Đồng nghĩa của idealism

Alternative for idealism

Trái nghĩa: materialism,

Danh từ

Belief that wishes become reality

Danh từ

The quality of being great
greatness distinction eminence celebrity illustriousness importance significance fame luster lustre dignity generosity grandeur majesty merit pre-eminence renown reputation repute chivalry choiceness disinterestedness excellence excellency first-rateness glory gravity heroism high-mindedness import moment nobility noteworthiness perfection preeminence primeness prominence standing status superbness superiority supremacy value weight worth heaviness loftiness momentousness nobleness note seriousness stateliness sublimity urgency high standing magnanimity morality weightiness worthiness prestige honour honor notability rank esteem kudos influence credit acclaim stature mark account famousness quality power elevation name authority transcendence consequence popularity exaltation notoriety éclat peerlessness magnificence position immortality class prepotency recognition prominency stardom virtue fineness glorification eminency high quality station goodness integrity dominance supereminence paramountcy primacy respect prestigiousness regard favour favor caliber calibre character brilliance report rep praise acclamation odor odour estimation royalty accolade splendor laurels preponderancy preponderance high standard public esteem refinement purity splendour reverence veneration arete flair style impressiveness grandness incorruptibility uprightness elite gentry place society ennoblement ascendancy predominance incomparability good name good reputation matchlessness ruling class upper class high society pride admiration visibility advantage aristocracy high rank extolment salience respectability accomplishment deference laudation adoration aggrandizement adulation polish consideration celebration fealty tribute homage cachet devotion gentility immortalization apotheosis applause commendation obeisance approbation worship plaudits privilege canonization tributes accolades compliments attention deification lionization soundness clout eulogium bouquets paeans eulogy commemoration trust lionisation props aggrandisement salutes congratulations compliment heyday acknowledgement acknowledgment relevance good image lavishness triumph imposingness badge decoration manner bays award grandioseness notedness venerability venerableness Augustness grandiosity sway blood patricians peerage birth laurel high station edge outstandingness superstardom kingship queenship specialness inimitability extraordinariness memorability publicity blue blood distinguishment image exquisiteness flawlessness reputability approval stock proportion upper hand whip hand conspicuousness rule acceptability honesty faultlessness perfectness media interest media attention dimension intensity brand rap ranking trustworthiness immaculateness impeccability achievement pull infallibility exemplariness pith level signification scale magnitude dependability high regard izzat decency infamy noblesse rectitude gentlefolks gentlefolk probity righteousness patriciate finesse sophistication elegance legend myth bravery selflessness graciousness landed gentry upper crust the crown grace high calibre high caliber timelessness benefit substance use meaning appeal good service avail allure meritoriousness lasting fame permanence gloriousness durability usefulness utility validity meaningfulness attractiveness valuation endowment helpfulness upside strength assistance gift behoof sense aid gain desirability help percentage talent mileage point profit legendary status strong point enduring fame lasting repute lasting renown lasting glory effectiveness efficacy capacity ability productiveness effect grade capability purpose competence standard adequacy interest asset advantageousness impact fitness serviceableness concern potency success plus serviceability functionality bearing efficiency practicality appropriateness efficaciousness successfulness force state fruitfulness function suitability classification convenience good point object applicability profitability rating degree qualification significancy effectualness implication efficacity effectuality potence priority plus point capableness reason materiality advisability expertise proficiency skill aptitude handiness faculty condition reward niftiness essence gifts strengths constitution habilitation perk attraction practicability matter footing expediency performance echelon rung stage boon constructiveness upshot redeeming feature sufficiency bonus severity added extra enormity exigency praiseworthiness measure benchmark usage qualifications skilfulness adeptness competency kind advancement wholesomeness clearness clarity application rate forte attribute feasibility preferableness expedience neatness size bang for the buck logic viability workability possibility stake graveness advantages benefits motive aim reaches mana agreeableness eligibility blessing simplicity physique figure development growth satisfaction stratum mode type category stress precedence emphasis good quality welfare ease profitableness usability versatility social standing cardinal virtue long suit strong suit rightness aptness gratification betterment social position good judgment effectivity improvement perks lure draw decorum desert goal gratuity order vantage role objective deservingness godsend fringe benefit premium justification excuse call grounds start tier result outcome comfort enjoyment raison d'être excellent beauty selling point good thing feature inspiration pro additional benefit amenity indulgence cream windfall prize egg in one's beer courtliness perquisite gravy gradation division business task duty work job part solemnity propriety mission league notch estate groove niche regalness poise royalness well-being formality respectfulness regality composure responsibility return assignment target augustness exaltedness breeding correctness gravitas lordliness ceremoniousness seemliness modesty honourability etiquette sedateness reserve sobriety ethics hauteur self-possession culture

Danh từ

A person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type
perfection ideal ultimate acme epitome paragon apotheosis archetype crown exemplar height model quintessence classic dream essence jewel paradigm yardstick byword eidolon example nonesuch nonpareil standard tops beau ideal beau idéal last word crème de la crème best thing since sliced bread greatest thing since sliced bread ne plus ultra one in a million the bee's knees standard of perfection embodiment perfect example prototype personification shining example type patron saint pattern zenith best gem typical example peak exemplification apex pinnacle culmination apogee representation summit specimen illustration criterion elite norm flower avatar idea pick cream good example definitive example role model idol typification incarnation stereotype picture soul cream of the crop prime classic example classic case symbol masterpiece climax idolization exaltation elevation glorification deification angel cynosure treasure emblem acme of perfection trump peach champion love crackerjack beauty champ sublimation lovely original immortalization idealization perfect specimen saint pick of the bunch hero perfect example of its kind something else finest idealisation crowning moment instance ideal beauty perfect type perfect model embodiment of model of incarnation of exemplar of oner highest point high point case sample representative blueprint jewel in the crown personification of classic case of synonymous with perfect example of avatar of typification of epitome of benchmark high water mark person to look up to peak of perfection textbook example mirror copy representative example optimum utmost greatest extremity extreme very limit mother of all cat's whiskers the last word cat's pyjamas dernier cri template guide mould mold icon precedent design framework value form authority lead gage prime example classic exemplar parallel case appreciation gauge version style archetypal setup pioneer trailblazer torchbearer touchstone lodestar representative case game plan beatified soul tutelary saint canonized mortal guardian angel saint and martyr

Trái nghĩa của idealism

idealism Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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