Từ đồng nghĩa của aspired

Alternative for aspired

aspires, aspired, aspiring

Từ đồng nghĩa: aim, desire, seek, strive,

Động từ

Past tense for to hope for, or aspire to, a goal or dream
intended aimed planned meant meaned designed proposed purposed contemplated looked purported meditated went gone calculated allowed set out wanted wished had in mind thought of expected desired had in view resolved strived envisaged schemed set your sights on had plans had every intention sought endeavored plotted tried hoped attempted essayed anticipated endeavoured counted on had the intention contrived conspired arranged premeditated envisioned considered devised strove striven orchestrated angled organized determined prearranged prepared foresaw foreseen targeted targetted set up minded reckoned on organised made plans thought designated ordained set apart set aside committed scheduled focussed focused decided conceived engineered concocted zeroed in on zoomed in on had a mind pondered pursued imagined earmarked awaited attended made up one's mind thought to made up your mind had a mind to committed yourself worked towards bid for masterminded destined coveted visualized visualised consigned devoted reserved indicated had resolved dedicated connoted appointed decreed assumed aimed at trusted thought about had set out marked out insinuated added up looked forward figured on hoped to meant to expected to had it in mind planned on relied on banked on thought likely bargained for bade for taken care took care aspired to given thought to gave thought to suggested fit shaped come up with implied intimated tailored budgeted developed outlined created crafted drafted fashioned hinted at made fitting started out adjusted strategized framed adapted fitted constructed shope geared referred to got at signified choreographed blueprinted equipped draughted projected oriented strategized about laid out schemed out mapped out planned ahead came up with undertaken undertook alluded to equipt gotten at lay out driven at drove at

Động từ

Past tense for to elevate or extend in an upward direction or motion
ascended rose risen climbed clomb clumb arose arisen soared mounted lifted lift upthrusted thrust thrusted upped uprose uprisen upreared upturned scaled towered rocketed moved up shot up spiralled spiraled levitated floated shot come up climbed up moved upward went up gone up flown flew sailed moved upwards escalated sprouted clambered up got up made its way up lifted off came up took off taken off flew up flown up heightened extended jutted reached upsprung winged stretched conquered stabbed darted escaladed stood loomed come upwards circled topped shinned up floated up scrambled up reappeared jumped winged its way skyrocketed glided glid gotten up made one's way up swept upward gained altitude took to the air stretched out gone sky-high become erect straightened up sloped upwards taken to the air bobbed up jumped up reached up flown upwards pushed up leaped up turned out blasted off went sky-high made your way up flew upwards shifted up popped up piled out upsprang took flight taken flight reached out sprang up became erect sprung up went upwards gone upwards came upwards risen up rose up soared up shinnied launched left the ground shinned clambered drifted surmounted surfaced become airborne drifted up crested shotten arcked arced appeared emerged reemerged resurfaced shinnied up swarmed up inclined broken the surface broke the surface became airborne straught slanted upwards wafted cleared piggybacked roofed climbed over zoomed broached walked up flown off vaulted up reached the top of spiraled upwards come to the surface rose into the air stood up gotten off the ground flew off climbed to the top of defied gravity scrabbled up come out risen into the air reached the summit of come to the top whizzed catapulted got off the ground spiralled upwards gone uphill gotten higher went uphill got higher got steeper gotten steeper went over gone over broke broken brake taken wing took wing came out came to the top came to the surface gone through the ceiling grown went through the roof rose rapidly gone through the roof went through the ceiling risen rapidly grew

Động từ

Past tense for to make a concerted effort towards achieving a result
strove strived striven attempted tried aimed endeavoured struggled endeavored laboured sought toiled undertook undertaken essayed ventured worked wrought strained assayed competed contended labored drove driven fought pushed hustled jockeyed scrambled travailed drudged moiled offered ploughed plowed slaved slogged sweated sweat tackled applied oneself exerted oneself exerted yourself made an effort tried hard busted a gut made every effort pegged away spared no effort banged away beavered away bent over backwards broke your neck broken your neck did all one can done all one can fell over backwards fallen over backwards went all out gone all out went for it gone for it had a go at jumped through hoops knocked oneself out knocked yourself out leaned over backwards leant over backwards ruptured yourself tried for bore down borne down dug away did all you can done all you can did one's best done one's best did one's utmost done one's utmost did your best done your best did your damnedest done your damnedest did your utmost done your utmost made an all-out effort shot for took on taken on broke one's neck broken one's neck had a crack at had a stab at left no stone unturned gave it a whirl given it a whirl gave it your all given it your all gave it your best shot given it your best shot went for broke gone for broke pulled out all the stops went the limit gone the limit went for the jugular gone for the jugular set out put oneself out had a shot at moved heaven and earth worked hard put one's back into it had a go had a stab made a run at had a swing at had a shot had a crack plugged away grinded ground applied battled pushed oneself slaved away grafted knuckled down tried one's hardest kept one's head down made a great effort worked like a dog hammered away had one's nose to grindstone worked at slogged away entreated determined had a whack made an attempt gone for went for vied for lifted a finger made a bid made a pass at had a bash fronted up chipped away at gave it one's best shot given it one's best shot taken pains took pains broke one's back broken one's back gave something a whirl given something a whirl aspired to driven at drove at drove for driven for went after gone after took a crack at took it on oneself given it a burl taken it on oneself taken a crack at gave it a fly given it a fly gave it a burl put yourself out made effort killed oneself made a supreme effort went for the doctor gone for the doctor tried as hard as one can pursued bid gave one's all given one's all exerted persevered studied hard persisted buckled down buckled to tried out embarked on committed oneself devoted oneself put to the test set one's sights used some elbow grease worked like a Trojan put one's back in it put one's shoulder to the wheel busted one's chops hit the ball kept one's nose to the grindstone given best shot gave best shot experimented attacked devoted hammered solicited committed tolled humped dedicated plodded grubbed tugged plugged tried your hand at paid attention concentrated addressed shown dedication shown commitment showed dedication showed commitment tried one's hand at taxed shot the works directed bended bent dug oppressed overtaxed punished overexerted taken a stab at took a stab at given old college try gave old college try studied flogged tried very hard got stuck in gotten stuck in given your all pulled out all stops poured it on broke sweat gave your all had at it broken sweat moved mountains made a special effort driven oneself emptied the tank worked one's socks off tried your best strained every nerve gave all one's got given all one's got made an attempt at pushed oneself to the limit dived in drove oneself had designs had in view taken care took care taken great pains took great pains given gave broken your back broke your back taken a whack at took a whack at drove oneself to the limit driven oneself to the limit went out of the way taken special pains took special pains gone out of the way bade gone all-out for went all-out for gave it one's all given it one's all gave it all one has given it all one has given a whirl gave a fling given a fling gave a whirl went all-out went hard gone hard went the whole nine yards gone the whole nine yards went ham gone hammer and tongs gone all-out gone ham went hammer and tongs done your best to given it a try did level best gave it a go taken best shot gave it a try took best shot did your best to given it a go done level best took a run at taken a run at taken the bit between your teeth took the bit between your teeth

Từ trái nghĩa của aspired

aspired Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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