Từ đồng nghĩa của unladylike

Alternative for unladylike

unladylike /'ʌn'leidilaik/
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Tính từ

Not ladylike
ill-bred impolite ungracious coarse hoydenish indelicate manlike mannish rude tomboyish uncivil unfeminine unmannerly unrefined unwomanly crude uncouth vulgar disrespectful discourteous impertinent ungentlemanly ill-mannered bad-mannered inconsiderate thoughtless boorish impudent ungallant blunt unmannered uncalled-for unhandsome insolent churlish oafish mannerless sharp curt brusque offhand insulting masculine loutish rough unchivalrous offensive butch short Amazonian fresh abrupt viragoish viraginous audacious graceless derogatory cheeky gruff surly ignorant malapert contumelious underbred sullen flip macho crass presumptuous abusive mannified indecorous brash cavalier disparaging insensitive unpleasant lippy unfriendly uncomplimentary disgracious unkind smart-alecky ungenteel inaffable tactless undiplomatic uncharitable misbehaved low-bred badly behaved disagreeable tart bearish off gauche offish hostile terse boyish unruly boisterous uncultured unpolished gross arrogant inhospitable unfortunate cocky manly brazen smart alecky mouthy overbearing out-of-line insubordinate disdainful unceremonious uncourteous peremptory intrusive crabbed yokelish bounderish sassy rustic inurbane crusty virile red-blooded swashbuckling chauvinist he-man aggressively masculine unfeeling uncaring frank unsympathetic hurtful outspoken muscular tough male beefy strong strapping all man masc impolitic cruel uncivilized unconsiderate bluff uncivilised speaking as one finds plain-spoken uncalled for calling a spade a spade pert brassy irritable moody

Tính từ

Lacking in or damaging to dignity
undignified unsuitable ungentlemanly cheapening debasing demeaning unbecoming unbefitting unfitting unrefined unseemly unworthy belittling discreditable dishonorable dishonourable ignoble ignominious inelegant infra dig lowering mortifying shaming abject degrading disgraceful humiliating improper inappropriate indecent indecorous inglorious low scandalous shameful sorry unceremonious untoward base beneath you lacking dignity wretched beneath one's dignity indelicate indiscreet vulgar outrageous offensive tasteless disreputable crass unacceptable impolite in bad taste suggestive bold risqué immoral shocking immodest smutty distasteful forward unwholesome cheeky brazen off-colour shameless fresh out of keeping contemptible embarrassing scornful decrying pejorative derisory disparaging depreciative contemptuous denigratory slighting uncomplimentary derogative depreciatory deprecatory derogatory disdainful detractive denigrative discrediting menial despicable shoddy opprobrious infamous bringing shame shady humiliatory discomfiting reprehensible patronizing condescending derisive depreciating sneering notorious unrespectable louche shy patronising miserable pitiful unworthy of one infra indignitatem beneath one inexpedient corrupting downgrading humbling crushing treacherous unscrupulous corrupt disgracing blameworthy shabby untrustworthy unprincipled sordid deflating chastening squashing quashing barro cringe-making cringeworthy dishonoring toe-curling blush-making perfidious rotten rascally dirty crooked low-down villainous traitorous dishonouring beastly scoundrelly scurvy blackguardly knavish bringing down bringing low not cricket

Tính từ

Not suitable or appropriate in the circumstances
inapt unsuitable inappropriate improper inapposite unfit ill-suited incongruous indecorous infelicitous unbecoming unseemly amiss wrong unbefitting unfitting unprofessional malapropos ungentlemanly untoward ill-advised ill-considered ill-judged inadvisable inept inexpedient injudicious misguided regrettable unfortunate untimely awkward clumsy dull graceless ill-timed incompetent incorrect inopportune misplaced perverse slow stupid tactless tasteless unapt undue unhappy unsuited gauche ill-fitted inexpert lacking in propriety maladroit out of keeping out of place undesirable banal flat ill-adapted inadept inexperienced insipid jejune undexterous unfacile unhandy unmeet unproficient in bad taste in poor taste out of order indelicate undignified unacceptable unworthy discreditable indecent rough ungodly unseasonable offensive unmannerly tacky unworthy of unlovely unhandsome uncomely salacious unfair unwarranted uncalled-for incompatible inapropos inapplicable ineligible disproportionate irrelevant insensitive off inconsonant out of line unrefined disreputable left-field ill-chosen foot-in-mouth not proper bad form way off indiscreet impolite coarse poor crass rude raffish tawdry inelegant crude uncouth cheap malodorous rowdy ruffian vulgar shameful out of the way unfavorable inconvenient unfavourable discordant irregular inauspicious discrepant mistimed unwelcome unpropitious disadvantageous badly timed troublesome erroneous inharmonious contrary illogical inadmissible adverse unlucky unfitted contradictory imprudent absurd inaccurate bad extraneous odd unpredictable out-of-place dissonant inconsistent objectionable at odds unqualified ominous immodest detrimental false threatening abnormal preposterous ludicrous conflicting inadequate mismatched disparate out-of-season unpromising disconsonant irreconcilable bizarre incoherent off-base unrelated shifting distorted jumbled rambling unconnected fantastic divergent uncoordinated unbalanced lopsided unavailing uneven alien foreign unintelligible twisted fitful beyond the pale gloomy unreasonable immaterial impolitic premature prejudicial calamitous negative early wayward uncontrollable inconducive incongruent impertinent counter harmful immoral rotten destructive disturbing difficult problematic jarring clashing fractious damaging harsh unsatisfactory erring disagreeable out of character crooked unpleasant discommodious disparaging opposed ill not germane dreadful not good enough not suitable not designed ineligible for inadequate for unfitted for not designed for ill-adapted to not up to scratch unequipped for unprepared for unsuited to ill-suited to unsuitable for inappropriate to very bad diverse different at variance varying differing unmixable unwise misconceived uncalled for unequipped untactful out-of-the-way unconventional unsynchronized hasty incautious irrelative improprietous ridiculous meaningless pointless funny off-balance disappointing intrusive misjudged not done illegitimate dishonest dishonourable corrupt unethical irrational wrong-headed unscrupulous misdirected not pertinent dishonorable unmatched dissident interfering senseless unprepared not up to snuff not qualified deplorable disgraceful not cricket against the rules unorthodox loose unvirtuous wanton ill-bred shameless faulty defective boorish churlish ill-mannered discourteous uncivil shocking disobliging disobedient delinquent ornery unhealthy rebellious miscreant thrawn aberrant obstructive unhelpful mean awry ill-matched hostile mistaken confused unallowable imperfect adrift flawed astray out of its element forbidding terrible menacing invalid fallacious inefficient uncool useless ineffective unfriendly wretched inhospitable perilous direful foreboding grim sick foul unlawful haywire naughty prohibited precluded disallowed impermissible forbidden dire dangerous bleak not equal to no good not good enough for ill-fated worrying nasty ill-favored not acceptable unadmittable not allowable exceptionable censored unadmissible excluded barred banned unwanted unanticipated unexpected glitched up strange off-key ill-favoured unforeseen annoying disastrous unusual surprising unpredicted paradoxical ironic not in harmony in opposition incongruitous beside the point not appropriate willful intractable unmanageable unruly refractory headstrong incontrollable ungovernable wilful froward irritating recalcitrant bothersome precocious inimical vexatious sticking out a mile standing out a mile like a fish out of water disruptive misfortunate undisciplined unpliable hapless ill-starred stubborn star-crossed unyielding luckless indocile wild

Tính từ

Rough or uncouth in manner or behavior
boorish loutish uncouth churlish discourteous ungentlemanly barbaric bearish cloddish clownish coarse crass crude gross hick rude uncivilised uncivilized uncultivated unrefined unsophisticated vulgar classless gruff rough uncultured uneducated ungracious unpolished unsavory unsavoury barbarous brutish clodhopping common lowbred lumpen oafish slobbish thuggish awkward base cantankerous clumsy countrified ignorant impolite inurbane loud lubberly ocker ornery philistine plebby rustic swinish tasteless unpoised yobbish Neanderthal provincial ill-bred bad-mannered ill-mannered out-of-line lowbrow raffish incult roughneck uncivil rugged unmannerly insensible illiberal rough-hewn low indelicate indecorous inelegant blunt graceless foul-mouthed ungallant offensive unseemly brusque curt lewd improper savage inconsiderate harsh mannerless unmannered loud-mouthed impure trailer-park plebeian hooligan primitive ungainly impertinent ungenteel disrespectful disgracious poor shoddy backwoods hillbilly gawky barbarian sketchy raunchy raw sordid sleazy backward immature insensitive tough low-bred obscene foul dour profane severe indecent ribald hard brutal bluff uncalled-for heavy-handed common as muck fierce bawdy dirty stiff roughcast grim forbidding vulgarian austere filthy stern untutored intimidating inhuman cruel louring steely grievous stark mean flinty hardhanded oppressive artless ungentle heavy onerous unceremonious bitter murderous lowering cheap tacky nasty smutty tactless tawdry vile low-minded ignoble disgusting off-color naff low-down blue flashy immodest gaudy earthy lumpish garish thoughtless wretched despicable contemptible ostentatious showy ignominious immoral flash execrable currish dishonorable snide detestable paltry kitsch parochial debased wild abject dishonourable trashy scandalous low-down-and-dirty cheap and nasty in bad taste ordinary unfinished simple basic non-U gauche cheesy vernacular illiterate low-born ungraceful obnoxious obtuse baseborn native general unlettered unfeeling callous insolent undiscriminating imperceptive bungling ill-behaved agrestic corny troglodytic stolid loudmouthed rough and ready lowdown and dirty scatological rowdy bullying doltish badly behaved impudent abusive audacious cheeky disagreeable unhandsome presumptuous dense hoonish Philistine scatologic over-elaborate flamboyant overdone brassy kitschy glaring flaunting tinselly brash salacious swanky OTT glitzy risqué inappropriate naughty saucy racy taboo indiscreet meretricious tatty over the top hard-core suggestive lecherous explicit distasteful profligate repulsive squalid bad iniquitous wrong sinful unscrupulous evil wicked questionable base-minded groveling stupid ornate unclassy trivial useless hideous pretentious artificial foolish unlovely unsightly outlandish makeshift licentious malicious rakish libidinous randy odious scurrilous depraved corrupt unprincipled disreputable colourful unclean shameless gamy adult lascivious unchaste unvirtuous mucky fruity near the knuckle grimy off colour grubby wanton spicy X-rated colorful nudge-nudge dissolute reprobate dishonest shameful degenerate in poor taste grovelling slavish humble abominable discreditable menial infamous servile petty abhorrent disgraceful loathsome sorry pitiful ugly lowly worthless

Tính từ

Not maidenly

Từ trái nghĩa của unladylike

unladylike Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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