Đồng nghĩa của superiority

Alternative for superiority


Trái nghĩa: inferiority,

Danh từ

The state of being superior
supremacy dominance ascendancy predominance advantage primacy edge lead transcendence eminence preeminence preponderance vantage authority leadership paramountcy precedence preponderancy prepotency primeness meliority nobility predomination pre-eminence upper hand whip hand better quality power control sway dominion command domination rule distinction sovereignty mastery prestigiousness noteworthiness ascendance influence prepotence reign government hegemony ascendency prepollency imperium ascendence predominancy sovranty jurisdiction hold grip reins clutch death grip management direction an edge an advantage a lead governance incomparability greatness matchlessness a commanding position might first place peerlessness a head start importance arm prevalence lordship mana tyranny grasp guidance supervision authorization subjection despotism authorisation administration superintendence puissance strings omnipotence inimitability forefront leading place triumph victory primary position first position top spot head place excellence rangatiratanga dictatorship the upper hand priority conquest jump preference weighting suppression oppression sublimity greater importance prelacy leverage head start mastery power leg up strength pride of place subjugation repression intimidation magnificence betterness subordination charge loftiness the whip hand stewardship pwnage ownage custody headship guardianship clout period of domination period of dominance dynasty absolute rule presidency generalship rulership coercion superintendency directorship premiership captaincy governorship organization orchestration initiative conveyance foresight capacity conduction organisation pilotage skill suzerainty regiment regimentation overlordship regency commission seniority say-so regulation running care oversight operation intendance handling conduct overseeing tenure managing office controlling regime rank prestige regimen responsibility manipulation execution chancellorship standing coordination governing significance teeth chieftainship prime ministership position pull weight force say ranking reputation esteem prominence duty muscle directing regulating surveillance conducting supervising commanding maintenance administering masterminding orchestrating ruling commitment empire reach law driver's seat prerogative right privilege voice connection agency headmastership auspices performance status regnancy inspection observation stature station chiefery authorities raj strong influence establishment obligation wardship access mark juice monopoly glory success elevation principality grease leading polity bureaucracy guiding statecraft steering supreme power notoriety incumbency patronage politics supreme authority total domination prosecution time in power beef political practice policy plan tactics strategy system of government period of influence social position safe keeping the feds pecking order birthright warrant hand diadem strong arm permission permit inside track prestidigitation ability licence entitlement license steam Uncle Sam trust treatment transaction wielding red tape carrying out chair head containment check comanagement codirection coadministration input involvement participation opinion area field range role part province district scope bounds circuit zone concern contribution impact association expression engagement interest feedback share effect inspiration stimulus orbit sphere compass steering wheel controls helm extent state turf limits judicature arbitration confines precinct bailiwick discretion magistracy slot inquisition purview extent of power oyer and terminer stomping grounds

Danh từ

An exaggerated sense of one's importance
arrogance haughtiness loftiness pomposity pretension imperiousness pretentiousness hauteur pompousness superciliousness bumptiousness lordliness snobbishness assumption condescension consequence disdain huffiness masterfulness peremptoriness presumptuousness pretence pretense toploftiness aloofness snootiness self-importance self-consequence high horse airs conceit pride vanity egotism ostentation conceitedness smugness presumption hubris swagger bluster insolence contemptuousness disdainfulness audacity high-handedness nerve chutzpah gall brass braggadocio snobbery ego scornfulness cheek priggishness overbearance crust affectation contempt self-love scorn overbearingness uppishness uppitiness proudness pridefulness affectedness immodesty patronization overconfidence big-headedness grandiosity posturing posing boasting mocking sneering scoffing side sense of superiority condescendence sense of entitlement exaggerated self-opinion self-entitlement overweeningness inflation la-di-da ostentatiousness cockiness vainglory airs and graces showing off inflated ego superior manner affectations bossiness brashness dignity civility deference toleration snottiness patronage pushiness superbity stiffness sententiousness sass stateliness flaunting hoity-toitiness swank patronizing attitude display bigheadedness vaingloriousness grandioseness portentousness superiority complex air exaggeration show hypocrisy attitudinizing artificiality flashiness floweriness grandness grandiloquence heroics bombast flamboyance pedantry extravagance magniloquence ornateness rhetoric turgidity elaborateness fustian flatulence guyver showiness showboat showoff fake disguise charade put-on phoney phony front splash big talk false front false claim pomp splendour spectacle pageantry splendor formality standoffishness stuffiness magnificence vaunting bragging self-conceit pizzazz fanfare strictness conventionality bravado grandeur lavishness pzazz exhibitionism glitz garishness ceremony boldness glitziness resplendence splendidness theatricality flourish swankiness ritziness pageant splashiness staidness swellheadedness self-congratulation self-opinion self-admiration vainness complacency self-glory complacence self-esteem self-assumption bighead self-satisfaction parade demonstration exhibition splurge parading array razzle-dazzle amour propre swelled head drama ceremoniousness boastfulness glitter swaggering ceremonial state glory bravura brazenness boast frippery razzmatazz panoply guts shine pose pretensions mannerism officiousness egoism narcissism assertiveness puffiness elitism solemnity glamour exclusiveness snobbism ritual defiance floridness delicacy purism circumlocution opulence gloriousness richness sumptuousness majesty feeling of superiority gaudiness attitude woodenness brilliance radiance dazzle style éclat grandezza flash obtrusiveness conspicuousness loudness tinsel kitschness glamor overstatement tastelessness self-advertisement window-dressing vulgarity flashness image impression window dressing brag vaunt bad taste fuss pretending superficiality appearance euphemism impudence swashbuckling fanfaronade effrontery face grandstand play impertinence sauce temerity sauciness cheekiness neck pertness machismo gasconade skite nerviness shamelessness impoliteness sassiness rudeness rant storming crowing daring blowing talk self-glorification raging rodomontade bluff fuming railing swelling bold manner bullying brassiness chutzpa snash audaciousness malapertness bad manners hide procacity brass neck moxie crust cynicism confidence tall talk fancy talk hot air

Danh từ

The state of being illustrious
prominency distinction fame celebrity renown prominence greatness reputation note esteem repute honour prestige standing honor glory rank notability influence preeminence illustriousness kudos dignity weight authority credit significance mark power lustre luster prepotency loftiness famousness eminency eminence importance supremacy stature account status pre-eminence position consequence name laurels excellence station worth prestigiousness noteworthiness clout regard estimation perfection sway merit image dominance transcendence character report éclat paramountcy notoriety supereminence majesty nobility place primeness choiceness excellency superbness first-rateness control quality cachet mana class stardom pull momentousness odour odor rep state izzat primacy popularity calibre caliber import preponderancy preponderance heyday splendor acknowledgement recognition acclaim acclamation exaltation high standing immortality public esteem favour elevation favor splendour acknowledgment bottom impressiveness memorability extraordinariness publicity flair decoration badge style accolade manner bays award predominance respect relevance media interest media attention peerlessness ranking brownie points reaches rung grade rating level degree footing echelon leverage command infamy capacity stage condition gravitas acceptance type social standing stratum social position mode good name category legend myth integrity plausibility credibility trust confidence laurel drag faith generosity grandeur high rank heroism high-mindedness idealism moment chivalry disinterestedness value gravity knowledge experience conviction stateliness sublimity nobleness seriousness heaviness urgency salience conspicuousness rule grandness magnanimity morality weightiness worthiness respectability applause praise teeth admiration homage muscle laudation ascendancy veneration approval acceptability privilege props plaudits accolades approbation reputability reverence good reputation beef force juice say sovereignty strength tribute sun commendation leadership heft domination impact trustworthiness reign dominion pride extolment laud adulation glorification deference celebration devotion bouquets consideration tributes obeisance worship eulogy salutes congratulations rap compliment advantage jurisdiction dependability opinion fashion substance mastery visibility adoration aggrandizement appreciation puff flattery high station fealty reach magnitude elegance refinement self-respect apotheosis deification immortalization canonization compliments attention lionization signification in sophistication concern interest eulogium paeans commemoration lionisation aggrandisement ability polish stock effectiveness self-image face hold self-esteem effect reliability pat on the back good image big up voice responsibility connection agency seniority puissance outstandingness specialness success triumph situation grading size superstardom aristocracy might caste ego raves brand sphere awe awards honours decorations snob value edge physique virtue figure competence development qualification growth stamp seal design blue blood exposure high relief public exposure pumping up high regard pressure street cred street credibility self-regard panegyric encomium high birth good report honors snob appeal cheering citation hurrah cheer recommendation bravo thanks rave sycophancy paean plaudit cry boost hymn ovation PR graveness meaning exigency bargaining chip jump on high profile order blue ribbon gold star feather in cap classification tier purpose essence emphasis monopoly access good word big hand gradation division grease persuasiveness efficacy extent matter thrust league notch estate groove niche forcefulness forcibleness powerfulness potency pith taste stylishness panache dash involvement input participation role part chic couth élan savoir-faire share contribution association expression engagement feedback grip commitment inspiration stimulus fineness brilliance savoir vivre bon ton savoir faire finesse gentility right authorization high calibre high standard high quality high caliber warrant sovranty vantage commission hand upper hand permission prerogative management permit prestidigitation strings authorisation governance law license regency direction birthright arm diadem say-so strong arm inside track licence entitlement steam

Danh từ

Unwarranted pride in one's accomplishments or qualities
vainness conceit pride conceitedness ego egotism vanity pomposity pridefulness vainglory smugness pompousness swellheadedness vaingloriousness complacency bighead complacence arrogance narcissism egoism haughtiness egocentricity boastfulness presumption selfishness overconfidence bragging ostentation insolence egomania boasting megalomania assurance gasconade vaunting self-conceit self-love swelled head self-importance self-satisfaction self-admiration self-opinion self-esteem self-assumption self-glory self-congratulation self-regard amour propre self-absorption amour-propre self-interest self-worship self-possession self-confidence self-centeredness egocentrism selfness self-preoccupation self-involvement self-concern navel-gazing self-adulation hubris pretentiousness superciliousness swagger snobbery immodesty cockiness big-headedness self-righteousness priggishness hauteur pretension condescension disdainfulness loftiness braggadocio swollen-headedness disdain huff bigheadedness airs self-exaltation uppitiness uppishness consequence stuffiness snottiness outrecuidance morgue self-glorification self-centredness self-obsession NPD snobbishness blowing one's own trumpet self-praise self-aggrandizement assumption proud flesh ego trip unctuousness piety sanctimony sanctimoniousness hypocrisy Pharisaism pietism Tartufferie aloofness audacity imperiousness scornfulness bluster proudness contemptuousness chutzpah patronage cheek gall overbearance overbearingness lordliness brass nerve strutting self-respect high-handedness self-assuredness high opinion of oneself good opinion of oneself showing off self-assurance affectation show display ostentatiousness self-flattery self-complacency excessive pride officiousness puffiness presumptuousness brashness confidence gloating swollen head cocksureness bumptiousness self-pride affected ways self-gratification self-content self-contentment self-approbation self-approval portentousness spectacle splendor overstatement grandiosity showboat showoff showiness fake disguise charade magnificence put-on grandioseness ceremony phoney grandeur pomp phony affectedness pageantry splendour front splash big talk false front

Danh từ

Exclusiveness or classiness
exclusiveness classiness elegance luxury refinement sophistication stylishness grace gracefulness courtliness stateliness majesty class fineness handsomeness elegancy urbanity chic exclusivity poise politeness polish style finesse dignity graciousness charm smoothness delicacy gentility breeding culture sumptuousness tastefulness grandeur cultivation splendour tact lushness couth magnificence poshness splendor courtesy propriety taste diplomacy finish politesse richness affability beauty distinction restraint plushness subtlety precision civilization suaveness swankiness opulence nicety symmetry civilisation luxe ceremony discrimination civility correctness formality worldliness gallantry decorum accomplishment good manners good breeding fastidiousness nuance experience chivalrousness knowledge maturity enlightenment suavity erudition lore gentleness urbaneness fine tuning fine point cool social grace savoir-vivre worldly wisdom savoir vivre savoir faire savoir-faire fluidity luxuriance lavishness cleanness discernment luxuriousness ease fashion exquisiteness ritziness plushiness grandiosity wealth costliness affluence splendidness prosperity riches fanciness suppleness fluency adroitness dexterity flair dash panache flow nimbleness deftness agility form voluptuousness neatness naturalness attractiveness effortlessness loveliness shapeliness flowingness lithesomeness pleasantness comeliness lightsomeness lissomeness felicity noblesse nobility purity smartness ornateness hauteur modishness rhythm balance pliancy address allure fluidity of movement light-footedness cultivated beauty good taste poetry in motion

Danh từ

The belief that a society or system should be run by an elite

Danh từ

The state or quality of being superior

Danh từ

The quality of someone's character or the level of their ability
calibre caliber merit distinction quality ability capability capacity talent worth character excellence stature competence eminence expertise proficiency endowment faculty qualification standard strength constitution essence force gifts habilitation power strengths value virtue worthiness pre-eminence benefit advantage use usefulness utility importance significance good perfection service desirability profit assistance helpfulness substance gain avail help consequence goodness relevance aid upside sense mileage point strong point practicality effectiveness efficacy brilliance clearness standing clarity wholesomeness impact influence effect potency magnitude purity implication serviceableness bang for the buck bearing import purpose integrity simplicity note account meaning appeal allure meritoriousness validity attractiveness credit greatness class meaningfulness gift behoof valuation moment percentage estimation mark asset plus advantageousness productiveness convenience blessing appropriateness success edge boon good point bonus expediency perk suitability adequacy expedience fitness efficiency profitability efficaciousness successfulness viability practicability favor fruitfulness advisability favour reward weight efficacity possibility privilege workability effectualness godsend attraction feasibility aptness effectuality potence functionality constructiveness perquisite serviceability sensibleness soundness beauty treasure amenity performance gratuity resource forcefulness function capableness added extra plus point grade reasonableness status position rank fringe benefit applicability additional benefit cogency judiciousness prudence preferableness achievability workableness attainability handiness dignity selling point skill sufficiency wisdom clout niftiness reason sensibility forte advisableness classification effectivity desirableness interest repute gratification prosperity improvement grace pro upshot start state station support excellency betterment recommendation leverage preference vantage strong suit growth redeeming feature ace in the hole ace up your sleeve long suit saving grace feather in your cap attractive feature good thing cardinal virtue advancement persuasiveness usage preferability validness appropriacy rightness operability adeptness qualifications competency aptitude skilfulness facility extra propriety likelihood dividend morality recommendability seemliness premium prestige perks pertinence likeliness feasibleness probability conceivability chance doability attribute vigor punch vigour windfall indulgence significancy most favourable aspect best point most pleasant aspect neatness pull lure draw added advantage prize fascination logic wearing appositeness relevancy germaneness employment prominence reputation solution relief advantages benefits rectitude right probity prerogative uprightness ideal righteousness cream gravy object motive aim wallop excellent feature inspiration egg in one's beer excuse call grounds justification favorable aspect favourable aspect good feature good quality size illustriousness refuge positive feature measure benchmark sake well-being welfare protection weal profitableness versatility usability compensating feature appealing aspect thing in its favour celebrity acclaim renown fame place condition practice wear exercise application user-friendliness level-headedness gumption soberness acquisition physique high station figure cachet development deal kind venture buy acquirement addition steal rating good judgment personal best best bargain purchase horse sense body investment accretion possession procuration holding degree fortune good buy good deal leg-up leeway rate money-spinner moneymaker foredeal break return luck result matter core amount lucrativeness remuneration full effect full value whole effect rainmaker killing productivity

Danh từ

The quality of being morally good or virtuous
goodness virtue integrity morality honesty rectitude righteousness uprightness virtuousness probity merit rightness decency good honour dignity ethicalness principle upstandingness worth honourability honourableness incorruptibility propriety truth truthfulness nobility nobleness respectability trustworthiness worthiness blamelessness character equity excellence fairness irreproachableness justice justness meritoriousness pureness purity value equitableness impartiality lawfulness legality quality advantage beneficence benefit ethicality grace honor kindheartedness mercy nobility of soul nobility of spirit obligingness lack of corruption good will principles ethics scrupulousness morals faithfulness right-mindedness innocence high-mindedness fidelity impeccability incorruption sincerity chastity modesty greatness honorableness distinction ideal veracity class correctness candor reputability candour frankness loyalty eminence conscientiousness openness verity graciousness perfection incorruptness reliability respect saintliness right noble-mindedness soundness standard conduct chasteness ethic courage confidence honestness rightfulness evenhandedness dependability decorum sinlessness trustiness straightforwardness faith excellency high principles guiltlessness importance good name superbness magnanimity immaculateness standards significance ethos stature conscience sense reputation practice belief imperative mores nature convention criteria conventionalities arete outspokenness bluntness genuineness high quality virginity straightness good character brilliance responsibility magnificence self-respect moral code immaculacy godliness continence account irreproachability calibre supremacy use usefulness utility charity love natural law caliber sublimity preeminence spotlessness accomplishment regard choiceness primeness service profit assistance substance helpfulness gain consequence help first-rateness transcendence éclat aid mileage prestige fineness piety gallantry sublime accuracy forthrightness majesty grandeur credit repute moral virtue stateliness gentility faultlessness celibacy chivalry devotion talent plainness augustness gentlemanliness authenticity maidenhood grade splendor desirability fair play stainlessness avail wholesomeness moral philosophy fair shake good report effectiveness efficacy power upside relevance strength estimation point peerlessness supereminence splendour pre-eminence serviceableness strong point high standard reverence esteem veneration status plainnes straight prerogative gamesmanship moral correctness righteous dedication dutifulness constancy reason piousness precision perpendicularity erectness verticality good sport exactness emancipation properness enfranchisement kindness fortitude innocency sportsmanship legitimacy reasonableness hope cardinal virtue supernatural virtue exquisiteness flawlessness practicality lack of sin clear conscience what is right inculpability perfectness good behaviour refinement polish achievement artlessness guilelessness gentleness scruples philosophy manners infallibility exemplariness abstinence impact influence effect holiness sanctitude cleanliness singleness magnitude potency good habits self-denial self-restraint credibility moral fibre moral fiber moral strength actuality courtliness credo creed ideals norms loftiness solemnity implication bang for the buck bearing import purpose will power virtues moral principles moral values tikanga regalness impressiveness poise royalness formality respectfulness regality composure beliefs moral stand rules of conduct moral beliefs dictates of conscience standards of behaviour rights and wrongs theological virtue staying power firmness of purpose exaltedness breeding gravitas lordliness ceremoniousness abstemiousness cleanness naivete monogamy demureness restraint unmarried state temperance seemliness renown state standing gravity etiquette strength of mind sedateness reserve sobriety station gentlefolks gentlefolk generosity gentry patriciate aristocracy elite glory applicability vantage fitness significancy improvement perks productiveness functionality edge appropriateness gratification favour justification convenience excuse call grounds boon start betterment serviceability asset favor resplendence hauteur seriousness self-possession cachet culture note splendidness level illustriousness bravery selflessness gloriousness gorgeousness desert sublimeness society upper crust royalty upper class ennoblement elevation exaltation glorification meaning appeal allure grandness splendiferousness deservingness resplendency validity meaningfulness attractiveness stupendousness capability skill ability weight pro aptitude valuation endowment gift moment mark behoof percentage landed gentry ruling class high society plus point redeeming feature moral trueness sense of right and wrong exactitude allegiance commitment values fealty reality fact grit truism backbone pluck verisimilitude steadfastness candidness guts devotedness gospel troth resolution honest-to-god truth straight stuff veridicality real McCoy word like it is determination resolve superego staunchness fastness adhesion attachment behavior good faith earnestness moral value behaviour adherence veraciousness lack of deceit ardor ardour sense of honour sense of duty duty blood birth patricians peerage idea moral belief tenet blue blood code value-system directness proper conduct moral integrity ethical code moral principle ethical values set of values boldness knighthood knightliness credos rudiments elements noblesse acceptability kudos basics maidenhead sense of propriety sense of judgment daring knight errantry heroism valour intrepidity wholeheartedness moral concern maidhood cherry grittiness spunk conviction ideology courtly manners knightly code bona fides golden rules scruple perseverance doggedness tenacity resoluteness steadiness fixedness firmness persuasion goodwill unaffectedness heart ingenuousness naturalness sincereness moral standards straight and narrow ABCs habit moral standard norm moral law code of ethics valor application obstinacy pride rule of living code of behaviour code of honour code of behavior rule of conduct code of ethic principles of behavior standard of behaviour single-mindedness zeal eagerness unfailingness decision abidingness certainty surety gumption kaupapa principle of right and wrong sense of morality true-heartedness mettle morale fiber intestinal fortitude fibre ego self-importance sensibilities obedience lealty deference self-worth self-esteem habits obligation strength of character qualms compunction homage customs policies dogmas inner voice legal obligation pledge liability amenability accountability moral obligation accountableness answerability call of duty amour-propre self-love amour propre self-regard sense of right squeam moral sense small voice shame demur voice within right and wrong censor still small voice personal principles

Trái nghĩa của superiority

superiority Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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