Đồng nghĩa của luster

Alternative for luster

Đồng nghĩa: brightness, brilliance, gleam, gloss, glow, sheen, shine,

Danh từ

The quality or state of being bright or illuminated

Danh từ

The state of being illustrious
illustriousness distinction fame renown prestige repute celebrity glory reputation honour greatness prominence honor esteem standing notability note rank credit dignity preeminence superiority kudos influence significance mark weight authority loftiness famousness prepotency power prominency eminency eminence acclaim recognition notoriety name stardom stature rep popularity character account estimation importance regard favour favor éclat odour odor acclamation pre-eminence report laurels exaltation immortality station position place elevation majesty public esteem excellence consequence lustre image reputability status noteworthiness respectability respect clout approval reverence veneration heyday nobility splendor acknowledgement splendour acknowledgment acceptability izzat rap supremacy primeness choiceness excellency superbness first-rateness perfection cachet infamy supereminence legend myth impressiveness memorability extraordinariness publicity momentousness relevance media interest media attention import praise accolade homage admiration laudation applause props laud bays accolades sun bouquets stock brand ranking trustworthiness class dependability high regard good reputation good name high standing merit state prestigiousness dominance sway privilege worth quality control footing level credibility approbation value opinion degree rung echelon reaches grade stratum morality capacity mana integrity deference grandeur stateliness reliability command adulation leverage social position rectitude sublimity sovereignty pride grandness probity honesty decency goodness rating pull virtue caliber calibre situation adoration extolment fashion magnificence trust plaudits tribute lionization consideration domination good report reign dominion force lionisation predominance ascendancy triumph leadership muscle teeth strength category modesty morals courage honestness incorruptness principles chastity incorruption innocence purity fairness uprightness acceptance caste righteousness condition nobleness moment transcendence appreciation order glorification primacy paramountcy preponderancy preponderance visibility face self-respect aggrandizement rule grandiosity weightiness celebration fealty devotion gravity self-image apotheosis tributes deification immortalization commendation obeisance worship canonization compliments attention seriousness salience self-esteem eulogium paeans eulogy commemoration aggrandisement salutes congratulations compliment good image manner badge flair decoration style award lavishness imposingness bottom seniority truthfulness beef puissance classification division grading superstardom awe laurel high rank circumstance brownie points ego outstandingness public image sphere gravitas term slot scene augustness splendiferousness gloriousness stupendousness resplendency resplendence splendidness brilliance sublimeness gorgeousness specialness size estate walk plausibility confidence conspicuousness existimation raves affection drag faith aristocracy puff flattery love ability physique figure competence development qualification growth spotlight liking fondness knowledge conviction experience high station sympathy care righteous blue blood high birth pumping up concern interest self-regard cherishing vogue stage pat on the back mode type big up PR snob value good opinion magnitude substance high opinion generosity center stage social standing fashionableness snob appeal portent stamp signification seal design street cred street credibility chivalry disinterestedness high-mindedness heroism idealism pith exigency heaviness urgency demand idolization stylishness magnanimity worthiness saleability traction hotness welcome currency fashionability marketability commerciality voguishness modishness mastery monopoly access jurisdiction juice grease reach prevalence trendiness circulation coolness hold following attractiveness rightness virtuousness moral fibre moral fiber moral strength will power staying power firmness of purpose strength of mind

Danh từ

Magnificence or great beauty
glory grandeur magnificence majesty resplendence stateliness brilliance nobility splendidness gloriousness gorgeousness grandness superbness augustness sublimeness splendor nobleness splendiferousness resplendency splendour stupendousness pomp sumptuousness opulence impressiveness greatness pageantry richness beauty éclat elegance radiance fineness lustre effulgence sublimity brightness preciousness great beauty dignity distinction show display ceremony showiness glamour lavishness renown celebrity spectacle glamor glitter illustriousness loftiness grandiosity prestige luxury eminence solemnity luxuriousness dazzle brilliancy state imposingness honour honor triumph exaltation pizzazz reputation pzazz standing importance marvelousness flourish ceremoniousness ostentation style pageant fame status ceremonial glitz excellence pomp and circumstance tinsel razzle-dazzle razzmatazz formality panoply praise kudos immortality royalty kingliness sparkle exaltedness vastness transcendency elevation immensity drama poshness ritziness gaudiness extravagance theatricality prominence superiority parade morality preeminence gravity magnanimity pomposity affectation fanfare array ornateness power sight finery vividness splash rank superlativeness wonderfulness grandezza exquisiteness gilt awesomeness quality fashion class regalness royalness queenliness regality awe stature cachet consequence ritual pride righteousness flashiness magnitude decency transcendence gravitas massiveness goodness hugeness gallantry graciousness sublime flash fascination lure captivation draw allure attraction enormousness grace swank pulchritude post spectacularity ostentatiousness immenseness honorableness prodigiousness size inclusiveness handsomeness might circumstance breadth superbity amplitude expansiveness sway bigness vainglory bulk tremendousness appeal pull fabulousness amazingness remarkableness shine exceptional nature great importance drawing power significance generosity merit repute pre-eminence heroism supremacy moment worth chivalry choiceness excellency weight import disinterestedness high-mindedness idealism primeness noteworthiness first-rateness value perfection momentousness urgency seriousness heaviness note weightiness high standing worthiness refinement polish poise courtliness propriety symmetry sophistication charm sobriety lushness delicacy rhythm purity affluence culture breeding wealth voluptuousness gracefulness integrity gentility noblesse stylishness suaveness chic classiness virtue urbanity hauteur proportion decorum good taste attractiveness solemnness taste comfort costliness flair plushness prosperity sedateness panache dash smoothness seemliness swankiness tastefulness cultivation smartness discernment finesse self-possession politeness couth elegancy ease felicity restraint nicety portentousness grandioseness effectiveness powerfulness earnestness incorruptibility blood society uprightness birth ennoblement gentry patricians peerage elite glorification luxuriance epicness plushiness fanciness riches upper class ruling class blue blood high society worldliness courtesy civility luxe mannerliness somberness austerity ponderance grit will mark civilization gentlemanliness affability manners finish classicalism objectivity balance neoclassicism rationalism simplicity severity lucidity clarity Hellenism gracious living diplomacy cool suavity tact notability account courteousness genteelness soft skills civilisation pure taste high art conventional formality grand style formal style aesthetic principle Atticism Ciceronianism intensity dimension respectability élan savoir-faire flamboyance cosmopolitanism elan regard respectfulness composure level signification pith scale zing fashionableness mode dressiness oomph correctness lordliness hot ticket dernier cri bon ton bravura last word chichi modesty honourability etiquette classicism reserve character station prettiness ethics loveliness comeliness hedonism winsomeness prosperousness modishness pleasingness fairness allurement bloom plenty security seductiveness artistry heavenliness beauteousness cultivated beauty lap of luxury beautifulness pleasantness decorativeness picturesqueness aesthetics esthetics cuteness sightliness looks bed of roses delights irresistibility prepossessingness wonders bonniness glories adorableness shapeliness milk and honey good looks life of Riley natural beauty physical attractiveness

Danh từ

Fervent or passionate emotion or enthusiasm
fire passion energy intensity enthusiasm animation spirit dash force life vigour vitality zeal dynamism sparkle verve eagerness fervency heat impetuosity ardour fervour light vigor vivacity ebullience excitement exuberance liveliness scintillation vibrancy zest drive elan gusto splendour vehemence élan lustre pep radiance vim vivaciousness welly zip ardency ardor brio creativity emotion fervidness fervor flair imagination inspiration intenseness inventiveness passionateness pzazz pizzazz potency violence virtuosity warmth zing exhilaration get-up-and-go heartiness oomph punch calenture ginger go snap splendor burning passion red heat white heat bounce esprit spiritedness moxie keenness forcefulness juice push effervescence hardihood sap earnestness starch strength gas beans power vinegar fieriness activity fierceness enterprise high spirits initiative buoyancy fizz avidity stamina feeling relish spark might fanaticism sprightliness feistiness spunk panache dedication steam birr motivation love devotion appetite determination fury endurance commitment perkiness vigorousness fever kick tuck assertiveness vibrance pluck heart high-spiritedness resolution gumption virility ferocity bang zestfulness joy mettle lustiness robustness wholeheartedness guts frenzy fortitude jazz sincerity resolve severity zealousness zap briskness urgency enjoyment backbone jazziness tenacity grit gaiety readiness aggressiveness gameness happiness boldness peppiness agitation action ferment exertion effectiveness depth emphasis muscle vehemency rage courage delight assiduity ferociousness hustle elation will pleasure cheerfulness toughness efficiency lust hunger efficacy dauntlessness quality application desire empressement humor interest pertness humour vital spark life force feverishness glow ecstasy colour committedness color fondness furore furor perseverance avidness wildness devotedness steadfastness devoutness turbulence nerve excess concentration jollity merriment savagery tempestuousness sharpness emotionalism extremity light-heartedness seriousness magnitude conviction dazzle ambitiousness tension strain soul single-mindedness temper essence tenor morale outlook air disposition temperament breath character stoutheartedness willpower mood complexion substance psyche operativeness spontaneity bustle balls pepper activeness chirpiness flare-up asperity acrimony rampancy sore acerbity storm stew rise rabidity conniption doggedness ambition hot-bloodedness weakness flame quickness audacity buoyance powerfulness frame of mind agility nimbleness brilliance vim and vigour anger aggression thirst puissance delirium irateness will power distraction rampage uproar flap hysteria deliriousness impatience movement pep talk joie de vivre go-getting slow burn fire in the belly boiling point level degree jauntiness resilience grievousness irrepressibility breeziness vividness brightness spring forcibleness bounciness momentum resources vociferousness sentiment sensation insistence forthrightness outspokenness delectation airiness flamboyance cheer satisfaction bliss perturbation excitability piousness hurrah religiousness solemnity piety sassiness willingness militancy glitz glimmer show desirousness piquancy daring bravery venturesomeness being pulse stuff bloom clout turn on mirth rapture taste gallantry indomitability turmoil have-a-go attitude torrid heat sweltering heat extreme heat tropical heat intense heat oppressive heat high temperature joyfulness flare snappiness spunkiness elan vital stir hustle and bustle purposefulness kindness affection friendliness cheeriness bottle valour steel bite spice spiciness incandescence restlessness optimism bound bob diligence intentness what-it-takes dispatch stick-to-itiveness mania inclination alacrity yen persistence stress cordiality affability unrest flush keen interest striving kindliness tenderness ferity moral fibre courageousness fearlessness intrepidity anticipation intensity of feeling resoluteness thrust confidence aspiration amiability strength of character thrill instigation flurry capability well-being alertness ability pith vim and vigor exercise capacity hardiness motion soundness healthiness sock firmness burning up running a temperature febrile disease the shakes pertinence pertinacity pertinaciousness constancy decidedness decisiveness tenaciousness incentive faith understanding good-naturedness sympathy geniality warm-heartedness hospitality caliber cojones calibre moral fiber valor makeup motive arousal emulation yearning hankering itch longing salt goodwill benevolence charitableness charity benignity welcomingness care liberality self-motivation Dunkirk spirit firmness of purpose ado impulse pitch amity fire in belly kicks intoxication flutter excitation stimulus hurry extreme entrepreneurial spirit get up and go right stuff what it takes a sense of purpose hospitableness effusiveness feelings emotions amorousness purpose urge acuteness volume anxiety deepness nervousness tenseness weightiness high pitch compassion titillation stimulation attraction spryness dexterity litheness twinkling turning on blood lust ire irritation histrionics dudgeon displeasure outrage furiousness chagrin infuriation irascibility resentfulness resentment wrath exasperation indignation irritability choler liking craving euphoria partiality fancy transport sunniness propensity gladness appetency favour favor joyousness greed preference infatuation proclivity penchant rhapsody wish glee stomach cloud nine jubilation hopefulness heaven pining paradise greediness like high shine elatedness swoon appreciation bullishness gratification seventh heaven ache contentment good cheer predilection appetence need joviality madness jolliness soft spot exaltation bias sanguineness voracity blitheness felicity enchantment craze love affair impetus lightheartedness bent resourcefulness contentedness good humor use resource mind tendency palate trust calmness idealism easiness sureness expectation encouragement assurance certainty positivism ravishment immoderation exultation transports sanguinity hope fun beatitude fascination obsessiveness amenability jones thirstiness letch bigotry positive attitude zealotry effort monomania obligingness obsession style voraciousness rose-colored glasses addiction leaning ingenuity flourish looking on bright side top of the world good spirits extremism overenthusiasm conscientiousness imaginativeness partisanship talent impact appetition cleverness stylishness exuberancy content peartness tooth self-assurance leadership point commotion affinity gayness rhapsodies positiveness adventure adventurousness amusement thing friskiness cool predisposition carefreeness blithesomeness quick-wittedness merriness proneness native wit festivity gleefulness mirthfulness triumph playfulness a buzz a charge jocularity a kick rejoicing jocundity hilarity adoration aim hungering cupidity covetousness loyalty faithfulness wishing preparedness unction hungriness estimation bubbliness swagger warmness intent anxiousness promptness solicitude demand pizazz intense desire address richness indulgence facility gladsomeness cogency strong interest wits strength of mind youthfulness flamboyant confidence sense of purpose molliness savor savour joys of spring agreement consent agreeableness expectancy influence impellent spell sedulousness strong desire great enthusiasm volatility excitedness love of life eye suspense great expectations bright outlook Pollyannaism rosy outlook silver lining fundamentalism radicalism dogmatism activism thirsting aridity positivity labour labor industry fit validness punchiness validity cooperation volition compliance charisma elegance attachment engrossment deliberation pace velocity speed good humour moroseness haste communion at-oneness nirvana glory Elysium originality intemperance chauvinism sectarianism ingeniousness genius favoritism favouritism hastiness rashness wild emotion impulsiveness buzz charge jollies upper up beef sinew aptness ease paroxysm big eyes intuition intelligence wit shrewdness cunning perceptiveness ants in pants strong emotion intense feeling cup of tea favourite favorite abandon being full of the joys of spring éclat driving power creativeness wisdom brains knack impressiveness spine stars in one's eyes extreme happiness risk riskiness peril perilousness danger hazardousness hazard dangerousness hard work yearn burning want dream goal ripeness blissfulness smartness staying power fulfilment jouissance comfort gayety gutsiness greatheartedness doughtiness daringness heroism intrepidness druthers joyance fulfillment prowess virtue stoutness uncertainty precariousness discomposure exciting experience innovativeness fruition sharp-wittedness pecker trance great pleasure warm fuzzies great joy transports of delight fluster openness stout-heartedness provocation incitement positive thinking spirit of adventure self-reliance tumult intestinal fortitude weakness for thing for entertainment play foolery blast buffoonery fitness festiveness living it up tomfoolery ball panic over-enthusiasm state blessedness stupor health wholeness silliness foolishness knavery facetiousness jocosity romping gambolling roguishness waggery riot solace grins humorousness levity mischief diversion jesting mischievousness sportiveness wantonness clowning funniness gamboling joking comedy laughter nonsense revelry treat jocoseness good time gambol rascality wellness confusion fixation verdure wholesomeness twilight zone healthfulness salubrity state of anxiety fandom salubriousness haleness willfulness injustice illiberality incorrigibility intolerance stubbornness hatred contumacy arbitrariness abandonment faction unreasonableness prejudice unruliness dogma unfairness obstinacy superstition fettle pink prime form constitution eupepsia good condition clean bill fine feather

Danh từ

A branched, often ornate, lighting fixture suspended from the ceiling

Động từ

Apply varnish to
varnish lacquer polish glaze japan shellac enamel decorate wax adorn embellish gild gloss oil resin coat cover finish lustre paint stain surface veneer wash buff overlay smear rub daub dress shine burnish laminate face smooth spread grind furbish besmear overspread apply inlay bedaub plate plaster blanket carpet glance incrust smoothen smother slick sleek overlie mantle sheet cake pave encrust brush give a shine to texture sand round elaborate develop vitrify glass put a finish on roll make shiny smooth off brighten refine perfect clear make lustrous make vitreous swathe blanch clean envelop veil shroud ornament cloak lap overlap encase superimpose suffuse drape rub down scour dust scrub bone rub up put over anoint line dab smudge buff up slap whitewash whiten clad slop skin bespatter splash variegate white slap on cover thickly put a facing on conceal crust hide dip foil make glossy spread over layer cap top crown slather sheathe surround protect wrap extend over sheath skim enshroud enclose ice frost resurface put tint colour seal silver dye lather enfold spatter mask color obscure distemper disguise screen shade spray cloud enwrap wipe shield submerge paste swab grease splatter suppress belie curtain occult cocoon lard clothe put on paper over blot out apply paint to highlight rime eclipse camouflage spread around level canopy film butter overlayer separate stratify flake exfoliate foliate split lay spread thickly over spread thickly dissemble dissimulate shingle refinish lay on soil smirch dress up side cover with icing cream begrime befoul besmirch sully pall bury house glue bind cement mortar gum adhere tip surmount mark splodge splotch tar anodize nickel electroplate platinize patch beslubber beslobber streak plaster over galvanize swaddle inclose closet case encage cage lubricate tin stop overtop crest plug rub on galvanise bronze chrome scale enswathe mop lube wrap up panel reinforce interline cream in apply oil make slippery pomade loosen smear with oil pad back ceil fill paper work in pack quilt stuff wainscot wad bush put a lining in layer on put a backing on layer over pigment bepaint tincture tinge emulsion spray-paint airbrush roller draft undercoat figure fresco stipple draught compose design touch up cover up gloss over catch a likeness put on coats

Trái nghĩa của luster

luster Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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