Từ đồng nghĩa của composed yourself

Động từ

Past tense for to regain one's composure after being overly emotional
settled relaxed unwound calmed down settled down chilled out steadied oneself pulled oneself together controlled oneself controlled yourself composed oneself quietened down calmed yourself got a grip on yourself gotten a grip on yourself got a hold of yourself gotten a hold of yourself got your act together gotten your act together collected oneself loosened up cooled off cooled it cooled down became calmer become calmer became quieter become quieter got a grip gotten a grip simmered down regained your self-control got control of oneself regained your composure backed off become less angry regained one's composure contained oneself thought straight became less angry gotten hold of oneself got hold of oneself chilled wound down kicked back rested decompressed pulled in one's horns de-stressed mellowed out kept cool taken it easy took it easy stayed loose let it all hang out put your feet up mellowed lightened up chillaxed cooled one's jets reclined made yourself at home slowed down vegged out eased off let yourself go felt at home switched off kept your head restrained yourself settled back hosed down destressed sat back stopped work breathed easy eased up let up let your hair down had a break sat around stopped worrying taken a break took a breather took a break taken a breather lazed reposed lounged luxuriated lolled idled took time out taken time off unbuttoned stayed calm loafed come back down to earth slacked off took ten played it cool lay down taken ten lay back calmed lolloped knocked off entertained oneself stoned quieted down taken time out basked unbent caught one's breath laid back unlaxed daydreamed turned off gone easy held your horses hung out daydreamt enjoyed oneself unbended grooved kept your shirt on made less tense flopped took time off slumped recovered one's self-control played lain down went easy recovered one's composure taken a chill pill took a chill pill came back down to earth done nothing did nothing amused oneself took your ease taken your ease took one's time taken one's time lain back took a load off taken a load off

Từ trái nghĩa của composed yourself

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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