Đồng nghĩa của implacability

Alternative for implacability

implacability /im,plækə'biliti/ (implacableness) /im'plækəblnis/
  • danh từ
    • tính không thể làm xiêu lòng, tính không thể làm mủi lòng
    • tính không thể làm nguôi được, tính không thể làm dịu được

Danh từ

The quality or state of being implacable
inflexibility pitilessness relentlessness ruthlessness implacableness inexorability intractability mercilessness vengefulness adamancy bullheadedness callousness cold-heartedness contumacy cruelty die-hardism doggedness grimness hardheartedness incompliance incompliancy indomitability inexorableness inflexibleness intransigence intransigency mulishness obduracy obdurateness obstinacy perseverance pertinacity pigheadedness remorselessness rigidity rigidness stubbornness unforgivingness unyieldingness pertinaciousness willfulness opinionatedness hardheadedness obstinateness self-will self-opinionatedness immovability inescapability unavoidability certainty inevitability hardness persistence severity stringency harshness sternness stiffness strictness steeliness rigor exactingness determination rigorousness rigour obdu resolve inelasticity fixity narrow-mindedness dogmatism single-mindedness firmness wilfulness intractableness pig-headedness perverseness resolution perversity uncooperativeness bull-headedness tenacity contrariness strong-mindedness tenaciousness resoluteness persistency refractoriness unmanageableness recalcitrance steadfastness bloody-mindedness obstinance conviction wrong-headedness bolshiness purpose insistence reluctance stroppiness frowardness contumaciousness unreasonableness toughness austerity acerbity sharpness unkindness seriousness asperity backbone solidity savagery brutality authoritarianism difficulty unreceptiveness imperviousness discipline arduousness roughness stricture unsparingness despotism formality gravity hard-heartedness stalwartness heartlessness solemnity coldness grit willpower fortitude decisiveness severeness inhumanity flintiness somberness soberness graveness pluck purposefulness will spine volition earnestness inclemency formalness astringence exactness solidness lack of feeling lack of sentiment forbiddingness lack of compassion decidedness will power iron will purposiveness sturdiness robustness strength stoutness resistance denseness balance dependability maturity permanence fastness constancy stability durability establishment assurance cohesion endurance security aplomb immobility adherence

Danh từ

The quality or fact of being able to grip something firmly
tenacity determination perseverance persistence resolution doggedness firmness resolve application diligence pertinacity intransigence resoluteness staunchness steadfastness stubbornness tenaciousness inflexibility obduracy obstinacy single-mindedness indefatigability insistence patience purposefulness tirelessness assiduity constancy inexorability relentlessness sedulousness bulldog spirit firmness of purpose fixity of purpose inexorableness obdurateness Sitzfleisch stickability continuance perseveration staying power stick-to-it-iveness strength of purpose strength of will backbone chutzpah clock courage grit guts gutsiness guttiness heart moxie nerve persistency spunk starch stick-to-itiveness stomach willfulness intestinal fortitude true grit what it takes fortitude purpose dedication pertinaciousness drive commitment pluck spirit stamina mulishness bullheadedness pigheadedness hardheadedness obstinateness endurance obstinance mettle earnestness strength of character willpower energy bravery self-will zeal opinionatedness will spine will power strength vigour self-opinionatedness vitality conviction perverseness boldness reluctance courageousness devotion vigor pluckiness toughness ardour strong-mindedness valour ardor perversity valor motivation indomitability braveness enthusiasm hardihood decisiveness enterprise industry determinedness intentness push moral fibre moral fiber decidedness intrepidity decision initiative passion force resilience assiduousness bottle eagerness ambition hard work fervour vim spiritedness fearlessness fervor dauntlessness effort intensity dash verve conscientiousness balls keenness gusto granite zip strength of mind striving daring get-up-and-go life resistance Dunkirk spirit steel stout-heartedness industriousness fire labor confidence pep labour zest dynamism character purposiveness certainty gumption go punch exertion steadiness hardiness gameness intractability endeavour inner strength faith immovability assurance endeavor power restraint toil fiber grittiness fervency work welly activity forcefulness self-possession liveliness stoicism zealousness recalcitrance avidity self-discipline intension aggressiveness self-confidence sticktoitiveness pizzazz pains travail struggle contumacy fibre esprit zing pzazz coolness stoutheartedness toughness of spirit iron will sense of purpose contrariness work ethic robustness attention toleration attentiveness wilfulness self-control pig-headedness refractoriness legs tolerance ambitiousness self-mastery self-restraint seriousness manfulness volition sedulity aspiration unreasonableness desire concentration meticulousness bloody-mindedness manliness certitude frowardness wrong-headedness self-assurance feeling audacity self-command continence self-government self-containment aplomb oomph bolshiness surety intention fight trouble unyieldingness vivacity poise design aggression cool deliberation undertaking brio ballsiness bounce juice discipline action animation hustle ginger sap snap appetite yearning longing fanaticism power of endurance fixed purpose hankering brashness fire in the belly muscle self-motivation graft morale impudence right stuff blood, sweat and tears fire in belly vibrance gallantry control exuberance vivaciousness virility vehemence bulldog tenacity intractableness productiveness pursuance doughtiness bull-headedness uncooperativeness lustiness defiance mettlesomeness objective waywardness importunity intransigency forbearance long-suffering moral strength pushiness importunateness durability stiffness rigidity unmanageableness steeliness activeness vinegar gas beans headstrongness pursuit project conclusion belief wholeheartedness valiancy pith valorousness sand sturdiness caliber cojones calibre quality makeup care ruggedness bouncebackability crusade depth adamancy stalwartness rigour effectiveness birr might efficiency efficacy difficultness capriciousness awkwardness contradictoriness stroppiness contumaciousness pleading clamour clamorousness begging punctiliousness heedfulness laboriousness rigorousness battle toiling campaign resignation submission ardency avidness fervidness engrossment study studiousness contradictiveness cussedness survival skills ability to bounce back thrust singleness of purpose attempt movement impetus thoroughness carefulness motive momentum clout valiantness powerfulness undauntedness valiance heroism potence pugnacity temerity pertinence incentive sufferance dogmatism throes quickness briskness alertness heed worksomeness intent clamor urgency impellent stuff warmth aim fixedness undergoing enduring forebearance continuing ability allowance standing suffering capacity withstanding survival rigor stiff upper lip faithfulness loyalty allegiance fastness troth fidelity adhesion devotedness fealty piety attachment hunger urge temperament pining busyness lust emulation thirst itch drudge sweat slogging slog gruntwork grind drudgery stress strain velleity attitude liking craving fancy assuredness self-reliance sitzfleisch holding up hard labor manual labor salt mines elbow grease moil go-getting entrepreneurial spirit get up and go a sense of purpose honesty honor integrity unfailingness honour abidingness principle love truthfulness adherence trustiness yakka sweat of one's brow spadework donkey work attempts hardship cocksureness positiveness assertiveness composure doubtlessness self-assuredness cool-headedness sureness level-headedness élan self-esteem self-trust phlegm heart's desire face faith in oneself presumption satisfaction buoyancy belief in oneself positivity elan presence of mind

Danh từ

Intention to harm or deprive in an illegal or immoral way
malice spite spleen venom animosity malevolence bitterness enmity hate hatred maliciousness malignity spitefulness animus rancour vindictiveness malignance vengefulness bad blood cattiness ill will revenge backbiting despite devilment devilry gall grudge hatefulness hostility malignancy meanness nastiness viciousness acerbity antipathy bane bile cruelty despitefulness dirt dislike down evil evilness ill feeling maleficence malintent mischievousness mordacity poison rancor repugnance resentment umbrage wickedness evil intent evil intentions antagonism acrimony virulence unfriendliness unkindness aversion detestation abhorrence pique resentfulness bad feeling displeasure anger jaundice loathing odium opposition truculence wrath rancorousness contempt indignity vitriol ire irritation truculency ruthlessness venomousness pugnaciousness brutality indignation heartlessness outrage offense warpath estrangement disaffection militancy annoyance rage vexation huff fury poisonousness coldness choler inimicality bellicosity inhumanity mercilessness bellicoseness offence embitterment callousness dudgeon fiendishness aggression disgust depravity savagery distaste virulency war savageness disrelish miff acidity unpleasantness hurt hard feelings asperity harshness pugnacity exasperation revulsion severity abomination ferocity envy hard-heartedness brutishness barbarity mean-spiritedness militance sadism persecution cynicism disdain unfeelingness perturbation exacerbation passion vehemence badness fierceness bloodthirstiness mordancy tartness execration combativeness friction horror murderousness bestiality sourness repulsion violence belligerence masochism belligerency contentiousness atrocity rudeness ill temper bad temper acridity acridness pitilessness fog rise scorn disagreeableness iniquity barbarousness baseness barbarism acidness corrosiveness peeve coarseness insensibility insensitiveness torture animality despotism irascibility wantonness cruelness inhumanness atrociousness peevishness devilishness cantankerousness disapproval waspishness acrimoniousness churlishness dissatisfaction hurtfulness perniciousness revengefulness causticity grievance feud rivalry ill feelings ill humour grudges roguery unscrupulousness rascality grievances jealousy infamy discontent wrong grudgingness wrongdoing opprobrium prejudice knavery invidiousness uncharitableness heinousness irritability inhospitality aggressiveness crossness testiness retaliation chip on your shoulder balefulness conflict contention yuck factor vengeance beastliness dissension discord tetchiness offensiveness cold-heartedness sarcasm ill nature shame covetousness moodiness pungency disrepute enviousness sin embitteredness sinfulness hardheartedness evil-doing bad mood warlikeness temper grumpiness disgruntlement oppugnancy iciness iniquitousness vileness foulness objection degeneracy obloquy villainy argumentativeness corruptness needle score deviltry nausea ferociousness ignominy dishonesty vice alienation quarrelsomeness disfavour extreme dislike delinquency disesteem blame impishness roguishness waggery waggishness shenanigans mischief diablerie bad feelings disrespect bad will green-eyed monster desire perversion hob derision cold-bloodedness harsh feeling hateful feeling crookedness shadiness defiance disparagement ridicule deprecation disfavor repellency repellence malfeasance ferity denigration scornfulness no love lost injury disregard tomfoolery naughtiness jaundiced eye evil eye despisal orneriness cussedness insensitivity bad-temperedness noxiousness harmfulness toxicity deadliness injuriousness menace unfair treatment abusiveness warp distortion ugliness obnoxiousness discontentment implacableness intimidation disaccord oppugnation vendetta ill-disposedness distrust compassionlessness shabbiness petulance pettishness contemptuousness wildness abrasiveness bite sharpness schadenfreude mockery snappishness sullenness querulousness touchiness crabbiness despisement inconsiderateness unkindliness ungenerousness remoteness unsociability bitter feeling anathema shrewishness variance biliousness misprision vituperation remorselessness relentlessness aloofness surliness hardness of heart sadomasochism complaint injustice contumely inclemency competition strong aversion intense dislike frostiness coolness black-heartedness blackness milt melancholy lien caprice whim depression bad vibes bad chemistry blood feud personality conflict mutual hostility enemyship enemyhood foeship uncordiality daggers begrudging desirousness jealousness abuse pet peeve pointedness edge punch antithesis contradistinction contrariety clashing difference resistance disagreement incongruity tantrum bone to pick ill-will lack of regard lack of sympathy lack of charity trenchancy the green-eyed monster dyspepsia wax astringency blowout strop grump paddy crabbedness snobbery recalcitrance audacity condescension stubbornness slight bate crankiness pet mard repugnancy rebuff snub refusal revolt denial sting nasty behavior fit of pique immorality hissy fit rankling mislike frost scrappiness disputatiousness fight hawkishness attack assaultiveness warmongering force assault feistiness militantness lowliness strong dislike shamelessness knavishness smallmindedness abjection degradation unworthiness debasement lowness contemptibleness discredit disapprobation disgrace double-dealing turpitude invasion encroachment infringement destructiveness heartburn coveting lusting grudging greed pervertedness dissolution dissipation ill-temper attitude push ungodliness impiety godlessness curse unholiness irreligiousness corruption dishonor reproach reprobation humiliation condemnation notoriety censure dishonour stigma blasphemy sacrilegiousness irreverence impiousness profanity impurity funny business dirty trick misdoing harm misconduct frolicsomeness waywardness misbehaviour vandalism transgression catastrophe misbehavior prank gag high jinks misfortune monkey business damage sabotage ill fault peccancy peccability cheekiness blur onus spot stain rebuke brand slur unpopularity blot dispprobation unrighteousness flagrancy ill repute black eye bar sinister loss of face chagrin aggravation furor frustration furore stew dander impatience bother slow burn tiff madness fretfulness irateness lividity wrathfulness lividness angriness snit upset infuriation conniption tizzy birse outburst storm grief ill-humor mood fit grouchiness unhappiness heat disappointment dismay distress provocation botheration bugbear disquiet mad trouble pain huffiness pip aggro disinclination temperament tear excitability sensitivity disliking irascibleness hotheadedness discontentedness affront low boiling point bad humor hassle discomposure letdown gripe discomfort nuisance irritant short fuse flare-up high dudgeon weariness indisposition shock hot temper air rage restlessness regret dread fear mortification discouragement wounded feelings agitation distemper soreness uneasiness stroppiness bete noire nasty look black beast cat fit blow up ill humor gloominess snappiness moroseness boiling point sulkiness sulk obsession irk grouch anxiety shortness terror explosion disillusionment dispiritedness discomfiture mania malaise crotchetiness blowup glumness perversity lamentation perverseness violation worry irritableness sorrow complex hang-up neurosis thing malcontent desolation malcontentment sadness paddywhack foulie avoidance fright irrationality paranoia righteous anger short temper phobia fieriness extreme anger fractiousness scene disheartenment danger lather scurf inimicalness fume hot-headedness embarrassment pouts hump sulks edginess road rage unrest unease hard feeling discountenance needling harassment provocaion plague enragement besetment stress averseness ruckus sore hurt pride grumps dejection disenchantment disturbance smarting bee in your bonnet wounded pride hurt feelings despondency uncertain temper more heat than light conniption fit bad-mouthing derogation affected scorn being rubbed up the wrong way fit of bad humour disconsolation despair ill-humour exception nettling provoking irking disillusion disconsolateness incensement disloyalty baulk balk crushing blow sense of injury anguish misery gloom torment unfulfilment downheartedness blood lust histrionics furiousness fire woe restiveness sour grapes heavy-heartedness Weltschmerz mutiny souring sedition insurgence rebellion insubordination insurrection dissidence low spirits heaviness of heart oppression boredom hopelessness ennui apathy breach dispute slap in the face blitzkrieg left-handed compliment onslaught onset slam dig put down blitz mugging zinger assailment battery dirty dig hit irrational fear reckoning delirium frenzy distraction rampage state raving uproar feverishness fever flap hysteria deliriousness spectre fixation abnormal fear preoccupation obsessive fear bogey specter nightmare fit of anger skid towering rage fit of rage fit of fury whinge apoplexy spasm paroxysm hemorrhage bluster ferment wingding frenzy of anger fit of temper hysterics convulsion squall frenzy of rage fireworks eruption excitement haemorrhage protest inconvenience whine quibble obstruction awe aversion to fit of ill temper paroxysm of rage fit of bad temper paroxysm of anger turf war beef grumble headache ruffled feathers grouse holler kvetch yammer moan groan problem fuss counteraction obstructiveness bone of contention axe to grind crow to pluck lament carp bleat cavil criticism non-compliance dissent thing about overwhelming anxiety about trial demurral warfare prevention defence duel negativism action con contest contraposition strife combat grapple skirmish fray defense engagement brush antinomy counterattack confronting struggle opposure encounter civil disobedience pet aversion thorn in the flesh thorn in one's side bane of one's life

Trái nghĩa của implacability

implacability Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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