Từ đồng nghĩa của postponed

Alternative for postponed

postpones, postponed, postponing

Từ đồng nghĩa: defer, delay, hold over, procrastinate, put off, shelve, stall, suspend, table,

Từ trái nghĩa: ancestry,

Tính từ

At some time in the future
later future posterior subsequent ensuing following succeeding deferred delayed upcoming downstream subsequential postliminary to come ulterior after successive coming next latter consequent impending forthcoming imminent consecutive coming up approaching resulting sequential eventual sequent coming after succedent successional consequential running down the line down the pike down the road serial pursuing next off coming next directly after scheduled planned resultant inevitable yet to come progressive chronological proximate oncoming looming supervenient seriate seriatim serialized serialised in turn in order later on one after another back-to-back later than straight ultimate subsequent to nearing henceforth extended long-term a while later after a while over the long term connected continuous continuing pending late following after in line next up on the trot accompanying attendant collateral associated indirect secondary concomitant related linked due to follow-on second unborn alternative uninterrupted continual incessant constant steady solid persistent regular unbroken in succession back in sequence sophomore hereafter in a row rotating alternating other rear last final after the first next in order trailing derivative derived conclusive concluding terminal hinder second-hand contingent decisive non-primary secondhand latest net dependent borrowed derivational derivate developed vicarious understandable consistent intelligent inferable flow-on trickle-down near advancing anticipated expected due immediate close nigh drawing near close at hand gaining upon at hand on us almost on one in the air in the wind near-term in store up-and-coming getting near on the horizon to be on the way just round the corner converging in prospect en route about to happen in view in the pipeline progressing in the offing on the cards

Tính từ

Canceled or postponed

Động từ

Past tense for to delay or put off an event, appointment etc.
delayed deferred shelved put off adjourned held over suspended tabled put back rescheduled stayed pigeonholed remitted continued held off mothballed put on ice put over carried over forestayed procrastinated prorogued respited stalled stood over held up laid over put on the back burner took a rain check on taken a rain check on cooled it hung fire held off on kept in abeyance put on hold gave a rain check given a rain check put in cold storage put on back burner set aside put aside held in abeyance put to one side canceled cancelled cut short laid on the table discontinued interrupted called off retarded prolonged protracted stopped held terminated extended abandoned put a stop to set back aborted dropped axed halted brought to an end held back intermitted dissolved put on the shelf scrapped cut recessed put something off scrubbed laid aside withheld ceased quit called prorogated put in abeyance left detained let up moved forward moved on reserved put an end to paused cried off broke off broken off ended put off the evil day put off the evil hour called a halt to rained out rained off checked waived holden arrested rearranged scratched disbanded put across renounced cooled filed waited lengthened dismissed slowed sidelined hindered impeded rescinded repealed recalled revoked finished cut off dallied withholden quitted neglected avoided reorganized put on one side refrained from hung up called a halt parked given rain check gave rain check nixed turfed put on a back burner slowed up put out of commission put into storage desisted shut up put on the bank burner refrained retained suppressed hanged hung contained forgot about forgotten about reorganised got across relinquished surrendered abolished yielded severed omitted barred inactivated suspended proceedings reprieved restrained knocked off blocked obstructed curbed ceded rejected left off broke up broken up saved temporized temporised come to an end elongated hung back staved off laid off counted out ruled out stove off kept given up gave up dillydallied loitered tarried lagged poked dawdled lingered disregarded resigned refused abdicated abjured sacrificed eliminated discarded jettisoned sat tight forgot frozen froze dragged out curtailed called it a day brought to a close brought to a halt brought to a standstill spurned stretched outstretched stretched out straught junked ditched avoided doing something played a waiting game allowed granted disowned disclaimed reneged removed dispensed with perpetuated sustained clipt abridged shortened clipped abbreviated slowed down padded extended the duration of dragged one's feet left to another time kept from doing something changed the date deleted held one's horses dragged on erased made longer kept from done later expanded carried on left unfinished stopped in full flow killed stopped dead prolongated stopped short strung out kept going rested spun out turned over decommissioned tied up did later stopped cold packed away kept something going turned down surceased signed away kept back handed over kept up withcalled taken offline took offline gotten across broke broken brake pink-slipped canned yolden yold lay off taken a break took a break came to an end took a breather taken five took a recess taken a breather took five taken a recess drawn out drew out forsook forsaken took no action taken no action taken a rain check took a rain check took a breather from taken a breather from forwent forgone taken a raincheck took a raincheck forgotten forgat broken short broke short withdrawn withdrew done without did without drawn gone on with went on with drew took away taken away did away with dumped threw out thrown out done away with bidden one's time bode one's time called time constrained denied inhibited kept hold of bridled stifled repressed refused to pay hesitated wavered risen rose deliberated faltered shaken shook reflected slowed pedal had a breather marked time caught one's breath thought twice come to standstill dropped it stopped briefly took ten taken ten pulled up broken it up taken a breath broke it up came to standstill took a breath took time out taken time out

Động từ

Past tense for to prevent from progress
retarded arrested checked decelerated delayed handicapped braked brake clogged detained hindered impeded obstructed encumbered slowed down stalled deferred hampered curbed hamstrung hamstringed held back held up inhibited set back slowed up interrupted kept back put back restrained restricted slackened slowed cumbered stayed trammelled trammeled baffled baulked balked bogged choked crimped dawdled decreased downed faltered fettered flagged hesitated interfered with lessened loafed loitered mired poked reduced retardated put a brake on backed off bogged down choked off closed off hung up let up shut down shut off took down taken down brought to screeching halt threw a spanner in the works of thrown a spanner in the works of threw a monkey wrench in the works of thrown a monkey wrench in the works of put the brakes on cut back cut down put off let down flaps hit the brakes stunted tempered curtailed limited regulated moderated lagged abated diminished foiled stymied derailed thwarted qualified procrastinated embogged quieted reefed withheld protracted cramped blocked crippled prevented paused halted hobbled repressed reined in deterred stopped prorogued shackled remitted shelved frustrated handcuffed held intermitted barred prolonged confined lost speed lost steam kept waiting wound down staved off stove off held off on got in the way of gotten in the way of made late held over hog-tied stood in the way of withholden holden anchored it constrained neutralized cut short bottlenecked counteracted neutralised shut out put a spoke in someone's wheel controlled stemmed forestalled suppressed opposed bridled stifled reined prohibited caught swallowed stilled squelched smothered muffled terminated contained muzzled manacled embarrassed burdened staunched fought back governed contravened crabbed interfered debarred resisted borked checkmated tamed bottled up rebuffed repulsed discouraged circumvented choked back kept in check slackened pace pulled in kept under control kept a lid on pulled up fetched up held in held down short-circuited loused up tied up boxed in stemmed the flow of nipped in the bud brought to a standstill played for time drawn up drew up bitten back bit back gotten in the way got in the way threw a spanner in the works thrown a spoke in the wheel of threw a spoke in the wheel of thrown a spanner in the works

Từ trái nghĩa của postponed

postponed Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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