Đồng nghĩa của avail

Alternative for avail

avails, availed, availing

Đồng nghĩa: advantage, benefit, help, profit, service, use, value, worth,

Danh từ

The property of being serviceable, of being useful for some function
service use utility aid benefit good help mileage usefulness account advantage assistance effectiveness profit purpose serviceability serviceableness boot efficacy aim applicability appropriateness fitness gain reward value worth helpfulness merit convenience interest practicality functionality asset advantageousness favour favor boon importance virtue note point significance expediency upside blessing consequence relevance substance desirability goodness function success strong point productiveness handiness welfare adequacy prosperity well-being niftiness practicability plus benediction profitability happiness perk satisfaction behoof percentage import quality magnitude mark sake power eminence gratification influence strength sense enjoyment comfort ease superiority moment usage neatness advantages benefits impact effect profitableness versatility usability potency weight concern advancement implication bearing bang for the buck weightiness gravity seriousness prominence momentousness signification betterment greater good feasibility pith start privilege bonus attraction viability workability possibility expedience additional benefit leg-up added extra fringe benefit perquisite leeway leverage efficiency joyfulness pleasure melioration grace solace manna anodyne felicity delight consolation joy relief growth mercy preference beauty good point support improvement foredeal advisability break return luck pre-eminence worthiness ace in the hole ace up your sleeve meaning appeal excellence caliber distinction allure meritoriousness strengthening prize nutritional health nutritious fortune stature validity greatness class meaningfulness calibre attractiveness credit valuation endowment gift talent estimation windfall behalf good fortune health-giving treasure commonwealth nourishing nugget plum godsend perfection bliss prosperousness content wellness robustness weal contentedness wholeness soundness healthiness wholesomeness successfulness plus point gratuity extra resource pro good thing appanage suitability edge luxury dividend stroke of luck liberty opportunity authority prerogative authorization sanction gravy license right entitlement authorisation lagniappe due birthright claim capability efficaciousness ability apanage licence tip premium leave freedom amenity consideration accommodation permission bonanza facility benison selling point concession aptness capacity fruitfulness efficacity appropriacy charter franchise performance grant donative cumshaw consent effectualness honour warrant compensation freebie throw-in effectuality potence constructiveness honor carte blanche largess incentive sweetener chance redeeming feature perks saving grace gravy train prudence strong suit preferableness choice judiciousness piece of good fortune wisdom timeliness propitiousness title exemption droit immunity independence propriety dispensation bounty present nicety forte desirableness advisableness feature jackpot force appealing aspect indemnity compensating feature competence added attraction solution allowance recommendation capableness sufficiency refuge repayment creature comfort effectivity vantage mod con call feather in your cap justification thing in its favour good luck golden hello lucky break attractive feature manna from heaven long suit valuableness worthwhileness opportuneness chance of a lifetime favourableness affordance preferability lure draw pull fittingness sensibleness rightness achievability excellent inspiration attribute attainability operability workableness recommendability seemliness sensibility icing on the cake extenuative palliative attractive aspect business golden opportunity excellency significancy kindness added advantage free will priority most favourable aspect most pleasant aspect best point miracle prequisite perquisites allowances solatium grade excuse grounds pragmatism pretension pretense pretence dibs reason extenuating feature mitigating feature redeeming quality coup triumph good quality standing compensation package employee benefit skill piece of luck logic favorable aspect good feature favourable aspect forcefulness latitude feat masterstroke achievement rank matter ease of use object motive cardinal virtue lucky thing gainfulness benefit in kind succor autonomy flexibility attainment accomplishment availment upshot qualification utilitarianism indulgence esteem urgency repute protection point of character scope discretion space boom guide validness clout opportunism properness meetness acquisition freelage noteworthiness award system arrangement appliance deal room free rein margin result discovery wealth hand facilitation accessory stopgap expedient venture buy acquirement recompense payment equipment solutions provision furtherance succour ministration ministry addition steal good judgment leisure unrestraint personal best best winnings requital price crutch positive feature bargain purchase discount deduction reduction extravagance enrichment enhancement meed decoration carrot fortuity fluke investment accretion procuration possession holding blank cheque complete discretion complete freedom blank check breathing room wiggle room elbowroom elbow room breathing space rein free hand unrestricted freedom lack of restrictions pennies from heaven pot of gold winning streak treasure trove cash cow crock of gold run of luck gold mine rebate recourse backup pick-me-up resort pointer assist abetment desert purse pay-off guerdon payoff inducement good buy good deal remuneration cut pleasant thing strike run garland goodies crown accolade concurrence granting clearance sufferance decrease encouragement donation benefaction compliment lucky strike foot in the door way in leg up weighting refund prize money feather in cap adjustment tolerance admission adaptation green light toleration

Danh từ

A profit from an investment
return profit gain income revenue yield proceeds earnings interest payoff benefit dividend gains returns net accrual accruement advantage lucre percentage takings boot bunce gate incomings take results receipts remuneration reward profits pay compensation payment turnover recompense salary wages emolument bottom line stipend winnings pickings reparation repayment requital gravy reimbursement allowance receipt payback indemnity wage restitution gross fee wealth satisfaction cash flow split harvest premium consideration bonus remittance honorarium commission surplus indemnification amends quittance money received killing acquisition annuity emoluments paycheck fees retribution dividends refund reprisal pay dirt pay envelope redress take-home pay hire output cut accumulation share means prize divvy get rake-off outturn turnout rewards riches award product perks disbursement produce whack packet discount reciprocation portion vengeance retaliation perquisite bounty rebate atonement benefits settlement resources meed drawings net profit net sales operating profit spoils net pay gross pay royalty guerdon kickback financial return gross profit financial gain remission slice of the cake cash gate money just deserts score goods cleanup vail remitment achievement taking crop haul accomplishment catch revenge concession buck payment received fruit capital remittal business incoming restoration products financial returns retainer expiation avails assets livelihood booty attainment gainings gross revenue buildup honoraria purse payments received issue holding inheritance fortune velvet reciprocity result till handle rate price finances comings in revenue stream excess groceries salt take-home balance take home apology fringe benefits handout gate receipts winning redemption grant gift production quid pro quo ill-gotten gains Mammon pay packet box office charge partial refund extra entitlement replacement substitution something in return alimony advance pension pay-off sum down defrayment support subsidy amortization amortisation outlay expense defrayal part acquittal plus piece of the pie poetic justice deserts perquisites taste check dispensation appropriation coupon allotment carrot right one's share fruits acquirement fund credit stock piece of the action title damages merits claim due justice rightful treatment fair treatment give-back discharge give-up acquittance consolation remedy rectification cure reprisals recoupment aid help ease relief money back comeback assistance correction amendment renewal reworking remodelling rehabilitation reformation conciliation offsetting reestablishment change remodeling revision repair balancing

Động từ

To help financially or in other ways
aid help assist support abet sustain back second subsidise subsidize succor succour backstop benefact relieve serve alleviate favor favour minister mitigate uphold back up prop up stand by give assistance to go with bail out come to the aid of give support to lend a hand lend a hand to open doors for stick up for give a leg up to go to bat for be of service to straighten out benefit promote encourage foster further advance oblige accommodate boost facilitate help out contribute to comfort finance champion do someone a favour profit nurture cooperate fund care for endorse advocate take care of be of use to lend a helping hand to work for advantage patronize patronise look after rescue attend be advantageous to sanction give a lift give a boost meet the needs of sponsor give a leg up forward protect side with cooperate with befriend satisfy gratify wait on attend to pitch in chip in please minister to do for be to the advantage of do someone a service contribute bolster be of advantage to work with expedite underwrite collaborate with maintain push bankroll nurse invest in take part better give assistance countenance tend indulge get involved pave the way for buttress give help to muck in stimulate go along with prop indorse humour give money to motivate stand up for bail someone out be beneficial to be helpful to get stuck in plunk for plump for muck in with humor shore up be of assistance grubstake angel get stuck in with be of use convenience answer stand behind be a tower of strength to make a contribution to be useful to be useful meet the wants of get someone out of a tight spot be of service be of advantage pander to lend a helping hand do a kindness to do a good turn to give a helping hand to take under one's wing steady revitalize favorise provide for advise bolster up revitalise give backing to give a donation to lend support to subscribe to conjoin liaise lend support be a patron of welcome guide service pay be of benefit to do someone good pull for make friends with participate be of value to bear a hand save deliver treat to stand one in good stead improve further the interests of join in go along redeem doctor cotton to keep an eye on make a friend of case out buddy up do your bit for work do something for be in the service of bring aid to tag along defend spring release bring off cater to ameliorate enhance build get in on the act give one's backing give one's support play ball get in with hit it off get chummy with come on to take up with be supportive of bring relief to bring comfort to espouse play the game make a contribution hearten carry suffice meet fulfill fill fulfil account smile on approve of strengthen render assistance to ally vote for see to remedy administer to be solicitous of administer heal cure pander care be effective ally oneself with abide by stick by do good to be good for befit suit be adequate be on the side of do your part give a helping hand pull your weight do your bit cheer up buoy up come to somebody's aid give aid and encouragement to ease give one's blessing to take up the cudgels for throw one's weight behind drive pay off for bless pamper give strength to buck up precipitate keep one going keep you going be a source of strength to see someone through be of assistance to be of help to power cater for capitalize give somebody a hand allow for grin and bear it toe the mark come around take it swim with the tide bend over backwards meet halfway go fifty-fifty be kind enough to fill the bill put oneself out put yourself out for do a kindness put oneself out for gratify the wishes of make a deal meet the wants roll with it fit in don't make waves make room accelerate endow bow to submit to defer to stake keep help along stump make easy reinforce puff plug speed up hype thump do a favor aid and abet do a service fit in with yield to find ways to help jack up hike up give a boost to pitch in with urge condone prompt incite capitalise provide finance for pay a subsidy to provide capital for give a grant to juice do a favour give help be there for do one's part agree with do someone a good turn bend over backwards for ride shotgun clear a path for root for smooth the way for open the door for be a factor in shell out for spur collude with connive with do one's bit for do a good turn save someone's skin save someone's bacon bale someone out be of help come to someone's rescue run interference for smooth the path of assist the progress of give a hand oil the wheels of grease the wheels fork out for pick up the check prime the pump pick up the tab for put up the money for cough up for foot the bill for chip in for pick up the tab pony up for connive goad prod make a pitch for put on the map be in collusion with participate in connive at go down the line for set on be hand in glove with put up to egg on give a push to

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