Đồng nghĩa của back pack

Danh từ

A long walk or walking tour
hike trek walk march ramble traipse tramp slog trudge footslog plod wander perambulation peregrination stroll yomp constitutional excursion exploration scramble tour trip walkabout journey by foot journey on foot saunter jaunt expedition journey promenade amble odyssey travel voyage range travels safari passage adventure journeying quest cruise traveling patrol turn travelling schlep beat crossing circuit pilgrimage outing parade schlepp trail flight drive run globetrotting progress roam airing meander campaign voyaging course wandering trog tootle mosey pootle long haul survey spree round visit transfer crusade spin wayfaring procession retreat sortie commute junket errand caravan sally grand tour swing haul routemarch move sailing itineration route march forced march reconnaissance recce sweep traik discovery tread aimless walk holiday paseo breather marathon foray passeggiata heavy walk walking trip hurl hop long walk mission legwork ambulation footwork awayday minibreak weekend overnight period of traveling day out enterprise undertaking distance way hegira commission exploit operation project assignment long journey picnic cavalcade entrada venture prowl gallop jog exodus big picture roving shift approach emigration commutation route movement departure ride migration lift itinerary vagabondage roaming transmigration traverse vagrancy transit period of travelling sashay day trip sojourn vacation joyride break stop stopover escapade stay trekking pleasure trip getaway whirl experience touring call time caper stop-off fling hitch sail frolic navigation tool roundabout short journey mystery tour tarry joy ride round trip away day day away event visitation tarriance Sunday drive affair vacay episode emprise lark celebration gest daycation wanderings transport pickup transportation cycle breakthrough breakout term stint tenure trips journeys expeditions hajj traversing escape sabbatical safaris voyages cruising odysseys sightseeing excursions jaunts pilgrimages tours treks hiking residence short trip long weekend whistle-stop stump go road bout trick backpacking jet-setting yatra rest social call peregrinations gallivanting religious journey holy expedition immigration layover leg stage step destination circle tour wanderlust globe-trotting flying seafaring biking driving riding mini holiday transition traversal sea change sailing trip boat trip sea trip short break plane trip rounds look round look around tour of duty regular journey bounds search hunting expedition field trip hunt incident stunt feat occurrence romp deed risk trial happening hazard performance antic gamble crapshoot speculation chance contingency scene flutter jeopardy endangerment flier flyer

Động từ

To walk or hike over a long distance
tramp walk traipse hike march ramble trek footslog stroll yomp range rove tour tread amble saunter roam schlep perambulate trip toil leg it hoof it drag oneself go walkabout take Shanks's pony wander peregrinate tromp travel explore meander drift cruise stray galavant gallivant straggle mooch maunder hit the road bat knock about gad about kick around trudge slog plod trog back-pack go on foot scramble climb hoof stump traverse journey sweep prowl scour encompass reconnoiter search reconnoitre cross circumambulate follow one's nose hit the trail spread through pass over globe-trot make circuit mosey promenade jaunt stravaig float zigzag wind vagabond tootle pootle clamber gad bat back and forth go for a walk take a walk bat around knock around dawdle bimble potter swan streel coast trail roll circumnutate hopscotch mill round mill about mill around mooch around walk the tracks move run around travel around circumlocute get sidetracked stretch your legs hang about hang hang around travel about flit run bum globetrot trek through depart idle go hither and thither divagate bum around struggle along loaf dilly-dally dally wander about deviate move aimlessly wander aimlessly get off the point go off at a tangent recoil extravagate change twine pilgrimage voyage stride strut pace prance troop parade lumber be all over the map twist and turn foot migrate stooge toddle putter rave party socialize be on the move be on the trail make your way mope sashay get some exercise linger swing get some air take a turn go for a constitutional make one's way take the air travel on foot flit around roam around socialise jaunt around go partying go clubbing have a night on the town live it up paint the town red rave it up

Động từ

To travel, usually with some measurable distance
journey travel go fly sail traverse voyage jaunt proceed cruise exodus head jet roam scramble wander advance pass peregrinate trek approach barnstorm bus bustle cab coach continue depart escape galavant gallivant get gig globetrot junket migrate motor move navigate perambulate race road-trip roll speed spring take off tour traipse transition transport trundle wend rove circuit hop process ramble range safari fare hie globe trot go on an excursion go on an expedition go on a tour go on a trip go on safari go places knock about make one's way meander push on take a trip wayfare wend your way hike tramp explore pilgrimage trip shuttle go on a journey go on a excursion cross cover ride progress walk stroll tromp hoof stump march transit course track follow circumnavigate cut across transmit scour proceed along overnight go round move round pass over hit the road leg it make your way cover ground get through go riding knock around set out pass through set forth go into orbit make a journey take a train take a plane take a boat drift travel over negotiate span bridge go across trudge go over journey across travel across journey over amble saunter trog go walkabout travel around pace tread intersect make your way across range over move over stray prowl repair venture slog footslog cut tramp over run through run over wander over move across move through tread across proceed through yomp plod foot trail shift itinerate emigrate immigrate nomadize leave transfer transmigrate be on the move be on the trail float swan breeze potter waltz bat mosey truck toddle move around move about travel to wind one's way pick your way find your way ply trek through get across bisect crisscross transverse quarter do decussate venture to journey through travel through see the sights of go through walk through take a look at hike through sightsee

Động từ


Động từ

To live for a time in a tent, especially while on holiday or outdoors

Trái nghĩa của back pack

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