranky bellyaching cantankerous crabby beefing cowering humiliated conscience-stricken tortured luckless friendless destitute uncared-for frantic anxious beside oneself with grief in a funk wounded strained with a long face ticked off teed off browned off peed off bearish having the blahs having blue devils racked ailing dragging solitary defenseless defenceless fruitless alone doomed afflicting unmitigable deplorable no-win can't win not a prayer at end of one's rope strabilious at the end of your tether in the soup bummed hapless powerless downtrodden forbidding tender longing unfriendly stern up the creek without hope severe dreamy soulful yearning pining gruff disconcerting threnodial self-pitying gruesome poker-faced disturbing displeasing dismaying lovelorn hideous grisly unnerving unlucky testing unwelcome worrying alarming parlous flinty fierce intimidating ungentle louring steely rough lowering mean-looking rugged lurid unearthly horrid irritable bewildering off-putting perturbing frustrating foreboding irksome disapproving stony unsympathetic mephitical hellish unpropitious unkind repellant repellent vexing annoying abhorrent galling perplexing distasteful unpalatable sinister revulsive unamusing inauspicious aggravating ominous uncongenial irritating unpleasing disagreeable eerie horrendous hard-faced hard harsh stringent grotesque ghostly terrifying gory nightmarish monstrous fearsome revolting pitiless grewsome shadowy repulsive terrific nightmare spookish weird scary shady atrocious spooky offensive chilling sickening unhealthy God-awful death-obsessed lacklustre unenthusiastic passive insipid weak lifeless limp meek characterless colourless irresolute feeble submissive torpid unmoved spineless unimpassioned wooden dry vapid uninspired uninspiring passionless lackadaisical bloodless mopy desiccated anaemic slothful cowardly tame gutless dopey inanimate blah indecisive unconcerned boring lackluster indifferent drippy colorless anemic wishy-washy flat tire lacking in vitality

Tính từ

Extremely angry
furious fuming infuriated mad enraged incensed raging boiling inflamed frenzied livid maddened wrathful incandescent irate angry indignant outraged apoplectic ranting riled seething very angry choked frantic raving sore wroth aerated beside oneself cross hopping mad ireful raving mad steamed up wild angered ballistic choleric crook enflamed foaming hopping horn-mad hot in a frenzy infuriate rabid rankled riley roiled ropeable shirty snaky soreheaded steaming ticked vex in a temper tooshie all-out bent breakneck cheesed off concerted corybantic crazed demented desperate energetic full-on hacked hot under the collar in a lather in high dudgeon insane irrational maniac manic on the warpath smoking steamed teed off uncompromising unreasonable up in arms upset bent out of shape in a paddy up the wall as cross as two sticks browned off extremely angry in a bate beside yourself foaming at the mouth fit to be tied going crook in a huff blue in the face in a fume in a pet violent fierce vehement frenetic rage vicious in a towering rage aggravated aggrieved irked irascible antagonized miffed provoked peeved huffy exasperated displeased rousted piqued splenetic roused nettled frustrated annoyed waxy stroppy bugged vexed heated irritated antagonistic dogged hostile uptight buffaloed perturbed scandalized storming resentful ill-humored scandalised dark spare passionate antagonised shocked worked up hacked off wound up hot-tempered fed up ill-tempered bad-tempered boiling mad ticked off ill-humoured overcome with anger seeing red at boiling point peed off raging mad all steamed up in a rage burned up beside yourself with rage pushed too far blown a gasket rubbed the wrong way put out at end of one's rope hot and bothered off the air with all guns blazing in a filthy temper disgruntled narked galled agitated testy bothered offended eggy ratty brassed off ruffled not best pleased excited troubled affronted berserk bitter miffy disturbed dissatisfied crazy irritable flustered scunnered snuffy wrath in a bad mood delirious deranged unglued discontented hurt distressed surly harassed aggressive sour snappy distraught hysterical filthy out of control keyed up freaked out acrimonious short-tempered tetchy belligerent unfriendly hateful malevolent vitriolic malignant rancorous harried crabby impatient vindictive maniacal hoha malicious sulky afflicted worried chafed ferocious grouchy feverish intense het up spiteful grumpy overwrought malign panic-stricken fraught militant venomous gnashing one's teeth hectic weird zonkers unzipped in a tizzy wired hyper unscrewed weirded out spazzed out flipped out shook up wigged out impassioned in a stew at wits' end sullen quick-tempered pained fiery animated blazing flaming fervent disgusted anxious disagreeable infected embittered waspish black unhinged narky touchy dirty unhappy uncharitable rude blazing mad flaming mad cantankerous combative tormented uncontrolled inhospitable bellicose confrontational pugnacious inconsiderate crackers nutty fevered petulant fretted crabbed churlish catty uncongenial unsympathetic poisonous enthusiastic swivel-eyed berko prickly distracted chippy cranky peevish snappish unkind abusive unsociable scrappy foul ardent hurtful joyless rampant crotchety at daggers drawn viperous uncontrollable out of humour in a state mean-spirited ill-natured evil-minded sombre somber in an uproar insulted burning with excitement madding overexcited good and mad mad as hell slighted dishonored humiliated scalding steamy piping stung airborne air-to-air flying ballistical surface-to-air ready to be tied umbrageous dishonoured radge grieved chagrined mean disappointed p.o.'d scornful very upset acrid weighty grieving hard annoying distressing hassled overheated in a wax disheartened obnoxious rotten snitty stimulated aroused discouraged red swollen as black as thunder wretched cruel vile wounding confused unfulfilled defeated raw eager raspy unsatisfied unsated ungratified perplexed out of sorts chafing septic reddened fervid snippety fizzing carrying a chip on your shoulder hung up festered itching smarting tender stinging burning itchy angry-looking painful ablaze snippy snarky pettish stuffy menacing out of countenance blustering powerful rough puffed up sensitive festering impetuous excitable forceful threatening very excited doing your nut boiling over going ape blistered burnt scalded bloodshot hot-headed evil wicked throwing a fit blowing one's top blowing a gasket ranting and raving maleficent baleful bad mad as a hornet glowering louring moody malefic fanatical extreme ornery querulous fractious evil-intentioned hate-filled peckish liverish grumbling curmudgeonly intolerant extremist bigoted unpleasant over-enthusiastic overzealous diehard biased prejudiced one-sided zealous partisan illiberal gung-ho on a short fuse short-fused panicky intemperate narrow-minded perfervid panic-struck dedicated overboard sick naked poisoned mad-dog ultraist diseased sizzling bitten unwell obsessed virulent flipped ill keen distrait hysteric last-minute in a flap having kittens in a tizz in a cold sweat at your wits' end in a flat spin at the end of your tether unbalanced lunatic psychotic certifiable cuckoo batty loony mental bonkers screwy nuts gaga wacko loco barmy unstable sectionable psychopathic cracked bats loopy meshuga touched bananas barking dippy dotty buggy nutso bushed nutsy squirrelly porangi schizoid yarra gibbering phrenetic mentally ill of unsound mind not right upstairs nutty as a fruitcake not quite right in the head not all there have kangaroos in the top paddock mad as a hatter away with the fairies have bats in the belfry round the bend non compos mentis stark mad as daft as a brush not together stark staring mad not the full shilling mad as a March hare round the twist barking mad not in one's right mind have a screw loose up the pole not right in the head stark raving mad off the wall sick in the head

Động từ

Past tense for to frustrate, vex, provoke, or annoy
gave someone the hump given someone the hump angered irritated made angry made cross vexed antagonised antagonized displeased exasperated galled irked piqued put out drove to distraction driven to distraction enraged infuriated maddened ruffled aggravated got gotten goaded hassled miffed needled nettled peeved provoked riled bugged drove crazy driven crazy drove mad driven mad got to gotten to rubbed up the wrong way got across gotten across narked teed off ticked off wound up burned up burnt up drove round the bend driven round the bend drove round the twist driven round the twist drove up the wall driven up the wall gravelled graveled made someone see red rankled rode ridden exacerbated gave someone the pip given someone the pip humped rasped upset annoyed hacked off incensed bothered put your back up chafed grated persecuted spited frosted offended disturbed griped itched hacked you off inflamed frustrated got at troubled harassed outraged nagged fretted roiled ate eaten perturbed pestered affronted worried agitated teased grope got your goat made waves got in your hair put someone's nose out of joint rankled with got on your nerves gotten on your nerves dissatisfied distressed rattled disgruntled discomposed plagued disgusted gotten at chagrined cheesed off made someone's blood boil got on your wick turned off made someone's hackles rise got under someone's skin tried rubbed the wrong way abraded ruffled someone's feathers rubbed you up the wrong way gave a hard time got your back up gotten your back up given a hard time mortified tormented harried hurt molested incommoded sent into a rage fired up badgered disquieted madded enflamed ired pained browned off hounded worked up tried your patience mithered got your dander up got in someone's hair tried someone's patience put someone's back up made your blood boil steamed up bit raised your hackles hit where one lives egged on cut to the quick put your nose out of joint gotten under skin gotten on someone's wick got under your skin gotten up someone's nose got up someone's nose driven bananas gotten someone's back up got someone's back up got on someone's wick got on someone's nerves gotten on someone's nerves got under skin drove bananas gotten under your skin dismayed insulted roused scandalized discountenanced embittered disaffected discontented afflicted stirred up nudged gnawed bedevilled henpecked bedeviled curdled perplexed disobliged repelled disappointed sounded revolted winged cooled got someone gotten someone capped mispleased zinged wound wounded beleaguered dogged bummed flustered depressed got one's goat grabbed excited played dirty gotten under one's skin wigged ignited acerbated discommoded tried one's patience got under one's skin tried the patience of gotten one's goat gotten on somebody's nerves soured bitten got on nerves gotten on nerves made your hackles rise wound somebody up given someone grief made blood boil got someone's dander up got on one's nerves gave someone grief fussed distempered pricked setted one's teeth on edge inconvenienced burnt mixed up made you see red attracted gotten someone's dander up awaked heated up embarrassed rattled someone's cage burned scandalised riled up hacked rubbed one the wrong way sticked in one's craw got someone's hackles up absorbed absorpt motivated umbraged got up your nose worked on gotten on one's nerves picked on grated on got on somebody's nerves asked for it made one see red quickened interested eaten at ate at gotten on someone got on someone broke broken brake gnawn gave a bad time gotten in one's hair given a bad time got in one's hair got someone's goat gotten someone's goat stung got your hackles up drove you up the wall eaten away at driven you up the wall gotten your hackles up ate away at awoken given the business gave the business awoke got a rise out of gotten a rise out of worn on wore on baited niggled disconcerted taunted discomfited aggrieved injured grieved beset slighted distracted dissed shocked jarred on put down put off caused offense hurt someone's feelings unsettled confused got across someone confounded jarred flurried prodded affected crossed devilled deviled empurpled concerned disrespected grilled deranged pursued put discomforted alarmed crazed sickened browbeat nauseated horrified scared unnerved frazzled intimidated repulsed ailed fazed bullied aroused unhinged exercised discombobulated hectored put someone out beat upset the apple cart hurt somebody's feelings put someone off their stroke set one off set on put into a flap put on the spot put somebody's nose out of joint pressed ached nipped poked penetrated pinched compressed cramped squeezed chivvied prickled chivied tattered frayed eroded chid chided harmed tantalized interrupted bored crushed bristled stewed petted tiffed huffed impeded hindered festered tantalised foiled thwarted steamed saddened spurred scoured slapped boiled snubbed agonized incited intruded upon imposed on victimized heckled hazed crabbed begrudged grudged bent someone's ear browbeaten slurred humiliated breathed down someone's neck carped at started stirred raised hell abused dispraised confronted slandered criticised criticized terrorized devastated raged tangled questioned examined tweaked quizzed made sore lost one's temper excoriated panicked caused resentment to caused annoyance to loused up cramped style hung up imposed upon made nervous excruciated startled frightened bruised turned one off dumped on pothered gnawed at expelled dragooned wronged victimised exiled obsessed hunted terrorised crucified grated upon jarred upon hagrid alarumed derailed scraped away shook up shaken up blustered frilled flummoxed furbelowed stumped disrupted cowed fuddled floored lambasted possessed shattered agonised caused sorrow bled nagged at caused anguish mourned caused suffering given offence to gave offence to worked into lather made anxious caused anxiety setted your teeth on edge squicked grossed out dazed bewildered made livid messed run up the wrong way resent made it hot for someone disenchanted messed with weirded out made unhappy caused to panic turned your stomach made things hot for someone freaked out surfeited complicated rattled one's cage puts somebody's nose out of joint interfered puzzled astounded pushed someon's buttons abominated resented pushed the buttons of made shudder cloyed on made somebody's blood boil relucted made uneasy filled with loathing singled out caused someone to lose their composure ruffled one's feathers got the knife into intruded caused aversion palled thumbed nose at tired amazed caused to feel nauseous offended morals of turned one's stomach gnawed away at disheartened made one sick made someone want to throw up sticked the knife into aken bore blew up blown up putten shaken shook worn down wore down gotten even got even thrown threw beaten wore out wore away worn out worn away worn upon wore upon thrown off balance threw off balance driven insane drove insane trod on someone's toes trodden on someone's toes given offence gave offence undone undid hagridden hagrode ran up the wrong way given a zinger given the cold shoulder gave a zinger gave the cold shoulder worn wore took a rise out of taken a rise out of ate up eaten up wore to shreds bit into worn to shreds bitten into drove you crazy driven you crazy gotten in the way got in the way thrown into a tizz threw into a tizz threw into tizzy thrown into tizzy drove you to distraction driven you to distraction drove out of mind driven somebody up the wall drove you off your head driven you round the twist driven you out of your mind drove you round the bend drove you round the twist driven you off your head drove somebody up the wall driven you round the bend drove you out of your mind driven out of mind

Động từ

Past tense for to cause to feel sorrow
saddened dejected depressed dashed desolated dispirited grieved upset burdened cast down discouraged disheartened distressed got down oppressed aggrieved deplored dismayed downed pained pressed brought down made sad weighed down dampened spirits dragged down made blue broke one's heart broken one's heart brought one down cast a gloom on turned one off brought tears to your eyes cast a gloom upon made your heart bleed put a damper on put into a funk threw cold water on thrown cold water on poured cold water on troubled afflicted bothered perturbed tormented vexed worried disturbed crushed daunted harassed hurt dampened harrowed demoralized disconcerted chagrined plagued ailed demoralised debilitated mortified agitated cut to the quick stressed discomposed strained concerned irked beset tried haunted wound wounded pestered enervated wearied annoyed fretted irritated displeased beat narked abased got to made despondent made gloomy weighed heavily on hacked off dulled inconvenienced bugged made desolate hung over discomforted beat down fazed caused suffering to disappointed cast a pall over let down hurt somebody's feelings dashed the hopes of shaken shook tortured agonized gnawed at discommoded sapped riled made wretched caused anguish to exasperated galled racked made miserable agonised chastened chilled lowered overwhelmed subjugated stifled subdued suppressed disillusioned drained taxed weakened devitalized squelched smothered diminished lied nagged disquieted dragged darkened cowed damped lied heavy on preyed on disenchanted alarmed gotten to humbled overpowered overcome extinguished quelled deadened defeated curbed bedevilled incommoded bedeviled run down reduced to tears abashed unsettled ruffled flustered unnerved made unhappy overcharged disobliged beaten down damped down hassled discountenanced disgruntled kept under knocked for six knocked the stuffing out of angered offended frightened embittered knocked sideways harshed someone's mellow rattled peeved dashed hopes unhinged psyched frazzled indisposed spooked fussed miffed discombobulated derailed got someone down caused trouble to made someone fed up dampened the spirits of weirded out dished out stuck it to turned on got at freaked out stirred up incapacitated keyed up made waves sickened crazed flipped out layed up distempered pothered bewildered hagrid shattered the illusions of confounded turned cramped fired up rocked the boat made a scene flipped flurried got across alarumed wound up picked on ticked off dished it out egged on distracted laid up floored stung burnt up broke the heart of burned up broken the heart of broke broken brake beaten ran down overcame bore down on borne down on given someone the blues gave someone the blues threw thrown took the heart out of taken the heart out of bore down borne down given it to gave it to broke someone's heart broken someone's heart gotten across gave a hard time undone gotten at hagridden gotten on someone's wick given someone grief gave someone grief thrown off balance got on someone's wick got someone gotten someone threw off balance given a hard time undid hagrode harried beleaguered weighed on perplexed aggravated obsessed made anxious hounded niggled persecuted exercised caused anxiety to made uneasy anguished besieged pressed down on possessed cut discomfited teared appalled nagged at despaired sweat teased needled pricked grinded ground tantalized tantalised chafed niggled at caused concern to made uncomfortable put off caused discomfort to cut up wrung touched weighed moved taken over took over recurred stabbed scared shattered torn tore maddened preoccupied infested nettled took control of taken control of festered cursed badgered knocked the wind out of feared sweated stewed tyrannised tyrannized harshed one's mellow importuned tested injured come back to rankled gnawed puzzled martyred strapped dogged goaded pushed hectored dunned rankled with caused disquiet to provoked stayed with interrupted aroused anxiety in preyed on one's mind eaten at ate at driven up the wall caused anguish hacked you off caused someone distress made it tough for psyched out drove up the wall pushed buttons caused pain sweated out caused anxiety wringed came back to worn wore gnawn nit-picked threw off thrown off gave a bad time given a bad time done a number on did a number on

Từ trái nghĩa của bummed out

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