Từ đồng nghĩa của crumbling

Alternative for crumbling

crumbles, crumbled, crumbling

Từ đồng nghĩa: break up, disintegrate,

Tính từ

In a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect
collapsing disintegrating decaying decomposing deteriorating breaking crumbly derelict dilapidated eroding fragile moldering mouldering peeling putrefying ramshackle rickety rotten rotting rundown subsiding breaking up caving in falling apart falling in in ruins falling to pieces in bad condition on its last legs decrepit tumbledown broken-down run down shabby neglected run-down seedy gone to rack and ruin in disrepair deteriorated worn out ruined shacky decayed battered threadbare shambly rumpty scruffy unsound uncared-for tatty worse for wear dingy unmaintained shaky ruinous beat-up ratty bedraggled worn sleazy mean moth-eaten tacky tatterdemalion old grungy tattered grotty faded slummy tottering crummy in a state of disrepair damaged gone to seed bad miserable tumble-down squalid dog-eared putrid untended broken dumpy mangy worn-out timeworn scrubby weather-beaten unsafe falling apart at the seams insecure bombed-out down at heel antiquated creaky perishing the worse for wear creaking ill-maintained ragged in a bad way badly maintained flimsy sorry in tatters on your last legs insalubrious unkempt contaminated broken down corroded in decline down-at-the-heels down-at-heel beat up on the decline precarious on the way out seen better days poorly maintained rancid fetid off frayed patched holey festering declining unsteady well worn in ribbons dangerous rank waning wobbly shoddy infected wasting away spoiling disintegrated unstable in holes worn to shreds in rags weak dying sordid time-worn raggedy wretched moldy infirm tottery superannuated frail languishing depressed raggedy-ass rent warby mouldy used failing spoilt spoiled abandoned clapped out insubstantial dismal withering wrecked slovenly tired impaired injured marred poor foetid disheveled dishevelled destroyed defective slumlike frowzy having seen better days down-at-the-heel on the rocks breaking down slum-like coming apart at the seams wearing away in poor condition stale historic done sour dateless hazardous treacherous perilous degenerated eroded rotted tainted uncared faulty unreliable skanky scuzzy coming undone knocked around peaked shattered septic unhealthy blighted unwholesome seamy crumbled overworked overused sloppy raunchy unimproved beat busted dinged totaled lined wizened in bad repair out of condition below par under par nasty delicate unsavoury unsavory unpleasant fallen-in uncared for beaten up used-up fallen in rinky-dink condemned imperfect jerry-built feeble rusted oxidized oxidised not solid not safe not robust worn-down wrung out pegged out well-worn in trouble poverty-stricken rachitic unbalanced wavering rattletrap geriatric rocky quavering shaking crippled haggard effete anile in pieces in difficulty done for in a bad state beyond repair practically over degenerating stagnating stagnant grubby munted blasted forsaken obsolescent manky scungy botched mutilated hurt robbed uninhabited plundered pillaged harried harmed defaced untidy dodgy droopy overgrown wilted drooping sickly wilting ailing messy sagging flagging torn oxidising oxidizing rusting forceless atrophying standing still moribund used up decrepit. in ruins putrescent decomposed past its best at a standstill past it stinking perished smelly falling down maggoty worm-eaten flyblown wormy gangrenous putrefacient uncouth unkept filthy rough yucky ragtag scraggy disreputable ripped frazzled shaggy in shreds poorly made badly dressed badly worn full of holes pitiful desolate cheap slipshod base paltry crude low rugged torn to pieces tawdry second-rate disordered wild dirty disfigured bare meager meagre trashy unprepossessing all the worse for wear low-class dowdy slimy skeezy limp shredded out at elbows down and dirty forgotten unattended unloved overcrowded godforsaken underprivileged deprived beaten-up clapped-out unweeded uncultivated wonky outworn teetery ancient old-fashioned useless unusable weedgrown scroungy woebegone mediocre scabby dishonest crooked smirched substandard ordinary lousy well-read well-thumbed about to collapse about to break middling low-grade menial two-bit sad cure pot low-rent mucky indigent sick impoverished sticky gunky gungy fordone undone irreparable undid shot irremediable split unoccupiable unlivable tasteless gaudy vulgar desultory unpressed unfinished contemptible kitsch showy garish flash Brummagem common loud about to fall apart down at the heel uninhabitable naff flashy outmoded ostentatious out-of-date stodgy frumpy unbecoming waxy unsuitable poky gaunt drained unwell cheap and nasty pinched exhausted fatigued drawn in bad taste coarsened debauched raddled hollow-eyed malfunctioning inoperative washed out on one's last legs with sunken cheeks kaput down bust not working non-functioning dud not functioning finished duff knackered disorganized disorderly playing up gone haywire acting up gone phut conked out conked-out out of order jumbled disarrayed cluttered out of commission on the blink chaotic muddled on the fritz not in working order mussed tumbled rumpled mussy tousled confused disarranged messed littered in a state pell-mell disorganised messed up upside-down unruly topsy-turvy hugger-mugger in a mess higgledy-piggledy

Tính từ

Covered with mold
moldy decayed decaying dingy festering fungal funky fusty growing musty neglected old putrid rotten rotting seedy shabby smelly sprouting stale airless dirty mildewed mildewy stuffy fetid rank foetid bad rancid stinking malodorous off spoiled decomposing foul reeking decomposed putrescent spoilt noisome mouldy putrefied reeky sour tainted addled strong mouldering moldering olid whiffy mephitic putrefying stinky corrupted perished stenchy contaminated disgusting festy dank wormy worm-eaten maggoty flyblown carious evil-smelling turned foul-smelling frowsty ripe frowzy frowsy filthy corrupt pungent high noxious offensive miasmic putrefacient miasmal nidorous moldered putrefactive feculent rotted mouldered polluted repulsive gangrenous strong-smelling disintegrating spoiling infected nasty unpleasant niffy pongy disagreeable revolting unclean gamy soiled gross loathsome overripe stagnant squalid graveolent odorous curdled impure inedible unfit for human consumption soured nauseating obnoxious sickening perishing disintegrated humming wasting away wasted ill-smelling corroded unsound carrion icky degenerated yecchy grody stenchful fermented unfresh unventilated damp withered ruined riddled odoriferous acrid niffing mucid grimy grubby unhealthy mucky unsavory skunky unsavoury nauseous insalubrious scuzzy skanky vile grotty miry muddy scurvy putrified diseased defiled corroding caried dirtied pustular poisonous purulent faecal sullied beastly smelling fecal bad-smelling toxic unwholesome unhealthful deleterious unhygienic septic virulent venomous insanitary sickly adulterated unsanitary injurious unnutritious stained fouled infested harmful unsalutary lousy destructive lethal dangerous pernicious stinking to high heaven adulterate alloyed smutty blighted imperfect blemished impaired poisoned injured damaged harmed marred disused tarnished gone bad hard dry pestilential acid bitter odiferous harsh acidic polluting unsafe nocuous contaminating hardened scungy scummy germy degraded besmirched debased vitiated despoiled perverted poison toxicant dried out unfiltered past its best disease-ridden past its sell-by date unnourishing innutritious detrimental germ-ridden junk damaging ruinous malign baleful objectionable distasteful baneful inimical malignant pathological evil morbid

Tính từ

From or relating to a previous era
olden aged historic old aboriginal age-old ancient antediluvian antiquated antique archaic bygone cast-off dated decayed demode done early erstwhile former hackneyed hoary immemorial late moth-eaten of old of yore old as Methuselah old as the hills oldfangled old-fashioned old-time once onetime original outmoded out-of-date passé past primaeval primeval primitive primordial pristine quondam relic remote rusty sometime stale superannuated timeworn time-worn traditional unfashionable unoriginal venerable worn-out prehistoric obsolete outdated extinct defunct vintage forgotten out of date outworn dead medieval obsolescent long-ago earlier mediaeval previous demoded behind the times foregone old hat out of the ark fossilized earliest anachronistic démodé old-fangled neolithic mossy moldy gone by mouldy fossilised Stone Age out one-time departed superseded dateless out of style quaint old-hat unstylish out-of-style not with it musty prehistorical Noachian moribund kaputt kaput very old antiquarian classical corny odd square long-standing hoar lost finished long-gone gone old-world time-honoured expired vanished completed fusty unhip distant ancestral historical bypast ex- primigenial of olden days out of it neglected rococo dowdy not modern not current grown old disapproved of the old school dinosaur out of fashion retrograde old-school retro old-timey atavistic way back way back when latter-day long ago creaky olde worlde down memory lane horse-and-buggy clunky long gone done to death faded cobwebby well-established classic collectable redundant discarded discontinued unremembered unrecalled frumpish frumpy long past long departed past its prime conservative old-fogeyish primal removed backward-looking crusted feudal lost and gone lost in time consigned to oblivion old fashioned having seen better days rinky-dink deprecated square-toed antwacky fossil vieux jeu past it over passe had it done for past its sell-by date of long ago dead and gone past one's sell-by date old as Adam fixed rooted deep folk heritage old-style ended long-lived timeless nonextant forever long-established time-honored veteran old style belated forepassed spent past recall centuries old no more accomplished elapsed prior rooted in the past in oblivion sunk in oblivion recent dead and buried ago over and done with over and done whilom other preceding foregoing older water over the dam water under the bridge anterior precedent antecedent retired gone-by as was in the olden days behind one back when in the good old days ancient history ages ago disused tired exhausted abandoned has-been bent unusable out of commission out of use horse and buggy drab parachronistic decrepit behindhand shabby as old as the hills elderly plain dull threadbare picturesque tacky cheesy backward styleless crusty unpopular fogyish worn out worn homely fogeyish last year's unkempt passé senescent anachronous overused tasteless trashy unprogressive dusty inelegant backwards holey tattered ragged charming back-number fallen into disuse gothic frayed nostalgic period stodgy scruffy tatty mumsy enduring ageless established ticky-tack ticky-tacky retrogressive boring poky oldie long in the tooth over the hill on its last legs anachronistical barbaric geriatric yesterday overfamiliar inflexible out-of-fashion no longer in use obscure archaistic back number torn broken-down yesterday's patched hacky antediluvial gentlemanly courteous stuck in time yellowed dry as dust clapped out courtly chivalrous ceremonious gallant craft old school no longer fashionable no longer used not fashionable at an end no longer in fashion not in unattractive lasting hand-me-down evocative waning declining ritual first tried and true ritualistic tried and tested physical of yesteryear senior doddering grizzled silver-haired grey-haired white-haired silvery-haired grizzly dying out in period style old world doddery getting on longevous unglamorous unsophisticated becoming obsolete ageing disappearing of an advanced age advanced in years lot of mileage on the wane on the way out undesirable on the decline aging dreary dingy not long for this world past your prime not as young as one used to be not as young as one was no spring chicken ingrained deep-seated hard-and-fast going out of use going out of fashion growing old toytown sweet cunning twee attractive daggy blowsy badly-dressed baggy sloppy badly dressed poorly dressed colonial artful Gothic appealing captivating affected pretty Victorian arty-crafty cute brick and mortar ossified baroque ingenious enchanting olde pleasing pleasantly old-fashioned dilapidated mangy seedy grungy ratty scrubby dumpy sleazy bombed-out tumbledown beat-up dog-eared miserable tatterdemalion down-at-the-heels scuzzy down-at-heel run-down mean well worn raggedy worse for wear

Danh từ

The process of decay or rotting in a body or other organic matter
putrefaction decomposition decay rot breakdown putrescence corruption spoilage festering rotting degeneration deterioration disintegration perishing corrosion putridity blight withering decline atrophy mortification fading dissolution dilapidation decadence rottenness failing gangrene caries degeneracy adulteration consumption decrease decrepitude depreciation disrepair downfall dying extinction impairment ruin ruination rust senescence spoilation wasting putridness wasting away collapse decaying degradation weakening damage descent declension ebbing enfeeblement debilitation break-up falling to pieces breaking down spoliation falling apart falling down fragmentation breakup disaggregation fragmenting demoralization decentralization dissolving debasement slipping waning shrinking lapse ebb fall failure devolution dwindling falloff falling-off mold mould breaking up breaking apart destruction devastation decentralisation demoralisation demise obliteration demolition decimation demolishment crash desolation annihilation wastage extermination downgrade death havoc end labefaction subversion overthrow comedown topple tumble drop declination eclipse regression retrogression worsening relapse depravation slide sinking dissipation undoing disgrace defeat vanquishing unseating toppling conquest ousting elimination comeuppance Waterloo nemesis flameout deposition bane loss of power debacle rack and ruin road to ruin doom loss of status loss of prosperity downturn diminution slump abatement reduction decrement lessening dip plummet dive plunge shrinkage recession devaluation diminishment downswing downtrend loss lowering wane slip dent depletion drop-off backsliding nosedive falling off

Danh từ

The gradual destruction or diminution of something
erosion attrition corrosion deterioration undermining abrasion destruction disintegration spoiling weakening dissolution dissolving wearing weathering consumption corroding decay rotting sapping waste wearing away corrasion detrition eating away gnawing away scraping away chipping away decrease desedimentation despoliation grinding down loss wasting away wear wear and tear washing away wearing down friction rubbing scraping chafing excoriation depreciation grating oxidation degeneration grinding abrading scuffing diminution decomposition rust dilapidation oxidization damage scratching scouring wastage flaying stripping depletion dissipation ablation overuse hard wear decrement impairment oxidisation dwindling diminishment battering being eaten away damaging ravages of time thinning a few knocks mildew resistance rasping slow destruction natural wastage fretting traction blight must rot mould gnawing drag adhesion irritation grip purchase impedance brushing trituration contact massage soreness agitation filing interference mold corruption tarnishing putrefaction breakdown putrescence spoilage perishing festering putridity withering caries mortification decline atrophy fading gangrene rottenness putridness decadence failing degeneracy downfall spoilation wasting extinction disrepair ruination adulteration senescence dying ruin decrepitude cariosity canker going bad cavities holes verdigris reaction shrivelling fungus shriveling mouldiness moldiness fetidness degradation wet rot dry rot descent declension decaying ebbing break-up spoliation enfeeblement debilitation collapse falling apart falling down falling to pieces

Danh từ

An instance of a structure falling down or giving way
collapse destruction crash disintegration breakdown wreck wrecking cropper perishing ruin ruination buckling catastrophe crackup crumpling falling smash smashup subsidence undoing yielding falling down falling apart giving way cave-in falling to pieces failure foundering fizzle shutdown downfall defeat falling-in debacle depression implosion end termination ending finish dispersal breakup malfunction wind-up disruption disturbance hitch interruption hindrance impediment mishap stoppage halt break cessation falling through fizzling out lack of success seizing up conking out nonsuccess nonachievement flop fiasco fail bust disaster washout dud miscarriage shipwreck clunker miss bomb clinker bummer breaking down fall lemon botch failing hash mess turkey abortion blunder loss calamity misstep bungle frustration misadventure rupture seizure non-function bankruptcy foul-up let-down snafu misfortune frost screw-up balls-up devastation decline slump deterioration letdown degradation folding disorganization tragedy rout loser nonperformance disorganisation crack-up false step coming to nothing faux pas non-fulfilment nonaccomplishment trouncing overthrow trouble stalemate total loss dead loss vain attempt sinking ship dead duck damp squib lead balloon flash in the pan stalling blue ruin dissolution shellacking shambles beating farce reversal vanquishment defeasance car crash havoc drubbing licking faultiness wreckage demolition shattering desolation sinking smashing cutting out playing up shipwrecking disappointment stumble capitulation setback misfiring vanquishing flameout discomfiture reverse misfire rejection fall from grace non-success

Danh từ

Accumulating damage to macromolecules, cells, tissues and organs with the passage of time

Động từ

In a period of decrease or decline
on the wane contracting declining decreasing diminishing dwindling shrinking dimming drooping ebbing fading away growing faint on the decline sinking slackening subsiding tailing off tapering off abating attenuating dissolving failing falling off lessening petering out receding winding down atrophying deteriorating flagging giving way in remission melting away slumping weakening collapsing degenerating disintegrating dying out evaporating in a slump obsolescent on the way out vanishing withering evanescing moribund drawing to a close in a state of deterioration decaying fading waning letting up retrograding lowering dying down worsening falling away dropping disappearing regressing easing tapering wilting rotting descending falling shrivelling shriveling dying running low slacking off dropping off wearing away slowing down devolving moderating wasting away dying away going downhill curbing quieting checking wasting settling reducing lightening quelling depreciating perishing drying up softening wearing down restraining narrowing down devaluating calming down losing edge decomposing relenting remitting going fading out palling de-escalating halting giving in draining away easing off ratcheting down breaking up coming to an end fizzling out phasing down growing less dilapidating plummetting plunging plummeting decrementing giving up blurring becoming smaller growing smaller becoming less slashing rebating draining languishing lapsing becoming weak passing getting smaller falling short cutting down modifying curtailing tailing away lagging emaciating sagging tiring elapsing discontinuing faltering trailing off easing up stopping concluding expiring quitting closing finishing terminating ceasing ending determining dispersing bating dissipating losing growing dim relapsing fainting limping wearing off vitiating debasing impoverishing trembling thinning out crippling tottering minimizing relaxing losing spirit minimising growing weaker depressing leaving off running out going down packing in moldering mouldering winding up breaking off dead-ending winking out going dead past its prime in decline on its last legs petering melting flying diffusing dematerializing scattering disassembling fleeing breaking down ceasing to exist dispelling breaking into pieces unmaking passing away dying off depleting dropping away going away coming to nothing slackening off becoming extinct coming to a halt trailing cooling off clearing alleviating trailing away eroding tempering downscaling folding downsizing coming to a stop quietening giving out toning down ceasing to be mitigating cutting blowing over settling down falling through desisting withdrawing impairing fizzling cutting back dulling denting rolling back evanishing minifying running down becoming weaker shutting down closing down calming degrading allaying dampening diluting aborting pausing flatlining flopping quietening down breaking withering away assuaging subduing slowing coming to a standstill nosediving axing becoming obsolete closing out clipping taking the bite out passing into oblivion making less taking the sting out growing feeble extenuating packing up taking the edge off vanishing into thin air disappearing from the face of the earth making smaller cutting out knocking down cooling it thinning running its course levelling off guttering relieving mollifying slaking taking a nosedive releasing blunting turning down paring down dipping retiring flowing away abbreviating going through the floor retrenching hitting the floor disengaging wearying succumbing pining deadening departing exiting losing strength losing intensity going south leaving no trace coming to naught ceasing to be known muting palliating damping muffling sinking into oblivion disappearing slowly etiolating chilling out slacking decelerating unlaxing coasting cooling deliquescing becoming less loud rarefying pooping out becoming unimportant fagging out hushing passing off dying on vine tuckering out vaporizing lulling misfiring miscarrying soothing cushioning thinning down rescinding shaping phasing out elongating clearing up limiting numbing becoming unproductive becoming blurred becoming shadowy becoming vague ceasing to yield growing barren becoming confused coming to a halt end becoming indistinct coming to a an end growing sterile making faint losing its effect losing its effectiveness getting less stilling parching vaporising concentrating scaling down ending in defeat ending in disappointment missing the mark coming down falling down slipping soft-pedalling abridging amputating cropping slacking up soft-pedaling becoming less common becoming rarer passing on laying off shutting off knocking off desisting from cutting off giving over dialing down coming to grief grinding to a halt paring couching bringing down exhausting amortising stepping down trimming down trimming back marking down casting down tightening trimming amortizing making cutbacks in qualifying downgrading taking down bringing to an end having no more finishing up wearing out completing coming to a close drawing to a halt coming to rest wrapping up stopping dead culminating finishing off getting done reaching a standstill ending up stopping in one's tracks packing it in standing cutting short holding running dry floundering crashing bombing foundering buckling giving stalling tanking yielding crumpling flunking cratering flaming out giving up the ghost ceasing to function running aground stopping working caving in stopping functioning seizing up falling flat biting the dust conking out losing power coming unstuck going belly-up going kaput going phut

Động từ

Present participle for to break into small fragments due to impact

Động từ

Present participle for to break into small fragments due to decay
rotting decaying spoiling decomposing putrefying perishing festering mouldering moulding molding moldering withering breaking down going bad going off rotting away falling into decay deteriorating degenerating disintegrating declining atrophying ebbing retrograding worsening sinking regressing devolving going downhill degrading corrupting descending sliding retrogressing slumping waning fading failing slipping collapsing falling going down the toilet getting worse falling apart fouling going to pot hitting the skids diminishing corroding wasting away languishing lapsing going to the dogs going down the tubes going to rack and ruin breaking up weakening dropping flagging depreciating disimproving falling off turning wasting wearing away wilting tainting growing worse becoming worse falling to pieces going to seed dwindling drooping backsliding mortifying shriveling up going backwards going to the pack dissolving going to pieces debilitating reverting shrivelling shriveling stagnating relapsing becoming dilapidated curdling necrotizing sphacelating lessening lowering impairing going mouldy fragmenting growing weak mildewing taking a turn for the worse shrinking receding retreating sickening nosediving vitiating debasing souring sagging lagging going returning emaciating suppurating becoming emaciated becoming debilitated decreasing skidding depraving losing quality becoming rotten going sour going moldy becoming rancid tarnishing rusting dying out breaking apart contracting falling down palling gangrening stinking necrosing suffering slackening fading away reducing dying disappearing thinning dropping off drying up becoming shrunken undermining breaking adulterating marring alloying injuring dying on vine coming apart at seams appearing in a poor light damaging depressing gathering dust pejorating running to seed debauching demoralising perverting warping staining demoralizing acidifying becoming enfeebled becoming moribund having one foot in the grave becoming rusty losing it polluting defiling blighting discoloring sapping discolouring taking a nosedive making something worse going from bad to worse falling into disrepair withering away reaching depths becoming sour making rancid fermenting becoming contaminated growing moldy maturating gathering ulcerating addling hitting rock bottom coming apart at the seams becoming inflamed becoming infected going rancid becoming addled becoming tainted becoming useless going rotten subsiding slipping back recidivating retroceding sinking back drifting back falling away going back falling back losing headway throwing back turning the clock back losing ground turning back moving back rolling back dilapidating going into decline falling apart at the seams

Động từ

Present participle for convert into oxide

Động từ

Present participle for stop resisting to an enemy or opponent and submit to their authority
surrendering yielding submitting succumbing capitulating giving in quitting conceding relenting caving in acquiescing bowing deferring abandoning blinking budging ceding falling indulging knuckling under backing down giving oneself up giving way consigning entrusting falling victim folding foregoing knuckling leaving accepting defeat conceding defeat admitting defeat buckling under crying uncle eating crow giving yourself up going down going under laying down arms letting go playing dead raising the white flag rolling over throwing in the sponge eating humble pie going along with packing it in tossing it in laying down your arms putting up white flag waving the white flag showing the white flag throwing in the towel giving up giving up the struggle laying down complying acceding bowing to something bowing to someone coming to terms giving away the store withdrawing pulling out retreating backpedaling backpedalling resigning backing out stopping bending agreeing assenting making concessions chickening out recoiling despairing saying uncle losing heart reneging backing off going back on recanting canceling copping out cancelling bowing out accepting caving kowtowing relinquishing calling it a day begging off retiring receding balking doing a U-turn falling victim to changing your mind doing an about-turn calling off resigning yourself giving up hope dropping out abandoning hope baulking pulling back backing away backtracking scratching avoiding welshing finking out concurring wimping out truckling drawing back adapting wiggling out worming out weaselling out shying from weaseling out admitting buckling desponding blowing it off getting cold feet approving complying with giving ground giving in to resigning oneself throwing in your hand bottling out shrinking dying of losing your nerve wussing out thinking better of something funking out having no stomach for turning yellow bottling it compromising changing giving stopping trying retracting throwing up one's hands falling in line chucking it in throwing up the sponge adhering showing white flag subjugating genuflecting subduing honoring respecting honouring surrendering to calling a halt halting finishing ending breaking off conforming going backward moving away shying away obeying adjusting agreeing with accommodating fawning cringing breaking eating one's words losing desisting delivering tendering dropping proffering collapsing presenting forswearing waiving ceasing observing heeding humbling oneself eating dirt bending the knee hoisting the white flag leaving off bailing out handing in handing over cutting out putting one's tail between one's legs bowing to passing into the hands of lying down bringing to an end falling to pieces passing into enemy hands retreating from withdrawing from reneging on repudiating cooperating with acquiescing in softening reconsidering demurring concurring with acting in accordance with disheartening saddening melting failing to honour crying off defaulting on pulling out of unbending taking back holding back weakening forbearing retrograding running away backing retroceding giving back falling back ebbing regrouping having mercy coming round getting cold feet about chickening out of slowing becoming lenient sympathising showing pity having pity becoming merciful sympathizing showing mercy giving quarter dooing an about-face admitting that one is wrong eating your words having second thoughts singing a different song agreeing to something conceding something allowing something admitting something having no fight left admitting you were wrong withdrawing from agreement or statement faltering flagging giving some slack going easy on mellowing out letting it happen laying back lightening up dying away taking a softer line changing one's mind easing up on letting happen cooling it coming around losing faith plumbing the depths seeing no light at the end of the tunnel becoming demoralized giving up on looking on the black side losing hope having heavy heart having no hope relinquishing hope becoming despondent seeing the glass as half empty losing motivation

Từ trái nghĩa của crumbling

crumbling Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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