Đồng nghĩa của tinker

Alternative for tinker

tinkers, tinkered, tinkering

Đồng nghĩa: condition, fix, mend, patch up, repair, service,

Động từ

To poke repeatedly
potter amble dabble fiddle maunder meander mosey saunter stroll toddle wander bimble dawdle footle fribble fritter mooch putter shuffle tootle mess about go slowly poke along drift traipse ramble walk roam float rove straggle cruise bat range gallivant galavant stravaig coast tramp hike knock about gad about kick around stray prowl trek peregrinate trudge jaunt roll gad circumnutate circumambulate hopscotch go walkabout mill round mill about knock around mooch around mill around follow one's nose walk the tracks globe-trot perambulate idle sashay swan loiter pootle dally circumlocute vagabond trail loaf dilly-dally divagate walk casually deviate go aimlessly walk slowly get sidetracked move aimlessly wander aimlessly get off the point go off at a tangent move proceed progress promenade pass streel tromp journey mope tarry ooze stump ankle linger percolate trill travel take a walk take the air breeze go go for a walk go for a stroll take a stroll waltz trog truck wend find one's way wind one's way pick one's way stretch one's legs march stride tread traverse tour hoof it step ambulate troop footslog advance pace plod yomp hoof pad slog go on foot trip backpack lumber leg it patrol hit the road parade file canter get some exercise get some air take a turn make your way prance hit the bricks strut stretch your legs foot it wend one's way take Shanks's pony dander troll trundle boogie gander pound the pavement bum back-pack trek through climb explore scramble extravagate twine recoil change bum around struggle along zigzag wind clamber voyage step out stooge exodus shamble race stalk scuff locomote mince foot twist and turn be all over the map transition migrate plod on swing descend ascend tiptoe skip take it easy stroll along move slowly bat around bat back and forth venture wayfare globetrot depart go forward go by foot travel on foot move forward go up go down press on set out make one's way take a trip push on set forth sail gallop go for a constitutional schlep pound sweep glide toil cross trot drag oneself march up and down walk up and down brush whisk flow slide skim ghost stream slip bowl hurry walk back and forth walk to and fro flit move briskly sally

Động từ

To fix or repair something
mend fix repair patch restore renew recondition overhaul rebuild redevelop refit refurbish service vamp fettle reconstruct retouch revamp beet botch clout condition doctor rejuvenate renovate revise cobble glue ranter ready spetch transform patch up put back together fiddle with piece together vamp up make well work on make whole perk up do up rehabilitate fix up remodel modernize update modernise redecorate refresh spruce up make over improve retread bring up to date rehab reconstitute re-equip revitalize spruce reassemble revitalise reinforce rectify upgrade recover reinstate set right put right redo reestablish revive revivify adjust restore to working order put together assemble touch up join cover gussy up sew up correct maintain refurnish strengthen tune up gentrify regenerate make as good as new furbish reanimate smarten up sort out tune make good re-establish set to rights bring something up to code regulate remedy see to rework develop face-lift reform restitute set up get working resuscitate recreate reequip retrieve put to rights resurrect rekindle redeem fine tune freshen up brighten up bring up to code tart up go over bring back straighten out get into shape breathe new life into give something a facelift give a new look to bring into the twenty-first century recycle upcycle compose prepare beautify furnish wrap stitch resole remaster clean up restructure realign settle construct fit together unite join up salvage rescue right recharge pimp out pimp up re-create shake up rewake freshen rewaken refreshen put in order reactivate cleanse do remake clean kit out fit out sew reinstall get working again give facelift reinvigorate exhilarate reawaken recall reintroduce brace provide dress up deck smarten primp spiff heel give a face-lift check convert piece something together make better sort make fit for use cure heal reerect examine check over retune amend debug emend keep in good condition give a maintenance check to give a facelift to put back into its original condition

Danh từ

A person who holds New Age values and leads an itinerant and unconventional lifestyle

Trái nghĩa của tinker

tinker Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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