Từ đồng nghĩa của in a fit

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Affected by or deriving from wildly uncontrolled emotion
hysterical frenzied frantic mad uncontrollable agitated overwrought berserk crazed delirious emotional uncontrolled unrestrained distracted distraught feverish neurotic raving unrestrainable wild manic beside oneself deranged distrait maniac maniacal out of control unhinged berko convulsive swivel-eyed blazing crazy driven to distraction fiery frenetic fuming furious hyper hysteric impassioned impetuous in a frenzy in a panic incensed intense irrepressible maddened nervous overexcited panic-stricken passionate possessed rabid raging rampant seething spasmodic tempestuous turbulent unnerved vehement violent carried away in a state very upset worked up beside yourself out of one's wits excited fierce hectic ferocious distressed fraught upset anxious desperate nuts unglued tumultuous insane shook up unruly rough unscrewed unzipped corybantic keyed up undisciplined angry in a tizzy at wits' end overcome disturbed unbridled enthusiastic ungovernable unchecked boisterous stormy heated unconstrained explosive wired riotous weird zonkers abandoned unbounded uninhibited unmanageable hot forceful ungoverned flipped out wigged out hot under the collar chaotic weirded out hot and bothered volcanic freaked out spazzed out in a stew worried like one possessed headstrong hammer and tongs knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts hyperactive confused bothered fevered intemperate restless rattled demented panicky unstoppable uncontainable unquenchable disorderly panic-struck fanatical ardent devastated rowdy energetic aggressive fervid full-on brutal impatient spirited vicious noisy cyclonic perfervid passional savage lively worked-up volatile paroxysmal at the end of your tether wound up obstreperous bloodthirsty uproarious out of one's mind madcap harsh lawless high-strung flaming hotheaded full-blooded hot-tempered hot-headed drag-out knock-down potent not knowing what to do with oneself bang-bang independent unsuppressed madding twitchy panicked confusing consumed worried sick unbalanced animated disconcerted fast and furious overwhelmed stunned struck incredulous overawed affected zealous troubled aroused demonic out of one's wit perturbed irresistible overactive flustered discomposed overpowered obsessive concerned exciting fired up busy tormented strong muddled shattered thrown harassed destroyed verklempt pained rumbustious nonplussed addled rugged vociferous excessive clamorous wrought-up intractable difficult out of your mind uncurbed wanton runaway rowdydowdy irregular rambunctious raucous termagant in turmoil disruptive refractory like a chicken with its head cut off eager uptight wayward recalcitrant fractious unrestricted cataclysmal cataclysmic impossible incorrigible incontrollable willful untoward wilful stroppy froward ill-disciplined troublesome unhampered raw unhindered fervent bullying avid agog enthused keen murderous excitable contumacious out of hand cruel ruthless temperamental pumped raring antsy exhilarated vivacious stoked desirous licentious unconcealed self-indulgent immoderate disobedient outrageous insurmountable threatening callous terrorizing pugnacious in a flap het up in a tizz rash incandescent athirst thirsty having kittens pitiless thuggish sadistic merciless destructive barbaric barbarous torrid charged overzealous demonstrative homicidal heartless inhuman geeked hungry juiced voracious solicitous in a cold sweat last-minute assertive in a flat spin superheated impulsive agitable religious warm dithyrambic burning daft untrammeled untrammelled potty demoniac terrorising cut-throat forcible radge mercurial gung ho on fire very excited hepped up jumping up and down hopped-up short-fuse red-hot highly strung hot-blooded warm-blooded loud rollicking roisterous rebellious powerful vigorous robustious mutinous rip-roaring insubordinate exuberant rackety strenuous anarchic rampageous knockabout resounding contrary defiant hell-raising emphatic dynamic recusant badly behaved debauched extreme troublemaking orgiastic ebullient inordinate roistering attention-seeking restive rebel incompliant balky lawbreaking tough saturnalian hard romping intensive deep hard-hitting hearty pulling no punches active bacchanalian depraved blustery Dionysian frisky truculent mettlesome rampaging resolute determined sprightly Bacchic great overpowering high-spirited concentrated anarchical uncooperative terrible bolshie clangorous effervescent errant muscular blunt acute robust jovial profound overwhelming perverse bacchic reckless full swashbuckling punchy cheerful gay all out dreadful in-your-face glad noncompliant drunken mischievous without law and order plucky mighty shocking clattering clattery impotent loutish unrepressed gleeful loudmouthed rude roughhouse dissipated torrential tremendous blind harmful roaring foul howling gusting gusty squally windy unsettling disturbing upsetting dissolute side-splitting nasty dirty filthy belligerent arduous taxing relentless rapid towering unmatchable unmeasurable naughty delinquent hurtful blustering intensified boozy revelling carousing distracting swaggering cavalier two-fisted all-out rigorous exhausting brisk untrained divisive misbehaving unsteady capricious unschooled wild and woolly bibulous dionysian sottish crapulous heedless ugly injurious fast rushing fast-flowing impervious out-of-line ornery imprudent forward quarrelsome disrupting out-of-order out of line opinionated bawdy inexorable causing trouble off-base unyielding mean Dionysiac wassailing Saturnalian inconsistent lacking self-control obsessed ready abusive piercing screaming booming strepitous blusterous devout psyched effusive generous affable unreserved primal frolicsome joyous visceral vivid jaunty reveling undisguised playful carefree merry complete raising Cain high game deepest backslapping cavorting raising the roof insurgent responsive nutty amped stirred up high as a kite amiable devil-may-care sportive honest frank abiding jolly profuse cheery welcoming gushing deep-rooted back-slapping good natured deep-felt warm-hearted rollicksome fun-loving lighthearted thumping ripping joyful happy full of beans uncompromising thoroughgoing thorough seditious revolutionary stirred insurrectionary steamed up wigged-out committed wholehearted total sweeping revolting mutinying terrorist bouncy all-embracing exhaustive excruciating devastating consuming bad uncivilised tyrannous unorthodox despotic heterodox nonconformist warlike evil anarchistic untamed unregulated unpeaceful uncivilized nihilistic disordered uncultivated infringing piratical traitorous storming severe exquisite fearsome ghastly heavy sharp unfettered frightful inflamed biting blistering almighty fearful vibrant agonizing urgent peppery hellacious painful enraged ruinous out-and-out virile hardy unmixed vital out and out sound heavy-duty coercive gale force agonising full of force in high spirits strident vociferant over-the-top brawling

Từ trái nghĩa của in a fit

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