Từ đồng nghĩa của in duration

Tính từ

Existing or happening right now
present existent immediate current existing extant instant ongoing prompt breathing commenced living started ad hoc already coeval topical at this moment even now for the time being going on in process under consideration up-to-date contemporary modern newfangled recent new latest mod latter-day latter new-fashioned present-time twenty-first-century state-of-the-art ultramodern newest trendsetting space-age fashionable hot up-to-the-minute now voguish modernistic red-hot designer modish trendy cool begun nowadays new age being contemporaneous today present-day up to date up to the minute just now alive remaining around in existence live actual surviving prevailing abiding active happening continuing prevalent reigning incumbent operative operating enduring functioning undestroyed persisting running working developing subsisting going operational functional in power in office in operation in use in progress in motion taking place pressing standing lasting in the news first next cutting-edge leading-edge burning on the map in force on the agenda on-going on happening now occurring now still existing real de nos jours about in circulation to the fore ruling regnant on front burner in the mainstream at present time on hand nowaday common knowledge not lost in current use available stirring astir about in effect on the move ticking awake strong dynamic vigorous alert proceeding growing progressing outstanding evolving advancing pending unfolding unfinished occurring regular continued continual underway systematic afoot progressive moving rolling incomplete marching fresh under way up and running to be done on the go being done open-ended in full swing being worked on well under way well-advanced being performed not-yet finalized

Từ trái nghĩa của in duration

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