Đồng nghĩa của big up

Động từ

(slang, idiomatic) To exaggerate the importance of
exaggerate overstate overemphasise overemphasize amplify embellish inflate magnify overplay hyperbolize overexaggerate oversell play up embroider overestimate overdraw overstress overdo elaborate elaborate on romance lay on lie blow something out of all proportion dramatize boast romanticise lay it on with a shovel pad blow out of proportion make a mountain out of a molehill enlarge pile it on up overvalue pretty up add colour caricature make a production out of over-elaborate make a big thing of dramatise hike distort puff expand cook up build up lay it on with a trowel about make too much of romanticize boost make a drama out of a crisis intensify color blow up out of all proportion fudge heighten scam aggrandize exalt stretch lay it on thick about catastrophize falsify put on brag make a federal case of emphasize overpitch loud talk corrupt go to extremes lay it on thick stretch the truth pile it on about shoot a line colour emphasise misrepresent pyramid draw the longbow lay it on with a trowel fabricate misreport misquote enhance blow up ham it up overrate accentuate overact increase hype overdo it augment stress bend melodramatize strain touch up overdramatize dress up extend belabour pervert gild varnish widen garble belabor misstate overpraise misinterpret point up maximize chew the scenery tear a cat cook manipulate misrelate ham beef up accent make a production of mug make a big thing out of escalate attach too much importance to put a spin on swell strengthen disguise deepen maximise fake labor labour promote belie highlight warp overuse underline massage flesh out redouble consolidate pile on lay it on aggravate twist expand on step up dwell on slant overwork harp on amp up emote attach too much weight to burlesque raise act travesty overembellish compound multiply pump up ham up spin doctor go overboard puff up overcharge distend impress alter change ginger up add to exacerbate make federal case enlarge on blow out of all proportion brighten over-praise draw the long bow jazz up worsen broaden make a big thing about inflame adulterate make worse jack up quote out of context hike up tamper with rouse rise intensate give a false account of take out of context expound on fix go on about trump up lay too much emphasis on harp on about place too much emphasis on palter fiddle prevaricate con go on phony up equivocate drive home labor at show off get carried away chew up the scenery stretch a point theatricalize make a song and dance about make a big thing of something make too much of something make a fuss interlard blow up out of proportion emphasize too much overstate the case magnify importance make larger make a big deal out of something allow too much for overcalculate express emotion juggle cram fill bloat surcharge balloon spread fill out blow-up overelaborate yeast lay too much stress on make a mountain out of make mountain of molehill add detail to add flesh to over-embroider over-embellish over-colour drive up swell up go up make something out of nothing concentrate interfere with tinker with patch fiddle with acclaim go over the top about go on and on about exaggerate information go into detail about sharpen reinforce give someone a sob story dilate overwrite applaud praise spread on thick forge mount sweeten sensationalize make mountain out of molehill counterfeit quicken gain strength pick up advance overplay it heat up lighten pour it on set off spike darken add fuel whet point tone up heap on poison airbrush run up jump up fan the flames of invent play-act soft-soap debase stage perform splash produce tragedize present sensationalise execute playact enact farcialize show camp it up vitiate embellish the truth sweet-talk give fulsome praise pay extravagant compliments foreground overstate one's case lay on with a trowel contravene salt put on an act rig traverse gloss deacon four-flush fake it deceive contort frame up fib underscore feature parody make much of punctuate give color to play on heartstrings play to the gallery play to gallery make a performance of press conceal illuminate glorify gloss over carry go overboard with do to death coat grace italicize overprize overload camp up overburden overtax overindulge fatigue overtire pressure overreach blarney blow smoke miscolor pass off cover up skew angle snow cheese give a false idea of cloak bias beard mask mangle pirate confuse dress italicise deck window-dress adorn enrich sugar-coat camouflage call attention to draw attention to turn spotlight on bring to the fore talk big make a thing about strain oneself pull the longbow drive oneself make a thing of run riot wear down garnish beautify ornament bedeck go too far wear oneself out lay something on thick exceed overreckon overassess rate too highly assess too highly think overesteem bite off too much run into the ground accelerate begild engild plate paint aureate overlay wash tinsel whitewash aurify glitter supersize make a big deal out of exaggerate the worth of stoke supplement think too highly of expect too much of praise too highly think too much of exaggerate the merits of prize too highly lengthen add expatiate turn up make louder soup up

Động từ

(slang, idiomatic) To publicly praise, acknowledge or pay homage to
praise commend acclaim compliment extol laud aggrandize celebrate honor honour applaud appreciate ballyhoo kudize proclaim salute toast speak highly of heap praise on pay homage to pay respects to rave about pay tribute to hand it to sing the praises of express admiration for express approval of eulogize glorify eulogise panegyrize hail crack up exalt emblazon cry someone up big something up admire hymn tout boost cry up make much of magnify cry something up cheer wax lyrical about throw bouquets at praise to the skies lionize congratulate bless accredit recommend lionise speak well of resound flatter approve of hear it for go into raptures about pat on the back idolize clap rave carol approve extoll venerate revere idolise stroke build up endorse worship reverence welcome plug push sing root rhapsodize over go into raptures over say nice things about puff up put on a pedestal rhapsodize publicize praise enthusiastically wax lyrical favour favor crack someone up gush about go on about express delight over enthuse about sanction look on with favour rhapsodise give a posy publicise gush over go wild about enthuse over be mad about crack something up promote gush dignify hero-worship adulate ennoble immortalize support hurrah effervesce apotheosize advocate adore hurray enthuse effuse trumpet vaunt fuss drool slobber esteem encourage give it up for felicitate distinguish immortalise put in a good word for give a puff to put up hold in high regard give a big hand commemorate think highly of give bouquet sing paeans to give a bouquet sound the praises of blow up mention hats off to hold in high esteem root for look up to credit rave over puff rhapsodize about beat the drum for take one's hat off to build gold star recognize countenance affirm recognise uphold give approval blow horn give kudos sing praises of take off hat to pay respects publish sing praises be wild about be excited fall all over be delighted carry on about bubble make a to-do signalize solemnise signalise memorialise solemnize memorialize wish one well pat on back wish happy returns give regards hug give a big cigar wish joy to rejoice with acknowledge respect take your hat off to prize express approval for rate highly hold in respect regard consider value deify put your hands together give a standing ovation give ovation give a round of applause give a hand show your appreciation express respect for halo erect set on pedestal hold in awe uprear sublime set on a pedestal lift intensify transfigure show appreciation for cite pile it on lay it on thick talk up tub-thump give a boost whistle shout yell holler for cheer on show one's appreciation of bring the house down rise to hoot shout for put one's hands together for sound off for enhance elevate advertise advertize augment hype glamorize increase brag about give a boost to belaud givea bouquet be enthusiastic be effusive suggest canonize romanticize idealize go wild be passionate talk excitedly go crazy bubble over be mad go over the top go into raptures get all worked up be wild show enthusiasm go mad adorn add dignity to enshrine glamourize raise glamour up lift up overpraise hype up give publicity to press-agent cry merchandise propose add distinction to heroize offer hike romanticise glamorise idealise canonise add lustre to advance proffer be all for vouch for offer a suggestion look with favour on hold up nominate tip pose submit give a tip stand by put forward go on record for table speak favourably of second prescribe put in a good word present tip off proposition front for mob fete bestow honour on make a fuss of roll out the red carpet show respect make a fuss over sanctify hallow observe decorate love roll out red carpet pray to give recognition to bow down to sing praises to offer prayers to show appreciation of give thanks to give key to city give glad hand cajole blarney sweet-talk humour soft-soap flannel fawn on butter up thank blandish beatify pay court to creep to pay blandishments to crawl to keep suck up to play up to cherish treasure humor be all over give accolades to give credit to express admiration of herald crack-up hold high celebritize apotheose remember eternalize perpetuate enthrone ensky mark hold sacred be grateful for show gratitude to give credit for eternize marvel at illuminate give praise to mythify make famous preserve hand it to one be in awe of stand in awe of live up to be true be faithful sing someone's praises have a high regard for sing hyms to bow down before hold in esteem dote on be devoted to chant to hold dear make immortal keep alive the memory of monumentalize dedicate consecrate ordain anoint court sacralize fawn wheedle honey massage pander to inveigle make holy bootlick soften con salve jolly snow oil grovel beslaver charm toady sell brownnose sprinkle sign set apart absolve cross confirm baptise make sacred sacrifice baptize rub the right way lay it on with a trowel work over get next to compliment excessively spread it on work on sweeten up cater to devote to God dedicate to God pray for invoke benefits invoke happiness on offer benediction pronounce holy invoke happiness mollycoddle fuss over pat spoil baby pet indulge cosset pamper

Danh từ

(slang) Significant respect or acclaim
respect kudos credit props acclaim distinction homage honor honour accolade applause bays glory sun laurels laud prestige praise fame renown acclamation laudation plaudits recognition honors decoration brownie points blue ribbon accolades commendation decorations honours feather in cap tributes awards gold star esteem repute notability regard celebrity illustriousness PR flattery reputation prestigiousness preeminence puff status cachet eminence raves pat on the back approbation pumping up standing admiration tribute prominence approval note dignity congratulations greatness rank compliments extolment exaltation ovation adulation bouquets importance stature favour superiority name salutes appreciation favor compliment veneration eulogy estimation influence weight authority account mark luster eulogium lustre popularity cheers panegyric encomium position acknowledgment image character acknowledgement merit consequence power reverence nobility a pat on the back cheering prominency notoriety station glorification testimonial pre-eminence adoration celebration significance éclat majesty plaudit rep immortality supremacy famousness clout stardom splendor izzat report loftiness elevation mana odor odour citation place good name class cheer rave acceptability deference credibility prepotency attention devotion consideration splendour worship eminency big hand high regard congratulation welcome encomiums clapping thanks stateliness magnificence grandeur excellence perfection obeisance impressiveness noteworthiness worth trust quality privilege sublimity triumph grandness paeans high standing integrity felicitations plumes good reputation public esteem superbness blue ribbons prizes premiums trustworthiness dependability control pride support sway a hand acceptance points eulogizing a round of applause eulogising salutation paean hymn recommendation commendations strokes state grandiosity reputability a big hand respects aggrandizement endorsement hand rave review respectability fealty awe good word apotheosis deification immortalization canonization lionization sanction ranking salutations liking caliber calibre réclame commemoration lionisation aggrandisement rap pat on the head high opinion panegyrics ovations heyday good opinion good image social position eulogies laudations love manner badge flair style award validation choiceness first-rateness excellency primeness reliability lavishness imposingness self-respect dithyramb bouquet bottom shouting a slap on the back great respect stock enthusiasm laurel gratitude hurrah bravo sycophancy cry boost notice stroke self-image augustness splendiferousness gloriousness stupendousness resplendency resplendence splendidness brilliance sublimeness gorgeousness nobleness infamy brand hat tip extraordinariness momentousness memorability publicity strong praise primacy paramountcy transcendence preponderancy preponderance dominance jubilation roar self-esteem supereminence greetings regards loud homage visibility outstandingness bay myth legend snob value value face leverage command standing O honoring word of praise salience specialness stamp seal design stroking pull gravitas court puffing up honouring idolization encouragement assent blessings hail relevance media interest import media attention valuing cherishing prizing treasuring enjoyment affection positive reception gifts palms titles street cred street credibility plausibility confidence rooting hurrahs stamping good press cheerings positive feedback best wishes good wishes mention ratification a standing ovation snob appeal reaches rating level grade degree echelon rung footing drag faith blessing OK okay imprimatur stage condition capacity round of applause standing ovation stratum mode type category blarney testimonials good words cajolery extolments pats on the back blandishments flattering remarks sentiment honeyed words courtesy warm fuzzies adulations eulogiums concurrence consent permission go-ahead bells knowledge conviction experience social standing the nod clean bill of health honorable mention

Trái nghĩa của big up

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