Từ đồng nghĩa của moping

Alternative for moping

mopes, moped, moping

Từ đồng nghĩa: fret, grieve, sorrow, sulk,

Động từ

Present participle for to move or act at a slow speed
dawdling dallying lingering loitering delaying lagging tarrying dillydallying crawling diddling creeping dragging poking lollygagging lallygagging shilly-shallying procrastinating trailing dilly-dallying plodding putting off idling dragging your feet straggling falling behind hanging about dragging one's feet getting no place fast sauntering pausing ambling marking time hanging around taking your time taking one's time limping inching waiting moseying wasting time stalling shuffling hesitating slouching killing time dithering drifting moving slowly dropping behind lagging behind puttering hanging fire fooling around frittering away nosing snailing oozing loafing toddling lolling strolling hanging back flagging trudging slackening trailing behind going slowly meandering staying tailing tooling temporizing mooching trifling whiling away time staggering vacillating creaking along wandering traipsing rambling pottering about temporising filibustering pottering around faltering pottering round staying put goofing off hanging out sitting around warming a chair horsing around slacking shirking schlepping along stonewalling biding boondoggling tottering waiting around using delaying tactics holding back humming and hawing hanging on putting off doing something buying time playing for time playing a waiting game remaining walking slowly taking a stroll strolling along taking it easy fooling with whiling away trifling with playing games with fooling about skulking stopping lodging resting halting hovering lurking shambling sloughing dabbling hanging round losing time stopping over goofing around holding the phone passing time pottering diddle-daddling diminishing failing dropping falling back decreasing frittering time away dragging behind ebbing waning sitting on one's butt scrounging around shlepping along bumming around retarding slowing jellying lounging hobbling bringing up the rear slowing up inching along losing strength falling off draggling limping along creeping along advancing slowly wearing on hanging heavy slowing down appearing to pass slowly going on and on going on too long becoming tedious fribbling maundering doodling straying wavering fiddling around kicking around puttering around monkeying around messing around tootling frittering havering playing fiddling swithering roaming postponing deferring fiddling about roving footling adjourning messing about lounging about holding off acting the fool mucking about clowning lounging around playing around tinkering fluctuating losing ground frittering away time taking one's own sweet time whiling away the time piddling burning daylight passing the time following bimbling pootling coasting swanning floating dragging oneself dragging yourself tagging along dragging your heels hemming and hawing pussyfooting around blowing hot and cold dragging along taking too long tagging along behind proceeding in a leisurely fashion larking futzing twiddling prolonging protracting goldbricking cooling going aimlessly poking along fannying about taking a raincheck letting slide deferring action relaxing suspending action postponing action kicking the can down the road ranging moseying around puddling dangling drooping sagging shelving remitting doing nothing much chilling out amusing oneself faffing about playing the fool lazing around mucking around larking around pratting about having a lark mooching around having a laugh clowning around resting up lolling around spreading erring scrambling straddling hanging down putting over holding up holding over laying over poking around putting back holding off on rescheduling putting on the back burner leaving to another time putting on hold suspending putting on ice proroguing strining out

Động từ

Present participle for think deeply about something that makes one unhappy, angry, or worried
brooding pondering musing obsessing thinking agonising agonizing agonizing over contemplating fretting meditating dwelling on fretting about grieving over languishing over mooning over moping over mulling over repining ruminating sulking about thinking about worrying about bleeding considering daydreaming deliberating desponding dreaming feeling despondent about glooming grieving lamenting languishing meditating on musing on poring over reflecting ruminating on sighing speculating sulking worrying chewing over puzzling over ruminating over weighing up chafing inwardly stewing over sweating out sweating over thinking upon dwelling upon eating your heart out eating one's heart out mourning suffering bemoaning mooning ruing rueing pining pining away languishing for regretting the loss of weeping over shedding tears for crying over brooding over thinking over weighing deliberating on studying revolving reviewing giving thought to reflecting on cogitating on cogitating questioning deliberating about brainstorming brooding on ruminating about wrestling with poring on turning over cerebrating eyeing turning perpending entertaining debating figuring giving consideration to pondering on pondering over kicking around speculating about cogitating about envisioning examining analyzing deciding on evaluating racking brains thinking out turning over in your mind thinking through sizing up analysing having a think about cerebrating on giving some thought to turning over in one's mind looking into chawing mulling thinking on turning over in mind hammering away at excogitating mulling over things wondering about chewing over things stewing about using one's head deliberating over stewing summing up meditating over chewing seeing revolving in one's mind forming going over contemplating on taking under consideration formulating sorting out clarifying hypothesising making sense of assessing making musing over stopping to consider taking stock of hashing over figuring out picturing reflecting upon hypothesizing anguishing over puzzling reasoning imagining conceiving envisaging excruciating over tormenting oneself over obsessing on distressing oneself over torturing oneself over fretting over chewing on looking at noodling around flashing on chewing the cud beating one's brains out about

Động từ

Present participle for walk in a leisurely way
strolling ambling rambling sauntering walking promenading wandering moseying roaming dawdling meandering perambulating traipsing bimbling hiking mooching pootling stooging stravaiging toddling tootling tramping tromping peregrinating puttering swanning cruising drifting gallivanting lingering ranging roving sashaying straying swinging taking a walk getting some air getting some exercise going for a walk taking a turn taking the air making your way stretching your legs making one's way going for a constitutional pottering maundering streeling loitering ankling dallying percolating oozing trilling tarrying stumping going for a stroll taking a stroll trekking floating prowling straggling marching batting galavanting knocking about trudging gadding about kicking around moving striding gadding going walkabout treading coasting vagabonding jaunting proceeding going shuffling travelling traveling traversing knocking around touring breezing rolling hoofing it trailing stepping circumambulating ambulating footslogging trooping passing advancing journeying pacing waltzing plodding yomping hoofing padding slogging going on foot backpacking tripping lumbering walking casually legging it patrolling circumnutating hopscotching hitting the road milling around globe-trotting milling round milling about following one's nose mooching around walking the tracks progressing parading filing cantering trogging prancing strutting hitting the bricks footing it wending one's way circumlocuting going slowly getting sidetracked dandering trundling trolling boogying boogieing divagating bumming pounding the pavement fiddling dabbling tinkering scrambling exploring climbing twining extravagating changing recoiling idling trekking through wandering aimlessly winding zigzagging footling frittering fribbling voyaging struggling along bumming around going off at a tangent getting off the point moving aimlessly stepping out clambering scuffing racing locomoting shambling stalking walking slowly twisting and turning migrating transitioning plodding on going aimlessly mincing footing messing about departing venturing wayfaring globetrotting batting around skipping ascending descending tiptoeing setting out taking a trip pushing on setting forth pressing on going by foot moving forward going down going up traveling on foot travelling on foot going forward poking along schlepping sailing galloping toiling pounding sweeping gliding crossing trucking trotting dragging oneself wending finding one's way walking up and down marching up and down skimming slipping bowling brushing whisking streaming sliding flowing hurrying walking to and fro walking back and forth flitting moving briskly sallying

Tính từ

Irritable and quick to take offense at petty things
moody sulky sullen angry temperamental grumpy irritable morose touchy cantankerous cross emotional offended crabbed crusty curt frowning glum irascible miserable mopish petulant saturnine sour crabby dour sensitive testy tetchy uptight agitable broody chippy dejected excitable huffy impatient mardy mopey piqued splenetic waspish blue crotchety fierce fiery huffish kittle mopy mumpish neurotic skittish tooshie wounded bad-tempered ill-humoured ill-humored ill-tempered short-tempered high-strung easily agitated easily frightened easily upset hot-headed hot-tempered quick-tempered surly fractious pouty churlish pouting resentful disgruntled scowling grouchy prickly curmudgeonly perverse gruff peevish short ornery querulous peeved vexed put out down in the mouth long-faced rude choleric shrewish brusque unpleasant boorish uncivil disagreeable impolite discourteous bilious dyspeptic truculent abrupt humourless disrespectful humorless ungracious bearish unfriendly unsmiling unhelpful acid blunt glowering ill-mannered ugly gloomy dark fed up aloof ill-natured withdrawn depressed fretful brooding obstinate sourpussed unsociable out of humour stroppy uncooperative dismal sulking mean cheerless snappy annoyed out of sorts in a bad mood bloody-minded choked irritated ratty snappish shirty edgy miffed cranky soreheaded eggy thin-skinned narked ticklish whingy narky peckish in the sulks in a huff in a strop having a fit of the sulks in a funk in a mood pettish miffy snaky riled angered hurt provoked irked stewed exasperated insulted nettled like a bear with a sore head liverish complaining snippy bitter peppery scratchy snarky snippety stuffy raspy discontented sorehead acrimonious captious grumbling on edge quarrelsome whingeing dissatisfied spiteful waxy displeased difficult unmannerly harsh hostile out of temper rough sore scrappy nasty on a short fuse inconsiderate cussed argumentative out of humor confrontational bellicose pugnacious rancorous critical aggrieved loutish volatile cynical fussy uncouth ill-bred insolent tart impudent bad-mannered grudging acrid whiny oafish crude belligerent griping sharp indignant combative contrary irate short-fused whining as cross as two sticks cross-grained contentious malcontent unhappy ireful aggressive vulgar ungentlemanly ungallant trying grousing caviling cavilling unmannered thoughtless coarse antagonistic cheesed off ignorant hateful defiant mannerless teed off fault-finding abusive embittered feisty impertinent offensive militant arsey mad snarling unkind wrathful disaffected tough wroth insulting tense carping crass obstreperous awkward bad uncharitable begrudging envious unchivalrous unrefined waspy unladylike indecorous discontent offhand jaundiced fretting ungratified mean-spirited disputatious malicious malcontented kvetching unhandsome uncalled-for fresh hacked off uncultured ticked off browned off hot-blooded having got out of bed on the wrong side hot under the collar not best pleased out of joint inhospitable violent malevolent destructive incensed furious warlike loudmouthed livid apoplectic fuming snarly misanthropic pertinacious assaultive agonistic discordant crybaby disappointed uncongenial aggravated frustrated recalcitrant hotheaded oversensitive graceless audacious brash malignant vindictive indelicate plaintive salty catty derogatory bolshie taciturn passionate disobliging growling childish chuffy cheeky jealous vitriolic disquieted bristly upset vex restless snuffy vicious gross venomous filthy off contumacious hoha lippy peed off offish disapproving picky disgracious brassed off wild flip contumelious underbred faultfinding malapert steamed up disturbed having got out of bed the wrong side nasty-tempered unpolished caustic out-of-sorts insubordinate ill-disposed ferocious impulsive wicked inflammable foul ungenerous unforgiving unsympathetic murmuring hypercritical censorious revengeful insensitive clumsy presumptuous iracund iracundulous cruel vinegary hasty hurtful joyless unlikable grumbly moaning bemoaning whimpering wailing negative crying deploring lamenting eristic viperous malign chagrined refractory tempersome sharp-tongued Eeyorish with a long face unresponsive uncommunicative in high dudgeon galled foul-tempered easily offended misbehaved uncultivated evil-minded tactless perturbed pert brassy inimical adversarial pigheaded thrawn huffy irascible hard to please low-bred steamed disparaging with a chip on your shoulder fed up to the teeth sick and tired fed up to the back teeth sick to death reluctant crook ropeable threatening unsatisfied unfulfilled arrogant undiplomatic jumpy in a paddy up in arms on the warpath foaming at the mouth in a bate hopping mad in a lather bent out of shape fit to be tied aerated cocky unwilling uncomplimentary froward contrarious obstructive balky rankled hot outraged infuriate hopping infuriated steaming ticked ballistic horn-mad rabid inflamed riley enraged enflamed foaming ungenteel mouthy smart alecky smart-alecky brazen hard overbearing out-of-line intrusive inaffable yokelish bounderish peremptory disdainful mighty antipathetic restive regretful psyched up angerful frenzied ranting in a temper raving cold convulsed unenthusiastic half-hearted hesitant with chip on shoulder hard done by vehement grudge-bearing sardonic irreconcilable with a chip on one's shoulder ennuied sniveling put-out unassuaged insatiable fed-up unappeased bothered not satisfied unsated no-nonsense laconic bluff forced disinclined classless clownish cloddish snivelling sombre somber atrabilious zowerswopped unceremonious brawly gladiatorial loath perversely irritable itching aggers disobedient uncivilised clodhopping polite miserly rustic uncivilized base lowbred unneighborly spoiling for a fight scathing ready for a fight deadly vituperous terrifying intimidating cowing terrorising trenchant mordacious frightening browbeating terrorizing bullying mordant boisterous roiled rebellious dysfunctional delinquent crabbing bellyaching uncontent kicking naughty badly behaved undisciplined unruly wayward ill-disciplined mischievous badly-behaved misbehaving problematic bad tempered socially impaired willful self-willed tiresome erratic errant unmanageable disruptive pesky roguish rowdy undisciplinable ill-behaved demanding troublous incorrigible maladjusted bold exasperating unrestrainable uncontrollable stubborn irksome uncompliant rascally uncontainable devilish wearisome indocile disorderly

Tính từ

Having a somber or dismal atmosphere or nature
tenebrific black bleak cheerless dark desolate disconsolate dismal dreary forlorn glum miserable morose saturnine solemn somber sullen chill Cimmerian cloudy cold comfortless darkening depressing depressive dire drear dreich elegiac elegiacal funereal gloomy godforsaken gray grey lonely lonesome lugubrious morbid murky plutonian sepulchral sombre sunless tenebrous wretched blue broody chapfallen crabbed crestfallen dejected depressed despondent dispirited dour downcast downhearted dragged joyless low melancholy mirthless moody mopish mournful oppressed pessimistic sad sulky surly ugly unhappy weary woebegone woeful blue funk in low spirits in the dumps down in the dumps down in the mouth melancholic down doleful humourless humorless taciturn sorrowful low-spirited dolorous frowning sober glowering troubled bad-tempered grumpy unsmiling uncommunicative grave ill-tempered phlegmatic unresponsive in a blue funk having blue devils singing the blues having the blahs hopeless discouraged disappointed disheartened demoralized subdued bad heavyhearted droopy heartbroken heartsick brokenhearted hangdog heartsore sorry inconsolable saddened adust feeling down full of gloom chap-fallen cheesed off heavy-hearted brassed off in the doldrums long-faced fed up demoralised Eeyorish cast down looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny grim drab disheartening despairing distressed tearful dull spiritless abject grief-stricken anguished dispiriting broken-hearted discouraging austere rueful pathetic uninviting hurting bitter oppressive distressing foreboding grieving mourning forbidding upset heartbreaking severe heartrending bummed out teary piteous tragic stark devastated dingy defeatist in the pits afflicted serious down and out sour crushed dreadful weeping inhospitable stern uncomfortable in pain lachrymose destroyed dim pitiful brooding unwelcoming downbeat ominous sick as a parrot saddening harsh negative unfortunate mopey terrible awful unpleasant cast-down sorrowing pitiable lamentable wistful painful horrific pensive sinister regretful crummy harrowing bleeding grievous upsetting dysphoric earnest poor unpromising pained lamenting stony bare threatening intimidating horrible clinical dejecting impersonal hostile agonized weepy institutional hard bereaved weighed down heart-rending sunk in gloom in despair appalling inauspicious broken out of sorts crabby aggrieved listless fierce tristful agonised disagreeable stony-faced down-and-out down-hearted cut up cynical torn up sedate drearisome dirgelike plaintive steely unfriendly scowling poker-faced poignant menacing horrid flinty churlish choked bland dolesome cantankerous dismayed ghastly ungentle regrettable frightening helpless draggy with a long face distressful lurid ripped deplorable shocking macabre gutted wintry jarring wintery heavy unfavorable unfavourable loathsome shadowy nightmarish hurt unpropitious difficult worrying shot down displeasing no-nonsense troublesome emotional all torn up on a downer low-down let down taken down as sick as a parrot in the toilet gruff tormented gruesome abandoned grisly fatalistic gloom-ridden dirge-like eerie louring lowering ferocious grotesque angry traumatic nostalgic desperate low in spirits unamused sobersided distraught weighty enervated gory squalid mean-looking flat overwhelmed maudlin suffering staid solitary sordid disconcerting ghostly moving disapproving daunted spooky horrendous shaken frightful bereft distrustful traumatized disappointing sapped adverse bewailing bemoaning wailing aching atrocious fiery plangent horrifying shameful suspicious grouchy sourpuss muted deathly calamitous dangerous direful dolent cross doubting ill-humored spookish hellish execrable inferior lousy alarmist angst-ridden irritable grieved foul destitute resigned bearish ill-humoured tortured unenthusiastic unnerving indigent scurvy scungy impoverished detestable po-faced crusty rotten hapless sunk heavy with grief mortified overcome with sorrow traumatised agonizing agonising bummed-out gut-wrenching sick repugnant sick at heart chilling given to looking on the black side down in dumps doubtful disturbing ill-boding in tears boot-faced languorous triste unwelcome parlous languid uncaring ruined deserted unimpassioned very sad waste ticked off teed off browned off peed off unmoved spartan threnodic threnodial disadvantageous exequial deathlike funebrial apathetic worthless tragical overcast touching portentous remorseful Stygian obscure hollow disquieting discomforting at demoralizing demoralising dirgeful depressant shamefaced intolerable lorn without energy misanthropic emo overcome pining down-in-the-mouth excruciating crushing companionless atrabilious clouded dampened drooping dashed sagging lowered bowed thrown shattered acheronian off sluggish huffy discomposing vexatious cowed sorry for yourself bummed powerless downtrodden lost uneasy worried down in mouth in grief in doldrums griefstricken damp let-down not happy have the blahs forgotten homeless forsaken doomed sob story distant unapproachable formidable aloof crying derisible mortifying heart-wrenching friendless uncared-for heart-breaking unmitigable strict testy unsociable peevish implacable languished bowed down funeral deploring shot-down diabolic diabolical ghoulish sadistic twisted perverted rough rugged savage fell stiff tear-jerking intimidatory dragging defenseless defenceless fruitless alone sobbing snappish crotchety cast-iron unappeasable furious critical mean dolorific ruthful afflictive resolute up the creek long-suffering without hope whimpering snivelling unsympathetic mardy mumpish waspish cruel gross devilish doomy close to tears splenetic vicious truculent despicable contemptible tough disgraceful vile blubbering hard-faced stringent trashy shoddy filthy minacious bodeful loury larmoyant sickly derisory sniveling on the verge of tears troubling dismaying straitened ill-fated hard-pressed discommodious harmful perilous undesirable full of hardship objectionable strained exacting ill-omened treacherous injurious pressing precarious exigent messy jeopardous apocalyptic rocky very bad in a bad mood mephitical unkind repellant repellent bewildering vexing unlucky off-putting testing annoying abhorrent galling perturbing perplexing distasteful unpalatable alarming revulsive frustrating daunting unamusing aggravating uncongenial irritating unpleasing irksome hideous anxious poverty-stricken easily moved chilly in floods of tears with tears in your eyes vexed perturbed unnerved agitated discomposed disconcerted bothered ruffled disquieted unearthly discombobulated harassed irked concerned uptight wrecked discountenanced flustered aflutter plagued haunted spooked bugged wounded shook harrowed terrifying jumpy persecuted antsy unglued monstrous fearsome revolting pitiless grewsome repulsive terrific nightmare strung out shook up weird scary shady offensive sickening unhealthy in a stew racked with suffering in a tizzy racked with pain God-awful death-obsessed aggressive indignant temperamental aggravated enraged

Từ trái nghĩa của moping

moping Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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