Đồng nghĩa của judiciousness

Alternative for judiciousness

Đồng nghĩa: sagaciousness, sagacity,

Danh từ

The state of being judicious
prudence wisdom sense sagacity shrewdness judgement judgment discrimination caution expedience advisability care expediency desirability advisableness desirableness acumen discernment perspicacity understanding intelligence astuteness wit canniness insight perception common sense penetration discretion sharpness sapience perceptiveness gumption sensibleness savvy sageness levelheadedness nous practicality reason foresight circumspection good sense horse sense good judgment acuity comprehension rationality acuteness soundness percipience knowledge perspicaciousness intuition cleverness smarts keenness sharp-wittedness forethought erudition thoughtfulness enlightenment sanity experience clear-sightedness perceptivity policy discreetness providence sagaciousness reasonableness vision wariness tact savoir faire arguteness level-headedness consideration brains clear thinking watchfulness sensitivity presence of mind farsightedness knowingness tactfulness wits perspicuity aptness awareness sound judgment heedfulness intuitiveness balance vigilance appropriateness lucidity suitability subtlety sophistication poise caginess pragmatism logic marbles good judgement precaution grasp carefulness foresightedness lucidness learning stability coherence prescience propriety foxiness alertness cageyness fitness sound mind native wit hardheadedness ingenuity benefit effectiveness apprehension clear-headedness quick-wittedness usefulness profundity helpfulness sound judgement rationalness pansophy appropriacy diplomacy know-how good reasoning native intelligence delicacy smartness soberness intellect common clear mind provision intellectuality mother wit quickness saneness genius intellection cognition insightfulness incisiveness mentality worldliness utility powers of reasoning cogency heed reasoning profitability forehandedness keen-wittedness commonsense advantageousness merit value information solidity sensibility advantage convenience cognitive faculties soundness of mind powers of discernment gain profit mind chariness anticipation seemliness skill refinement timeliness finesse guardedness properness appreciation normality depth savoir-faire politeness profoundness thought head cautiousness planning attentiveness calculation address delicatesse accuracy moderation artfulness capacity ratiocination deliberation maturity economy prevision premeditation forward planning deep insight good taste logical thought healthy mind right mind scientific thinking sharp-sightedness rigor strictness capability enterprise resourcefulness initiative hold grip cunningness rationale grey matter taste realism cool eye percipiency nose plain sense practicability rigour cunning suss wiliness craftiness calculatedness gingerliness deepness cop on sound sense sweet reason guile daylights sense one was born with forethoughtfulness gainfulness craft soundness of judgment knowledgeability thrift utilitarianism worldly wisdom preparedness cavernousness reach immensity fathomlessness logicalness logicality separation fastidiousness demarcation selectivity distinction discreteness thriftiness opportunism propitiousness meetness foreknowledge readiness peacekeeping mediation politics quick wits aestheticism clearness cultivation culture culturedness connoisseurship good management guidance keeping your head down concern responsibility warning considerateness solicitude observation attention expedient stopgap efficiency feasibility soft skills careful budgeting astucity clairvoyance precognition preconception hindsight prophecy divination premonition prospect long-sightedness prenotion kid gloves cordiality courtesy mannerliness polish respectfulness respect decorum etiquette adroitness gallantry urbanity amenity politesse repose presence smoothness suavity control politicness dexterity preferability preferableness rightness appositeness felicity relevance pertinence applicability correctness fittingness recommendability becomingness felicitousness suitableness opportuneness happiness germaneness congruity well-suitedness congruousness equitableness brightness brilliance responsiveness precision cognizance ability brainpower mastery expertise realization education precocity gray matter style elegance realisation familiarity scholarship ingeniousness tastefulness apperception sensitiveness expertness conception IQ acquaintance proficiency feeling recognition impression learnedness aptitude consciousness mindfulness senses intimacy class idea what it takes command brain grace omniscience technique ken faculty headpiece mental faculties loaf preference differentiation difference decision bias competence braininess susceptibility adeptness interpretation selectiveness flair skilfulness take sympathy the right stuff knack authority schooling assimilation imagination skills creativity conversance observance skillfulness acquaintanceship mental health brain cells knowing inside out exercising judgment choosiness fussiness fineness razor-sharpness stylishness sense of taste esprit instruction chic beauty attractiveness reasonability practical intelligence tuition savviness sentience handle estimation timing breadth of view powers of intuition knowing soundness of judgement valuation regard notion right-mindedness restraint nicety faculties clarity spirit brainbox familiarity with intimacy with acquaintance with acknowledgement assessment inkling esteem deftness balance of mind kop doctrine acquirements accomplishment accomplishments edification study aha prehension conversance with get-up-and-go imaginativeness appraisal pundit cerebration egghead psyche inventiveness gift ability to understand slow take double take greater understanding better understanding enhanced understanding superior understanding comprehensive understanding improved understanding facility receptivity sentiment provident foresightfulness mental balance acknowledgment forcefulness backbone nerve trenchancy precociousness art upper storey giftedness attainments courage mettle pluck oomph grit spunk exposure involvement intellectual capacity receptiveness sensation diligence conservation conservatism forecast coolness austerity aesthetic sense mental capacity mental agility intellectual power I.Q. quickness of mind brain power mental acuity mental ability native ability training practice practical knowledge industry vibes masterliness qualifications professionalism talent qualification ableness gut reaction finer feeling deep feeling emotional response specialization academic attainment contact action grounding specialisation prowess empiricism evidence life skills touch inclination right stuff doing proof power development deduction inference connection participation suaveness relationship link chain of thought linkage thesis syllogistic reasoning train of thought induction good reason course of thought dialectic syllogism philosophy formal system antithesis and synthesis syllogistics

Danh từ

The quality of being abstemious, temperate, or sparing, particularly in the use of food and strong drinks
abstemiousness abstinence moderation temperance asceticism austerity restraint self-denial self-discipline sobriety self-restraint continence plain self-control forbearance frugality puritanism renunciation self-deprivation ascetic plain living self-abnegation severity temperateness simple living self-command control self-possession refrainment willpower discipline self-containment reserve suppression self-mastery discretion will self-government inhibition constraint repression non-indulgence prudence withholding hold secretiveness coolness silence confines caution prevention compulsion grip coercion unnaturalness economy command pulling your punches strength of will determination resolve resolution strength of mind will power single-mindedness firmness of purpose fixity of purpose drive grit force check smothering stifling cool abstention countenance holding back keeping back purposefulness tenacity keeping under control self-will firmness doggedness strength strength of character iron will composure calmness anger control anger prevention patience restraining fixity frustration stopping biting back controller regulator obedience orderliness holding in keeping in check good behaviour controlled behaviour bottling up self-constraint balance poise stoicism stability reticence aplomb dignity anger management concealment checking blocking curbing containing restriction bridling deadening muffling strong-mindedness containment choking back persistence limiter moral fiber moral fibre commitment backbone spine resoluteness dedication aim purpose intention spirit passion motivation tenaciousness urge stickability pining power temperament perseveration Sitzfleisch stick-to-it-iveness fancy character velleity longing yearning attitude craving ambition willfulness conviction feeling decisiveness liking design appetite staying power hankering guts heart's desire

Trái nghĩa của judiciousness

judiciousness Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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