Từ đồng nghĩa của widened

Alternative for widened

widens, widened, widening

Từ đồng nghĩa: broaden, extend, let out,

Động từ

To have made a quantity bigger
increased raised enlarged improved incremented boosted enhanced furthered expanded extended proliferated advanced amplified elevated heightened maximized optimized augmented developed enriched inflated progressed strengthened consolidated magnified multiplied compounded doubled escalated aggrandized ameliorated bettered broadened built grew lengthened lifted reinforced upped accelerated added to amassed beefed up built up bumped up cranked up deepened hiked up inflamed jacked up reenforced snowballed spread stepped up swelled tripled annexed blew up dilated distended fleshed out marked up mounted padded protracted pumped up ratcheted up redoubled sharpened shot up slapped on supersized supplemented tacked on upraised upscaled went up added drew out elongated followed up hyped made better made bigger made greater made larger maximised optimised parlayed prolonged pullulated pumped teemed thickened topped up waxed spread out stretched swollen ballooned intensified filled out mushroomed grown burgeoned opened bourgeoned fattened exaggerated appreciated spread wide accumulated climbed diversified boomed gained bloated made longer rolled up stretched out increased in size opened out risen rose become larger pyramided elaborated branched out become wider varied opened up bulged puffed up stoked variegated assorted aggravated splayed unfolded accentuated tumefied intumesced worsened upsurged become bigger made wider blown up made worse filled embellished brought variety to puffed out amped up clumb clomb gotten bigger got bigger mixed outspread lift emphasized exacerbated fattened up outstretched unrolled permutated bulked swarmed exalted reached blossomed bloomed became larger breadthened let out scaled up hiked put on weight set off made broader got wider emphasised heated up got larger souped up swelled up run up burst forth become broader roused intensated became wider expounded unfurled became bigger built on flourished released unfastened padded out flowered divided rounded out separated upgraded pulled out widened out brought alive changed altered overstated concentrated puffed spanned modified transformed got heavier gained weight explained soared overplayed dramatized embroidered ranged continued covered alternated overestimated distorted metastasized jacked prolongated collected hyperbolized overemphasized become distended picked up gained strength quickened protuberated fortified gone up jumboized supplied buttressed topped subsidized expatiated fanned crammed become thicker subsidised made thicker become more numerous stretched the truth untwisted increased in weight dramatised ran up broadened one's horizons pointed mounted up reamed poured it on made a big thing out of increased in scope overemphasised flared out deteriorated flared flowed bulked up made real fanned the flames of whetted ascended became broader got to bolstered opened wide darkened drawn out become deeper grown larger touched up accented rounded off piled up made deeper pervaded fanned out differentiated started to be toned up become large heaped on jazzed up mixed up grew larger spun out become longer uncoiled rolled out jumped up surcharged sprawled scaled spiked gave substance to eked out stressed swollen up brightened flattened unwound piled on broadened your horizons turned up branched made louder extended one's operations added variety to filled up sweetened dragged out lightened span became distended grew fat grown fatter gotten fat grew fatter grown fat got fat overdone overdid stuffed added fuel became more numerous added fuel to fire gone from bad to worse went from bad to worse grew full became large gotten to grown full grown quickly grew quickly blown out blew out gotten taller got taller gave variety to given variety to drove up blew up out of all proportion driven up blown up out of all proportion blown out of all proportion blew out of all proportion became thicker became deeper became longer grew bigger grown bigger given substance to detailed evolved explicated disentangled worked up worked played out transitioned enlivened awakened animated panned out finished wrought straught cultivated fostered perfected promoted added fuel to the flames encouraged cemented rocketed colored coloured refined complicated fudged put on polished uplifted added insult to injury put up put salt on the wound helped accrued supported renewed nurtured stimulated substantiated corroborated empowered stiffened made stronger catastrophized spiralled spiraled gathered falsified fabricated boasted bragged lied elaborated on added fuel to the fire rubbed salt in the wound leaped up updated secured loudened shaped up straightened out made strides hastened amended established fueled fuelled excited inspired sprouted seasoned toughened restored hardened set right emboldened sustained justified upheld invigorated underlined inspirited steeled surged overstressed underpinned complemented provoked become louder skyrocketed tightened backed up firmed up made firm confirmed misrepresented misreported misquoted caricatured corrupted increased rapidly pushed up set up made a mountain out of a molehill romanticised dressed up sent up envigorated cooked up become greater buoyed up spread on thick hit on made too much of fanned the flames played up shored up laid it on thick romanticized improved on prospered fast-tracked smartened brushed up smartened up fine-tuned increased in extent blown out of proportion blew out of proportion reformed reaffirmed corrected made headway increased in complexity adjusted forced up stirred up revamped worked out honed moved forward aged made progress forged ahead revised assured reiterated reasserted restated emended purified edited rectified recuperated suited fixed delighted pushed stabilized authenticated thrilled galvanized made perfect bred spurred perked up exhilarated turned the corner upholden crescendoed overvalued overdrawn overdrew electrified championed motivated maturated aroused elated infuriated irritated endorsed settled oversold thrived propagated meliorated maddened solidified vexed cumulated vitalized exasperated enraged candied heartened overpitched grown louder advertised grew louder advertized beefed revitalized became louder transported incentivized assisted maintained rewarded mellowed incentified buoyed aided damaged inured gilt gilded varnished endowed envenomed embittered lent more weight to added colour nourished indurated rejuvenated harshened confused confounded aggregated manifolded vaulted towered escaladed diffused piggybacked upsized rubbed salt in a wound scammed made a big thing of became greater annoyed tagged on highlighted boosted up rattled one's cage romanced rubbed salt in the wounds gingered up filled with joy given a boost to made more rigorous laid it on with a shovel shot a line sent through the roof laid it on with a trowel made higher bolstered up hopped up become stronger fed the fire fired the imagination of bigged up loud talked made a production out of impaired magnified importance made matters worse made healthy made a federal case of geed up went to extremes revitalised welled ramped up increased suddenly enlarged on increased in value piled it on about overembellished made complex made a drama out of a crisis sinewed galvanised increased exponentially emphasized too much spurred on piled it on yeasted become worse grew in heated fetched up energized egged on overelaborated big upped made stricter prettied up toughened up energised hotted up laid it on thick about ratcheted retraced laid on made more stringent laid it on with a trowel about rallied got stronger harmonized with made federal case made secure stabilised added detail to gone to extremes added flesh to repeated exploded jumped gave a boost to potentiated grown in braced up made intricate made richer twisted the knife made more rigid backed become strong overexaggerated piled exaggerated information defended fruited regenerated pushed one's button goosed up increased dramatically integrated with compounded the problem stocked up toned made mountain out of molehill ripened bucked up enforced made stable become loud sprung up sprang up taken off took off driven drove got higher gotten higher thriven uprose throve uprisen arose arisen gave weight to given weight to became worse went into detail about gone into detail about lay on drew the longbow blew something out of all proportion drawn the longbow blown something out of all proportion grown stronger grew stronger given strength to gave new energy to added fuel to given new energy to gave strength to drew the long bow drawn the long bow gone with went with blown up out of proportion blew up out of proportion went through the roof risen rapidly gone through the roof rose up went through the ceiling gone through the ceiling risen up rose rapidly became stronger became strong became loud grown loud grew loud

Tính từ

Lasting longer than is usual or expected
extended long lengthy long-drawn-out prolonged protracted elongated lengthened long-lasting elongate enlarged extensive far great increased king-size king-sized long-drawn long-lived long-term marathon oversized conferred drawn-out outstretched proffered unfurled unrolled continued dragged out drawn out king size spread spun out stretched stretched out strung out unfolded spread out very long expanded interminable overlong enduring dragging sustained lingering prolix long-winded lasting tedious verbose time-consuming outspread slow delayed wordy rambling open boring wearisome dragged-out seemingly endless of considerable length persistent long-standing faraway distant spun-out diffuse far-reaching spread-out longish durable abiding continuing permanent fanned out widely spread dull considerable convoluted discursive ponderous garrulous digressive made longer epic padded tiresome windy never-ending gruelling grueling broad sprawled diffusive overextended boundless tardy unending dilatory late limitless endless ringent for ages without end remote stretching rangy far-off lofty stringy towering high tall deep running stretch lanky gangling long-running secure steady stable forever and a day flared firm solid established sound fixed straightened out wide-open fanlike fully extended opened up splayed out longevous wide open open wide opened out persisting perennial perdurable advancing pursuing chronic maintaining persevering sustaining progressing old as Methuselah full of years carrying on circumlocutory meandering pleonastic circuitous periphrastic logorrheic ambagious palaverous redundant loquacious repetitious voluble maundering laborious tautological tortuous talkative bombastic logorrhoeic turgid ceaseless constant wandering everlasting monotonous continual continuous sesquipedalian gabby chatty circumlocutionary talky inflated full of verbiage gradual pompous empty vague loose waffly boastful waffling progressive draggy conservative flatulent gassy roundabout painful verbal profuse random lavish copious exuberant flowery multiyear multiday stale prosing flat commonplace pedestrian unceasing incessant unimaginative prosaic uninteresting humdrum perpetual uninterrupted infinite unlimited non-stop unbroken immeasurable unbounded unbound interminate looped eternal day-and-night timeless unabating expansive prosy remaining no end to no end of on a treadmill ingrained deep-rooted settled lifelong routine habitual inborn ever-present recurrent usual inbred deep-seated incurable tenacious stubborn ineradicable confirmed obstinate unyielding recurring inveterate rooted haunting unmitigated

Tính từ

Made larger
extended broad expanded far-reaching comprehensive enlarged extensive wide widespread deep expansive far-flung inclusive rangy sweeping wide-ranging large-scale outspread scopic scopious spread thorough all-embracing global all-inclusive pervasive exhaustive catholic across-the-board universal overall overarching all-encompassing vast across the board significant blanket all-around wholesale complete large worldwide interdisciplinary multidisciplinary far-ranging cross-disciplinary all-round ample radical encyclopedic general full encyclopaedic broad-spectrum profound immense boundless major prevalent great total indiscriminate big sizable compendious in-depth umbrella ubiquitous unlimited unrestricted common international thoroughgoing diffuse wall-to-wall bird's-eye all-out broad-ranging wide-reaching copious eclectic important thorough-going generalized whole-hog unselective overstated generalised exaggerated overdrawn momentous generic ambitious life-changing panoramic mass huge consequential influential weighty collective nonspecific outright long lengthy expanding stretching inflatable swelling elastic dilating unconfined infinite limitless of moment of significance protracted massive humongous nationwide countrywide endless ecumenical spacious extendable voluminous enlargeable distending stretchy comprising hefty extreme of great import of consequence capacious unsuppressed sprawling expansile unrepressed roomy dilatant spread-out unexclusive coast-to-coast company-wide without end widely distributed taken as a whole broad-brush far-going far-stretched far-spread wide-extending wide-stretching far-extending rife wall to wall epidemic pervading rampant prevailing permeating pandemic predominant inescapable omnipresent popular absolute preponderate overwhelming out-and-out on a large scale all over the place embracive cyclopedic all-in omnibus cover-all broad-gauge broad-gauged detailed rigorous entire meticulous intensive grand whole full-scale careful minute serious severe elaborate drastic painstaking scrupulous full-dress regular unconditional full-blown desperate clean forceful draconian violent astronomical plenary worldly assiduous conscientious panoptic exact particular rolling rambling efficient unqualified all-over in depth from A to Z blow-by-blow accepted substantial sizeable latitudinous penetrating endemic outstretched intricate utter heavy stringent advanced excessive searching sedulous everywhere one-size-fits-all standard all unmitigated intact undisputed without exception revolutionary integral perfect cosmopolitan multinational mundane maximal national customary usual straight-out open circumstantial soup to nuts clocklike particularized itemized tough all the way royal plenty slam-bang plenipotentiary broadly-based proper wide open unbounded ubiquitary panned vague spreading contagious catching infectious unanimous non-specific full-out one-to-one life-size unrestrained complicated epizootic abundant definitive thoroughpaced particularised itemised complex everything encompassing unspecified hazy nebulous obscure basic all-purpose nonexclusive catchall communicable broad-based aggregate integrated dire harsh systematic bulk quantitative all-pervasive very common all-present ever-present present everywhere all-pervading sophisticated wholistic replete the word non-selective rounded in toto all together all-together catch-all with everything included ball-of-wax no stone unturned strong encircling synoptic containing compleat discursive holistic cosmic planetary celestial empyrean terrestrial stellar difficult involved personal immediate broad in content including all members including all categories leaving no stone unturned in quantity in bulk full-on big picture experienced the works swingeing sharp punishing in the mass concentrated intense immeasurable commodious generous comfortable the big picture of great scope the whole shebang exclusive lock stock and barrel thick fat beamy immoderate exorbitant extravagant oppressive tricky statewide state firsthand direct mainstream majority concerted essential elemental specific average shared orthodox spread out vigorous strenuous demanding all-absorbing regional far reaching wide physically communal ruling stock joint wonted special consummate intimate categorical uncompromising close methodical ordinary conventional received routine ultra iconoclastic interstate first-hand vulgar in circulation habitual in force in vogue typical middle-of-the-road natural widely held societal established commonplace public explosive heavy-duty vehement excruciating vicious exquisite fearsome hard ghastly high-pressure fierce terrible resolute frightful hellacious dreadful determined blistering furious keen acute ferocious almighty fearful persistent accelerated fast insistent speeded-up impeccable finished root-and-branch seamless unbroken full-fledged bulletproof unimpaired airtight undiminished sound gross uncut unblemished unabridged top-to-bottom

Từ trái nghĩa của widened

widened Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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