Đồng nghĩa của flightiest

Alternative for flightiest

flightier, flightiest

Đồng nghĩa: flyaway, head-in-the-clouds, nervous, scatterbrained, skittish, spooky,

Tính từ

Superlative for fickle in nature
ficklest unsteadiest wildest flakiest moodiest giddiest recklessest shortest-lived peakiest quirkiest jerkiest crotchetiest iffiest briefest shortest-term shortest patchiest spottiest choppiest catchiest shiftiest flukiest slipperiest chanciest diciest easiest sketchiest loosest unsurest shakiest most unstable most volatile most changeable most mercurial most erratic most inconstant most capricious most inconsistent most unbalanced most variable most undependable most unreliable most wayward most unpredictable most mutable most temperamental most irregular most unsettled most fluid most uncertain most changeful most vacillating most skittish most whimsical most impulsive most wavering most labile most protean most mobile most kaleidoscopic most movable most bipolar most irrepressible most excitable most uneven most fitful most up in the air most elastic most active most fluctuant most vagarious most irresolute most faithless most random most chameleonic most untrustworthy most ephemeral most transitory most untrue most disreputable most arbitrary most momentary most fleeting most turbulent most moving most spasmodic most transient most variational most freakish most desultory most dynamic most flexible most faddish most ungovernable most alterable most chance most adaptable most intermittent most sporadic most versatile most contradictory most roving most scattershot most unequal most episodic most vicissitudinous most restless most irresponsible most indecisive most agitated most episodical most transformable most vagrant most variant most conflicting most contrary most incompatible most incoherent most incongruous most discordant most irreconcilable most passing most temporary most fugitive most discrepant most evanescent most fugacious most dissonant most incongruent most illogical most lubricious most flash most temporal most insubstantial most frivolous most everchanging most unsystematic most fragmentary most aperiodic most spastic most casual most indefinite most disconnected most adjustable most eccentric most aimless most indiscriminate most dubious most doubtful most tempestuous most varied most broken most unsteadfast most disturbed most unequable most disrupted most irrational most periodical most cyclical most explosive most many-sided most stayless most polymorphous most inexact most progressive most outside most freelance most seasonal most ambiguous most suspect most unsound most directionless most meandering most incalculable most undirected most nomadic most adaptive most herky-jerky most hesitant most accommodating most amenable most compromising most obliging most open most tentative most incidental most chaotic most forgiving most slapdash most offhand most unthinking most scattered most ambivalent most unresolved most undecided most discretionary most modifiable most unfocused most divided most vacillant most helter-skelter most equivocal most infrequent most unconsidered most purposeless

Tính từ

Superlative for easily excitable with an excessive amount of energy
jitteriest jumpiest spookiest edgiest tensest fidgetiest antsiest nerviest uptightest twitchiest fearfullest brittlest rashest wildest intensest hottest under the collar unquietest hottest liveliest hastiest touchiest giddiest zippiest peppiest wariest squirrelliest dizziest moodiest chippiest snappiest testiest violentest fiercest quickest recklessest timidest tautest queaziest shiest angstiest toeiest shiveriest mousiest queasiest shakiest tetchiest hinkiest curtest crotchetiest worst-tempered mopiest stiffest primmest prickliest sulkiest sullenest angriest grumpiest morosest crossest wriggliest squirmiest crustiest glummest sourest miserablest wiggliest crabbiest dourest mardiest huffiest broodiest kittlest most excitable most nervous most skittery most skittish most fluttery most hyper most hyperactive most spasmodic most high-strung most restless most wired most uneasy most agitated most anxious most unsettled most volatile most hysterical most apprehensive most stressed most distressed most worried most overwrought most troubled most frightened most scared most frenzied most perturbed most upset most disturbed most dithery most manic most overexcited most overactive most emotional most discomposed most keyed up most sensitive most impatient most overzealous most excited most alarmable most agitable most uncontrollable most energetic most distraught most hectic most shocked most desperate most flushed most startled most terrified most annoyed most aflutter most irrational most frantic most distracted most heated most wrought-up most hyperexcited most ill at ease most het up most afire most dismayed most fraught most febrile most disconcerted most hot and bothered most worked up most restive most hotheaded most unbalanced most temperamental most mercurial most passionate most irascible most skitterish most irresponsible most harebrained most scatterbrained most spookish most animated most lightheaded most undependable most unreliable most spirited most combustible most flappable most whimsical most frivolous most panicky most unstable most fiery most tempestuous most stressy most inflammable most uncontrolled most impetuous most enthusiastic most impulsive most susceptible most peevish most vehement most demonstrative most intolerant most galvanic most quick-tempered most concerned most trepidatious most overstrung most fretful most bothered most spooked most afraid most unglued most careful most insecure most uncomfortable most timorous most irritable most crabbed most critical most short-tempered most ill-tempered most nerve-racking most overanxious most nail-biting most stressful most stilted most querulous most captious most oversensitive most cantankerous most petulant most saturnine most mopish most dejected most splenetic most piqued most waspish most blue most huffish most ill-humored

Tính từ

Superlative for silly in a childish way
silliest ditziest giddiest battiest ditsiest dizziest goofiest scattiest dippiest dottiest frothiest nuttiest yeastiest foolishest stupidest recklessest shallowest craziest daftest rashest ficklest simplest unwisest foolhardiest absurdest pettiest dreamiest barmiest screwiest wildest maddest wackiest vainest emptiest dumbest dimmest ignorantest paltriest bizarrest lightest zaniest flakiest daffiest kookiest thickest loopiest softest doziest dopiest hastiest softest in the head headiest slightest weirdest merriest flippest densest slaphappiest obtusest frilliest moodiest dullest vaguest pottiest slowest playfullest gayest perkiest dorkiest glibbest hollowest flimsiest sketchiest wishy-washiest queerest blindest deafest looniest whackiest jerkiest balmiest stolidest sluggishest crassest weakest greenest rudest darkest feeblest heaviest soppiest mooniest callowest thickest-skinned unsteadiest unworldliest flattest crankiest fruitiest most frivolous most skittish most flippant most scatterbrained most whimsical most birdbrained most dopey most featherbrained most harebrained most puerile most airheaded most bubbleheaded most gaga most lightheaded most empty-headed most light-minded most futile most inane most thoughtless most idiotic most brainless most fatuous most mindless most superficial most senseless most careless most trifling most irresponsible most imprudent most capricious most unintelligent most vacuous most asinine most ridiculous most witless most ill-considered most impractical most ill-advised most erratic most heedless most preposterous most madcap most nonsensical most crackpot most injudicious most half-baked most irrational most unreasonable most pointless most meaningless most trivial most impulsive most forgetful most dim-witted most rattlebrained most lightweight most inattentive most crackbrained most insane most thickheaded most illogical most lamebrained most absent-minded most unthinking most incautious most excitable most juvenile most disorganized most childish most unstable most fanciful most vapid most imbecilic most idle most insignificant most insubstantial most lighthearted most unnecessary most impracticable most doltish most ill-conceived most unworkable most lunatic most inept most worthless most cuckoo most unreliable most boneheaded most unconsidered most pinheaded most glaikit most chuckleheaded most dunderheaded most disorganised most chowderheaded most simpleminded most woolly-headed most dotish most negligent most immature most gormless most indiscreet most slow-witted most unreasoning most inconstant most fantastic most temperamental most infantile most impetuous most insouciant most carefree most changeable most mercurial most ill-judged most outrageous most clueless most moronic most ludicrous most fantastical most extravagant most excited most bemused most facetious most unpractical most unsystematic most unrealistic most childlike most impolitic most unreal most addle-brained most laughable most risible most wayward most improvident most imaginative most chimerical most quixotic most inventive most unsubstantial most unsound most unsmart most naive most idiotical most minor most unimportant most short-sighted most fruitless most misguided most derisible most peripheral most unhelpful most irrelevant most oafish most inconsequential most volatile most tongue-in-cheek most purposeless most nugatory most opaque most softheaded most illiterate most knuckleheaded most visionary most unschooled most untaught most vacant most uneducated most slow on the uptake most thick-witted most pea-brain most simplistic most schematic most facile most uncritical most cursory most oversimplified most unscholarly most one-dimensional most farcical most nuts most regardless most unmindful most unhinged most eccentric most unbalanced most demented most crazed most doolally most deranged most neglectful most tactless most gonzo most distracted most irreflective most loco most slapdash most unobservant most slipshod most precipitate most unheeding most undiscerning most wacko most indifferent most unconcerned most imbecile most obsessed most touched most peculiar most touched in the head most pixilated most fanatic most listless most undiplomatic most apathetic most cretinous most tomfool most blockheaded most sappy most featherheaded most kookie most divvy most screwball most muttonheaded most nitwitted most cockamamie most cockeyed most inconsistent most pie-faced most muddle-headed most dull-witted most simple-minded most bovine most gullible most thick-skulled most blockish most feebleminded most feeble-minded most halfwitted most unaware most wooden most uncomprehending most deficient most thick-headed most insensitive most lumpish most insensate most backward most loggerheaded most unlearned most benighted most cracked most crackers most mental most analphabetic most uninstructed most clownish most credulous most imperceptive most insipid most retarded most hebetudinous most torpid most lethargic most artificial most hebete most inexperienced most cloddish most unintellectual most Boeotian most boorish most cockamamy most numskulled most anencephalic most comatose most spaced-out most complacent most ill-mannered most unimaginative most unperceptive most buffoonish most invalid most surd most notional most fallacious most boobish most clottish most numbskulled most shortsighted most abstracted most donkeyish most obstinate most untrained most unknowledgeable most woodenheaded most fatheaded most impassive most duncelike most limited most unresponsive most uninformed most unsophisticated most unenlightened most innocent most unqualified most unconversant most innocuous most musing most absorbed most undependable most preoccupied most oblivious most puzzled most baffled most pensive most bewildered most nonplussed most distant most haywire most psycho most whacko most meshuga most brainsick most moonstruck most meshugge most psychotic most wud most bughouse most bats most maniacal most certifiable most fried most looney tunes most loony tunes most off the wall

Tính từ

Superlative for disloyal, especially to a spouse or partner
falsest ficklest speediest shiftiest shadiest trickiest sneakiest lowest wickedest basest snakiest slickest foulest dodgiest arrantest vilest backstabbiest slipperiest shonkiest iffiest sharpest bentest dirtiest rottenest meanest snidest most faithless most unfaithful most disloyal most untrue most perfidious most traitorous most treacherous most inconstant most unreliable most untrustworthy most false-hearted most adulterous most deceitful most double-crossing most recreant most cheating most dishonest most Janus-faced most undependable most untruthful most back-stabbing most unbelieving most capricious most changeable most changeful most dubious most sceptical most skeptical most unconverted most unloyal most unstable most wavering most adulterine most unchaste most philanderous most illicit most adulterate most clandestine most improper most immoral most unlawful most duplicitous most treasonable most subversive most insincere most seditious most deceptive most unpatriotic most wormlike most mutinous most fraudulent most dishonourable most unscrupulous most undutiful most crooked most underhand most corrupt most Punic most dishonorable most hollow-hearted most falsehearted most mendacious most rebellious most insubordinate most devious most unprincipled most venal most truthless most villainous most underhanded most insidious most misleading most scoundrelly most rascally most heretical most wayward most backsliding most disingenuous most sham most dissident most involved most irresolute most coquettish most lubricious most untrusty most conniving most irresponsible most questionable most guileful most unsafe most hypocritical most bribable most amoral most shameful most disreputable most corruptible most scandalous most unsound most nefarious most criminal most iniquitous most lawless most felonious most delusive most malfeasant most unethical most corrupted most malicious most malevolent most mercenary most extortionate most knavish most low-down most open

Trái nghĩa của flightiest

flightiest Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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