Đồng nghĩa của responsiveness

Alternative for responsiveness

  • danh từ
    • sự đáp ứng nhiệt tình; sự thông cảm
    • sự phản ứng nhanh, thuận lợi; tình trạng dễ bị điều khiển, tình trạng dễ sai khiến
    • sự đáp lại, sự trả lời
    • sự sẵn sàng đáp lại, tình trạng dễ phản ứng lại; sự dễ cảm (tính tình)

Danh từ

The ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions
keenness astuteness sharpness intelligence shrewdness acumen insight wit discernment canniness perception sagacity wisdom cleverness understanding perspicacity acuity discrimination penetration intuition judgement judgment smarts intellect ingenuity percipience sense perspicaciousness nous knowingness judiciousness savvy foxiness perspicuity reason sapience caginess subtlety knowledge cageyness perceptivity quickness prudence genius comprehension grasp intellectuality tact brightness hardheadedness brilliance incisiveness sagaciousness thoughtfulness discretion mentality enlightenment wits erudition lucidity sensibleness levelheadedness cognition intellection apprehension consideration alertness heedfulness practicality pragmatism watchfulness experience lucidness marbles rationalness accuracy precision sharp-wittedness quick-wittedness clear-sightedness good sense sound mind sound judgment good judgment cognitive faculties presence of mind soundness of mind clear thinking good judgement powers of discernment adroitness perceptiveness acuteness agility quick thinking quickness of mind smartness brains sageness sensitivity common sense cunning gumption horse sense brainpower mind intuitiveness artfulness awareness reasoning braininess inventiveness arguteness farsightedness IQ resourcefulness savoir faire precocity skill craftiness powers of reasoning profundity finesse ingeniousness know-how delicacy sophistication common tactfulness aptitude logic capacity intellectual capacity mental capacity thought ability wiliness brain grey matter guile creativity foresight dexterity vision forethought providence sanity I.Q. gray matter rationality trenchancy commonsense mental acuity mental ability intellectual power enterprise diplomacy initiative refinement imagination subtleness savoir-faire expertise policy discreetness faculty circumspection craft headpiece vigilance wariness native wit ratiocination soundness keen-wittedness loaf brain power poise mental agility clarity slyness suss flair skilfulness great intelligence innovation great intellect insightfulness capability calculation calculatedness appreciation inspiration grip competence imaginativeness sleight learning elegance cognizance the right stuff what it takes coherence worldliness aptness heed precociousness soft skills mother wit clear mind logical thought good reasoning scientific thinking worldly wisdom fineness razor-sharpness sharp-sightedness sensitiveness observation nimbleness cultivation prodigiousness taste selectivity sound judgement hold prescience head rationale quick wits skills powers of intuition eye percipiency nose saneness upper storey kop caution pansophy balance maturity fine mind spirit foresightedness level-headedness esprit get-up-and-go good taste creative power practical intelligence giftedness deviousness politeness clear-headedness soundness of judgement brain cells foreknowledge divination breadth of view backbone forcefulness nerve intellectual brilliance mettle pluck oomph courage grit spunk care native ability grace address peacekeeping mediation delicatesse expedience politics intricacy industry originality education consciousness intimacy authority recognition schooling complexity slickness artifice cunningness sneakiness guilefulness couth adeptness expertness conception scholarship mindfulness idea realization acquaintance learnedness observance acquaintanceship sensibility sentience savviness big stick maneuver run-around assurance manoeuvre feint gimmick con racket grift conversance with familiarity with realisation knowing inside out intimacy with acquaintance with knack gift artistry exquisiteness mastery creativeness innovativeness talent invention thinking outside the box

Danh từ

The skill, tendency or property of being sociable or social, of interacting well with others
sociability conviviality gregariousness affability amicability companionability cordiality friendliness neighbourliness clubbability liveliness niceness warm-heartedness warmness accessibility amiability approachability chumminess civility clubbiness communicativeness congeniality extroversion forthcomingness geniality hospitableness openness pleasantness warmth agreeability agreeableness amenity amiableness amity benevolence camaraderie comity comradery congenialness cordialness friendship genialness good nature good-naturedness goodwill hospitability kindliness kindness neighborliness sociableness open arms social intelligence affectionateness brotherhood charity good-fellowship fellowship sympathy demonstrativeness joviality affection companionableness mateyness comradeship amenability bonhomie good humour palliness decency easy-going manner outgoingness heartiness lack of reservation lack of inhibition mutuality sincerity understanding gratefulness reciprocity jovialness favour enjoyableness wholeheartedness approval approbation earnestness favor sweetness and light graciousness sweetness personableness good-temperedness hospitality generosity tenderness courtesy compassion altruism helpfulness charm consideration tolerance goodness benignity cheerfulness kindheartedness good will care love kind-heartedness companionship mildness harmony magnanimity cheeriness cooperation amicableness indulgence fraternity charitableness good cheer liberality politeness thoughtfulness rapport patience intimacy gentleness jollity grace unselfishness happiness peacefulness peace humanity peaceableness courteousness togetherness douceur concern obligingness clemency beneficence gaiety philanthropy intercourse company warmheartedness community fraternization pleasurableness familiarity complaisance communion attractiveness fraternisation availability fellow feeling delightfulness harmoniousness informality welcome social contact social intercourse warm reception accord joyousness social interaction conversableness fondness approachableness concord affinity humaneness brotherliness cheer feeling good relations considerateness likableness tender-heartedness hospitable manner socializing solidarity mercy obliging nature big-heartedness munificence closeness open-handedness bounteousness magnanimousness largesse association relations mingling collaborating refinement public-spiritedness involvement sisterhood good deed mutual support mixing acquaintance partnership cooperativeness socialising good humor gallantry gentility exuberance buoyancy inner beauty attainability expansiveness kind reception nei jauntiness high spirits light-heartedness collaboration fatherliness lovingness motherliness welcoming likability loveliness satisfaction appeal affableness leniency forbearance festivity gemütlichkeit bluffness lovableness bountifulness likeability pleasance sympathetic nature mirth gladness easy-going nature sunniness joy reception guestfriendship guestfriendliness receptiveness winsomeness regard empathy suavities humanitarianism philanthropism engagingness couthiness pleasingness lavishness free-handedness sodality partiality brownie points suavity sweet temper jollification merrymaking congress lawfulness law and order service aid almsgiving bounty social conscience aroha amenities etiquettes welcomeness help gift whoopee revelling rejoicing revelry merriment reveling gayety boon mutual affection league concurrence etiquette order benefit assistance urbanity simpatico entertainment kinship decorum calm stability decorousness socialization naturalness ease relaxedness benediction good fellowship easiness interaction orderliness law unity rule of law unanimity tranquillity tranquility good turn helping hand confluence integration conjoining fraternizing good vibrations same wavelength act of assistance society dealings consorting solid lack of reserve enthusiasm passion vehemence contact meeting connection seemliness lull non-aggression non-violence properness public security like-mindedness meeting of minds ceasefire respite selflessness hitting it off intensity mutual respect mutual liking coming together fraternising socialisation banding together partying social life powwow correspondence social relations convergence zeal eagerness welcomingness compassionateness benignancy cooperative nobleness tact passionateness ardency violence heat fire ardor fervency emotion fervidness intenseness fervor fervour ardour generousness nobility liberalness effusiveness spiritedness feelings emotions amorousness zest excitement good intention self-sacrifice fellow-feeling good-heartedness white heat spirit glow empressement

Danh từ

A state of consciousness or knowledge of something
awareness cognizance cognisance consciousness acknowledgment acknowledgement alertness attention enlightenment familiarity information knowledge mindfulness perception understanding concern observance observation realisation realization recognition regard advertence advertency appreciation apprehension attentiveness care comprehension conception consideration discernment experience grasp heed heedfulness knowingness notice sensibility vigilance wariness acquaintance acquaintanceship apperception assimilation cognition insight knowledgeableness self-awareness self-understanding sentience wakefulness grip sensitivity to acquaintance with familiarity with insight into sensibility to feeling sensitivity sympathy thoughtfulness sensitiveness perceptiveness receptivity receptiveness intuition empathy respect compassion warmth idea perceptivity curiosity focus interest scrutiny mind suspicion estimation sense inquisitiveness valuation esteem assessment engrossment judgment appraisal affinity rapport absorption delicacy solicitude solicitousness judgement commiseration vibes pity nosiness identification communion keenness aesthetic sense fellow feeling awareness of the feelings of others handle notion impression percipience hold inkling indication belief suggestion anticipation evidence ear hint detection eye devotion immersion discovery enthrallment surveillance patience courtesy inquiring mind mental acquisitiveness kindliness soft skills finer feelings concentration tenderness thanks gratefulness appreciativeness gratitude enthusiasm sorrow condolences harmony fellowship brotherly love thought interestedness deliberation contemplation excitement preoccupation relish enjoyment commendation love admiration affection liking attraction closeness togetherness connection relating caritas mutuality agape support note application curiousness diligence intentness eagerness thirst for knowledge undivided attention watchfulness concernment zest thankfulness good feeling sympathetic response Christian love loving concern concord taste intuitiveness discrimination sentiment subtlety knowing sensation cottoning to being on same wavelength community of interests high regard susceptibility emotional response deep feeling gut reaction finer feeling acumen sapience ken penetration take wisdom acuteness perspicacity sageness astuteness intelligence interpretation shrewdness cultivation concept sagacity good taste erudition refinement picture command view culture vision sophistication distinction opinion apprehending finesse acuity aestheticism savvy sagaciousness mastery ability capacity education schooling reading class expertise acceptance image viewpoint admission grace polish style elegance know-how concession perspicaciousness wit sharpness realizing attitude light sharp-wittedness farsightedness recognizance granting allowance cleverness nous judiciousness conceding tastefulness confession arguteness imagination realising uptake avowal smarts connoisseurship intimacy authority decipherment recognisance scholarship learning expertness proficiency learnedness ability to understand skill sight verdict feel keen-wittedness quick-wittedness stylishness bearing canniness clear-sightedness sense of taste greater understanding better understanding enhanced understanding superior understanding comprehensive understanding improved understanding insightfulness percipiency nose chic beauty attractiveness awakening achievement aha prehension decorum discretion politeness restraint tactfulness correctness nicety tact ability to imagine clue about visualisation selectivity separation fastidiousness demarcation discreteness light bulb moment aha moment slow take double take association relationship intellect prudence worldliness culturedness clearness proficiency in visualization tuition grapple expertise in digestion skill in savviness cunning ingeniousness companionship astucity fluency control knack good judgment intimacy with apprehension of intellection study capability mastership conversance edification understanding of grasp of comprehension of command of awareness of realization of cognizance of knowledge of prowess deftness aplomb adroitness adeptness virtuosity facility perception of conception of slant clear thinking conversance with mastery of ken of knowing inside out common sense clue IQ skilfulness accomplishment dexterity expertism fluency in ability in savoir faire approach conceit social contact perceiving identifying differentiation establishing acknowledging distinguishing noticing flash plan big idea brain wave verifying corroboration profession affirmation concurrence confirmation assertion accession ratification declaration admitting acquiescence assent asservation allowing compliance prescience flair rejoinder yielding divination estimate horse sense breadth of view evaluation self-confession respect for approval of acquiescence in agreement with concurrence with cooperation with guesstimate honor approximation honour fix reckoning credit appraisement reverence educated guess veneration guess ciphering estimating arithmetic informed guess inference predicting computation stock figuring rough calculation value judgment calculating good opinion rough guess considered opinion ballpark figure

Danh từ

The state of being merciful
mercifulness mercy leniency clemency forbearance charity kindness compassion indulgence quarter lenience lenity benevolence generosity beneficence tenderness kindliness favor favour goodness benefaction love pardon reprieve caritas compassionateness good will sympathy tolerance pity grace forgiveness humanity understanding liberality humaneness goodwill gentleness humanitarianism mildness soft-heartedness consideration tender-heartedness warmheartedness kindheartedness concern kind-heartedness graciousness altruism moderation magnanimity sufferance lifesaver benignity absolution commiseration softheartedness largeheartedness bigheartedness feeling heart ruth good-heartedness toleration endurance liberalness permissiveness benignancy affection warm-heartedness patience thoughtfulness allowance decency fellow feeling brotherly love justness equitableness fairness moderateness acceptance bounty munificence nobility Agape empathy lack of severity magnanimousness aroha tenderheartedness bountifulness bounteousness charitableness philanthropism charitability philanthropy appreciation agape attachment regard mindfulness warmth receptiveness sensitivity affinity rapport neighborliness receptivity support considerateness unity neighbourliness remission courtesy spoiling turn pampering boon service amnesty remittal condonation partiality fondness petting pleasure profligateness favouring intemperateness fondling favoring privilege profligacy fulfilment pleasing toadying kowtowing hedonism placating attention fulfillment treating conciliation excuse anchor vindication indemnification indemnity commute freeing relief

Danh từ

Assistance, especially by complying readily with requests
cooperation help assistance helpfulness abettance aid backing contribution participation support services ministrations offices helping hand good offices promotion hand abetment boost assist furtherance leg up encouragement lift reinforcement succour service facilitation collaboration succor compensation backup relief benefaction benefit patronage advocacy espousal comfort attention a leg up a helping hand influence guide push guidance deliverance salvation alleviation care advice giving favour rescue favor spurring on shot in the arm endorsement sanction investment sponsorship approval championing seconding blessing finance championship charity donation head start counsel advancement palliation attendance commendation accompaniment secondment adherence auspices hand-holding mentoring philanthropy forwarding furthering nurturance moral support sustenance intervention a kindness a hand easement a lift a favour a break a good turn aegis protection recommendation defence defense maintenance treatment advantage ministration auspice reinforcements guardianship favouring favoring financing expertise kindness time ward sanctioning trusteeship boosterism subsidy nurture pick-me-up skills ease cavalry agency funding abetting supervision egis accessory spur asset stimulus auxiliaries fillip acceptance good crutch guaranty boon upholding urging espousing countenance supporting propagation protectorship goodness endorsing promoting good turn promulgation recommending tutelage cultivation fostering secours activism boosting refuge grant sponsoring pushing for pressing for arguing for calling for abettal wingman mediation intercession shelter mitigation proposal intermediation security reassurance argument for approving justification charge keeping umbrella inspiration complicity reserves campaigning for support for aftersales service upkeep post sales service wing safeguarding patronization satisfaction wingwoman impetus office spokesmanship pleading for enjoyment luxury adoption kick tonic supplementaries extras uplift patron benefactor angel sponsor grace good deed accommodation embracing buzz bolster nourishment use donations development utility resource welfare profit gifts redemption alms advising in favour preferment progress welcome taking up gee-up interest fix therapy preference exaltation ennoblement additional resources prelation betterment taking to siding with wholehearted reception preferring enthusiastic reception consolation go-ahead contribution to tending break windfall resort pointer recourse godsend quick fix financial assistance debt remission convenience ministry ascendency lead edge aftercare solace remedy rehabilitation reprieve respite solution vouching for vantage leverage ascendancy side TLC looking after devotion tender loving care aiding and abetting counseling counselling advance opportunity upper hand kick-start flying start dominance chance opening behalf concern sake representation place part cause stead account advancing campaigning teaching direction advantageous beginning forestart advantageous position start expediency stimulation strengthening fuelling input fueling advising in favor

Danh từ

Smoothness and elegance of movement
agility nimbleness quickness liveliness spryness activity acuteness alertness cleverness deftness dexterity sharpness sleight suppleness swiftness briskness litheness promptitude promptness quick-wittedness sprightliness adroitness alacrity celerity dispatch expedition fleetness friskiness quickwittedness skill shrewdness astuteness keenness intelligence quick thinking acumen pace facility lightness grace nimble-footedness activeness light-footedness smartness gracefulness proficiency lissomness nippiness limberness flexibility lightsomeness zippiness inventiveness vivacity perceptiveness acuity virtuosity acrobatics athleticism insight mental agility discernment canniness wit perspicacity penetration quickness of mind savvy percipience knowingness foxiness presence of mind caginess cageyness intuitiveness hardheadedness incisiveness sharp-wittedness clear-sightedness perception understanding brightness judgment perspicaciousness sagacity discrimination sensitivity sapience judgement comprehension wisdom nous sageness grasp intellect sense reason aptitude brilliance judiciousness ingenuity cunning arguteness intuition knowledge smarts perceptivity common sense horse sense brains mind brainpower precocity finesse artfulness calculation wiliness calculatedness craftiness know-how IQ what it takes the right stuff gray matter awareness apprehension tact perspicuity accuracy intellectuality aptness sagaciousness mentality thoughtfulness wits competence suss receptiveness keen-wittedness farsightedness guile resourcefulness appreciation grip hold eye percipiency insightfulness nose sensitiveness quick wits delicacy brain reasoning capacity cognizance braininess gumption precociousness ability profundity trenchancy giftedness headpiece intellectual capacity mental capacity intellectual power mental acuity mental ability powers of reasoning brain cells brain power grey matter I.Q. subtlety prudence genius discretion enlightenment erudition sensibleness lucidity levelheadedness intellection cognition consideration heedfulness watchfulness practicality pragmatism experience lucidness marbles rationalness precision good sense sound mind sound judgment good judgement clear thinking soundness of mind good judgment powers of discernment cognitive faculties

Trái nghĩa của responsiveness

responsiveness Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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