Đồng nghĩa của most slipshod

Tính từ

Superlative for done or performed without method or care
sloppiest laxest loosest messiest slackest faultiest junkiest shabbiest shoddiest laziest hastiest untidiest slovenliest tardiest recklessest blithest coolest scrappiest clumsiest easiest sketchiest slowest wildest poorest flukiest quickest briefest topsy-turviest unfussiest shallowest most careless most offhand most slapdash most unorganized most unsystematic most heedless most neglectful most negligent most thoughtless most casual most disorganised most disorganized most imperfect most inaccurate most inexact most threadbare most unmeticulous most unthorough most lackadaisical most slap-happy most all over the place most inattentive most perfunctory most disregardful most derelict most cursory most irresponsible most indifferent most unconcerned most delinquent most nonchalant most hurried most unmindful most disorderly most unthinking most unheeding most improvident most apathetic most shambolic most disinterested most regardless most random most erratic most uncaring most insouciant most incautious most desultory most chaotic most forgetful most laid-back most jumbled most behindhand most carefree most aimless most arbitrary most indiscriminate most irregular most scattered most muddled most devil-may-care most undependable most unreliable most untrustworthy most oscitant most unconsidered most helter-skelter most feckless most free and easy most unaccountable most unobservant most uncircumspect most uninterested most indolent most disordered most slothful most unplanned most confused most undirected most undisciplined most unprofessional most superficial most pococurante most unfastidious most incurious most higgledy-piggledy most otiose most pell-mell most barratrous most inconsiderate most culpable most reprehensible most inconsistent most amateurish most wrong most erroneous most imprecise most incorrect most unthoughtful most scatterbrained most detached most accidental most chance most hit-and-miss most dispassionate most blasé most littered most unheedful most relaxed most cluttered most unexpected most sudden most unconscious most purposeless most spontaneous most incidental most uncoordinated most disheveled most rumpled most dishevelled most passing most summary most mechanical most token most fleeting most tousled most unkempt most insensible most complacent most uncurious most undiscerning most rapid most wooden most dismissive most mussy most inefficient most hugger-mugger most idle most inactive most undiscriminating most half-hearted most unperceptive most passive most inert most workshy most quiescent most lethargic most permissive most laggard most leisurely most uneven most unexacting most mindless most easy-going most uninformed most imperceptive most imprudent most injudicious most uncritical

Tính từ

Superlative for dilapidated, distressed, worn-out, torn
tattiest shabbiest seediest scruffiest rattiest mangiest meanest grungiest dumpiest miserablest tackiest scrubbiest sleaziest squalidest shoddiest dingiest ricketiest crummiest wretchedest poorest pitifullest barest meagrest meagerest raggediest oldest dirtiest dowdiest grubbiest untidiest grottiest scuzziest holiest sorriest slummiest sordidest filthiest scraggiest shaggiest yuckiest roughest unpleasantest shackiest scungiest frowziest dodgiest cheapest basest slovenliest seamiest lowest ruggedest messiest skankiest crudest nastiest slimiest paltriest vulgarest tawdriest trashiest sloppiest skeeziest muckiest shakiest limpest ancientest gaudiest kitschest showiest crumbliest scabbiest scroungiest gungiest gunkiest stickiest rankest sickest best-read raunchiest commonest loudest baddest lousiest saddest naffest flashiest mankiest daggiest slobbiest droopiest sickliest frowsiest frumpiest stodgiest pokiest blowsiest blowziest coarsest foulest grossest cruddiest uncleanest muddiest grimiest smuttiest blackest dustiest grimmest grodiest most dilapidated most threadbare most tumbledown most tatterdemalion most neglected most ragged most timeworn most worn most decrepit most frayed most ramshackle most bedraggled most faded most ruined most decayed most deteriorating most ruinous most tired most desolate most disreputable most moth-eaten most beat-up most dog-eared most broken-down most worn-out most bombed-out most poverty-stricken most battered most worn out most unkempt most ripped most ragtag most damaged most insalubrious most derelict most beat up most frazzled most uncared-for most weather-beaten most broken most rumpty most shambly most disheveled most dishevelled most shredded most second-rate most unmaintained most depressed most unprepossessing most outmoded most used most clapped out most old-fashioned most wrecked most dismal most untended most low-class most well-worn most outworn most desultory most contemptible most deprived most underprivileged most withering most tasteless most yellowed most shattered most peaked most tottering most crooked most dishonest most garish most unsound most marred most overworked most overused most distressed most lacerated most cut most antiquated most superannuated most impoverished most indigent most lined most wizened most busted most well-thumbed most beat most unimproved most flash most démodé most slobbish most mediocre most separated most cracked most low-grade most ordinary most middling most menial most substandard most overgrown most wilted most sagging most ailing most drooping most waxy most out-of-date most ostentatious most unsuitable most unbecoming most used up most unpolished most slatternly most cleaved most mangled most fractured most uncombed most matted most windblown most blackened most uncleanly most draggled most sullied most soiled most stained

Tính từ

Superlative for suggesting or reflecting the efforts of an amateur
shoddiest sloppiest clumsiest crudest ignorantest slackest uselessest unfittest faultiest slovenliest feeblest weakest awkwardest greenest rawest unhandiest newest ungainliest foolishest freshest youngest rudest gawkiest klutziest baddest dewiest wildest callowest unworldliest most unprofessional most amateur most amateurish most inexperienced most inexpert most unskilled most untrained most inefficient most slapdash most unpractised most unqualified most unskilful most bungling most careless most dilettante most dilettantish most jackleg most second-rate most unskillful most cack-handed most dishonourable most dishonorable most immoral most inadequate most unfitting most unsuitable most wrong most inept most incapable most gauche most maladroit most ineffectual most substandard most half-baked most unable most insufficient most unaccomplished most unfitted most insipid most bush-league most incapacitated most lay most inapt most improvident most prodigal most inefficacious most unprepared most extravagant most ineffective most disorganized most disorganised most unworkmanlike most ham-fisted most unproficient most ham-handed most unschooled most unversed most unequipped most wanting most undeveloped most untalented most unpracticed most unacquainted most unapt most butterfingered most unco most innocent most deficient most unconversant most lumbering most undependable most muddled most clodhopping most oafish most unsophisticated most unpolished most graceless most untaught most menial most lacking most uninformed most heavy-handed most unfamiliar most manual most hopeless most uneducated most unaccustomed most undisciplined most uncultivated most blue-collar most unreliable most talentless most unartful most ungraceful most sciolistic most shambling most inelegant most mutton-fisted most pathetic most helpless most ineligible most unlicensed most youthful most negligent most illiterate most untamed most unlearned most naive most verdant most immature most sophomoric most underdeveloped most wide-eyed

Tính từ

Superlative for done in a clumsy, unacceptable or incompetent manner

Tính từ

Superlative for crude in quality or workmanship

Tính từ

Superlative for of low or poor quality
grimmest baddest poorest shoddiest lousiest basest commonest crudest lowest trashiest junkiest miserablest paltriest rottenest grottiest schlockiest tawdriest coarsest cheapest tackiest cheesiest dingiest shabbiest scruffiest gaudiest meanest suckiest cruddiest tattiest bummest tinniest terriblest sleaziest wretchedest ropiest duffest seediest crummiest awfullest uselessest direst pitifullest poxiest saddest sorriest faultiest lamest crumbiest dodgiest punkest horriblest wackest abjectest showiest weakest vulgarest flimsiest nastiest sourest woefullest beastliest grossest frowziest unpleasantest chintziest ricketiest naffest kitschiest slovenliest unworthiest yuckiest scurviest ghastliest scummiest scabbiest dirtiest sordidest gruesomest shlockiest rattiest grubbiest stupidest harmfullest thinnest horridest meagerest stinkiest raunchiest grodiest meagrest roughest grungiest ickiest unfittest patchiest sketchiest viciousest sickest feeblest most mediocre most execrable most inept most substandard most rubbish most rubbishy most low-grade most second-rate most broken-down most worthless most garbagy most dreadful most cheapjack most cheapo most inglorious most plastic most low-down most makeshift most pretentious most dilapidated most unsatisfactory most atrocious most inadequate most abysmal most appalling most pants most pathetic most deficient most deplorable most unacceptable most imperfect most dismal most dissatisfactory most lamentable most diabolical most frightful most defective most middling most wanting most unsound most ordinary most direful most lemon most bush-league most hopeless most disagreeable most average most laughable most flawed most chronic most below average most abominable most tinhorn most downmarket most contemptible most indifferent most pitiable most subnormal most pedestrian most unexceptional most low-end most disappointing most insufficient most wrong most bush most off most unspeakable most tenth-rate most piss-poor most amiss most egregious most tasteless most careless most damaged most regrettable most disgraceful most lacking most God-awful most poopy most disastrous most horrendous most amateurish most negligent most corny most meretricious most insubstantial most trifling most garish most commonplace most ramshackle most unfortunate most displeasing most unsuitable most desperate most impermissible most insufferable most ill most intolerable most inadmissible most undesirable most inappropriate most unsightly most calamitous most hideous most repulsive most godforsaken most outrageous most unwelcome most disturbing most disquieting most distressing most disconcerting most godawful most damnable most erroneous most odious most fallacious most indefensible most blah most stinking most reprehensible most detestable most scurrilous most offensive most broken most warped most unsaleable most unsellable most cracked most partial most limited most deformed most blemished most scratched most incomplete most immature most inexact most undeveloped most rudimentary most faultful most fallible most marred most craptacular

Trái nghĩa của most slipshod

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